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“Toys and games”


Практична: розвивати навички говоріння, аудіювання, читання, письма; розвивати вміння

розуміти інші думки і висловлювати свої думки іноземною мовою; удосконалювати вміння
учнів ставити запитання і відповідати на них; удосконалювати застосування Present Simple
і Past Simple в усній формі.

Освітня: розширити знання учнів про ігри та іграшки; поглибити знання учнів про правила
гри традиційних Британських ігор.

Розвиваюча: розвивати навички групової, парної та індивідуальної роботи; розвивати

мовну здогадку; розвивати пам’ять, увагу та уяву учнів.

Виховна: виховувати почуття зібраності, організованості; виховувати почуття ввічливості та

повагу до традицій народу країни, мову яку вивчаємо.

Lesson plan
1 Beginning of the lesson

1 Greeting

2 Phonetic drills

3 Warm - up

2 Main part

4 Put the aim

5 Lexical exercise/Writing

6 Speaking

a) Dialogue (Question – Answer)

b) Monologue

7 Lexical exercises

8 Physical exercises

9 Listening comprehension

10 Reading/Playing games
3 Summing up

11 Results

12 Home task

13 Evaluation

14 Ending

Lesson Procedure
1 Greeting

T: Good – morning, pupils!

Ps: Good –morning,

Good – morning,

Good – morning to you

Good – morning,

Good – morning

I’m glad to see you.

T: I’m glad to see you, too. Today we have unusual lesson. There are many guests here. Greet
our guests!

Ps: Good – morning, dear guests!

T: Take your sits, please.

2 Phonetic drills

T: Dear pupils, look at the screen! You can see a rhyme here. I’ll read it.

How many days has my baby to play?

Saturday, Sunday, Monday,

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

T: O.K. Let’s read it all together.

3 Warm – up

T: And what about you? Do you like to play?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: Do you play every day?

P1: Yes, I do. I play computer games every day.

P2: Yes, I do. I usually play every evening.

P3: As for me, I don’t play every day, because I have to do my home task.

P4: It’s a pity, but I have not any time to play every day. I play on Saturdays and Sundays.

P5: As for me, I play only at weekends.

4 Put the aim

T: Look at the screen! What can you see?

P1: I can see toys and games.

T: You are right. Which of these do you play with?

P1: I play with yo-yo. It’s cool.

P2: I like playing with Barbie doll.

P3: As for me, I often play darts with my friends.

P4: I like jigsaw puzzle. I have many of them.

P5: Sometimes I play with Rubik’s cube.

P6: As for me, I play darts. It’s great!

P7: I like playing with teddy-bear and Barbie doll.

T: Tell me, please. What are we going to speak today about?

P1: We are going to speak about toys.

P2: I think, we are going to speak about toys and games.

P3: To my mind, we are going to speak about our favorite toys.

T: Nice of you. You are quite right. We are going to speak about “Toys and games”.

5 Lexical exercise/Writing

T: At the previous lesson we learnt some words to describe our toys. Look here! Decode the
word. Write down the right words on this cheat of paper. (Card 1) I’ll give you 2 minutes.

T: If you are ready, put your hand up. Finish, please.

T: O.K. Change your cheat of paper with your friend’s one and check it up. There is the key here.
T: Who has got any mistakes? Put your hand up. How many mistakes have you got?



T: You must learn these words better for the next lesson.

6 Speaking

a) Dialogue (Question – Answer)

T: Which of these toys/games are soft?

P1: Teddy-bear is soft.

P2: Barbie doll is soft.

T: Which of them are plastic?

P3: Barbie doll’s body is plastic.

P4: Yo-yo is plastic, too.

T: Which of them have small squares?

P5: Rubik’s cube has small squares.

T: Which of them have sharp points?

P7: Darts have sharp points.

T: O.K. Do you want to play?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: I have a surprise for you. There is my son’s favorite toy in this box. Do you want to know
what it is?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: O.K. Guess! Put questions using these words. Who want to help me?

P1: I want.

T: Come here…. Look inside. ……., answer pupils’ questions.

P2: Is it soft?

P1: No, it is not.

P3: Is it hard?

P1: Yes, it is.

P4: Is it cardboard?

P1: No, it is not.

P5: Is it rubber?

P1: No, it is not.

P6: Is it metal?

P1: Yes, it is.

P7: Is it round?

P1: No, it is not.

P8: Is it square?

P1: Yes, it is.

P2: Does it have sharp points?

P1: No, it does not.

P3: Does it have small squares?

P1: No, it does not.

P4: Does it have 4 wheels?

P1: Yes, it does.

P5: Is it a car?

P1: Yes, it is.

b) Monologue

T: Well done. Thank you. What was your favorite toy when you were a child? Can you describe

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: Please. Come here and tell us.

