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Kandoro leads Traice along paths deep within the wood, traveling both far from her

tree and deep within the fairy realm. Even for a dryad, the journey into the deep dreaming
is disorienting, as both time and distance begin to lose their meaning. The land becomes
more archetypal, and less literal the deeper into the dreaming you travel.
Kandoro remains uncharacteristically silent during the journey, as he concentrates
on keeping the fairy path open despite the flowing nature of the deep dreaming. However,
the voices of the skulls seem to follow Traice, filling the long hours with meaningless
ramblings. Each more insane than the last, but somehow becoming familiar and even
reassuring as the seemingly endless hours of travel pass.
Eventually, Kandoros voice pierces your reverie. Traice! Are you alright? I have
been calling your name for several minutes. Were here. He waves his arms, indicating a
huge copse of ancient oak trees, whose permanence seems distinctly out of place within the
shifting land of the Deep Dreaming. You have to enter this place of your own free will.
Only by your own desire can you cleanse your body of the darkness that you have allowed
into it. I will wait here for your return.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traice will try to focus on Kandoro's lips moving while the sound of the skulls'
chattering slowly dissipates. She'll look around her feet and off in the distance to see if she
can spot any. Noticing none in sight, she'll direct her attention toward ancient oak trees
Kandoro was motioning towards. "Kandoro, I will meet you out here once I vanquish..."
Traice feels a little dizzy and tries to refocus, "I mean get myself back to..." Traice's head
begins to pound, hard, and she begins to hear faint whispers. "Ahhhhh!" Traice grabs her
head in her palms and falls to the ground. "Kandoro...I...I don't know if I can go in...what
if...uh...what if, where am I?"
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kandoro takes a long pitying look at his student, Traice, you stand before the
Grove of the Forest Song, within the Deep Dreaming. It is here you will meet with Culirien,
a powerful Treant priest of our Lady, and the keeper of some of the most ancient songs of
all Fairykind.
He grasps her shoulders, gently but firmly, and pulls Traice to her feet. He looks
deep into her, now yellow, eyes. If you are to become again what you once were, my little
willow; you must go before Culirien. If any hope to cleanse you of this dark taint remains, it
remains with him.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traice, feeling unusually sad, nods to Kandoro's words and heads towards the
Grove. As she takes a few steps towards the Grove, she begins to feel a great pressure on
her chest. It was as if someone was trying to push her away from her journey to be
cleansed. Traice begins to concentrate hard, trying to push back. "Ahhhhh! Get out of my
way!" The pressure releases and she stumbles in front of herself. She chuckles a little on the
inside and presses on. In the back of her mind she remembers Breena, all her friends
happily sound. She recalls the times her and Kandoro would read, sing and make love. The
memories start to become cloudy again and Trace stops just short from entering the Grove.
"Please," she whispers softly, " if I don't do this, Breena and everyone will...Kandoro, Pip,
and...Orrin..." she pauses for a second and continues, " Orrin I'm coming back to help you.
Forgive me for my foolishness. I only wanted to be as strong and brave like you."
A tear falls down her face as she enters the Grove.

