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Keeping your finger on the pulse

Building sustainable value creation

Faster insight | Smarter Decisions | Customer Value


Measurement is seen as a key driver to improving

employee performance and in the delivery of quality customer service.
ISAS scientifically measures what customers
value. Our measurement, analytical and reporting
tools are quickly becoming the authoritative smart
-tools to work with tangible metrics for experience
& know-how, the intangibles that that influence
Easy access to easy access to transparent, nonsubjective business intelligence provides faster
insight to facts on who-what-why-where to improve customers service experience.
Together with ISAS, companies are changing their
focus from measuring customer service against
traditional call centre metrics to focus on measuring what customers value.
The true measure of their success is increased
customer loyalty and profitability.

Copper-fastening brand equity

and customer loyalty

Keeping your finger on the pulse

Measuring what customers value

stimulates loyalty and profitability
Top performing companies understand that
customer satisfaction is key to securing
customer loyalty and profitability.

85% of business leaders

understand that traditional
differentiators alone are no
longer a sustainable business strategy; 71% believe
that customers service experience is the next corporate battleground.
23 facts about customer loyalty and
customer satisfaction (Shaw & Ivens)

Your staff impact your

bottom-line, improving their
performance improves its

86% of customers will pay

more for a better customer
service experience.
Customer Experience Impact (CEI)
Report 2011

a 5% increase in customer
loyalty can increase profits
by up to 85%.
DSJ Research

85% of business leaders understand that

traditional differentiators alone are no
longer a sustainable business strategy;
71% believe that customers service experience is the next corporate battleground. 23 facts about customer loyalty and customer satisfaction (Shaw & Ivens)

Customer satisfaction is recognised as

the only true differentiator to securing
competitive advantage. Gartner
Satisfaction is influenced by the value
customers attach to their service experience.
Value is created through interaction with
engaged, knowledgeable employees, who
inspire confidence that the matter has
been resolved, in a professional, timely
Customer loyalty is a direct result of customer satisfaction. Positive engagements
create longstanding, loyal relationships,
and this is so important to consumers that
they are willing to pay for it: 86% of customers will pay more for a better customer
service experience. Customer Experience Impact
(CEI) Report 2011

Research continues to show a strong correlation between customer satisfaction

and financial performance, even in turbulent financial times.
Measurement turns strategy into fact
and is seen as a key driver to improving
customer satisfaction levels. What a business chooses to measures communicates
values, channels employees thinking and
sets management priorities.
Customer satisfaction is placed as the no.
1 priority for customer service directors
and managers.Customer 2.0 Contact Babel
Traditional customer satisfaction measures are generally acknowledge to be of

limited use as they are often measuring

only the last interaction and are not closely
enough aligned with profitability or customer loyalty or advocacy scores.
The challenge for many companies is that
the outputs do not provide actionable insight and are often seen as subjective interpretation of intangible factors.
ISAS took on the challenge to make the
intangible factors tangible business relevant metrics. We began our R&D in 2008
to scientifically measure what customers
value with its core methodology focused
on bottom-line impact profitability.
Our measurement, analytical and reporting
tools are quickly becoming the authoritative smart-tools to work with tangible
metrics for experience & know-how, the
intangibles that that influence value.
Transparent, non-subjective analysis on the
level of employees drive and performance
value contribution gives faster insight to
facts on who, what, why, where to improve
customers service experience.
Improving the ability to create value delivers measureable bottom-line results in
85% less time and cost as against traditional service metrics.
Together with ISAS, companies are
changing their focus from measuring customer service against traditional call centre
metrics to focus on measuring what customers value.
The true measure of their success is increased customer loyalty and profitability
e.g. an average increase of 3.5% promoter
customers with an increase of 7% in Net
Promoter Score - a customer loyalty metric that gives a clear measure of a company's performance through its customers'
eyes with direct correlation to profitability.
Loyalty stimulates profitability and
growth, where a 5% increase in customer
loyalty can increase profits by up to 85%.

Profit is not primary, its a consequence of value creation

If the mission of any business is the
creation of value, then the strategy
must embrace a radical idea to focus
on returns on talent rather than returns
on capital alone. McKinsey Quarterly, L.L.

ISAS scientifically measures what

customers value, supporting companies in building sustainable value

As companies better understand the

intangibles that influence value they
are seeing business gains of 40% or
more. New ROI of HR: Return on Intangibles
Creelman & Ulrich Similar findings are referenced
from Ernst & Young, Gallup, Deloitte & Touche


Together with ISAS, companies are

driving front-line accountability for
improving their customers service
experience. In less than 90 days,
companies are seeing a 360 turnaround in the ratio of engaged to
disengaged employees; with a 3 Fold
increase in employees performance
value contribution, greater than salary.

Companies with high levels of engagement posted total shareholder

returns 22% higher than average in
2010. On the other hand, companies
with low engagement had a total
shareholder return 28% lower than the
average. Trends in Global Employee

Only knowing what your employees

cost and not what they are worth is
counterproductive as it ignores the
talent to raise value for the company.
Engaged, knowledgeable and focused
employees equals delighted customers
and increased shareholder value.

Engagement, Aon Hewitt

Additional revenue secured



Net Promoter Score

Employees performance value
contribution, greater than salary




from improved
service experience

Performance Value


Your staff impact your bottom-line and improving their performance, improves its performance.

Performance Index

Measuring what customers value

Index of employees
performance level and
engagement value

against tangible metrics to know the

facts on whatwhywhere to improve
customers service experience.
*Based on 100 employees | 3 minute weekly tests for 12 month | 100,000 customers with average annual revenue of 200

Building sustainable value creation

The search for the truth is a matter of looking inwards
Measuring the what

Understanding why

Improving the where

What is your employees' approach &

understanding to delivering engaged
and focused customer service experience?

Understand why some representatives

deliver the promises your brand
makes to the market and others do

Where do you need to improve to

deliver measurable improvements
across revenue, costs, compliance and
key performance areas?

ISAS measures what creates value

for customers against tangible metrics; delivering facts on what you
need to know on your employees'
performance levels and spread of engagement and value contribution
greater than annual salary.

ISAS delivers easy access to transparent, non-subjective, comparative and

benchmarked analysis for faster insight on how your employees use their
experience, knowledge and resources
to deliver value to the customer and
for the company.

Together with ISAS, companies are

leading the charge in copper-fastening
brand equity and loyalty by improving their ability to deliver value
based services and continual improvement within operations with
measurable bottom-line rewards.

ISAS does the measurement, analysis and reporting for you

Keeping your finger on the pulse

Change the as is with ISAS

Scientifically measuring what customers value; stimulating loyalty and profitability

Building sustainable value creation

Copper-fasten brand equity and customer loyalty

Improve customers service experience

Drive accountability for improving service
Demonstrate ability to deliver value based service

Differentiating and leveraging performance

Strengthen the fundamentals that fuel business growth

Differentiate and leverage employees performance and experience

Managing continual improvements within operations
Ensuring employees know what they are supposed do and how to accomplish it

Safeguarding operational obligations

Protect your company in every transaction with every customer, in every channel

Manage compliance and risk exposure

Enable employee buy-in and increased motivation
Ensure delivery of the promise made to the market

Choose a solution thats right for you

Hosted and delivered measurement and analytical reporting solution
We do the measurement, analysis and reporting for you to know the what, to understand the why, to improve the where

..we take it from there!

visit us at
ISAS Global 2013

Registered Business No.484590 / Realmove IRL LTD

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