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Republica bolivariana de venezuela

Ministerio de poder popular para la educion

U.E.P. Antonio Acosta Medina
Maracaibo, estado Zulia

Realizado por:
Angelica Torres
Astrid Romero
Barbara Guarin
Everlin Perez
Yamile Rincn
Yised Muos


El motivo de realizar este trabajo es conocer mas profundamente el Estado
Mrida, sus costumbres, su cultura, su gente, su economa, su ciudades y
todas sus caractersticas.

1- ) Historia del estado merida
2 - ) La poblacin
3 - ) El clima
4 - ) Poltica y gobierno
5 - ) Urbanismo
6 - ) Msica
7 - ) Gastronoma
8 - ) Cultura
9 - ) Educacin
10 - ) Economa
11 - ) Medios de comunicacin
12 - ) Religin
13 - ) Fauna y vegetacin

The city of Santiago of the Gentlemen of Merida or City of Merida is the capital of the
Liberating municipality and of the condition Merida and the principal locality of the
Venezuelan Andes. It was founded in 1558 by the captain Juan Rodrguez Surez, as
part of New Granada; nevertheless, it happened to belong to the General Captaincy of
Venezuela, where it played an active paper during the War of independence of
The City of Merida in strict sense this constituted by a practically indivisible
Conurbacin between the populations of Merida, The Valley, The Butt, The Curos, San
Jacinto and The Chama of the Liberating Municipality, the population of Common land
of the Municipality I Stand out Elias and the sector of The Gibraltarians of Tabay of the
Municipality Santos Marquina.
The population of the cardinal city belongs 221.879 inhabitants that it represents 28 %
of the total population of the State Merida (which has more than 826.723 inhabitants),
whereas the Metropolitan area reaches 345.489 persons (everything according to
Census 2011). It is a headquarters of the University of The Andes which outlines like
her 1ra University of the country, I her number 30 of Latin America and 640 in the world
1, in her also we can find the Archdiocese of Merida and San Buenaventura's Seminar
of the Gentlemen of Merida, the highest telefrico and the Second one shows more
length of the world, a modern and attractive System of Massive Transport Trolebs of
Merida which exposes as a way of tourist transport thanks to his structure as one very
contemporano System of Massive Transport
The locality of Merida is placed to an altitude of 1.600 msnm, one agrees on a plateau
nailed in the valley of the river Chama, which crosses it from end to end, as backdrop
yergue in the horizon merideo the highest summit of the country: the beak Bolivar,
with a height of 4.978 msnm2.
Possesses a tropical climate with temperatures moderated due to the geographical
situation of this city inside the Andean mountain chain, and to his great altitude. In the
surrounding mountains, over 1.800 meters of height the climate is moderated of
Though the pollution has generated an increase in the temperature, this one has been
kept lower (in relative terms) that in other important cities of the country, with records
that range between the 18 C and the 24 C, determining a general average of 22 C.
The rainfalls are of average intensity during the epochs of rain, from April until
November. The temperature of the city changes from north to south according to the
altitude. The north of the city is higher, to some 1700 msnm supporting an average
temperature of 19 C. The south possesses a hotter climate for being to approximately
1300 meters on the level of the sea, having an average temperature of 21 C.

