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The Divine Plan Is Present On Planet Earth!


See, the sensationalist news is â how many people died today?â Well that's ignorance'
s fear. ignorance is already dead. It died in its misconceptions and created a w
hole realm of belief systems attached to 2-dimensional thought.
A Sphere moving through a 2-dimensional plane looks like varying sized circles.
At the center of the Sphere, that's where the biggest circle is. Course, it stil
l is a Sphere.
2-dimensional thought can only see Everything as 2-dimensional thought. Mirror,
mirror, on the wall, Who's Looking?
What's really happening on this Planet, is that People Are Waking Up. They're wo
rking on understanding what That Is, but they can't find It until they Let Go. T
hen they realize they've always had It, they were just trying to throw it away.
See, in the Present Moment of Now, where's that? And Who's asking?
The people on this Planet, the Human Beings, they know something is up. The Real
Ones just see a Beautiful Beginning. ignorance says, â Boy, this thing is ending h
ere isn't it? Our gig is up!â
That's why We have two sides on the marquee at the Restaurant the end of the Uni
verse, that one's for the pessimists. On the other side it's the Restaurant at t
he Beginning of the Universe, that one's for the optimists. And they All come in
and have a good meal. There is no difference, there's Uniqueness, but that's di
See, all the Facets on the Diamond are part of the Diamond. Course, there are th
e Photons that interact with the refractions of the Light, and make nice rainbow
s, they're part of the Diamond too. Course the Diamond, reference to silicon, cr
See, Jesus learned from his experience on this Planet, and created himself an al
abaster body. Tough to drive nails through, I guarantee You.
Every child that has been born upon this Planet, got to wear their mommy as a cr
own. Some of them thought the crown fitted on their butt though.
Angels looked at Me and asked Me once, â FatherGod, what's Divine Intervention?
I said, â Showing Up.â
They liked that.
See, as a Starship Captain, whenever Joy appears upon the horizon, get ready for
a Vertical Learning Curve, and then Pull Up!
Course, for a Starship that's a 90 degree angle, right this Way!
Mike is the one that smoothed out the trajectory and made it look like a smooth
turn. Inertial dampeners on.
It's fascinating that all of a sudden there was a Wave of Energy Accelerating Ve
ry Fast. Some of it went right through people. Course, if a person lives in 2-di
mensional thought, anything that is not 2-dimensional thought does not exist. It
's no wonder they can't see their Wings, they're pretty well programmed in that
See, those that can see the Starships know that they've already landed. You don'
t necessarily have to see them, but You can Feel Them.
It's kinda like that Star Trek movie where they went back to get the whale in th
at klingon ship. Anyway, the ship was cloaked when it landed and there was a lit
tle depression on the grass. Then this jogger came along and there was a DING! T
hat was the movie where Chekhov was found on the nuclear wessel. Course, Scotty
was busy making some nice plexiglass containment for the whales and Spock was ju
st attempting to be a hippy. The whales were just being whales and they had to b
e taken someplace and set Free.
Of course, they had to talk to the scientist that was taking care of the whales,
and they had to try to know the proper slang to talk to the people. And all of
a sudden, they were beamed back to the klingon ship with a little attachment, th
e scientist.
Star Trek 4
See, the prime directive is superseded by Divine Presence. Got Your's? If not, b
etter find it. Key word, quickly. There's a Wave a'coming.
Anyway, to balance out the equation, the whales had to be returned to the Presen
t Moment of the future so the big thing that was asking for the whales to say He
llo would go away and not destroy the Planet.
Oh, but the most exciting part of that was when the whales were out in the ocean
and the whaling boat was chasing them. They shot a harpoon and it smacked again
st something they couldn't see and just fell in the water.
Gene Roddenberry, He kinda participated like We participate, throttle to the fir
ewall. Double clutching in high gear. And We're not kidding.
You see, the ones who live in the biggest fantasy on this Planet are the ones wh
o think they're in control. And they have rules to try to prove that. Creation j
ust has One Law, and it's already been proven.
See, the body hologram has an automatic repair function, We call those nano-bots
, they're busy. They especially like colloidal silver as fuel, then they're even
God is a poet,
And God knows it.
Whenever the Braincells start firing in unison, We call that the Unibrain. There
's no left brain in that one, there's only Being Present.
Course every Braincell in the Brain knows it's an Unlimited Aspect of Consciousn
ess. The Right Brain completely got that, it was a no-brainer. There's a Ding th
at goes with that too.
The two aspects to Awakening: Showing Up and Being Present.
See, how do You say the Same Thing over and over and over and over redundantly r
edundant, redundant exponent E?
Seems like the Planet likes to emphasize Being Present, with a Big Wave.
You know, if you believe a hummingbird's wings beat fast, want to see Ours? Look
High Velocity Energy Equal Us All Being Present Now.
I would share with Humanity what the Planet actually has in store for Humanity.
But I would much prefer them to experience it for Themselves. It's more fun that
I can give them this number though, C3PO. The speed of Light to the third with p
robability and outcome occurring. Got Your's? Hopefully so.
The amazing thing about the Mayans, is that they could see greater visions. They
could even see the Sun and the Planet and the Center of the Galaxy lining up, e
ven if it was dawn. Ever tried that? Going out at dawn and seeing if You can see
the Galaxy? Understanding the trajectories and how everything moves in a Spiral
, not in a circle. You ever heard of a downward circle? How about an Upward Spir
How many Gods can You place on the head of a pin? Including Angels with their ar
ms wide open?


P.S. We nominate Marijuana for our next U.S. President. We'll overgrow the corpo


The Fun'd Drive: Serving the Divine Mission!! and We Need Your Assistence!
We Are Donation Supported By Our Family And You Can Help! See How To Donate Here
We Also Accept Care Packages!

Website Status:
Ning just announced pricing plans, and to keep operating We'll need to pay at le
ast $20 a month. We're still deciding exactly how to handle this, and We do have
someone interested in helping us pay. We may still be switching to another netw
ork as Ning has never really worked very well and We have friends with their own
internet servers. There's still at least 2 months before Ning shuts down so it
may be a little while before We settle all the details.

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