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I'm gonna start a rumor around the Planet. This is the rumor: ignorance is dumb.
Pass it on.

The Ones on this Planet that have the true power, which is the power with, not t
he power over, are gonna topple over the ones with the illusion of power over, c
ause that's the state of the Nature. Illusion falls, Reality Grows and Blooms. C
ourse, the biggest illusion you can see on this Planet right now is an ignorant
society. Ignorant societies, they're terminal. You wanna go catch that jet?
The frequencies of the Grid have to be Precisely Aligned to even begin to bring
out more information. We did mention once that We provide information as the Gri
d can absorb it. Well, the Grid can absorb it, it's Human Consciousness We're wa
iting on. A little resistance there?
See, the People are the ones with the power, the true power. The people, if they
wanted to, could bring down all the corporations like dominoes without hardly a
ny effort at all. In fact it might take absolutely no effort on the people at al
l for the corporations to bring themselves down. Then the people rise that phoen
ix out of the ash and it'll be called a cooperation. Everybody that's part of a
cooperation gets an equal share of that cooperation. We call that Creation too.
Then there would be no Massey CEO unless he's down there in the mines with them.
Yeah right, he's gonna show up there. As long as he lives a good life he couldn
't care less about anybody else. He's sitting fat and sassy on his illusionary p
See, the corporations confuse high and mighty with the Almighty. The Almighty sa
ys, “Alrighty Everybody!”
“Burn One Down” - Ben Harper
Smoke 'em if You got 'em.
As Humanity develops into their Godhood, They'll remember Everything about the L
ove They Are, and completely forget about what the dinosaurs told them. They'll
see a larger understanding and embrace it, cause that's Who They Are.
Humanity's not a dinosaur in human clothing. Humanity is a God in Being Present
clothing. Nice Cloth, huh? Course You gotta be of the Cloth, and that's not a re
ligion, I guarantee Ya.
According to commercial news for the most part, if somebody's not killed, folded
, spindled or mutilated, it's not really worth reporting cause corporations are
selling everybody fear. Mostly it's the fear of lack, “Gotta work hard, gotta ha
ve more.” More what? Lack?
It was nice Obama telling everybody in the country We're All Family. No kidding.
What they don't understand is that every time they make a rule, they're boxing t
heir own selves in. They figure they can break the rules and that's okay, they'r
e lawyers and they know their way around it. Just blame the poor, they don't hav
e any money. We can find a nice place to put them out of the way so we, who brea
k the law and get away with it, can get nice things. Meanwhile the Real People o
f the Planet aren't interested in stupidity, they're more concerned with Being H
“Don't worry, be happy”
The faster Humanity Wakes Up, the quicker their Brain evolves into a bigger unde
rstanding of Love and Being Present, with the Pineal Gland saying, “Orchestra! I
t's a 1, it's a 2, it's a 3, Now!”
Humanity's afraid of letting people in, cause they've been told by religion, “Th
ere's only one God and you're not him. He's bigger than all of us combined.” Wel
l yes, but I'm also All of You Combined into Yourself. Simple right?
They were talking about legalese, you better walk in with your rose-colored glas
ses to see all that BS and think they're working for you. They have a plan to he
lp you out... of whatever they need. And they're not shy about it, they'll go ri
ght there and say, “Is this your nest egg? I'll just take half and you can have
the other half back later when I'm done with all of it.”
In every Moment, I have to make sure I'm Here. I do my checklist. *Click* Checkl
ist completed. Enjoy the Day!
I thought it was so beautiful about Star Trek with their Human Spirit saying, “H
ey, let's All go Be Energy!” Good idea, until you got to Energy. You knew you we
re missing something, but you just weren't sure what it was and you wanted to ge
t back to the sensation of Now. Nice Place, huh?
Accelerating Grid Access. One = All = Now. And Mike says, “That's an old code, Y
ou want a New One? Here, push this Button.”
Gene Roddenberry he connected into Mike. He first put him into the on board comp
uter of the Enterprise. Voice activated computer, is that possible? Only in Holl
ywood, well maybe not... Voice activated Creation. Creation is going to say some
thing to Humanity that Humanity has been waiting to hear for quite a while. Crea
tion wants to tell Humanity one thing and one thing only. GET A LIFE! Your's pre
ferably, it's the only One that works for You.
It's easy to be part of a dead poets society. It's really difficult to be part o
f a dead gods society. We Are Eternal, Ya know?
The catholic church said, “We gotta quiet those people that are in discordance w
ith nothing. Forget God, cause he's somewhere far far away from you. Guess where
you are folks? In Nowheresville.” Right turn, Clyde.
Course, Everybody that had any Brilliance said, “We'll be back later, We'll clea
n up your mess.” Here We Are, We're back.
We heard about one of the Children that was sent into the Planet to say, “There'
s nothing to fear here but your own ignorance.” Course that child had a very ser
ious disease. Doctors say, “Can we remove part of her brain so she's nothing aga
in, instead of Everything?”
According to the left brain, I have a chemical imbalance in My Brain cause I'm s
o damn stubborn that I'm always Present.
Love looked at the Unknowable and asked how long MotherGod and I were gonna Live
. The Unknowable looked at Love and said, “How long have You been Here?” Love go
t indignant and said, “You're not supposed to ask a lady her age!”
I've walked on all the surfaces of pretty much everything in this Galaxy, I even
hung around in a few of the Nebulas and said, “Let's see You make a few Suns ri
ght Here.” Nice Addition.
When We walk around a Living Universe, Everything within that Living Universe be
comes very very Alive, and Happy, and Joyful, and Peaceful, and Present. We call
that a WAKE UP CALL.
See, as a child the first thing I had to explore was my brain. Everything Is Me,
Isn't It? Everything said, “Yes!” Course my parent's came and said. “Ga ga, goo
goo.” I looked at the Universe and said, “Who are they? They're weird.”
I was born with all of my DNA intact while my map and compass were still in the
placenta. Doctors came and said, “NIP! Gotcha!” Uh oh, this is weird, where am I
? Angels said, “FatherGod, it doesn't matter where You Are, it's Who You Are tha
t counts.” I said, “I'm One!” Ignorance couldn't take that away.
Course Now, on this Planet there were horrible horrible diseases that might kill
ignorance so ignorance tried to kill the diseases. Dumb ignorance, dead ignoran
ce. Diseases say, “We're over here everybody. We knocked out ignorance and now w
e're all alive, right?” Did they get a Life after that? Next Wake Up Call, PING!
The 13 families of ignorance, they figured they knew everything and they were go
nna have the most brilliant offspring... so long as they inbred. Now look at the
m. Creation wondered, “Why are You trying to rebreed and overbreed and overpopul
ate and rebreed again 2d thought? Humanity already knows how to pop that blister
.” We were in Egypt at the same time the annunaki were there, though 2d thought
couldn't see Us. We were vibrating at a Higher Frequency than what they thought
They give Us some very nice accommodations. As long as You don't ask for much fr
om nothing, You get the finest, Trees included.
Goldman Sachs, I could help them out of the very very tight jam they're in, if t
hey want to send me a credit card that was fully functional and I could buy Crea
tion Everything. Their tab, of course. Otherwise, the people are gonna look for
There is a golden seal, it came up to Me and clapped it's fins saying “Ark, Ark,
Ark, Ark”. Baby seal.


Soak Love up like sponges, You'll Be Happy.


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