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Hi my name is franklin and Im going to talk about climate change and health

As we might hear climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21 st
century, the effects of climate change are many and varied, like the rise in
temperature or the environment change over all, when we ignored the first
symptoms of climate change the effects on health become greater
We can reduce the effects of climate change by: preventing changes that we wont
be able to deal with (like cutting carbon emissions) (investing on renewable energy)
(preventing deforestation) (supporting developing nations)
Preparing for changes that cant be avoided: education of health workforce ,
surveillance of diseases, investing in relevant health research
These are some of the points in which we can try to control and to prepare ourselves
for the climate change
the climate change can help to certain viruses to propagate in a more rapid way,
as an example we have the zika virus
The Zika virus transmits the persons across the sting of mosquitoes become infected
with the genre Aedes, and especially of Aedes aegypti in the tropical regions. This
mosquito is the same that transmits dengue, chikungunya and the yellow fever.
Also, the sexual transmission is possible, and there are investigated other ways of
transmission, like the blood transfusions
According to some researches the Zika virus is a cause of microcephaly and GuillainBarre syndrome.
The best way of preparing it consists of the protection opposite to the stings of the
On January 14, Ecuador notified two cases of infection for the virus of Zika acquired in
the country. On January 16 just 2 days after six cases had
been notified: the indigenous two and another four imported ones (three of
Colombia and one of Venezuela).

Some researches say that the zika virus may spread even further as the planet
continues to warm, climate change could expose more people to the mosquito that
carries the disease, also that climate change will perhaps make it harder to control
the virus outbreaks in the future
the aedes aegypti mosquito that transmits the zika virus is sensitive to
temperature, the warmer it is the faster the mosquitoes developed from egg to
adult if u can get quicker cycles then you can build up populations of mosquitoes
more rapidly so you can get your mosquito abundances higher
And the warmer it is the less time takes for a mosquito having been infected human
to transmit the virus to another human

Areas of the world there were once considered hostile to mosquitoes could soon
become friendlier environments
the Ecuadoran coast is a suitable place so that the zika virus develops in an
ideal way, high temperatures and The presence of Water filled
containers that help to the mosquitoes to develop quickly

i think it is a matter of the climate becoming more suitable through global warming
for the mosquito to be able to stablish in higher elevation cities like mexico city
Answer of the WHO
The WHO collaborates with the countries to control the illness for the Zika virus :
To define the investigations on the illness for the Zika virus and to give
them priority summoning experts and associates.
To promote the alertness of the virus of Zika and its possible complications.
To strengthen the aptitude in the risks communication to help the countries
to fulfill the commitments acquired by virtue of the International Sanitary Regulation.
To provide training on the clinical management, the diagnosis and the
control of vectors, in particular across some collaborating centers of the WHO.
To strengthen the aptitude of the laboratories to detect the virus.
To help the sanitary authorities to apply the strategies of control of the vectors
destined to reduce the populations of mosquitoes of the genre Aedes, for
example offering larvicidas for thetreatment of stagnant waters that
cannot be cleaned, empty or be covered.
To prepare recommendations of clinical attention and pursuit of the persons
infected by the virus of Zika, in collaboration with expert and other health organisms.

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