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Lionel Messi was born on June 24, 1987 in the city of Rosario, in the province of Santa

Fe. He is the son of Jorge Horacio Messi, a factory worker, and Celia Mara Cuccittini,
a cleaner-time
Born and raised in the city of Rosario, at age 13 he moved to Spain, where Barcelona
agreed to pay the treatment of hormonal disease that had been diagnosed with child.
known as Leo Messi is an Argentine footballer who plays as a striker for FC Barcelona
and the Argentina team, of which he is captain. Often considered the best player in
the world and qualified in sport as the greatest of all time.


Lionel Messi Cuccitini, naci el 24 de junio de 1987 en

Rosario, Santa Fe en Argentina; mejor conocido como
Leo Messi. Sus padres son Jorge Messi y Celia
Cuccittini. A los cinco aos jug en el club Grandoli
que diriga su padre. A los diez, ingres a las
divisiones menores de Newells Old Boys, con el cual
gan la Copa de la Amistad de Per 1997.


A los once aos le diagnosticaron un dficit de la

hormona del crecimiento. Entonces el club cataln
Barcelona F.C. lo fich y le pag el costoso
tratamiento. Jug en el equipo juvenil hasta que
debut con el equipo mayor a los 16 aos. Desde
entonces brilla con luz propia por su calidad

En su brillante palmars destacan los campeonatos de Liga Espaola de 2005,

2006, 2009, 2010 y 2011. As como la Liga de Campeones de 2006, 2009 y
2011. Con la seleccin argentina ha sido Campen Mundial Juvenil en 2005 y
Medalla de Oro en las Olimpiadas de Beijing 2008. Tambin ha jugado las
Copas del Mundo de Alemania 2006 y Sudfrica 2010. En ambas ocasiones
lleg con Argentina a los cuartos de final. Actualmente, es la mxima estrella
del Barcelona F.C. (puntero en la Liga Espaola), y la Seleccin Argentina
(puntero en las Clasificatorias para el Mundial de Brasil 2014).


Lionel Messi Cuccitini, was born on June 24, 1987 in Rosario, Santa Fe in
Argentina; better known as Leo Messi. His parents are Jorge and Celia Messi
Cuccittini. Within five years he played in the club Grandoli who ran his father.
At ten, he entered the lower divisions of Newells Old Boys, with which he won
the Friendship Cup in Peru 1997.
At eleven he was diagnosed with a deficit of growth hormone. Then the
Catalan club Barcelona F.C. He signed him and paid the expensive treatment.
He played in the youth team until he debuted with the largest team at age 16.
Since then it shines for his footballing quality and goalscoring ability.

In his brilliant record highlights the Spanish League championships in 2005,

2006, 2009, 2010 and 2011. As well as the Champions League 2006, 2009
and 2011. With the Argentina selection has been Junior World Champion in
2005 and Gold Medal 2008 Beijing Olympics has also played the World Cup
Germany 2006 and South Africa 2010. on both occasions he came to
Argentina to the quarterfinals. It is currently the biggest star of Barcelona F.C.

(Pointer in the Spanish League) and Argentina (pointer in qualifying for the
2014 Brazil World Cup) team.

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