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The Divas Pen LLC Publication

Was My Girl
Was My Girl Copyright 2011 The Divas Pen LLC
Cover art by Sienna Mynx
Editor D. Harden
Electronic book publication April 2011
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Chapter One
"The plus is, she's hot. At least you get a nice piece of ass to give the interview."
Keaton glanced up. His business manager and publicist was the ass. Too many times he
was reminded how immature Drake McMillan could be. Now, he found it plain boring. After all,
hed made the jerk a millionaire several times over. How much effort would it take for the five
foot six native Bostonian to buy some class?
The single reason Keaton didnt fire Drake the Snake, as industry friends affectionately
called him, and go solo was because Chris and Danny believed he was the right slime ball to
keep his private life private. On that score Drake McMillan is top-notch. These days privacy was
worth more than his homes, or outlandishly extravagant assets. None of which he ever used. He
mostly stayed shut in, designing the next gaming system that seduces and makes lifetime
consumers in their competitive market.
Keaton lifted his wrist and checked the time on the diamond bezel gleaming in the dimly
lit restaurant. "I don't care if she looks like Halle Berry, if she isn't here in ten minutes I'm done."
"Why? Your plane doesn't leave until six. You're in New York man, why dont you stay
in the States a little longer? Take a bite out of the Big Apple."
The question was valid. His business was based here in the States. Nonetheless the idea
of staying in the city unnerved him. Keaton found the familiar to be his greatest source of
comfort. The man he'd become had no appetite for the decadent socializing Drake wanted to
indulge in. To say so, would bring forth a list of reasons why he needed to stay, and he in return
could lay down a litany of excuses to swat away each. Blathering is what he called it. Why
bother? Instead he masked his displeasure by shifting his gaze away from Drake's grinning face,
and forming a placid smile on his own. A quick perusal of the restaurant, further confirmed his
initial assessment. Though he barely remembered the name of this place, he found the swank
decor like all the others. From city to city the privileged young billionaire scene, from rap stars
and film or television celebrities, to self-made business geniuses like himself, all flocked to these
same darkly lit, overpriced clubs. Places that catered to clientele that walked the line of shallow
pretentiousness, and business savvy in their everyday lives. Not to be forgotten, there are the

ladies. If there wasn't a leggy, blonde, brunette or redhead waiting to serve him in heels and a
short skirt he'd be surprised.
Drake slammed his hand on the table in a fit of laughter. Keaton didn't know exactly what
for but he returned his attention to his business manager. Drake wiggled his brows and leaned
forward. "When was the last time you got laid?"
"Is pussy always on your brain?" Keaton grunted.
Drake snorted. "Is it ever on yours since Sheila?"
Keaton slumped back. Drake knew nothing of Sheila. Only that she once lived at
Keaton's chateau in the South of France one year and disappeared from his life entirely the next.
The truth was, he never got past year one with women, and he rarely tried. Sheila, a beautiful girl
both Irish and Italian mixed, with creamy skin and dark raven black hair, was no different. She
loved to walk around naked and fuck on his sundeck. Sheila was that rare woman who didnt
question him, didnt expect much from him, and when he slipped into his silent brooding
moments she'd always give him space. Their parting had been amicable, almost polite. Keaton
promised to keep in touch. He didnt. Sheila may never know why but he had his reasons.
"Let's talk balls to balls, mano to mano, ya know?"
Keaton's left brow arched. What?
"You are the top video game console designer in the business now. Life Ever After, what
most of those geeks that worship you call L.E.A., has knocked most, if not all, of the best out of
the water. Your gaming design is better than anything Sony or Microsoft has on the market. You,
you fucking genius, you own the industry. Do I need to remind you that your net worth clocks
over thirty billion dollars? Hell you can have any pussy you want. Here in the States is where
you'll find the best. Screw France, Bangkok, wherever the hell you disappear to months at a time,
stay here. Let's hang dude, we can skip New York and do L.A. Trust me Keaton, there's no pussy
like the pure sunshine between a honeys thighs in L.A. What? Why are you gawking at me like
that? TMZ is already speculating that you're gay. Thats why I did you a favor. Drake tossed a
gossip magazine onto the table. You can thank me later.
Keaton chuckled, and picked up the magazine to scan the byline. The article speculated
that he recently proposed to a mystery lady. Are you kidding me?
Hey, this is whats hot baby, keeping them guessing.

You mean lying. Whatever just keep this crap away from me, he said tossing the
magazine back at Drake, who slipped the gossip rag into his laptop bag. Keaton picked up his
whiskey and downed the shot. Though he wanted to see his brothers, it had been quite a while
since he visited the States to make a visit. Danny and Kay visited him a year ago in Bangkok.
They brought the twins. Keaton got a kick out of how smart his four-year-old nephews were with
handling his new beta gaming console. The twins stayed up all night playing, until they fell
asleep in his arms.
Kay was pissed. Keaton smiled as she ranted that the boys would be cranky for the rest of
the day. They were different now. Kay a sister to him, and he loved her dearly. Keaton
remembered a time when things weren't quite that easy between them. He was a jerk then, a
confused, idiotic jerk.
"Damn, where is that babe?" Drake mumbled. "Did I tell you she had a nice rack too?"
"Do me a favor and cool it. I'll do the interview, but chill on the misogyny crap. I got a
Drake scratched his head. "Misogyny? Me? I see a beautiful woman and say so, that
makes me a pig? Hey, look who's talking. Dont think I dont know about your wild days. Your
brother Danny loves to chat up the old Keaton Dumas. From what I hear college was your
notorious bachelor days."
"Wasn't me. I stopped partying hard after the summer of 2005."
"Why? What's so special about the summer of 2005?"
Keaton smiled. Rarely did he venture there. Even now he wasn't sure why the reference
slipped from his mouth, but it was the truth. After that summer he grew up. Heartache can do
that for a boy. It'll make him into a man.
"Doesn't matter. Let's just say my frat brothers took to partying in school, and I took to
programming. The rest is history."
Drake's head turned, as did he in his chair. Keaton watched as his manager glared at the
front of the restaurant. "Who shows up to an interview with Keaton Dumas late? This is bullshit.
After she damn near begged me to arrange the meeting."
Keaton checked his watch then shrugged. "No biggie, I need to stop by the office before I
catch my flight out. I think Chris was supposed to have a video conference call this afternoon
with our engineers." Keaton set his whiskey down and prepared to rise.

Damn! There she is! Drake gave a wolf whistle.

Keaton's gaze lifted and he froze. The lighting was off. He wore contacts now. Too much
time in front of a computer instead of a social life had fried his corneas. Either way he was
certain he wasn't seeing who he thought he was seeing. Over the years he had an issue of
phantom spottings. Only of her, and mostly a year or two after they split. Flashes of her dark
skin, and bright smile gave him boughts of brain fever. Keaton used to joke that old man Stevens
had the fever when he chased them with a fly swatter down the street as a kid dressed in women's
clothes. In a crowded restaurant, through the security lanes of some obscure airport. Even at a
press conference or gaming convention the apparition of Lea of would appear. Keaton's heart
would go into arrest with dreaded anticipation for nothing. This wasn't one of those times.
"Thats her. Lea Richards," Drake turned. Keaton leaned toward the main source of light
at his table. A single candle flame danced and swayed, illuminating the shadows covering her as
she approached. The matre'd led his heartbreak toward the table. With each step she made, he
became aware of his inability to breathe. Even more so, he was painfully aware that this wasnt a
head-trip, especially since hed given up pot many years ago. This was her. Babe of all babes,
the woman he compared everyone to. His Lea. She wore a pair of dark jeans that fit her shape
nicely. His vision focused on them for a moment, recalling what the sway of her hips felt like
when pressed under his. His gaze lifted to her tweed jacket, which drew his attention to the
outline of her voluptuous breasts under a white, wide collared shirt. Lea Richards was blessed
with a pair of full ripe mounds, that he recalled fit perfectly in his hands when he spooned her,
and held them in his sleep. Her hair was different. Silky, long, dark brown with light brown
streaks fell in loose curls about her shoulders. She smiled, and despite the shock and confusion of
seeing her again, he felt one form on his face.
"Lea Richards," Keaton mumbled. He rose from the table and so did Drake.
"Hello Keaton," she said, her voice soft but confident as she met his stare head on. One
peek into her amber brown eyes and he lost his ability to speak. Not a word escaped him. Several
uncomfortable seconds passed before Drake cleared his throat and he snapped out of it. Here she
was. The only girl he cried and dreamed for, nearly lost his mind over. Lea was the girl that
turned a selfish, angry kid into a self-made millionairea man. "Um, hello." He stepped over

and drew out her chair. Keaton wanted to touch her, hug her and ask a million and one questions,
but he simply gave her a sly smile and sat down.
Drake sat as well. "Wait you two know each other?"
"Yes. We're from the same small town in Texas. Ellenwood, Texas," Lea graciously
added. "Forgive me for being late. I hope I didn't keep you gentlemen waiting long."
"What are you doing here?" Keaton blurted, the words came out gruff and tense.
Lea's gaze slipped back over. The most compelling almond shaped eyes he'd ever seen on
a woman focused solely on him. "Is it a problem? Me? This interview?"
Keaton dropped back in his seat. He was such a ball of emotion he couldn't decide. Their
last meeting had been six long years ago. Lea was different. Keaton was too, though part of him
remained locked inside since their love affair. "No. Not a problem. I'm surprised."
Lea glanced to Drake. Distress wrinkled her brow. "I told your manager to ask you first.
Didn't he tell you who I was?"
Only then did Keaton remember Drake sat over to his left. He cut his manager a sideways
"I told you she's hot," Drake smirked. "Your brother Danny okayed the interview."
Lea's arched brows connected and her gaze swapped between the men. "You didn't
approve this interview?"
"Forget it." Keaton exhaled. He wasn't sure how he felt about Danny's involvement, but
he suspected he knew his brothers reasons. Lea's name was never evoked among them, but her
presence was always there. A shadow to remind Keaton of what could have been. There was no
way he'd cancel the reunion. Keaton wanted to know more about this Lea Richards. He had a lot
of questions.
"I work for Gamers Edge, actually I'm the Editor in Chief at Edge, as well as the cofounder. We've been trying for two years to get this interview."
"Why didn't you call me?" Keaton asked, hearing a little resentment surface in his tone.
Lea smiled, her small pert nose wrinkled. "I don't have your number Keat."
Keaton half smiled. Then he chuckled. "True."
Silence moved between them. Heat unfurled in his chest as he felt his embarrassment
warm his cheeks. He winced when all of that buried desire turned to hurt, and all of those old
feelings over her rejection seized him again. Keaton stared long and hard at her. Who knew when

and if he'd ever get the chance again? Lea had changed, and she hadn't. Her makeup remained
simple. A bit of eye shadow, mascara, and eyeliner, appeared natural. Especially her pink
glossed lips. One gaze at those sweet heart shaped lips and his mind went back there. Back to
every painful, glorious moment of that summer when she was his came rushing back.
"So how are you? Well I know how you are," she said her voice pitching a little high. Lea
blushed. Did black women blush? Lea did. Her deep mocha skin seemed to have a luminance
when she responded to him shyly, at least it did back then. That was the girl Lea, before him was
a woman. Hell, what was he saying, she was a woman then. Lea cleared her throat and
continued. "Keaton Dumas owns the industry now. It's been four years since you released
L.E.A.," her gaze narrowed on him, and it was his turn to blush. Yes. Keaton had named the
gaming sensation after his first love. The realization hit his business manager who started
choking. Keaton didnt give a damn. These days he answered to no one in life, and to be honest,
if it weren't for her, he may have never created the game or the console in the first place.
"L.E.A.'s the top of the market. Even I cant turn it off" her voice faded.
"Do you live in New York?" Keaton asked.
Lea blinked from her thoughts. Did she really think he wanted to talk business after all
they'd been through? After how painful things ended? "Ah, yes, I do."
"How long?" Keaton pressed.
Lea glanced to Drake who thumbed through messages on his phone. "Two years, before
that Seattle."
"What about Chicago?" Keaton snapped.
"Oh, I, well I left Chicago after I graduated. My first job was with the Seattle Times."
"So you were a reporter?" Keaton frowned. Damn he never even knew what she wanted
to study back then.
"Yes Keaton, I majored in Communications in undergrad and got my masters in
"You never told me that Lea. Come to think of it, you were never big on telling me much
about you, back then."
"Ahem, so you two, go way back huh?" Drake tried to cut in.

"Shut up Drake." Keaton snapped. He tried to cut back the anger, the hurt, but it was
surfacing fast. Then he hit rock bottom. His gaze lowered to her finger. It was then he noticed a
wedding band.
She's married.
He wondered, what kind of husband would Lea Richards choose? Probably someone the
total opposite of him he thought and his chest tightened with resentment.
"The readers of Gamers Edge want to know what's next Keaton," she said, her voice
slightly shaking as she nervously turned on the tape recorder. "Are the rumors true? A 3-D
interactive gaming experience controlled by virtual"
"Excuse me." Keaton had heard enough. He pushed up from the table abruptly. Lea sat
back confused.
"What's up?" Drake asked.
"Bathroom, um, be right back," he said.
Lea watched him, concerned. Keaton walked off, quickly, trying to put distance between
their table and him. He turned left when he should have turned right. "Fuck! Where is it?" he
snapped at a passing waiter.
"The bathroom? Turn on a damn light in here I can't see anything!"
"Oh, its to the right, sir. Follow me."
Keaton nearly walked on the guy's heels he moved so briskly. The man stepped out of his
way and he barreled into the bathroom. When the door swung open with a swish, it startled a
short stocky guy that resembled a cast reject from the Soprano's. The man unzipped his pants and
eyed Keaton from the urinal, but he barely noticed. Pacing the tiled floor he tried to breathe. Six
years and she sashays into a restaurant like he's some regular interview. Every woman after Lea
had to suffer the comparison. The first few months back at State he couldn't even leave his dorm
room. He only escaped into his programmer world when she walked out of his. Now she was
here, and married.
"Fuck!" he growled.
Keaton crossed the polished floor and rushed into the stall. He slammed the door shut and
locked it then dropped on the seat and put his face in his hands. Keaton reminded himself that he
was over Lea Richards. The past is the past, plain and simple. He should go out there and treat

her like the nobody she made him feel like when the emails stopped and she disappeared. Keaton
tensed. Why wasn't he really over Lea Richards?
His head lifted from his open palms.
Keaton looked up at the stall door. "Drake?"
"Man what the fuck is going on? You sick?"
Keaton stood and flushed. He hadn't even realized a tear of frustration had left the inlet of
his eye, until he swiped his hand under. "Yea, sick."
"Want me to cancel it? She's your friend. Its your call."
Keaton walked out of the stall. He and Drake were the only ones in the bathroom. "Lea
still here?"
"Yes, she was about to follow you, but I offered. I told you she's a sexy one. Danny never
mentioned you two had history. He just gave me orders to make sure the meeting took place face
to face. Tell me she isn't Did you name Life Ever After, after her?"
"No." he lied. "It's a coincidence. Life Ever After is the name of the first space zombie
program I wrote, then became the name of the gaming console I designed. You know that, the
world knows the story."
"But, her name"
"Is a coincidence!" he snarled.
Drake threw both his hands up, and retreated. "Cool. She asked me to tell you that she
understood if you wanted to cancel the interview. That she could send someone else from her
magazine. Hey you okay? You look pale?"
Keaton swatted Drake's concern away. "I'm fine," he mumbled walking over to the sink
and running the tap.
"Man what the hell is wrong with you? Did you fuck her?"
Keatons eyes flashed to the mirror and Drakes goofy grin. Many years ago his big
brother Danny told him to never kiss and tell about a woman you care about. Funny, it was Lea
that Danny delivered the warning for. It was pathetic how that summer he learned so much, only
after being the biggest shithead. Actually quite similar to the shit head grinning at him now.
Keaton's gaze lowered from the mirror. Change was good. Six years had helped him grow.
Keaton Dumas was a better person. Maybe he didn't have the stomach for relationships, the kind

that last, but he was decent, mature, accountable, and his issues were over. The issues that led
him to Lea Richards in the first place, and forced him to face the darkest part of him, were a
thing of the past. That was over. People respected him now.
Drake stepped behind him and dropped a hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"
"Yes. Do me a favor."
"Name it."
"Twenty minutes into the interview, take a walk. I'll handle the rest with Lea."
"No problem," Drake gave a toothy grin.
Keaton dried his hands and walked out. He and Lea were done. He got that. Hell by most
standards she had made that clear six years ago. But closure was something he never dreamed of.
He planned to have it today.

"Wow, you've defeated the notorious hackers by becoming one. Genius Keat, and the
Easter eggs in Zombie Raider, I'm telling you when I found the first one I unlocked six more and
advanced to level three. I played all night."
"I don't get that. You playing games? You hated video games, thought they fried your
brain cells."
Lea ignored his comment and continued. "So is this new viral technique truly defeating
piracy the way you hoped Keat?"
Keaton smiled at her calling him Keat, but let it slide. He was supposed to be keeping this
light. "Yeah, the thieves need the original access key to remove it from a pirated game. Any
crack they use triggers an alternate version of the game. Every Commando unlocked loses his
powers, and makes the gamer fumble through simple level one strike commands. It's subtle at
first. The gamer just thinks he sucks, and he tries harder, but as he advances the gaming
experience turns on him, and so do the zombies. I got some pretty nasty surprises for the player
when the zombies ravage them. The points are detracted from his overall score too. I don't think
a player makes it to level four before the game itself crashes and no longer boots. It's a drier
version of the games performance overall. They've caught on to us now though and my guess is

they've found a way to hack that code. I've even employed a couple of them to learn more about
their tricks. It's our only defense."
"Really? Where does one shop for a video game hacker?"
"At technology conventions of course. Your biggest fan is probably the biggest cheat.
Now don't print that," Keaton smiled.
"Oh I won't," Lea grinned.
They neared the end of the interview. Drake had left over an hour ago. They'd finished
lunch and had two drinks. Hed ordered two bottles of Heineken, for her two cosmopolitans. Lea
pummeled him with questions, from the business to the changes in the industry, and he kept right
up. Neither of them dared to broach anything personal. Keaton would have his closure though.
He earned it after all. She owed him an explanation. Something.
"So, married huh?" Keaton said when a comfortable silence slipped in and she was
scribbling her notes.
"Huh?" Lea answered, her eyes lifted from her notepad. She reached and turned off the
tape recorder, and then her hand froze when her gaze fell upon the ring as if just remembering it.
"What's wrong? It's cool Lea, I'm sure he's a nice guy. What's his name?"
"I'm not married Keaton," she said meekly.
Lea shifted, uncomfortable, staring at the ring and not at him. She nervously reached for
her glass of water instead of her cosmopolitan and sipped.
Keaton waited until she could meet his gaze again. "Divorced? What's going on?"
Lea pulled off the ring and put her hand out of view. "It's stupid. I have no excuse. I
"For what?" Keaton pressed, now curious.
"I wore it, because, well I wanted you to think I was married."
Keaton narrowed his gaze. Over the years he had come to terms with many things, but
one thing he wasn't cool with was her jerking him aroundagain. He was done with Lea
stomping on his pride. He was a man now. "So you wore it to trick me?"
"What? You think I'm such a fucking loser that I couldn't handle a conversation with you
unless I thought you were married?"

"No, No! Keat, you don't understand."

"Don't call me Keat! We're done."
"Please, Keaton you misunderstood."
"I don't think so Lea, I got it right this time. I misunderstood six years ago, didn't I?" He
opened his wallet and tossed several bills on the table. She blinked up at him, her eyes pooling
with tears, her demeanor visibly shaken. Again, more emotion than he'd ever known her to show.
Why waste it now? "You dumped me Lea, I got over it back in 2005. I really did. Made a life for
myself, became my own man. Didn't you hear? So don't worry about being harassed by a love
sick Keaton Dumas okay? You got your interview. Have a nice life babe."
Keaton walked away from the table with his heart hammering hard and fast under his
breast cage. For a moment he considered glancing back to see her face. Did she feel half of the
humiliation and pain he felt over her rejection? To hell with what Lea Richards felt. He was done
being miserable for loving a girl that could never love him back.
As he eased onto the backseat of his limo and it pulled from the curb, he remembered
everything. He remembered their summer together, where it began, how it ended. The brief time
she was his.
Maybe it was all an illusion. Lea Richards was nothing more than a dream.
Keaton frowned. "The dream is over."

Chapter Two
Summer 2005 The Past
Danny, his big brother, the eldest of four, made him do it. He was the one who acted as
his informal guardian. Who'd been responsible for funding his schooling during the semesters he
wasn't on academic probation. The brother who currently allowed him to stay in his home during
Spring and Summer breaks. It was Daniel Ray Cummings who forced him', Keaton Dumas, the
youngest of the four brothers, to get a summer' job.
Keaton had no one but himself to blame. He'd jerked off with his classes, flunking
Chemistry and Calculus but taking an incomplete in Women's studies. Imagine that? All of
which were core requirement courses for his as-yet-to-be-determined degree. Though to be fair
he'd finally decided on general studies as a major with a minor in indecision.
"I'm only paying for you once, Keaton. Know what that means? Let me tell you. It means
you get no do-overs buddy. You fuck that up and you're on your own," Danny warned.
"What about my inheritance from Dad?" he asked.
Danny gave him an incredulous look.
"Your schooling is your inheritance. Jesus, kid, you got the X-Terra truck, which took up
a large chunk of that money. Then there's the insurance, which is ridiculous. Do I need to remind
you," Danny leveled a finger in Keaton's direction. "Of all the times I've given you extra money
for clothes, kayaking trips and your dues to that stupid fraternity?"
Keaton's gaze lowered to the crumbled letter of notification in his hand. It wasn't an
expulsion letter but it might as well have been, considering he was financially kicked out', albeit
by his brother.
Okay. So I'll pay you back for that extra stuff."
"And?" Danny prompted. The two sat on the deck of Danny's home, which over-looked
Lake Pawnee, drinking beer from the outdoor refrigerator by the grill. They were alone. Kay,
Danny's wife, was away at work in town.
"I'll take Cal online."
"And I'll pay for it."

Keaton dropped his head against the back of the seat. "I'll get a fucking job," he groaned
then tipped the bottleneck, savoring the swallow.
Danny grinned. "Good." He reached out and slapped Keaton on the cheek, affectionately.
"See? Now you're growing up."

"This Mr. Dumas is where you clock in. Do you know your employee number?"
"Okay, go ahead and press F1 for clock-in' followed by your number, then enter."
Keaton typed 16901415' on the keypad of the time clock and pressed enter.
"Well done, you'll use F1 to clock-in and F2 to clock-out. You work six hours today so
you only get a 30-minute lunch. Remember, for every four hours worked, you get a fifteen. For
every six hours worked you get a 30-minute lunch in which you must clock-out. This is
important. Are you writing it down? Perhaps you should write this down"
"I got it," Keaton grumbled. The woman smelled like mothballs and cucumbers. She
wore her hair so teased it resembled a nest. Her name was Debbie and she was the Human
Resources Leader who hired him.
"Now, let's go out to the floor. I'm going to leave you with, um..." Debbie stopped briefly
to view a schedule on the wall. "Lea," she said. "You'll be working primarily closing shifts but
don't worry, you shouldn't be here any later than eleven or eleven-thirty each night. You work
five days, off two, with the option of working another for overtime if the occasion arises."
Keaton focused on the back of her head. Would baby birds suddenly emerge and take
flight? Debbie was shorter so he looked down into the center of the nest as she droned on about
his duties. Duties he'd rather do without. Keaton had never worked a day in his life. Working
retail would be a new experience for him. Like most of the world, he was more accustomed to
buying merchandise, not stocking it.
"Mr. Dumas?"
"Yes." Keaton had been daydreaming and didn't realize they'd walked through the
pharmacy area, through books and movies. He now stood in the electronics department.
"This is the boat," she said and pointed out the octagonal counter in the center of the
video-game consoles and a wall of televisions.
"The boat?"

