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Grow Taller



Dr. Laura De Giorgio
All rights reserved.

Grow Taller Report 23

Brain Waves, Entrainment and Mind Technology

Entrainment or synchronization occurs everywhere in nature. It is

a process of one thing getting in sync with its surroundings.

In 1965 Christian Huygen noticed that one of his pendulum

clocks ran a minute slower than another. When he placed them
side by side, he discovered that after a while, they kept running at
the same time.

This happens biologically too. You may become aware that if you
are sitting beside someone you like, after a while you will start
breathing in the same rhythm. You may start talking in the same
rhythm, and you may begin unconsciously to match and mirror
each others posture and body movements.

You may experience this even if youre watching TV and you have
a favorite actor and after a while you may find yourself taking on
and expressing some of the characteristics of the actors behavior.
This may be more obvious if you watch that actor in the same role
Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.

Grow Taller Report 23

People that belong to a same group will entrain in different ways.

Menstrual cycles of the women living in the same dormitory will
tend to entrain.
Where you hang out and whose company you keep will influence
you in different ways, both outwardly and inwardly. What you
choose to surround yourself with will have a multi-dimensional
impact upon you.

Your overall sense of well-being will entrain to your surroundings.

If you are sitting in a peace-inducing environment, you will become
more peaceful. Sitting in nature may help you to heal, rejuvenate,
regenerate your being, to become more aware of your deeper self
and of your oneness with nature.

You are not only at the effect of your surroundings, but you are
mixing, merging your energy with your surroundings in the process
of entrainment. Your thoughts, emotions, energy and overall
wellbeing also influence your surroundings. The higher level of
consciousness and energy you have, the more beneficial effect you
have on your surroundings.
Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.

Grow Taller Report 23

The greater sense of inner peace you are experiencing the more
energy and power you have to manifest what you desire using the
power of your mind.

One way to think about it is to compare a state of inner peace, or

a peaceful mind to a blank canvas, upon which you can draw or
project images you would like to manifest and experience as your
Another way to think of the state of inner peace is of centering
yourself - access that state of mind in which you are opening
yourself to the flow of boundless energy and power.

Thats why your body regenerates and grows taller most rapidly
when you are deeply asleep, when you rmind is free of any
thoughts, when you are in so called delta state.

And thats why the most popular way of practicing hypnosis is by

first entering a state in which you are deeply relaxed physically and
mentally, but where you rmind is still alert enough that you are
able to focus on your desired outcome, on having the taller body you
desire to have. The best state of programming your mind for height
increase is theta state.

Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.

Grow Taller Report 23

Our brains have billions of brain

cells, called neurons. When brain
cells communicate, they produce tiny
electrical impulses. These electrical
impulses can be recorded with
electroencephalograph (EEG), by
hooking up electrodes to the
subject's scalp.

The electrodes pick up electric

signals produced by the brain and
send them to EEG instruments
which amplify and measure small
electric currents. The instruments
are in turn hooked up either to pens,
under which graph paper moves
continuously, or to a computer,
creating a series of wavy lines, which
represent filtered brainwave patterns.
With EEG software, these wavy lines can also be expressed as
colorful 3D graphics.

Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.

Grow Taller Report 23

EEG equipment can monitor simultaneously activity occurring in

many different parts of the brain, by placing anywhere from a
couple to a few hundred electrodes on the scalp. Each EEG
electrode will mainly detect the activity of the brain region just
underneath it. Nevertheless, electrodes receive activity from
thousands of neurons as one square millimeter of cortex has over
100,000 neurons. EEGs record and measure large amounts of
neurons firing in unison.

Depending on the rhythm of different brainwaves, expressed as

cycles per second or Hertz (Hz), brainwave patterns are divided into
several categories. Four main categories are beta, alpha, theta and

While there is some disagreement among different researches

regarding where exactly one brainwave pattern begins or ends, here
are some general guidelines:
beta - 12 - 30 Hz

alpha - 8 - 12 Hz

theta - 4 - 8 Hz

delta - 0.5 - 4 Hz

As the technological equipment became more sophisticated, new

brainwave patterns were identified, some below 0.5 Hz and others
going to as high as 200 Hz. The level above 30 Hz, is generally
labeled as high beta or gamma.