As Traice enters the grove the voices in her head become little more than an
annoying hum at the back of her skull. In its place is the quiet song of the ancient oaks that
form the grove. These trees, many of whom have existed since the beginning of time,
speak directly to Traices tree soul, and briefly strengthen her resolve enough to allow her
to move to the center of the grove.
As she enters the central clearing of the grove, Traice finds herself standing against
a single mighty oak, whose branches extend farther up than Traice can see. To her surprise
two large splits form in the trunk, revealing themselves to be the lids of great green eyes.
The face, ancient and wise, regards Traice for a moment, and speaks to her with a voice
that is both lyrical and resonant. Why have you come to this primeval vale?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trying hard to stay focused Traice replies, "I have come seeking refuge from this dark curse
I have let possess my mind and body. I feel that I may be losing control of myself and that
can not happen." Traice foggily remembers what she and Orrin were trying to do for
Breena. "Breena is, or will be, in danger if I, Orrin and Pip don't do something." Traice's
head begins to pound. Placing her hand on her head she begins to cry softly. "I was not
wise, I made a mistake. Please, I ask of you to help me. I am to bring further hope to
Breena. I will not leave Orrin and Pip to have to face that without me. I am willing to give
my life to fight for true happiness for Breena and all that is threatened by such darkness,
including what I have become."
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Culirien regards her for a moment, The dark clouds that have been speeding
towards Breena have already arrived. You must have greater purpose than being the sun
that banishes those clouds to break free from the darkness that dwells now in your soul.
One of his mighty branches descends from the canopy, revealing a nest of
songbirds. Their singing brings a sliver of brightness into Traices mind. We are not the
followers of war, who breed heroes and seek battle to test them. We follow the Song, to
provide meaning for the struggle inherent in life. To perform your sacred duty, you must
speak in one voice only. You must decide which voice you will speak with: the voice of the
hero that seeks power to hear itself echo in the hall of glory, or the voice of truth that
speaks with the meekness of the dove.
Know that to cling to the darkness that inhabits you can give you strength and
power, but it shall forever deny you the truth of eternity. To reject that power may cost you
your life, but it shall save your soul.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traice stands in silence and listens to the sounds around her. The songbirds, the rustling
branches. She closes her eyes and a single tear gently glides down her cheek. She then
begins to sing:
"My heart has come to a place of grace
And yet I tend to fight it
The truth be told is saving grace
That I tend to find.
Strength is meant for men
And power thus finds them
But hope rests in all our hearts

And mine must come forth

Pillar of strength is not my fate
Great power does not reside
Hope for all I do possess
And with love I will abide
Hope for all I do possess
And with love I subside
The darkness."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Culirien listens to the song, and stands a moment in silence after it is completed.
You have sought refuge from your own darkness within the light of the song. By this
action, I may pull you from the brink.
The Great Treant begins to pray, and as he invokes Astrix the entire forest
responds to his call. Great Lady of the Song, this errant child stands before you and begs
for your mercy. Sing a song of atonement, and brighten the darkness brought upon her
soul by the corruption of death.
The atonement spell works its way through Traice, banishing the dark voices, and
restoring her beauty. In this one moment, she feels a greater connection to her goddess
than ever before.
You are free child. Now go from this place, and in payment for your salvation the
lady demands that you craft a song of your fall and rise from the darkness, so that others
may take hope in your struggle.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traice nods and bows with an overjoyed soul. "I am honored toward you and Lady
Astrix's grace. A song will be composed of such and bring great praise for you and Lady
Astrix. Bless those who will hear of gracious hearts!" Traice takes her leave, and as she
walks softly away from Culirien she hums the song of the songbirds.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As Traice leaves the clearing, Culiriens voice follows after her, When one hears a
symphony, one does not applaud the violin, but the player. Remember well where your
thanks truly deserve to go. Fare you well, Lady Willow.
When she reaches the edge of the forested area, she sees Kandoro pacing, with a
nervous look on his face. The nervous look is instantly replaced by a wide smile as soon as
he sees her walking towards him.
Astrix be praised! My Lady Willow has bloomed again! Kandoro leapt to her side
in a single bound, and sweeps her up in a great hug, crushing her to him in a kiss. He pulls
back and flashes a roguish smile, Unless you can think of a better option, we should
probably head back to Breena; dont you think my dear?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traice catches her breath for a moment and says, "Of course Kandoro, we must get
back as soon as we can." She will follow him diligently with a bounce in each step. She'll
then lean over and peck Kandoro on the cheek and whisper, "I...I'm grateful to have you in
my life." She'll smile and think to herself Why did I say that; didn't I meant to tell him I love

The return trip to Breena is much more pleasant than the one into the Deep
Dreaming. Kandoro will fill the journey with pipe music and erotic poetry, and even the
sunlight itself seems to shine more brightly.
Suddenly, the path warps in front of them, and a twisting chill wind fills the path,
instantly turning the leaves of the trees brown and the grass brittle and dry. From the
warped portal, Traice sees Orryn and Pip appear before them on the path. Both look dirty,
tired and badly injured, and Orryn is carrying a small sprite in his arms.
As the fairy path they were traveling fades from view, Traice can see the spire of
Breena encased in glacial ice, and she feels the blood drain from here face as she realizes
that someway, somehow Breena has fallen.

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