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Earth Hour merupakan sebuah

gerakan sukarela yang pertama kali

diinisiasikan di Sydney, Australia pada
tahun 2007 oleh kerja sama antara
WWF, Fairfax Media dan Leo Burnett.
Saat itu kampanye dilaksanakan untuk
mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca di
Sydney. Tahun-tahun berikutnya, Earth
Hour terus berkembang sebagai
kampanye global yang terkonsentrasi
pada bidang gaya hidup hemat energi
dan ramah lingkungan untuk
mencegah perubahan iklim. Saat itu,
lebih dari 2,2 juta orang dan 2.000
bisnis (perkantoran) melakukan swithoff lampu dan barang elektronik
lainnya selama satu jam.

with WWF to promote the idea and help make

Hingga saat ini, WWF Indonesia terus

berupaya melaksanakan kampanye
Earth Hour, terutama di kota-kota
besar seperti diantaranya Jakarta,
Surabaya, Medan dan Tangerang yang
menggunakan akses listrik dengan
kapasitas sangat besar. Dalam
pelaksanaan Earth Hour, kami
mengajak seluruh lapisan masyarakat,
mulai dari komunitas, pelajar,
mahasiswa, rumah tangga,
pemerintahan, media massa, hingga
bisnis dan koorporasi untuk bersamasama bersinergi menjalankan aksi
Earth Hour.

The crowdfunding section of the platform

the campaign a reality in Sydney, a campaign

which has now gone beyond climate change
to symbolise the growing global pursuit of a
better, healthier world.
Since then it has grown to engage more than
7000 cities and towns worldwide, and the onehour event continues to remain the key driver
of the now larger movement.
Earth Hour Blue is an all-new digital
crowdfunding and crowdsourcing platform for
the planet launched in 2014 to capture the
power of the crowd and engage people
around the world beyond the lights out event.
allows participants to financially support and
deliver positive, tangible changes to the
environment and communities all over the
world. Individuals can also use Earth Hour
Blues crowdsourcing platform, which will call
for people to add their voice to some of the
biggest environmental campaigns across the
Earth Hour aims to encourage an
interconnected global community to share the
opportunities and challenges of creating a
sustainable world.

In 2007, there was still a degree of scepticism

and denial about the issue of climate change.
Earth Hour came as the inspiration to rally
people to the reality of climate change and
start a dialogue about what we as individuals
can do to help address the greatest problem
facing our planet today. Leo Burnett partnered

Earth Hour only asks people to turn off the

non-essential lights for one hour - not lights
that affect public safety. Earth Hour is also a
celebration of the planet so its important to
enjoy the moment in a safe environment.

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