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It was early on a Sunday afternoon when everything became a mess around the

complex. Things were flying around out of control and things were becoming very
confusing. I had only been here about five minutes really before any of this
started. I’d come with my teammate, who I’d promised in a fit of everything going
on at the time -- I’d help take care of him at all costs. I also told him this
meant we had to track down someone I had been seeing in my dreams as of late.

Boy... was this really becoming a bad idea. Alternate Universes and Past Lives…
Reincarnation all go hand in hand in my humble opinion in which you have not asked
for. However, in this instance, this was the complete problem at hand, a few of
us all in similar circumstances… A problem I had no concurrent control over, and
knowing me caused some more current internal struggle than external struggle with
the frustrations that were happening.

It all started when the one person that I had promised to take care of started to
stare at me blankly and start asking me weird questions. Did I neglect to mention
there are two teammates of mine that are of the same DNA? Therefore, this begins
to get all very weird aside from everything else that has been going on at the
current time. It was as if one had been displaced, from another time -- or even
another incarnation of the current timeline.

It is all just a blur I suppose.

Senshudan Bekko
The Past Confers to the Present
(The last fic-fic before I totally REDO the story with some of then new characters
and names you see in here!)
Comments: This is just me getting used to the new characters, if there is anything
anyone involved does not like please make comments accordingly!

“Polarity, something’s wrong -- I can feel it, I can sense it in my bones.”

Serishema said that as she shivered wildly, she had been sitting next to Polarity
in the car for about five minutes while their teammate went in for a few items at
the store. “He’d better hurry; I don’t foresee this bad feeling leaving soon.”

“Shema, its ok… He’s always klutzing out in the store or something.” Polarity
smiled and tapped on the steering wheel along with the music on the radio. He had
been feeling the same odd feeling, but chose not to act on it -- because it was
doing more than shake his bones. Aside from knowing a lot about the ways of the
spiritual world, he knew a lot about his past -- and he believed that no matter
what alternate universe you are in the past, it remains the same. This did not
help the sudden flashes of memories from other universes, other incarnations of

“Rob, you are a horrible liar.” Serishema smiled and poked Polarity in the arm.

“Oi, that’s not my name…” Polarity was deadpan telling the truth; at least for
this incarnation of time it was not. He had never told anyone his real name
anyways, people always made guesses but this was way out in left field as far as
he was concerned.

“... I told you something was wrong.” Serishema shook her head and blinked, “I
don’t know where that came from, I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok, truth be told you’re right I’m a horrible liar-- I’ve been seeing
flashbacks to other incarnations of the current timeline.” He coughed for a moment
and looked as the sky began to produce rain, and there was a wet dog-like creature
banging on the car window.

“I think we left him out in the rain.” Serishema giggled from the backseat as she
watched her teammate’s eyes narrow at the two of them laughing.

“Oh, do you want in pup?” Polarity smiled evilly, and locked all the doors in the
car as his teammate tried to get inside. “Oops it’s dog-proof!”

Justin stood outside the car in the pouring rain with a bag of groceries, which
was getting a helluva lot more wet than he liked, and growled at the driver in the
car who was still messing with the locks inside. He stood there for nearly five
minutes until suddenly he fell backwards into the car behind him and passed out
falling to the ground.

“It’s begun.” Serishema responded and sighed… “We must be careful what we do from
now on.” She looked into the front seat and saw the attempt from Polarity to try
to open the door without his powers. “… Are you alright Polarity?”

“I ... I can’t even fucking open this goddamned blasted door.” Polarity finally
took one more shift to open the door and was able to do it finally, but only with
the help of his powers... “Damnit pup… Get the hell up from the ground and get in
here… Shema, open the back door and move to the right.” Serishema nodded and did
so, watching Polarity move their teammate inside the car and onto the backseat.
They both took one look at Justin to make sure nothing got broken, and this was
not just one of his tricks.

“What do you think it was…?” Serishema responded.

“Exactly what you said, it started. But then again it was one of those things
that had started days ago for me and since then it has been continually affecting
us physically now. Let’s hurry up and get back home, hopefully we’re the only ones
and this is just a temporal thing.” Polarity restarted the car, and nodded as he
began to drive back towards the complex. This was not something he expected; he
had already noticed a few physiological changes in his two teammates in the car
since he would began to drive home. “Shema, you ok… You look distracted.”

“Yea…” She coughed a little, “It’s my powers, and they’re being a bit wonky.”

“How’s the dog doing?” Polarity questioned, he became distracted by minor

flashbacks at the back of his own mind. This ended up causing him to miss an exit
to the freeway, which would connect them to a short route back to the complex.
Managing to figure this out he had re-rerouted out to another shortcut up ahead.

“His eyes keep fluttering and changing color, same with his hair.” Serishema
barley knew Justin, but she felt a connection she could not explain. The past few
months since they had all met up at the complex after some interesting
circumstances brought them together. About three years ago, Justin decided after
some personal problems to leave Senshudan Gakuen and went on a ‘Soul Searching’
across a few places around the world. Going on nothing but a few dollars he had
saved up from a few jobs he had done here and there, he used his mutant refugee
status to get him back home to the United States. There he had met up with two
people who were looking at a safe haven to live at and be around people of similar

In his trek to Winnipeg, he’d come across a village of mutants who’d been hiding
from the US Government act of Illegal Unregistered Mutant Eradication act of 1999.
He stayed with them for a year until the IUM unit tracked them down and killed
everyone that did not manage to escape. After the year and a half of traveling
across the US and Canada looking for reasons and information on his background and
his real family… he turned to someone he had met on a bus in California a few
years back.

