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Prepare your credentials and other paperwork

 Create a professional résumé that profiles important coursework, clinical experience and
any early nursing career highlights. List your job positions or clinical rotations, key
responsibilities, accomplishments, rewards, recognition, credentials, licensing and
education. Ask your nursing advisor or other mentor to review your résumé for content,
grammar, format and overall effectiveness. (For tips on preparing your nursing résumé,
read more.) Print out multiple copies of your résumé and keep them in a folder with your
other documents.
 Make a list and check off all of your credentials, immunization and identification
documents. Make sure to include your nursing license, notice of passing board scores (if
you have it), BCLS/ACLS card, additional certificates from any advanced training
programs, driver's license, immunization record and social security number. Bring the
original documents and two or three copies of each to give to the human resources
department and the hiring/interviewing manager.
 Bring a current copy of your nursing skills checklist(s) for any departments where you
have worked. Be thorough but don't exaggerate your abilities; these lists demonstrate
your clinical competencies and can help employers match you to the right job and
training situation to begin your nursing career. If you are working with a staffing
company, they can normally provide you with skills checklists that can be completed for
your nursing interview.
 Have at least two copies of your references available—one to leave with the human
resources representative and the other for the hiring manager. Verify and update the
names, titles, facility designations, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of
clinic managers, nursing faculty and personal references. (If you have reference letters,
bring them along. Most employers use them as supplemental material, not as a substitute
for references.)
 Anticipate being asked for permission to conduct a criminal background investigation.
The permission form may require you to list all of your prior addresses for the past five to
seven years, so keep this information with you.

2. Anticipate the questions you will be asked.

 Find out as much as you can about the facility where you'll be interviewing by visiting
their Web site or picking up literature from your nursing school's career center. If you
have any contacts who work at this facility, take the time to ask them about the staff, the
corporate culture and general procedures.
 Prepare answers for standard on-the-job type interview questions:

1. How would others describe your skills as a team player?

2. What is your approach for getting along with difficult staff members?
3. How do you handle problem patients and/or families?
4. What is your method for dealing with the workload when your unit is short-staffed?
5. How do you give a treatment that you have never administered before?
6. How do you handle three emergency admissions at shift change?
 Develop an answer for one of the most common open-ended questions: "Tell me a little
about yourself." This question is designed to evaluate your judgment. This is not the time
or the place for a chronological biography or any self-critical remarks. It's your
opportunity to reveal key details about yourself that validate why you are the right one
for the job. Use this opportunity to point out the unique skills, talents and attitudes you
bring to the nursing unit, backed up with specific examples. For instance, if you talk
about your teamwork or leadership skills, give an example of when you demonstrated
these qualities.
 Practice answering questions in a way that shows you are a problem-solver. Staff
shortages and new employee training can be a source of stress for the manager and the
other workers on the unit, so show that you can be part of the solution. Provide examples
from your nursing career—no matter how short—that demonstrate how you've picked up
the slack, organized workflow and contributed in various ways to make things more
 Craft answers to negative situations, but frame them in a positive light. Review your
experience and write down pertinent examples that show how you overcame adversity
and gained new insights. Even if you faced some difficult situations at your last job,
refrain from speaking negatively about a previous employer, department or manager. You
don't want to come across as someone who blames his or her situation on others or offend
the hiring manager by mistake. Emphasize the positive and highlight how these
challenging experiences strengthened and shaped your skills and your nursing career.

3. Practice, practice, practice!

 Practice answering all of these questions until you feel comfortable and at ease. Don't just
say what you think the interviewer wants to hear; be true to yourself. Otherwise you
could be hired under the wrong expectations for a position that's not a good match. Your
goal is to prepare answers that best reflect your skills and personality. Remember to be
sincere, professional and show how you've excelled in your nursing career.
 Give these nurse interview tips a test run and stage a mock interview. Ask a colleague,
friend or relative who is a manager or familiar with the interviewing process to do a
"mock" interview with you. Have them ask the same thought-provoking questions they
would ask their candidates. Even if they don't work in nursing or health care, their
interviewing experience is still relevant. Don't let them go easy on you; the tougher their
questions the less stumped and more prepared you'll be when it comes time for the real
 You should also practice greeting your interviewers with a smile and a firm handshake,
either with friends or in front of a mirror. Keep at it until you exude the warmth,
confidence and professionalism that you want. It may feel strange at first, but it can help
you alleviate jitters and appear more polished on the day of the interview.
 Don't forget to get plenty of sleep the night before your nursing interview to help you
look rested and feel more alert.

The Interview Day

1. It is important to make a great first impression.

 Like the old adage says, "You only get one chance to make a good first impression," and
the success of your nursing career may depend on those first few moments of an
interview. Studies have shown that managers often make hiring decisions within 30
seconds of meeting a candidate. It's that initial impression that stands out in the
interviewer's mind when they are evaluating you vs. another candidate. This is why dress,
grooming, a clear speaking voice and a winning smile are important.

