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Makalah Geologi Dasar

Fakultas Teknologi Kebumian dan

Jurusan Teknik Geologi

Azzam Sultani Sayyid

Kelas A

Daftar Isi
Pengertian Geologi
.. 3
Bumi Sebagai Planet
Struktur Geologi

Pengertian Geologi
Sumber :


A geologist, outstanding in his field.

Geologists are 'scientists' with unnatural obsessions with rocks. Often too intelligent to do monotonous sciences like
biology, chemistry, or physics, geologists devote their time to mud-worrying, volcano poking, fault finding, bouldering, dustcollecting, and high-risk colouring. One of the main difficulties in communicating with geologists is their belief that a million
years is a short amount of time and their heads are harder than rocks. Consequently, such abstract concepts as "Tuesday
Morning" and "Lunchtime" are completely beyond their comprehension. (This difficulty generates problems particularly when
dealing with the girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse and attempting to explain why you were "gone for so long" or why something is
taking "so long to occur.")

1 Geologists in the Movies

2 Geologists in Popular Culture

3 Geologists in History

4 Geologists and Alcohol

5 Geologists and Breeding

6 The Great Geology-Geography Wars (1852 - last Tuesday, just after lunch)

7 Geologists and Rock Hunting

8 The Great Geologist-Engineer Controversy

9 How do I become a Geologist ?

10 Odd Geological Formations: Recruiting a Geologist or the Geology Trap

11 How to spot a Geologist

Geologists in the Movies

Brad Pitt as a geologist.

Geologists in the movies are nothing like the real thing. For example, in a volcanic eruption, or major earthquake, no geologist
is going to give a rat's ass about rescuing a dog even if it does belong to the romantic interest's children. He or she will be far
more concerned about the mineralogy of the ash falling from the sky, or the viscosity of the lava flow and its movement across
the substrate (which may or may not include a village). Apparently immune to the asphyxiating effect of the ash as it turns
normal lungs to stone, the geologist will happily jump around lava fields with a camera trying to get a good photo of a lava tube.
Geologists are ice-age cool, although they typically do not look like James Bond, being altogether too filthy to ever pass for a
(ignorant Scot with no sense of grammar pretending to be a) suave Englishman. There has been one accurate portrayal of a
geologist in a B-rated movie, however. In "Track of the Moon Beast", the mineralogist turned into a flesh-eating monster at

night. It is thought that this may be a common occurrence among mineralogists. However, it is a well-established fact that field
geologists are magma-hot. The details not well known because field geologists tend to stay in the field most of the time, where
only other field geologists get to see how hot they are.
Another excellent portrayal of a geologist is in the Hollywood blockbuster 'The Core'. In this widely known film the U.S.
government has stopped the revolution of the earth's core (the magnetized liquid outer core, anyway) via the use of sinister
'classified' science, and due to the impending doom of all of the world at their hand from superviolent storms and world flooding,
etc. the government feels it has to restart the revolution of the core via the use of thermonuclear explosion, obviously. To
administer said explosives they use a craft made from Unobtanium, an alloy which is scarcely believable, ahem, available I
meant to say. Suffice to say they all live happily ever after and the few billion tonnes of liquid outer core just plays along with no
ill aftereffects or sequential flood-type volcanism, the joys of being a Geologist. (** Dr. Josh Keyes-- the "geologist" character is
actually a Seismologist-- which is totally different. Seismologists study how energy propagates THROUGH the Earth and don't
actually care about rocks at all. They also don't drink beer nearly as well. The whole "playing the trumpet to a piece of granite"
thing ... not so much).
Geologists are also portrayed in 'Armageddon', although a real geologist is quick to note how gravity reengaged on the asteroid
when the drillers (geologist wannabes) start throwing the boring casings. The physical appearance of "Rockhound" (played by
Steve Buscemi) is dead on for a field geologist, and although a bit exaggerated, his attitudes towards the opposite sex (see
notes at the bottom of the page regarding relationships), his self serving interests and the way he always seems to be a "few
minerals shy of the mother lode"" are pretty accurate as well.
A really good example of a retired geologist can be found in "SIX FEET UNDER". He was married 7 times and became crazy in
the end.
Let us not forget that the character Charles Smithson in the Book and Movie "The French Lieutenant's Woman" is a geologist
(or at least pretends to be). In true geologist fashion proceeds to make a complete, as the Brittish say, "Cock-up" of his and
others lives in one of the real cinema true portrayals of the archtype. Completely out of character is casting Jeremy Irons as
Smithson. Geologists only wish they were so good looking.
Another typical portrayal of a geologist is South Park's character Randy Marsh, who is Stan's father. Randy is named after
South Park creator Trey Parker's own father, Randy Parker, who was also a geologist. Randy displays many typical geologist
tendencies such as being called a 'scientist', but actually being of little use in many situations, and having a drinking problem.
In 'Ocean's Thirteen,' Brad Pitt's character disguises himself as a geologist and tricks the enemy into installing a seismograph in
a hotel. Brad Pitt's disguise is fairly accurate, with messy hair, dirty boots, etc.
In Star Trek - TOS - nearly all of the Geologists on the Starship Enterprise were killed on assorted missions to various planets
during different episodes. Their sacrifice was never remembered on the halls of Starfleet command - shocking.
Jurassic Park's Dr. Allen Grant is an excellent example of a geologist. In the beginning of the film he sells his soul for funding;
all geologists do this at some point in their careers. In the fashion of real geologists, Dr. Grant dates fellow geologist Dr. Sattler
in the film. He is also far more concerned with figuring out the flocking behavior of Gallimimus than rescuing the children.

