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Holy Cross Lutheran Church

1495 Underwood
Atwater, Ca. 95301 Tel. 209-358-3471
Sunday Service 10:15 Sunday School 8:45

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Volume 36
No. 04
Apr 2016

Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries

In Christ I remain His servant and yours, Pastor Ken Klaus

"Anything but Beautiful" April 1, 2006

He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no
beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
Isaiah 53:2
As presented on *The Lutheran Hour by Dr. Oswald Hoffmann, April 11, 1976.
None of Jesus men who were with Him practically every day for three years ever bothered
to give us a really good description of His personal appearance. We do not know whether He
was short or tall, or even whether He had a beard. It really does not matter, they seem to say.
But what He was and what He did overwhelmed them!
What people saw on the day of His crucifixion was a man beaten and bloodied, His face so
marred and His figure so fractured that you could hardly recognize Him as a man. He was
anything but beautiful that day. Yet He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for
our iniquities.
He is like a fireman whose face was burned so badly from fighting a tremendous fire that
people dont like to look at him. But he rescued a woman from that burning building, and the
disfigurement of his face somehow never repels her. She sees herself in that face and in those
brutally burned hands.
Liberated from death with the scars still in His hands and feet, and the mark of the spear in
His side, the Son of God goes forth to war for us. We are saints who know we are sinners
saved by the grace of God on that anything-but-beautiful day, by that anything-but-beautiful
silent sufferer. He died to give struggling people rest. Come to Me, He said, all you who
are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). It is the rest of the
children of God.
Jesus, though Your beauty may not have attracted us to You, Your power to save us makes
us humble. Thank You for loving us enough to save us. Amen.
Taken from A Message of Hope: Proclaiming the Cross
(selections from messages broadcast on *The Lutheran Hour,
celebrating 75 years of proclaiming the promise).

"Bringing Forth Death" April 2, 2016

But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when
it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. James
In 2002 there was a law passed in Belgium which allowed doctors to perform euthanasia,
often called "mercy killing," on patients who requested it.
Since then the law has been changed, broadened, if you will. Last year the nation's congress
opened the practice up to children who were terminally ill, who understood what was
happening to them, and had their parent's and physician's blessing. This year there is a good
possibility the law will once more be amended and expanded.
This time the backers of the changes wish to make sure that everyone has a right to die if
they wish. No, this has nothing to do with being terminally ill. In Belgium you don't have to
be terminal in order to request -- and receive -- the physician's assistance to terminate your
No, this law says that doctors will give permission and assist someone to die if they request
it. No longer will a doctor be able to plead he is morally and ethically opposed to helping
someone end his own life. In other words, if a person asks his doctor for help, the doctor
must give that assistance, or send his patient to another physician who will. The doctor can,
if he feels the situation warrants, take his objections to a higher authority.
No longer is the Lord the One in control of life and death. God has been pushed to the side.
Soon the patient and the physician may no longer be in complete control. That is because the
new laws wish to sideline the doctor's personal beliefs too. The rights of all these have been
slowly and systematically set aside by the State.
Once again Satan is successfully using one of his
oldest tricks. By that I mean he is convincing people
that evil actions are able to produce good and
God-pleasing results. They can't and they don't.

Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised. James lays out the process that evil uses to turn us away
from God. The first step comes when our desire lures us away from the Lord's guidance and
direction. When we are convinced we know better than the Lord, our internal desire leads to
actual, external sin. That sin, as we have seen in the lives of nations and individuals, leads to
Christians know there is a better way.
1 John 5:3-5 tells us "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His
commandments are not burdensome. For everyone who has been born of God overcomes
the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world -- our faith. Who is it that
overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"
So, fellow believers, our path ought to be set. We who know God's love which has been
given us in the Savior's sacrifice shall gladly follow the Lord's will rather than the murderous
direction of the world. This we do because, as the disciples said, "We must obey God rather
than men" (Acts 5:29b).
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, may we see the blessed benefits to walking in Your light rather
than the world's darkness. This we pray in the Name of our Risen Savior. Amen.

"Sleeping in Church" October 27, 2015

Love one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be
slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation,
be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
Romans 12:10-13
One of my dearest friends in this world was a sainted man named Maynard Lueth. One time,
when I was preaching a sermon on vicarage, I saw him settle in for the message. He wrapped
his arm around the end of the pew, shut his eyes, rested his head on his shoulder, and didn't
move until 20 minutes later, I said, "Amen."
Later that week I confronted him by saying, "I know not all my sermons are interesting, but
you could at least give me a chance before you take a nap."
He informed me that shutting his eyes was how he listened.
When I laughed at that explanation, he proceeded to give me an outline of my message so
perfect I could have used it to preach my sermon. I wish I could say the same for everyone

who has ever shut their eyes when I started preaching.

