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Sancho, ngel Pablo

Aerospace Engineer
Strategic Planning Department
November 15 2015

1. Summary

This report is, principally, a guide for making the interior design of an

airplane. The results in our company in terms of interior design are not as well as
we expected, and, for this, this document try to explain the cause and gives some
points to follow in future interior designs.

For give these points, we analize the customer, colour, lighting and
furniture. These are the principal elements that we use to create a interior design.
In each chapter we give some ideas and explain some important task in the choice
of different elements of the interior.

After that, we analize a real case of a business jet, designing the interior and
show the aplication of the ideas previously enunciated.

For finish, we extract as principal conclusion that the design is not a
problem with only one solution, but a problem which depends of many factor, like
the personality of the customer, the principal function, the needs of the passenger
and so on. However, the customer, the color, the lighting and the furniture, that are
described along the report, are the principal elements that allow us to create any

2. Table of contents

1. SUMMARY..Page 1
3. GLOSARY....Page 3

5.1.1 The function of an interior designer.........Page 5

5.1.2 The choice of a color.Page 6

5.1.3 The lightingPage 6


5.2.1 Concept of furniture..Page 8

5.2.2 Furniture classification......Page 8

5.2.3 Aim of a furniture distribution.Page 8

5.2.4 Choice of the furniture............Page 9


5.3.1 Internal organization...Page 11

5.3.2 Conclusion..........Page 13

6. CONCLUSION...Page 14
7. REFERENCES...Page 15

3. Glosary

Private jet

Is an aircraft belonging to a particular person or company and whose main
function is to transport a little group of people in a determinated conditions.

Interior designer

Is a profesional whose job consists in designing the interior of diferent elements,
like homes, schools, museums or planes.


The colour could be defined as the suggestive and indispensable element that have
the nature and objects created by man and gives the complete picture of reality.


The lighting is the act of iluminate a place. The ilumination can be produced by a
natural source (The sun, moon and starts) and by a artificial source.


The furniture is the set of all elements belonging to a place, whether decorative or
functional. Examples of furniture are a table, a television or a pillow.

4. Introduction

This report arises from the need to establish a guide and criterias for
making the interior design of a private jet.

The principal problem is that is expected so much from the interior of a

private jet. However, the decor and design that are provided are limited and so far
from meeting all customer requirements. The designer needs more information
and tools for making a good job.

For this, they should take into account aviation rules when combining the
interior, furniture, fabrics, shapes, etc., and create a unique and personalized
design that allows customers traveling having a type of design and comfort, and,
who travel for work purposes, can have all the equipment necessary for the
function to be performed. A celebrity, who is looking to have a plane to transport
band or friends, can enjoy this mode of transport, always respecting the safety

The report starts discussing the theoretical principles of interior design,
color and lighting on a general way.

Secondly, it will be discusses the specific equipment for aircraft interiors
such as armchairs, tables, etc.

Finally, to complete the report, it will be a number of general guidelines and
recommendations for the design of commercial aircraft. This is because comercial
aircfraft are the most common type of aircraft demanded by our company, with a
83% of total sales completed between 2010 and 2015.


5.1 Introduction to interior design

In this chapter, first, we will be a breakdown of the specific functions of
interior designer and, secondly, we will define what is color and light, in order to
understand what criteria are carried out in interior designs .

5.1.1 The function of an interior designer

It is necessary starts saying that the study design is not static or have one
shape or color for every need, but has a footprint of emotion, aesthetics and
functionality, taking into account technological advances, objects and practicality
to use them, and which will be the social and economic segment we will go.

Interior designers work with clients and other professionals to develop
functional and attractive solutions following a certain aesthetic style and meeting
the expectations raised. The designer must understand and know how to organize
a space.

The task of the designer is also planning the layout of the interior space and
equipment to install, having to know the materials and products used in building
and furnishing the space.

The client, through a dialogue with the designer, tells the activities that take
place in the course of his flight, which are his goals, his tastes, needs and especially
his priorities. Thus, the designer will have the tools to do the job with order,
coherence and security, devising and maintaining a decorative idea.