In 2008 the blockbuster James Bond movie 'Quantum of Solace' featured the protagonist (Played by Daniel Craig or Barry
White) falling through a sinkhole into the Bolivian subterrainean rivers. This then lead popular culture to realise that obviously
underground water is stored in huge underground caverns, and it is no longer safe to walk on land, for fear of entering these
damp, dark holes. Barry White then goes on to shag a redhead, a breed most favoured amongst geologists.
Indiana Jones is technically an archaeologist, but acts as a geologist would in similar situations. A real archaeologist would lie
on the ground in fear, removing small particulates from artifacts with a small brush. Only geologists are sufficiently trained with
leather whips.
No mention will be made of Brendan Faser's 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth' (2008).

Geologists in Popular Culture

While the media rarely represents geologists to the general population, (excluding sound bytes on Discovery Channel volcano
specials), there was one recent attempt to integrate geologists into a television program. According to various blog sources,
CBS was looking to produce a new reality tv show for 2008, after correctly predicting that the writers' strike would cut down on
their ability to create blue-toned dramatic shows centering around corpses. One of their production managers happened to see
a documentary on a volcanologist researching lava in Hawaii, and seeing the danger and excitement inherent in people
smashing molten hot 'magma' with rock hammers, pitched the idea of a 'geologist survivor-type' show.
In December of 2007, CBS hired a production crew to pull the show together; the scenario was that nine geologists would be
placed in the field, where they would vote each other off based on their willingness to do dangerous geologist type feats
common to the field; like researching active volcanoes, trilobite wrangling, earthquake surfing, landslides catching, and landing
in bush planes on glaciers. Geologists that weren't up to the task would be voted off, and the last remaining "Hard-core
geologist" would win a prize.
The production was plagued from the beginning. They were successful in finding nine geologists, 6 males and three females,
between 25 and 50 years of age, and they quickly set up the first challenge; researching an active volcano in the Phillipines.
The geologists and camera crew set up camp near the bottom of the volcano. The camera crew filmed the nine geologists
bonding. The geologists were supplied with alchohol (a common strategy to loosen up the cast on reality TV shows), but the
camera crew was surprised to notice that even after drinking gallons of the liquid, the geologists did not change their behavior,
and continued talking in an obscure jargonized language about 'bombs', 'hornitos', 'breccia,' and 'lahars,' none of which made
for good reality TV.
This trend continued through the entire first challenge; the geologists were seemingly oblivious to the camera, and the only
interpersonal drama occurred when the seismologist and structural geologist got into a yelling match over the best recipe for
chili. When the camera-crew and geologists went up to do research on the volcano, instead of sticking together, the geologists
scattered into the landscape, and the camera-crew found themselves unable to find more than two at a time. Also, after
listening to the volcanologist eagerly predict just how soon the volcano would explode, the camera-crew became extremely
nervous and returned to the camp.
The crew returned from the first shoot to Los Angeles with almost no footage. To further complicate matters, the editors were
unable to make sense of what footage there was, because they had no idea what the hell the geologists were talking about.
However, it did appear that initially a few of the scientists seemed to understand the concept of 'voting off' another member.

After consulting a nearby university, the crew finally explained to the geologists were basically 'competing for funding from the
National Science Foundation.' Unfortunately, the NSF grant analogy didn't go well either, as the geologists quickly pointed out
that they didn't have enough time to write a successful research proposal. Finally, the geologists were simply told agree upon
some arbitrary criteria that they could use to get rid of someone. After a series of seminars, the geologists decided that whoever
had the worst aim with a rock hammer would be told to leave.
The second event, landing in a bush plane in northern Alaska, was a complete failure. None of the geologists were nervous at
the idea, which destroyed the drama the crew was hoping for, and worse yet, no-one in the production crew was willing to
accompany the geologists to the field site, out of sheer terror. As a result, small cameras were given to two of the geologists to
film themselves. When the geologists returned with their cameras, the editors found tapes filled with footage and commentary
about mountains and 'gbbxcvxlacial erratics'. Only ten percent of the footage featured humans, and most of that footage was
simply the petrologist standing by outcrops for scale.
By the time the production reached Hawaii, most of the camera-crew had quit (because of the steady diet of chili and the
dangerous situations) and only five of the geologists were left; not because they had been voted off, but because they had
become over-excited by rock formations at various locations and had refused to leave. Moreover, paying for an almost-constant
supply of beer, single malt scotch, and transportation for the geologists' luggage' (which contained mostly oversized rock
samples padded with unmentionably dilapidated field clothing), had almost exhausted the budget. CBS finally pulled the plug
on the project in January of 2008, despite their fear that they might be sued for withdrawing the promise of a prize; however,
none of the geologists sued, as they were still under the impression that they needed to publish a research paper to receive the

