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Calm = Clido

Luxurious = lujoso

Cool = fresco

Backward = atrasado

Cold = fro

Cosmopolitan = cosmopolita

Pleasant = agradable

western = occidental

Developed = desarrollado

rural, urban; caluroso=hot

Eastern = oriental

World power=potencia mundial

Chicago is a less modern city than New York. Less modern: menos moderna.
Chicago is a cooler city than New York. Cooler: ms fria.
It's a big city. (Es una ciudad grande)
The city is bigger than.... (Es ms grande que...)
..,but it's smaller than... (..pero es ms pequeo que...)
It's a beautiful city. (Es una ciudad hermosa)
It's more beautiful than.. (Es ms hermosa que...)
It's an ugly city. (Es una ciudad fea.)
It's uglier than.... (Es mas fea que.)
It's a very busy city. (Es una ciudad muy animada)
...busier than.. (..mas animada que...)
It's a boring city. (Es una ciudad aburrida)
It's an exiting city. (Es una ciudad emocionante/ alucinante)
It's a famous city. (Es una ciudad conocida)
It's a clean city. (Es una ciudad limpia.
It's a dirty city. (Es una ciudad sucia.)
It's a quiet city. (Es una ciudad tranquila.)
It's a populous city. (Es una ciudad muy poplada)
It's a modern city. (moderna)
It's an antique city. (antigua)
It's a cool city. (chula, fashion)
Its a Huge. (enorme)

Thriving= prspera quaint=pintoresco

Congested= congestionado, office building= edificio de oficinas

Roads=carrreteras, industrial park=prque industrial
airport (rport) - aeropuerto
art gallery (rt gleri) - galera de arte
arts center (rts snter) - centro cultural
avenue (veniu) - avenida
bank (bank) - banco
bar (bar) - bar
bicycle (bisikl) - bicicleta
boarding house (brding hus) - pensin, casa de huspedes
bookstall (buk stol) - kiosco, puesto de libros
botanical garden (botnical garden) - jardn botnico
boulevard (blevard) - bulevar
bridge (brdch) - puente
building site (blding sit) - obra en construccin
buildings (bldings) - edificios
bus (bas) - autobs
bus station (bas stishon) - estacin de autobuses
bus stop (bs stop) - parada de autobs
castle (ksl) - castillo
cathedral (kazdral) - catedral
cemetery (smeteri) - cementerio
church (cherch) - iglesia
circus (srkes) - circo
city hall (sti hl) - ayuntamiento, municipalidad
clock (klk) - reloj
consulate (cnsulet) - consulado
corner (crner) - esquina
crossroads (crssruds) - cruce
crosswalk (crssuk) - paso de peatones
cul-de-sac (kldesc) - callejn sin salida
curb (kerb) - bordillo de la acera
department store (diprtment str) - grandes almacenes
district (dstrict) - barrio, distrito
ditch (dch) - zanja
downtown (dun tun) - centro de la ciudad
drugstore (drgstor) - farmacia
embassy (mbasi) - embajada
fire brigade (fier briguid) - cuerpo de bomberos
fountain (funten) - fuente

gutter (gter) - alcantarilla, cuneta

hairdresser's (herdrsers) - peluquera
highway (hi uei) - autopista
hospital (hspital) - hospital
hostel (hstel) - hostal
hotel (houtl) - hotel
house (hus) - casa
information office (informshon fis) - oficina de informacin
inhabitant (in hbitant) - habitante
lane (lin) - callejn
laundromat (lndromat) - lavadero automtico
lawcourt (lokort) - tribunal
library (librari) - biblioteca
litter (lter) - basura
mail box (mil box) - buzn de correos
market (mrket) - mercado
monument (mniument) - monumento
mosque (msk) - mezquita
motorcycle (mutorsikl) - motocicleta
motorists (mutorists) - automovilistas
movie theater (mvi zater) - cine
museum (miussom) - museo
neighborhood (niborjud) - barrio, distrito
neon signs (nin sins) - letreros luminosos
newspaper stand (nispeiper stnd) - quiosco de peridicos
night club (nit klab) - club nocturno
old people's home (uld pipls jum) - asilo de ancianos
orphanage (rfanidch) - orfanato
outskirts (ut skerts) - afueras de la ciudad
palace (plas) - palacio
park (prk) - parque
parking lot (prking lt) - aparcamiento
passage (psidch) - pasaje
passer-by (pser bi) - transente
pedestrian (pedstrian) - peatn
pedestrian zone (pedstrian zun) - zona peatonal
phone booth (fun buz) - cabina telefnica
police station (pols stishon) - comisara
port (prt) - puerto
post office (pust fis) - oficina de correos
prison (prson) - crcel
promenade (prmeneid) - paseo