For medical purposes, when the brainwave activity falls under 0.5
Hz, it would show as flat line on EEG equipment (absence of
electrical brain activity) and the person would be considered
clinically dead. Occasionally when people are pronounced clinically
dead and they have near-death-experiences (NDE), even though
EEG equipment doesn't register any electrical activity, these people
would often observe and accurately describe what they witnessed
occurring in the operating room, while they were seemingly dead.
Most regular EEG equipment is not set-up to measure frequencies
below 0.5 Hz.
Brainwave patterns are associated with various states of mind.

Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.

Grow Taller Report 23

Beta state is associated with normal daily waking state, as well as

with focus and concentration. It has been discovered that
individuals who suffer from ADD (attention deficit disorder) and
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) produce a lot of theta
waves, but not enough beta waves, making it challenging for them
to maintain focus. Teaching such individuals how to produce more
beta waves and remain in beta state, through neurofeedback
and/or brainwave entrainment has alleviated the problem for many.
Alpha state is associated with the experience of letting go,
relaxing, opening oneself to one's inner experience and a sense of
detachment from the external world. Many people find it easier to
get into this state of mind initially if they close their eyes, however
people who are experienced with meditation and self-hypnosis may
also generate alpha waves with open eyes. When person has open
eyes in alpha state, the eyes are relaxed, focus is soft and open, and
the individual may appear to be looking at something in the
distance, or through things.
Theta state is commonly referred to as the dream or "twilight"
state. It is associated with hypnogogic state, REM (rapid-eye
movement) and dreaming. Theta state is a state of heightened
suggestibility and is ideal for hypnosis sessions. It has been found
suitable for learning foreign languages.

From the alpha/theta border and moving toward deeper levels of

theta, the doors of the subconscious mind are more widely open. As
a result, some people experience bursts of creative insight and find
solution to their problems. Long-forgotten memories may bubble up
to the surface. Theta level is also associated with emotions and at
this level, unresolved emotional issues tend to come to the surface
to be resolved. That may happen either in the form of dreams while
the person is sleeping or by accessing theta level from the waking

Training individuals who struggle with alcohol addiction to enter

alpha/theta state and to remain in it as long as desired or needed,
helps to diminish such individuals' craving because it helps them to
get to the "feel good" state naturally. Some people who used to have
problems with alcohol would stop drinking it spontaneously after
working with alpha/theta state. Some would simply forget to drink
Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.

Grow Taller Report 23

Some people have extraordinary

powerful, transformative, spiritual
experiences in theta, meeting with
one's spiritual teacher, guide, angels,
inner advisor, or even people who
have crossed over to the other side.
William Scott, neurotherapist,
describes it this way, "If a relative
died and there's some unfinished
business between the two, about five
to ten percent of people who do
alpha-theta will have an experience
of the bright lights, the tunnel, being
there in the company of the loved one, the whole bit. Often there's a
nonverbal exchange. The person will be there with guilt or shame or
whatever, and there will be a nonverbal exchange, and the diseased
will say something like 'Don't sweat it, man. It's a game down there.
You guys take things way too seriously.' And there is clearly a
resolution. It's always cathartic. A catharsis that lasts. "
Delta state is mainly associated with deep sleep, and
unconsciousness, however there are spiritual adepts who are fully
conscious at this level. At this level there is no mental chatter. This
state is ideal for healing, recovery, rejuvenation and regeneration.
Gamma state - about 40 Hz and up - is associated with higher
levels of brain organization and higher consciousness where an
individual perceives the world from the perspective of oneness.

The extremes of brainwave activity - below 0.5 Hz (sub-delta or

"epsilon") and above 100 - 200 Hz (high gamma or "lambda") are
both associated with extraordinary states of consciousness found in
highest states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness,
spiritual insight, and high degrees of Self-awareness.