Geologists in History
Geology began in Edinburgh 2.42 million years ago when celebrated physicist James Clerk Maxwell built a time machine, and
went back to Scotland to give James Hutton the idea. Hutton then went to the Galapagos Islands and passed on the idea
to Charles Darwin. Hutton then invented the volcano, and modern geology was born. Anne Heche, one of the few famous
female geologists, made her name when she discovered the W of Gondwanaland on an expedition to Brazil. Subsequently,
while Maxwell was distracted by an argument with Niels Bohr over the exact place in history for Avogadro's number, Waldemar
Lindgren stole the time machine and has since used it to visit every historic mine and mining camp in the Western U.S., and in
fact he continues to do so to this day. This is the reason you will see Waldemar Lindgren's name on every publication regarding
mining in the western U.S., and the reason why his published writings exceed nearly 200 titles, not counting discussions,
reviews, more than 1,000 abstracts, in addition to authoring numerous pajama related advertisments for various trade show
publications and haberdasheries in his spare time. Geologists had a revival in the late 23rd century when the great Pete
Kokelaar emerged from a crater on Montserrat and proclaimed himself an ignimbrite.

Geologists and Alcohol

There is a considerable, and still growing body of scientific literature that suggests that geologists are in fact the world's first
alcohol-based life form. Owing to a crucial imbalance in blood electrolyte levels (possibly caused by overexposure to
bad rock puns) most find it necessary to imbibe vast quantities of alcoholic beverages at every opportunity. Therefore the
phrase "I am not an alcoholic, I am a geologist" has become quite common within many student bodies to explain their

metamorphism from an organic based life form to a alcohol-based one. If you ever encounter a geologist who is sober after
6pm, this person is an imposter: possibly an alien; probably a geophysicist or engineer, marine
geographeror hydrologist etc. Alcoholism is an acceptable, even socially beneficial, disease for an active geologist. The mark of
a true geologist is the ability to draw up a systematic and colour coded diagrammatic representation of good beer distribution
across the globe, using no more than a tatty beer mat and burnt twig. **Note** ... Geophysicists are known only to drink alone
due to an intense fear of social situations, similar to that of Engineers (though the latter species are known to occasionally
gather in packs no greater than the numerical equivalent of the square root of the energy in joules required to stare blankly at a
computer screen most of the day in a state of semi-consciousness, happily calling this a 'day's work', plus the number of cups
of bad coffee X smoke breaks, divided by 1000. Usually 4 or 5).
While the engineer will almost always opt for light beer or white wine, the hardcore geologist will never lower themselves to
anything less than full-strength. Light/mid-strength beer is for homosexuals and washing hair only. The female geologist will
usually go for spirits, or, if she's hard enough, heavy beer with a shot of absinthe.
Alcohol is essential on field activities, either on late night scientific discussions or cold-weather camping; it is also a useful
companion and tool in the field (as well as out), just as important as the rock hammer, Brunton compass, and hand-lens.
Alcohol is used as an indispensable renewable fuel source for enlightened or hot topics and for surviving in cold weather as a
human "internal combustion" liquid fuel. There are known examples of geologists that have survived on a pint of whiskey in the
middle of the desert and in way-below freezing temperatures.
Alternative conversation topics might include: a detailed consideration of the relative merits of differing brands of gin (including
those brands that may only be termed "gin" as "bug-infused lighter fuel" might look bad on the risk assessment forms); whether
a hangover is very useful or absolutely essential to the correct practice of geology in the field; and how many crates of beer
does it take to cause the average 4x4 to roll over/dump its rear axle/spontaneously combust. It has been observed that
undergraduate geology students are berated and whipped with bootlaces by their lecturers if they do not partake in late night
drinking on field trips (exception: university of Western Australia). Returning to university without liver-ache is frowned upon by
most (exception: university of Western Australia). Early mornings in the field are usually fueled by coffee; however, water is
optional in the brewing process and filters are unheard of. In the absence of water, coffee will be brewed with leftover beer. In
the absence of beer, vodka, scotch, gin or tequila; coffee grounds may be chewed dry. This perhaps, is the reason it is
impossible to communicate successfully with a geologist in the field. Protective cover in the form of beards shields geologists in
a field party from sight of each other's gin-etched and coffee-coloured teeth. The inability to grow a beard is one of the factors
still hampering female geologists today, though some have a really good crack at it.
In recent years, geologists have become more inclined to imbibe absinthe in their efforts to better think like a rock. The proper
way to drink absinthe is to prepare a drink known as a green schist. Absinthe is most appropriately consumed by straining a
shot into a glass through an absinthe spoon containing a sugar cube. Light the sugar cube. After it burns down, stir it into the
glass with the spoon, then take the shot (DO NOT substitute aplite!). Add three shots of ice cold water (preferably from a
receding glacier) and watch as the absinthe louches with the cold water and sugar. Caution, do not drink more than five of
these in one sitting! Also, ONLY trust female geologists that you observe slamming down shots of absinthe in a bar. You have
been warned.