"Don't ask," she waved to someone behind the counter. Keaton couldn't quite see whom,
but it was definitely a female. "I didn't come up with it. It was already named when I started
working here and I've been here a long, long time. Lea, hi honey, this is our new hire, Keaton
Dumas. Keaton, this is Lea Richards."
From the parking lot, to the front check-lanes and the service desk, most of the female
employees he'd seen were too old or too young for his tastes. The others were all a bit of a blur.
Maybe it was because they were the morning crew and the morning crew consisted of dumpy,
old, tired toads, not-so-hot soccer moms, and manatees. Not young, oh-so-hot, caramelprincesses who reminded him of Coffee-Girl back at the Starbucks on Fifth Street at State. The
one who'd shot him down, repeatedly, when he asked her out.
"Hi, I'm Lea."
"Hi," he answered, and noticed how she barely registered his presence. Lea glanced up
then looked down again, turned pages in a binder, while her eyes darted back and forth over a
schematic of some kind.
"Well, all right, then," Debbie smiled. "I'll leave you to it. Let me know if there's
anything you need."
Keaton stood on the other side of the counter, and watched Lea read, no, write something
on the page. She glanced up, large brown eyes blinking then focusing on him.
"You wanna come around?" Lea jerked her head to the left. The movement caused the
spongy locks of her hair to sway. "The entrance is there," she said.
Keatons eyes followed her point, though it was hard because he wanted to continue
staring at her lips, and her face.
"Ummm," she prompted, gesturing to the break in the wall of the display.
"Oh, yeah." Shit. He was behaving like a dullard. "This... this is the" he stammered.
"Welcome to the electronics boat. It's called a boat because of the stripes on the floor."
She nodded toward the aisle where customers walked and pushed carts. Some stopped to eye the
merchandise at the end of a row. There were thick blue stripes that tapered and lined the sections
of the store. The blue strip surrounded the electronics counter and its separate shelved-sections.
"The aisle is the sea or something and the boat is... the boat. Yeah, it's stupid, I know, but
it is what it is. Ooh, watch out for those boxes."
The warning came too late. Keaton stepped from the tile flooring onto the carpeted aisle

inside the boat. He rounded the register in the middle and tripped, but didn't fall, over the boxes
of cameras and iPods butted against the center island counter. He caught himself on the edge of
the desk, and his cheeks burned more than the inside of his palm, which he scraped against the
sharp corner. Keaton checked his hand. A white line split diagonally down the middle.
"Are you okay?"
Quickly, he glanced up. "Yes. I'm fine. Thanks."
Lea smiled, her gaze lowered once again to his hand before she stooped to pick up the
toppled boxes.
"I'll help. Let me," he said, bending.
It was a tight squeeze for two bodies. He stepped back, she moved forward. They were
both huddled in the space with a width of thirty-seven inches, attempting to restructure a stack of
small electronics meant for the case and not the floor.
"These go inside here?" He pointed to the case. Every two feet there was a sliding door
with a lock.
"Yes," she answered. "But not in that one. Let's get them on the counter first, then I'll
show you where to stock them." Lea rose. He followed with an armful of digital cameras. "Did
you watch the video?" she asked.
He nodded, suddenly unable to say anything else. His thoughts consisted of: girl, no
woman, pretty, I like her hair. What's with it? It's not like Kay's, but it is.
"Cool, so the numbers..." The sound of her lyrical voice helped Keaton regain focus. Lea
went on to explain to him the difference in numbers and barcodes on the items. She showed him
which set of numbers denoted aisle, location, slot and quantity. He understood well enough and
shortly after, she entrusted him with a key for the cabinets inside the boat'. He stocked cameras,
iPods and other small electronics. He moved on to larger pieces such as game controllers, game
systems, and games. It was fun, but a bit of a bummer. The location of those items was in
shelving outside of the counter. This meant he couldn't be with her inside the boat.
They were interrupted a couple of times by needy customers. She had to leave him alone
at the counter on two occasions to go to the stockroom. An old couple searching for alarm clocks
approached him. The search took all of ten minutes as he led them through music and books and
back to electronics before finding the aisle with the clocks. When they asked him the difference
between brands he panicked. Quickly he offered to go find help but ran into a couple of

tweeners who approached with a question about a video game, Modern Warfare 3.5. Instantly
he switched into sales-mode. Although he wouldn't realize this until later, it was like talking to
his brothers. He'd forgotten about the old couple with the alarm clock and Keaton was in his
element. Until he looked up to find Lea with them, now waving the kids away. She'll think him a
slacker or just some pothead gamer now.
"Look at you."
He dropped the half-open box of Madden NFL 2005 to the counter and smiled.
"What?" he asked.
"You...with those kids."
"Oh that? I like video games." With a shrug he turned his attention back to the box. He
stocked the shelf, pressing the stack of games into the holder.
"I can tell," she scratched her ear. "You like gaming. Bet you're good too. Ever think of
designing them?"
Keaton chuckled. "Nah, just like playing."
"I wonder if you like movies and music too. See that?" Lea pointed behind him. Keaton
turned, spied a flat cart full of boxed items. "I'm going to let you stock all those items while I
work on these."
Keaton glanced down. In her hand she held a stack of papers, which she immediately
transferred to the binder she'd flipped through earlier.
"Okay," he answered warily eyeing the truckload. "You're going to help me, right?"
"I think you can handle it. Use this," she handed him the scan-gun. "Remember that
function I showed you earlier? Use that to find where the stuff goes on the shelf."
Lea took him by the shoulder, gently and turned him to the flat.
"Have at it, son."
"Son?" Keaton turned, stumbling slightly. Lea shrugged while turning back to her folder.
"It's just an expression," she smiled. "Much like padawan, now go forth and stock."
Lea turned her back to him. He stood at the cart, which resembled a giant wagon, stocked
with boxes, both small and large of books, DVDs, CDs, and software.
He'd managed to push the cart to the main aisle, but only after bumping and sideswiping
the corner of the boat. It was heavy, but not something he couldn't handle.
"Hey, I get a break, right?"

Lea looked up. "Yup," she said, her lip popping with the p' sound of the word. She
cocked her head to the right. "You can go at ten...with me."
Keaton drew his gaze away from her mouth, which moved in a circular motion as she
chewed gum or candy, he couldn't quite tell. It really didn't matter. He liked her mouth. Her lips,
they seemed softprobably were soft.
"Cool," he repeated more for himself than her. Keaton didn't want to leave her side. He
much preferred working with her than alone but the merchandise had to be stocked. So he
scanned his first item, checked the display for aisle and location, and he grinned thinking of how
responsible he sounded. Danny would like that.

Keaton stared at the menu the entire time they waited in line. When he reached the
checkout he forced himself to make a decision.
"I'll have the number two," he said to the cashier while digging a hand into his pocket for
his wallet. The store had its own eatery that served up fast food, typical American-faire. He
finally decided on the hotdog combo, though his stomach grumbled for more. He'd skipped out
on breakfast. Keaton would eat later, at home. Maybe Danny or Kay would cook.
The hotdog was the best choice. Eating it wouldn't be too much of a challenge and he'd
be less likely to spill something on himself in front of Lea.
"What do you want?" He asked her, twenty-dollar bill in hand. The cashier waited to take
the payment for his meal, but he'd decided somewhere in the last thirty seconds to pay for Lea's
food, too.
"Oh, I'm not that hungry. I think I'll get a small popcorn and a soft drink."
Keaton handed the cashier the money.
"Add hers to mine," he directed. The cashier looked from Lea to him and back again. Lea
touched his hand.
"Thanks, but no thanks. I got it." Lea dug in her pocket for cash. The cashier handed him
back his change and rang up Lea's order. "Oh, and don't forget, you get a discount, ten percent
with any purchase in the store. Debbie should've given you a discount card."
"She did," he said, cheeks burning with embarrassment over her rejection as he accepted
the cup from the cashier. The girl behind the counter waddled away to fix his hot dog and bag

Lea's popcorn. She waddled because she was pregnant.

Lea smiled, "Cool."
They walked to the fountain drink dispenser and filled their cups. She'd turned him down
quick. It made for humiliation number two of the day since he'd been introduced to Lea. He
needed a distraction. What he needed was to take his mind off of trying to impress her. She was
after all his bosssort of.
"So are you from here?" Lea asked, once they'd taken a seat across from one another. He
was focused on his hot dog and applying the right amount of mustard to the bun to keep from
spilling when he bit into it.
"Yeah," he risked a glance after taking a bite. Careful to wipe his mouth, chew and
swallow before speaking. "I grew up here, me and my brothers."
"Brothers? How many," she pressed while carefully plucking puffs of popcorn from the
red and white striped bag.
"Three," he answered mid-chew. He really was hungry. It took a lot not to wolf down the
remainder of the one hot dog and get up, go back to the counter and order another.
"What about sisters? No sisters?"
"Sisters-in-law," he said, risking a glance. Lea watched him carefully, a slight smile to
her mouth. "Two. And one in the making," he said thinking of Chris.
She frowned. Keaton explained.
"Chris and Zoe are together. Don't know if they'll marry."
"Oh," her mouth rounded. Lea nodded understanding. "So what about work? This your
first time working at a store?"
Keaton nodded. The last of his hot dog was wedged between the bridge of his mouth and
"Never worked before. Having to... to pay for school," he wiped his mouth. "I go to State.
Sophomore. Junior in the Fall."
"Oh," she said again. "Cool."
Keaton half expected her to follow-up with whether or not she was from here. State
whether or not she had siblings or share that she was in school at one of the colleges in town. She
said nothing. He drank half of his drink in one swallow and suppressed, with a closed fist to his
chest, a burp that beckoned to follow. A couple other red-shirts came over to the table, two

women who seemed to know Lea. Keaton was introduced and quickly forgotten as they rattled
on about shipments and sign-holders. He excused himself, got up, and refilled his cup.
"You know you can only do that once," a voice spoke from his right. Keaton turned and
looked at the waddler from behind the counter.
"Uh, okay. Thanks for telling me... uh, Candace." He glimpsed at her name badge. She
appeared as miserable as he. She looked tired. He supposed being on one's feet for eight hours
straight had to suck. Marcela, his middle brother Josh's wife, was pregnant, but she stayed off her
feet most days. Keaton tried to summon sympathy for the woman, but she only glared, as if
expecting him to counter the rules concerning refills. He quickly capped his drink and walked
back to where Lea now sat alone with her phone out, texting away. He sipped his drink and tried
relaxing in the hard, plastic seat while she finished her message. Keaton realized again that he
knew nothing about her. It was left to his imagination who she conversed with in texts.
"Boyfriend?" Keaton blurted.
"Excuse me?"
"Uh, on the phone?" Keaton's cheeks fried with embarrassment. "Your boyfriend?" He
nodded to the device in her hand.
"My scheduler," she stopped then showed him the screen. "There's a scan next Thursday.
This is to remind me on the day before not to show up for work. I do that sometimes. Show up
on my days off," she smiled, shrugged and placed the phone in her pocket again.
"Oh, I gotcha. Scan." Keaton nodded as if he understood, though he didn't. Lea didn't
attempt to explain which was fine. He was relieved she'd said no. Then again she really hadn't.
Not really.
"So, no boyfriend?" he asked after a long silent moment.
Lea grinned, dropped her head in her hand and gave him her undivided attention.
"Actually, yeah. Wanna know his name?"
"Maybe I shouldn't have asked"
"His name is Work," she winked then stood. "I've been watching you watching me, Mr.
Dumas and while it's flattering and you're very cute, I'm kind of your boss ya know?"
His head was on fire now. His cheeks, his nose, his ears, they all went up in flames.
Strike three for the day. Humiliation wins again. Keaton stood, focusing his attention on draining
the last of his drink. The look she gave him was the kind of letdown he'd been receiving from

certain females lately. It was wrong, incredibly wrong. He was Keaton Dumas. The Keaton
Dumas. Yes, it begged repeating, even if only in his mind. Women didn't blow off Keaton
Dumas. Keaton Dumas blew off women. Or something like that.
The blank stare she gave annoyed him to the point of groaning and not the good kind. Lea
Richards had blown him off. Lea Richards with the Hershey brown skin, dark spongy hair and
rose-colored lips. He couldn't take it. Keaton couldn't handle the rejection without reacting, so he
"Debbie says you're a level one, too," he recalled in training the levels of employees at
this company. One, two and three would be the equivalent of worker, supervisor, and manager in
that order.
"This is true," Lea agreed, crossing her arms over her chest. He could feel her gaze burn
steadily into the side of his face, but he looked away.
"So really, you're not my boss." Keaton didn't try to disguise the disrespect in his tone.
"No. But I have seniority over you and that makes me kind of your boss."
Keaton disregarded her altogether by narrowing his sight on an above average red head
working behind the jewelry counter. She had a huge rack that kind of bounced when she went
from one glass case to the other. "Okay. Whatever," he said, gazing ahead coolly. "Hey, can I
catch up to you? I've got to step to the... bathroom in the back stockroom."
Lea frowned as if unsure then nodded. "Okay. Umm, when you come back, you can
finish that cart you were working on." He'd already turned away. Though he didn't see it, he
could feel her gaze as he strolled to the counter and introduced himself to Sara. She was not his
usual type but that didn't matter. With red hair, porcelain skin and pacific blue eyes she was
pretty enough. He wanted Lea to see him flirt with another to show he was completely unfazed
by her dismissal, and he was.
No he wasn't, but he couldn't let her know that.
Keaton blamed his sister-in-law. His attraction (actually: obsession) with females of a
certain persuasion (actually: African-American) was all Kay's fault. Not a day went by where he
wasn't reminded of this. See, he had Kay first. Well not had her but, he was interested in her
first. Then his big brother Danny came along and Danny being Dannythe rest is history.
"So what are you doing after work? Some friends of mine are hanging out. It's kind of an
early Memorial Day celebration."

Keaton pushed off the counter leaving forearm-prints on the surface of the glass. He'd
carried on a conversation with Sara for all of ten minutes. It was a conversation in which she'd
done most of the talking, while he stared at the barbell piercing in her tongue. Instead of lust he
felt frustration and annoyance. Lea had left an impression he couldn't shake. How could she have
turned him down? He was tired of the 'Kays' and the 'Leas' and the 'Starbucks chic with the cute
butt and kick ass mocha lattes' of the world saying no to him.
"Hey, I can't today, but give me your number. Maybe we can get together this weekend...
after work."
Keaton stretched his arms over his head while she scribbled down her number. He said
goodbye to her, went to the stockroom, pissed in the bathroom stall and when he emerged, heard
his name repeated over the intercom. He expected to find Lea at the counter, angry that he'd
taken so long in returning. He grinned, smug and a little elated at the thought of having upset her.
Maybe she'd come around. Lea did call him cute after all. That had to mean something.

Chapter Three
"Who are you?" Keaton asked the guy behind the counter. "Where's Lea?"
Pinto, yes that was the name on his badge, pulled packages of batteries from a box and
slid them on the hooks for display.
"What do you mean off?"
"She left."
"Left? But her shift?"
"Is done." Pinto glared through bottle-thick lens glasses. "She'd been here since six. Now
tell me everything she went over with you."
Keaton glanced down the main aisle through the customers and their carts. How long was
he gone for?
"When does she work again?"
Pinto pushed his glasses up over his nose and rolled his eyes. "I'm not her keeper. If you
want to know, check the schedule in the back. Hey! I'm supposed to train you on plan-o-grams!
Mr. Dumas! Come back here!"
Keaton sprinted down the main aisle hoping that he'd catch her en route to the offices. He
turned the corner through cosmetics and ran the length of hall to the time-clock and the lockers.
He scanned the space. No one was about. She'd gone already. Shit.
A quick glance at the schedule showed her for the next three days as 'off '. Keaton
groaned, angrier than he should've been.
"I work the next three days. She doesn't. Dammit!"
"Mr. Dumas, is everything all right?"
The voice was like nails over a chalkboard. Keaton turned quickly, finding Debbie
standing there, hands on her hips, head tilted so she could match his gaze with a questioning one
of her own.
"Uh, no. I mean, yes. Yes."
"Okay," she winked, smiling. "Surely this place doesn't have you running for the hills

"No ma'am. I'm good. Just..." Keaton looked to the schedule again. "Lea. Is this always
her schedule? I thought I'd mainly be working with her and not Pinto."
"It's a holiday weekend. Everyone's schedule is different, but yes, for future schedules
you will be assigned to Lea. Unless the two of you aren't getting along?"
"No! We're fine. I just, oh nothing. It's cool."
Keaton visibly sunk against the wall, deflated in tone and posture. What was the matter
with him? Really. She was one girl. One woman.
The intercom called again overhead, requesting he go back to electronics.
"Maybe you should get back to your post, yeah?" Debbie said, patting him on the
shoulder. He pushed off the wall and walked down the hall, through cosmetics, through the
pharmacy and to the electronics boat, where a highly perturbed Pinto waited.

Work ended at six. Finally. After having spent the past five and a half hours stocking
merchandise that only increased in size with each new cart Pinto pulled from the stockroom.
Keaton was exhausted. After handling boxes, so many boxes with different kinds of stuffing
inside, he could feel the grit and grime on his skin.
He needed a shower badly.
"How was your first day?" asked Kay.
"I hated it," he said without looking up. Instead he threw his keys onto the credenza. "It's
okay. I hated it."
Kay laughed. "Make up your mind."
"It's okay," he sighed then pulled off one shoe followed by the other. "Danny here?" He
scouted beyond her to the window.
Keaton followed her out, stopping in the laundry room to deposit his shoes. He slipped on
a pair of flip-flops. His sister in-law Kay wore denim cut-offs, so naturally he stared at her legs
and ass as they walked out onto the deck.
"Eyes up," Danny spoke from behind as if sensing where his gaze would be. He caught
Keaton by the back of his neck.
"Owwww, stop!"
He tried to pull away but Danny guided him by the neck to one of the chairs that filled

the space and pushed him down. He handed him a beer. "So how was it?"
"Fine," he frowned massaging his neck while stealing a glance at Kay. Marcela, his
brother Joshua's wife, was there across the way, propped up in the swing. Her pregnant stomach
was almost as big as her head. Josh, meanwhile, was at the grill.
Keaton sniffed the air. "Steak?" he asked Danny.
"Good. I'm starving."
"Did they not give you a lunch break?" Danny asked.
"Yeah. I didn't eat much."
"Well there's plenty. What time do you work tomorrow?"
"Til when?"
"Eleven. Eleven-thirty."
Thinking about working made his bones hurt. Thinking about working with Pinto again
or another new imbecile who was not Lea made his head hurt. He took a long swallow of beer,
burped and then took another. He needed to rest easy tonight. The beer plus a good meal would
ensure a good night's sleep. The alcohol would also erase the massive fail he felt concerning Lea.
Kay's laughter drew his attention. She and Marcela chatted just out of earshot. Marcela
kicked her feet and made a waving motion with her hands. Keaton looked to his brothers who
conversed concerning the steaks with gestures more than words. Observing them brought to
mind his other brother, Chris. He lived halfway around the world. Keaton wondered what Chris
and Zoe were doing. If they were as happy as Danny and Kay, and Marcela and Josh seemed to
be. For an instant, he felt a twinge of jealousy. His brothers had wives, girlfriends, careers, lives.
Compared to them, he had nothing. While absentmindedly peeling the label from his beer he
decided it didn't matter. It wasn't his time. No wonder those girls turned him down. He sipped
what was left in the bottle, got up and pulled out another. He drank without saying much, though
the family tried to include him in their conversation. He feigned tiredness, which wasn't a stretch,
and waited patiently until the food was cooked. After dinner he slipped away quietly, showered
and slept through to the next morning until it was time for him to get ready for work again.