Going by the nickname of Tensei at the time, he had spent a 6-hour travel on a
tour bus down to Los Angeles from a northern part of the state. Tensei and Justin
spent good time talking about reincarnation, present, past and future spirit
incarnations, and the reasons behind a good soul-search. He had mentioned a few
things about someone who was a little bit older than him that he had met when he
was in his mid to early teen years, someone who he and another friend were keen on
finding again and returning with the bond they once shared.

Serishema was more of an interesting meet for everyone... On his way out of the
country and back through to Japan, Tensei made a small stop to Vancouver to meet
up with a psychic with Native American roots. Living in a small apartment with
her best friend Akiya, who had constantly talked about his friend Tensei who had
only been last seen in California when they were all kids… It was there that
Serishema used her powers to connect with Tensei and Akiya to find out about an
old friend.

The only image was a dog-like creature with red eyes, red and black hair and a
tail like a black Labrador.

Therefore, when things started getting weirder, Tensei and Serishema met up in
California on their way to see about moving into the complex, a new haven in
Tokyo. Little did Tensei know, that the visions he had been seeing about this
place were not just that he was meant to go there -- but he would re-unite with
old acquaintances.

Arriving back at the complex -- Polarity stopped abruptly when he saw the director
of this place standing in the driveway. One blink of the eye and he would crash
into the older man and things would be even more a mess. He quickly moved to open
the door and walked to the pink-haired man, and sighed for a moment.

“Neh, I am sorry I didn’t realize you were there.” Polarity replied as he stopped
the car and got outside.

“Well … watch where you’re going next time,” Makoto Fujiwara said as he patted
Polarity on the shoulder. “I’m gathering you’re late.”

Polarity nodded, and began to explain exactly what was going on. “Yes, I missed an

“Tell the truth. I am psychic yannknow.” Makoto grinned and raised his eyebrow at

“Hmmm… Well it’s complicated.” Polarity said as he walked back to the car and
opened the back door where Serishema and Justin were supposed to be… It was not as
if they had left -- but there was something different about each of them.

“Damnit… It’s spread.” Makoto saw something totally out of the ordinary, his
students -- his young teammates in unrecognizable forms. Well, the case was not
unrecognizable for Justin per se… but Serishema looked completely different. A
much taller more androgynous form lay next to Justin, who was coughing from his
randomized cat form, which only some of the older members of the complex could

“… I don’t understand.” Polarity’s face looked confused, he was not sure of what
to make of it all.

“There’s something odd going on, I don’t know how to name it but it seems to have
something to do with alternate timelines, and the past and future converging.”
Makoto sighed, and climbed into the car and tried to wake the two up. “Neh…
Justin-chan, Shema-chan wake up it’s me Makoto…”

Justin stopped coughing for a moment and his eyes turned blue.

“…I … you? …” the look on his face was of amazement, as he would either just seen
a ghost or a celebrity…

“He’s always been nuts, but not this nuts.” Makoto laughed nervously as he noticed
Serishema waking up slowly. “Are you alright…?” Makoto asked as Serishema nodded
her head and sat up a bit further as she noticed the changes on her own form,
amongst her teammates as well.

“This… Change…” Serishema cut herself off as she noticed the change in her voice
as well as the change in her form. She tried to clear her throat and change it …
back to what she remembered it to be. Without the ability to do this, she shook
her head and shied away from finishing what she would have said.

“I could see what you mean Makoto-san, this change… that has affected us already,
brought on an interesting set of … memories you could say.” Polarity shook his
head and sighed looking at Makoto, “Memories of another life along the same time
as now…”

“I understand… you see things in … a much different sometimes detrimental light.”

Makoto nodded, and looked back at Justin for a moment who was still shell-shocked.
“Snap out of it kitten.”

“I don’t understand, isn’t his power somewhat … like… anthro dog?” Polarity asked
as he saw the blue-eyed cat try to shake the shell shock.

Justin shook himself wildly as he tried to shake the shell-shocked cat form and
return to something that nobody but a select few remembered. With an extremely
embarrassed face, he looked up at Polarity and gulped as he realized his form was
no longer canine, but feline. It was not anything huge to him or anything but it
seemed that he was unsure whether this was something to do with now, or another
timeline. Well it is not entirely, as if he could explain it, he was a bit of a
time displacement himself.

“Nandesho?” Polarity looked at Justin slightly and noticed something he had not
seen before.

“Neh… What… What are you staring at?” Justin growled a little at Polarity and
looked away for a moment.

“You…” Polarity noticed something he was only informed of because of his knowledge
of the time displacement theory brought about ten years ago. This girl he’d known
of when he was first learned about anything to do with the governments’ time
theories and experiments. “You’re that cat girl…”

“Yea… and what the hell do you make of it…?” He retorted back and snarled, he
wasn’t one to like being called on things he’d already hidden well beyond his

“Calm down Damnit, I was only asking you a simple question. Don’t undermine me
just because you’re pissed off about your past. A past that may not even exist if
it weren’t for the government’s fucking experiments.” Polarity replied in return,
snarling back just as hard.

“You don’t get it.” Justin sighed, “I’m not fuckin’ pissed off about my past… I’m
pissed off that it’s been DONE and buried and putting me back in a vulnerable

“We’re all experiencing similar things, now get out of the car and we’ll all get
in side…” Makoto said moving towards the door.

“The cat’s back, and the gravity kid got bit by the bug... Anyone up for a hot
bowl of ramen?” Kiyoshi smirked and watched as everyone got out of the car and
moved to go inside. “Oi, stop you’re snarling at each other.” He scratched the
back of his neck and laughed because he understood exactly why Polarity and Justin
were growling at each other like hell. Well maybe not exactly.

