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August - 1st Week (12th - 16th)

8:15 / 1:30


Monday 12th

Tuesday 13th

Wednesday 14th

Class Surprise:
Kid's Big Activity Book
Introduction: Write
about yourself/ Explain
Class Rules and Routine/
Getting to know each
other: Have students pull
out from a box paper
strips that say hobby,
family members, age,
etc. And as they pick
they must stand up and
talk about these things.
Spelling and
Vocabulary pg. 12 - 14
words - Dictate and then
write them on the board
and the students must
correct themselves.
/Rhyme:Write it on the
board and explain the
more difficult words.
Make sure they all
understand the rhyme.

Class Surprise:
Kid's Big Activity Book
About my Father:
Student's must use adjectives
written previously on the
board and each stand
expressing how their father
is. Later, they must describe
their physical appearance.
Spelling Bee: In line (For
Tuesday students they may
copy the words from peers.

Class Surprise:
Kid's Big Activity Book
Spelling Bee: Students must
stand up as you call them
according to the stick with
their name. They must form
a sentence using a word
from the vocabulary. They
must also say the rhyme
before leaving for their

Class Surprise:
Kid's Big Activity Book
Spelling Bee: In teams of two.
Write sentences on the board
and they must write the
correct word in the space left
out blank.

Class Surprise:
Kid's Big Activity Book
Spelling Test and Rhyme
Test: Give the students ten
minutes to study and sit
them in desks that are
placed separately.

A.M: Grammar is Great 3:

pgs. 6-8 - Numbers and
Telephone Numbers: Explain
their forms, hundred,
thousand, once, three times,
twice, a couple, a pair. /
When we give out a
telephone number we usually
say the numbers one at a
time. Ordinal numbers we
use when we talk about dates
or to show the order of

English - 3: Student's Book

- pgs. 2 - 4. Reading and
reading comprehension.
Ask: How could you send a
message in a bottle if you
were alone on a desert
island, without writing?
How does it feel to think
your are lost?
Write about this on the
board and have them follow
the same model using their
English -3: Workbook
Pgs. 1,2. What is a
sentence? Explain to the
students that a sentence is a
group of words that express
a full idea. Complete the
worksheets and follow
directions. They must use
their notebooks.

A.M: Grammar is Great 3:

pgs. 9 - 11. Telling Time Tell the students how to tell
the time in formal situations.
We usually say the word in
minutes when we cannot
divide the number of minutes
exactly by five. - am. and
p.m, noon, o'clock, quarter of
an hour, ten to, etc.

English - 3: Student's
Book - pgs. 5 - 11 Writing: How to get Ideas:
Clustering. Explain to the
students how to use
clusters by drawing one on
the board. Use the topic:
My Father

Reading: Cloudy with a

chance of Meatballs Useful
Words: squeezing, juice,
grandpa, flipping, pancakes,
ceiling, landed, mountains,
ocean, mashed potatoes,
green peas, hamburgers,
prediction, stale bread.

Reading and Reading

Swiss Family Robinson
Pgs. 12 - 17. Read the
necessary and useful words
on pgs. 12 and 13. Then go
on to read the story and
reading comp.

Reading: The Frog Prince

Write useful and more
difficult words on the board
for the students to learn and
then read the story pausing to
explain. Explain to the
students that this was written
by the Brother's Grimm,
german writers.

Reading and Reading

Swiss Family Robinson
Pgs. 18 - 21. Read the
necessary and useful words
on pgs. 18 and 19. Then go
on to read the story and
reading comp.

Class Project:
About me: Distribute the
worksheets "About Me" and
show your own to the
students and write key words
the students can use to
express selves. I like, I wish,
I enjoy, I have, I am. Etc.
After they finish tape it out
on the white wall.

Class Project:
Nationalities - Germany
Capital, Language, Ethnic
Groups, Currency, Drives on
the right, President. Write
these down on the board and
have them copy it into their
notebooks. Explain what
each means. They can draw
a graph, color it and write
the information on the side.
Each of them receives a map
that is blank and looking at
the world mad they must
divide and name the
different cities.

Class Project:
About me: Brainstorm
hobbies and fun things to do.
Have the students talk about
the things they do and then
using some examples have the
students write a small
composition writing about
where does this sport come
from, or if its technological
such as games, research the
origin of these. They can draw
themselves doing this hobby,
when they do it, the feelings
they get and then write a
composition about these. After
corrections they must rewrite
and put it out on the wall
under the correct section.
(Students that won't come
on Friday may work on
making their Father's Day
card and writing task.)

Class Project:
Nationalities - Germany
The Nazi Regime: Explain
how the Nazi state affected
people in different ways.
For the majority of people,
in fact, life was good. But
for groups that were not
accepted by the Nazi state
life was horrific. Explain in
simple terms what it meant
to be pro and against the
Nazi Regime. Briefly
explain to the students
about who Hitler was and
his part in the communism.

P.M: Language Arts -3

Pgs. 6,7. Common and
Proper Nouns . Students
must copy the explanations
about what common and
proper nouns are and
complete the worksheets.

P.M Class Project:

About me: Distribute the
worksheets "About Me" and
show your own to the
students and write key
words the students can use
to express selves. I like, I
wish, I enjoy, I have, I am.
Etc. After they finish tape it

P.M Language Arts-3

Pronouns pgs. 8, 9
Explain what a pronouns is
and have them copy this
explanation in their
notebooks. Then they must
complete the worksheets

P.M:Class Project:
Father's Day Card:
Students can choose a card
from the three options and
write a small composition
from them to their fathers
using what the adjectives
and vocabulary learned in
the previous lesson.

was a
was one,
When OneOne won
one race,
won one,

Reading and Reading

Swiss Family Robinson
Pgs. 6 - 11. Read the
necessary and useful
words on pgs. 6 and 7.
Then go on to read the
story and reading comp.


Break Time


Class Project:
Nationalities - Germany
- Explain to the students
about the semester and
the different projects and
explain that we will be
learning about two
projects: Nationalities
and Recycling. Go on to
explain what a
nationality is and have a
few students speak up
about their nationality
and a few traditions and
what the people look
like. Introduce the Flag
of Germany and go
through the meaning and
the colors. Have the
students look in the
world map for Germany.
Then distribute the flags
and have the students
color them nicely.
P.M Game: Which
Students in two teams in
two lines have to answer
quickly as they answer
assertively they may sit,
the team with the least of
players remaining, wins.

P.M: Grammar is Great 1:

Numbers - pg. 5 - 8 Numbers
are adjectives and adjectives
don't change form in
English. We use a comma
and not a full stop to show
the thousands. We say
hundred and thousand when
we are counting.

Thursday 15th

P.M: Grammar is Great 1:

Telephone Numbers and
Ordinal Numbers - We say the
numbers one at a time, we can
us the word double if two
consecutive numbers are the
same. We usually say oh for 0.
Ordinal Numbers - We use
these numbers when we talk
about dates and when we want
to show the order of things.

Friday 16th

English - 3: Workbook
Pgs. 3,4. Statements and
Questions - Explain to the
students the use of
statements and questions.
Write a few on the board
have them write 5
statements and 5 questions
in their notebooks. Have
them read them to the rest
of the class.

August - 1st Week (12th - 16th)

out on the white wall.


Tidy up Class Room

Tidy up Class Room

Tidy up Class Room

Tidy up Class Room

Tidy up Class Room

Line up and walk exiting


Line up and walk exiting


Line up and walk exiting


Line up and walk exiting


Line up and walk exiting


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