Chapter Four
Though work wasn't until the afternoon, Keaton, propelled by the smell of fresh coffee,
rose early. His bedroom was a cave. The windows were covered with thick drapes blocking the
light from outside. Bags of his clothes and boxes of items he'd yet to put away since moving
back were stacked in the corner. The navy blue paint created a sanctuary of darkness, albeit
cramped and closed, but one he preferred for sleeping.
Keaton stared up at the ceiling, which had textured crme molding that reminded him of
sand. His room was different compared to the rest of the house. Danny's place had been
transformed since Kay moved in. She'd changed much of the dcor; brightened it up with light
colors in favor of the dark masculine ones Danny preferred. Normally he wouldn't give a shit but
somehow his room versus the rest of the house reminded him yet again, where he didn't stand in
likeness to his brothers. The Dumas men were all partnered or betrothed, settled adults.
He swallowed slowly, tasting the bitter blank of morning breath. The night before, he had
the distinct pleasure yet again of observing what his brothers shared with their wives. He felt
more and more the odd man out. No, more like the third wheel. Sure, he could have the same, if
he wanted. He had relationships with ex-girlfriends not too far beyond the point of
reconcilement. If he wanted he could pick up the phone and call them. Each would be more than
eager to come over and ride jet-skis, eat grilled steak, drink or get stoned and fuck. Maybe.
Wanting that (those type girls) and having this (what his brothers had) were two different
would-be approaches to making Keaton happy for the remainder of the summer. If only he didn't
have to work. If only this job didnt have a brown beauty who, yet again was beyond his reach.
"I hate my life," he mumbled.
Keaton continued to gaze at the ceiling while absentmindedly plucking the hairs below
his navel. "I hate my life, this morning, this month, this summer," he said lifting to see where his
hand, positioned just above the lowered waistline of his boxers, massaged.
"Morning," he spoke to the tent in his shorts, hand delving deeper. "Not exactly a good
morning, but hey, whatever, right?" He shed the shorts completely, kicked at the covers with one
foot to make room for the other leg he bent open. A quick jerk would hopefully alleviate the
heavy thinking. "Bust a nut and be fine," he mumbled. Hopefully the act would set him right

A man does this to alleviate stress, and to each man is a girl. The girl, can cream his cock
within his fist after she is summoned nude, sexy and willing to participate. Keaton had such a
girl, and before he got counseling it was his brother's wife Kay. He'd close his eyes to summon
her secretly. He'd replaced Kay several times with images he found in Penthouse, but sometimes
Kay reappeared. He almost expected more of the same. But someone else stepped forthLea. In
her khaki pants and bright red Target shirt, she popped her gum with those rose colored pink lips
of hers then smiled. She didnt have to do a thing. She didnt have to undress, talk dirty to him,
and touch herself. All it took was for her to bat long dark lashes over those almond shaped eyes
of hers and he was groaning. A couple of hard tugs to his shaft and he was whispering her name
as he neared climaxLea, Lea, Lea. His scrotum tightened and his breath hitched in his throat as
his body shuddered hard, especially his cock. It was over far too soon.
Damn, he groaned. At the very least he should have Lea out of his system now. It didn't
work for Kay. "I really need to outgrow this shit," he mumbled.
He yawned sleepily from the bedroom to the shower then back to the bedroom again.
Keaton continued yawning while dressing, then headed to the kitchen. Kay entered through the
side-door. She and Danny had set up breakfast out on the deck.
"Good morning, Keaton," she smiled, cheery as usual. "Please put on a shirt. We could
have company soon."
To her request he raised a white t-shirt in his hand, displaying it so that she'd know he
intended to dress himself. She shook her head and passed through the door. Danny was on the
phone. He waved him over. Keaton followed, pulling the shirt over his head, and down his chest.
He'd stopped in the entry to slip on a pair of flip-flops, not quite ready to confine his feet to socks
and sneaks'.
There was a tray of bacon, eggs and pancakes in the middle of the picnic-style table. The
overhang, a canopy made of sailboat canvas, extended the length of the deck. It shielded them
from the sun, which beamed hot and steamy at the early hour. Keaton plucked some pancakes
and let the syrup pour before diving in. He kept silent as Danny carried on with his conversation.
Kay ventured back out with two mugs of coffee. She wore pajamas and a robe that completely
covered her except for the bit of ankle-skin exposed above her slippers. Though of course her
neck was uncovered, and Keaton's gaze lingered on her pulse. When she turned her head waiting

on Danny to acknowledge her, he could see it flutter. He stopped mid-chew, transfixed by the
soft beat under her dark brown skin. Kay's neck was graceful and slender and her skin was soft
he remembered. She handed his brother a mug of coffee then turned to him.
"How'd you sleep?" she asked.
Keaton chewed slowly, the pancakes and syrup was a heady mixture of sweet that shot
straight to his brain. He blinked. Losing, and then gaining focus, he swallowed the pan-fried
batter then washed it down with some milk.
"Like a rock," he answered licking his lips after taking his time to respond. "How'd you
sleep?" He countered glancing briefly at Danny who barked into the phone line. Keaton reached
for a piece of bacon, returning his attention to his sister-in-law. Her hair was drawn into a pouf at
the top of her head. It bounced with her movements. She and Lea had the same spongy thick
Beaming, she cut her eyes over at him. "Fine. You have work again today?"
"Yes, I do," he answered slowly, watching her stir his brother's coffee for him, then slide
the mug in front of him to encourage him to drink. Danny reached for the sugar and dipped his
spoon into the container. He scooped not one, not two, but three heaping lumps of sugar into his
mug. It was a large mug for coffee, but still, Keaton found that amount of sugar repugnant.
"Are you looking forward to it?" Kay gave him another amazing smile. Again, he had to
acknowledge her lookssilently, of course. Blurting how much he liked her mouth (amongst
other parts of her face) would yield a slap to the side of his head from Danny. Instead Keaton
shrugged in answer, chewing, barely tasting the bacon. Kay poured a modest amount of syrup
over her pancakes. He watched her dump ketchup then sprinkle black pepper on her eggs before
spreading a napkin over her lap. He thought about work and the reason he wasn't really looking
forward to work. Kay took a bite of eggs. He watched that, too. He watched until Danny snapped
his fingers in front of his face.
"Not looking forward to day number two, huh?" Danny chimed in. He'd hung up the
phone and had heard, at least in part, his stilted conversation with Kay. "Why not? What's so bad
about retail?" Danny shoved him playfully in the shoulder. Keaton suppressed an owe' rubbing
the injured spot.
"What's so bad about it? Uh, it's retail. Everything sucks."
Danny gave him a look. "It's not like you have to work hard. You want something

different? Fine. Josh has a friend who's a contractor. That's right. Construction. You can pour
concrete and haul dirt if this retail thing continues to suck too much for you."
Danny winked at him. Keaton stared blankly, annoyed yet too tired to come up with a
smart rebuttal. He looked to Kay who'd paid them no attention. She read the morning paper
"I don't need a construction job," he said when Danny reached for the phone. "Don't
worry, I'm good. It's's..."
"It's work," Danny finished for him. "You'll get used to it. Remember, you have to. Now
pass me the ketchup."
Keaton passed him the bottle. When Danny set it down after using it, Keaton looked to
the label, staring intently at the symbols that made up letters and letters that made up ingredients
he could barely pronounce. He glared at the bottle and not Danny. Besides, this angle of his head
was comfortable enough to allow him to chew and listen to Kay and Danny converse about the
weather, and a new beer she wanted to try. The conversation switched to a trip to Dallas she
wanted to take with Marcela. He listened, but eventually his gaze moved from the bottle to the
edge of the deck, the shore of the lake and beyond.
"I'd much rather be skiing," he spoke aloud, suddenly. "Can I? Tonight?"
Both Danny and Kay stopped.
"Not supposed to jet-ski at night. You'll have to wait, unless you want to get up early and
go," Danny smirked. "Oh wait, there's a time limit with morning skiing, too. We gotta make
room for the fisherman. Yep. Looks like you'll have to wait until..." Danny leaned forward.
"When's your next off-day?"
Keaton gave Danny the biggest go-to-hell look' he could muster. He wiped his mouth,
dropped his napkin into his plate and got up to leave.
"Stop teasing him. Keaton, you can ski tonight. Danny does it all the time. We'll leave
them out for you." Kay offered.
Leave it to his sister in-law to try and smooth things over. She was nice like that, she had
always been, even during the times he was an ass to her.
"Thanks, but never mind, stupid idea, anyways," he grumbled, heading away.
"Keaton? Are you all right? Is there something else?"
There was something else. It was everything else. He hadn't been himself since leaving

campus. Sure, he'd rather be in Colorado river rafting with his friends, or upstate New York with
the blonde big-tits sister-soror from Poughkeepsie who'd invited him to go camping. He'd
resigned himself to the fact that his summer wouldn't be the same since he exited on the
interstate en route home. His roommate from Houston had invited him down to Freaknik' in
South Padre. He didn't know what it was, but it sounded alluring enough. If it was a weekend
thing maybe he could go.
"I'm good," he said with plate in hand, not looking back. Suddenly he felt too depressed
to look anywhere but away from Kay's kind eyes.
"Okay," Kay said, and he felt like an idiot. He couldn't let them see how disillusioned he
was. It would prompt Kay to want to help and Danny to continue to tease. He stopped and
turned. "Hey, you ever go to Freaknik'?" he asked.
Kay's amber brown eyes sparkled. She smiled and shook her head. "No. Never. That's a
scene that's way too wild for me."
"What's Freaknik?" Danny asked.
"I'll tell you later, hon, this is about Keaton," she turned from Danny. "Are you bummed
about not going... or?"
"No, it's not that. Never mind. Later," he turned away and walked inside. Kay called after
him again. Her concern was touching, and were he feeling better he would've exploited it, and
turned it into something else. As he stepped inside the house, she called again but Danny shushed
her. "Let him go," He heard him say. "Now what's this Freaknik? A concert or something?
Inside he dumped the half-eaten stack of pancakes into the garbage and washed the plate,
fork and glass. Keaton would do anything to keep from drawing Danny's wrath even over
something as simple as housekeeping.
Keaton had some free hours before work. Now full, he decided to play a video game. He
didn't want to be bombarded with more questions about his mood. While he waited for the
system to boot up, he thumbed through a box with a mix of games and DVDs in search of Halo',
but he came up with Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.'
"Hans, Fett, Chewy, Luke and Leia. Leia...Lea?"
Keaton thumbed the edge of the DVD, thinking about his trainer from the day before.
She'd given him the warm-cold shoulder and he hadn't even asked her out or anything! He only
flirted. It couldn't be helped. Keaton was just too plain dumbfounded over her looks. How much

she looked like Kay. Fuck it, maybe she was right when she brushed him off.
"Lea Richards," he groaned her name, sitting back in the chair. She wouldn't be at work
today, which meant he'd be sidled alongside Pinto or some other boring and annoying electronics
freak. "Damn." He really didn't want to go. He glanced briefly at the clock; gauged the number
of hours he'd have for play. The game began to load. A status bar displayed on the screen. He
watched it fill to 100% capacity.
"Han saves Leia and they save the galaxytogether. Cool."
Keaton played the game for an hour straight before a bathroom break forced him to
move. He played for an hour more until he fell asleep holding the controller in hand. Kay woke
him with a light touch to his shoulder and a slight shake. He opened his eyes to the crotch of her
jeansor what would've been the crotch had the shirt she wore not covered her.
"It's two fifteen."
The overhead light came on illuminating the room. Keaton stretched, yawned and
watched her movements as she reached for the remote. Kay turned off the television and the
game before he could save his progress. He wasn't pissed though. He'd played the damn thing a
hundred times before.
"Okay. Thanks for waking me."
"You should probably get going," she said from the door, pushing her hands into her
pockets. He wiped his eyes, and looked up at her from his low perch in the cushy gaming chair.
His eyes dropped to the one hand with her wedding band. "Are you sure there's nothing else
going on? You don't really seem like yourself today."
Keaton licked his lips, and averted his gaze again. Should he tell her what was
happening? Tell her about the doubt and depression he felt over his life? She'd misconstrue it as
him not wanting to work when that wasn't the problem. Not completely. Instead he made a show
of searching for socks and shoes. She threw a fresh laundered pair of socks into his lap. "Thanks,
Kay," he mumbled.
"Sure," she said stepping over his skateboard. "Have a good shift," she called over her
shoulder leaving the room. He watched her go. He was thankful the shirt she wore didn't cover
her ass. She had a nice assa great ass and body.
The crush, turned obsession, he had for Kay had waned over the past year, due in part to
repeated threats upon his person by Danny. His brother had threatened banishment from his

house, boat and jet-skis. Keaton abandoned all thoughts of lust for his sister-in-law. Or at least he
tried. Yes, it was lust, but it had since grown into something more. She was a good person. A
really good person. He loved her.
"I love Kay. I respect her," he mumbled while tying his shoes. A mantra he repeated
when the jerk in him backslid. "But if she and Danny ever split... then who knows."
His cell rang. He got up from the chair and hobbled over to the nightstand where it lay
with his wallet and car keys.
It was the store calling to inquire as to his whereabouts. He thought he worked at three,
but as the operator so courteously informed him, he was scheduled for two. He hung up and was
soon on his way.

"They call this the bone-crusher because if you get your hand caught in the door, guess
"It'll crush your bones?"
"Yep, yep. So make sure this door is secure and you've stepped away from the machine
before pressing the big red button. Got it?"
"Yeah, I think so," Keaton said, taking a step back. As instructed he pulled the lever,
closing the door to the cage. He secured it in its tack then pressed the red button. The machine
sounded with a low whine. It grew more intense as it pressed the contents of the cage down.
"Shouldnt it be referred to as a box' crusher, since it crushes boxes?"
Derrick gave him a look. "Well, yeah. But? Oh c'mon," he waved to the machine. "This
isn't the most exciting piece of machinery in existence. We do our best to liven things up around
here. Ergo, nicknames like Bone-Crusher' and not box' crusher. Get used to it. There are far
more boring things you'll have to learn about. Just wait."
Keaton shook his head and chuckled. He liked Derrick. Tall and skinny with medium
brown skin, he looked like he played for the Mavericks. The guy was funny and cool. He'd been
covering the boat until Keaton arrived, though he normally worked out on the floor in home
appliances. With it being Memorial Day weekend the store was crazy-busy. Keaton had to push
through numerous customers, doing his best to ignore their queries so that he could report in.
"You work tomorrow?" Derrick asked while he and Keaton pushed two large empty tubs

into a corner of the stockroom.

"Yeah," he said, wiping his brow. They'd been stocking plasma televisions long enough
and hard enough to work up a sweat. "Two again I think. What about you?"
"Off tomorrow and Monday."
"Lucky you," Keaton said as they rounded the corner. "Shit."
"Ha ha ha. Looks like you've got more to keep you busy," Derrick remarked.
There was another tub stocked full of electronics merchandise. No plasmas but a lot of
smaller items, which meant it would take forever.
"Pinto's got you doing the grunt work while he services the customers."
"I guess," Keaton reached the tub, grabbed its end and pushed. He headed toward the
stockroom doors. "I'd rather do this than answer questions. I don't know anything so," he
shrugged. Derrick held the doors open for him as they exited out.
"Yeah, well eventually you'll learn the counter stuff, too. Lea's over that department.
Have you had a chance to work with her?"
Keaton's heart rate quickened at the mention of her name. He'd thought about her on his
drive here. He thought about how he wouldn't be seeing her today, all spruced up in her red shirt
and bell-bottomed khakis.
"Uh, yeah," he said, pushing the tub. Derrick walked alongside, not helping, but it was
okay as the tub wasn't too heavy. "Yesterday."
They paused mid-aisle and allowed a couple of old ladies on motorized shopping carts to
zoom past before resuming their trek through the shoes and men's underwear departments.
She's nice," Keaton said thinking maybe Derrick could offer up some info on Lea.
"Yeah, shes cool. Hey, go this way," Derrick pointed to the aisle dividing bedding and
furniture. "Less people."
"Oh, okay." Keaton turned the tub, leaned against it and pushed. "How well do you know
her?" He blurted after a couple paces in which they had to stop again for the same two ladies on
speed-carts. What were they, drag racing through the store?
Derrick gave him a curious look. "She's fairly new. Six or so months, so no, don't know
her well at all. Why are you asking? You like her or something?"
Keaton blushed hard. "No," he lied. "It's just that we had lunch yesterday and she asked
me all kinds of questions and when I asked her stuff about her life she was real stand-offish."

Derrick shook his head while scratching his brow. "I know her but we're not tight or
"Six months? So she moved here. Where's she from?"
"Man, do I look like Wikipedia?" Derrick laughed. "You should be asking her, not me."
Keaton laughed too, although he felt the biggest idiot for even bringing the subject up
with a coworker he'd just met. Derrick wasn't mean about it though. Keaton was grateful for that
They were halfway through the home section of the store when a couple registering items
for their wedding shower approached to ask a question about a toaster. Derrick got pulled away
so Keaton was left to channel through the masses of customers. He was almost to the end when a
kid, about seven or eight darted from one of the aisles chasing after one of the poolside bouncing
balls he'd spotted on a pass-through of the toy department.
"Shawnie! SHAWN!" A voice yelled from the aisle.
Keaton slowed the cart so that the owner of the voice might appear and pass. She stepped
out and Keaton froze.
"Shawn! What'd I tell you about running in the store?" She didn't see him. She was
focused on the kid. He gripped the edge of the tub and blinked twice, feeling a new layer of
sweat sprout along his forehead. His entire body grew hot, all in the wrong areas, but it wasn't his
fault. No, it was hers and the barely there outfit she wore.
"I lost my ball," the kid said as he gathered it up into his hands.
"Well if you had put it in the cart instead of carrying it..."
The halter-top wasn't a halter. Not really. He guessed it was the top of a swimsuit
considering the cut-offs and thong sandals she wore. Her hair was pulled up into a haphazard
ponytail that revealed her neck at all angles, and bare shoulders. He was so taken aback by the
smoothness of her skin and the rounded cup of her breasts that he didn't hear her call his name,
for the third time.
"Huh? Oh, Lea. Hey."
Again, he flushed deep with extreme embarrassment. Suddenly his palms that gripped the
edge of the tub felt slippery and warm. He straightened and wiped them on his pants-leg.
"How are you holding up?" she smiled, taking the hand of the kid with the beach ball.
"It's crazy busy in here, isn't it?"

"Uhhh, yeah." His throat was parched. He didn't trust himself to speak or to look so he
stared at the box of cell phone accessories, which sat atop the heap of merchandise. "I'm good."
He risked a glance. The kid held the ball to his chest and stared solemnly at Keaton. "What's up?
Why? What're you doing here? Pinto said you were off?" He looked from the boy to Lea and
back to the boy again.
"Yes. Memorial Day coincides with my family reunion so I always take off the
"Family reunion? That's cool," he glanced to the kid. "That', cool."
"Where are my manners," she smiled. "Shawnie. Shawn, this is Keaton, one of my
coworkers. Today's his second day at work."
Keaton nodded a greeting.
"Say hi."
"Hello," Shawn said, then pulled at Lea's hand, no longer interested in him or their
current scene in the middle of kitchen utensils.
Lea pulled back. "We're leaving, we're leaving. Chill out a sec." She turned to him again.
"So, yeah, family reunion. We needed some things... like beach balls for the pool so that's why
we're here."
"Oh, okay. That's cool." Keaton looked again to the kid who jumped up and down. Later
he would ask himself what he looked for in Shawn's face that was similar or not similar to Lea's,
trying to figure out their connection.
"Well, I suppose we should go."
Keaton eyed the spot in her throat that sank when she spoke or swallowed. He was a
throat man. Hers was far more sweetly sculpted than Kay's. "Yeah, cool."
She laughed. "Is everything cool for you today? That's been like your only response."
He looked in her face, saw her smile and melted just a little. "Sorry, I guess I'm tired and
shi" He stopped himself before he cursed in front of Shawn.
"And we're off," she smiled as Shawn pulled on her arm. "Later, Keat."
"Later," he smiled, watching her watch him until Shawn finally drew her in another
direction. She'd called him Keat, which was a nickname his brothers called him from time to
time. It was nice, hearing her say it. He couldn't quite get a good look at her legs and ass as she
walked away. The two biddies in race-carts zoomed past then stopped, asking him the location of

trivets. He had no fucking clue and almost said as much using the same vernacular. It took all he
had not to plough right through them and run down the aisle so that he might catch a glimpse of
her backside.
"Fuck!" he hissed under his breath.
"What'd you say, young man?" Biddy number one frowned in his direction.
"I said, I can't help you but I'll find someone who can."
Keaton grimaced, and calmly reached in his back pocket for the walkie-talkie
management forced the floor employees to carry. He called Derrick to come aid him with
helping the elderly.

Chapter Five
There were plenty of bars open, but only a handful of restaurants. Of these were the
commercial-type chains that tailored to the senior citizen crowd by opening every morning as
early as ten or ten-thirty. They also closed late on weekends for the old farts and families that
dined later in the evening.
"There's a party at Chavez's. You two should come." Sara sat beside him in the restaurant,
flirting heavily, especially after their first drink. He endured, and now it was time to go. Sara
stuck to him following him out to the parking lot.
"Who's Chavez?"
"Dude who used to work in the back before he got caught price-adjusting PSPs. Word to
the wise, never let another employee give you a discount on anything beyond your 10 percent.
Wait, let me finish. I don't care if they work in the back with Von and that other dude. They'll
drag you down with em. Get your ass back in the security office and sweat you like they did
Nixon, for real."
Keaton nodded as if he understood, but he didn't. Not really. Price-adjusting? Von?
"And no manual overrides on the cash register. No, no, no, no, NO."
"I got it," he replied. "I think."
"So, are you coming or what?"
Sara lifted her hair from her neck and tossed red locks over her shoulder. Keaton leaned
against the side of his truck, keys in hand, fingering the chain. Sara was next to him, close
enough that he could smell the one and a half beers she'd consumed on her breath. She'd been
next to him since leaving the store, asking for a ride to the restaurant, allowing her friend to drive
her car there. Earlier, Derrick had asked for a lift. His truck was in the shop getting a makeover
from a fender-bender he had with an elderly lady at the mall. Keaton had no problem with it.
Derrick's apartment was on his way home.
Keaton looked up from dangling his keys. "I don't know. I've got work tomorrow."
"C'mon," she grabbed his shirt and pulled, playfully. "It'll be fun. I promise."

He looked to Derrick for help, but the other was caught up in discussion with Sara's
friend, Tiffany. Work became hectic after the stocking. More and more people showed up,
crowding the aisles looking for last minute items for their picnics and barbeques. Keaton was
bombarded with questions, most of which he had to divert to Pinto or another employee like
Derrick who actually worked in the other departments.
"Maybe some other time."
She pouted. Jesus, she pouted? Keaton almost laughed. He actually did but stopped when
he felt her hands on his belt. "Hey, hold up... what are you"
"Come to the party," she tugged the buckle then released him. His eyes dropped to her
mouth. For his viewing pleasure she flicked her pierced tongue against her bottom lip as if to
remind him of the piercing. "I'll make it worth your while."
"Is that right? But it's so... so soon, Sara," he faked shock. This made her laugh.
"C'mon, Tee. Derrick, you know the way."
Sara winked and blew him a kiss. He watched both get into Sara's car and drive off.
Derrick whistled.
"What?" Keaton asked.
"She wants you, man." Derrick walked around to the other side.
"She's drunk."
"Yeah, well she wasn't drunk at the store.
"Yeah." Keaton unlocked the vehicle and hopped inside. He reached into the console for
mouthwash. "Is she wild?" He turned and asked Derrick before taking the bottle of Scope to the
head. He gargled a mouthful, rolled down the window and spat on the pavement.
"Is she wild?"
"Is she a whore," Keaton clarified.
Derrick gave him a pointed look, My advice to you: if you plan on hitting that, please
make sure you wrap it up.
"I'm not hitting anything," he said, tucking the travel size bottle back into the console. He
had two beers, and a shot of Jaeger, but only pissed once, so there was booze in his system. The
mouthwash would cover up the smell along with a stick of mint gum. He held the pack out to
Derrick who declined. "I found out something else about Lea."
Derrick gave him a look. Keaton nodded, and grinned as he pulled on his seatbelt. He'd

turned on the ignition, pressed his feet against the brake and the clutch, ready to back out.
"She has a kid."
Derrick's eyebrows lifted. "Word?"
"Yeah," Keaton answered, backing out. "At least I think he's hers. I guess he could be her
brother or something...they look alike."
"And that's cool with you?"
What? Her having a brother?
"Or a son."
"Uh yeah," he shrugged. "Yeah. I like kids."
Derrick said nothing for a moment. "So you like her? That's the reason for the twenty
questions about Lea earlier today?"
"Yet we're going to a party with Sara-the-Seductor and Tee...I mean, Tiffany."
Keaton laughed. "Yeah, no. Yes, I like her, Lea, and no, I'm not going to the party."
Derrick sighed. "Good, coz I'm tired as hell. You my ride and all, so I didn't want to say
take me home and you can go to the party because that would be rude, right? So thank you for
not subjecting me to those man-eating vultures."
"No problem."
Derrick put up his fist in salute and combined it with a head-nod. Keaton laughed again;
Derrick was a funny dude. He could see them being friends, especially now, what with him
having to work all summer and all.
"Besides, man, they have parties like every weekend. You can go another time, and not
on a holiday weekend when shit's crazy like it is now."
"Yes," Derrick nodded emphatically. "Take a left at that light," Derrick directed. Keaton
took a left and a right and another left, pulling in front of The Villa Apartment Homes. "Thanks,
dude. Much appreciated."
A quick fist-bump, which Keaton surprisingly didn't fumble, served as a friendly
goodbye. Derrick eased his lean frame out and was in the process of closing the door when
Keaton thought to ask him one more question.
"Hey, does Lea ever go to...Chavez's parties?"

"She's probably there right now."

"Man, I don't know! Im not the ambassador to black people! Look at you. Your nostrils,
they're open." Derrick laughed, shaking his head. "I'll see you tomorrow." He closed the door and
took off up the grass-embankment to the sidewalk which led to what he assumed was an inner
courtyard for the apartments.
Keaton sat back in his seat embarrassed at having been called out. It was okay, because it
was Derrick and he guessed that would be the rapport of their working friendship from here on
out. He wondered if Lea was at the party. She'd told him she had family in town so it was highly
unlikely. Keaton finger dialed on his cellular phone.
"Sara, hey...I need directions."

