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Prerequisite : Assign a unique 2 digit no. to each participant which is subsequently

used in the following exercises.This no. is identified by ## in the following assignments.

Task 1 : Creating an InfoArea

Enter the Data warehousing Workbench.
Create a new InfoArea IA_<Emp. No.> under InfoProvider in the Modeling tab.

Task 2 : Creating a Characteristics InfoObject

Create a new characteristics InfoObject catalog and then populate it with new
Characteristics InfoObjects.
1. On the InfoObjects window in the Data Warehousing Workbench, locate your
InfoArea created as part of Task 1. It is named IA_<Emp. No.> with the technical name
IA_<Emp. No.>.In that InfoArea, create a characteristics InfoObject catalog with the technical
name IA_<Emp. No.>_C and the description IA_<Emp. No.>_C.
Activate the InfoObject catalog, then quit the InfoObject catalog.
2. Create a new characteristic InfoObject with the technical name COSTC##
and the description Cost Center.In InfoObject maintenance, choose the data type CHAR, length
13, and the ALPHA conversion routine on the General tab page.
On the Master Data / texts tab page, make sure that the With master data and
the With texts checkboxes have been selected. Specify that you want to use
short and medium-length texts, and that the text is both language-dependent
and time-dependent. On the Hierarchy tab page, permit the use of hierarchies and make sure that
intervals are permitted in them. Hierarchies must not be time-dependent.
On the Compounding tab page, connect your InfoObject to the superior
InfoObject 0CO_AREA. On the Attributes tab page, specify the following characteristic as
attribute: 0COMP_CODE.It is important that you set this attribute as time-dependent.
Switch on 0COMP_CODE (company code) as navigation attribute. Enter Nav:Company Code as
the attribute description and short text for the 0COMP_CODE (company code ) attribute. Choose
Save and Activate your new InfoObject. Return to the previous screen by choosing Back.You
should now go back into edit mode of your InfoObject catalog and check whether your
InfoObject COSTC## has been transferred to your InfoObject catalog.
3. Create a new characteristic InfoObject with the technical name REGION##
and the description Region.In InfoObject maintenance, choose the data type CHAR, length 13,
and the ALPHA conversion routine on the General tab page.
On the Master Data / texts tab page, make sure that the With master data and
the With texts checkboxes have been selected. Specify that you want to use
short and medium-length texts, and that the text is both language-dependent
and time-dependent. On the Hierarchy tab page, permit the use of hierarchies and make sure that
intervals are permitted in them. Hierarchies must not be time-dependent.

Choose Save and Activate your new InfoObject. Return to the previous screen by choosing
Back.You should now go back into edit mode of your InfoObject catalog and check whether your
InfoObject REGION## has been transferred to your InfoObject catalog.

Task 3 : Creating a Key Figures InfoObject

Create a new Key Figures InfoObject catalog and then populate it with a new
Key Figures InfoObjects.
1. On the InfoObjects window in the Data Warehousing Workbench, locate your
InfoArea created as part of Task 1. It is named IA_<Emp. No.> with the technical name
IA_<Emp. No.>.In that InfoArea, create a Key Figures InfoObject catalog with the technical
name IA_<Emp. No.>_K and the description IA_<Emp. No.>_K.
Activate the InfoObject catalog, then quit the InfoObject catalog.
2. In your new InfoObject catalog IA_<Emp. No.>_K create a new key figures
InfoObject with the technical name AMOUNT## and the description Amount.
On the Type/unit tab page, choose the type amount, the data type CURR-currency field, stored as
DEC, and 0CURRENCY as the unit /currency. On the Aggregation tab page, make sure that
aggregation is set to Summation and exception aggregation is set to Summation. Under
Cumulative/Non-cumulative values, Cumulative values must be selected.On the Additional
Properties tab page, in the Business Explorer area, set the
decimal places for the Business Explorer to 0.00. Set the Display to in 1 and choose Short
description as the description in BEx.Save and activate your new InfoObject and return to the
previous screen using the Back button.Check whether your key figure has been added to your
InfoObject catalog.
3. In your new InfoObject catalog IA_<Emp. No.>_K create a new key figures
InfoObject with the technical name QUANT## and the description Quantity.
On the Type/unit tab page, choose the type quantity, the data type QUAN Quantity field, and
0UNIT as the unit /currency.On the Aggregation tab page, make sure that aggregation is set to
Summation and exception aggregation is set to Summation. Under Cumulative/Non-cumulative
values, Cumulative values must be selected.On the Additional Properties tab page, in the
Business Explorer area, set the decimal places for the Business Explorer to 0.00. Set the Display
to in 1 and choose Short description as the description in BEx.Save and activate your new
InfoObject and return to the previous screen using the Back button.Check whether your key
figure has been added to your InfoObject catalog.