In truth there are people who sleep in church. One such person is 42-year-old William
Barker. When I say William Barker slept in church, I mean he slept in church. Let me
Barker regularly attended Mass at St. Ann's Catholic Church in Arlington County, Virginia.
According to police, Barker "would wait until the evening hours when there was less staff
around, pop a ceiling tile, use a ladder, crawl up to his own space in the attic, pull the ladder
up there and occupy it until the next morning." In that attic Barker also had a guitar, food,
water and extra clothing, which he hung from the rafters.
Now I found this story fascinating because Mr. Barker managed to pull this off for three
Three years when nobody noticed him. Three years when he was regularly one of the last
people in the building. Three years when no one paid a visit to him in his home. Three years
when nobody at church put him on a mailing list. Three years when no elder was made
responsible for him. Three years when, well, you get the drift. I'm saying William Barker
was not the only one who was sleeping at St. Ann's.
The truth is we are to love each other, help each other, encourage each other as the Lord has
done for us.
That means we have to work hard at making sure people don't fall through the cracks.
The Lord has given us a wonderful message of salvation to share. That message of salvation
through the Savior's blood does not begin with the pastor saying, "Grace, mercy and peace be
unto you," and it does not end with his final "Amen." Most certainly, a sermon is incredibly
important and is used by the Holy Spirit to touch people, but what everyone else says and
does is also important.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, there are needy souls all around me. May I reach out to them
with the Gospel message of salvation by faith in Christ. Let no one pass by my church -- and
myself -- unnoticed or uncared for. This I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).

Jesus, you ask, Who do you say I am? (Matthew 16:15). We answer, Savior, Lord, Christ,
Son of God. Yes. But may we be open to learning still more about who you are for us and
the world. Amen.

The grand scale of the LCMS Youth Gathering is both incredible and
overwhelming. All those months and for some, years of planning
can never fully prepare for the magnitude of living in the moment.
The arrival into the Gathering city is where a youth leader meets the
crossroad of planning and reality.
At the Gathering, prepared events can take unexpected turns. Unforeseen
group dynamics or all-too-common changes to the plan can threaten an
enriching Gathering experience. In these moments, it is easy to well up
with frustration, panic, and worry. Here is the hope: you have someone
at the Gathering who has been there, done that, and now has the t-shirt to help you out. Let me
introduce to some key Gathering volunteers
Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs)
This amazing bunch of young adults wears orange t-shirts. They come to the Gathering with
a love and energy that propels those they serve. They are the 19-25 year olds who recently
attended a previous Gathering. They are doing what youth leaders dream their current youth will
do in the world give their time and talents to serve others. Theyre at the Gathering to generate
excitement, be positive role models, and encourage us in the reality of youth living out their
Christian vocation.
Community Life Builders (CLBs)
If you see yellow shirts, you know help is here. These wonderful servants come with a wide
variety of life and Gathering experience that is completely at your disposal. They are walking
information booths and work hard to protect and guide Gathering participants. They stand ready
to assist you when the unexpected occurs or you need assistance on the spot. These fantastic
volunteers work as the hands and feet of Jesus.
Adult Care Team (ACT)
This team of adults is new in their function at the Gathering. The best way to identify them is
by their lime green shirts. The Adult Care Team comes with a wealth of life and ministry
experience. Their main job is to encourage and support adult leaders. They will be out and
about talking to and praying for as many adult leaders as they can. If you have any questions
about ministry, find yourself in a youth group debacle, or just need to vent, please look for one
of these helpers.
All of these Gathering assistants are attending the Gathering in the hopes to help you overcome
any obstacles that would prevent you from learning about the incredible love that is ours in
Christ alone. These volunteers all serve under the Community Life Team of the Gathering. Their
citrus colors provide a power packed punch of vitamin ccaring, compassion, and Christs
love. You are not alone. Please let us share your burdens and celebrate your joys.
Jennifer Probst, Community Life Adult Leader Hospitality at LCMS Youth Gathering

