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Created by :
Adnan Mursyidin
Melani Afifah
First of all I would like to say thanks to our God, Allah swt, so, the writer has
finished writing ISAS (Information Search and Analyzing Skills) in time to discuss
about Cloud Computing Architecture.
After making a great effort, the writer finally completed his research paper.
However, he realizes that there are still many short comings in this paper.

Writer hoped that this ISAS can give good detail information about Cloud
Computing Architecture. Therefore he enthusiastically welcomes the objective
criticism and constructive suggestion for the improvement of this paper.
Finally, the writer hopes that this paper will be useful not only for the writer
himself but also for the readers.

TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................2
CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................4



Problem Domain.................................................................................................4






Writing Structure........................................................................................5

BASIC THEORY..........................................................................................................6
2.1. Search Engine Marketing Description................................................................6
2.2. Search Engine Optimization Description...........................................................6
2.3. Search Process...............................................................................................7
2.4.General Principles of the Search Engine.............................................................8
A. Spider.....................................................................................................8
B. Crawler......................................................................................................8
D. Database.....8
E. Engine Result.............................................................................................9
F. Web Server..................................................................................................9
2.5. How to make a Good Search Engine Optimizen....9
2.6. Eight Elements Supporting the Search Engines Optimization..10
2.7.Types Of Search Engine Optimization..11

CHAPTER III..............................................................................................................12

How it Works....................................................................................................12

3.1.1 How Search Engine Optimization Work in Detail... .12

3.2. Advantages of Search Engine Optimization.14
3.3. Disadvantages of Search Engine Optimization.14
3.4. Comparison...15
A. Search Engine Optimization..15
B. Search Engine Marketing...16

Figure 3.4 Comparison..17

CHAPTER IV..............................................................................................................18





1.1. Background
Cloud Computing (Platform Services) Architecture refers to the components and
subcomponents required for cloud computing . These components typically consist of a
front end platform (fat client, thin client, mobile device), back end platforms (servers,
storage), a cloud based delivery, and a network (Internet, Intranet, Intercloud).
Cloud computing is a broad concept that includes SaaS, Web 2.0, and the latest
technology trends Another widely known, the common theme is reliance on the
Internet to provide the computing needs of the user.
That the concept of Cloud Computing (Platform Services) therefore make it this
title for ISAS (Information Search and Analyzing Skills).
1.2. Problem Domain
What our will discuss in this article is about Cloud Computing(Platform Services)
Architecture it self, as for the restrictions on the issue of the writing of this article:

The author of the only discuss about Cloud Computing(Platform Services)


The author does not discuss the Deployment Models
The author does not discuss the Cloud Business

1.3. Objective
As for the purpose of writing this article is to provide information to the reader
about Search Engine Optimization, Because The author would also like to learn more
about Search Engine Optimization. And this article is enough to support the author
compiled into a papers so that authors restrict the discussion topic only on Search
Engine Optimization.

1.4. Methodology
In the discussion above, the authors use research methods in library (Library
Research) by way of collecting literature, both in the form of digital books, articles,
and the opinions of experts on this subject. and our group has doing some research by
surfing at the internet about this problem. Then processing the material and makes a
good issue. As for the technical writing of scientific works of this author uses and
Refers to his previous reports made by seniors in CCIT-UI, Depok.
1.5. Writing Structure
This Chapter Contained Background, Problem Domain, Objective, Methodology and
Writing Structure.


This Chapter contained Basic theories about everything that related to our problem.
This Chapter contained our analysis about the problem.


This Chapter contained our conclusion and suggestion to our problem.

2.1. Cloud Computing (Platform Services) Architecture Description

Is it for the refers components and subcomponents required for cloud computing .
These components typically consist of a front end platform (fat client, thin client,
mobile device), back end platforms (servers, storage), a cloud based delivery, and a
network (Internet, Intranet, Intercloud). Combined, these components make up
cloud computing architecture, Platform as a service

is a category of cloud

computing services that provides a computing platform and a solution stack as a

2.2 Search Engine Optimization Description

Decryption SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is the process of affecting the

visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine 's " natural " or un - paid ( "
organic " ) search results . In general , the Earlier ( or higher ranked on the search
results page ) , and more frequently a site Appears in the search results list , the more
visitors it will receive from the search engine 's users . SEO may target of different
kinds of search , Including image search , local search , video search , academic
search , news search and industry - specific vertical search engines . As an Internet
marketing strategy , SEO considers how search engines work , what people search for ,
the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and the which search
engines are preferred by their targeted audience . Optimizing a website may involve;
editing its content , HTML and associated coding to both increase of its relevance to
specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines .
Promoting a site to increase of the number of backlinks , or inbound links , is another
SEO tactic.