The house was dark when he got home which was usual considering it was four twentytwo in the a.m. It took him a long two minutes to find the keyhole in the lock and another to right
the combination of keyhole-to-doorknob and turn. He shuffled inside, and bumped the sofa table
twice while passing through the living room. Blind actions knocked a floral arrangement,
something Kay was most assuredly responsible for, from its perch on the wall. Keaton was at
least adept enough to catch it before it hit the floor.
The journey from the living room to his bedroom was a straight shotliterally. He
managed to pull off his shoes and tossed them somewhere near one corner of his bedroom. His
shirt he kept on, but his pants fell easily as the belt had long since been removed thanks to Sara.
He fell face first to the mattress and was almost to the point of full on slumber, when suddenly
the overhead light of the bedroom flicked on.
"You're not asleep yet. Get up!"
A foot kicked him in his rear. Keaton grimaced, grabbed the spot and covered with his
hands to ward against another Danny-foot-in-ass attack.
"What!" Though he meant to yell, the word came out as a groan.
"Need I remind you of your curfew?"

Danny was in his face, bent low, obviously angry.

"Where the hell have you been?"
Keaton groaned and turned away or tried to. Danny grasped him by the shoulder and
flipped him to his back.
"I was at...a party," he said through gritted teeth. He covered his eyes, the light blinding.
The scenario should've been a funny one, with Danny standing above him, hair a mess, wearing
only boxers and a pair of plaid socks. But Keaton couldn't quite bring himself to laugh. He
buzzed hard from the weed he smoked.
"What party?"
"People from work...just a fucking party. Jesus! Can we talk about this tomorrow?"
Danny didn't answer, not really. He swore, under his breath, but loud enough that Keaton
heard. Maybe he only thought he heard it because swearing was something Danny could do a lot
of, especially when he was mad. The light flicked off again and the door slammed. Grateful for
the darkness, he sat up, pulled his shirt over his head, flung it to the floor and fell back again,
rolled to his stomach and gathered his pillow. He fell asleep almost immediately, but not without
first feeling something not quite right in his crotch. He reached in his shorts, felt the plastic of the
rubber, and groaned as he lifted it up, removing the condom. He threw it across the room. It
landed with a squishy, soft thud somewhere near the baseboards by the door.

Today wasn't a good day. Keaton woke up late, just barely escaping the discussion'
about curfew with his brother. He arrived to work late and while he wasn't hung over in the
traditional sense, he was experiencing the coming down of one too many bong-hits from the
night before. Not to mention that lackluster sex he'd had with Sara. She came. He pulled out and
left, claiming a headache. It was a stupid thing to do. It was stupid because he wasn't into it. He
blamed the weed and its ability to skyrocket his libido to insane heights even without the aid of
fantasy. Instead of seeing big bouncing tits and juicy pussy, the image of Lea and a little bit of
Kay came to mind. It was confusing at first, seeing them. He imagined Lea but heard Sara's highpitched squeals and grunts. Thankfully, Sara wasn't working today.
Nevertheless, in spite of and because of last night's half-baked adventure, he was irritable
as shit, and so on edge that if one more person asked him another question he'd snap.
"Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where the bike-chains are?"

You've got to be kidding me.

"Um, probably with the the back of the store," he mumbled.
The old man asking about bikes wasn't deserving of his rage, so he pointed the direction
then quickly turned away. Keaton dashed through the cosmetics department, which paved the
way to the double doors that led to the offices and break-room. At the vending machine, he
purchased a coke but drank barely a bit of it. The area had a couch and a TV, chairs and tables.
There were two other people breaking or lunching and no one, thankfully, on the couch. So he
flopped down, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Keaton heard laughter.

"So where's little man?"
"Hes at home with the other kids. He didn't want to shop with Auntie Lee-Lee today.
Too busy playing in the pool with the ball and other toys I bought him yesterday."
"He's a sweet kid."
"Yes, he is. Who is this on the couch? Keaton?"
"My new-hire in Electronics. The one I told you about. Let's not wake him."
Keaton came awake. "Lea?" He'd shot up, holding to the back of the couch. "Hey. I'm
awake. I, uh," he rose to his knees, stepped in the cushions of the couch and climbed over. "I
wasn't sleep."
She looked to her friend, a girl who looked familiar. Keaton thought her name was
Esther. She worked in the baby care department. "Esther, right?" He waved, standing next to
"Keaton, right?" She countered with a grin, then looked to Lea. "I gotta clock back in.
Talk to you later."
Keaton waved goodbye then turned his gaze back to Lea. They stood in the door of the
break-room. She leaned against the wall. He pressed his back into the frame and shoved his
hands into his pockets.
"So how long were you out for?" Lea asked, drawing his attention up from her feet, her
toes really, which was about all he could see of her. She wore a dress. It was summery, the kind
Kay wore sometimes. It was long, to her ankles, but sleeveless and backless.

Lea pointed to the couch. "You know it's a trap, right? You lay down, you never get up
again. And to think, so many unwashed asses have sat there. It's gross. I never sit there. Ever."
She shook her head, solemnly gazing at the couch. Did she think he was gross, too? "Are you on
a break or a lunch?"
"Break," he said, pushing off the door after she passed through. He sniffed the air, lightly,
smelling a mix of coconut and warmth, along with something else he couldn't quite identify. He
glanced at his watch. His fifteen minutes wasn't up. He'd barely lain down, but he'd sacrifice
those few minutes of sleep just to be near her.
They walked down the hall. The space wasn't wide enough for them to walk side by side,
so he walked to her left, just a little behind her. It allowed him a unique view of her profile. The
soft round curves of her shoulders drew his attention; he admired them greatly and willed
himself not to touch. Her hair was pulled up, much like the day before with a few strands that
hung and bounced alongside her earrings. Her neck was nice. Not too long, and not too short.
The muscles moved when she spoke and when she turned, finding him staring. Again. He cleared
his throat upon witnessing her smile. Obviously she didn't mind it too much, him sneaking a
"You with Pinto today?"
"He can be... unpleasant at times. Sorry they scheduled you with him," smiling, she
touched his arm.
"Me too," he laughed, looking at her hand. "So, you, uh, you're here to buy more stuff?"
"Yup. Soft drinks and bottled water, provided there's any left. Esther says the zoo opened
and all the animals escaped," she laughed softly then glanced through the windows in the doors,
looking out on the zoo'.
"You're by yourself?" He leaned against the door, glancing quickly to make sure no one
was about to come through it from the other side. He tried to relax.
Yup," she said matter of fact, while looking up at him. "It's just me."
Lea adjusted the strap of her purse. Keaton's eyes followed the movement from her hand
and arm to her breastboth breasts. He bit his lip, suppressed a light moan and prayed for

"So how's the," he cleared his throat and looked out again. "The reunion stuff coming
along? I mean aside from running errands...coming here again."
"It's great," she nodded. "Today's actually the big day. We had a church service early this
morning. There's a break until this afternoon, around three."
"What about tomorrow?" He crossed his arms over his chest, checking the window again
to make sure no one was coming.
"Tomorrow it ends."
"What time?"
She gave him a look and hedged, "Probably not until night. There's a fireworks thing at
the lake. We've rented a plot near our timeshare. Why are you asking me all these questions, Sir
Sir Keat? He liked that. She reached into her bag as her cell phone rang, and answered,
speaking into the line while looking at him. Someone approached from the other side, so they
both stepped back out of the way. Keaton spoke to the man. He recognized him from the
stockroom though he couldn't recall his name. Lea had backed into the corner and paced the
short length of space in front of the fire doors. Keaton patiently waited for her to finish, stepping
back out of the way of the swinging door as the rest of the stockroom team entered.
"My mom again," she said while walking over. She stuffed the phone inside her purse
and reached for the door handle. Keaton beat her to it and opened it wide so that they both
stepped through. "She teaches math to seventh graders, so she's always figuring. She originally
estimated a total of 84 soft drinks. Now I've got to buy even more cases."
"I'll help you carry them out," he offered.
"Thanks, but I think Pinto there might want you back at the counter." She pointed behind
him to where Pinto stood at the boat, swamped with customers. "See you later, Keat." She waved
and turned away.
She was halfway down the toothpaste aisle before she stopped.
"I live at the lake, on the south side with my brother and his...wife."
She lifted her eyebrows, waiting. He had to let a fat guy and his cart stacked with Purina
pass before he could step onto the aisle and meet her.
"Where's your timeshare?" he asked, standing before her. A cart with two screaming

children rumbled down the aisle, pushed by a mother who looked on the brink of exhaustion. He
and Lea stepped back to let them pass.
"The north side of the lake," she answered.
More people came down the aisle. They pressed against the shelving to escape the
runaway carts, and keep them from sideswiping them. He looked down on her hair, her face. She
wore mascara, that much he could discern. Not that he was an expert in women's makeup or
anything, but she seemed to wear that and little else. Oh yes, lip gloss or something. Her mouth
was a deep shade of red.
"Do you swim?" he asked, then realized that yes she obviously had to if she wore
swimsuits. His cheeks burned again. Mentally he kicked himself for the fumble.
"What's your angle, Sir Keat?" She quirked a brow and smiled, knowingly. "I told you
work is my boyfriend."
Keaton focused on her mouth as his anchor to keep him from falling into the hole he
silently wished would open up and swallow him.
"It's not like that." It was. "I wanted to invite you over toto jet ski. Do you ride? I
mean, do you?"
"I get it," she touched his chest, fingers splayed. "I do ride, my Dad has a boat and my
cousins have skis."
Her phone rang again, and she reached for it again, leaving him hanging, again.
"It's my mom. I should really get going." She looked down at the phone then up to him.
"Maybe I'll see you on the water. South side, right?"
"Yes," he struggled to answer, finding it hard to find his voice. What was that, three let
downs in a row? In the course of what, two, three minutes? "Lea," he called as she walked away.
"My brothers' boat houses are 143 and 144."
"Brothers?" she asked.
"Yes," smiling. "We're neighbors." He walked to meet her. "I'll give you my number. If
you're skiing, call me."
He had an ink pen in his pocket from some notation he'd taken down earlier. He took it
out, pulled one of the sales slips from a fixture advertising this week's price on dental floss, and
scribbled his number. He handed it to her. Lea accepted it without looking, already speaking
again to her mother, her attention focused there. She did give him a quick wave before darting

into the aisle to join the reverie of shoppers.

Pinto's calls grew progressively louder. Keaton turned, pressed his hands into his pocket
and strolled lightly to his spot at the counter, making sure to appear helpful to any and all
stragglers he encountered along the way.

"I told you she was toxic."

"No you didn't."
"I told you she was sexual napalm."
"You didn't say that either."
"I told you she has whore-tendencies."
"No. I distinctly remember asking you if whore were the proper term for Sara McLean."
"Whatever man, you fucked her. I hope you covered yourself."
"Yeah, I did. Thanks for the concern."
"Just looking out for you. And another thing."
"How do you expect to woo Lea if you're drilling the Seductor?"
"I don' was a mistake."
"Lea is good people. Don't fuck with her like that."
"I thought you said you didn't know her?"
"I don't. But I know good people."
"Did you ask her out?"
"I tried. She reminded me that work is her boyfriend...again. I gave her my number.
Think she'll call?"
"What am I now? Nostradamus?"
"I hope she calls..."
"I've got toasters to stock. Later."
"Yeah. I've got a geek to bludgeon. Later."

Danny waited up again. Instead of barging into his bedroom he waited in the living room,
with the lights-out. Even though it was only ten-thirty, not too late for him and Kay to be awake,

the scene was reminiscent of a Hitchcock film he saw once: The Man in the Window or some
other feature. Keaton dropped the keys on the side table, walked into the living room and flopped
down on the sofa.
"What party?" Danny asked from his seat by the fireplace. There was a lamp behind him.
He reached and flicked it on.
"I told you, people from work invited me out."
"Whose party?" Danny leaned forward.
"Some guy named Chavez. He used to work at the store. What's with the inquisition? It's
not like I haven't gone to parties before. I'm almost twenty ya know!"
"You're right. You're exactly right. The difference is I know those people, your friends.
These new folks, your coworkers, I don't know, which means I don't trust them and I certainly
don't trust a dude named Chavez who I've never heard of before."
Keaton listened but said nothing. He only studied the books on the shelf to the right of the
"Were you drinking?"
"No. Yes, but at the restaurant, I only had two beers."
"What else?"
Keaton groaned then dropped his head to the back of the couch. "Pot." He rolled his head
to the side. "You and Josh smoke-out and drink."
"Yeah, but we don't get in our cars and drive home afterwards."
"I got it," Keaton said, understanding.
"No more late nights with strangers. It's dangerous and I can't take care of you when
you're out there."
Keaton almost blurted, "I'm not asking you to take care of me", but quickly silenced
himself. He lived with Danny. It was only natural that he follow the rules.
Danny rose and Keaton did too. They broke paths in the hall. Danny went to his bedroom
where Kay waited for him, and Keaton went to his bedroom where no one waited.

Chapter Six
"Keaton? Can you hear me? Kay, hand me the gauze." Danny said alarmed. "Geez,
where the hell is he bleeding from? Keat? Keat? Answer me bro, can you hear me?"
"Danny, he's alright." Kay said pressing a fresh towel to the side of Keaton's head.
"He doesn't look alright. Where's Josh? Get my cell phone and call an ambulance"
"He left to go get your ski. Wanna know what happened to your brother? I can tell you."
Another voice cut in.
"Who are you?"
"Name's Lea. Keaton and I work together."
"At the store?"
"Yes. At the store."
"Were you with him last night?" Danny asked.
"No." Lea answered, with an uncertain tone.
"He got home late. He'd been to a party with coworkers. You know anything about that?"
Danny demanded.
"I'm sorry, but no. I didn't work yesterday." Lea stammered.
"Honey, will you chill with the inquisition. Come move your brother inside." Kay said
"Sorry. I didn't mean to come off so strong," Danny mumbled.
"It's okay." Lea said.
"It's just that my wife here thinks I'm"
"Too overprotective; now would you please lift your brother?" Kay said more firmly.
"Yes, dear. I'm Danny, by the way. Keat's older brother. Wanna tell me what happened
while I carry him in?"
There was a throbbing at the base of his skull. He felt wet and dry all at once, then cold
and hot. He imagined he was in bed, figuring that's where his brother would've dumped him. He
listened and heard the sounds of their voices, moving furniture, and moving feet. Amidst the

laughter and cajoling, he heard the turn of a magazine page. It was near. He struggled to open his
eyes, hearing the sound again. Cool air met his fevered forehead. Without thought, he rolled to
his side and felt the cushions beneath him split and bend. The fingers of his right hand grazed the
rug, then floor. He blinked his eyes and spied the hearth with the mantle and a flat screen
television above.
"How's your head?"
"Hmm?" Keaton turned slowly, eyes focusing on the shadow in the chair to his right. He
spied a magazine and saw and heard another page turn.
"Your head? Does it hurt?"
Her voice. Kay? No. Who could it be? Lea. Lea. Lea?
She dropped the magazine to the table and leaned forward. "Calling Mr. Dumas," she
sang the words. "Please tell me you're okay."
"I'm okay," he answered with a smile. His voice rumbled lower and deeper than normal.
He attributed the change in tone to all the lake-water he inhaled. "Kay invite you to stay?"
"Nope. I volunteered," she rose, standing. He panicked a little fearing that she'd leave, but
she only put her hands to her hips and looked beyond him through the kitchen to the back deck
and its goings-on. "I feel a little responsible for what happened to you." She looked down again.
"Don't." He reached out. "Stay." He meant to grab her handhe really did; instead, his
touch grazed her thigh. He stared again at the same slender legs he'd eyed sometime before. The
same feet, legs and body that connected to her head, with the eyes and mouth that caused him to
capsize in the first place.
"Just a little longer... please?"
Lea had gripped his hand to stop it from rising higher. "Please?" He pleaded with a smile,
then tried to right himself, but the pain in the back of his head flashed forward. With his free
hand he touched the spot. "Owe... that hurts."
Lea squeezed his hand. "Marcie said to give you this." She let go of him. "Aspirin for the
pain. Here." She pressed a bottle of water into one hand and two small pills of aspirin into the
other. "Thank you," he said after taking the medication. Lea had sat again, only this time instead
of the chair, she sat on the couch next to him. More like on the edge, leaning away, though their
knees touched a little. "For saving my ass."
"You're very welcome," she smiled. "I'm sure had I been the one attempting to impress

you, you would've done the same for me."

Keaton blushed hard, recalling how he flipped the watercraft. Though stunts weren't his
thing, he could still be reckless at times. Foolish, was more like it. He would get an earful from
Danny soon enough. Hopefully, his brother would wait and save him the embarrassment until
after his company left.
"I met your family," Lea said, her voice warmly made its way into his thoughts. He
refocused and glanced to the window. Out on the deck he could just barely make out his brothers
and their wives.
"They're nice."
"Nice?" he asked, looking back to her again.
"Yes," she smiled. "They're quite...colorful." He frowned not understanding. "Marcela,
"Oh, yeah." He didn't understand. "You mean because she's Mexican?"
"Latina. She's from Puerto Rico she said. But no, that's not what I meant. I simply meant
they're colorful. That they're lively."
"Oh." His mouth formed a circle. He shifted on the couch, realizing someone had
changed him. He wore only swim trunks before, when risking his life for daredevil feats. Now he
had on pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. "Gotcha. Yeah, they're special."
"You're so out of it," she smiled, shaking her head. "I should go. Let you get some rest
while I get back to my family. I'm sure they're wondering what's taken me so long. Later, Keat."
Lea was up and to the door before he realized. It seemed he was even slower than before,
both mentally and physically. Rising, he wavered while standing then leveled off using the back
of the couch for support. He rounded the corner and caught her at the door, crowding her against
it. He didn't realize he'd moved so close until she put her hand on his chest. Presumably she did
so to put space between them, though it only propelled him to seek her more.
"You should stay and watch the fireworks with us. With me." He covered her hand with
his, stroking the skin gently, noticing a slight change in her breathing. His pulse increased too,
racing through his veins, and contributing to the resurgence of the dull ache at the back of his
head. He ignored that ache, but not the more pleasurable one in his groin.
"Thanks, but"
Keaton didn't let her finish. Choruses of idiocy lodged somewhere in the back of his brain

cheered: "Kiss her! Kiss her!" So he did. It took a great amount of strain not to kiss her like he
wanted: fast, rough, hard. There was something about the soft touch of her lips to his that begged
for gentleness.
"Keaton?" She drew back a few centimeters, breaking the kiss after only a few seconds.
She tasted like pink bubblegum and cream soda. How he interpreted those flavors, he didn't
know, but he liked it. He liked her. Damn he liked her a lot.
She was so close to him, and he was coming undone.
He didn't realize it, but he held her at the waist, his fingers gently flexing against the
waistband of her shorts. She wore a swimsuit with a light jacket covering the top portion. He
couldn't quite help himself. They'd stopped kissing, and now she was talking so he had to do
something other than stand and listen. He had to keep touching her. He needed to. He slid his
hand underneath the jacket, smoothing his palm against her side. Finally Lea caught his hand and
forced him to stop.
"Stop kissing and touching me," she said in a firm voice.
"Don't wanna."
"Well I don't care if you don't wanna. I'm telling you to," she laughed, hand tightening
around his wrist. His other hand was on her neck. He pressed the tips of his fingers into her hair.
It was different, but much like her mouth, soft. He looked into her eyes. He thumbed a lock of
her hair and pinched it between two fingers.
"I like your hair."
Lea looked away, biting her bottom lip between her teeth. "You like my hair?"
Keaton nodded, yes. She loosened her hold on his hand, looking again over his shoulder,
through the kitchen to the outside. He took the opening as a sign, dropped both hands to her
waist then drew her nearer, until her body was flush against him. It was a bold move, but then
again, he wasn't in charge of himself. Maybe it was the bump on his head that affected his
judgment, leading him to believe that the signs Lea showed were not signs of her wanting to pull
away but quite the opposite.
"I wanna kiss it," he murmured against her mouth.

"You want to kiss my hair?" She touched his face, resting her palms along his jawline.
"Yes. And other places," he couldn't help but grin, imagining.
"You're cute," Lea smiled.
"You think so?"
"Yes. You're also injured."
"I am?"
She nodded, then touched the patch of gauze at the back of his head. His hands rested low
on her back. Slowly he inched them down, hoping she wouldn't notice. Instead, she looked past
him, again.
The door in the kitchen that led out to the patio, opened and closed.
"Lea... and Keaton. Oops."
It was Kay. He dropped his hands and stepped back.
"How's your head?" Kay tried to recover after walking in on them.
"It hurts...a little."
"But it's better?" Kay asked, her eyes darting between he and Lea.
"Yes," he glanced to Lea who palmed a set of car keys in her hand.
"Good," Kay nodded, wiping her hands on a kitchen towel. She looked from Keaton to
Lea and back again, grinning.
"WHAT?" His expression yelled. Kay appeared even smugger than before, if that were
"Lea, you should stay and watch the fireworks with us. Josh is making his world famous
"Josh? Did he get the Jet Ski already?"
"Yeah," Kay tossed the towel over her shoulder and folded her arms. "He just got back."
"Good," Lea nodded, glancing to him. "I'm sure my family is wondering about me. I
should go. Thanks for the invitation, maybe some other time."
"Sure," Kay answered. Keaton glared at his brother's wife. She'd ruined the moment as he
was certain Lea would let him kiss her again. Instead, she opened the door and stepped out. Kay
waved him on, mouthing "Go" so he stepped outside, slamming the door in Kay's face. He
followed, not so calmly to Lea's car. He itched with need. He wanted to grab her up, drag her
back inside, and make her stay the night. Instead, he opened her door for her and saw her safely

inside the vehicle. Lea started the ignition and adjusted the volume on the radio. Turning, she
looked up at him.
"Do you work tomorrow?"
He shook his head, suddenly experiencing a bit of a wincing panic attack. It was the kind
of pain that made his head and his dick throb. He would see her again, yes, but not like this.
Maybe he should see her privately, alone, yes definitely undisturbed. That couldn't happen at
"What about Wednesday?" he asked.
Keaton knelt at her door, holding to the window for support.
"Can't," she said, drawing her lip between her teeth. It was a habit of hers that only
endeared her to him even more. Awkwardly, he reached inside the car wanting to touch her neck,
her shoulder, but settled instead on a lock of hair.
"You're dating Sara," she spoke calmly, matter-of-fact. Stunned, he didn't answer right
away. Instead he looked out across the yard and to the lake in back of the house. He felt the need
to bolt come on heavy and strong, along with the need to lie as he'd done to so many other girls
when confronted with sleeping around.
"Did she tell you that?" he asked, staring at the ground now.
Lea shrugged. "No. It's just grapevine gossip. Apparently everyone's interested in the new
Keaton glanced up. "Does that include you?"
Lea held his gaze for a second, did that thing with her lip, then turned, and shifted the car
into reverse.
"We're not dating." Keaton risked a look.
"Does she know that?" Lea asked. He said nothing for a moment, once again stunned into
thinking. Should he tell her the truth? Did she already know the truth and was she waiting for
him to confess it? Why confess if she wasn't interested? Why ask if she wasn't interested?
"Maybe you should tell her. You know, nip that in the bud before it gets worse."
Yeah she knew and yeah she was interested. Or maybe she was just giving him some
really good advice. No, she was interested. He would cling to that.

"I'm going. Step back so I don't run over your toes."