Mental mastery consists of the ability to deliberately enter into an

optimal state of mind for a particular activity and to be able to
maintain that state of mind, accompanied by a particular brainwave
activity, as long as it is necessary or desired. Long-time meditators
can freely move between different brain states of mind.

Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.

Grow Taller Report 23

People have trained their minds through meditation, hypnosis

and all sorts of esoteric and spiritual practices for thousands of
years without any equipment, and of course, you can do amazing
things using your mind alone and training your mind without any
Or you can use simple
things, like candles to
help you to develop the
ability to focus and

To help themselves to enter deeper states of relaxation and

meditation, people would sometimes use Tibetan bells or Tibetan
singing bowls. Playing them would bring about the centering effect.
The tones set up a
frequency following
response that creates a
synchronization between
left and right hemispheres
of the brain.

Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.


Grow Taller Report 23

These days in order to synchronize brain waves between left and

right hemisphere, people tend to use binaural beats, isochronic
tones, or monoaural beats by listening to brainwave entrainment
recordings or using light-and-sound machines.

Some people use brainwave entrainment to help them to relax,

some to enter deeper levels of the mind and boost the production of
human growth hormone, like Human Growth Hormone Booster
Brainwave Entrainment you can find on this page and you can also
listen to a sample on a 3-min video.

Brainwave Entrainment CDs help you synchronize left and right

hemispheres of your brain and to entrain your brainwaves to a state
that is most suitable for accomplishment of particular goals.

Sometimes people are are not sure how to determine whether they
are in the right state of mind for hypnosis.

Getting some kind of immediate feedback can be tremendously

helpful and encouraging. One way of getting immediate feedback is
by paying attention to what is going on in your mind and becoming
aware of the sensations in your body.
Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.

Grow Taller Report 23


For example, if your hands or feet are cold and you want to use
self-hypnosis to stimulate circulation in your hands and feet, as
you imagine your hands and feet being warmer, being immersed
into warm or hot water of being near a fire-place, one way to get
feedback is by becoming aware of the sensation in your hands and
feet - are they getting any warmer or not? Another way may be to
use digital thermometer so that you can measure your results and
day-to-day progress.
Another way is using biofeedback.

Biofeedback is based on the premise that if you are able to

physically observe in yourself some biological happening of which
you are not normally aware of, perhaps a particular brainwave
pattern, that you can be trained to control that happening. In this
case, you would train yourself to produce at will a particular
brainwave pattern and to maintain it for as long as desired.

Some common biofeedback equipment is EEG which monitors

electrical activity originating in the brain and which more strictly
belongs to the realm of neurofeedback; electromyograph which
measures muscle tension, then there are instruments which
Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.


Grow Taller Report 23

measure respiratory changes, or changes in heart-beat rhythm, or

changes in skin resistance, or changes in regional blood flow to the
brain. At times one instrument is designed to measure different
physiological changes simultaneously. Some biofeedback tools are
provided in forms of games like The Passage and The Wisdom Quest
or multidimensional relaxation practice like Relaxing Rhythms
(these two measure skin resistance and heart rate variability).
Neurofeedback equipment signals when the individual has
entered the state of mind for which he is being trained visually (e.g.
as a positive feedback a green light may turn on some desirable
event may be seen on a computer screen), a pleasant sound or
positive statement may be heard and sometimes kinesthetic
feedback is available through a vibrating cushion.

Often, in conjunction with training with neurofeedback

equipment, brainwave entrainment is used. Brainwave entrainment
is based on the principle that if an individual listens to a desired
brainwave rhythm for 20 - 30 minutes, his brain will entrain and
begin to produce naturally desired brainwave frequency.

The closer your naturally are to the desired brainwave pattern,

the less time it may take you to entrain, so if you are wide awake in
beta state, and you want to get into the alpha level, you may be able
to entrain your brainwaves even in shorter time, like 6 minutes.

Dr. Laura De Giorgio, All rights reserved.

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