2.3 Search process

Search for documents that can be loaded on a website so easy and may seem
too difficult . moreover mengignat so spread information everywhere , even the
University of Calofornia said today there have been over 50 billion web pages on the
internet , although no none really knows the exact amount .
difficulties that may occur is because the WWW is not recorded in the form of
standardized content. not the same as an existing catalog in the library , which has a
worldwide standardization based on the subject of the title of the book , though the
amount is not little .
In searching the web , users always predict what word in there about the page you
want to find. or roughly what the subject chosen by someone to manage site pages they
manage , any topic about which discussed .
If users do what is known as a search on a web page , not the actual search . not
possible to search on the WWW directly.
On the web is really made up of many web pages you want to keep from the
various servers around the world . Computer users do not directly search the entire
computer directly .
What may be done only through a computer user to access one or more
intermediaries called search tool available today . Doing a search on the tool was to
database owned . The data base collecting sites were found and saved .
The search tool provides results in the form of hypertext links with the URL to the
other page . when you click this link , and go to the address of the documents , images ,
sound and many other forms that exist on the server is provided , in accordance with
the information contained in it . This service can reach anywhere in the world.
2.4 General Principles of the Search Engine
The system performance of this machine there are a few things to note , especially
its association with arsitekrut issues and mechanisms.
A. Spider

Is a program that download pages they found , similar to the browser .

Perbedannya is that the browser directly showed existing information ( either files ,
images , etc. ) . For the benefit of humans who use it at the time, while the spider does
not undertake to show in a form that looks like it , because its importance is for
machines , not humans , spiders was run by the machine automatically. Interests is to
take the pages visited to be stored into a database owned by the search engines .

B. Crawler
Is a program owned search engine to track and find the links contained on any
page that meets. His job is to determine where to go spoder and evaluate the link based
on the specified address from the beginning . Crawlers follow links and try to find a
document that has not been recognized by search engines .
C. Indexer
These components perform activities to describe each page and examine the
various elements , such as text , headers , structure or feature of the style of writing ,
special HTML tags , etc. .

D. database
Is a standard place to store the data of the pages you have visited , downloaded and
have been analyzed . sometimes also called the index of a search engine .
E. Engine Result
Machines that perform classification and ranking of the search results on search
engines . This machine determines which pages best meet the criteria of the search
results based on user demand , and how the shape penampulan be displayed .
This process is carried out based ranking algorithm which is owned by the search
engines , ranking hakaman follow the rules used by them is their right , the researchers

studied the properties they use , especially to improve the search generated by the
serach engine .
F. web Server
Is a component that serves the request and provide a response back from the
request. Web servers typically produce information or documents in HTML format .
Services available on the page to fill in the desired keyword search by a user. Web
Server is also responsible for delivering search results sent to the computer that
requested the information .

2.5 How to make a Good Search Engine Optimization

Choose the right keywords . This step is very important in SEO . Find popular
keywords and words that relate to our business . Then find out the popularity
and competition of each keyword. Keywords that are quite popular and a little
competition can be selected as keywords mainstay . There are several SEO
tools available on the Inter net to help us , such as Wordtracker and Yahoo .
Here are the things to consider in choosing the right keywords .
Optimizing the factors of other support . After completion of analyzing and
selecting the most appropriate keywords , further optimizing other factors
supporting his , such as title tags , description tags , meta keyword tags ,
heading text , link URL , link text , image alt , comment and web page body
text ( not hidden in HTML text ) . Should adjust to the rules applicable in each
of the search engines display the title .
Submit a web site back to all the search engines . We can re-register for the
website to all search engines , such as Google , Yahoo , MSN , and others. Each
time the search engine keywords that we select a record , then our website will
automatically go up , too .
Link Exchange . The program aims to exchange links with other web sites
related to our business . Note the links are not relevant , because it can interfere
with our website and risk rejected by the search engines .
Supervision and re- optimization . Frequently check the website position in
search engines with de using the keyword option .
Pay attention to the content of the web site . Try adding a taste of SEO content
and articles in accordance with the main theme of the website