“Baka.” Polarity snarled threatening to hit Justin in the face if he didn’t shut

“Fuckin’ moron… stickin’ his nose in where it doesn’t belong.” Justin snarled

Polarity’s memory flashes quickly came back, and shut the two of them up seriously
quick. Something from their alternate timelines made them both stay five feet away
from each other and more so made them determined to fix this issue.

“Neh, you two calm down.” Makoto smacked Justin upside the head… “You’re not the
only two suffering from this shit, so just hold your butts together until we can
fix it.”

“Oi, Polarity… keep your pants on.” Kiyoshi cocked his hips a bit, and lit a
cigarette smirking and pointing at Polarity who was currently completely red along
with Justin.

“I wasn’t doing ANYTHING.” Polarity began to try and forget what he’d seen.

Few hours to pass, and things seemed a bit more calm than they had as of earlier,
but this didn’t mean things could get any better or any worse. Whatever was the
cause they were sure that they could get over this and fix it in time. How was
another story… Considering they weren’t even SURE of the cause of this disaster
quite yet.

“Get your own bowl maan, I’ve had enough..” Makoto sneered slightly at Kiyoshi,
who was demanding another bowl of ramen and another hit of sake. “ Sides, you need
your fucking sleep you’ve been up five days battling your end of things. It’s
about damn time you slept!”

“Nah, don’t need sleep. Sleep is for cultivating mushrooms on one’s head.” Kiyoshi
lightly yawned, grinning and pointing to the top of his head.

“You are a hard case to deal with some days.” Makoto replied lightly and got up.

“EEY!! Where’s my other bowl and my sake?” Kiyoshi grinned at Makoto, only making
the situation worse.

“Get it yourself, I’m going to bed. ALONE for once.” He’d only made reference to
something he didn’t want half the place to know, the involvement of anything more
than friends with Kiyoshi seemed to be a mistake lately.

“Aww, am I not good evening company?”

“Not lately, you’ve been reminiscing of things that only sound like you’re in your
early twenties and you’re in a totally different mind state. What happened to the
ol’ Ishikawa huh?” Makoto replied slightly, concerned at the events and how it
affected them both.

“Oh, and you should talk.. You’ve been humming random songs that don’t exist.
You’re not a musician really.. You teach MUSIC but you’ve never really been IN
music other than that.” Kiyoshi grinned, noting the obvious.

This was entirely what it was like at three in the morning, all the other students
were in bed and things were quiet around the place. Makoto and Kiyoshi would take
their insomniac times to them selves and usually joke around a bit, until the
recent events started. They’d each taken their company for granted before this,
but as of late it’s been a concerning effort to understand each other’s new
problems. Kiyoshi seemed to have an interesting set of memory flashes, because
they mimicked the ones that Polarity had. Same thing with Makoto, they mimicked
another student.

“Shattit… You know nothing … “ Makoto joked a bit and stuck his tongue out at

“You sleep too Mako-chan, you’ve been up the same amount of time I have.” Kiyoshi
grinned and nodded, and moved to steal the rest of the sake.

“HEY don’t touch the rest of that or you’ll be getting another hangover

“Like it’ll do much, I’m just trying to drown out everything I’ve seen.” Kiyoshi
replied softly sipping on another cup of sake. He smirked lightly, knowing Makoto
wasn’t looking.

“That’s really unlike you, ya know… drowning out your pain… even with everything
I’ve seen I doubt you’d ever normally do that.”

“Nah, but sake just tastes so damn good!” Kiyoshi grinned at Makoto… He was
actually lying about the drowning, he was really just getting drunk just cause the
stuff tasted good. He knew exactly how much Makoto would worry if he’d said what
he did.

“Can I have some of that Kiyoshi-san?” a lighthearted young woman crawled into the
kitchen area in her pajamas and looked innocently at the Director with a smile.

“You’ll get sick, well ok let me rephrase that young lady.. YOU ARE SICK, you
SHALT NOT touch this with a ten foot pole -- if you do, I will make sure I find a
ruler and SMACK you with it.” Makoto replied heartily at the young woman in the
doorway, a young student of his and Kiyoshi’s that’d been sick for the last couple
years without any reason behind it. She’d occasionally make her way down to the
kitchen at this time of the day, and incoherently ask for a bit of whatever
Kiyoshi was having.

“Sake isn’t for sick girls… mid twenties or not.” Kiyoshi grinned and downed

“But but Makoto-san!!!”

“Lightning. Please, you’re still sick make your way back towards the medical ward
and sleep some more.” Makoto replied.

“But I’ve been sick for years now, and these things I see when I --”

“We’ve all been seeing things lately… don’t worry about it we can’t fix it.”
Kiyoshi sternly looked over to the young woman, and then back at the sake bottle.
“Damn, all out. Mako-chan, get me another” He grinned.

“Now is not the time for another -- you’ve had enough Ishikawa now go the hell to
bed.” Makoto snarled… looking back at the young girl who’d fell to her knees
crying. “Lightning! … Are … You ok?” He’d ran to see if the girl was ok, but by
the time the crying stopped … Lightning had fallen to her knees, in a sort of
mindless response to what was called a dream-state for her.

“ Mommy… I m-m-iss you … can I c-c-ome back h-h-home yet?” She uttered, the dream
state was now more reminiscent of the events that had been going on for the last
few days, even weeks. “P-please Daddy… I didn’t mean to hurt you!”

“I’d get her to the medical ward immediately Fujiwara, she’s in a state we can’t
control…” Kiyoshi responded getting up off the chair and over toward the girl
kneeling on the floor. Yet something prevented him from going towards her…

Lightning’s eyes opened in an awkward manner, and her head moved up and over to
face Kiyoshi in an upright matter. You could see her moving her voice box in a
way that would make you believe she was lowering her voice slightly. Her deep
gray blue eyes looked up at Kiyoshi with a grin.

