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Private Email Server 'Clearly Wasn't The Best Choice'

U. S. Secretary associated with State Hillary Rodham Clinton waits to communicate as the lady is
actually launched with Singapore Management University, Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012, inside
Secretary involving State Hillary Rodham Clinton gestures as she speaks throughout a ceremony
inside recognition of Globe AIDS Day, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, at the State Department inside
Washington, exactly where your woman released The Particular U.S. President's Emergency
Program regarding AIDS Relief, (PEPFAR) Blueprint' with regard to Making an AIDS- Free
Regarding Charge Generation.
U.S. Secretary involving State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks with a press conference at NATO
headquarters inside Brussels, Belgium, Wednesday Dec. 5, 2012. NATO foreign ministers had been
set Wednesday to shift their particular focus towards the way forward inside Afghanistan during a
second day regarding talks within Brussels, since the military alliance prepares in order to withdraw
its combat troops in 2014.
Secretary regarding State Hillary Rodham Clinton gestures as she provides any speech: "Frontlines

and also Frontiers: making Human rights a Human Reality," Thursday, Dec. 6, 2012, in Dublin
Metropolis University Or College inside Dublin, Ireland.
In this Dec. 1, 2012 file photo, Actress Meryl Streep utilizes your ex iPhone to get a photo regarding
the woman's along with Secretary involving State Hillary Rodham Clinton next your State
Department Supper for your Kennedy center Honors gala at the State Department in Washington.
Secretary involving State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a Global Townterview at the
Newseum in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013.
Secretary regarding State Hillary Rodham Clinton testifies about Capitol Hill within Washington
before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing around the deadly September attack on a
US diplomatic mission throughout Benghazi, Libya within Jan. 2013.
Secretary involving State Hillary Rodham Clinton smiles prior to speaking upon American leadership
at the Council about Foreign Relations throughout Washington, Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013.
Former Secretary associated with State Hillary Rodham Clinton laughs as your woman offers a
speech throughout a ceremony honoring the woman's in the Pentagon, Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013,
where outgoing Protection Secretary Leon Panetta shown the woman's with the defense
Department's Medal with regard to Distinguished Public Service.
This April 2, 2013, file photo exhibits former Secretary involving State Hillary Rodham Clinton
addressing the particular vital Voices Global Partnership 2013 Global Leadership Awards gala at the
Kennedy Middle for that Doing Arts throughout Washington. Clinton can be obtaining plenty of
encouragement to run regarding president throughout 2016. her re-emergence this past week after
a two-month break introduced cheering supporters when the girl gave speeches targeted on the

problems of women and a few women round the world.

Hillary Clinton greets the particular audience within a Yale Law Institution ceremony with Yale
University, Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013, throughout New Haven, Conn. Clinton received the actual Yale
Law University Association Award associated with Merit, which is shown annually for you to people
who possess made a significant contribution in order to public support or the legal profession.
Former Secretary regarding State Hillary Clinton, left, poses onstage for any photograph along with
Elton John after receiving the girl Founders award through the Elton John AIDS Foundation's 12th
Annual "An Enduring Vision" advantage gala at Cipriani Wall Street upon Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013,
inside New York.
In a Monday, Aug. 12, 2013 file photo, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks towards the
American Bar Association Annual Meeting Monday, Aug. 12, 2013, inside San Francisco. Clinton
spoke concerning keeping your Voting Legal Rights Act along with received a medal from your
association. the former secretary regarding state will receive the Elton John AIDS Foundation's 1st
Founder's Award for her support regarding gay rights. Inside an argument Wednesday, Sept. 4,
2013, the foundation cited any 2011 speech where Clinton asserted that will gay rights had been
human rights for helping envision a new world without having AIDS.
Former Secretary regarding State Hillary Rodham Clinton walks for the podium following receiving
the particular Liberty Medal within a ceremony at the National Constitution Center, Tuesday, Sept.
10, 2013, inside Philadelphia. The Particular honor is offered annually to an person that displays
courage along with conviction while striving for you to secure liberty for individuals worldwide.
Former Secretary regarding State Hillary Clinton addresses any gala celebrating the 10th
anniversary with the Middle pertaining to American Progress in the Mellon Auditorium October 24,
2013 within Washington, DC. Co-founded by former Clinton Administration Chief regarding Staff
John Podesta, the particular liberal public policy research and also advocacy organization is a
consider tank in which rivals conservative policy groups, such because the Heritage Groundwork
and the American Enterprise Institute.

Former Secretary associated with State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks right after receiving the
particular National defense Basis University's (NDU) American Patriot Award within a gala dinner at
the Ronald Reagan center throughout Washington, Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013. the American Patriot
Award annually recognizes leaders associated with extraordinary caliber who've strengthened
America's strategic hobbies and advanced global security.
Former Secretary associated with State Hillary Rodham Clinton walks past the Presidential seal
within the East Space with the White Residence within Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013, after
getting a ceremony exactly where President Barack Obama awarded your Presidential Medal
associated with Freedom to be able to former President Bill Clinton as well as others.
Former US Secretary regarding State Hillary Clinton speaks right after receiving the 2013 Lantos
Human rights prize throughout a ceremony in Capitol Hill within Washington on Dec. 6, 2013.

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