2. Dress to get the job.

 What are you going to wear? If you do not know the personality of the hiring manager or
the corporate culture of the hospital, dress in professional business attire. The degree of
formality and what's acceptable varies around the country, but it is better to err on the
side of being too dressed up than to come across as less-than-professional.
 Ask your most "image conscious" nursing colleague for advice about what is appropriate
to wear, or check with anyone who might have worked at that facility or department in
the past.
 Whatever clothes you choose, make sure they are impeccable; freshly cleaned and
pressed. Don't forget to shine your shoes and make sure they are in good shape, as well.
Dressing in neat, professional clothes shows respect for the facility and your nursing
career. Hiring managers pay attention to these details since they reflect a candidate's

3. Keep personal accessories to a minimum.

 Remove or tone down personal accessories that could be considered distracting or

distasteful; avoid flashy nail decor, heavy makeup and clunky jewelry. The emphasis
during the interview process is to portray a professional and neat appearance, not
broadcast your unique style.
 Style your hair so it is pulled back and off your face, a mirror of how it will be when you
are doing patient care.
 Avoid any scented lotions, perfume or after shave. It could trigger an allergic reaction
and make a less than favorable impression.

4. Allow plenty of time to get to the interview.

 Punctuality at your first meeting with a potential employer is crucial! It is a mark of your
dedication and professionalism, and sets the right tone for the next step in your nursing
career. So start out early and allow plenty of time to make it through traffic, find the
facility, park your car and walk to the interview location. If possible, get directions ahead
of time and ask about parking and access to the place where you need to interview.
 Plan to arrive early just in case an accident or something unforeseen might slow you
down. This pre-planning will also allow you to arrive at the interview relaxed and
prepared. If you're very early, you can use the time to review the nurse interview tips and
rehearse your answers to common questions.

5. Do not smoke before your meeting with the hiring manager.

 No matter how tense you get, do not give into the urge for a cigarette. The smell of
smoke on your clothes and breath can create a very negative first impression.

6. Greet your interviewer warmly.

 Make eye contact, smile warmly and shake the interviewer's hand. Take a look at their
personal décor in the office and find something pleasant to say about an item that draws
your attention, or mention something about the facility in general. This "connection" can
help set the tone and get the interview started on an upbeat note. Maintain frequent eye
contact throughout the interview to show your continued interest.

7. Listen, respond and relax during the interview.

 It's only natural to be a little nervous, especially during your first nursing interview. So
don't worry if you stumble on your first sentence or don't immediately get your full point
across. Look for the opportunity to provide more details and demonstrate your strong
 Relax, take a couple of deep breaths and maintain a calm, even conversational tone.
Listen carefully to each question and respond to what is being asked, not to what you
anticipate will be asked. Ask for clarification if needed and be careful not to rush through
your answers.

8. Your turn to ask questions.

 Most interviewers will give you a chance to ask questions, so use this opportunity to
show your interest in the position and find out key details about the workflow. Feel free
to check your notes, but avoid asking questions about items that are already spelled out in
the hospital's literature.
 You might ask questions about the unit, current developmental projects, orientation and
getting acclimated into the existing work group. It is also helpful to ask the hiring
manager what skills they think are most important to succeed at this job, and then be sure
to point out how you have demonstrated those skills in previous situations.

9. Extra things to bring to the interviewer's attention.

 Discuss your professional association memberships and any committee positions which
you've held. Mention research you've helped with, volunteer projects, published articles
and continuing education.
 Let the hiring manager know if you're interested in extra responsibilities such as
committee or task force memberships. Express your willingness to take advanced training
in subjects needed to fill in clinical competencies in the unit.
 Ask for a tour of the facility and to meet some of your peers. Use this experience to get a
feel for the unit.

Follow Up
Send a thank you note after the interview.

 Letter writing may be a lost art, but a simple thank you note shows your interest and
thoughtfulness, which reinforces a favorable impression. So, if you want the job....say
thank you.
 Thank the interviewers for their time and consideration. Keep the tone business-like,
focused and warm. It should be a reflection of your personality, your professionalism and
how you approach your nursing career. Mention a specific contribution you can make to
address their current challenges and then wrap up the note by asking for the job.
 Proofread the letter and make sure there are no typos or inaccuracies. E-mail, mail, hand-
deliver or fax your letter so that it arrives within 24 hours after your interview.

2. What if the job’s not for you?

 Send a thank you note anyway. It shows good manners and thoughtfulness on your part.
Hiring managers will appreciate your courtesy and might even suggest another position at
their facility or at another location.

3. What if you don’t hear anything from the hiring manager?

 If it has been a few days, call to convey your continued interest and check the status of
the interviewing process. Find out when the decision will be made and ask if there is
anything else you can provide. This could be an opportunity to supply additional
references, paperwork or information.
 Follow up the day before the decision is supposed to be made. Be considerate of the
hiring manager’s time and pressures associated with the pending decision. This warmth
and graciousness shows compassion on your part and could turn things in your favor.

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