“What’s that? I‘m a dumb dog?” Lightning’s voice reminisced of a girl nearly her
age from another timeline that Kiyoshi and Polarity had both been seeing.

“No… Lightning, you need to get to the medical ward…” Kiyoshi stood back far
enough and looked away.

“But... You know that Irei guy, he is really hot!“ Her head titled and her voice
went slightly higher as she giggled a little, but in a much unfamiliar tone.

“Makoto can you move her please?” Kiyoshi growled.

“I can’t, she’s got her electric shield up.” Makoto replied, moving his hand away

“Can you scan to see if Justin’s ok? If this is happening… it seems they’re still
connected.” Kiyoshi tried to ignore her for a few minutes and put away the dishes.

“Damnit… He’s down too. You try to find him, and I’ll take care of her all right?
I should be able to get past the defenses if I try hard enough.” Makoto sighed,
and nodded at Kiyoshi.
“What defenses… Her and that damn dog have ADHD, that’s not a defense… it’s a
whirlwind in their own heads.” Kiyoshi replied slightly moving out the door at
the other end of the Kitchen. He moved quickly to try and find Justin’s dorm room
a few levels up while leaving Makoto down in the kitchen to help with Lightning.

“hide…” Lightning’s eyes turned toward Makoto…

“I’m… here.” Makoto replied slightly… falling into his own dream state.

“How do we fix this?”

“I’d ask you the same question kiddo... But we’ll fix it, we’ll get you back to
where you belong sooner than later.” He was able to bypass her electric shield
without hurting himself, and pat her on the head. Smiling he stood up and picked
her up, “Soon enough kid.”

Chapter Two:
Let the cat out of the bag, and sleeping dogs lie.

As a few more days had past, and more events similar to the last few days
happened… the staff and students at Senshudan Gakuen shed new light to the
problems. Kiyoshi and Makoto spent a day plotting what to ask, and what to discuss
with students and decided that the dog and the gravity kid were the first to talk
to. Polarity stood next to Justin in the office downstairs with Kiyoshi and Makoto
learning all about what the problems that have been going on are. The only
difference to last week when they did this was, that things were not this bad and
things were as you could call… normal.

“Why am I sitting anywhere NEAR this furball?” Polarity complained loudly, and
growled at Justin slowly.

“Because we have QUESTIONS for you BOTH. Now sit down, shut up and LISTEN.” Makoto
sternly commanded, as he stood up from his seat in the office. “With everything
happening in the last couple weeks we need to know what you both have been
experiencing and what you’ve been seeing in your ‘dream-states’ per se. I’ve
discussed my experiences with Kiyoshi, and he with me... It’s the students turn

“Why together?” Justin said lightly.

“Because, you seem to have an aversion to each other more than usual… And Makoto
believes you have something to do with each other in the ‘alternate timeline’ as
we are starting to call it.” Kiyoshi lightly responded to Justin’s particular
question, which was less of an attack than Polarity’s first response.

“He’s got a point Polarity.” Justin nodded, and was trying to behave and not buck
the system.

“Yea a point, I’ll back down from my aversion and admit there is an issue or ...Ok
maybe not an issue with him -- but it’s an aversion due to what I’d been seeing.”
Polarity noted, “That girl that’s in the medical lab, that you all have mentioned
has something to do with Justin… what is her particular relation?”

Kiyoshi smirked and moved a hand forward palm facing the ceiling, motioning for
Justin to respond and explain the truth about his end of things.

“She, she’s actually part of the cause of this... And we don’t know how to get her
back… She, she’s me yet not. Yet, the part of her that is, is another timeline
incarnation… you know like how you’ve been seeing things... Well the things I’m
seeing are things she’s SUPPOSED to normally experience through her own eyes but
hasn’t because she’s stuck being like in two worlds at once almost.” Justin
sighed, “I would’ve told you about her sooner Polarity, but I wasn’--

“I trust you enough by now you can call me Tensei.” Polarity nodded, letting
Justin finally know it was ok to know the truth as well.

“… Tensei…”

“What, you don’t remember?”

“I do, but…”

“But what? All the insults I jokingly throw at you never hinted at that?”
“Why didn’t’ you tell me sooner?”

“Same reason you probably didn’t tell me about lightning sooner, we weren’t sure
of the situation, and you and I weren’t sure that each other, respectively were
who we once were.” Polarity smiled and sat there for a moment.

“He left to pursue the rest of his life on the fact that him, Serishema and Trance
were all well enough controlled at a young age they could function normally. You
were another case; I couldn’t even get you to STOP SHEDDING before you were
eighteen. It didn’t help the government stole you and started experimenting on
you, and worst of all started similar things on Lightning, who wasn’t even a
mutant to begin with... Let alone being from this timeline.” Makoto sighed and
looked toward the two, “Continue...”

“Sorry, I’ve uhm been seeing a lot of things from her timeline that …” Justin
didn’t really want to finish, he didn’t want to even SAY it in front of Polarity,
let alone Kiyoshi or Makoto.

“THAT part you don’t have to say anything about...” Kiyoshi laughed nervously and,
as the same with Polarity at that moment -- quickly turned red.

“You know about that part?” Justin questioned.

“SHUSH. It’s fine.”

Makoto grinned, “What’s fine? What is there something my incarnation in that

timeline SHOULD need to know?”

“NOTHING. Ok?” Justin snarled a little, “It was just that it’s a lot of girly shit
that bugs me -- things about her that I don’t know how she deals with it. Ok,
girly is a bad word… but they’re really weird things.”

“That’s it?” Makoto pointed out. “You sure?”