Geologists and Breeding

The prospect of month upon month of fieldwork in remote places has led to some interesting evolutionary peculiarities amongst
this species. Amidst only rocks and alcohol, with often long dark nights eliminating the possibility of the former, and leaving only
the latter, resourceful geologists fill their time intermingling with other geologists. During this time, upcoming geologists earn
their "wings" (or more appropriately, their "hammer") by fulfilling one or more of the following electives:
a) Date a fellow geologist
b) Sleep with a fellow geologist
c) Have an affair with a geologist
d) Have an affair with a student geologist
e) Marry a fellow geologist
f) Marry a current or former student geologist
g) Date/Marry or have an affair with a driller
h) Date/ Marry or have affair with field hand/ offsider
i) Marry a purveyor of alcohol
A combination, or multiple repetitions of the above electives result in the true seasoning of a geologist. An informal survey of
geologists at 25 of the top 30 geology programs in the US News and World Report 2005 rankings found that 84% of faculty and
78% of graduate students fulfilled at least two of the above electives. Of tenured faculty surveyed, 98% had fulfilled at least
three of the above. Surveyors often examine such geological features.

The Great Geology-Geography Wars (1852 - last Tuesday, just after lunch)
For eons, animosity has existed between those folk who understand what an eon is and those who need help tying their
bootlaces before a day in the field. However, the most recent escalation of violence between the two warring tribes was
sparked when, over a jolly fine supper in the Atheneum Club (turbot und dill, en croute avec carpet sautee), Sir Roderick Impey
Murchison was heard to say "Your mum, what!" to Dr. David Livingstone. The avid bug-huffer retired in high dudgeon and went
off to sulk in Africa for years and years and years, only returning to civilization when Murchison was safely insane. And dead. In
his absence, the serried ranks of the geographers could barely muster a token resistance to the all-powerful, all-conquering,
and devilishly handsome (yes, even Adam Sedgwick) geologists. Final defeat came at the blood-soaked Battle of Roger
Moor (similar to Marston Moor, but a bit smoother, and orange) where the geographers were ignominiously routed owing to the
superior firepower of the geologists' flint-lock machine guns (but lets face it, any weapon with a rock integral to its design was
always going to terrify the pants off a geographer). Annual tribute is paid by the geographers in recognition of this defeat, hence
the odd obsession with tributaries often displayed by members of their race. Even now, some small conflicts are still happening.
Recently, in 2007, a group of drunk Dutch geology students tried to smoke geographers out of their room by setting
newspapers and posters on fire near the door, after they left from a social drinking event, where they were personally invited.
This was against governing policies unfortunately. In general, it can be said that geographers are scientists that learn less and
less about more and more until they know almost nothing about almost everything, whereas geologists are scientists that learn
more and more about less and less until they know almost everything about almost nothing!

Here is another example of the incomprehension between geologists and physical geographers: Two geologists are doing
some fieldwork in the Alps. After a tough day in the field they take a well earned meal at the only restaurant in the local village.
They are lucky, the restaurant has a beautiful view on the mountains but also on a nice small river. They are surprised to see
two physical geographers from the same university as they work for. The geographers are drilling some holes in the ground
next to the river. The geologist eat their meal, drink a beer and keep on watching the ground drilling geographers. One of the
geologist says to the other that every drunk dumbass can do that stupid drilling work. To put that to the test the other geologist
asks the two geographers to come to the restaurant and he buys them a beer. After the geographers finish their beers they go
back to work because they were a bit back on schedule. The geologists are still not convinced. They buy the geographers some
more beer. This time a whole pitcher. It takes a while, but after the geographers finish the pitcher they go back to work. The
geologists see that they do not drill the holes vertical anymore, the geographers drill them a little inclined now. Probably due to
a little to much beer. But still, they are drilling pretty well. So the geologists ask the geographers for some more beer. A whole
pitcher per geographer this time. The geologists think that the geographers must be really hammered after more then one and
a half pitcher. This will prove their point that every dumbass can be a physical geographer. And indeed, the geographers are
really hammered after their last pitcher. To the surprise of the geologists the geographers do not walk back to river to drill
another hole, but pick up a hammer, walk to the nearest rock outcrop and start hammering and licking the rocks.

Geologists and Rock Hunting

One of the geologists' favoured pastime is the noble art of rock hunting. A great deal of skill is required for this most awesome
of pursuits. The stalk is the hardest part of a rock hunt with the risk that you may startle the herd... Always a bother as you have
to set up the ambush all over again once they've quieted down. With regards to weapons, it is generally accepted that
projectiles are not suitable as they may mar the trophy and render it less presentable. A swift blow with a geopick (that's why
they have a pointed end) is considered the most humane method and generally leaves the trophy undamaged and more
suitable for display. One can always scavenge for less mobile specimens but in most cases these have been subject to
weathering and decay and do not exhibit the full mating plumage of a rock in its prime. A good nose is also required to "sniffout" the best examples, hence the term "Rock-Hound".
Geographers and pedologists on the other hand have an annoying tendency to hunt for soil samples (an altogether less
demanding sport requiring no stalking skill and only blunt, brutish instruments such as spades and/or shovels) in the misguided
belief that these may substitute for the rarer, more exotic and infinitely more desirable rock samples. They are, as is usual for
geographers and other such "soft" scientists, mistaken. It is thought by leading figures in the field of Geographer Baiting that
this could be due to the more docile habit of soils and the fact that they are not nearly as aggressive as true rocks. Other
detractors are of the opinion that anything to do with rocks in their native form frankly scares the bejeesus out of such nambypamby, artsy-fartsy, wishy-washy BA wannabes. This may also account for the fact that a their collections in general tend to sag
and/or smell and are not nearly as attractive to the opposite sex as a true geologist's sparkling, shiny and downright stunning
collection of specimens taken at great personal risk to life and limb.

