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Laskar Pelangi is written by Andrea Hirata with 534 thick book that

contains a very interesting story. The story in Laskar Pelangi is a true

story about the journey of a writer in pursuit of his dream to the french
state. This story was touted to de crowded very interesting film by
renowned director Riri Reza and Mira Lesmana. This novel is able to make
the reader feel like drifting and brought into the story.
The story of laskar Pelangi begins from the life of a boy named Ikal
who start school with had to wait ten children who want to attend school.
Anxiously, Ikal, Sahara, Trapani, Kucai, Syahdan, Mahar, Lintang, Borek, A
Kiong, Bu Mus, Pak Harfan and their parents waited to see if there is one
more person who wants to go to school in SD Muhammadiyah. When not
ten children then they will not be able to attend school. Because SD
Muhammmadiyah will be finished if only have students less than ten
students. They waited so long. Finally, a man fifteen years old witty and
somewhat developmentally disable his ninth save SD Muhammadiyah.
Ikal and his friends are very happy. They were finally able to go to school
in SD Muhammadiyah to achieve dream and goals with their friends in
The main characterof the story is Ikal, smart, brave and willing to
learn to realize his dream. Lintang is a very dilligent boy, a genius, brave
but he has to drop out from his school because his father was passed
away when he sail in the sea. Bu Mus, woman who is very kind and many
other figures.
Style of language that used by Andrea Hirata considered good style and
very interesting. Beside use Indonesia language he also uses Malay
language that makes the readers look a little confused and have to think
hardly to know the mean of the language. The plot of the story use a mix
plot. However, Andrea Hirata more often use Forward plot. The author
uses first person perspective because, he is a main character of the story.
This novel has many advice for the readers. Andrea hirata teach us
not to give up, if we want to realize our dreams. Beside that, this novel
also teach usto be a good friends and help each other. The story uses
Malay language that make it difficult to understand. However, i
recommended you all to read novel Laskar Pelangi.

Bridge of Terabithia
Bridge of Terabithia is an awesome novel written by an American author, Katherine
Peterson. The novel is about a real-life fiction. It was first published in 1977. Love and grief
telling the story of Jess Aaron and his new neighbor, Leslie Burke.

The plot tells us about Jess Aarons live on a farm with his large family. Jess wants to be the
fastest runner at school, but Leslie Burke, his new neighbor, beats him. Jess and Leslie
finally become friends. They play in a make believe land on an island I a dry creek bed that
they call Terabithia. In Terabithia, Jess becomes a strong and courageous king. Told in the
third person, Bridge of Terabithia is a well-placed story told in a straight forward yet throughprovoking way.
Bridge of Terabithia is an awesome novel with believable characters. Its plot is able to keep
the readers interest. It seems that you feel sympathy for Jess and can understand what he
must go through emotionally.
Again, this is a highly suitable book for teenage readers. Because Bridge of Terabithia novel
brings the massage of the power friendship and the need to care and nature.


: 5cm
: Fiction
: Rizal Mantovani
: 2012
: about 2 hours
: Zafran (Herjunot Ali),
Genta (Fedy Nuril),
Riani (Raline Shah),
Arial (Denny Sumargo),
Ian (Igor Saykoji)

The story started by introducing the setting of the movie. It was around Cikini
( Chicken Porridge Seller), In this place a story about friendship grew for many years.
It was about a friendship between five different persons they were Zafran ( Herjunot
Ali), Arial (Denny Sumargo), Ian (Igor Saykoji), Riani (Raline Shah), Genta (Fedi
Nuril). Each of them has different characters for example: Arial, he was look like a
Rambo and always brought ketchup every where he go. Ian, he was fat and like to eat
noodles and always watched porn movies . Riani, the most beautiful woman between
them, she likes to drink noodles soup that she asked from Ian. Zafran, he was a poem
lover. And the last is Genta, he has a good live and a good work.
And the next, the movie continued to Arials house. They met with arials parents
and arials sister, her name is Arinda she usually called Dinda. Zafran fell in love with
Zafran at the first sight. They usually gathered in the Arials garden house. There
Genta told to his friend about his idea, he asked his friends to go out from the box for
three months. And then they dealt for three months without any communication
between them until Genta give an information about where they will suppose to meet
again and Genta promised to invite his friends to do something in some place so they
can get unforgettable experience that they ever had.

Interpretative Recount
After three months later, finally Genta contact his friends and made an
appointment to meet in Senen Train Station, there they dont have any idea about what
will be happen until they arrived in a strange location for them. It was Sumeru
Mountain. One week before they meet, Genta asked his friends to bring some hiking
equipments such as: carier, tent, lamp, some snack and do small exercise before they go.
They started their adventure and continued the journey to Bromo and then they started
to climb the highest mountain In Java Island, Mahameru Mountain. Their journey was
not well, they met some problems, Zafrans leg suddenly bleeding, they had lack of
water in the middle of journey, Arial almost died because of the worst cold. Arinda and
Ian hit some rocks from the top of the mountain. Arindas ears bleeding until she
couldnt hear anything, and Ian had unconscious and it made his friends panic and
predicted that he was died. After they fought with a great problems finally they can
reach the top of Mahameru Mountain, they flagged the Indonesians flag there.


I like this movie because it introduced each of the characters by taking unique
point of view, it makes the audience can feel the joy of the movie. Especially when
introducing Ian with his noodles and porn movies . The friendship between them is
filled with love story during their journey to Mahameru Mountain, it was so funny and
full of love.

Evaluative Summation
The movie was good and funny but the story is not too deep. Especially about
nationalism messages. The love story is not clear so the audience still confused and not
satisfied, because the movie is not full just like the novel. But this movie is worth to be
watched for relaxing and to open our mind about how beautiful is Indonesia.

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