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If every thing is science, then every place will be a school, so everyone

is a teacher.
(Muluk, Alangkah Lucunya(Negeri ini))
"Once upon a time, 15 children worked as pickpockets earning hundreds
of thousands dollars every day. The children had never gone to school before so
they couldnt read or write. They did not have any knowlede about religion, and
even knew nothing about their religion. That is way they became rude. Until
finally, Muluk, a management graduate, Rusman, an education graduate, and
Pipit, found them. The three of the young people determined to bring the
children to leave their jobs. They taught them about the science of religion,
citizenship, math, social science , and other sciences. Those gave them a new
life and they changed their job to be hawkers. At the end of the story, Muluk was
willing to change place with them when by officers Trantib wanted to catch
The above synopsis describes some problems that occurr in Indonesia,
particularly on the issues of education, which can only be gotten by a handful of
people. This happens due to many factors, one of which is poverty. Children who
drop out of school and in many cases become street children, and criminals, such
as pickpockets, thugs, and thief or other negative jobs. In fact, the future of this
nation lies in their hands. It makes me sad. I am not able to present something
that is meaningful for this nation. I want to participate in the intellectual life of
the nation, even in the simplest and smallest part.
Being a teacher is my dream, especially the teacher for street children and
children who drop out of school. I want to share my knowledge to them. At least,
even if they do not receive a formal education, they will be able to absorb the
educational values such as tolerance, social values, humanitarian,, religious
values, and others. Hopefully, with the knowledge, they will have more optimistic
view of the world, that can improve their lives in the future.
Currently, I am studying at SMKN 2 DEPOK, Yogyakarta, majoring in
Chemistry Analyst in the third grade. I have the interest of the social field, in
particular the handling and improving the quality of education of street children.
And, I will use the interest to join NGOs working in the field of Street Children
Assistance. Later, when I am a volunteer there, I will be able to explore and
understand their life, character, expectations, and the things that they need. By
joining there I will also be able to find friends that have the same mission and
vision as I do. So, I will easily realize the call of my heart. I am aware, there will
be a lot of obstacles that I will encounter in the field later, but this will not deter
my spirit to share.

: Arditya Galih Fathurrohmah
: 13346
: XII Kimia Analis
: SMK N 2 Depok
Tempat, tanggal, lahir : Sleman, 9 Oktober 1995
: Sedogan, RT 01 RW 37 Sinduharjo Ngaglik Sleman
Alamat e-mail


: 083867878080

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