Task 4 : Creating an InfoCube

Create a Standard InfoCube in your InfoArea IA_<Emp. No.>.
1. In the Data Warehousing Workbench, go to the Info Provider screen. Beneath
the IA_<Emp. No.> InfoArea, create a new InfoCube, IC_<Emp. No.> with the description
InfoCube. Specify the InfoCube type Standard InfoCube.
2. In InfoCube maintenance, create 2 dimensions for your. Confirm the creation of the dimensions
by choosing Continue .Then assign the characteristics created in Task 3
to the corresponding dimensions using appropriate templates.To insert

your characteristics COSTC## and REGION## use your InfoObject catalog IA_<Emp. No.>_C
as template.
3. Add the key figures created in Task 3 to the Key Figures folder of
your InfoCube. To insert your keyfigures AMOUNT## and QUANT## use your InfoObject
catalog IA_<Emp. No.>_K as template.
4. Add the Time characteristic 0CALYEAR to the Time dimension of your
InfoCube using the InfoObject direct input functionality.
5. Check your InfoCube for errors and activate your InfoCube.

Task 5 : Creating a Data Store Object (DSO)

Create a Standard DSO in your InfoArea IA_<Emp. No.>.
1. In the Data Warehousing Workbench, go to the Info Provider screen. Beneath
the IA_<Emp. No.> InfoArea, create a new DSO, DSO<Emp. No.> with the description
DSO<Emp. No.>.
2. In DSO maintenance, assign the characteristics created in Task 3 as the Keyfields using
appropriate templates.To insert your characteristics COSTC## and REGION## use your
InfoObject catalog IA_<Emp. No.>_C as template.
3. Add the key figures created in Task 3 to the Data Fields of DSO. To insert your keyfigures
AMOUNT## and QUANT## use your InfoObject catalog IA_<Emp. No.>_K as template.
4. Add the time characteristic 0CALYEAR to the Key fields.
4. Check for the settings of the DSO : Set Quality status to OK Automatically should be checked.
5. Check your Data Store Object for errors and activate it.

Task 6 : Creating InfoSet

Create a Standard InfoSet in your InfoArea IA_<Emp. No.>.
1. In the Data Warehousing Workbench, go to the Info Provider screen. Beneath
the IA_<Emp. No.> InfoArea, create InfoSet, ISET<Emp. No.> with the description ISET<Emp.
2. Select one of the object types that the system offers you:

DataStore Object
Choose Continue,You get to the Change InfoSet screen.
3.Insert an InfoProvider into the join control:
In the InfoProvider tree, double-click on the entry that corresponds to the InfoProvider that you
want to add to the join control.
Use the drag-and-drop function to move the InfoProvider into position.
Choose the Add InfoProvider function, to add a particular DSO object or a particular InfoObject
independently of the current layout of the InfoProvider tree.
4. Check the correctness of the InfoSet definition, save and activate the InfoSet.

Task 7 : Creating MultiProvider

Create a MultiProvider in your InfoArea IA_<Emp. No.>.
1. In the Data Warehousing Workbench, go to the Info Provider screen. Beneath
the IA_<Emp. No.> InfoArea, create InfoSet, MP<Emp. No.> with the description MP<Emp.
2. Select your Objects from the Tab strips -InfoCubes, DataStores, InfoObjects, InfoSets,
Aggregation Levels
Choose Continue.
3.Select the chars, time chars and the Keyfigures that you want to include in the MultiProvider
4.You will then need to assign dimensions for all chars and mark any navigational attributes if
required, similar to Task4 InfoCube creation.
5.Click the Select(Assign) button beneath dimensions button which will take you to a screen
where you can mark which characteristic in the MultiProvider comes from which source.
5. Check the correctness of the MultiProvider definition, save and activate.