The Great Geologist-Engineer Controversy

Geology, an art as much as a science, has always baffled and worried engineers. And while geologists have provided mankind
with massive sources of energy such as coal, gas, and flatulence, engineers have been relegated to merely designing tanks to
hold these natural resources. Engineers tend to carry defensive weapons of pocket protectors, slide rules, black socks, and

lousy humour, although these tools are a poor match for the geologist's rock hammer, hand lens, and Brunton\Breithaupt
compass. Note that Microsoft software engineers have neglected to include Brunton or Breithaupt in the Microsoft Word
spelling check. Differing world view is a fundamental reason for Geologist-Engineer conflict. Geologists view the world as a
beautiful array of possibilities and a wealth of variability; a terrifying idea for detail obsessed and pigeon-holing Engineers.
Rough estimates and 'back of the envelope calculations' have long conflicted with engineers' need definitive and quantifiable
Geologists, secure in their vague estimates have forever conflicted with engineers and their need for a definitive, quantifiable
answer since the building of the pyramids. The ancient Egyptian engineers had determined that the Great Pyramid would
require 6961105709.356732519874886510 metric tons of stone blocks to construct. The ancient Egyptian geologists yawned
and disagreed. When it turned out that only 6961105709.356732519874886509 metric tons were required, the geologists
sneered and said, "I told you your calculations were wrong." The geologists, having been proven correct and superior, have
been envied by engineers since that fateful day.
Adding further heat to the argument, Engineers commonly envy a Geologist's ability to take time off from his work. Geologists
tend to carry their paraphernalia with them even while on break. Hence a Geologist strolling through the park or hiking around a
property is viewed as 'on the job' by his or her superiors or employer, ergo always maintaining a facade of hard work. This
infuriates engineers, who seldom get time off, nor any pleasure from their work. Similar activities by an engineer may result in
demotion or unemployment, thus stoking the fire of their fury at the superior Geologist.
Geologists also outlive engineers, who bored by their pitiful existence often forsake engineering for senior management and
then have to deal with geologists who have become very skilled in manager-baiting. A complex art that revolves around telling
managers almost what they want to know but phrasing it in jargon and vagaries to cause minor unstable mental episodes and
periods of delusion followed by depression. Many engineers end their days in cosy little rooms playing with amateur radio or
trying to coax a new computer to boot up in CP/M.
Subclasses of "normal" Engineers are the Geo-technical and Mining Engineers.

How do I become a Geologist ?

To gain employment as a geologist you must find someone willing to hire one. This, as you may well imagine, is really very
difficult. In preparation one could actually learn geology first at university and then seek employment at the same university. A
second, and far more practical, method is to skip university and simply go and watch some geologists at work until you get the
hang of it. Then off you go to an oil company to hire out to them. Either way, in advance of employment you may be interviewed
by the oil company science staff - so make sure to bone up on the science basics like the "Scientific Method" and "Avogadro ...
something something". In particular you should be aware of the "Geologic Method". In a nutshell that appears to be to go find
some place where oil is being drilled (geologists call this a "find"). Then get someone (known as "consultants") to spread the
word that actually you started the whole play. Finally, seek speaking engagements promoting the play. This will make you an
invaluable asset at the company. If you do much of this you should end up as an Exploration Manager in short order and you
will then no longer have many concerns with geology and will spend your day answering e-mails.
Another useful way to gain employment as a geologist is to major in geology at some fine(?) college and study rocks for 4
years. Then, go to graduate school, and learn more about rocks for another 2-6 years. Then, gain a post-doc position at

another school, and teach yourself about rocks for another few years. Then, gain a teaching position at that very same
academic establishment - and teach others about rocks. At some point in time, you may actually get a real job as a practicing
geologist... However, it is unlikely.

Odd Geological Formations: Recruiting a Geologist or the Geology Trap

A youngling geologist discovers a rock.

