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How are you?

How are you doing?

How do you do?
Whats up?
I m fine
Im cool
Im very good
Im very well
What are you from?
Im from Mogi das Cruzes
What do you do?
What is your profession?
What do you do for living?
I am a engineer doctor, teacher
What is your marital status?
Are you single? Married?
How many children do you have?
What do you do on your free time?
I like to read
I like to dance
I spend some time with my family
I like self-help books
I really like romance books
I enjoy

the movies a lot

I love to go to the mall

I go shopping with my wife
Whats your background?
I speak English fluently

Ive just finished university

Ive just finished Masters Degree
I work all day long eu trabalho o dia todo
Ive been travelling a lot eu tenho viajado muito
Im a very good team player eu trabalho bem em equipe
Im very organized
Im a goal-oriented person
May I talk to Mr. John?
Hold on please aguarde por favor
He is not here today
I would like to leave a message for him eu gostaria de deixar um recado
para ele
Please, tell him that Eric(E-R-I-C) has called from SP
Por favor, diga ele que o ERIC ligou de SP
Anything else?
Thats all for the time being tudo por enquanto
No, thanks a lot
Have a nice day
Have a nice day too
See you soon
See you on next Friday
Good to see you. Bye
See you later
Have a good morning
Have a good afternoon
Good night!
Whats your address?
My address is Paulista Avenue, 508
What is happening?

Im just studying eu estou apenas estudando

What does she like?
O que ela gosta
She likes to take a walk
What is their favorite food?
Their favorite food is barbecue
Who are you?
I am the teacher
Who will be there? Quem estar l?
When was your first time here? Quando foi sua primeira vez aqui?
It was last year
When He was a child
When should I pay?
You should pay when you received it quando receb-lo
She will return to you when she arrives ela te retornar quando ela chegar
When did I see you for the last time?
Where are you going?
Im going to the doctor
Where is my passport?
Its inside the briefcase
Please, where is the tourist information centre?
Its two blocks from here
Do you know where can I have a coffee around here?
Where have we met for the first time? Onde nos encontramos pela primeira
At the gas station
Why dont you come here? Por que vc no vem aqui?
Its a good Idea. Im going
Why didnt she answer me?

Because she was on the phone

Which color do you prefer?
I prefer the blue one
Which car would you like?
I would like the biggest one
How old are you?
Im 33 years old
How many dollars do you need?
I need U$ 1000(one thousand dollars)
How many days will you be there?quantos dias voc estar l?
How many people do you know?
I know around 200 (two hundred) people
How much work do you still have?
How much money do you have?
I have much money
How much is it?
Its very cheap
Its not expensive
How much do I owe you?
You owe me 7 bucks! Voc me deve sete dolares
How long have you been here?quanto tempo voc est aqui?
Ive been here since yesterday
Can I help you?
Im just taking a look
Wheres the nearest bus stop?
You walk two blocks and turn left
Where did you find my book?
In your bedroom

Would you like a cup of coffee?

No, thanks
Should I take a bus?eu deveria pegar um onibus?
Yes, you should sim, voc deveria
Where do you work?
At Universidade do Ingls
May I see your documents?
Here you are
Whats your hometown? Cidade natal
Its So Paulo
Can I borrow your pen?
Posso pegar emprestado sua caneta?
Yes, you can
Will you help me?
Of course I will
Whats your phone number?
My number is 213-0187
Can I use your phone?
Im afraid that you cant eu temo que no
When is your birthday?
Its July 3rd(third)
Is this your first time here?
No. I always come here
Can you give me a glass of water?
Ou Can I have a glass of water
Ou can I have some water
Just a moment please
What would you do? O que vc faria?

I would buy the shirt

Did you understand me?
Loud and clear alto e claro
Do you have pets?
I have two cats
Arent you a friend of Calvin? Voc no amigo do Calvin?
Yes, I AM his friend
What kind of movies do you like?
I like comedy movies
What flavor of ice-cream do you have?
Vanilla, chocolate and grape
When did you last see her?
Quando voc a viu pela ultima vez?
I saw her at Steves party
Whats your favorite song?
Its Michael Jacksons Billie Jean
billie jean do Michael Jackson
What would you recommend?
Id recommend you to study more
Eu recomendaria que voc estudasse mais
Do I have a discount?
Yes, 25% off
Whats your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is volleyball
Do I think I should go?
I dont think so
Did you receive my e-mail?
Sorry. I didnt receive it

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