Completely obedient he took a step, but stopped her when the car began to roll. "What
are you doing later?" Keaton asked quickly.
"Sleeping," she sighed. "I have work in the morning, remember?"
Lea looked to his hand. He pulled it away from the car. She turned in the seat, backing
the car out of the drive. She had pulled into the road when he stopped her again.
"You don't stop, do you?" she laughed. "What? What's so important that you won't let me
go to my family? What is it?"
"I like your hair," he said. She rolled her eyes.
"Let's go out," he blurted before she could pull off with him holding to her window.
"Out where?"
"Don't be coy, Miss Richards," he grinned. "On a date, Friday night."
"Aren't you working?"
"I'll switch shifts; no biggie."
Her thumb tapped at the steering wheel. He could literally hear her calculating the whatifs and thinking of ways to say no to him.
"I love your hair." He said.
Lea gave him a look. "You are so special, Keaton Dumas."
"Say yes," he urged. "C'mon, Lea."
She studied him a moment and shook her head.
"Say yes. We'll go to a movie or putt-putt or whatever."
"I tell you what, let me think about it."
"And while I'm thinking you might want to clear the air with Sara because I don't need
that kind of drama in my life and especially not at work."
"It's already done," he promised. "Just one more thing."
"What more?" She wailed. "God, you're a bugger"
Lea didnt have a chance to finish. Though the frame of the car window was small, and
though its upper portion pressed against the back of his head, he managed a kiss. In doing so he
perfected his swooping-in technique. He'd think about that again, later. He didn't realize until

now that he had this sort of technique with the ladies. When his actions weren't inhibited by
feminine distractions, such as, her hair texture or the smoothness of skin or the taste of a mouth
he was quite smooth. When he intended to drown a woman's panties with a simple kiss, he did
just that. He was a master at the tonsil-tango and his mastery was hereby confirmed as Lea
cupped the back of his head, as much as she could, and kissed him back with an almost equal
"Have mercy." She breathed against his mouth. "Alright, you got your kiss. I really have
to go now. I...need...air. Gotta...breathe."
Keaton kissed her again. It was just a quick peck on the mouth and uncurled his upper
torso from the lowness of her vehicle.
"See you Friday," she waved, and then pulled out. He stood at the edge of the drive and
watched until her taillights disappeared from sight.
"Not if you see me sooner," he promised.
"Fuck." With a quick squeeze to his crotch he adjusted himself enough so that hopefully,
his persistent erection wouldn't show in front of the family. Then he realized the darkness outside
would cover as much.

"Keaton's got a girlfriend. I'm so surprised, but more importantly happy for you!"
Kay was on him instantly. She bear-hugged him and even kissed his cheek.
"Normally I'd take advantage of all this affection." He looked into her eyes. "You know I
would, but"
"Hands off!" Danny barked from the grill. "Kay, back away from the perp." Danny tilted
his bottle of beer in salute. "Congrats on obtaining a new obsession other than my wife."
"Oh, Danny hush. She seems nice, Keat."
"Thanks," he smiled. "She's very nice. I like her."
"Good. Just don't fuck it up," she said, poking him in the chest. "Seriously."
"I'll try not to?" He said, thinking of Sara and how it was very possible he'd already
fucked up, but at least Lea was willing to give him a chance.
"Can we talk about what happened?" Danny interrupted with a slight slur in his voice.
"You're gonna pay for the jet-ski."
"But it's mine!"

Marcela touched him now, checking the bandage on his head. She pointed to one of the
benches on the picnic table, indicating that he go sit.
"And who bought it for you?" Danny countered.
"You did."
"So there you go."
"That makes it a in mine and only I have the choice of repairing it or not."
Josh's dog, Rusty, nudged his hand begging to be petted, so he obliged the canine. He
thought of how much money he was already set to pay back to his brother. Almost every
paycheck would go to the repayment of his tuition and books and back-tuition... he'd be broke
come the end of summer. He was broke now. How on earth would he be able to take Lea on a
date, with Danny cashing all his checks?
He'd have to borrow it from Kay. Yeah, she'd loan it to him or maybe Marcela. He'd hit
up the womenfolk in his family because his brothers were hard-asses.
"But you will repair it," Danny said. "Because this Lea has a ski too and you'll want to go
skiing together. How you gonna do that without a working ski?"
"I'll borrow Kay's."
Danny shook his head. "No, you won't." Danny grinned, expression smug. Kay handed
him another beer, as if he needed another, then sat on his lap. "You're paying for the ski," Danny
winked. Keaton concentrated on the dog to keep from smart-assing his brother. His head hurt
already, aspirin be damned. Suddenly he was tired and thirsty and wanted a beer too but knew
that if he reached for one he'd suffer holy-hell by way of Daniel Ray, so he relaxed, or he tried
"Hold still, Keaton." Marcela fussed with his hair, and the once-again bleeding aberration
of flesh at the back of his head. Her pregnant stomach pressed into his back. It was weird
because it was big and had a small body inside it. Keaton squirmed until there was space
between them, hoping she'd take care to notice and turn her stomach away.
"Hold still."
"I can't," he whined, skirting sideways on the bench. "I can't take it anymore. Your belly
button, ugh. I'm sorry Marcie, but it's just so weird, and big."
Marcela glared.
He laughed. "It's like an eyeball, an all-seeing eyeball. Does it predict the future? Does it

point the way like a compass? Does it glow at night? Why the fuck is it so huge? I mean, it's,
huge. Josh, do you know about this?" He pointed to Marcie's stomach. She swung on him,
striking him in the shoulder, which did nothing for his hysteria. He couldnt stop laughing. She
moved to punch him again but he darted to the far end of the porch.
"Marcie, I got it. Keaton, get over here and sit down and be still." Kay ordered.
He rolled up from where he'd doubled over on the bench, stomach hurting, wrist hurting,
possibly from the accident, most likely from his roll around on the table.
"Your brother thinks it's sexy," Marcela held her head high. "Drink this. You're
dehydrated and fucking crazy and, and mean."
"Oh shit, Marcie, don't cry." Josh said. "Lil' brother is just a horse's ass. I love your
elongated bellybutton."
"Whatever. It's still gross to me and I don't want that thing near me, anymore. You hear
that evil, all-seeing eye-button!" He yelled to her stomach as she rushed past. Josh dropped his
tongs, glaring murder-death-kill at him and ran after her. Keaton cupped his stomach, unable to
stop laughing. Kay gripped a wad of his hair and pulled him upright.
"Owe, owe, it hurts."
"Yeah? Well so do Marcela's feelings. She's sensitive. Now hold still so I can apply this
Keaton managed to calm down long enough for her to dress his wound. When the
fireworks started, after they were all settled down on the porch, eating their barbeque, he
apologized to Marcela. She accepted, even though Josh remained pissy. In requisite quiet the
couples watched the display and Keaton watched the couples. He thought of Lea and Friday
night. How he didn't think he'd be able to wait that long to see her. He decided then that he'd
drive to the store tomorrow, Bogart her into having lunch with him. Plus, he had to deal with the
Sara situation, the sooner the better.

Chapter Seven
"Hi, Keaton."
"Were you sleeping?"
"Yes. No. Not anymore. Who's this?"
"Sara, silly."
"Oh, yeah, Sara. Hi."
"What are you up to?"
About 6'1.
"You're off work today, right?"
"Wow, so am I."
"Yeah, okay?"
"I had a really great time with you the other night. Chavez thinks you're deuces, which I
think means cool in Mexican, or something."
It didn't. Or maybe it did...what did he care?
"Yeah, okay." He looked at the clock. It read 11:30.
"So, I'm at home...all alone. Wanna come over later? We can swim in the pool or maybe
hang out inside."
Keaton rolled out of bed. "I can't."
He was alone in the house. Both Kay and Danny were at work. "I'm sorry, but and was great, then, but I'm no longer interested. Sorry."
Keaton had never been good with break-ups, especially break-ups that had never begun in
the first place. Within the space of a day, make that two days, he'd sobered quite a bit since his
night out with the girl from the Jewelry Department. Thanks to the knot on the back of his head,
combined with the dizzying yet stabilizing effect of Lea's kiss, he no longer wanted the

involvement. Add to that the new plateau of relationship he was beginning to form with her
and you got a resounding not interested. He could clearly see the sloppy sexcapade with Sara
was going to cost him. He should've known better.
She said nothing for a moment.
"Sara?" he asked finally, testing to see if she'd hung up or not. He glanced again at the
clock, noted the time, and gauged the amount it would take him to shower and get ready.
"I'm not usually like this," she spoke suddenly, a note of contempt in her tone.
"Like what?"
"Like, this doesn't happen to me."
"What doesn't happen?"
What the fuck?
"Guys don't say no to me, Keaton. Especially after the fun time we had. How could you?"
Jesus Christ. Derrick was right. She was psycho.
"I'm sorry," he apologized again and for the last time. "Look I gotta go."
"But you don't work today. Come over. I promise I'll show you a really great time."
He hung up before she could finish. It was rude, yes, but currently he had to take a piss
and that was the thing foremost in his mind. Not listening to her beg for his dick again. Had he
not been so into Lea now, then maybe yes, he would've taken her up on the offer, but not now.
His phone rang as he stepped into the bath. Ignoring it, he pissed, showered, took his time
washing his hair, dried, shaved, and clipped his nose hairs. He brushed his teeth and tested his
breath after gargling. He was on the bed, sliding on a pair of Chuck Taylor Converse sneaks
when he glanced to the lit phone display. Sara had called again twice. The voicemail icon
blinked. He dialed the service, clicked the speakerphone and listened.
"You're a real piece of shit, Keaton Dumas. I mean, really. I've heard about
dated Mallory, my cousin, in high school. You dogged her out, too. I should've known better. I
should'vehey listen, you're fine as fuck, you are, but you're no God's gift. Remember that. I
hope you catch gonorrhea and your dick shrivels up and you die. Don't come near me at work or
I'll have you arrested. No one says no to me! No one!"
He pressed the button for delete, having heard enough. He'd dealt with psycho-femmes
before. One in particular, Jessica, back at State. Luckily he'd managed to make her lose interest
in him. He wouldn't recount how, as he'd used very gross tactics inspired by his fraternity

brothers. He'd adopted a hit-it-and-quit-it mentality not long after that. His game was to give up
very little information about himself to whatever female-fuckee he smashed. Unfortunately now,
with his work he'd have to figure something or do something to throw Sara off, too, just like he
did with Jessica.
He would have to, because of Lea.

He was about to insert the key into his car door when he heard a voice call out from the
woods. He looked across the road to the trees lining the fence. Out here, houses sat on the lake,
bordering its edges.
"Where ya headed?"
Danny trotted across the road, looking both ways as he passed. He wore work boots,
jeans that had seen better days and a khaki-uniform-shirt with the Texas Forestry Commission
insignia on the sleeve and pocket.
"I thought you were off," Danny said while removing his cap, brushing his hair into place
before setting the cap on his head again.
"I am, but I thought I'd go into town." Keaton slowed. "What are you doing?" he asked
when Danny turned for the back of Keaton's X-Terra SUV.
"Where's the ski?" Danny said, opening the door. Keaton remembered the damaged Jet
Ski, and remembered the conversation about him having to pay for it.
"I'll take it in tomorrow," he said when Danny poked his head around the corner.
"Today's better," Danny grinned then slapped him on the back. "You're off work. You've
got nothing else to do this. C'mon. I'll help you load it."
"I'll take it tomorrow." He tried again. Keaton trailed behind him around the house,
through the back yard and to the pier.
"Today," Danny rounded, pointing. "I already called Major to let him know you're
Keaton glared, "Gee, thanks, bro. For the record, I did have plans today."
"What?" Danny asked.

Keaton guided the steering column and affixed the ski with bungee cords to the rack.
Danny drove his truck to the front. Keaton met him there. Instead of attaching the trailer to his
vehicle, they simply transferred it to the back, after folding seats away and opening space in the
X-Terra. By the time it was all done, he was sweaty, and his aftershave and cologne was worn
away from all the shifting and heavy lifting. He debated whether or not to shower and change but
decided against it. Already he was running late.
"So this Lea..." Danny stopped him as he opened the driver's side door. "You work with
"Yeah," Keaton, indignant, answered simply.
"She seems nice."
"She is," Keaton slid into the driver's seat. Danny shut his door, but held on to the
window. "What?" Obviously Danny wanted to say something.
"You like her?"
"Duh, yes," dropping his phone into the console he connected it to the charge.
"You really like her?"
Keaton glared. "What's your angle, big brother?"
"My angle is that you were also equally, if not less than enamored of my dear, sweet
darling Kay, too. Remember?"
"Yeah, and look where that got me." Keaton grumbled under his breath while jamming
the key into the ignition, turning it over.
"What'd you say?" Danny piped, voice rising over the sound of the engine.
"I said enamored is a big word for you," Keaton yelled back, having to as he purposely
revved the engine. He adjusted the power on the air conditioner and positioned all vents to blow
directly his way, then turned back to his brother, who watched, waiting, expecting.
"What?" he snapped.
"It's not a black' thing, is it?" Danny's gaze shifted to the street then back to Keaton then
flickered to the interior of his vehicle before settling again. "Because she's black you wanna date
her? It's nothing like that, right? I hope not. She seems like a nice young lady. I'd hope you had
more respect for her, given your track record with women of color, and all."
Keaton froze, clipped his mouth shut and squeezed the door handle. He felt compelled to
get out of the vehicle, face his brother and land him with a punch to the face, though he wouldn't

actually do it. The inference Danny blatantly hinted, frustrated him to no end. Again,
conversations like these, moments such as this, were a reminder of how different he was from the
rest of his siblings.
"You know what I'm talking about, Keaton," Danny looked down, kicked at the gravel
then looked up again.
"No, I don't," Keaton shrugged, feigning ignorance.
"Don't make this being with a black woman."
"I'm not!" Pissed, he jerked the seatbelt on and angrily snapped it into place. "I'm not.
Why are you going there? Shit."
"Okay, okay. Just wanted to gauge where you're coming from, that's all. Make sure your
head's on straight," Danny lifted his hands in surrender. "Another thing."
Keaton rolled his eyes.
"Don't make her into a substitute for Kay, either."
Keaton stared, looked away and shook his head. Incredible. Absolutely incredible that his
brother would go there, especially given the progress he'd made over the past days, months,
years. Slowly but surely he was letting go of what he felt for his sister-in-law. He could stand to
be around her without suffering a raging hard-on that he'd have to steal away to take care of. It
wasn't like that anymore and hadn't been in a long time. After last night's kiss with Lea, he saw
Kay as nothing other than Danny's wife, his faux-sister. The woman who'd turned his brother's
bachelor pad into a house of girly frou-frou and frilly.
"This isn't about replacing Kay. I'm not jealous of you...anymore." He spoke plainly,
truthfully. "I'm into Lea. Not Kay."
"That's good to hear."
"And I'm not into her just because she's black. You ass," he confessed, though it wasn't a
hundred percent true.
Danny chuckled. "But you're a Rho-Phi brother."
"And?" Danny gave him a look. "What does my fraternity have to do with anything?"
"Your frat brothers were an internet sensation last year. Or have you forgotten?"
Keaton thought a moment.
"Oh that," he said, remembering the house's Halloween party from the year before. A
couple of his idiot brothers wore blackface and dressed as rappers.

"That has nothing to do with Lea," he said, feeling a bit of unease at the memory. How
would she react knowing he was a part of what had occurred, if only by default? Keaton hadn't
participated, but he was there at the party along with the rest of his brothers and their sistersorors. He found it funny. He'd made jokes before. He was indeed at one time one of those guys.
"It will at some point be all about Lea for you lil brother. Don't try to play her like a
token. No woman deserves that kind of treatment."
Keaton said nothing.
Danny would have his fucking words of wisdom.
"See where I'm going with this?" Danny backed away from the truck.
"Yeah, I do. And by the way, I hadn't planned on playing her. But thanks for the advice,
Danny grinned, smugly while walking backwards on the path to the front entrance of the
house. He dug in his pocket for the key, then saluted a quick goodbye to Keaton.
Frustrated to no end, Keaton shifted the vehicle into reverse and peeled out not bothering
to watch for the mailbox at the curb, which he missed by only a hair. Things could never be easy
with Danny. They either fought all the time or ignored one another. When Danny wasn't talking
down to him or expecting Keaton to kiss his ass, there was no compromise between them
hardly ever. When there was peace, usually beer, weed or booze was involved. If he weren't so
angry now, he'd chalk this latest bout up to the fact that they had different mothers. They weren't
really brothers, only half, by blood. However, even that reasoning wasn't enough. Josh and Chris
got along with Danny all right and again, they too were half-brothers.
The strength of a blood-relation wasn't to blame for their differences.
"Don't make her into a substitute for Kay, either? Did he say that? How the fuck could he
say that!" Keaton hit the steering wheel, spotted a squirrel and veered left to avoid trampling its
small body into road-kill. At the stop sign, the intersection of their road to the highway into
town, he opened his phone and dialed Lea's number. He should've waited until he'd cooled down,
but he wanted to prove something to himself or to his brother. Lea wasn't Kay. Lea was Lea, and
fuck her being brown or black or translucent.
"Lea, hey, it's Keaton."
"Oh, hi," he sensed hesitation and heard other voices in the background.

"Are you with a customer?"

"No. I'm in with the managers for a meeting. It hasn't started yet, but soon."
"Okay, I won't hold you, long. I just wanted to, um, what time's your lunch?"
"I don't know how long the meeting will last. I won't go until after, if I go at all."
"I'm in town, to take care of some things." He glanced into the rearview at the Jet Ski in
back. "I thought I'd drop by and see you."
"Oh...well, I don't know. I have lessons after work and then"
"What kind of lessons?"
He was nearing town, having passed the airport and the tire plant, then he arrived at the
loop that circled the city.
"Tennis," she said.
"Tennis," he grinned, glanced to his right and turned onto the six-lane road. "You're
learning tennis?"
"Attempting to perfect what I already know," she clarified. He detected a smile in her
voice or only thought she smiled because he certainly did. He was good at most sports, including
tennis. He'd played competitively a couple years in high school.
"I have lessons every Tuesday and Thursday," she said.
"Where?" He asked.
"At The Court Club on Rieck. You know it?"
"Yeah," he grinned full blast. "I know the owner. His son and I were classmates at
Hanley High."
"Wow. Small world, huh?"
"No," he said, taking a left onto Broadway. Traffic was thick as it was midday. "Small
town can't help but know everybody."
Lea laughed. "Hey, I've got to run. Store manager just walked in."
"Sure. Umm, I want to see you."
"And you will... on Friday."
"Noooo. I want to see you today, this evening, tonight. Can I watch you play?"
He was at Major's Sporting Goods store. He let the vehicle idle while waiting on her
"They're called private lessons for a reason," she teased lightly.

"I need to see you," he stated plain as can be, turning the ignition off. He got out of the
truck and rounded to the back, opening the trunk. "Please, Lea. Don't make me beg." Or stalk
you. Stalk? Would he actually? "Seriously, after our kiss you can't expect me to wait two whole
days... no make that three without seeing you."
"We can talk on the phone. You call me, I'll call you..."
"It's not the same."
There were more voices in the background. He listened, heard her utter some words to
someone in back.
"Okay, I have to hang up now."
"I'll meet you at the store, so call me when you're ready to leave?"
She waited a moment where the voices in the background seemed to grow louder.
"Okay," she whispered into the line.
"Cool," he grinned with the dial tone blaring in his ear. She'd hung up on him before he
had a chance to respond, but that was all right. He wanted to tell her that he'd drive her to her
lesson, his reason being two-fold. One, being that he wanted her close, even if it meant her
sitting in the passenger seat with the console dividing their space. Two, he wanted to see where
she lived. Maybe she'd invite him over after. Instead of waiting three days for a first date they
could start right now, because frankly he couldn't stand the wait any longer.
Don't make her into a substitute for Kay, either.
"Fuck that," he spoke aloud as he entered the shop. Major rose from behind the front
"What's that you said there?" The bearded mechanic wearing a wife beater under a pair of
overalls, asked.
"Hey Major," Keaton greeted, sliding his cell into a pocket.
"Baby-Dumas," the burly fellow replied, shaking hands. "Danny said you'd be by."
"Yeah, and my name's Keaton. Kea-Ton. Not Baby-Dumas," he said, then gestured to the
ski. "Can you fix this thing or what?"
"Well, let's take a look-see and I'll let you know."
Major was for the most part a jovial fellow who'd been a longtime friend of the family.
He was what most would hasten to describe as a crossbreed between a Redneck and a Harley
man, though Keaton always thought he looked like a wrestler. He got flashes of Hulk Hogan

every time he looked at the man. He examined the damage for a whole twelve seconds before
stroking his chin.
"Bring it around back, Charles'll open the door for you. Tell your brother to give us a
week. It'll take as long to get the part ordered. Good seeing you kid," Major slapped him on the
back, turned and walked back into the shop. Keaton closed the door, got inside and drove the car
to the back where he left the ski with Charles. He then stopped at a convenience store and bought
candy, soda, chips and Gatorade. He even picked up a few bottles of water for Lea. With his
friends out of town and all of his family at work, except for Marcela who he had no desire to
visit, he didnt have much to do to take up his time while he waited for Lea. So, he chose a
parking space in the shade, a space that offered the perfect view of the door. He didn't want to
miss seeing Lea. His cell rang. He pulled the device from his pocket and glanced at the display.
"What?" He asked, having to suppress the urge not to swear. Instead of an answer on the
phone, her knuckles rapped on his window. Keaton's head turned and he was eye to eye with the
"What do you want, Sara?" he asked, less calm.
She grinned through the window and before he had the chance to lock the door, she was
inside, plopping down in the passenger seat. She wasn't dressed for work. He remembered earlier
her saying she was off for the day. She wore cut-off shorts, flip-flops and a ripped t-shirt that
hung over one shoulder revealing a hot-pink bikini top beneath.
"Why are you here?" she asked.
"Please get out of my car."
She cocked her head to the side, reached to the door and set the locks. "Were you
following me?" she asked, slowly grinning.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Keaton turned, unlocked the locks and turned
back. "Get out of my vehicle right" Sara pressed her mouth over his, stabbing the inside with
her tongue. Her hand gripped the back of his neck, and her nails bit into skin. He pulled away
from the taste of saliva, bubble gum and something else. Booze, perhaps?
"What, Keat?" The innocent look, she gave him stunned him. He noticed her eyes, the
pupils. A car horn blew and he turned. Chavez and some other girl were in a pimped-out '57
Chevy. "Come party with us."
"No," he said. "Get out," he reached across her and opened the door. She grabbed hold of

his arm and brought his hand to her breast. "Out Sara or I'll call the cops. I'm serious," he pulled
She stopped laughing long enough to appear hurt. "But I thought you liked me?"
"I don't."
"But we made love?"
"We fucked! It wasn't great. Worst fuck of my life. Satisfied? Now go. Get out. Now!"
Her face scrunched up as if she were about to cry.
"Look, I don't like you, not that way. I thought I explained this to you on the phone."
"Are you gay or something?"
That stumped him. He almost laughed in her face, but realized maybe it was what she
needed to hear.
"Yes," he nodded, pushing her gently at the shoulder. "I'm gay as the fucking dickens.
Please leave, I can't be seen with you. My gay lover will think I'm cheating with trannies again."
She stopped mid-slide from the seat and turned with eyes wide. "You think I look like a
"No, sweetness, you're beautiful. You just don't have a dick. Now go."
"But we had relations and got hard."
"I was high. I could've been fucking a hole in the wall and not known it."
She stumbled from the truck. She was high on something. Her pupils were dilated wide.
Chavez blew the car horn again and she turned, confused. "But..."
"I like dick," he reiterated, not bothering to cover his laugh. She wouldn't remember their
conversation come morning and even if she did, and told everyone, no one would believe her.
She shut the door. He watched her getting inside Chavezs car through the rearview
mirror. When he turned, facing forward again, he jumped. Derrick stood at the front of his
vehicle, shaking his head. Keaton got out.
"What?" he asked.
"Man, I told you Sara-the-Seductor is psycho. Didn't I tell you?"
"Yes," he conceded with a nod. "You did, but it doesn't matter. That's the end of it. Guess
"Lea and I are hanging out tonight."