2.6. Eight Elements Supporting the Search Engines Optimization

Linkage Domain Name : How the search engines first when inserted keyword is
the keyword to match the domain name of a blog / website . So consider
carefully before deciding on a domain name . Keep the domain nam can include
the contents of the material a blog / website .
Title ( title ) The use and placement of title or title would help a blog to perch at
the top of Google . For that try the title of a blog or an article having a
correlation between the keywords and description of the content of a blog /
website .
Meta Keyword Metadata includes all the information on a data. This applies
also to a website or a blog . To insert meta data into a website or blog , you can
use meta tags , <meta> . Metadata that is useful for supporting SEO meta
keywords and meta descriptions . If you have set the meta keywords and match
the keywords entered by Internet users on search engines , website / blog will
appear among the websites / blogs that exist . Although not all of the user's
internet uses the same search engines . In fact there are several algorithms that
search engines do not wear meta keywords to make the search process , but we
should still use the meta keywords .Writing meta keywords are as follows :
<meta content="keyword of anda" site name="keywords" />his script tag
placed between <head> ..... < / head> in html document
Description :
Equally important meta description meta keywords , meta secondly it has to be
put on a website / blog that the search engine is able to find your website /
blog . Appropriate keywords and description will be able to bring your website /
blog to the top of Google rankings .Writing meta descriptions are as follows :
<meta content="deskriksi of anda" site name="description" />
This script tag placed between <head> ..... < / head> in html document
Linkage Content / Content In a blog content we could include and provide
korelsi between post content of each article with keywords . With a good
correlation , the search engines will be more friendly to our blog . So we always
try to be consistent in what we wrote in the article with the whole correlation
with keywords , title , and description of the blog .
SiteMap sitemap can be thought of as a map of the entire content of the website
/ blog . With the sitemap blog / website will be easy to be recognized by the
search engines (search engines ) .
Natural Listings That one other element to SEO optimization by registering a
website / blog to the search engines (search engines ) and to a web directory .
Not necessarily a lot , simply register our website to search engines (search
engines ) that high popularity / often used by Internet users , for example :

- Google --- >

- Yahoo --- >
- MSN --- >
- --- >

Backlink Backlink is a link / address of a website / blog which is located on

websites / blogs of others . The number of backlinks is one indication of the
popularity of a web page / blog .

2.7. Types Of Search Engine Optimization

SEO is divided into two :

On Page SEO
Off Page SEO

A. On Page SEO Blog Optimization is performed in the blog itself without using a
Website / Blog another . Examples such as installing meta tags , headings , Bread
Crumb and others . On Page SEO is used to optimize the initial moment before going
on to the next .
B. Off Page SEO Blog Optimization is performed in Outer blog . This technique is
used in a way Ping , submit to the webmaster , submit to sosbok , and find backlinks on
other blogs . Backlinks are very important for a blog , backlinks can be described as the
recommendations given link other blogs . The more backlinks the blog will be
considered Search Engine.



3.1. How it Works

Search engine or Search engine is a computer program designed to perform a
search over files stored in the www service , ftp(file transfer protocol) , publication
mailing lists , news groups or on a computer or a network p . Search engine is a search
device information from the documents available . Search results are generally
displayed in list form often sorted according to the accuracy or visitor ratio of a file
that is referred to as hits . The information can be found in the search target a wide
variety of file types such as website pages , images , or other file types .


3.1.1 How Search Engine Optimization work in Detail

Web search engines work by storing information about many web pages ,
which they retrieve from the WWW . These pages are retrieved by a web
crawler - an automated Web browser which follows every link / link it
sees . The contents of each page are then analyzed to determine how the
index ( eg , the words are taken from the title , subtitle , or special fields
called meta tags ) . Data about web pages are stored in an index database
for use in later queries . Most search engines , such as Google , store all or
part source page ( which is called a cache ) as well as information about the
web page itself .

In addition to web pages , search engines also store and deliver information
in the form of a link search results that refer to files , such as audio files ,
video files , images , photos and so on , as well as information about a
person , a product , service , and a variety of other information that is
increasingly continue developed in accordance with the development of

information technology .
When someone visits a search engine and enter a query , usually by
entering keywords , machines search the index and provides a list of web
pages that best fit the criteria , usually with a short summary of the

document's title and sometimes parts of the text .

There are other types of search engines : real-time search engines , such as
Orase . Such machines do not use the index . The machine required
information is only collected if there is a new search . When compared to
the index -based system used machines like Google , real-time system is
superior in several respects : the information is always up to date,
( almost ) no dead links , and fewer system resources are required .


( Google uses nearly 100,000 computers , Orase only one . ) However ,

there are also disadvantages : longer quest completion .

Benefits of a search engine depends on the relevance of the results that it
provides . While there may be millions of web pages that contain a
particular word or phrase , some pages may be more relevant , popular , or
authoritative than others . Most search engines employ methods to rank the
results to provide the "best " first. How the machine determines which
pages are most appropriate , and the order of the pages shown , varies
greatly . Her methods also change over time as Internet usage changes and

new techniques evolve .

Most Web search engines are commercial ventures supported by
advertising revenue and hence some employ the controversial practice of
allowing advertisers to pay to have their listings ranked higher in search
results .