Task 7 : Remodeling Tool

Remodeling is a new concept in BI 2004s where we have different options like Add
characteristic, Delete characteristic, Replace characteristic, Add key figure, Delete key figure and
Replace key figure.

Eg: Below is an Info cube with 2 characteristics and 2 key figures. Now we will delete one
characteristic ZREG and add a new characteristic ZCOUNTRY.

1. Once you have created infoProvider and want to change it with addition or deletion or replace
with any other new infoObject, go to ADMINISTRATION tab and click on "Remodeling".

2. Enter Remodeling Rule name and InfoProvider on which you want to do Remodeling and click
on create.

3. Click on 'Add' icon in the next screen.

4. Choose radio button for the operation 'Delete Characteristic'.

Fill the characteristic name and click on 'Transfer' button.

5. Save the changes and click on 'Schedule'.

6. If you want to execute it immediately click on "start immediately", else "start Later".

7. Go to cube and check the changes, you can find ZREG has been deleted.

8. In the same way you can add characteristic ZCOUNTRY.

9. After adding or replacing the characteristic, use one of the following options to populate data.
a) Constant: To populate constant data for the new characteristic.
b) Attribute of characteristic: To populate data from an attribute of some other characteristic.
c) 1:1 Mapping with characteristic: To populate data from other characteristic use.
d) Customer Exit: To populate data from some other source.
10. After saving the changes and Schedule check the changes in the info cube, you will find

11. In the same way, to add a key figure you can select 'Add key figure' and fill the details.

12. After adding the key figure, use one of the following options to populate data.
a) Constant: To populate constant data for new key figure.
b) User Exit: To populate data from different source.

13. For replacing the key figure, use the following option to populate data.
Customer Exit: To populate data for the replaced key figure.
14. Before saving and scheduling, if you want to undo the changes, then select the change(shown
in circle in below screenshot) and then click on 'Delete' icon.

Task 8 : Report Designer

The new BEx Report Designer provides a dramatic improvement over prior BEx tools in the area
of formatting. The Report Designer allows formatting design at the row and column level. The
use of Crystal Enterprise is still supported. Crystal Enterprise continues to provide pixel-level
formatting when precise positioning is critical.
1. Launch BEx Report Designer via Start menu (Start -> Programs -> Business Explorer ->
Report Designer)

Additionally, you can launch the BEx Report Designer from the BEx Web Application Designer
directly from the context menu of a Report web item(choose "Edit").
2. Choose your Data Provider, you will get an initial view of the report that reflects the start view
of the query/query view.
3. Formatting and layout settings can be made for selected cells or group levels using either the
context menu, the tool bar, the menu bar, and the formatting options provided by the tab pages
available for Field Catalog, Report Structure, Format Catalog, and Properties.

4. Different sections within Reports

4.1 Using the Report Designer, you are able to create reports that contain one or more sections.
Each section can be based on a different Data Provider(query, query view).
4.2 If you want to place report sections side by side, create two reports and arrange them side by
side in the Web Application Designer using two Report web items.
5. Can create static and dynamic sections within a BEx Report.
5.1 A static section is based on a data provider that contains two structures(one structure in the
rows, one in the columns)

5.2 A dynamic section is based on a Data Provider that contains a key figure structure in the
columns and one or more characteristics in the drill down of the rows. It can also contain a

6. Row Pattern Concept.

6.1 Identify different row types that can be formatted in the same way:
For Example column header, result row, dimension member, detail data
6.2 This means you can quickly apply consistent formatting to various areas of the BEx Report
without having to re-enter the formatting setting each time.
6.3 The design of row pattern is applied to each row type in the report section during runtime.

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