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22 May, 2016


Jesus, dont you care?

Mark 4:35-41

Friends, we all know that it is very important to get enough sleep. And yet many of us dont get enough
sleep, do we? I mean, doctors have found that an adult needs at least 8-9 hours of sleep every night
while young children need up to 12 hours of sleep a day. But if you ask most people, you will find that
many people (even young school children) get much less sleep than they actually need. And doctors
are now becoming more aware of the dangers of not sleeping enough. Dangers like: sleepiness
increases your chance of having accidents; it makes it harder for you to think & learn; it ages your skin; it
contributes to depression; it lowers your sex drive; it makes you forgetful, & it can even make you fat! Yes
friends, research has found that sleepy people get hungrier more often & they are more attracted to
high fat foods*.
But friends, in our busy world today, sleep does not come easy, does it? I mean, when was the last time
you slept like a baby? You see, so often, the first thing that happens to us when stress & worry come into
our lives is that we just cant sleep. You know, when relationship problems or work or health problems
bring stress & anxiety into our lives suddenly we find ourselves unable to sleep well - we just cant seem
to rest well. And yet, here in Marks gospel we find Jesus sleeping deeply, well & without a care in the
world- while all around him there is danger, anxiety & fear. look at Mark 4
35 As

evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, Lets cross to the other side of the lake. 36 So they took Jesus
in the boat & started out, leaving the crowds behind - but other boats came along. 37 Soon a fierce storm
came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, & it began to fill with water. 38 Jesus was sleeping at the
back of the boat with his head on a cushion.

Friends, it's the end of the day. Jesus has been teaching & healing, & now
he & his disciples have left the crowds behind as they sail along the gentle
seas of lake Galilee. And so naturally, it's a great opportunity for rest, isnt
it? I mean, Jesus must be exhausted. And anyway, at least four of the
disciples are experienced fishermen so there is nothing to worry about
here- the sun is setting & the sea is calm. And so Jesus rests his head on a
cushion & with the gentle rocking of the boat he goes to sleep - boy that
sounds good, doesnt it? But friends, as so often happens in life, suddenly
everything changes. look at verse 37.
Soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, &
it began to fill with water. 38 Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with
his head on a cushion. The disciples woke Jesus up, shouting, Teacher,
dont you care that were going to drown?

Now friends, lake Galilee is well known for having sudden storms like the
one described here - even today. Lake Galilee is situated about 200metres below sea level, it's a fairly
small lake & its waters are very shallow. And the lake is surrounded by high cliffs which channel cold
winds straight down into the warm waters of the lake. And so very quickly the calm lake can become a
dangerous sea. As it did on this day. And really, I think this particular storm must have been a very bad
one because the disciples of Jesus are terrified. I mean, they are really panicking, arent they? And the 4
x disciples who were experienced fishermen, Peter, James, John & . do not sound like confident
fishermen, do they? I mean, they are shouting at Jesus, Teacher, dont you care - were going to
drown! And yet, I think this is the strangest part of the story. I mean, think about it for a moment. If you
were one of the disciples & you were trying to wake Jesus up who was asleep in the back of the boat,
what would you say? Jesus, wake up! Were going to drown, Im too young to die!. Really, I think
you would probably say anyone of these things. But the one thing I dont think you would say is what the
disciples say, Teacher, dont you care that were going to drown? It is a strange thing to say, isnt it?
Jesus, dont you care about me? And maybe this is what Mark wants us to concentrate on in this story Does Jesus care? I mean, when life gets hard; when there are many storms that suddenly hit us &
threaten to sink & drown us. You know, when sickness comes, or we lose our jobs, when our wives or
husbands keep hurting us & disappointing us, when our children seem to be gradually moving away from
us & nothing we do seems to help does Jesus care?

Now friends, I could be wrong about this, but Im guessing that the disciples have already tried to wake
Jesus up several times before they finally say those untrusting words Jesus, dont you care about us?
You see, I think the disciples misunderstand Jesus here & they are thinking that because Jesus does not
do what they want him to do - save them straight away - then he must not care about them. And Jesus
lack of action, his delay in helping them- brings out what is deep inside the hearts of his followers -& it is
not good. Look at what Jesus says:
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind & said to the waves, Silence! Be still! Suddenly the wind
stopped, & there was a great calm. 40 Then he asked them, Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?

You see, the real problem here is not the wind & the waves - it is the disciples lack of faith. It is their lack
of confidence in Jesus. It is their lack of trust. It is their panicking. And friends, look carefully at Jesus
words. Jesus says Do you still have no faith. You see, Jesus is trying to remind his closest followers that in
times of crisis they need to think about all the things they have already seen. Jesus wants them to
remember what he has already done for them & he wants them to remember what he has already
promised to do for them. And really, Jesus is challenging his followers, because if they did remember
these things - if they did really have confidence in Jesus then there would be no fear, there would be
no shouting & there would be no doubt in their hearts that Jesus does care for them - deeply.
Now friends, having said this we need to be realistic here. I mean, I think it is perfectly natural to be
scared & worried when bad things happen in our lives. And I dont think Jesus is saying we need to
pretend or be like supermen who never cry, who never sweat & who are never scared. Indeed, on the
night before Jesus died on the cross, & he was praying to his heavenly father in the garden of
Gethsemane Jesus was scared & worried & Jesus did sweat- drops that were as thick as blood. You see,
faith, or trust in Jesus does not mean there will never be fear, but having confidence in Jesus will mean
that we respond to fear & anxiety & worry in a totally different way. You see, as Jesus peacefully slept in
the back of the boat & the waves were crashing in, what could have the disciples done? I mean, even
though they were terrified how could have they responded with trust in Jesus? Well, listen to what the
apostle Paul says in Philippians 4. He says
4 Rejoice

in the Lord always. I will say it again: rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by praying - with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will protect your hearts & your
minds in Jesus Christ.

You see friends, the person who trusts Jesus & who has confidence in Jesus - will talk to Jesus. With
thanksgiving & they will ask. They will ask knowing that God will do the very best thing & that God will do
it at the very best time. And this brings peace & the ability to rejoice- even in the most difficult situations
in life.
So friends, Jesus gets up, he walks to the front of the boat & he speaks to the wind & the waves, Silence!
be still! And the whole creation obeys the lord of creation. And friends, so should we. You see, we too
need to be silent & still before the lord. And we need to be still & silent so we will be able to speak & ask
with thankfulness, knowing that God cares for us deeply & will always do the very best for us.

Friends, I love the way the disciples react after they see the wind & the waves obey Jesus. Look at this.
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind & said to the waves, Silence! Be still! Suddenly the wind
stopped, & there was a great calm... 41 The disciples were absolutely terrified. Who is this man? they asked
each other. Even the wind & waves obey him!

Friends, which is scarier? The uncontrollable wind & waves that are sinking the boat you are standing in,
or the man who speaks to the wind & the waves & they obey him? You see, the wonderful truth is that
the followers of Jesus have nothing to worry about really! Because if we are following Jesus, if we have
confidence in Jesus & what he says, if we are trying to live our lives with Jesus in our lives, each day then
we are perfectly safe in the hands of Jesus either in life, or in death. Because even if we die, even when
we die Jesus has already promised to do for us, what he has already experienced himself to be raised
from death into a glorious existence with him.

Lets pray.

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