There are several ways that Geologists can be formed, most of them are terrible and quite unnatural. It starts with an
introduction to rocks by some other lost soul. Here I will list a few of their methods:
1) Typically it begins at a third rate university when an unknowing undergrad is lured into the Geology Department by "pretty"
rocks. "You like those?" "We've got more!" they reckon... He or she was majoring in some kind of writing or art subject with no
real future to speak of, which required four science credit hours for some reason, so he or she took the course in Geology. Big
The introductory course that this poor soul had to endure, along with plenty of kinesiology and marketing majors that also
decided to take the "easy" science class, featured a book called "Earth" or "Blue Planet" or some other crap like that, which had
definitions for words like "weather" and "climate" that these future P.E. teachers and suicidal economists just couldn't
comprehend. And the writer/artist coasted by with an A-. Nice. Stick with it eh?
Then comes Mineralogy, and the selling of your soul to Satan, aka Exxon (or Halliburton) -- he goes by many names...
According to Paleontology, as this student finds out, Satan is not real, or is possibly a Conodont, now fossilized and incapable
of harm, and what the hell is a Conodont anyway?
Finally they finish this student off with a pagan festival called "Field Camp" and a Sedimentology class to "round him out"
(Average roundness is Subangular). The student endures endless trigonometry and arbitrary measurement taking along with
plenty of sandstone. "Where are all the pretty rocks?", the student mutters. Well sorry, Sally, they are not here. This is the
freaking desert. That is prickly pear. This town only has one bar with four American beers. Not enough to satisfy the now
overwhelming alcoholism that entered the student's life somewhere between Azurite and listric faults. And this is only the
beginning. Feel the fear.
2) Retirement from some "high-tech", mental health, military or medical industry and back to school. Now you are between 30
and 40, your fashion is skewed by something near 20 years, and either microchips, a threat from Jimmy the obsessivecompulsive, nymphomaniacal, self-medicating addict, or the constant flow of dead people encouraged you to study rocks.
Peace of mind. Or so you think. Soon you will be wondering which direction the paleocurrents of a .05 meter dune were flowing
somewhere on top of a mesa. But the fresh air will do your tired soul some good. Hell, they didn't even have to encourage you
with those shiny things and colorful rocks.

3) As a child, you listened to John Denver and/or went on a family vacation to a location that had geological "stuff" with which
you were unfamiliar, and which your parents/John Denver failed to explain adequately. Seeking answers, you turned to the
"Rocky Mountain High," and, in a "dude my hands are huge" moment, you decided that geology was the life for you because
that was the only way to A) answer your questions about the life, the Earth, the universe and everything, and B) tick off your
evangelical relatives who think the world is 6000 years old and the Flintstones was a documentary.
4) The most odd and horrendous mutation from normal human into a Geologist that I have thus far encountered was the
academic scholar. The details are all too terrible. A math professor. Rocks. That is all you need to know.

How to spot a Geologist

A fully-grown geologist.

To spot a geologist in the wild, look for:

Someone with over enthusiasm on the subject of dinosaurs and who cringes when a dinosaur is called a reptile.

Someone explaining to airport security that a sidewall core covered in gunpowder residue isn't really a weapon.

Someone who only includes people in photos for scale, and has more pictures of his/her rock hammer and lens caps
than of family and friends. Especially *Someone who uses their new baby for scale (Oh God..the horror!)

Someone lighting a cigarette with a handlens focussing the sunlight, or a coat hanger stretched between the battery
terminals of a University van.

Someone explaining to airport security that just because his/her safety boots are covered in high-explosive (usually
ANFEX) residue, it doesn't mean he/she is a terrorist

Someone who will willingly cross an eight-lane interstate on foot to determine if the outcrops are the same on both

Someone who can pronounce the word molybdenite correctly on the first try.

Someone who has hiked 6 miles to look at a broken fence that was "offset by a recent earthquake".

Someone who says "this will make a nice Christmas gift" while out rock collecting.

Someone who looks at scenery and tells you how it formed.

Someone who, when on a beach, will collect shells and try to explain their muscle scars to you.

Someone who knows the phylum, kingdom, and genus of every ancient creature lodged in stone, some of which look
nothing like an animal, but can't remember his/her mother's, or spouse's, birthday.

Someone who modifies his/her pace to one meter in order to simplify pace-and-compass mapping.

Someone who walks out of a bathroom and asks if you noticed the fossils in the stall dividers.

Someone whose sentences begin with the phrase, "Let me tell you what happened here."

Someone who can say, "Gneiss Cleavage" or talks about slaty cleavage and means it in a non-derogatory sense.

Someone who gets really upset when the countertop, which is obviously mafic/aphanitic/metamorphic, is called
granite and takes 20 minutes to tell you why you're wrong.

Someone who scoffs when they see your compass doesn't have a clinometer as standard.

Someone who has a holster for their rock hammer.

If you remain unsure, ask the subject to draw an annotated diagram of a trilobite. A true geologist will immediately reach for
their waterproof notebook - this is your opportunity forescape.

Sumber :

Head (geology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable
sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2009)

Head describes deposits at the very top of the geological succession, that could not be classified more
accurately. The term has been used by British geologists since the middle of the 19th century. Areas
identified as head include deposits of aeolian origin such as blown sand and loess, slope deposits such

as gelifluctates and solifluctates, and recently eroded soil material, called colluvium. With geologists
becoming more interested in studying the near-surface environment and its related processes, the term
head is becoming obsolete.

Sumber :


Top Websites for Geology Students

By Carolyn Eyles

My research discipline is Earth Science. When I asked my students which websites they would consider to be
essential they first identified multidisciplinary sites where they could quickly and easily find the information they
wanted. These sites would direct them to more targeted sources of information. The websites they find most
important/useful are Google Scholar, Wikipedia and Earth science specific sites such as,, and
the U.S. Geological Survey site Their comments on each of these sites are quoted below:
1. Google Scholar (
Much easier to use than the library databases and I find it much more comprehensive. I can find almost any article I am
looking for on here.
Easiest way for me to find journal articles for relevant subjects.
Extremely valuable as a tool to begin a research project.
Google Scholar is great for really specific searches (i.e. looking for authors or trying to find a specific paper).