Stewardship Newsletter Article: April 2016

The greatest surprise about Easter is not that Jesus is alive, risen from the dead, out of the
grave, that He conquered death and hell, and comes to meet you as He promised. The
greatest surprise is that He did all that and is not angry. There is no fear for us in His return
because He is not angry. He bears no grudge. He seeks no vengeance. He comes to give
peace, with mercy and forgiveness and salvation.
Jesus lives and is not angry. Imagine that. He is not angry. He doesnt blame those who
killed Him. He doesnt blame you. For no one takes His life from Him. He lays it down of
His own accord. He gives Himself into death to win us back from sin, death, and hell. He
does it willingly without coercion. He does it sacrificially, Him for us. He gave what was
His to give. Thus His petition to the Father from the cross, Forgive them is granted to you
in His resurrection. He comes alive out of death to forgive and to give His life to you.
There is nothing to be afraid of because Jesus is raised from the dead and is not angry. Thus
we are freefree from worrying about how to make it up to Him, and free to give as He
has given to us. He gave Himself as a gift, His life in exchange for our death, willingly and
sacrificially. And so it is that we are now free to give in like manner: willingly, sacrificially,
with what we have been given.
We give to the church because it is in the church where our eyes have seen and our ears
have heard that Jesus lives and is not angry. It is here where we learn of Gods mercy and
forgiveness in Christ. It is here where we continually receive that
message of life, where He visits us to give peace, with mercy and
forgiveness and salvation.
So do not be afraid. Jesus lives, and He is not angry. The sacrifice
has been made. The debt is canceled and forgotten. Righteousness is
declared. Jesus lives. He lives, and He is not angry. You are restored.
You are reconciled to the Father in the Son. Your future is assured:
Jesus lives. It is not just death and Hell, the devil and his demons, that
are undone. Your sins, your fear are undone. They are gone, forgotten,
destroyed. Jesus lives. Hallelujah! Jesus lives. And because He lives,
you are just. You are right with God, pleasing and delightful to Him.
You are forgiven, clean, pure, holy, and filled with His good works and
with His Name. He is not angry. He is glad to have you. He wants you.
He loves you. He gave everything that is His to and for you, willingly
and sacrificially. In faith and trust in Him, let us do likewise.

Bible Quiz

What was the name of Esthers cousin

who raised her after her parents died?
A. Hegai
B. Haman
C. Mordecai
D. Ahasuerus (also known as Xerxes)

Answer: C (See Esther 2:7.)


LWML Meeting March 14, 2016

President, Gail Iken, opened the meeting with prayer.
Correspondence: Received a thank you from Cathy Wakefield/Holy Cross Youth and the
Salvation Army. We received an invitation the ordination of Vicar Xiong from St. Pauls
Merced. The ordination is April 3, 2016.
Mary Rahn presented the Treasurers report. The report will be filed for audit.
Love Gift: Irene Iken moved that the April Love Gift be sent in for Mites. Mary Rahn
seconded the motion. The motion passed.
The offering was collected.
No birthdays for April.
No Christian Growth.
Committee reports:
Food Pantry: Peanut butter and jelly is getting low. Food was provided once this past
Old Business:
The Spring Rally is in Merced March 19th. Mary Rahn, Gail and Hazel Iken plan on
The LWML Handbook is being worked on.
We have an inventory of 110 cookbooks left to sell.
New Business:
The discussion on the layout for Treasurers report will be discussed next month.
Mites were collected.
The meeting closed with the Lords Prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Irene Iken
April 15-17, 2016 is comin' up fast so lasso that date! Join us in
Visalia, CA for the LWML CNH Convention. Our theme is
"Overcomeby Him". Meet National LWML President, Patti
Ross; be inspired by mission in action talks; choose a servant
event; fellowship with sister LWMLers and have fun line dancing
after the banquet! Don't let this date get away!