Derrick gave him a look, adjusted the belt in his pants and took off towards the store. He
was dressed in uniform.
"Does she know you banged the bongo with Sara?"
"Not exactly."
"You better tell her before Sara does," Derrick called over his shoulder. He was halfway
across the parking lot. Keaton got back inside his car and thought about how he'd say what he'd
have to say to Lea about Sara. It could be a disaster. Most likely would be a disaster if he didn't
deal with it soon.
I'll quit and get another job.
Right. It was a way to evade, but not the most desired because it would mean he'd have to
search for another job; starting the process all over again. Boy would Danny be pissed about it.

Chapter Eight
"You should play professionally."
"What? Nah, I do okay. I'm no Serena."
"No, really. Your serve is amazing. You have a lot of power."
"Thank you, and thanks for the electrolytes."
"No problem."
Keaton watched her drink. There was something sexy about the way her throat worked as
she sucked on the bottle. The bottle was the kind with the push-in spout that opened and closed
to make the pouring easier. He thought briefly of New York City marathon runners and Tour de
France bikers who during their races dont have the time to stop and drink. Bottles like this were
made for those in a hurry, those with an agenda of maintaining if not increasing a steady pace.
Lea had stopped though, and with her lesson over and her trainer gone, it left only the two of
them on the far court with the ball machine and only one racket.
"Wanna play?" She asked, wiping her mouth. There were pearls of sweat dotting her
brow. Single trails ran along the sides of her face, down her neck, and continued lower to her
heaving chest, resting in that space between her breasts.
"Yes?" He looked up, blushing. "Yeah. I mean, no, I don't have a racket."
"I'm sure they have extra inside. One we could borrow for the evening," she pointed to
the clubhouse using the water bottle.
"I'm not dressed." He glanced down to his sneakers, which weren't the problem. He could
easily skip back and forth over the court in the Converse. "Next time, definitely. How often do
you practice again? You told me, I think, but I forgot."
She told him her practice dates again and drank. He watched her neck, the vein in the
side, the bob of the muscle in her throat, her lips surrounding the spout. He was so eternally
grateful for the chain-length fence that separated them. Watching her, he'd become a little
excited. In other situations he'd be able to control it, but he hadn't expected the flashes of her ass
in tight-bottoms underneath the short skirt of her uniform as she leapt, dove, and countered the
coach's volleys. He hadn't expected to know the shape and form of her ass so soon, but it was

nice. Really nice, and enticing. Boner-inducing enticing.

So his sneaks were not the problem at all.
"How's your ski?" She asked, tossing the bottle into a nearby trash bin.
Good aim, he thought. Not only was she smart and sexy but she was also athletic, like
him, which was perfect.
"Dropped it off earlier. Steering column's busted," he leaned forward, willing his erection
to lessen. He was at least thankful for the dark. It wasn't quite night but evening had set in, and
the club had turned on the overhead lights as other players practiced.
"Is it gonna cost much?" she asked, wiping her face and neck with a towel. She stopped
at her chest, where the tight fitting sleeveless top with a V cut bodice dipped down to her breasts.
She cleared her throat. Caught, he looked up again, then shrugged.
"Not much. Danny knows...we know the guy who owns the shop. Hes a friend of the
family. Hey, do you want me to help with those balls?"
She gave him a look as he'd drawn out the word balls. He grinned, shook his head at
himself, grabbed the edge of the fence and stood, then went inside. As discreetly as he could, he
adjusted his bulge, making sure his t-shirt covered it, and that his shorts hung low.
"Thanks," she called once he reached the other side of the court, already picking up balls
along the fence. "They usually have someone do this," she said.
"I don't mind." Keaton turned with a handful to the ball-machine on the other end. You
rest," he smiled, dropped the balls into the basin, and turned to go back and pick up the others.
She took a seat and opened another bottle he'd brought along. "And tell me something about
yourself. Something else." He risked a glance. Her expression across the way was unreadable.
Her face a stark contrast of dark and light thanks to the court-lights overhead. She'd tipped the
water bottle back and was drinking again. He forced himself to look away, concentrating on the
task at hand. If he didn't his erection would introduce itself soon enough.
"What do you want to know?" She countered back. He heard the sound of a zipper,
glanced over and saw that she put away her tennis racket into its bag.
"Like where are you from... originally?" He asked, recalling Derrick's admission of her
having only worked for the store some six or seven months.
"Everywhere," she said.
Keaton dropped another armful of balls into the machine and gauged the number left to

pick up.
"Army brat," she clarified before he had the chance to ask.
Keaton sprinted quickly to the farthest end of the court and came back, dropping the last.
He walked over to where she sat leaned back against the fence, bottle in hand, legs spread out
before her, slightly apart. He eyed her legs, her knees and smooth brown thighs, before taking a
seat next to her. He'd purchased a drink for himself, too. It turned out to be water with smart
electrolytes that tasted like sugarless pomegranate. He looked at the label. It was sugarless
pomegranate. Go figure.
"So army brat, huh? Where did you live?"
Lea gestured with a hand, waving. "Everywhere." Lea said again. "Why?"
Keaton shrugged. "I'm curious? I just want to know, like, stuff about you."
Lea lifted her brows. Keaton continued, albeit shakily. Her gaze unnerved him. He didn't
want it revealed how she stumped him. How she shook up his game, his cool, his smooth.
"Like, okay, ummm, what place was your favorite spot?" he stumbled, but got the
question out.
"Cool. My Dad was in Germany once."
"Yeah," he smiled fondly, recalling. "Grandfather, too. They both fought, too. World War
II and Vietnam," he clarified.
"What about your brothers?" She leaned forward, elbows to knees. He mimicked her
position, unconsciously moving closer to her. Their knees touched briefly. She moved hers back
a sliver, but as they spoke, they touched again. She didn't pull away. Neither did he.
"Danny and Josh, Marines. Chris, nothing."
"And you?" She smiled. "How come you never joined?"
He paused in thinking, slightly taken that the conversation had somehow become about
him when he only wanted to know more about her.
"I'm not," he started and stopped, brushing away a mosquito from his leg. "I don't think
I'm military material. I'm not. I think my brothers are inclined to agree. I have issues with

authority, sometimes. So..."

"So no one pressured you into joining? No Dad leaving brochures on your pillow at night
nearing graduation?" She teased, sat back and crossed her legs toward him. She'd drawn her hair
into a ponytail and wore a cotton headband, which she pulled off waiting for his answer.
"No," he said simply, thinking of his father who never had the opportunity to pester him
about signing up. He'd died when Keaton was in the eleventh grade. During his stint in high
school, before his dad's death, Danny and Josh were away at basic or in college. Either way, they
were gone, which left only Chris, after his dad's death, as the oldest male in the house. Chris had
never pressured him to do anything, least of all join the armed forces. He'd been too busy with
starting a computer business out of their garage along with some friends of his. Typical geekfantasy in the vein of Bill Gates, but that hadn't exactly panned out for his brother who now lived
halfway across the world. Instead of creating computer operating systems he taught languages
from BASIC to C++. Keaton's thoughts reminded him to give his brother a call or send him an
email, soon. Chris had offered him a flight out to visit him and Zoe for the summer. It was his
plan to go and do just some surfing in Bali, but all that changed when Danny jacked him up and
over with the whole tuition repayment plan.
"So, how old are you?"
"Twenty-three," she said. "I finished college last year."
He grinned. "Twenty-three?"
She was older. He liked that.
"How old are you?" she asked.
"I'll be twenty soona few months, end of summer actually."
Lea gave him a look. "Really?"
"That's kind of young. Nineteen is really young."
"Three years difference, so what?"
"Actually it's four." Lea corrected.
He positioned his left ankle to his right knee, leaning back against the bench still. He
placed an arm around her, well along the bench at her back. He let his thumb drop to the collar of
her top, testing, then touching the skin at the nape of her neck. If she noticed, she didn't
acknowledge it. If she had noticed his touch she didn't mind because she made no move from

stopping him. She only shook her head at his comment and drank from the bottle again. She
glanced at her watch and was about to say something when he cut her off, taking her by the
"Is that a Graf?" he asked of her watch, inspecting the partially-glowing display.
"Yeah, it's a Zeppelin. Dad got it for me after graduation."
Keaton let go. She held her wrist, adjusting the watch's face, centering it to the middle of
her wrist. "Nice," he said. "I've got an old Swiss Army that was my Dad's. Well, Danny has it.
He won't let me wear it. He says I'll lose it."
The overhead lights buzzed then flickered off. A shout was heard. Keaton looked over
and waved to the court attendee, who signaled the complex was closing.
"Do you have a habit of losing things?" she asked, rising to retrieve her bag. He took the
bag, collected her racket and walked alongside her through the court entrance.
"Define losing."
"Losing, silly. Like losing a watch, as in the reason your brother won't let you wear your
father's watch is because you'll lose it."
"Oh," he held the gate for her. "Yeah. I'm not as careful as I should be, but I'm trying. I'm
getting better about paying attention, you know, to watches and other things."
Lea laughed, shaking her head as they strolled through the parking lot. She jiggled her
keys, pressing the button on the car's alarm. She'd done the same in the parking lot at the store.
Earlier Keaton had watched her cross the space and arrive at her car before he backed out of his
own spot and pulled up beside her. He'd waited in his truck an hour and a half to see her before
she got off work. He left once to go inside, needing to take a piss. He chatted with Derrick, who
was with a customer at the service desk, before taking up his post again inside the X-Terra. He
had attempted to recall the last woman he'd waited on. He came up with nothing. Oh, except
Kay. There'd been that time at Whole Foods when he'd done the same thing with Kay, but that
was different. He was different. Kay was no longer a factor.
"Well, thanks for providing me an audience. I hope my mediocre skills were
entertainment enough for you this evening." She smiled up at him, having opened the trunk of
her car. He set her bag and the racket.
"Entertainment? Sure. It was a pleasure to see you move."
She shut the trunk and walked around to her door. Of course he followed, hands in his

pockets, pressing down, and in effect tamping down the material of his shorts.
"I want a match, um, soon."
Lea inserted the key and opened the door. "Next practice then. You and me, but you have
to promise to go easy on me."
"Easy?" he asked, stepping between her and the open door. He released a hand and
dropped his arm against the roof of her car. With the other, he let his wrist hang from the frame
of the door. "Sure, Lea. If that's what you want."
There was a small space between the both of them. A division so minuscule it was barely
a separation of their bodies and their mouths.
"I'm sweaty," she said weakly.
"I don't care."
"You smell nice," She tried to slip in a joke.
"Oh? Thanks. I showered just for you."
"Did you now?"
"Yes. I even put on a hat. I took it off 'coz it looked stupid."
"What hat?" she asked.
"Just a stupid hat I left at home in my bedroom. You can come over and look at it if you
want. Maybe put it on...wear it...and nothing else."
"What kind of hat?" she pressed.
"Forget the hat."
"But you brought it up." she teased.
"Forget the hat and let me kiss you already."
"Is that why you're standing so close?"
"Lea," he breathed against her lips, flicked his tongue to make sure his were moist.
"Keat," she laughed.
If he hadn't been so turned on he probably would've laughed along with her. Instead, he
captured her mouth as he had in his driveway at home, the evening prior. Her lips held the same
cushiony feel, but her taste was a bit different. Bland. Probably due to the water. Then there was
her sweat. He tasted her sweat when he licked outside of the lines to the corners of her mouth.
He licked and sucked and beckoned her tongue. She joined, turning her head in the opposite
angle to receive. He stopped once, pulling back just slightly to catch his breath and look in her

"You want to come over tonight?"
They were the words he'd longed to hear; the words to which his dick cheered in
accordance. Too bad they came from his mouth and not hers.
"I can't. Work," she said, licking her lips. His eyes followed the movement and took her
again, this time, his hands played at her sides, one rising up while the other dipped below. He
held her soft body just firmly enough, deepening the kiss while slightly pressing her into the side
of the car. His lower body moved, touching then lightly grinding against her stomach and lower.
His dick blew party horns and sprayed confetti, but quickly he muffled its celebration. To do so
was really hard, especially when she touched him back, lifting her arms to his shoulders. She
placed her fingers in a lock around his neck. He had to grind hard into her middle...quickly and
just once.
"Lea," he groaned her name into her neck, kissed and licked a spot that made her squirm
and giggle, which made his pulse beat loud inside his ears. He didn't hear the traffic or even the
thunder that roared in the distance. He pushed them to the side so that she was completely flush
against the car. He dared, yes dared and succeeded in drawing a hand under her skirt, sliding his
palm along her thigh to her ass. He managed a squeeze, one glorious squeeze before she bit his
lip and broke the kiss.
"Whoa...too fast Keat, slow down."
"Fuck that," he cursed, still holding onto her. She grabbed at his hands and lifted them
from her ass. He licked his lips, tasting her still, and groaned when she slid to the side and sat in
the driver's seat. She then pulled the car door closed, thus separating them once again.
"Okay, maybe you're right." He leaned into the window of the car, suppressing the urge
to curse. "Too fast, for now."
"Yeah, Keat," she said, sad-faced. Then she licked her lips, drawing the bottom one
between her teeth. He gripped the edge of the car door. He wanted to rip the door from its frame,
grab her up and take her to the nearest bed, mattress, or flat surface. The parking lot would do,
maybe even the tennis court. He refrained, painfully refrained.
"You're a really great kisser," she grinned.
"That's not all I'm good at," he replied, serious. He reached into the window, took her by
the neck, gently urging her forward and kissed her again. "Let me come over. We can watch a

movie or something."
Keaton stroked her neck, felt her hair and blinked at the pain in his crotch. His dick was
rock-solid and if he didn't get near her soon he would soak his shorts.
"Gosh, you're so cute," she kissed him quick on the mouth, and then turned the ignition.
"Not tonight, though. I'm studying."
"For what?" Keaton stood, not bothering to disguise his erection. He was at once
frustrated and satisfied. Was that even possible?
"The GRE," she answered, over the sound of the engine.
"What's that?"
"A test for graduate school. Don't ask which school, I haven't decided yet. Honestly, it'll
depend on who accepts first."
Lea looked up at him. "Come here."
Keaton stooped low again, leaning through the window. Lea touched his nose, laughed
softly, and then slid her finger to his chin and the slight indention underneath. She pressed and
pulled, meaning to bring him closer. So he came, eager and obedient. Instead of him initiating
the kiss, she turned the tables, capturing his mouth, his tongue, even his teeth. He almost came in
his pants. God knows he was on the verge of humping her car door, though technically how
(given the bend and posture of his limbs) that could happen was a greater mystery.
Lea released him, with a slick-pop of their lips while separating. She then brushed a bit of
moisture from the side of his mouth with her finger.
"You live alone." Keaton stated, not asked. Lea said nothing. The bemused glaze over in
her eyes was enough.
"Goodnight, Keaton."
"Lea," he held to her door. She had shifted the car into drive but hadn't pulled away. "I'll
only stay for a little while. I want to see where you live. Just a little longer."
"What are you doing tomorrow?"
You, if you say yes.
"Nothing," he shrugged, standing. "Can I see you then?" he asked, urgent, earnest,
frustrated beyond belief.
"Yes," she said, flicking on the headlights. "I'll cook. I'll call you with directions on my
lunch break tomorrow." She looked up at him. "You'll be awake by then, won't you? Around

"Are you kidding me? I doubt I'll sleep at all tonight," he said it out loud, though he
hadn't meant to. Lea laughed, which both annoyed and amused him. He couldn't be angry. Not
really. She was agreeing to another date. Hell, she was planning their next get together. Lea
Richards was, not him.
'Suffer the night', he quoted in his mind, not recalling the origin of the famous phrase. He
lightly brushed his cock, fixing the shorts. He'd will his blue balls away from the unsatisfied Hell
from whence they came. Or maybe he'd just jerk off. Yes, he'd have to. Damn. Another night
spanking the monkey. Great.
"Hey, did you talk to that girl?"
"What girl?" He bit too sharply and instantly regretted. "Oh you mean Sara. Sorry...umm,
talk to her about what?"
Leas expression deadpanned. "About us. You and I," she said warily. "Doesn't she...the
two of you, I thought."
"Yeah," he cut her off, stepping back as a car approached. She'd pulled out into the lane
and another car came up from behind. "It's taken care of. Sorry for my tone," he raised his voice
stepping back as she pulled to the side. The other car passed. "It's just you've got me..." He hadn't
the chance to finish as another car blew its horn from the other side of the parking lot. The sound
so loud it drew both of their attention.
"These people are crazy," she said, glancing. "Tomorrow, then?"
"Tonight," he countered with a smile. "Can I call and say goodnight to you?"
"Yes," she grinned. "That will be nice. You're very sweet, Keaton. I go to bed around 10;
don't call any later 'coz I'll be asleep, okay?"
Lea waved, faced forward, checked the rearview and took off, not looking back. He
watched her go.

"Hey, you," Kay greeted from the couch as he walked inside, slamming the door behind
him. He threw his car keys into the bowl. They used the bowl that sat on the table next to the
door for keys.
"Hey?" he gruffed, walking fast.

"Is something wrong?" Kay asked, turning on the sofa. "What is it?" she asked, chewing
lightly. She had a bag of chips or something in her hand. No, it was popcorn or something, he
couldn't see.
"I'm seeing Lea again tomorrow," he answered stiffly. Kay smiled bright.
"Well that's great! Why are you look pissed."
"I'm a little annoyed."
"How come?" She turned completely. She sat up on her knees facing him now. He looked
the room over.
"Where's Danny?"
"Went into town with Josh."
"What about the whale? Where's she?"
Kay leveled him with a look. "You're so mean to Marcela. She's with her mother."
"So you're here? Alone?"
"Yeah," she said, reaching for the bag of her munchies. "Wanna talk about it?" she asked.
I wanna fuck about it, he thought. "Why are you so nice to me?" he asked instead. "I
mean, after...everything."
She frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Jesus, Kay. You almost sucked my dick once, remember?"
She blushed embarrassed, but he didn't care. He knew his tone came off harsh and that he
was being an ass, but he was annoyed because Mr. Winky had been denied, yet again. His
obsession with her wasn't his entire fault after all. She and he had almost dated. Sure they were
drunk and things progressed quickly, but if they hadn't been interrupted she would have sucked
his dick. Or something. Let Kay tell the story, she kissed him at a party, and then found out his
age and bolted. It was funny how they never agreed on that point. Either way it ended before it
began and she split, and before he could get another chance at her. Then things got crazy. He got
a little crazy. Later his psychiatrist would say he was projecting, whatever that meant. Then
Danny showed up, and for Kay it was love at first sight. Bullshit! How could his brother who
was six years older than her be love at first sight and he who was only two years younger than
her, be a mistake? Now he's the bad guy because he couldn't get over her being his first? He was
sick of the hypocrisy.
"I wish you wouldn't speak to me that way."

"What way?" He shrugged. "It's the truth, right? You made out with me, almost sucked
me off, and then you married my brother."
Kay glared. "Watch how you speak to me! It never happened that way and you damn well
know it!"
"Or what? You'll tell Danny?" He moved closer to the couch, feeling some relief in his
loins. Perhaps what he needed was a fight, a way to exhaust the pent-up mix of arousal and
frustration he felt. He wasn't mad at Lea. No, a rational mind understood that two dates in
doesnt necessarily mean it's time to fuck. He knew that, but that's not what he was accustomed
to. While he liked Lea, and he really did, he still wanted more.
"Yes," she hissed, staring him down. "I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, but I
suggest you deal with it, and do so without mentioning me or any mistakes I might've made in
my past. Fucking asshole." Kay turned and flopped back down, facing away. The television was
on. It was some soap opera.
He stared at the back of her head for a minute, then the television. "I'm sorry," he said,
feeling drained all of a sudden. "I'm sorry I'm...a jerk. A confused jerk. I'm sorry."
She said nothing, but he didn't expect her to. He'd bullied her and it wasn't fair and when
she told Danny it wouldnt be good. This time his brother may take action and toss him out on
his ass.
Keaton didn't understand why he wanted to hurt her feelings. They barely knew each
other the night of that party. He had lied about his age to get there, and she was the first girl of
color he'd ever kissed, let alone desired. Why did her rejection and selection of his brother hurt
him so much? What the hell would it take for him to get over it?
"Lea wants to take things slow," he kept speaking, though she didn't acknowledge. "I
slept with this chick Sara. I found out today she's psycho and wants me, but who wouldn't right?
I'm Keaton Dumas, yeah! Right?" he chuckled though there was little mirth to it. Kay again said
nothing but reached for the remote, upping the volume. "I haven't told Lea about Sara yet. I think
when I do she won't want anything to do with me anymore and I'll be back to being me all over
again." He swallowed, feeling a knot of emotion in his throat. Where this tirade came from he
had no idea, but Kay didn't deserve this. Maybe he should move out. If only he could afford it.
"Hey, that guy looks like me," Danny said from the door. Kay turned and waved to him.
Danny pointed to the screen. "Who is he?"

"His name's Franco," she said to him. "He's a performance artist who performs real-life
murders for his work. And yes, babe, he does kinda resemble you."
Danny leaned over the couch and gave Kay a kiss. He said some words, low enough that
Keaton couldn't hear. Kay laughed. Danny kissed her again.
"What's up, bro?" Danny asked. "Did you get the ski dropped off?"
"Yeah," Keaton said after a second. He cleared his throat and nodded, glancing quickly to
Kay. "I'm ... I'm going to bed. G'nite."
"Wait. You don't want dinner?" Danny raised a bag stamped Wild Bill's Buffalo Wings &
"I'm good," Keaton turned.
"I know you're hungry for some eats, aren't you, babe?"
"Mmmmhmmm." Kay moaned.
Keaton closed the door on their kissing. He didn't bother with the light. Instead, he
tripped his way to his bed and stumbled over items in the floor along the way. He lay in the dark
with the light from his XBOX eerily illuminating the room. Speaking to Kay (yelling) had
brought to light what his psyche had temporarily forgotten to deal with. Sara. He needed to
figure out how he'd tell Lea the truth. There was no other way to deal with this without
confessing. When? Tomorrow? Before or after they made out was the only option, because they
were definitely going to make out.
"Shit," he cursed and kicked at the bedcovers. He still wore his shoes, clothes,
everything. After minutes of lying in the dark he fell asleep. He rose later, after Danny and Kay
had retired to bed and went to the kitchen to sample any leftovers. He was hungry. Truth was
Keaton really loved hot wings.

