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Consumer Synthesis Essay

In America the issue of consumption is apparent in the hedonistic lifestyle of the

youths and youths at heart. When did this consumerism phenomenon appear? Back
then it was a sexist stereotype but now it is common knowledge that women spend
most of their life shopping or talking on the phone. That is why I mentioned womenbecause that means they are more vulnerable to advertisements. The word
oniomania was made for them. Research has it that consumption is largely
determined by how it is advertised. And since the teen-aged have more time and
money to spare, we find that many products have teens in mind when advertising.
Hence, advertisements primarily communicate with young people through popular
things like status and beauty and accessories.
This commodification of beauty and appearance is, Im sure exciting for everyone
and is obviously successful in titillating the subconscious of any mainstreamer in the
present age. Seel and Wilensky say we live in a concept society, where sin is called
virtue and true virtue is mocked. And theyve got a point; but its not something
that began yesterday or last year; sin and ads are twins-they were born on the
same day. The LA Times wrote about teen consumers so many things are going on
in their lives are a mystery to adult advertisers. The problem with America and
hedonism began in the last generation-you know with the hippies and the thing
about women and AIDS. Its silly that the rebel generation that overturned traditions
and views should be troubled by their kids doing the same thing-and then the
retired hippies are peeved and chastise the kids for their lascivious nature. Funnier
still that its a mystery to adults. What were dealing with is a hereditary issue.
Brands such as A&F, commonly known as Abercrombie, that persist on using sexy
images and whatnot, are what make teens stray from the straight road. There is no
one to tell them that promiscuity is wrong or right and the only advice Bible-hugging
Christians can offer is dress humbly and tithe if you have the money. And if they
are to decide morals for themselves then they will be individualistic and the natural
way for individualistic people is to pursue happiness and pleasure, or simply a
hedonistic lifestyle.
You would think that because the kids opposed what the parents did, it would be
straight again- like a W U-turn. But we observe that they are falling deeper into the
pit of decadence. Ads present a meretricious view of a product and intentionally
leave out the side effects (theyll cost you bigtime!) A famous example would be like
in the 20th century they had ads saying smoking was good for you! and extend your
life whatever. In conclusion, media can say whatever they want, be it outright lie or
libel and get away with it. This is especially the case for this sex epidemic going
around for, as mentioned earlier, there is no one to contradict them.
Now, this is not to say consuming things is bad. The real problem Im trying to
address here is the detrimental effect it has on developing teens. They are swayed

this way and that or to borrow a phrase will be dyed any color. Lets take a look at
technology with this in mind. Sure theres internet where people do whatever they
want, as well as everything being too accessible. Accessibility is what makes
consumerism what it is. And theyre always in your face-presenting you with a
million solutions to one problem. But we must consider the possibility that actually,
all those options given are wrong. And that is what it boils down to. That people
should have the right to be able to see anything they want, that they should, by
right of birth, be able to do what they please if they can. They may claim ads are
simply giving a take on life, presenting viewers with a choice, but if all ads are the
wrong ad, what are we to do. Actually, glamorizing debauchery is a good strategy
because it is already so accessible; all you need to do is make it look fun.
The art collage is saying people are shopping as much as they think and theyre
playing into the hands of the company, but I have to disagree. Its not about
shopping but what you shop. Like I shop A&F therefore I am A Fool.
The comic is a humorous way of expressing-American social status is being
determined by products and they trade individuality for it (There was a thing called
the soul). In other words, its a satire for people that are so focused on fitting in or
being in in general (lol) that they forget about themselves and what they want. Im
moved by their selfless spirit.

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