Politics and government- Poltica y gobierno

The City of Merida is the head-board and headquarters of the state and municipal
government, there being located in the same one both the office of the governor and
the offices of the mayoralty as well as the headquarters of the legislative Advice of the
condition, the field units of the judicial and electoral power
The conurbacin of Merida possesses 13 of 15 prefectures of the Liberating
Municipality, more 3 of 7 prefectures of the Municpio Campo Elas.
The Mayor of the Liberating Municipality from the year 2.008 is the Ing. Lester
Rodrguez Herrera, who previously was the Rector of the University of the Andes
(2.004-2.008) and he is a militant of COPEI, who Carlos Len of the party threw at the
head of a coalition opositora to the government of the Mayor at the time (2.004-2.008)
party-liner (PSUV). For your part the Mayor of the Municpio Campo Elas (2.008-2.012)
is Pedro Alvarez ex-leader estudiatil of left side in the University of the Andes and who I
gain supported by the party party-liner PSUV, whereas in the Municipality Santos
Marquina the municipal constant management being taken by Balmore Otalora, also
member of the PSUV, this who in the post from the year 2.004 up to the date (2.012).
The Government of the State from the ends of 2008 is at the expense of the Medical
and military Mayor (Ej) Marcos Daz Orellana, member of the PSUV, who comes to the
government estadal given his afamable personality and a path in other public charges
that made it deserving of the victory, over the candidate opponent Abogado William
Dvila Neighborhoods. For your part the Legislative Regional Advice (CLEM) this one
constituted by 7 deputies of the PSUV and 2 deputies of the Table of the Unit
For being on a plateau or terrace, in a small valley, occupying an area of approximately
10 to 15 km from length for 1 to 3 km from width, the city nowadays lacks additional
space for the urban development. His polygonal area, nevertheless, occupies
approximately 60 km , 6 of which, at least 25 km are occupied by the city, and the
rest for the minor's zones I develop or for some geographical, such accidents as banks
or mountains.
Because of this, the urbanism is of untid style, just orientated by the road axes
constructed in last decades. The tracing of the Center or " Historical Hull " is of colonial
Spanish style planned by 8 principal avenues of this sense - west and 40 streets of
north sense - south, creating squared patterns, apples or stables of approximately 50
to 100 m for side.
The city, in last times, has been characterized for having one of the gaps least accused
between socio-economic classes, and for his better quality of life. Nevertheless,
recently, due to the economic situation that has faced the country, a major growth of
the slums has been observed in the hills or boundaries of the city.
The traditional music of the city is marked by the paces of the waltz. This one includes,
in addition, other regional or national paces, since corridors, meringues and bambucos.
The music of Merida, as his people, is recognized by his slow paces. Also for the
almost obligatory use of the violin. In addition, the city is commonly a place of birth of
many musical bands of the style rock, punk between others.
Gastronomy - GASTRONOMIA

The gastronomy of the region has notable differences with the rest of the national
gastronomy. Between the most notable the Andean arepa is mentioned, being a variant
of the traditional Venezuelan arepa done based on flour of wheat. This difference of
ingredients for his preparation owes principally to the fact of which the Andean region
was one of the only places of the country where the wheat was harvested in the past.
Other notable plates are the Andean pisca (Merida, Tchira and Colombian Andes)A
soup based on dad, milk, onion talks and parsley.
Other important plates are prepared based on the trout, the most common fish of the
region. In sweet plates the gastronomy of the city is outlined with the typical polished
sweets done based on milk and other ingredients. These are of historical tradition, and
his origin assumes to the convents, where they were prepared in the 19th century. Also
the alfajores are obtained, allies and almojbanas, in drinks the alcoholic maize drink of
maize, the mistela (with variations), Milk of Donkey (Andean punch), and strawberries
by cream.
Culture- CULTURA
The culture of the city is very related to the Andean folklore. Merida is the principal
representative of the above mentioned folklore in the country, often defining it. The
merideos, with wide tendency to the culture and the knowledge, are characterized by
his preserved well and particularly slow traditions. The city for your part is recognized
by the quantity of parks and colonial buildings well preserved besides the holidays
celebrated in the same one, the crafts and the typical gastronomy of the region.
Plaza of the Presidency, Monk's statue Juan Ramos de Lora Mrida is a student city
with an important percentage of his population inside the classrooms of classes,
specially in the university area (20-30 % of the population) and with a rate of illiteracy of
0 %. It possesses one of the universities of major tradition of the country, and the
second one in antiquity: the University of The Andes. In addition, there are located in
Merida different institutions of top education like Universities, University Cores,
Technical Institutes, and University Colleges, between others.
Dresses of a put Andean. The tourism in the city is the principal source of sustenance
From the times of the colony, the agriculture was traditionally an important part of the
economic activities of Merida, being this one the distribution center agricultural goods
of the State. In addition, in the surroundings there were located important household
tasks dedicated to the production of the sugar cane, which income stimulated the
construction of a sugar head office where the whole sugar cane of Merida was
processed. This one is left nowadays and turned into museum. With the construction of
the telefrico of Merida, the road trasandina and the airport of the city, the economic
activities were evolving and moving from the primary sector of the agriculture to the
tertiary sector of services being outlined the sector tourism.

