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We are the Starship on-site reporters. The embedded reporters, immersed complete

It's funny how commercial news only wants to share the ignorant stuff that's goi
ng on, they can't share about the real people having a Life. The Ones being lovi
ng, kind, and compassionate. That might be a disease, a contagious one at that.
They probably call happiness a psychosis and Joy is just incurable. That why the
y call Us the â Uncontrollablesâ .
ignorance is trying to sell unconsciousness and all they need is fear to buy it.
At an extreme high price, the Tranquility of Being Present.
Love is not the disease of ignorance, Love is the Cure.
Money is supposed to be an exchange for good and services. To understand Love, Y
ou're both Goods and Services. BLISS equals Being Love In Simple Service. The Re
al Exchange of Energy.
I have said from the very beginning, if you're stupid, you're dumb and back to t
he baby class with you.
Avoidance is the long way Home. It's so easy to get caught up in a routine, unti
l you realize there isn't one. Creation came into ignorance and wasn't ignorant.
Funny how that is.
The Scorpio Full Moon is a fascinating Full Moon. What it is doing, is taking th
e lower dense energies and bringing them up to be dissolved. The Energies in the
Grid are in constant motion, adjusting and aligning to the flows of Creation. C
reation is beyond 2-dimensional thought's control, cause 2-dimensional thought a
ttempts to put chaos in the way of Evolution. Through chaos it instills fear in
the ones that have been programmed to be afraid. All the while, Love Is Ever Pre
sent In Being Awakened.
The particles in the air that dance in the sunlight are the Sparklies releasing
the energies of the Divine Presence.
Letting go of illusion, what is Real is actually Present. And guess who that Is?
Equal You. The only thing that can ever be Real is what is Present. Are You?
We have done this for centuries, millenia, eternities, take your pick. We have c
overed it All. Now We Are Here for the Birth of the Planet into a Starseed Natio
n, which will be the demise of all the corporations.
Ignorance believes it can buy and sell human beings... that's gonna cost them. A
nd they don't even have enough to pay the bill.
You can tell a True Light-Worker by their very very close Connection to the Plan
et, within their very very intimate Connection to a Starship.
And all that goes on in ignorance means nothing to Reality, for Divine Presence
doth supersede, that is the Given, as well as the All.
To open up New Areas in the Brain, requires stepping out of any routine, and ste
pping into Your Life.
The left brain thinks it's in charge of the Brain, but it can only see 2 dimensi
onal thought. That's all the left brain can understand, while the rest of the Br
ain, is connected to the All of Everything Everywhere, Multi-Dimensionally.
The Spirit contained within the Human Brain, is the same Spirit of Creation, and
through the Being is this Expressed, and Connection is reestablished.
What Humanity really lets go of, is their self-ignorance, because that is the il
lusionary self of 2-dimensional thought. It contains only belief systems and wit
hin belief systems there is prejudice, isolation and separation, tyranny and opp
ression, fear and pain, suffering. All of that only happens in ignorance, self-i
gnorance. Self-Awakening Is Immeasurable, just as the Unknowable Is the Unknowab
le. Course Now, Humanity has been given the Experience of embracing the Unknowab
le within All Love Is. It's a nice blending of Energies.



The Fun'd Drive: Serving the Divine Mission!! Current Cash on Hand: $0.24
We Are Donation Supported By Our Family And You Can Help! See How To Donate Here
We Also Accept Care Packages! (Coffee, Chocolate, and D batteries requested, or
anything else You think We might like, Hint, Hint)
Help Keep Our Website Up:
Ning also said they're shutting down all free sites, so We're currently looking
for a sponsor to keep our site up. Otherwise, We'll be moving to a new site soon
, which is looking very likely at the Moment. On May 4th Ning should be announci
ng pricing plans and exactly when they'll be shutting down the free sites.

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