Once understood the needs and thought the idea of design, the designer has
to make a final decision and specific decisions to carry out the project, taking into
account the elements of color, light and furniture.


5.1.2 The choice of a colour

Colour is one of the determinants factors in the decorative interior
landscape. It could be defined as the suggestive and indispensable element that
have the nature and objects created by man and gives the complete picture of

An accurate intonation
enhances all the decoration that
are in the same place. The color




conditions. Among both, color

and shape, some communication
links which will, ultimately, and
after fairly conjugate, mark in a
definitive way the combination
of the other elements. On the
other hand, color also has an

Picture 1. Psicology of the diffferent colours


meaning and a symbolic connotations which have to be studied carefully for each
particular case.

5.1.3 The lighting

The lighting takes a leading role in the interior design. Good balance
between type and amount of light an space allows transform the way space is
perceived. Emphasize or hide the lines, distinguish or unify the plans, give greater
or less depth to the volumes, boosting or decorative effects and to enhance the
value of seats, objects, corridors are effect that can be achieved by lighting.


Picture 2. Types of lighting

With a good planning, choice of materials (artifacts and lamps) and

distribution, you can change the appearance and atmosphere of a room, mark
moments, guide the trip, emotions and moods of the passengers, receive them,
urge them on to sleep, invite them to dinner, mark the arrival up the strongest light
intensity and so on.

Conversely, a bad use of lighting can spoil a good decorative idea, or even
worse, to transform the flight of a passenger in unsustainable and fatiguing. There
are two type of light that we have to proportionate using diferents elements like
curtains or light sources: natural and artificial.

Picture 3. Natural and artificial lighting


5.2 The furniture

5.2.1 Concept of furniture

Salvat, J. (1984) tells that since the prehistory and inhabiting different types
of dwellings, man has always been surrounded by various types of utensils and
furniture that have been adopted to their different needs.

5.2.2 Furniture classification

The furniture can be classified in different ways, according to the room that
will be designed, for example kitchen furniture, bathroom, passenger section, of
living, and others. They can be categorized depending on the material they are
built too.

5.2.3 Aim of a furniture distribution

The most important thing is to enhance and get the most revenue possible
in the same room. To this it must be able to combine the furniture with trimmings
and colors, harmonizing through enlightenment.

Seek the forms of furniture are sober and streamlined, with a more practical
and concrete mission and an easy cleaning.

Use fine materials, thus lasting for, ensure that the client is satisfied with
the work done since its appearance remained more solid. As a material excellent
level their stay will be longer.


5.2.4 Choice of the furniture

The furniture used for various necessities, once
used, can be becomed, being, for example, seating by day
and beds at night, folding tables, which can be used to
hold food or screens that are retractable, and other items
found at the market.

As for the placement and distribution of the seats

and complementary furniture, there is no rule. It can be

symmetric or asymmetric, always according to the mark
you want to give to the structure and style, respecting the

Picture 4. Chair with retractable

circulation spaces and regulations flight safety.

Natural materials are recommended since synthetic fibers are poorly
insulating fire. There are a lot of models of seats for aircraft interiors. These can be
upholstered with simple, plain or combined frames, having a wide variety of
fabrics and colors available.

According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (2006), the minimum
distance between seats should be 0.80 cm. However, in private planes it is
advisable to leave a minimum clearance of 1.10 cm.

The tables are removed from the sides, and are always built of lightweight
materials, such as plywood or backing plates of styrofoam (which are sheets of
extruded polystyrene foam, highly resistant to water and light wooden slats
covered). Which it should be light is comfort for the passenger, who lifts up and
positions them when he has to eating or working.

It is essential that the space and furniture are distributed so as to provide
space saving and comfort for passengers, for example, that all the seats have to

support vessels at its disposal, USB ports, cabinets kept personal items and
cabinets with blankets.

