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Парадоксално на популярността на съвместните предприятия в световно измерение

дори между антагонистични конкуренти и паралелното отделено изключително внимание от
чуждестранната академична общност, в България, с изключение на изследвания за
международни съвместни предприятия, от които едва няколко от тях емпирични, липсват
изследвания за местните съвместни предприятия. В отговор на тази необходимост от знание в
настоящата книга не само се идентифицират местните съвместни предприятия, но се
сравняват и техните качествени и количествени структурни характеристики с тези на
международните съвместни предприятия. Предимство на изследването е използването на
официални данни от създадените в сътрудничество между автора и Националния
статистически институт две бази данни на целите съвкупности от 4463 местни и 620
международни съвместни предприятия с българско участие, формирани съответно за периода
1947-2004 г. и 1989-2003 г.
Книгата може да се ползва и като референция относно: произхода и еволюцията на
понятието съвместно предприятие; предимствата на съвместните предприятия пред
некапиталовите стратегически съюзи, сливанията, цялостните или частичните поглъщания и
изцяло притежаваните филиали; концепциите за съвместните предприятия на алтернативни
икономически теории, подходи и модели; мотивите на фирмите за създаване на съвместни
предприятия; общностната и националната защита на конкуренцията по отношение на
съвместните предприятия в Европейския съюз.


Book: Characteristics of Domestic and International Joint Ventures in Bulgaria

Author: Dr. Iavor Marangozov, PhD in Economics -

Publisher: Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences "Prof. Marin Drinov"
First Published 2009, Paperback, 152 pages
ISBN 9789543222827

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Paradoxically to the popularity of the joint ventures in a worldwide dimension even between
antagonistic competitors and the parallely devoted exceptionally attention by the foreign academic
community, in Bulgaria, with the exception of studies on international joint ventures, from which just a
few empirical, research on domestic joint ventures is lacking. In response to that need of knowledge,
not only the domestic joint ventures are identified in this book, but also their qualitative and
quantitative structural characteristics are compared with those of the international joint ventures. The
advantage of the study is the use of official data from the two databases, created in cooperation
between the author and the National Statistical Institute, on the entire populations of 4463 domestic

and 620 international joint ventures with Bulgarian participation set up in the 1947-2004 and 1989-
2003 periods respectively. In view of the still unsatisfied need of a general theory of the joint ventures,
the comparison is carried out in a theoretical framework, based on a critical analysis and an evaluation
of eight theories, approaches and models, and on the application of the systems approach.
The comparative analysis reveals a similarity in the profiles of both types of joint ventures,
taking into consideration the following generalized results: 1) predominant investments in industry
group services, followed by manufacturing and agriculture; 2) a correspondence between the first two
industries from the three ones in which the frequency of the joint ventures is the greatest, namely
trade and business services; 3) a predominant unequal distribution of equity among the partners in the
joint ventures; 4) a predominant share of the joint ventures created by two partners; 5) a predominant
micro firm size category of the joint ventures; 6) a predominant territorial concentration of the joint
ventures in the three most developed planning regions – South-West, South Central, North-East, and
in the three most developed districts – Sofia (capital), Varna, Plovdiv.
Furthermore, the book can be used as a reference for: the origin and the evolution of the
concept joint venture; the specific criteria for the qualification of a contemporary enterprise as a
domestic or international joint venture; the advantages of the joint ventures over other alternative
forms of organization and realization of transactions – non-equity strategic alliances, mergers, full or
partial acquisitions, and wholly owned subsidiaries; the motives of the firms for creation of joint
ventures; the community and the national protection of competition towards the joint ventures in the
European Union.
The book contains 18 tables, 17 graphics, 6 figures, and 215 bibliographic references in four
languages – English, French, Spanish, and Bulgarian.



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