Chapter Nine
The next morning Keaton remembered his call to Lea from the night before. She'd been
asleep but finally picked up after the fifth ring. He didn't hold her long. He just needed to hear
her voice and think of her since his screw up with Kay. He'd fallen asleep not too long after and
when he woke, Kay was gone.
"Morning," he greeted from his seat at the table. He'd set himself up with a big bowl of
sugared corn flakes, two-percent milk and some blueberries he found in one of the crisper
Danny grumbled a reply, headed straight to the refrigerator, opened the door and stood
there a cool two minutes. Two minutes, because Keaton counted them and cool, because his
brother had opened the freezer side of the refrigerator. Danny wore pajama bottoms, a t-shirt and
his hair was made of bed head. It was far worse than Keaton's own freshly tussled hairdo.
"Those are Kay's blueberries," his brother finally spoke then slammed the freezer door
closed. He held in his hand a frozen breakfast wrap. It was the kind purchased in the frozen
dinner aisle in food stores.
"They are?" Keaton asked, already knowing. If he hadn't purchased them for himself then
they'd most likely belong to either Danny or Kay. Everything in the house except for the contents
of his bedroom belonged to either one of them. "Don't worry. I'll buy her more."
"Make sure you do that," Danny replied to the microwave. He'd placed the burrito inside
and watched as it turned and turned and turned. "Those are Kays blueberries. It's for her diet."
"You said that already, Dan."
"Did I?" Danny turned wiping at red-rimmed eyes. Keaton nodded. "Oh yeah, I suppose I
Keaton noticed something off with his brother. He looked to the clock on the wall. Danny
should've been at work; he was usually gone by the time Keaton woke. "Taking the day off?"
"Yeah," Danny sighed heavily, noisily, then covered his mouth as a fit of coughs erupted.
"Not feeling one hundred. Kay said I have a fever or did have a fever...last night."
"What, from a cold?"
"Yes." Danny poured himself a cup of coffee. "So stay away from me," he gathered the

breakfast item from the microwave and his coffee mug from the counter. "And stay away from
"What do you mean?"
Danny stared at him, gaze searing him to the spot. He stopped mid-feed with a spoonful
of flakes and milk and berries hovering in the air in front of his mouth. Keaton had half-expected
retaliation for his actions the night before. It wouldn't have surprised him at all if Kay had gone
sniveling to Danny again. Keaton was both surprised and relieved at what Danny said next.
"I mean we sleep together; I was sick...she might be sick, too. So stay away from her."
"But she's at work, right?"
"Pharmacy. We're out of Dayquil and Nyquil. She'll be back."
"Okay," Keaton scooped the spoonful into his mouth, trying hard not to let his relief
show too much.
"You work today, right?"
"No, but I'm going to Lea's later."
"Yes," Keaton grinned. "After her shift ends. So yeah, I'll stay in my room away from the
both of you sickies."
Danny stared failing to recognize the humor in Keaton's name-calling. Instead, he took a
drink from the cup of coffee and turned, walking back down the hall to the bedroom. So with
Kay returning so soon, he finished the cereal and retreated to his bedroom where he gamed for a
while. Leaving the door opened he listened for Kay. She returned. He bounced up from his seat
and stopped her in the hall.
"Not now, Keaton."
Kay moved past, but he stopped her. "I ate your blueberries."
She gave him a look.
"Some of them...with my cereal. I'll buy you some more."
"Fine," she moved right to step aside. He moved left, blocking her. "What?"
"I'm sorry about last night." He really was. "Thank you for not saying anything to
Kay gave him a look and sighed. Keaton noticed when she spoke, her voice changed and

her breathing grew somewhat labored. She appeared to be tired, too, dressed in baggy wrinkled
clothes. She was usually more put together than the jeans, sandals and hoodie she wore. Her
purse was slung over her shoulder and in her right hand a bag from one of the pharmacies in
"I have to get this to your brother," she leveled him with a look before pressing her way
past. Her fingers bit into his shoulder, pushing hard as she squeezed by.
"Sure," he said. She closed the door in his face leaving him alone, again.

Lea called a half-hour past noon with directions to her place.

"I live near Linney Park, on the North Side of town."
Here, in their not-too-large hamlet of a town, stuck between the metropolises of Dallas
and Austin, the north side of the tracks was considered the inverse of most major cities in the
USA. Here, it meant bad. There was a lower socioeconomic factor in the demographic. This
included poorer families, poorer businesses, and poorer schools. There were two major public
high schools in the town that battled each year in football and basketball. Those games and other
sporting events were of the few cultural happenings that brought the entire town together.
Because of this great divide, folk from the south side hardly ever ventured north.
"Are you familiar with the area?"
"Sure," he said, then instantly took it back. "Sort of, but only with what's on the loop."
"Sort of? Didn't you go to Chavez's party? He lives on the north side."
"Yeah, but Sara had to give me directions..."
Keaton closed his eyes, biting down on his lip at the mention of Sara. Lea grew quiet. He
wondered if she was bothered by it.
"Do you have something to write with?" she asked with a tone that was regular and
unaffected. "You know where Dalton's Dodge and GMC are located? The big car dealership with
the huge flagpole and flag?"
"Yes, I know where it is," he said, reaching for a pen. Danny had purchased Kay a new
car from the same dealer. He scribbled down the directions.
"Read them back to me," she said, so he did. "Okay, I've got to run by the market so I'll
see you around five or five-thirty?"
"Sooner if you want," he teased, dropping the directions on his dresser next to his wallet

and keys.
"Question," she said.
Keaton froze. It's Sara, she wants to know about her. No, she knows about her.
"You're not allergic to cats are you?" she asked timidly. Keaton exhaled in relief.
"Cats? Allergic? No. Why?"
"Because I have one. He's a long hair and he's not the nicest kitty in the world."
"Not the nicest, huh? What's his name?"
Keaton paused at the toilet, phone pressed to his ear. He needed to drain the lizard.
"Sounds maniacal."
"He can be. Sometimes." Lea smiled. He could hear it in her voice. "Great! I won't have
to lock him in the bedroom. Okay, so I'll see you, then?"
"Yes, definitely. Do you need me to bring anything?" he asked. A box of condoms and a
tube of flavored KY flashed in his mind but he quickly quelled those urges. His dick was already
hard and the need to piss only exacerbated his predicament. Still, he stroked and after hanging up
the phone, pissed a stream, then jumped in the shower. Once out, he noticed the time. He had at
least another four to five hours before he actually saw her.
What to do? What to do?
In the hall, he pressed an ear to the door of Danny and Kay's room. He listened and heard
nothing. They were probably asleep. He went outside, debated whether or not to wash his truck.
Boredom won out. He proceeded to do just that.
A car pulled into the drive. He didn't notice to whom it belonged until she walked past
him for the door.
"Don't go in there," he cautioned.
"Why not?"
"Because they're both sick and sleep, but more importantly sick," he said, eyes dropping
to her protruding stomach. Marcela looked to the door then back to him and to the door again.
An expression of worry covered her face. "What's wrong?" He asked then squeezed the sponge
over the hood of his SUV.
"Kay's sick, too?" Marcela dug in her purse and pulled out her phone.
"That's what I said."

Marcela began to dial.

"Are you calling her? Don't call. They're asleep."
"Yeah, it'll only take a minute. I need to speak to her." Marcela headed to the entrance.
"Do the words they're sick, not mean anything to you, pregnant lady? Danny has a fever
which means he's contagious and Kay's probably contagious too."
"It's important. Kay? Hey can you meet me at the door? Okay, thanks."
Keaton listened while unwinding the water hose. He pulled it around to the side he'd just
soaped. Marcela glanced over her shoulder to him again. There was no doubt about it now. She
was upset about something.
"You're not in labor are you?" He pointed the sprayer to her stomach. She jumped to the
side as if he'd squeezed the trigger.
"I wouldn't be standing here calmly if I was, you idiot."
Keaton laughed and squeezed the trigger. The spray of water splattered against the faade
of the house. She squatted down, picked up a pinecone and threw it at him. Her aim was off.
Actually her aim sucked, so it missed. Suddenly the door to the house opened. Kay filled the
frame. Marcela focused her attention there. Keaton sprayed his car and over the noise of the
water, attempted to listen to their conversation.
"Sorry to bother you."
"It's okay, Marcie. What's going on?"
"What about him?"
"He's back."
"What? He's been on duty for two years."
"In Iraq, yeah I know."
"What difference does it make where, Marcie? And why do you care that he's back?"
"He talked to my mom."

"Mom told him about me and Josh and the baby."

"Marcela, listen to me. He's home, but so what? You're a married woman with a family.
You can live in the same town as your ex-husband without problem or issue. Lots of people do
"I know, but..."
"But what?"
"What if..."
"Jesus, Marcie! You can't be thinking what I think you're thinking. You love Josh, right?"
"Of course I do, but..."
"I'm done. I can't deal with you now. Danny's sick, I'm getting there and I can't deal with
you and your what-ifs. You're thinking immaturely. Josh is worth more. Hell, your family is
worth more. Carter is a douchebag who may sway your mother with his charming ways but
given the dirt he's done to Josh's family you know to stay away from him. Damn it's a non-issue."
"Enough, Marcela Ramirez Dumas. I'm tired. My man is tired and sick, and probably
missing me now, so you turn around, get back in your car and drive up the road a ways. Go
inside your house and wait for Josh to come home. Do that all without thinking of your ex okay?
Okay. Love you."
The door closed.
"Are you fucking around on my brother?" Keaton barked.
Marcela walked past him, glaring. "Mind your business, ese."
"Answer the question and not in Spanish," he yelled after she got inside her car. Marcela
gave him the finger from behind the window. Keaton sprayed her car with water. She backed out
and left.

Keaton left early for Lea's. Early enough to stop for flowers. Keaton wasn't a flower and
candy type of guy, but Kay suggested it. She came out of the bedroom to the kitchen as he
headed for the door.
"I'll be in late," he spoke to her bent form. She was in the refrigerator. "I may not come
home at all," he said, jiggling his keys. She cast him a glance while opening a carton of orange
juice. "I apologized to you, didn't I? Let me," he cleared his throat. "Again I say that I'm"

"I don't want to hear your apology," she said then took the carton to the head, drinking,
swallowing. Her throat in movement stirred something in him. He ignored it. "Again," she
clarified, wiping her mouth with a napkin. She grabbed a glass from the cupboard and then
walked into the hall. Her house-shoes slid against the wood floor and flapped with each step.
She'd changed back into her pajamas. Really a shirt and shorts, and though he was at the door
and the entrance to the hall, far away, he walked back to the entrance just to watch her retreat.
As if sensing him there, she turned. "You're pathetic. Really? I mean, really, Keaton. Stop
"Hey, confession time okay." He stopped her before she had a chance to go inside. "Lea
reminds me of you, I'll admit that. But she's different."
"You make no sense." Kay scowled.
"I'm just trying to explain why." He tried to think of how to say the words. "I really think
I'm going to fuck this up Kay."
"If you think it, so be it, but don't use me as your punching bag before, during, or after
your screw-up."
"I know, I was wrong."
"Shut it. I'm going back to bed." Kay huffed.
She opened the door.
"I hope you and Danny feel better soon."
Kay stopped. "Thank you," she replied with her back turned, though she looked over her
shoulder. The carton was tucked into the bend of her arm and she held the glass with the one
hand that wasn't on the doorknob. It seemed as if he should say something else, something more
substantive than a repeated apology. He knew in his mind what he felt, what he wanted, and for
whatever reason he needed Kay's approval, input, and presence, even with moments like the
night before. The worst part of him needed her. Though he was beginning to realize that who he
really wanted was Lea not a Kay substitute. Somehow, in some quirked-out way, Kay was a
facilitator, unknowingly appointed by him.
"Buy her flowers or something," she spoke, her voice in shadow as much as her profile in
the darkness.
"Flowers. Get her a bouquet of something pretty and sweet-smelling."

"You think she'll like flowers?"

Kay shrugged. The impression of the gesture was visible by way of her moving
"Would you like flowers?" he asked. "I mean, if this were your first date?"
"Yes," she answered. "Good night, Keat."
Kay didn't wait for him to answer before softly closing the door.
He felt a bit of a weight lifted, and after purchasing a bouquet of mini-roses at the grocer,
he stood at Lea's door, with flowers in hand and a smile on his face. Locks unlocked, chains
unhinged, and the knob turned. Slowly the door came open. Lea pressed her head against the side
of the frame.
"You brought me flowers," she spoke, looking at him and not the bouquet. He couldn't
gauge how she really felt about the present until she smiled, and he was able to exhale, finally.
"Come on in." She stepped back and opened the door.
The entrance was small and dark, though light shone from beyond them into the living
area. She closed the door behind him and locked the locks. Turning he meant to pass off the
bouquet to her and maybe snag a kiss in the process. Instead his plans were halted when a low
hiss erupted from the ball of fur on the floor. He looked down. The cat shook its hindquarters,
hissed and sprang up. Keaton barely had time to block before the attack.
"Sheba!" Lea yelled while attempting to pull the frisky feline from his arm. It would've
been comical had it not hurt so badly. The thing only had claws in its hind paws, which would
explain why it attacked Matrix-style with its back legs first. Though the scratches stung his arm,
one even drew blood, he laughed once Lea laughed, but only after kicking the feline away from
him. They'd fallen to the floor. Lea moved over him, and reached for the bouquet, setting it on
the table. Sheba hissed again. Lea rose, chased down the cat and put it in the spare room.
When she returned she knelt as if to help him up, but instead of rising, he pulled her
down and kissed her hard.
"You saved my life," he said once she broke the kiss.
"I almost took it, too. That devil-cat belongs to me. I sabotaged your visit. It was a coup
and I apologize for the enemy spy in"
"Enough military talk," he said, though it wasn't military talk, per se. She laughed.
Keaton loved her smile. He touched her face and salaciously eyed her mouth. She was dressed in

a sleeveless, strapless top and a long skirt. Her hair, she'd pulled high onto her head and her
earrings were feathers.
She struggled to move and guide them up off the floor, but he held her fast.
"Aren't you hungry?" Lea breathed against his mouth. His hand dropped to her bare
shoulder then further to her waist. The other on her back, threatened to touch her ass again. He
remembered the day before, at the tennis courts. The quick squeeze he'd gained with a slip of his
hand beneath her short skirt.
"Hungry?" he asked, inhaling her scent. She smelled like vanilla or something.
"Yeah, hungry."
"Right now? No, not really." Keaton touched her backside then, which was weird to
maneuver as she half sat in his lap and half-knelt on bended knee. "At least not for food."
He captured her mouth, bringing her closer. She opened for him. This pleased Keaton. He
licked her lip, teeth, sucked her tongue, and kissed her chin, her cheek, her neck, the part below
the ear, and her shoulder.
"Keaton," she drew back, further away and stood, hand out. "C'mon, let's," she
clarified before he could object.
He took her hands with stiff limbs and a slightly bleeding forearm. He could still taste her
on his lips.
"First, let's see about this," she touched his arm, one finger grazing the space of skin
below the scratches. "Sound like a plan?"
"Sure," he agreed then took a seat at the table, watching as she turned the corner to the
hall and the bathroom. He reached below, in need of adjustment. He could've died. He would've
died had the cat gotten his way with him, but it was worth the risk. What was it Shakespeare
said: upon pain of death? Was it Shakespeare? Or that Othello dude? Or maybe it was Denzel
Washington? At any rate, upon pain of death he would've sacrificed himself time and time again
for her kiss, her touch and later, hopefully even more.

Chapter Ten
"Are you a patient man?"
Keaton thought about the question.
"What about your brothers? Are they patient men? Do they think before they act?"
He answered readily, "Not always." Then he reconsidered. "Danny, maybe." He thought
again. "Danny, yes, but...why are you asking about them?"
Lea smiled then reached across him to the coffee table. A bottle of beer sat next to two
empty plateshers and his. They'd eaten on the couch, though he expected to sit at the table all
formal-like. She didn't want that. She said the couch is where she usually ate because it was more
comfortable and closer to the television. That made him laugh. He certainly understood the logic
but hadn't expected her to be so lax.
"Because, Sir Keaton, I'm trying to know more about you."
"So just ask." His voice trailed as she leaned back into the couch with beer in hand. He'd
slipped her sandals from her feet earlier, and her legs rested across his lap, his hands rested on
her legs. Keaton cursed the fabric of her skirt, long as it was; it prevented him from feeling the
touch of her skin. He wanted to lift the material over her knees to her waist, part her thighs,
remove her panties and take a nose-dive into her.
"Are you?" she asked. He swallowed, shaking his head free of thoughts of sex. Then it
dawned on him, the real meaning behind the question.
"You're asking me to wait?"
Lea smiled, pressing the beer bottle to her cheek. "Sara came to the computer aisle. She
paid me a little visit." She drank again, never taking her eyes from him, even as his cheeks
burned. "Said the two of you hooked up? Like all the way hooked up Keaton."
"I was going to mention that to you," he said. She shifted her legs as if to move them, but
he held her down. As it turned out, she was only shifting to her side. Her legs remained in his
lap. "We spoke and know, it's done. Just a one-time thing. Stupid party...stupid
Chavez...stupid Sara...stupid me." He waited, expectant, hoping she wouldn't throw him out.
Silently he prayed she wouldn't say no to more or worse, release her demon-cat from the closet.
"Okay," finally she spoke, saying the word with a slight shrug as if it meant nothing for

her to ask about him and Sara. Here he'd gone and done all the worrying of what she'd think
about him, and whether or not she'd reject him because of what he had done.
Lea scratched a spot at the back of her head then drank from the bottle again. Keaton
watched her mouth around the neck of the bottle, her throat as she drank its contents down, and
her breasts that jiggled when she set the bottle on the table again.
Keaton was hard. He'd suffered an erection since earlier, since dinner, since the catattack, since parking outside. He tried not to show it. Secretly he hoped it wouldn't show but it
didn't help that her calves brushed over him every time she movedtimes like now.
"You lied to me Keat, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think we should take things
slow. Can we agree on that?" she asked with one arm across her waist and the other lifted,
draped, rather over the back of the couch. He stared at first then glared and groaned when she
shifted her legs again.
"Slow," he repeated, voice flat, swallowing his frustration when she moved one leg, her
right one, completely from his grasp.
"Yeah, I mean, it's only been, what, a week? Two weeks?" she asked. He looked at her
face. There was a hint of a smile along with a gaze meant to be serious, but it wasn't, at least not
wholly. She was fucking with him. He liked it, but didn't. He loved it, but it made him nervous.
He did lie, and he should address it. Something told him that if he tried he'd just lie some more.
So maybe he should ignore it. He was so damn confused when she was so close to being his.
Keaton completely stopped thinking when her other arm lifted, stretching backwards into
a yawn. Her mouth opened, her chest lifted, back bowed. The one leg in his lap, bent then fell
open. An obvious invitation, so it seemed.
"I think baby steps is best," she smiled, relaxing back into a reclining position. She dug
the one leg into the cushions at his back, forcing him to move forward. "We'll continue to get to
know one another. Maybe you can come to practice with me again. Tomorrow."
"I work tomorrow," he stared at the end of her dress. It had risen since her yawn-andstretch session. "You know I do because you wrote my work schedule, dammit."
Her brows lowered at his swearing, but still she grinned.
"Fuck tomorrow," he railed away, eyes on her waist, her chest, her breasts rising with
each breath. If he bent a little closer, maybe inhaled a little deeper he'd capture more of that
elusive fragrance she trailed. "Don't care about tomorrow. Dinner was delicious, by the way,

thank you, Lea Richards with the evil cat, Sheba."

Keaton paused. Both of them did actually. She'd been laughing softly as he carried on, all
the while watching her movements, watching the fabric of her dress settle lightly between her
now open legs. His hands were on her legs, no, on her knees actually and he was busy pushing
the dress to her waist when he thought of the cat and the wound on his arm. "Why do you have a
boy cat with a girl's name?"
"I don't know," she laughed, then gasped when his hands found the edge of her panties.
"Keaton, I said slow."
"Tell me why he's a boy with a girl's name," he said, lightly tugging.
"Because I thought he was a girl when I found him," Her voice held a slight tremor.
Good, she felt it too.
"A foundling, huh? Little orphan spawn-of-Satan that feline is." He pulled, the panties
giving way and grinned when she lifted her bottom for access.
"Take things slow my sweet ass," he tossed, pulling her legs together so that he could
slide the panties from her completely. "Baby steps my ass. You're fucking with me, Princess Lea.
And fuck that cat."
"What?" He all but snapped as spun with arousal as he was, he would've gone HULK on
that stupid cat if it burst from the closet to interrupt them.
"You really hate my cat?" she asked. The teasing in her tone wasn't imagined. He wasn't
seeing and hearing through a haze of horny. She wanted him and he needed her. "No," he said
while pushing her knees apart. "I love your cat," he spoke to her inner thighs. He licked his lips
and reached to lift the dress but she stopped him. He almost cried.
"Remember," she reminded, giving him a look. He frowned and wanted to scream. She'd
said baby steps, then she let him take off her underwear. Now she wanted him to stop so she
could lecture him on?
"Second base...second and a half," she corrected, clarifying. Surely eating her out would
lead to other things, he hoped. Eventually, maybe she'd reciprocate. As she moved her dress and
opened her legs he didn't care about getting anything back because all he wanted was to really
know Lea Richards.
"Kiss me, Keaton," she said, drawing his attention. He could tell she meant her mouth

and not below. At least not yet.

She parted her thighs and he lay between them, supporting himself on his arms as he
kissed her slow. His sense of urgency from just moments before dampened in a good way as he
tasted her mouth. It was a sweet and bitter mix of flavors that tasted of beer and Pad-Thai. She
held the back of his head and played with the hair at his nape. He loved when women played
with that spot. Especially the way her fingertips lightly brushed, then pulled. It was all kinds of
pleasurable and made him ten times hornier, as evidenced by his movements.
"Keaton, babe?"
Keaton licked her mouth and drew back. Her hands were at his sides now, applying
pressure. He'd all but humped her stomach while kissing her. It embarrassed him to no end.
"Your fault, Lea." He grinned licking his lips as he sat up. "You've got me ready to go."
He gripped himself for emphasis sake, smiling like the lust-filled idiot he was. "Don't worry,
won't happen again. Not until you're ready." His eyes dropped to her stomach. "But until then..."
He pressed the one leg hanging from the couch. He moved it so that she lay open and completely
exposed. She was shaven on the sides, but not completely bare, and her skin was the same
smooth brown as the rest of her. His dick pulsed and all he saw was red. He shut his eyes tight,
inhaled and exhaled. "Shit."
"Nothing," he shook his head, eyes focused on her sex. "Just relax. Let my patient, babysteps make you feel good." He grimaced for her sake, but honestly didn't know if he could handle
himself. Already he could smell her and as he moved down the couch, positioning his head at her
apex, he shook with the need to fuck her. He groaned low, deep and fucking feral, like a wolf.
His fingers bit into her thighs. She touched the top of his head. He looked up to find her eyes
closed, head thrown back, mouth open, ready.
"Yes," he muttered before peeling her open. Soft pink flesh between dark folds awaited
him. She was wet for him too. He hadn't touched her but she was ready to go. Keaton closed his
eyes and inhaled the rich feminine scent of her arousal. It made him light headed, as all the blood
rushed to his cock head. Slow and easy he ran his tongue from the bottom of her slit and up. He
buried his nose in to entice the swollen bud out. Plump and quivering it emerged and he drew it
into his mouth with his tongue. Keatons eyes rolled into his skull. He suckled for several long
minutes as she gyrated her hips. Baby was losing her cool. Damn he understood it. As much as

he loved sucking her, he wanted to fuck her with his tongue. He deep kissed her pussy, plunging
his tongue in and out of her hole until she was pitching her hips and pulling his hair. He winced,
his scalp still sore from his injury, but he endured.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she sang.
Keaton went all in. He could live and die right between her legs. He captured her clit just
as she was ready to explode, taking in her juices and licking every square inch of her pussy.
Later he'd ask himself if it happened. If he'd been dreaming. If the spiciness of the Thai
food they ate acted as an added aphrodisiac setting them both off. He'd wonder if the beer they
had, somehow dulled their senses. He'd ask the question over and over on his ride home, cursing
every stoplight and stop sign as he drove holding his dick until he could take care of himself in
the privacy of the shower. He'd jerk off, but quietly. Otherwise Kay and Danny would hear and
would know that Lea had given him nothing while he gave her everything.
"Oh God. Yeah, yeah, mmmm Keaton," she moaned and bucked against his face
He was great at kissing, great at eating pussy and great at fucking too, but Lea wouldn't
find that out until later he supposed. It would be some undisclosed point in the future that even
he wasn't aware of. Still, he could stay licking her pussy, sucking her clit, fingering her hole,
bathing his face in her juices. He could stay doing this forever.
"I watch too much porn," he muttered after she came a second time. Porn came to mind
when he recalled watching videos where the guy continued to play with the girl's area after she
"Hmm?" she breathed, asking, not really paying attention to him.
"Nothing," he said, then kissed her thigh. He kissed the inside of it and drew a chunk of
flesh between his teeth, nibbling lightly. Her hand was in his hair. Her fingertips massaged his
scalp. He was a hot mess. Her essence coated his lips and lingered on his tongue. "I can make
you come again," he offered, brushing the back of his hand, his knuckles rather, against her
quivering clit. She groaned and pressed her foot to his shoulder.
"What? No more?" he teased.
"I can't," she said, and then laughed a satisfied laugh while slowly opening her eyes to
look at him. "Come here."
Keaton thought for sure actually, hoped and prayed in the second and a half it took to lift
her into sitting position onto his lap, that she would say something more.

