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1. What is your experience with private trackers, and torrents in general?

e also provide links (not screenshots) to accounts you may have on other private
2. What are three of your favorite anime and/or manga series? You must write at
least a couple of sentences for each of your choices explaining why you like the
m, or your application will be rejected! If you're just getting into anime/manga
, please explain why you're interested. If you're mainly interested in Japanese
music, please state this here.
Aria is my absolute favorite anime. Nothing comes close to the emotion this show
brings out from me. It makes me laugh and cry and smile and tear up again. I've
rewatched this countless times since finishing the last season, and i felt shiv
ers down my spine when i heard the announcement for a continuation of this wonde
rful masterpiece. It was the anime that also brought me into the world of slice
of life, and now i have a special fondness for SoL animes.
Kids on the Slope. Not the most original story nor the most fascinating characte
rs, but Kids on the Slope holds a special place in my heart. As a child i was tr
ained as a classical pianists and my household had no access to the internet, so
the only music i was exposed to was the classical songs of my piano repertoire
or random pop songs on the radio. It wasn't until i entered highschool that i fi
nally got a computer of my own and just 2 years after i was exposed to jazz for
the first time. While this fascinating foreign music caught my attention i wasn'
t particularly enamored by the genre until i saw this show. And the rest is hist
ory. My love for jazz bloomed, and now I'm trying to pursue a career as a jazz p
Tatami Galaxy entered my world during a very pivotal moment of my life. I had ju
st finished highschool and was 2 months into college and i was becoming jaded to
the pointlessness of it all. The subjects were boring, the lecturers were borin
g, and the people were boring. What friends I had left in highschool drifted awa
y to separate cliques save a small few. Tatami Galaxy slammed right into my face
. Until then most animes I watched were battle shounens or fluffy shoujos, all f
ollowing a standard formula and a cliche design. Tatami galaxy brought with it a
n explosive showering of lightning fast dialogue, razor sharp wit, really fuckin
g loony visuals and an ending with the greatest payoff i have ever experienced t
o this very day. It also changed the way I looked and interacted with people and
i believe i've become a better person after my experience with this anime.
3. How do you intend to use the site? Do you upload a lot, download a lot, hang
out in IRC, chat in forums, etc.?
Download and upload a lot.
4. Define these terms in your own words: "seeding", "leeching", "hit and run", a
nd "ratio".
Seeding - uploading a torrent
Leeching - downloading a torrent
Hit and Run - Removing the torrent upon completion without seeding at all.
Ratio - the ratio of uploaded data against downloaded data
5. How long do you typically seed for after downloading a torrent? How long do y
ou think is reasonable for the community to expect of each member? What if our r
ules require you to seed longer than you usually would?
I typically seed until a ratio of 1.0 or more if possible. If not i'll keep seed
ing for at least a week. I think it's reasonable to expect each member to mainta
in a ratio of at least 1.0. If i'm required to seed longer, I will.

6. Are you a fan of Japanese music or anime music? If so, please list some of yo
ur favorite artists/soundtracks. (Optional) If you stated that you're mainly int
erested in Japanese music, write a couple of sentences for each of your choices
explaining why you like them, or your application will be rejected!
Yes I'm a big fan of Japanese and anime music. Some of my favorite artists are:
Choro Club, Yoko Kanno, Kurahashi Yoeko, the Pillows and the FMAB ost.
7. Where do you currently get your anime, Japanese music, visual novels, and oth
er Japanese media from? (Optional)
currently get them from bakabt, nyaa or random ddl sites.
9. How did you find out about us?
Lurking around threads.

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