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Assignment no.

Subject: Transportation
Submitted to: Sir Hasan
Submitted by: Habiba Afzal
Roll NO. 12-CL-30


"A developed urban area that creates sustainable economic
development and high quality of life by excelling in multiple
key areas; economy, mobility, environment, people, living,
and government. Excelling in these key areas can be done so
through strong human capital, social capital, and/or ICT
Eight key aspects that define a Smart City: smart
governance, smart energy, smart building, smart mobility,
smart infrastructure, smart technology, smart healthcare and
smart citizen."


to enhance quality
interactivity of urban services
to reduce costs
resource consumption
to improve contact between citizens and government

Sectors that have been developing smart city technology

include government services, transport and traffic
management, energy, health care, water, innovative urban
agriculture and waste management.

Technologies to be expected in smart

Open-data initiatives (like New York
City's BigApps competition, which produce useful and
resource-saving apps to improve cities and keep citizens

Parking apps that show drivers where the nearest

available parking spot it. These will save commuters time,
gas, emissions and money, while also easing the flow of

Apps that let users "adopt" city property trash cans,

call boxes, trees, fire hydrants, etc. so the city doesn't
have to spend money.
High-tech waste management systems. Pay As You
Throw (PAYT) garbage disposal would encourage people to
recycle more and waste less
All-digital and easy-to-use parking payment systems
A city guide app, with information about museums, parks,
landmarks, public art, restaurants and real-time traffic data.
Wi-Fi in subway stations and on trains, along with weather
information at every station.
More public transit, high-speed trains, and bus rapid
transit (BRT) to help citizens traverse the city with speed and
low emissions.
Charging stations like the solar-powered Strawberry Tree in
Serbia. They also function as bus stops and Wi-Fi hot spots.
Roofs covered with solar panels or gardens
Water-recycling systems
Broadband Internet access for all citizens
Mobile payments


Innovation city, regional green city, quality of life and digital
governance. Vienna is establishing bold smart-city targets
with programs like the Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap
2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015.

Creating a Smart Commute Toronto initiative in the hopes of
increasing transit efficiency in the metro area. Toronto also
recently began using natural gas from landfills to power the
citys garbage trucks.

Rated in several categories including innovation, green cities
in Europe, and digital governance. Paris was already on the
world map for its highly successful bike sharing program,

Sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax), robust transit
system. Recently it was announced that London is about to
launch the largest free Wi-Fi network in Europe.

A pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions. It was
among the first in the world to introduce a solar thermal,
recently launched the LIVE EV project to promote the
adoption of EVs and charging infrastructure, and the city also
recently announced a major partnership to develop a living
lab for smart-city innovation.

Tokyo is the first Asian city on this list, scoring well in the
innovation and digital city categories. Last year, the
city announced plans to create a smart town in the suburbs.
In partnership with Panasonic, Accenture, and Tokyo Gas
(among others), the eco-burb will contain homes that
integrate solar panels, storage batteries, and energy efficient
appliances all connected to a smart grid. Tokyo is also
focused on promoting smart mobility solutions.

Berlin achieved good scores in innovation, green-ness (8th
in Europe) and quality of life. Berlin is testing out vehicle-togrid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual
power plant from electric vehicles.

Copenhagen is taking a real leadership role on sustainable
innovation. The city has committed to carbon neutrality by
2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle

Including the digital governance ranking Hong Kong is
experimenting with RFID technology in its airport, as well as
throughout the agriculture supply chain. The city has also
been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which
are already used by millions of residents for services like
public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and
car parks.

Development of Smart Cities in Pakistan:

A provincial minister visiting Dubai signed memoranda of
understanding with three investors from the United States,
China and the United Arab Emirates to turn Karachi into a
smart city by equipping it with solar streetlights, closedcircuit cameras and free Wi-Fi connectivity.
The official said once the formalities were completed, the
first phase of the $200 million project would start in
December 2015 in which the installation of solar streetlights,
closed-circuit cameras and free Wi-Fi equipment would be
put in place from the Dau Talwar roundabout in Clifton to
Sharea Faisal.

Though Pakistan is listed in under developing countries, the
smart city concept cannot be applied fully. It is not
economical as it needs a large amount of funds. We should
initiate with little things like Solar Street lights it is cheap
method. Firstly we have to overcome our needs. Then we
should move to costly things.
An important parameter for development of smart cities
includes Smart people. People should cooperate with
government for making a better society. In Pakistan literacy
rate is not 100%.So firstly, we have to educate and make
them aware of safe use of technology. They should be
encouraged to cope with the authorities for a better
environment. This can only be done by social awareness. We
have to make them loyal to their country. Then we should

proceed further. We have to make facilities simpler because

everyone does not know use of smart equipments.
Moreover, in our country there is lack of innovation. We
should promote innovation so that more ideas came for
making a city smart without huge investment.
We have to make a Smart Cities Forum which includes
representatives from all departments like transportation,
environment, public services, health, stakeholder groups to
advice the government ministers. This forum also includes
experts in field of technology. Together they share ideas &
proposals. And then choose most economical and suitable
equipment to make city better.

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