Media and communication


There are three television stations which broadcast from Mrida. Two of these are
general-interest stations, airing programs including news, entertainment, and culture.
The third is an institutional and educational channel and belongs to the Universidad de
Los Andes.
The stations are:
MC Televisin
Televisora Andina de Mrida, (TAM)
The principal radio stations radio stations of the state also broadcast from Mrida.
These stations are mostly privately-owned, though in recent years some
publiccommunity radio stations have emerged.
Some of the best-known newspapers from Mrida are:
El Correo de Los Andes
Cambio de Siglo [4]
Diario Frontera [5]
Diario Pico Bolvar [6]
Cultura Tatuy
See also: List of newspapers in Venezuela
Mrida has a strong athletic infrastructure; noteworthy among others is the Guillermo
Soto Rosa Stadium, an important soccer facility and the old headquarters of the local
soccer team. During the last month of 2005, the city was host to the 2005 Andean
National Games, an event for which numerous athletic facilities were built, including the
Cinco guilas Blancas (Five White Eagles) Sports Complexa 42 000-seat stadium
and the current home stadium of the local team, Estudiantes de Mrida F. C.. Soccer is
the most popular and widely-supported sport, but given the city's location, a variety
of extreme sports are also practiced as well.
In addition to the aforementioned soccer, the current athletic infrastructure also
supports a wide array of other traditional sports, including tennis, basketball, baseball,
and Venezuelan sports such as bolas criollas.
The Metropolitan Stadium of Mrida, dedicated on May 25, 2007 with a friendly match
between Venezuela and Honduras, was host to the 2007 Copa Amrica.
The Pope Juan Paul II is got in the airport for the governing Dulce Maria Sauri Riancho
Church of Holy Ana The cathedral San Ildefonso dresses from the Major Plaza of
Merida, in the night The majority of the population practises the catholic religion. Also
other considerable religions exist as the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Church Baptizer,
Jesus Christ de los Santos's Church of Last Days, between others. A year 2000, in
agreement to the mentioned census effected by the INEGI, the 5-year-old population
and more, that it is catholic promotes 553,227 inhabitants, whereas not Catholics add
80,714 inhabitants. In August, 1993 the Pope Juan Paul II visited this city, in his third
visit to Mexico.

Archaeological Mayan vestiges in Merida

The most nearby archaeological sites of the cardinal city are: Dzibilchaltn, Dzoyil,
Chen H, Flower of May, Xcatzmil, Caucel and Xocln, between others. These Mayan
pre-Hispanic deposits form a circuit around and in the periphery of Merida. Besides
them, inside the limits of the city, in diverse public parks and in other sites, there show
themselves archaeological vestiges Maya corresponding to what was T'H's former
city, on whose ruins Merida was constructed at the arrival of the Spanish
Fauna and Vegetation
The vegetation found in the municipality corresponds to the vegetation of mountain
being outlined for the south the jungle clouded inside the national park Sierra Nevada
as well as the vegetation of height composed by the frailejones. The species that they
live inside the municipal zone are in the main birds thinking of different types that in the
main they live in the cloudy jungle.

Al finalizar este trabajo logramos conocer que el Estado Mrida se encuentra ubicado
en el occidente del pas, es uno de los estados, donde predominan mas los climas de
montaas, predomina mas el sexo femenino y la densidad es de 66 habitantes por km
; tambin logramos conocer que es uno de los estados donde la agricultura, la
piscicultura, son sus mas fuertes actividades econmica. El turismo en la regin
tambin es uno de sus factores mas importantes por su excelente clima y hermosos

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