3.2. Advantages of Search Engine Optimization

Free Targeted Traffic : The primary advantage of SEO over any other type of
internet marketing.
Super ROI : Return on investment is one of the major advantages of SEO over
paid advertising.
Cost Effectiveness : SEO is one of the most cost-effective ways of marketing. If
the site is properly designed and optimized then it has a longer standings s
compared to the Pay Per Click Advertising.
Better Usability : The site is easily available to the large portion of the online
users. A better optimized and designed website always attracts lot of visitors.
Higher Sales : Increased visibility, cost effectiveness and accessibility leads to
the higher sales.
Most of people on internet like to use search engines to search of a specific
product or service.
Product listing should be on top pages in major search engines.
Can take services from SEO service providers to archieve specific target.

3.3. Disadvantages of Search Engine Optimization


Your position in the search engine is unpredictable. Everything depends on the

algorithm. As a result, you know not when the return of the investment will
happen. You don't have the total control over everything, even if you have your
This is time consuming. It takes a long time before you see your standing
improve a notch. Sometimes you have to wait for months or even a year to be
in the spotlight.
Participants can make use of the black hat tactics. These unfair practices hinder
the tree of your company.
It may mean the end of it all for entrepreneurs whose website are located on the
last few pages of the search engine.

3.4. Comparison
A. Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )
SEO is the process of improving a web site's placement on the list of free
search engines like Google , Yahoo , MSN / Bing etc. this listing for free ! Also
known as " organic " listings.
Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) involves :
1 . On-Site Optimization - making changes to the HTML code on your web site page
for :
a. Increasing the relevance of specific keywords / phrases on each page , Both in
content and meta tags page , and in the link to the page on your site .
b . To fix the problem can stop the page being indexed by search engines . Judging
from the navigation structure of your site and the words on the link .
2 . Off - Site Optimization - getting back- links from other relevant sites , better use of
key words ( or " anchor text " ) in the link itself - for example , links from
directories , through article marketing , or paid links on the site relevant .

The key to successful , long-term results with SEO is doing things in the
guidelines suggested by the major search engines . In other words , using the tactics
of " white - hat " . Just do not use black magic . Dukunnya definitely still inferior to
Google .
But you also need to know about tactics or tactics Sneaky black ( " black - hat "
) will usually result in penalties being applied by search engines - namely , your
rank may be reduced , or more likely , your site may be completely removed .
tactics " Black hat " including ( but not limited to ) :
* Link farms ( groups of web sites that link to each other in their hundreds )
* Keywords ( by way of hiding text / keywords on the page to influence search engines
) or
* Page cloaking ( showing different pages to search engines and human visitors )
So if anyone recommend doing this to your site ... then listen to words the
farmer ! " You have to be very , very careful "
Although the " white - hat " tactics that are easy to apply , most people still
ignore the basics of SEO . So if you make small changes to your pages , it can
result in substantial improvements to your overall position in the organic search
engine results .
B. Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing aims to create additional traffic to increase the
visibility of their websites on search engine results pages ( SERPs ) .Search engine
marketing can include tactics to improve your results in the " organic " listings , as well
as other tactics that implement cost money .To avoid confusion , it may be better to
leave any discussion about "free or " organic " traffic immediately wrote to learn
SEO,and think of Search Engine Marketing marketing practices are paid for generating
traffic .
How if the presence of free of charge :
- Buying a placement in the search list ( / adwords ) where you are paid
listings appear before the free ,


- Pay - Per - Click ( PPC ) advertising ( ie Google AdWords , Yahoo Search

Marketing ) in which the ads are displayed alongside regular search results , or on the
relevant pages on other sites .
Companies that offer Search Engine Marketing services typically perform a variety of
activities that are both SEO and SEM including :
* Optimization of the project on the client's web site ,
* Management of listings on search engines ,
* Submitting to directories the client site ,
* Develop online marketing strategies for clients .

Figure 3.20 Comparison





While nobody can guarantee top level positioning in search engine organic results,
proper search engine optimization can help. Because the search engines, such as
Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, are so important today it is necessary to make each page in
a Web site conform to the principles of good SEO as much as possible.
To do this it is necessary to:

Understand the basics of how search engines rate sites

Use proper keywords and phrases througout the Web site
Avoid giving the appearance of spamming the search engines
Write all text for real people, not just for search engines
Use well-formed alternate attributes on images
Make sure that the necessary meta tags (and title tag) are installed in the head
of each Web page
G. Have good incoming links to establish popularity
H. Make sure the Web site is regularly updated so that the content is fresh
4.2. Suggestion
Our hope with Search Engine Optimization can be grown both in terms of business
in the world and create efficiency web browser to use Search Engine Optimization in
the highest rating on the website browser and can be used by everyone.



References From Site :
1. http://www.Search Engine [05/05/2014]
2. [06/05/2014]
3. Engine[07/05/2014]
4. [08/05/2014]
5. [09/05/2014]
6. [10/05/2014]
7. Engine [11/05/2014]
8. [12/05/2014]


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