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La violencia sexual se puede presentar en cualquier individuo que sea obligado

a realizar actos sexuales sin consentimiento de su voluntad, frecuentemente

estos casos son comunes en mujeres jvenes debido a la vulnerabilidad de
este gnero y al silencio de muchas mujeres, en ciertos casos la victima puede
no darse cuenta de que se est abusando de ella, o tambin las peticiones de
personas violadas no son atendidas.
Alrededor de varios aos las tasas de abuso sexual aumentan, y es
fundamental encontrar una forma de disminuir estos datos. Las denuncias
suelen ser de gran importancia y ayuda para reducir las cifras, pero solo 3 de
cada 10 personas declaran.
Las denuncias pueden ser annimas y de terceros siempre y cuando el caso
sea verdadero, para ayudar en el asunto se deben de realizar una serie de
investigaciones y culpar debidamente al acusado.
Fomentando al salud sexual en mujeres jvenes:

No aceptar regalos ni invitaciones de desconocidos.

Reforzar el derecho y la posibilidad de expresin.

Dar apoyo moral a la vctima.



To begin with the topic about sexual violence is important to know about that
problem, the sexual violence can occur in any individual who is forced to
perform sexual acts without consent, often these cases are common in young
women because this group is more vulnerable, and this problem cause silence
of many women, in certain cases the victim cant realizing that it is being
Are increasing around several years of sexual abuse rates and it is essential to
find a way to decrease these data. Complaints are usually very important and
helps to reduce the numbers, but only 1 of 3 girls declared.
Reports may be made anonymously and third persons as long as the case is
true, to assist in the matter must perform a series of investigations and duly
blame the accused.
In my opinion everybody should be careful in this ambit about security and
teach to kids of not trust strangers.
Dr. Alejandro Caral, First Degree Specialist Legal Medicine says that "women
hide these events in their lives because it is, first, the privacy of each one and,
secondly, because they usually have fear of social censure because of "guilt"
the experience when she are attacked.
Protection of sexual health in young women:
Do not accept gifts or invitations from strangers.
Strengthen the right and opportunity of expression.
Give moral help to the victim.

Director de fotografa: producida y dirigida por Paul W. S. Anderson
Director de maquillaje:
Director de fotografa:
Director de maquillaje:
Tema: Pelcula histrico-catastrfica germano-canadiense de 2014
Actores: protagonistas son Kit Harington, Emily Browning, Carrie-Anne Moss, Adewale
Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Jessica Lucas, Jared Harris y Kiefer Sutherland.

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