railroad station (rilroud stishon) - estacin de ferrocarril

restaurant (rstorant) - restaurante
ring road (rng rud) - carretera de circunvalacin
road (rud) - camino, carretera
school (skul) - escuela, colegio
sewers (sers) - cloacas
shop (shp) - tienda
shop windows (shp undous) - escaparates
shopping mall (shping mol) - centro comercial
sidewalk (sid uok) - acera
skyscraper (skiskriper) - rascacielos
slums (slms) - barrio bajo
square (skuar) - plaza
stadium (stidiom) - estadio
statue (sttchiu) - estatua
stock exchange (stk ekschindch) - la bolsa de valores
street (strit) - calle
streetcar (stitcar) - tranva
streetlamps (strit lmps) - faroles de calle
suburbs (sborbs) - las afueras de la ciudad
subway (sb-uei) - metro, tren subterrneo
subway station (sb-ui stishon) - estacin de metro
synagogue (snagog) - sinagoga
taxi cab (tksi cb) - taxi
telephones (tlefuns) - telfonos
theatre (zater) - teatro
tourist (trist) - turista
tourist office (trist fis) - oficina de turismo
townspeople (tunssppl) - habitantes de la ciudad
traffic (trfik) - trfico, circulacin
traffic light (trfic lit) - semforo
traffic policeman (trfik polsman) - polica de trnsito
tramp (trmp) - vagabundo, mendigo
trashcan (trsh can) - papelera
travel agency (trvel idchensi) - agencia de viajes
trees (tris) - rboles
truck (trk) - camin
tunnel (tnel) - tnel
university (iunivrsiti) - universidad
zoo (su) - zoolgico

Tokio disfruta de un clima templado

tren de alta velocidad


Shinkansen Serie 500 en Japn.

Shinkansen Serie E5.

Los japoneses fueron los pioneros de la alta velocidad ferroviaria en el mundo con su tren bala
o Shinkansen en la dcada de 1960.
Todo empez a mediados de los aos 1950, cuando pensaron en construir una nueva lnea
ferroviaria entre Tokio y Osaka, las dos principales ciudades del pas, para resolver el
problema de la saturacin de la lnea existente con una mejora sustancial de los tiempos de
recorrido. Mitsubishi, Kawasaki, Hitachi y Sumitono se asociaron para que los trenes de alta
velocidad japoneses unieran desde 1964 las principales ciudades niponas, dejando que el
paisaje se desdibuje a 300 km/h.

Las lneas de alta velocidad que existen en este momento en Japn son:

Place, cities, country.

1.- Good evening, everybody, this time I will present this proyect about the
country of Japan.
Japan its in mainland of Asia, the country is a world potency

2.- The capital city is Tokio, Tokyo is a big city, noisy and crowded city, nosy,
the main tourist center of Japan, because Its Wonderful, Its very ultra
modern, its interesting, its touristic. The fist financial center of the world, You
can also find modern museums and restaurants.

3.- Itcrowded , Japan have very high building, its expensive city, but its
interesting and attractive, beautiful.
The People live in small houses.
The movie famous Japanese is Hashiko.

4.- Japan has an advanced technology and innovation. The robotics is highly
developed (divlop), the Japanese actually are pathfinders.
Japan manufactures cars, laptop, robots, is similar activity the humans, Smart
watch, cell phones, these products are of last technology.

5.- Shinkansen is the high-speed train, its very modern. Super express
running at speeds of up to 320 km/h (three handry tueny).
Sanctuary of Itsukushima its in Hiroshima, its old.
The best beach in Japan is Sesoko, Okinawa; has blue sea, white sand, the sea is
quiet for swim. Traditional clothes (clouts), dress (druas) are the kimonos.

6.- Traditional Japanese Dance is Odori and The Mai. Its lively (animado)
Typical food in Japan is delicious and exquisite (esquiset) food.
Sushi: the food is cooked of rice and sugar

Sashimi: the food is cooked of fish and seafood

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