PS: My favorite toy when I was a child was………

7 Lexical exercises

T: Fine! Thank you for your interesting stories. I see you liked this task. Look at the screen! You
can see different toys and games here. Your task is to write them into 2 columns. The first
column – Toys and games are popular among the children of our country and the second – Toys
and games are popular among the British children. (Card 2). Work in groups. You have 2

T: Finish, please. Are you ready?

Ps: Yes, we are.

T: O.K. Check it up. The fist group read the names of toys and games which are popular in our

P1 (gr. 1): Doll, car, pyramid, telephone, domino, crosswords, lotto and bricks.

T: Do you agree with…..?

Ps (gr. 2): Yes, we do.

T: The second group read the names of toys and games which are popular in Britain.

P2 (gr. 2): Barbie doll, yo-yo, Rubik’s cube, teddy-bear, jigsaw puzzles, darts, Scrabble and

T: Do you agree with…?

Ps (gr.1): Yes, we do.

T: Nice of you. Name me, please, only toys here.

P1: Doll, teddy-bear, pyramid……….

T: Name me, please, only games here.

P2: Twister, Darts, Scrabble……….

T: What is the difference between toys and games? Do you know?

P1: No, I don’t.

P2: I think to play a game you must know a rule.

T: Yes, you are right. You can play with a toy without any rule, but to play a game you must
know rule. What British game do you know how to play?

P1: We know how to play “Hokey Pokey”.

8 Physical exercises

T: O.K. It’s time to play. Stand up, please. Let’s play “Hokey Pokey”.

9 Listening comprehension

T: Do you want to know more about British games?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: O.K. Now we’ll hear the people talking about one of the British games. Your task is to listen
to it attentively and then do the test – choose the right variant. Open your workbook at page 19
ex. 2. (Card 3). Look through this test.

T: Can you tell me the name of this game?

P1: I think, it’s “Scrabble”.

T: Quite right. Do you know the rule of it?

Ps: No, we don’t.

T: Listen to the dialogue, please.


Anna: Hi, Pete! Happy Christmas! What present did you get?

Pete: Happy Christmas! I got a computer game and a Rubik’s cube. How about you?

Anna: I got a top and a great board game called “Scrabble”.

Pete: Oh, yeah? What’s that, then?

Anna: The rules are that you have seven letters from the alphabet and you have to make a
word on the board, using only these letters.

Pete: That sound a bit boring!

Anna: No, it isn’t, because you play against your friends and you can make new words using the
words that your friends have made.

Pete: Mmm. How many people can join in?

Anna: Two to four players.

Pete: And how do you know who wins?

Anna: You get points for every letters you use – the more difficult letters have higher points.
The person who has the most points when all the letters are gone wins the game!

Pete: Well, maybe I’ll come over some time and we can have a game – it might improve my
English! If it does, I might buy one myself! How much does it cost?

Anna: I’m really not sure, because it was a present. I guess about fifteen pounds.

T: Do the test, please. You may work in pairs. I’ll give you 2 minutes.
T: are you ready?

Ps: Yes, we are. T: O.K. Check it up! Read the sentence with the right variant.

T: Do you agree with…?

P1: Yes, I do.

T: Nice of you. Now you know how to play “Scrabble”.

10 Reading/Playing games

T: I know, you like playing games. Do you want to play some British games?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: What we must know?

P1: We must know a rule.

T: Right! Take this cheat of paper. (Card 4). You can see the rules of some British games. Let’s
read them and try to play.

T: One of them is “Pin the tail on the Donkey”. Read the rule.

T: O.K. Now let’s try to play it. Who wants to be the first?

T: Well,…….., is a winner. Nice of you.

T: The next game is “Pass the parcel”. It is one of the favorite British games among children.
Let’s read its rule.

T: Stand up and make a circle. I prepared a parcel for you. So let’s start to play.

T: So, this present is for you.

T: The next game is “A Fortune tree”. It’s very popular on different parties. Read the rule!

T: I prepared such “fortune tree” for you. Please take one leaf from this tree and read my wish
to you.

11 Results

T: Did you like our lesson?

Ps: Yes, we did.

T: Did you like to play?

Ps: Yes, we did.

T: What game did you like most of all?

P1: I liked….. It’s fantastic!

P2: As for me, I liked…… It’s great!

12 Home task

T: Do you know words to describe our toys?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: Can we describe our toys?

Ps: Yes, we can.

T: Do you know the names of toys and games?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: Do you know how to play British games?

Ps: Yes, we do.

T: O.K. Your home task is ex. 11, p.45.Portfolio: Write a short paragraph about your favorite toy.
Describe your toy and say how one can play with it.

13 Evaluation

T: Thank you for the lesson. You were very active today. You worked hard. Your marks are….. –
you worked well. ….. – you worked less active, but not bad. I hope you will be more active next

14 Ending

T: Our lesson comes to the end. Stand up, please. Good-bye!

Ps: Good-bye!

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