Acts 2 Enterprise (A2E) is a strategic and holistic urban
outreach of the Michigan District LCMS, based on the work
of Jesus and His disciples in the early church, as recorded in
the book of Acts. A2E is striving to help in a city with a
depressed economy, high unemployment and poverty rates,
and gang violence. Their goal is for the churches of Detroit to
reconnect with communities, evangelizing the city with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Implementing the A2E strategy is Rev. Christopher Bodley,
with 20 years of experience in urban ministry. He is using an
approach shared by Paul in 1Thessalonians 1:4-8. Immersion
in the Culture we lived among you (v. 5 NIV). Churches are already located in Detroit
communities. Imitation of God, you became imitators of us (v. 6 NIV). A2E leaders strive
to imitate God in thoughts, words and actions, bringing others to Christ. Invitation to Join, ...
you became a model (v. 7 NIV). New followers of Christ will share that the Gospel can truly
change individuals. Impact the Region, Paul boasted, your faith in God has become
known everywhere (v. 8 NIV). New believers will witnesses of the Gospel in Detroit and
Programs of A2E engage the community in educational opportunities. After school computer
classes, improving reading and life skills, and Biblical teaching, all include sharing the
Gospel. Lutheran teachers build relationships with students and families through music,
sports, tutoring, adult education, and job training. To fully engage the community, A2E is
partnering with local social service agencies to provide elder care, adoption, foster care, and
housing services to those in need.
A successful and continuing program of A2E is the one-week childrens Vacation Bible
School/Sports Camp. Held in 2013 and 2014, children learned about Gods love for them
while gaining sports skills. Volunteers taught children how to break free from fear, bad
choices, self-doubt, and lying. The camp is one effective way A2E is reaching out to families
in Detroit with the love of Christ.
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It is harvest time in grain fields and mission fields. May worship fortify us to
be laborers at Gods service


In preparation for my short missionary trip to Thailand, I was asked to prepare a brief
statement (testimony) about my life before and after becoming a Christian. I was
reminded that I would share my testimony with people unfamiliar with many words
that you and I use regularly: Church, Sunday School, Jesus, Christian etc. As a result,
I wrote the following testimony that I shared with many people in Thailand.
While completing this assignment, it occurred to me that I would enjoy reading/
hearing testimonies from my other Christian friends at Holy Cross. Perhaps others are
willing to share their testimony with the rest of us at Holy Cross. I am confident that
Gail and Irene would gladly include your testimony in an upcoming church newsletter.
I think learning more about my fellow Christians, I can have a closer relationship with
them. I hope you will accept my challenge.
Many years ago, a young boy lived with his parents and an older sister. His
parents worked as much of the year as possible to earn enough money to feed and
clothe the family. His father never attended school and never learned to read or
write. His mother knew how to read and write, and each day she would read the
newspaper and the mail to the boys father, but she never read the Bible. They lived
each day knowing about God but not including Him in their lives.
One day, a mother and her son invited the young boy and his family to meet
with them to learn about Jesus. They rejected the invitation. They were not at all
interested in learning about Jesus. The young boy wanted to have fun with his other
friends. He thought that learning about Jesus would not only be boring, but people
would make fun of him.
Eventually the young boy accepted the invitation and agreed to go with his
friends. He learned that many of the children from his school were also learning
about Jesus. He realized that although a few people might make fun of him, there
were many more who were willing to be his friends.
The boy learned about many of the miracles Jesus performed. He learned that
he had been doing what God did not want him to do. Doing what God does not want
is called sin. He learned that God is willing to forgive him for those sins. After a
couple of years, the young boy was baptized and became a very special child of God.
He looked forward to learning as much as he could about Jesus and other stories
written in the Bible.
Things did not change much for him, however. He still lived with parents who
knew about God but did not take any time to tell him or his older sister about Jesus.
He still lived with people who did not attend church. They did not pray together.

They did not read the Bible together. They continued to live lives that included doing
a lot of things that God did not want them to do. Nevertheless, he truly enjoyed
spending time with his new friends and learning more and more about Jesus. But
that didnt last long. By the time he was twelve years old, he wanted to do other
things on Sunday morning. He wanted to have fun with some of his friends who didnt
attend church. But God wasnt ready for him to do that.
It wasnt until his parents lost their jobs, and his family had to move to
another community to find work. At last, he thought, he could stop going to church.
But again, God had other plans for him. It wasnt long after he settled into a new
home, that the Pastor of a nearby church knocked on his door inviting the family to
worship with him.
Of course, his parents were quick to point out how their son had worshipped
God faithfully before they moved. Although they had no plans of worshipping with
their son, they made sure he did. It wasnt long before his desire to stop worshipping
God left completely and once again he was looking forward to being with other
followers of Jesus.
As the young boy grew older, he eventually married and had a family of his
own. He and his wife did not want their family to grow up without knowing that God
loves them, too. They made sure that their children worshipped God regularly with
their parents.
Unfortunately, during the next several years, he continued to
go through periods when he no longer wanted to learn about Jesus
and attempted to live his life without Him. He continued to do things
that God would not like for him to do. In fact, he spent a lot of time
trying to avoid God. But God kept telling him how much He loved
him. Even though he sometimes felt that he did not have a personal
relationship with God, he thanked God daily for not leaving him. He
thanked God daily for having a personal relationship with him.
It is because he finally accepted that invitation from the
mother and her son that the young boy learned about how much God
loves him. Today, I want to tell you that I was that young boy.
Today, I share the story of His love with you. The same story first
shared with me many years ago and repeated many, many times
since. Today, I want you to know that God loves you as much as He
loves everyone else.
Dennis G. Northern