“Well, no it’s just that she … She actually doesn’t want to be female anymore in
that timeline, or rather believes she’s not female. I don’t know what to say cause
it’s been eating at my insides, because she seems to not know at what point to
move forward...” Justin felt very ...Quietly and internally in pain from this,
because if Lightning were able to say anything about what she felt from that
timeline he’d been able to talk it over with her… or so he thinks. Lightning never
liked him for some reason, and it was really hard for the two of them to
communicate, since she always took advantage of her fusion powers and depression
and would force Justin to fuse with her at the most inopportune times. Due to her
sickness, she’d not done this since Justin had left for a couple years.

“I’ve been seeing that from my incarnation’s end of things… And I’ve been
realizing more that this girl values the connection they share, as her or rather
‘him’ and who ‘he’ considers ‘his’ brothers plow through life.” Kiyoshi mentioned,
accidentally letting loose that he had the same connection and incarnation as

“… How is that possible, I was going to say the same thing?”

“Because Tensei… Akiya and Makoto share incarnations, as do you and I. What can
you do about it? Cry?” Kiyoshi grinned and laughed lightly.

“Ok…” Polarity blinked for a moment, “Adding to that, I’d say it’s more than just
a value she’s afraid she’ll lose their friendship because of the rocky friendships
she’d pursued years before this. I’ve also seen her determination to keep
everything afloat with this person, and everything.”

“I agree with that... She seems very outgoing, persevering and young hearted...”
Makoto nodded, “Much like Lightning and Justin both.” he swallowed some water and
exhaled for a moment, adding to what he was going to say. “And as well, much like
Polarity and Trance.”

“You raaang?” Akiya slowly moved his head past the doorway and into the office.
“Someone gave me a mental phone call saying they wanted a sports car!”

“Be serious for a moment Akiya will you?” Justin complained.

“Leave him alone baka, he’s just being silly.” Polarity whapped Justin in the arm
and frowned at him.


“Don’t say sorry, we’re all tense here.”

“As tense as my pants with a porn picture on my email box?” Akiya grinned and sat
by Polarity.

“No see, Akiya, you’re too young to enjoy that to the full extent.” Makoto crossed
his arms and smirked at the young mutant who’d just entered the room.

“Says who?” Akiya smiled and settled into his chair softly and looked at Makoto
and Kiyoshi. “Am I assuming we five are the first ones to be discussing this

The four sitting beside and in front of Trance nodded, making note of the
movements to make next in a series of steps to rectify a situation that is worse
than even a world war. Time displacement can cause eventually worse than sight
ripples, it can cause waves and crashes into other separate timelines and cause
the past and future to collide in a mass explosion.

“Hai, it is your turn to explain things to Makoto and I and the other two here
about what you’ve seen.” Kiyoshi sat lightly, moving a cigarette to his lip in a
typical manner.

“Much like the others, I’ve been experiencing dream-like states in the middle of
doing simple tasks. The things I see are sometimes very vague depending on the
lifetime I’m experiencing per se… Unlike Makoto, I’ve been seeing a younger form
and experiencing things through this…” Akiya crossed his legs lightly and exhaled
for a moment, “Yet much like Makoto I’ve been seeing memories of a starred
lifetime, something that pertains to a much more famous era.”

“I had a lucid state the other day with lightning, I remember it fully for some
strange reason... Like it was my own movements yet it wasn’t… I’m not even sure
how it started.” Makoto replied and reached in his own pockets for a cigarette,
offering one to Justin the only other smoker in the room besides Kiyoshi. Much in
turn, the cigarette smoke bellowed into the ceiling area and the other two non-
smokers began to cringe lightly.

“It must’ve been the same time I’d passed out… I’m not even sure WHERE I was when
I passed out .. But I only remembering uttering weird things, things I don’t know
about in this lifetime but maybe I do in the next. Things like ‘I need to grow as
a whole, I need to move away from all of this.’” Justin responded and exhaled the
smoke lightly into the air.

Kiyoshi subconsciously blew the cigarette smoke into Polarity’s face and smirked,
finding another topic to move onto. “Well, that should be enough information from
all of you…”

“Sorry to have been a bother Kiyoshi-sensei…” Justin nodded, “And thanks for the

“I told you to quit weeks ago Justin…” Polarity growled and looked back at

“A little nicotine never hurt anybody ne?” He said consciously flicking the
earrings gracing his ear.

“EEESH. Sensei DON’T DOO THAT.” Justin cringed as he felt a fur patch climb up the
back of his neck. The three students stood up and looked at each other, and looked
back at Kiyoshi and Makoto with a slight smile. Well that is, everyone except
Justin, who was growling at the amount of flicks Kiyoshi, was doing on his

Justin’s eyes darted to meet the other man’s.

Kiyoshi smirked and motioned for the students to go so there could be more
interviews after this one. He laughed and looked at Makoto, who was making a
glare at him.

“What? I was just having fun!”

“That was cruel, I thought I explained you shouldn’t do that.”

“I thought it was funny.”

“You’re a massively bad influence to the younger kids if you keep that up...”

“Look who’s talking Mr. I’ve had a chick in each arm since we started this place.”

“OH shut it.”

“I win.”

“Shut up.”

“Admit it. You thought it was funny.”

“It was not funny, right now that’s very dangerous.”

“Dangerous ne… “

“Who’s next on the list?” Makoto sighed and grabbed the paper as he watched the
other students remove themselves from the room. “Serishema.”

“She’s got an interesting part in this, not only is she in this timeline seeming
to be the pup’s love interest, but in that timeline...” Kiyoshi scratched his head
a moment, blowing the strands of hair out of his face as he fiddled with the
cigarette. “That other time line, she’s ‘his’ love interest as well.” He idly
looked over to make sure his flute was near him, and exactly where he’d left it.
Not like he’d ever forget it, because he wouldn’t -- it was unlike him to even
consider not bringing it with him anywhere. This of course, got him into random
fights with Makoto, but he figured he could survive Makoto’s lectures if this had
ever arisen.

