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Introduction :

Language :
A. Natural (English, Spanish, Portuguese etc.)
B. Artificial (mathematics, computer languages etc.)

Functions of language:

 Communication
 Express feelings
 Reflexion
 National or religious identity

Lingua franca – Language of persons not sharing a mother tongue.

Vernacular – language of single speech community

A. Vernacular in the U.K.
B. Lingua Franca of the 21st century in business, science, technology and aviation.

Language Skills: 2 active skills (speaking and writing)

2 passive skills (listening and reading)

Sentence: group of words that makes sense (otherwise it is nonsense!)

Written language and spoken language – difference is in the form, not in the delivery
method. (written langue – formal; spoken language – less formal)
natural inborn

artificial non-natural

to communicate to speak, to write (communication)

to express to say (expression)

to reflect to think (reflex ion)

national belonging to a country

religious belonging to a religion

ligua franca language of persons not sharing a mother tongue

vernacular language of a single speech community

sentence group of words that makes sense (X non-sense)

to make sense to have meaning

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