A shepherd's role
While traveling in Iran, writer Eric Bishop asked a villager about an earthen enclosure
topped with dry thorns. The man said sheep stayed in the round space at night for safety.
What are the thorns for? Bishop asked. If a wolf tries to break in and attack the sheep,
the man replied, hell knock against the thorns, and theyll make a noise, and the shepherd
will wake up and drive off the wolf.
Pointing out the enclosures doorless entrance, Bishop asked why a wolf wouldnt just enter
there. Because, replied the villager, thats where the shepherd sleeps; the shepherd is the
Suddenly Bishop understood why in John 10 Jesus calls himself first the door, or gate, for
the sheep and then the Good Shepherd. Because Jesus is the shepherd, hes also the door that
keeps us, his sheep, safe within his care
Look to Christ
The man who has struggled to purify himself and has had nothing but repeated failures will
experience real relief when he stops tinkering with his soul and looks away to the perfect
One. While he looks at Christ, the very things he has so long been trying to do will be getting
done within him. A.W. Tozer
The best medicine
Although the Bible never refers to Jesus laughing, he clearly had a sense of humor and
needed one to deal with his critics and even his disciples. James Martin, S.J., author of
Between Heaven and Mirth (HarperOne), writes, If we accept the idea of [Jesus] as a
human being, we must accept all human attributes for him laughing as well as suffering.
The ancient church marked the Sunday after Easter with humor and laughter to celebrate
Jesus triumph over death. Today some congregations designate their post-Easter worship as
Hilarity Sunday or Bright Sunday. Faith is serious business, but that doesnt mean Christians
must always be serious!
Fit to be fruitful
I am in Christ: created anew, made a branch of the Vine, fitted for fruit-bearing. Would
that believers would cease looking at their old nature and complaining of their weakness, as
if God called them for what they were unfitted for!
Would that they would believingly and joyfully accept the wondrous revelation of how
God, in uniting them to Christ, has made himself chargeable for their spiritual growth and

fruitfulness! How all sickly hesitancy and sloth would disappear, and under the influence of
this motive the faith in the faithfulness of him whom they are in Christ their whole
nature would rise to accept and fulfill their glorious destiny! Andrew Murray, Abide in
A love explosion
Mommy, if Jesus comes to live inside my heart, will I explode? One of missionary Katie
Davis adopted daughters surprised her with that question as they headed to the Nile River
for some baptisms.
Although Davis immediately replied, No! she later realized: That is exactly what we
should do if Jesus comes to live inside our hearts. We will explode with love, with
compassion, with hurt for those who are hurting, and with joy for those who rejoice. We
will explode with a desire to be more, to be better, to be close to the One who made us.
adapted from Kisses From Katie
Avoiding temptation
Our 10-year-old loves playing on his fathers tablet but may use only the touchscreen
because hes misused the keyboard and stylus. One day, after receiving permission to play,
he detached and handed over the forbidden objects. His dad said, Just leave them there,
but our son replied, No, I might be tempted to use them.
We routinely pray, Lead us not into temptation, hoping God will almost magically keep
us out of trouble even as we stray close to enticements: We buy high-calorie treats while
intending to eat healthy. We visit big-box stores and spend money we dont have. We
gather with gossipy friends, fully aware that such talk is sinful and harmful.
Perhaps we should be more proactive about removing temptations. Perhaps Lead me not
into temptation means God, help me keep myself away from that which tempts me toward
poor choices. Amen! Heidi Mann

I am your lamb; you are my Good

Shepherd. But youre also the Lamb
sacrificed in my place, Lord Jesus.
Help me grasp this profound mystery!