A knock on the door is to be heard, as a young woman entered the room. Standing
about five foot seven, and sun kissed blonde hair sitting at her shoulders the
blue eyed psychic named Serishema stood in front of the desk. She placed a hand on
the chair in front of her and the other holding her right shoulder underneath a
white cotton shirt gracing over a tan skirt.

“I have arrived Kiyoshi-san.” Serishema’s real name was unknown, she refused to
tell anyone what it was and usually got into massive arguments with certain
students for this same reason. She wasn’t an angry person of course; she just
wished people would leave her alone about a past she didn’t want to remember.
Something she had in common with Justin, was that their pasts were something they
refused to let loose, but unlike Justin she was ok with hiding her own. His always
became public somehow…

Kiyoshi scratched the back of his neck, nodding to Serishema. Smirking again, he
spoke up to the young Psychic. “Ah, you might want to uh… sit down?"

“Right.” Serishema seemed more military trained than top computer teacher in the
school… when around other colleagues of certain stature that is. "I assume I’m
here to discuss the universal problem that has arisen."

"Hai, Serishema we would like to know your side of this as well as a few things
you've experienced from the memories you've been experiencing." Makoto replied
softly as he watched Serishema sit in front of him.
"Right, well... I suppose I should start with my experience with the symptoms
given with the problems arising..." Serishema crossed her legs, and revealed a set
of tan flat-heeled boots that matched her skirt. As she spoke, you could see a
spark of concern cross each section of her blue irises..."It started a few days
before I’d gone with Polarity and Black Lightning to gather some things to
purchase from a few stores, I’d begin to see things as myself... but another
alternate incarnation of myself. I'd believed it to be a part of my psychic powers
mutating slightly -- and thought nothing of it until I’d realized these weren't
memories from other people or thoughts... these were my own eyes in another
timeline." she sighed, placing a hand on her right knee. "The day we'd gone to the
store, I’d been feeling very unusual -- like things were not right. I'd chosen to
spoke up about it to Polarity at the time, and I’d spoken out a name which came
from the alternate timeline... which caused Polarity to ... well maybe not snap,
but it was a concerned call out."

"Mmm.... and what sort of things are you seeing in this alternate timeline? I
mean, you seem to have involvement with Justin in another timeline ne?" Kiyoshi
subconsciously flicked his earring, and then smirked eyeing Serishema for her
response. He sensed a connection she had, his intuition was giving him a clue into
the eyes of the situation and how they might try and rectify it.

"Yes, yes I’m seeing very distinct connections with his incarnation in that
timeline. He is very, confused about everything and what seems to be the
situation is that, he's trying his hardest to learn and grow up as fast as he can
-- but everyone is going at a faster pace than he is, and despite being
biologically older than a few of his friends, he's considerably younger in many
other ways... leaving him to try and catch up. He's a loyal, kindhearted and
childish sort of soul -- much like he is in this timeline... but almost more
carefree on the outside, but tearing himself apart on the inside just to try and
understand the world. " Serishema blinked, for a moment, and continued "Unlike
now, where he's given up on even trying to do the whole understanding the world,
his friends and his life."

"Interesting." Makoto ran a hand through his hair, and looked at Kiyoshi who was
currently eyeing Serishema's legs... "WILL YOU STOP THAT?"

"Hmm? Oh, sorry... " Kiyoshi smirked, blowing the strands of hair out of his face,
he was planning his excuse to Makoto ...but got caught out by the two psychics

"Nice Try Kiyoshi." Makoto and Serishema BOTH replied to his lame mental excuse
immediately following his smirk.

“Finish, please Serishema...” Makoto nodded and motioned for Serishema to finish
her talk.

“As for my own symptoms? I, I would rather submit a written report…” Serishema
wasn’t comfortable with telling her physical symptoms, it was that she felt it was
weak – and she just wasn’t sure about her feelings towards these physical symptoms
that have been plaguing her.

“Would you mind if I scanned you instead?” Makoto needed to know the details
sooner than later, and written reports weren’t common in this situation.

“No, no I do not. Go ahead,” Serishema nodded, and in return relaxed and let a
few filters and shields down for Makoto to be able to break through and read what
was going on.
“I’m seeing a distinct change in your physicality, height wise, and you become …
androgynous possibly in the way you look?” Makoto’s eyes were fixated, looking
Serishema straight into her own eyes. “Your personality remains similar, but your
physicality changes in a way that – may not normally bug you, but the change
itself is a fairly large one – so it confuses you, and in that you consider it a
weakness you would rather not admit to… If I am correct your only personality and
spirit change, is that towards Justin. Your feelings for him in this timeline,
are similar… yet amplified in the other timeline.”

“Yes… it seems we share a much stronger bond there.” She sat up straight for a
moment and sighed, “This physical change, you’re right … it shouldn’t bug me, but
the reason it does isn’t the fact that it’s a gender change, or anything… it’s a
physicality change, something that is much different to what I’m used to.” She
lowered her head and faced her hands on her lap, sighing she continued. “Things in
that world, seem very confusing ... hardly at all something I could expect to
begin to understand.”

“Hai, you’ve done well ne… to explain everything in such detail for us.” Kiyoshi
said, smirking and looking back at Makoto. “You may go now, we will let you know
when we find anything else.”

“Or when he stops staring at your legs.” Makoto said, whacking Kiyoshi in the arm.
He watched as Serishema got up slowly and walked toward the doorway…

“Thank you for hearing me out.” She said, walking out the doorway.