2. Wikipedia (
Obviously not for referencing, but a great starting place for a simple definition and explanation of a concept. Its fairly
good with geology topics too such as time periods, fossils and minerals.
Wikipedia is great to look up simple definitions or concepts if you don't know something or need a refresher.
Sometimes the Wikipedia article has references to scholarly journals which are very useful.
Good for quickly getting general knowledge about rock types, places, landforms etc.
Useful for finding information in fields you are not familiar with.

3. Geology ( and GIS (

These sites allow students to sign up for message boards and do quick searches of the material. The sites are
continually updated and give a good idea of new trends in research.

4. The USGS site (

Has lots of information on all aspects of geology, including really good flash animations for learning concepts. Lots of
information on current and historic conditions such as earthquakes, river levels, etc.

Sumber :

Geological Survey of Canada

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Geological Survey of Canada

Commission Gologique du Canada

Agency overview





Annual budget


Government of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario


CAD $70 million

Minister responsible

Minister of Natural Resources

Agency executive

Dr. David Boerner, Director General


The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) (French: Commission Gologique du Canada (CGC)) is part of
the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada. GSC is responsible for
performing geologic surveys of the country, developing Canada's natural resources and protecting the
environment. The GSC is the country's oldest scientific agency and one of its first government


1 History

2 Programs and activities

2.1 Geomagnetic monitoring

3 References

4 External links


This section
requires expansion.(January


In September 1841, the Province of Canada legislature passed a resolution that authorized the sum of
1,500 sterling be granted to the monarchy for the estimated expense of performing a geological survey of
the province. In 1842, the Geological Survey of Canada was formed to fulfill this request. [1]

The First Canadian Pacific R.R. and Geological Survey parties for British Columbia, July 22, 1871. Photographer: Benjamin F Baltzy. Courtesy: Toronto
Public Library Digital Collections

William Edmond Logan was in Montreal at the time and made it known that he was interested in
participating in this survey. Gaining recommendations from prominentEnglish scientists, Logan was
appointed the first GSC director on April 14, 1842. Four months later, Logan arrived in Kingston, Ontario to
compile the existing body of knowledge of Canada's geology. In the spring of 1843, Logan established the
GSC's headquarters in Montreal. One of the prominent cartographers and the chief topographical
draughtsman was Robert Barlow who began his work in 1855. Chemist T. Sterry Hunt joined in the early
days and the Survey added paleontological capability in 1856 with the arrival of Elkanah Billings.

After Aylesworth Perry was appointed as acting librarian in 1881 he prepared the catalogue of reference

works on geology, mineralogy, metallurgy, chemistry andnatural history.[2] George Mercer Dawson became
a staff member in 1875, progressed to assistant director in 1883 and finally to director of the Geological
Survey of Canada in 1895.[1]

and activities

This section
requires expansion.(January




The Geological Survey Canada operates a network of 14 magnetic observatories throughout Canada,
located as follows:[3]

Nunavut: Alert, Baker Lake, Cambridge Bay, Eureka, Iqaluit, Resolute Bay, Sanikiluaq

Northwest Territories: Yellowknife

British Columbia: Victoria

Alberta: Meanook

Manitoba: Brandon, Fort Churchill

Ontario: Ottawa

Newfoundland and Labrador: St. John's

Sumber :

Succession (geology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable
sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2009)

A succession, in geology, is a group of rock units or strata that succeed one another
in chronological order. Rock successions are often easily seen on exposed sections of ageological column
or wall.
Based on uncomfortable or comfortable succession.

Bumi Sebagai Planet

Sumber :

Dua Planet Gas Panas Jupiter Ditemukan

Astronom menemukan dua planet gas panas Jupiter yang mengelilingi bintang yang jauh namun bersinar
sangat terang. Planet gas panas Jupiter, kadang disebut Hot Jupiter, adalah planet gas seukuran Jupiter
yang terletak sangat dekat dengan bintangnya.
Kedua planet ditemukan dengan Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) di Arizona, teleskop yang
kekuatan lensanya hanya setara dengan kamera digital high end.
Planet pertama yang ditemukan disebut KELT-1b. Planet yang mayoritas tersusun atas hidrogen ini hanya
sedikit lebih besar dari Jupiter namun memiliki massa 27 kalinya.
Dengan jarak dekat, satu tahun di KELT-1b sama dengan 29 jam di Bumi. Planet ini bersuhu 2200 derajat
Celsius dan menerima radiasi 6000 kali lebih besar dari Bumi.
Ini termasuk aneh. Ini adalah salah satu objek yang tak kita harapkan ada di lingkungan dekat bintang,
kata Thomas Beatty dari Ohio State University yang terlibat penelitian.

Ilustrasi KELT-1b, bintang gas panas Jupiter yang mengorbit sangat dekat dengan bintangnya (Foto: Julie
Turner, Vanderbilt University).

