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Power Over Demons

Your Authority
MATTHEW 10: 1 declares: "And when He had called His twelve
disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them
out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease."
We have power over all unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to
heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.
MATTHEW 13: 43 declares: "When an unclean spirit goes out of a
man, he goes through dry places seeking rest and finds none. Then he says:
'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when he comes, he
finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him
seven other spirits more wicked than him-self, and they enter and dwell
there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it
also be with this wicked generation."
They come to men in great numbers, but in your hands is power
to cast them out. When you realize how much power is in your
hands, you dont care how many demons or devils are there. You
have power over all these devils: Simply by speaking the word.
Don't look everywhere for demons, believe me, they don't want
to be around you. Demons know who has power over them.
As a Christian, you ought to speak the Word of God against these
demons, they will flee away. James 4: 7:"Therefore submit to God.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

You say I come against this devil, in the Name of Jesus Christ,
and then he will flee,whether is sickness, whether be disease,
whether be bondage in your child, whether a bad atmosphere in
your home or the house of anybody.
In many homes now are so many problems that until you cast
these devils out, you have no peace in your that home. You can
enter the house and feel the atmosphere. You have to cast them
out in Jesus' Name from that household.

Laying Of Hands
We are dealing here with an invisible power. Inside of the vessel
of yours is the dynamic power. And every time you are laying your
hands on someone by faith this power is realized out of you.
The smallest Christian in the Kingdom of God is greater than
the greatest devil of hell. And the moment you lay your hands on
somebody in faith, a miracle will happen.
Some churches not believing in healing the sick and these
churches are not bringing life to the people. The Gospel is a
healing Gospel, Jesus is the healing Jesus. Jesus preached, taught
and healed. Today He hasnt changed: He is the Same yesterday,
today and forever. Therefore, through you He preaches, teaches
and heals. Therefore Preach, teach and heal the sick, in the Name
of Jesus.

The Power Of Words

"Without faith for healing is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11.6)
And .Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God
In many cases, Jesus healed through the Word. So don't just lay
hands on the sick, speak the Word. When you lay hands on
somebody, when you release the Word to somebody, it will always
bring a miracle. Jesus said many times: stretch your hand, pick up
your bed and walk, do something. Whenever you pray for
somebody, heaven make the move, power is released and pain
leaves. Any believer can lay hands on the sick and get results.
Romans 1: 11 declares: "For I long to see you, that I may impart to
you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established." Healing is a
spiritual gift. Last week I lay hands on the sick and they were
healed. It is only one method of healing.
Every time you lay your hands on the people, whether healing
takes place instantly or gradually, but of sure something happens
(the expected results).
Keys to know when is the time to lay hands:
1. Never lay hands on the sick without faith in operation.
The first thing you must look inside yourself is: do I believe, if
you do not, don't even touch them. If faith is inside me, my
faith releases the gift that is inside me.

If my faith is not in operation, when someone touches you,

he can impart something on you. Because if the minus is in
me and positive is in him, something can flow towards me. So
the Bible declares: "Lay hands on none suddenly..."
When you are physically weak, your faith will have difficulties
to be activated, you cannot see miracles. You cannot operate
in supernatural
The greatest miracles and meetings you can see when you are
relaxed. So relax firstly, because it is not job of you anyway
but Lord's. When you pray for the sick, don't be so tide up
with yourself. Just relax and allow God to flow through you.
2. Lay hands on the sick with compassion in your heart,
Compassion is a product of love and love always
overcomes. So be full of compassion for the person you
want to help. This means you join your heart to Gods
heart to minister to that person. God and you being an
unbeatable team can never fail.
3. Expect the miracle when you lay your hands. Dont just
lay hands. Be expectant and declare the results before even
you see anything physically for we walk by faith not by
Proverbs 18: 16 declare "A man's gift makes room for
him, and brings him before great men."

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