“We should check up on lightning, see if she knows anything...” Makoto wasn’t sure
if this was the way to go or not, but they were not finding many answers in
anything so far, and they weren’t’ sure they were going to either.

“If she’s awake ne…” Kiyoshi grabbed another cigarette, and lit it as he looked
back down at the paper to see who was next. “Miyaku is on the list next anyways...
no sorry, I take that back... Saitoh... your brother.”

“Good god, I forgot about him.” Makoto laid his head in his hands; he’d been very
confused the last few weeks about his own family since he’d started seeing things
about the other world/timeline… confusion that struck a negative bind with his
slightly older twin brother. “Ever since this has all been happening, we’ve had to
keep him in the fucking containment cells … like the ones the government used to
use on him and Justin…”

“Yes, but its time you faced him.” Kiyoshi sighed and stood up for a moment,
grabbing his flute and slipping it onto his back.

“Donchu fucking bring that with you, can’t you just leave it here for once?”
Makoto growled lowly, and looked at Kiyoshi with a frown.

“No. It goes with me. End of story.” Kiyoshi didn’t even grace Makoto with any
facial movement, he just faced the wall where he had his flute, and walked to the
door after. “Are you coming or what, we will face your brother… and then we will
see the girl.”

“Can’t we just leave him there for once? He can’t ever say anything coherent half
the time...”


”I mean seriously, when has he –

“HIDE… “

“Ki …you … ne?” Makoto stared blankly at Kiyoshi, who’d called out a name that
only Lightning had used during shared dream-states.

“Neh, Mako-chan… It’s starting again, let’s get going before it gets worse.”
Kiyoshi shook his head lightly, scratching his neck and beginning to walk out the

Makoto blinked for a moment, scratching his head… he then got up and watched
Kiyoshi hastily move from the doorway to halfway to the stairwell. “WAIT UP
GODDAMNIT.” He got up and scurried out to follow.

“Heh.” Kiyoshi smirked, as he sensed the rushed footsteps of his colleague, and
friend. The two of them rushed down a set of stairs which led to the basement,
which held a few jail cells, a couple containment cells and a weird set of morgue-
like areas. Basically the basement smelled like death to anyone who hadn’t been
down there before. They’d passed a few corridors once down the stairs, and reached
a small room the size of a normal lounge, where the containment pods/cells were
kept. “Mako-chan, are you coming?”

“Yes yes, I’m right behind you… but I’m telling you, this wasn’t my idea.”
Makoto’s brother had been stuck in a containment cell like this off and on for the
last ten years, most likely longer than that. For some reason, Saitoh couldn’t
shake the government’s hold on him – and the amount of power they’d given the now
31 year old man was killing him practically. The only difference between him and
Justin in terms of situation is, Kiyoshi and Makoto both were able to use the
containment cells on Justin to lock parts of him from himself.

“Saitoh-kun, your brother’s here to see you…” Kiyoshi said as he turned the
containment cell off and opened the door. A man about 5’7 stood inside the cell…
a man who looked exactly like Makoto, except for the strikingly yellow-almost
neon-blonde hair, and metal-gold eyes. Wing-like blades graced his forearms, and
sharp-talon like nails graced each finger.

A childish sounding voice rang out at first… “Mako? Mako is that you?”

“Shhh Saitoh, I’m here.” Makoto bit his lower lip and tried not to look at his

The voice turned a bit, “Why are you here?”

“We have a request for you.” Kiyoshi was ready for Saitoh if an attack were to
come, it was a matter of when and what force would be applied. He smirked,
subconsciously flicking an earring and looking Saitoh in the eyes. “We would like
to discuss something that’s been going on with you and many others across the

A sardonic smile began to grace Saitoh’s mouth, “You want me to tell you what’s
going on in your own tiny little minds?”

“Saitoh, it’s me… you know full well what’s been going on. You need to help us.
PLEASE.” Makoto frowned a bit, he knew that right now, what was left of his
brother was minimal. Through government testing, psychological trauma and
everything else to boot – Saitoh Fuijwara didn’t exist anymore than a night
crawler after it’s been squished to death.
“I’ll tell you and your tiny little army of brats what’s going on.” Saitoh stopped
after his sentence and began to lose control of his functions, and nearly fell out
of the pod, until Kiyoshi caught him. He was practically unconscious, and even
the containment pod couldn’t keep him alive at the moment.

“Help me get him up to the lab really quickly.” Kiyoshi said, barley able to hold
him – it wasn’t like Saitoh was heavy – but it was like an undue force of dead
weight, the sheer velocity of how he fell knocked the wind out of Kiyoshi.

“Oh Saitoh, why did I ever let the government get to you..” Makoto said, rushing
to help prop him up to his feet so he could help Kiyoshi get him up to the medical
lab. Once up the stairs, they swiftly managed to get him onto a table in the
Medical lab. Oddly enough, a table next to Lightning who’d been unconscious for
days since her last dream-state, which brought shivers down his spine and
Kiyoshi's by several things she'd said through this whole predicament.

“She sleeps like a log ne…” Kiyoshi smiled softly for a moment, he looked at
lightning with a concerned look. To him, she was like a child lost in a world she
didn’t belong in, but none of them knew how to return her to her parents. Let
alone to the world she belonged to, she’d been this way for years and only
becoming sicker and sicker as the years progressed. “I wish we could cure her, or
something… return her…” his eyes widened as he reminisced lightly about the first
day he'd found her. Ten years ago, before they'd even built this school, he'd
found her sitting in a Tokyo bus shelter, in the dead middle of winter in nothing
but a nightgown, slippers and a small rabbit plush toy. She reminded him of
someone even back then, someone he could never point out or even dream of figuring
out who it was. Until he realized there was another child, just like her under
his care -- and was about to be taken away by the government -- right under their
noses. He snapped himeslf out of his reminsce, and sighed turning to Makoto,
"Return her to where she belongs.. she looks so tortured.."