KELT-1b terletak pada jarak 825 tahun cahaya dari Bumi, di konstelasi Andromeda. Satu tahun cahaya
sama dengan 9,5 juta kilometer.
Planet ini membuat astronom heran karena orbitnya yang aneh. Ini cukup massif untuk mempengaruhi
gelombang pasang di bintang induknya dan bisa memutarnya, kata Beatty seperti dikutip Space, Selasa
KELT-1b menangkap bintangnya, menariknya sehingga berputar dengan kecepatan yang sama, jadi baik
KELT-1 dan bintangnya terkunci satu sama lain saat berputar, tambah Beatty.
Sementara itu, planet kedua yang ditemukan adalah KELT-2Ab, berjarak 360 tahun cahaya dari
bintangnya, di konstelasi Auriga.
KELT-2Ab memiliki ukuran 30 persen dan massa 50 persen lebih besar dari Jupiter. Planet ini unik sebab
mengelilingi bintang yang sangat terang hingga bisa dilihat dengan binokuler.
Planet KELT-2Ab mengorbit sistem bintang ganda, disebut HD 42176. Salah satu bintang induk planet ini
lebih besar dari matahari, sementara lainnya lebih kecil.
Penemuan KELT-1b dan KELT2Ab dilakukan dengan metode transit, yakni dengan melihat perubahan
cahaya bintang saat ada planet yang melintas di mukanya.
Hasil penemuan dipresentasikan dalam pertemuan American Astronomical Society ke 220 di Anchorage,
Alaska pada 13 Juni 2012 lalu.
Artikel ini merupakan tulisan ulang dari materi yang disediakan oleh Kompas. Artikel ini ditulis oleh Yunanto
Wiji Utomo dan A. Wisnubrata (Rabu, 20 Juni 2012 | 16:49 WIB).

Struktur Geologi
Sumber :

Seafloor geology and benthic habitats, San Pedro Shelf, southern

2012, Wong, Florence L.; Dartnell, Peter; Edwards, Brian D.; Phillips,
Eleyne L.
USGS Data Series: 552

The document and additional supplemental information are

available at the index page for this publication

Full-text PDF
A print version of this publication is not available from the USGS
Seafloor samples, videography, still photography, and real-time
descriptions of geologic and biologic constituents at or near the seafloor of
the San Pedro Shelf, southern California, advance the study of natural and
man-made processes on this coastal area off the metropolitan Los
Angeles area. Multibeam echo-sounder data collected by the U.S.
Geological Survey in 1998 and 1999 guided sampling and camera work in
2004 resulting in a new seafloor character map that shows possible
benthic habitats in much higher resolution (4- and 16-m pixels) than
previously available. The seafloor is characterized by primarily muddy
sand and sand with outcrops of Miocene and Pliocene bedrock along the
Palos Verdes Fault Zone. Observed benthic populations indicate low abiotic
complexity, low biotic complexity, and low biotic coverage. The data are
provided for use in geographic information systems (GIS).
Additional Publication Details
Publication Type

USGS Numbered Series

Seafloor geology and benthic habitats, San Pedro Shelf

Wong, Florence L.; Dartnell, Peter; Edwards, Brian D.;

Additional Publication Details


Data Series

Series Number





U.S. Geological Survey

Publisher Location

Reston, VA

Contributing Office

Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center


Report: iv, 29 p.; Appendixes A-F

Number of Pages


Online Only

Lat Bound N


Lat Bound S


Lon Bound E


Lon Bound W



United States



Additional Location

San Pedro Shelf


Prepared in cooperation with the Sanitation Districts of


Orange County Sanitation District

Sumber :
Peta geologi, makanan apa pula itu?
Jangan salah loh! Pemetaan adalah jantungnya ilmu geologi. Ilmu geologi tanpa pemetaan bukan bagaikan sayur tanpa garam lagi,
tapi bagaikan sayur yang gak ada sayurannya!
Informasi apa yang diungkap di peta geologi? tentu saja kondisi geologi suatu wilayah, seperti jenis batuan yang ada serta strukturstruktur geologi seperti kekar dan sesar. Biasanya peta geologi juga dilengkapi dengan garis kontur yang membuat pembacanya bisa
membayangkan relief wilayah tersebut kira-kira kayak apa.
Peta geologi memang unik! Kalau peta-peta biasa kan hanya memberi info tentang keadaan wilayah jika dilihat dari atas. Dengan peta
geologi, kamu juga bisa menggambar apa yang ada didalam bumi! Hebat kan?!


Weleh, apa pula strike dan dip itu?





informasi strike dan dip batuan.

Gampangnya, strike adalah kecenderungan arah suatu struktur geologi relatif terhadap Utara.
Sedangkan dip memberi tahu kita seberapa besar sudut kemiringan batuan relatif terhadap bidang
horizontal.. Perhatikan gambar berikut.

Lambang-Lambang di Peta Geologi

Strike dan Dip dilambangkan sebagai berikut:














pada gambar di atas, ada dua kemungkinan strike, yaitu 45o dan 225o. Nah, kita pakai hukum tangan kiri. strike sesuai telunjuk











lambang diatas dibaca: strike N 45o E, dip 45o Oya, strike selalu berpotongan tegak lurus dengan dip.
Dalam membuat penampang melintang peta, data yang kita perlukan cukup data dip saja. Tentu kamu sudah tahu bagaimana cara
membuat penampang melintang, kan? Soal semacam ini pernah keluar di OSP 2008, OSN 2008 dan OSP 2009.


Seperti yang bisa kamu lihat, batulempung biasanya dilambangkan dengan garis
putus-putus, batu pasir dengan titik titik, batuan beku (granit) dengan tanda +,
dan sebagainya.

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