Mission Prayer
Father in Heaven, we ask You to bless Your people in Detroit with new
hope for their future. May the programs of A2E curtail and reverse the
cycles of illiteracy, poverty, and violence. Allow the presence of Lutheran
leaders to serve as a positive example of Christian willingness to help the
homeless, hungry, parentless, and downtrodden. Hear our prayers for the workers of A2E
and the people of Detroit. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Sunday, March 6, 2016 5:23 PM
Please pray for Jerry Affholter, Billy Miller's step-father. He broke his hip recently and his
health has deteriorated to the point he is in ICU at Doctors in Modesto. Prayers for strength
and comfort for his family also. Thanks much, God bless! Sandi Miller
Monday, March 7, 2016 11:03 AM
Klyde was admitted into the ICU. Having trouble breathing. His Nana Dawn Ricker Doig &
Grampa Andy is on their way there now. We will get more info when she can let us know.
Thank you everyone,, keep those prayers & good thoughts coming Strong!! Carol Rogge
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:55 PM
Prayers for Linda Neal as she recovers from hip surgery (March 9th). Her birthday is March
11th. P.S. She has been recovering in Anberry.
Friday, March 11, 2016 8:36 AM
Please pray for comfort for our neighbor Nina and her family at the passing of her husband
Harry after his long illness. Thank you, Dennis & Connie
Saturday, March 12, 2016 4:10 PM
Billy's step-dad just passed away peacefully. Prayers of comfort for all who loved him
please. God's blessings, Sandi Miller
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 8:35 AM
Please pray for comfort and peace to the family and friends of those who mourn the passing
of Joey's uncle. Joey is Brandy Hopkins friend. Dennis Northern
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 6:54 PM
Klyde gave us all a little worry this morning! Cough was really bad, temp increased to 102.6,
and he was just miserable! Tylenol was given which brought his temp down. Chest x-Ray
was done to make sure he hadn't come down with pneumonia ( x-Ray looked beautiful).
Blood cultures were done just to make sure no bacteria in blood stream ( still waiting on
those results). He is doing much much better now after giving all of us a few more worry
lines!!! The doctor order a mouth rinse for him that contains Lidocaine, Benadryl, and
Maalox to help coat his mouth and throat plus alleviate some of the pain when

swallowing! Worked beautifully. He is now taking a nap and getting much needed rest.
Before he took his nap he did give us all a little displays of his silliness and smiles. What a
little love
Thursday, March 17, 2016 7:00 AM
Klyde is going back to ICU, he has been having troubles with breathing all day, and the
nurses and doctors all agree he needs the extra help from ICU. he is having a skin problem
which is being managed BUT on top of all that his incision on his head started to leak today
so he has to go back and get that fixed again, thats all that is really going on today, Im not
sure what will go on in ICU but I will keep you updated,
So nothing big happened when we first got to ICU they just kept him stable. They took him
back to surgery not too long ago to fix the incision and he just got back they said all went
well and looked good, so he came back and has a breathing tube again, hopefully not for
long, and now we are basically back to just letting him heal as we were before.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:43 AM
Klyde update- Klyde is still in pediatric ICU and still intubated. Trying to wean him off the
vent, but he continues to have a lot of wheezing and increased respiratory effort when the
settings are turned down. So now they are weaning him slowly and giving his lungs extra
time to heal. Hopefully he can be extubated soon.
Friday, March 25, 2016 5:59 AM
Prayers of healing for Patty Putman who had back surgery Wednesday. She is at Doctor's
hospital in Modesto.
Saturday, March 26, 2016 5:36 PM
Continued prayers for Patty Putman as she recovers from back surgery. She is now home.
Monday, March 28, 2016 8:27 PM
Klyde Gunn starts 6 weeks of radiation today. My heart dropped hearing that. Continued
Monday, March 28, 2016 6:37 PM
Please pray for Bill's friends, Mike & Patty. Patty had a stroke several days ago and had a
brain aneurysm, not looking good. Prayers for her husband for strength and comfort Thanks!
God's blessings, Sandi Miller
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 5:34 PM
Please pray for Mark Broussard a friend who is in the hospital in
Merced in ICU. He has something wrong with his stomach.
Thank you Sharon Roper




Carol Rogge
Dede Johnson
04/03 Brandy Hopkins
Jacob Bautista, Jr. 04/12 Ron Wolff
Marilyn Phillips
Earl Phillips
Connie Northern


04/21 so we can get it added to

04/23 the list.

If you see your birthday,

baptism or wedding
anniversary missing please
let Gail or Irene Iken know



Please Remember: It is up to YOU to arrange coverage if YOU are
UNABLE to serve on your scheduled day. Please contact the church
office with any changes.
Aron Schmidt
Larry Rogge

Altar Flowers/Before &

After Worship Greeters
_______________ 4/03

Acolytes: Volunteers
Lay Readers: Volunteers
Stewardship: See Earl

_______________ 4/10
_______________ 4/17
_______________ 4/24

Ushers: Volunteers
Altar Guild:
Anna Bautista

If you would like to help with

any of these committees,
please call the church office.


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