“Stop. Stop right there, we WILL return her. AT whatever cost.” Makoto was only
snapping, because he was becoming a little tired of seeing a life, a life that he
didn’t live nor believe he could live through his own eyes. An artistic, talented
mutant yes, but he would’ve never gone for the stage like that. He’d been too
busy trying to save his brother, his best friend and his students from any sudden
death that impended upon them. A victimized family of government corruption, power
and money -- Makoto grew up knowing just exactly why he needed to save this world
from the grasping hell spawned hands of the Government. He'd lost his father, his
brother and many others to this faction, a faction that in the end only means
death and destruction. When he needed it most, was when he never could get help
-- at a young age when his powers were flourishing the only thing to save him from
the hell it tried to bring was his best friend Kiyoshi, who fought the government
with him through thick and thin. "Do you realize, that if we don't start trying
now... everything could be dead, gone and over in the next two weeks?"

"Hai, if we don't try and at least return her... neh.." Kiyoshi's eyes narrowed
back to their normal state, and he watched as Saitoh woke up slightly. "Bird
brains is awake again."

"M-m-mako, why am i not dead yet -- why havent they killed me yet?" Saitoh cried
out softly, trying to reach out for his twin brother's hand.

"Saitoh-chan, you've been killed, they only revive you when they need you.. the
last time they did it they must've failed to screw your head back on right--
because we've had you in our own pods for two years now, and you're a near-
vegetable until i can expend the energy to hold you together. They've done it so
badly, your spirit is trapped in there and you can't move on... Sai-chan, can you
remember anything about what's been going on lately?" Makoto sighed, and held
Saitoh's cold hand and tried to hold in any emotion.

"That alternate timeline?? I don't exist. I am but an amusement to one's mind. A

simply flamboyantly GAY one at that" Saitoh tried to laugh and giggle a little,
and smile at his brother.. but it only served to throw him into a coughing fit.

"Heh. We knew you were gay sai, you made a pass at every single one of the fucking
guys here ne.." Kiyoshi smirked, laughing at the comments he made to Saitoh...
"Saitoh, is this possibly why you've been sick the same amount of time, as
lightning's severity of her own sickness began?"

"Hai, it's very well to do with that. Which is why the government won't take me
back , nobody could fix me... and every time my alter ego comes out, i go into
near-death mode. I don't have the energy to even sustain myself anymore, let alone
him. " Saitoh slowly swallowed his own saliva and looked over at Makoto, and tried
to smile.. "Return her, and your own problems will cease... there is a way, you
just have to look further.." His eyes slowly rolled back, and he fell back into an
unconcious state, unable to even sustatin enough energy to sleep through a dream-

Class A Drugs, The Diagnosis

Drugs, drugs and more drugs people say are the cause of half of what is going on
around this place... Truth be told, the cause has nothing to do with that. To say
that it is anyone person's fault is simply ignorant, there is someone at fault --
but no one in particular we can pinpoint. Well, alright that's wrong, That's
like saying "I'm tensei, and i dont throw rocks at justin's head when we're out
camping.". The government has had a hold on several of my teammates, former
classmates and colleagues here and it's a direct influence from that. They pulled
what seems to be a copy of a girl from another time, a girl that doesn't belong
here in this version of that time. Due to this, Justin's been in a tizzy since
the day she'd arrived -- of course i should add that he has no recollection of the
slight amount of time he was a female student right along side me.


What, did you think i was simply nice enough to just leave the dumb dog alone?

Yea right. And i'm totally NOT a demon vice commander.

Chapter Three
The Librarian, the blade winged angel

"WTF are you doing Polarity?" Justin asked as he watched Polarity walk to the
library with a massive pile of books.

"I'm curious." He replied, focusing on the walk down the corridor toward the
internal library of the complex. "I wanted to see what was going on, and see if
there was some way i could help.."

"Ok, and why do you have a book on the 'Shinsengumi'?" Justin raised an eyebrow as
he caught up with Polarity as they walked down the hall.

"Ok so i uh, wanted to read up on my past again..." Polarity wasn't lying, but for
him to have a book on it rather than just the knowledge he'd had before now was
weird -- well maybe not for him, but for justin to catch him was another story.
For some reason it was a shared, connected past with someone which he thought
might lead to the issues that have been going on.

"And why do you have a book on ADHD?"

"So i can teach you to focus, baka.."

"Gah, i can focus better than anyone else here you moron!"

"What happens when the girl dies, or she goes back... she has a direct effect on
how you work.."

"Don't remind me.."



"You don't want anyone's help, yet you really dont want to help the situation much
do you?" Polarity sighed, dropping the books onto the return table and coming back
out to the corridor to meet Justin.

"That's not t--

"Sure, you think it's not true but you won't go to the medical lab to see how she
is, you won't stop your charades for five minutes to introspectivley look in your
own past to see what it is that needs to be done." Polarity growled lightly and
smacked Justin upside the head, "What if she dies?"

"Then she dies."

"You can't be serious, she's a lifeform.. another human being, and she's you from
another timeline.. you'd dare let her die?"

"She's caused nothing but trouble... Everytime something goes wrong when she's
awake, she'll fuse with me... So to me? This is just another of her scardey cat
escapades..." Justin sighed and walked away, leaving Polarity confused and
dissapointed in the things he'd just said.

"Dumb dog." Polarity shook his head and walked down the other way in the corridor,
accidently tripping on an old ratted stuffed rabbit toy, catching his balance just
in time to see the very same girl sitting in the corridor asleep. "Lightning..."

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