Attending to the electronics elements, them have to have all the suport
requereiments. It would be a system of soundtrack throughout the plane installed
so you can not see, internet, phone satellite ,TVs with LEDs that has a longer
durations than others to show the flight path, the sky view from a camera installed
at the tip of the plane, films, recitals, to connect the computer and see the big

In case of a plane for a company, a projector for presentations or video
conferences possible will be needed.

In the case of a plane for a musical band, televisions can be used to wipe out
moments of the concert they gave, and it is essential to have always takes electrical
currents, a base of DVD's to entertain, games in individual screens and tablets. The
service has to be first class and the best quality.



5.3 Interior design business model

Then, we are going to apply the previous ideas to a real case.

5.3.1 Internal organization

Upon entering the plane is first passed through the kitchen, where the
hostess welcomes passengers and invites them to crew sector. The kitchen is
always in the front of the plane for two reasons, one is for technical facilities and
measures and the second is for the attendant to supply the pilots without the need
to go through in front of customers. It is a matter of practicality and convenience.
Followed by the kitchen, on the left, there is a sector saving, where you can deposit
briefcases, shoes, suits and all kinds of luggage.

Picture 5. Top view of the interior

Faced with the right wardrobe the bathroom is located. For now, if you need
to change before getting off the plane, they can easily grab your luggage to grab his
change of clothes and change in the bathroom.

After passing through this corridor of services, it enters what is called the
passenger area, divided into three sectors.


Picture 6. Sector of the passenger area

Sector one has four seats, configured as two seats facing each other and the
other two in the same position as a mirror along the line the corridor.

In sector two long table for meetings, in which they can eat, by optimizing
business lunches as much time as possible was found. On the roof will feature a
row of LEDs with the same contour of the table to enlarge the space, which is just
as committed and the width of the plane.

The table will be held for eight seats

facing three three two, one and one, in

every corner. The center of the table will
have a hole longitudinally with respect to
the table to continue the linearity suggested
corridor along the interior space. This hole
will serve functionally so they can
download all the cables from computers,

Picture 7. Design of the second sector

tablets or phones, among others, to the

floor and be connected to an electronic power.

Three sector is comprised of two chairs facing each of two bodies,

respecting the hall in the middle and not to obstruct the projection image on the
screen to be placed on the end wall. This sector can be used at times when you
want to have a meeting in which a table is not needed, nor so critical concentration
for important issues, if not more to an exchange of ideas. However they have tables
that are removed from the sides, in case you need a lunchtime or to record notes.

The color that will apply in this design will be blue, because, as shown in the
journal Science, a study showed that this color helps to improve performance,
increase the innovative creativity, problem solving, and generating sense of peace
and tranquility . (Science Mag, 2009).


5.3.2 Conclusion

In conclusion, a great and relaxed place (section one) pass the sector two
where you feel the concentration and containment, and then end (section three)
back into a place of recreation and more dynamic.



6. Conclusion

In conclusion, in terms of decor, which is subjective to personal tastes of the
client. But they can recommend and advise many choices that favor the perception
of the environment and, therefore, can turn a tiring journey on a pleasant trip.

Through the example may be appreciated as the same site with same
dimensions and characteristics of different forms treated by an interior designer
can look absolutely different fulfilling different requirements. These solutions are
acquired after a thorough investigation which should make the interior using the
tools that gave him the profession.

Note that an inner tried different ways you can expand or reduce the space,
you can feel the passenger is in a work environment, if the sector for this purpose
is organized, or in a place of relaxation, if this is what looking for the customer. It is
possible to adapt to all situations, as long as the designer prioritize and note when,
in addition to existing safety regulations, design desires and order, purpose (use to
be given to the airplane: distance Flying, work, home, number of people, etc.) that
the owner or possessor company granted the plane.

The professional makes an absolute study in color, textures, finishes of
materials, comfort, lighting and decoration, among others. None of these elements
may be missing.

Private jets are not a service for everyone, but for customers who expect a
difference, a refined attention and are plaintiffs. Any detail can determine your



7. References

Guillermo Dinelli. Cmo disear el interior de un avin privado?. Gaceta

Grupo Editorial, 2012





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