"You were great," she said.

It wasn't what he expected. What he wanted, even. He needed her to suck him off or
something. Instead, she said those words, thanking him, then kissed him.
Her dress bunched and was in the way, but he gripped as much of her ass that he could
through the material. He resisted thrusting upwards or pulling her down so that he might grind
against her and maybe, just maybe get her to change her mind.
"Let me stay the night," he said then kissed her neck, sucking skin and flesh, biting,
sucking and biting again. He wanted to mark her because he liked giving love-bites.
"I've got work early in the morning," she kissed his mouth, then lifted one leg and the
other, sliding from his lap. "And my cat hates you, remember?"
Keaton dropped his head to the back of the couch, rolled to the side to examine the
bandage on his arm then conjured his best pouty-face. It was one that usually worked in the few
and far-between instances he had to use it with certain women. Usually they wanted him to stay.
"C'mon," she held out her hand. He took it and stood. His cock was as hard as ever. It
stubbornly pitched its tent in the crotch of his pants.
"Listen," she said. "About work..."
They were at the door. She'd taken both of his hands. He licked his mouth and the skin
around his lips, tasting her while the words 'unfair, unfair, unfair' ran through his mind.
"You and I work together," she began. He stared at her breasts. "Keaton," she shook his
hands forcing his gaze back up to hers.
"I get it, Lea. No grab-n-poke in the stockroom, I got it," he said, as if reading her mind.
She smiled as if pleased that he'd somehow done just that, but the truth was, he wasn't
clairvoyant. Not in the least, and usually, he wasn't this smart or lucky when it came to sex, love,
and relationships. "Can I at least tell Derrick?"
Lea frowned. "I don't mean you can't tell people about us dating, though I do think since
we're in the same department that maybe we should keep our business on the down-low, at least
for a little while. What I'm referring to is PDA. No public displays of affection."
"Oh yeah, okay." Her chest was heaving. He couldn't stop staring. He realized then he'd
yet to get a glimpse of her breasts, her nipples. He'd skipped that and gone straight to her pussy.
"I work late tomorrow," he said, drawing her by the waist. He lifted her up, just by a little,
hugging her closely. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his chin. "Can I see you

"I'll be asleep."
"I won't stay long; I promise."
Liar. He lied. He was a liar.
She hesitated at first. Keaton could feel her drawing back, but finally she nodded. "Okay.
But call first. I'll probably be studying, then I might fall asleep...sometimes I do that."
"Cool," he said. He was still achingly hard and her breasts were against his chest,
smashed because he held her so tight. Maybe if he moved her left to right, up and down, her
nipples would respond.
"Sheba," she whispered, stepping out of his arms. "He probably needs his litter box."
Keaton glanced down the hall to the door of the closet with the stupid cat inside. The thing had
meowed and bellowed, if cats can actually do that, since they'd finished eating.
Lea opened the door. Keaton glared, wanting so badly to stay within.
"Goodnight, Lea." He kissed her on the cheek, squeezed her hand. "See you tomorrow."
"Goodnight, Keaton."

Back home he was thankful that Danny and Kay were asleep. He'd forgotten that both of
them were sick with colds and most likely drugged by the Nyquil Kay had purchased earlier in
the day. Knowing this, he allowed a couple moans to escape his mouth while quickly jerking on
his cock. He slowed and thought of Lea, her smell, her tastes, the noises she made, the way she
held his head, how she'd called his name when he stabbed his tongue inside her.
He came against the shower wall, one big splat that landed in the grout lines, slowly
running down. The rest of his seed seeped from the tip, flowing with the upstroke, spurting with
a slight squeeze of the shaft nearest the head.
"I watch too much porn," he groaned.
He stepped from the shower and looked at himself in the mirror, hand weighing the
length of his cock, which was average in length but thicker in size. Women liked it and he liked
watching their lips wrap around it. Briefly he imagined Lea doing the same. If he wasn't so spent,
he would have another go, but he hadn't the energy. The fantasy of Lea was enough to send him
on his way with pleasant dreams. Soon he dropped in bed, naked, and fell asleep on his stomach
so that were he to wake at some point in the night with Lea on his mind he could easily pretend-

fuck the mattress before falling asleep again.

"Too much porn," he mumbled, eyes fluttering.
Too much porn, maybe, but fucking for fuck's sake was something he did before now,
before Lea. He suspected that part of him would change or would be changed very soon. The
new me, thanks to the beautiful Lea Richards. I can't wait.

Chapter Eleven
The brothers replied in unison and as easily and scantly as they'd acknowledged him, they
just as swiftly went back to their conversation. Danny was on the couch, covered in blankets,
wearing pajamas and a robe. He looked like hell, and Josh looked worried, like always. Over the
past months, Josh had grown a beard out of worrying over Marcela and that psycho ex-husband
of hers. Again, Keaton presumed his less than favorable sister-in-law to be the reason for the
"And I thought Chris was a head case for running away with Zoe after knowing her for a
week," he mumbled while scratching his stomach. He spoke of his brother, their other brother,
the one presently living halfway around the world in Bali of all places.
The television was on ESPN, tuned to a Cowboys pre-season game. The remote rested
within reach on Danny's lap, as was a cup of coffee, a cell phone, a laptop, cough syrup and a
box of Kleenex. Keaton surveyed the rest of the room, and peeped through the dining area into
the kitchen.
"Where's Kay?"
Danny looked up. "Work."
"Thought she was sick?"
Danny gave him a look.
"What?" Keaton threw his hands up, turned and went to the kitchen. "She was sick
yesterday," he called over his shoulder. He was only being considerate, as she'd been ill the day
before, too. He also wanted to thank her for recommending flowers for Lea.
"Who's winning?" he asked, taking a seat at the table. Luckily the space was an open one
and the television, large, flat and high enough on the wall to avoid the glare from the incoming
sun. Neither Josh nor Danny responded readily. Danny had thrown back the blankets and sat
upright, leaning to where Josh sat in the chair at the other end of the couch. He whispered.
Keaton strained to hear,
"Whatd Marcie do this time?" Keaton asked.
Danny and Josh glanced up. Keaton scooped a heaping spoonful of Honey Comb cereal

and shoved it in his mouth.

"What do you mean?" Josh asked cryptically.
"Yesterday," Keaton mumbled through a mouthful. He chewed and swallowed; the crispy
puff of grain scratched his throat. "She was talking to Kay about Carter."
"She what?" Josh looked to Danny. "See what I mean? Did she say anything to you?"
Danny shook his head.
"He's been in Iraq"
Josh got up. Danny threw Keaton a glance.
"Marcie said so." Keaton continued to eat, even as Josh walked over. "I never figured him
for the military type. He doesn't look it. He's a bit queer if you ask me."
Josh glared at him for a second then walked through the kitchen to the back door. He left
out and Keaton looked over to Danny again. "What?"
Danny rolled his eyes then turned back to the television. "Janice called," he said. Keaton
couldn't quite hear over the noise his chewing made.
"Who?" he asked, thinking and hoping Danny had mistakenly said another name in place
of Lea's. He tossed and turned only a bit before finally falling asleep the night before. He dreamt
about her. Dreamt of fucking her and then, just being with her. Of course there was a bit of a
nightmare concerning the boy cat, named Sheba. "Shit." He shook, standing, and then glanced at
the mark on his arm.
"Janice," Danny called from the other room. Keaton rinsed the bowl in the sink. "Your
mother's back."
"Mom's back?" He set the bowl in the rack and rubbed his hands dry on his shorts.
"When?" he asked Danny before flopping down in the chair Josh had just vacated.
"When what?" Danny gave him a look. A bleary, red-eyed look then blew his nose.
"When did she get back?"
"I don't know," he answered evenly, albeit nasally. There was a small waste bin on the
floor next to the couch. He tossed the soiled wad of Kleenex in with the others. "She called about
an hour ago. She wants to see you today. You and Josh."
Keaton focused on the television, watching as the players ran drills up and down the
field. He waited a beat before answering. "I've got work."
"So, meet her for lunch."

Keaton wiped a hand over his face and groaned. "Is Josh coming?"
He didn't want to go alone. The relationship he had with his mother was a complicated
one. It had been since their father diedsince their mother decided travel was more important
than seeing her youngest son off from high school to college.
"Josh has to work. He said something about tonight, dinner or something."
"What about you?" Keaton asked, then ran a hand through his hair. Danny gave him a
look while reclining back in the sofa. He pulled the blankets up and over and cocooned himself
underneath. With remote in one hand and a wad of tissues in the other he spoke in a nasally
voice, "She's not my mother," Danny drawled then changed the channel.
"That's right," Keaton acknowledged. "Renee Cummings is your mom and when was the
last time you spoke to her?"
Danny shot him a look, then threw the remote, not amused by Keaton's turn-around.
Danny and his mother equaled another mother-son relationship that was complicated. Luckily
the remote didn't stab him in the eye, as Danny may or may not have intended. Keaton was a
quick draw and a quick catch. It showed once he gripped the plastic unit in mid-air.
"Hey, what's really going on with Josh?" he asked, sliding the remote down the table.
Danny reached out and retrieved it, dispassionately eyeing the screen as he changed the channel.
"You guessed right. Marcela."
"Geez. What's her problem? I talked to her outside and she was all kinds of upset. Kay
had to give her the talk. Again."
Danny said nothing.
"You think she's fucking around already?" Keaton pressed. "Or that she's about to?"
Danny sneezed, sat up again and grabbed the box of tissues from the table. He wiped his
nose. "No."
"No." Danny stared at the contents of the tissue. "Dude just got back and she's eight
months pregnant; I don't think she's had the chance...yet."
"But she will," Keaton stated, wondering why Josh even bothered to marry a woman he
committed adultery with, Karma being a bitch and all.
"Not the issue," Danny sniffed. "They're more concerned about Carter and what he
intends to do if anything."

Keaton frowned, not understanding.

"Stalking? Marcie had an order of protection against Carter for the longest. He went
away. Now he's come back..." Danny's voice trailed. He hunched down and burrowed himself in
the sofa.
"Oh." The situation reminded him briefly of Sara whom he hadn't seen since that day in
the parking lot. "Shit."
"Mmmm," Danny groaned in agreement. "Hey, will you shut the blinds? Kay left them
open. It's too bright."
"Yeah, sure."
Keaton got up and walked over to the window, looking out at the yard, the drive, and
their vehicles before closing the blinds. He left Danny dozing on the couch and went back to his
room where he played his game until he grew tired again, then crawled back into bed. When he
woke, he heard voices in the living room. Groggy and a little hungry he ventured out.
"Hi, sis," he said. Kay was on the couch with Danny.
"Hello," she spoke without looking up. The greeting was pleasant enough. Either she was
completely done with being mad at him or maybe she was just being her usual nice self.
"He any better?"
She looked up, met his gaze briefly then turned back to Danny.
"A little," she murmured, pouring another dose of fever-syrup or whatever it was into a
small plastic cup. Danny grimaced but swallowed.
Keaton thought at first she meant Danny but when she turned with credit card in hand he
knew it was for him.
"What's this?"
"A credit card."
Keaton took it. "Yeah, but why?"
"Jet Ski is ready," she smiled. He looked to the card then looked at Danny's name: Daniel
Ray Cummings.
"Get the ski and, "Danny coughed "Gas for your truck. Don't charge anything else."
"Sure. Thanks. I'm..." He glanced at the clock. He'd have to hurry if he wanted to surprise
Lea. "I'll go now," he spoke. "The ski," he clarified.

Kay nodded. Danny rolled his eyes and moaned. Keaton turned for the bathroom with the
card pressed tight in his hand. He had cash but only the little bit Danny floated him until he got
paid. School had yet to begin, his online courses rather. So if there were any time for surprise
visits to his girl this was it.
He stopped mid-stride and grinned.
My girl.
He liked how it sounded and didn't care that they'd barely had a real date or that it'd been
two weeks, maybe even less.
"So your mom is in town?" Kay asked, walking past him in the hall.
"Good," she smiled and stepped inside their bedroom. She closed the door. He waited a
beat, gripping the credit card in hand and realized he'd forgotten about his mother. "Shit."
"You okay?" Kay emerged again from the bedroom.
"Yeah," he said distracted. Had he actually stood in the hall the whole time? "Lea liked
the flowers."
"Did she? Good."
"Thanks for that Kay."
"Not a problem."
She walked towards the living room. He noticed then, she'd changed into shorts and a tshirt. His eyes trailed her as she sat on the couch. Danny sat up and rolled over, resting his head
in her lap. Keaton watched them until he realized he daydreamed again, thinking of Lea.
Thinking too much, too soon, and his feelings that were growing for Lea were too good to be
true. Or was he overreacting?
"Two weeks and already I'm that guy," he mumbled, heading for the shower. Yeah, he
needed to slow his thinking, relax and enjoy what was to come. Still he couldn't help feeling
impatience, if not actually being impatient. He wanted what Danny and Kay had, what Josh and
Marcela had, what Chris and Zoe had. He wanted the sickness, the worry, the I'm yours and got
your back no matter what. Keaton Dumas wanted Lea Richards to be his girl.
Keaton dropped the credit card to the sink and sang her name as he stepped in the shower.
He thought briefly of his mother. He'd call her on his way to the store and schedule a time to see
her when he wasn't seeing Lea.

Chapter Twelve
Lea opened the door.
"Hey, you. I thought you'd changed your"
Keaton didn't give her a chance to finish. He stepped inside her apartment, closed and
locked the door then drew her into his arms. It felt right, and, he could use a hug right now,
especially from her.
Her voice came muffled against his chest.
"Can we...can you let up a bit. I can't breathe."
"Sorry," he said, half-smiling as he released her. He was dog-tired, mentally drained. "I
know it's late but I needed to see you."
"It's okay," she touched his shoulder and arm then slid her hand into his, gripping lightly.
"What's wrong?"
Keaton rubbed a hand over his face. "How much time do you have?" It was a joke or
should've been a joke, but neither of them laughed.
"C'mon," she tugged at his hand. "Are you hungry?" He followed her to the kitchen.
"No," he stopped. His cease and desist movement jerked her forward then back. She
Keaton shook his head, tightening his grip. Gently he tugged her forward.
"Tired, then" she said, right before the kiss. He took her mouth gently, needing to taste
her and feel the softness of her lips.
"Very," he mumbled against her mouth, right before kissing her again. She turned her
head away. So he kissed her cheek, her jaw-line, her neck, drawing her up into his arms. He
wanted to feel the warm, soft, press of her against him. He wore his work uniform and was sure
he smelled of cardboard, box-cutters and receipt-tape. Though his confidence was hindered by
his appearance, he didn't care.
"Can I stay?"

Keaton held his breath, waiting, hoping, and praying she'd say yes. Instead, she said
nothing. She flicked the light-switch to off then drew him down the hall towards her bedroom.
"You can stay," she finally whispered back. "Only if you open up to me, and tell me what
is wrong."
"I screwed up, like I always do." He whispered back in the dark.
She touched his face. "Somehow I doubt that."

The first punch landed somewhere between Carter's ear and his neck. It was enough to
throw him off guard but not put him down. Carter swung right. Keaton bobbed left, countered
back with his right and struck Carter between the eyes.
"Break it up!" Major yelled as he stormed out of the garage. "Keaton? What the hell's the
matter with you?"
Keaton's glare settled on Carter. "Nothing."
"Well, it doesn't look like nothing." Major reached for Keaton, but he turned away,
holding a couple fingers pressed to his lip.
"I'm good," he said then spit a globule of blood and saliva on the ground. "I'm good," he
reassured with a nod.
Carter righted himself against his car, also holding to his face. Already a blossom of red
had spread on his neck and between his eyebrows.
"What's this about?"
"This jackass is Marcie's ex-husband," Keaton explained before Carter had a chance to
jump in and say. Major looked from Keaton to Carter who lifted his brows in amusement.
"You're Carter Gray? The Carter Gray?"
Carter glanced slyly at Keaton, dusting his hands on his pants. "Officer Gray," he said,
then shook Major's hand. "You're Major Holliwell, right? You and your brother once worked for
my dad."
"That's right, we did." Major glanced to Keaton. "That was... a long time ago. Look,
what's this about?"

"Like I said, nothing. I gotta go." Keaton turned and got inside his vehicle. The Jet Ski he
had locked in the back of his truck was secured. He hadn't expected to see Carter here. He
definitely didn't plan for a fight, but as soon as Carter was out of the car they exchanged words.
Carter called Kay out of her name, made some slick remark about Marcela, and dared to hint at
Keaton's father's supposed accidental death. That's when Keaton threw the first punch.
"Good seeing you, Dumas. Tell the family I said hello...especially the girls, yeah?" Carter
grinned. Keaton turned the ignition and backed out, tires squealing as he exited onto the
He checked the time. He discovered he had an hour and some change before he had to be
at work. His phone vibrated in his pocket; at the red light he pulled it out, saw the display and

Keaton's expression fell blank. Why am I here? Why was she here? He looked to his
mother. Why hadn't she stayed gone like usual?
"No, not seven!" Janice laughed. "Keaton, get me another cup, will you?"
He rose from the couch and walked into the kitchen listening as his mother explained
their family situation to her friend. Ignoring the pain in his jaw from Carter's punch, he checked
the time once more. He should have kept going. He just couldn't handle Janice today.
Danny was a half-brother. The Dumas brothers shared the same father. Their father was
never married to Danny's mother who wasn't a good mother, or a good mistress, according to the
town gossip. Renee Cummings slept with many menand cared little of how much of it she
exposed to her little boy Danny. A paternity test later proved Danny was Andrew Dumas's son,
though he never took the last name. Janice was the official wife. She gave Keaton's father three
sons after his mistressand town tramp, according to his motherbore him his first. This made
Danny the outsider in Janices eyes, but not to Keaton and the others. They were family. Janice
was the one not to be trusted.
"Here," he handed Janice the cup. "Listen," he remained standing. "Since you have
company, can we do this another time? I have work and I've gotta drop the Ski by the house."
Janice excused herself and followed him out to the foyer. Out of all of her sons, he
favored his mother the most. He'd inherited her nose and her smile, but his height and build he
got from his father. Janice touched her hair, smoothing the light brown strands back from her

"Why don't you move in? Just for the summer...until you start school again."
They'd broached that subject on the phone. He'd spoken to her before going to the shop to
pick up the Ski.
"I'm staying with Danny," he stopped, hand to the doorknob. "All my stuff's there," he
turned. "Maybe if you had called to say you were coming home. How's Chris?" He changed the
direction of the conversation. She'd been to see Chris, but only because he lived on the other side
of the world. Had Chris and Zoe never hooked up, had his brother remained in Dallas working
for that I.T. firm, Janice wouldn't have made it a point to drop in and see him. Visitation was
always at her behest, never theirs. They'd learned a long time ago not to count on Mom for much
of anything.
"Your brother is good. He's tan. Really tan and Zoe... well she's Zoe," Janice smiled
shrugging, her tone indicative of one who would never understand. It wasn't that Zoe was so
weird so much as Janice wasn't normal. She'd asked him once over the phone if they'd made
some sort of pact, Danny, Josh and Chris, to marry and be with women so different from them.
Keaton had feigned ignorance, bade his mother a hasty goodbye and promptly hung up the line.
"You don't like her, do you?" he asked. Janice's smile tightened and she shrugged. He
grinned, imagining how she'd react if she ever got the chance to meet Lea.
"No, it's not that."
"You don't like Kay or Marcela either?"
"I don't know them," she blurted. "That's all." Janice forced a smile, again. "But I'm back
and I think...I think now's the time to reconnect with all of you."
"So you're back for good?" he asked, mildly surprised.
"Look around you. All the sheets are gone. The furniture's uncovered and dusted. The
cable's on. I'm back and I want you to move in."
"Jesus," he swore. "Look, I gotta go."
"Keaton, sweetheart, think about it, okay? I don't want to stay in this big house all alone. I
need you here. You're the only one of your brothers who's free."
"I'll be back at State in the Fall."
"About that..."
He looked beyond her to the living room where Mrs. Griffin sat prim and proper on the

"Mom, I have to leave."
"Okay, fine. Can you come by tomorrow?"
Keaton immediately thought, "No," but decided against saying so.
Keaton brushed a dry kiss to her cheek then fast walked down the porch to the drive. He
backed out, tufted the horn as she waved from the porch, and took off down the street. He
checked his reflection in the rearview. The split in his lip wasn't so bad. It hurt worse than it
looked. He didn't want to have to explain to anyone else how he'd gotten the split. Already he
lied to his mother saying it was because of his fall on the Jet Ski, which of course was complete
bull as that had occurred days ago.

Danny was up when he dropped the Ski at the house. Keaton showered againquickly,
and changed, then made brief conversation with both Danny and Kay before leaving. He rushed,
keeping his head turned to the side, so that neither of them could see the wound to his lip. Janice
was too self-absorbed to notice or care, but Danny was different. He was the father he didn't
have, and Danny never missed anything. After clocking-in, he tried to get his head right to make
it through a night at work. It wasn't easy.
"Well, well, well," Sara's not-so-sweet voice rang out like a cat gargling cough syrup
through a straw. He was only ten minutes into his shift, one that promised to be filled with
nothing but stocking media supplies, while avoiding Pinto's glares and stares from the boat. Last
thing he needed to deal with was Sara. Especially since he was still pissed she threw shade his
way to Lea.
"Sara," he greeted, not looking at her, keeping his cool in check. Keaton had a box of
discs in one hand and a box-cutter in the other. He kept working, but his hand tightened into a
fist around the cutter when she touched his shoulder.
"How are you?" she asked sweetly.
"Good," he said. "You?"
"Good," she repeated. "And getting better."
Keaton had no idea what she meant and didn't care to know. "Excuse me," he said, then

pointed to the shelves she stood in front of.

"Sorry," she moved out of the way as he stocked the discs. "Keaton," she started, when it
was evident he had no plans of striking up a conversation.
"I wanted to apologize."
"About what?" He said feigning ignorance.
"About the other day in the parking lot. I wasn't myself."
Oh, so she wants to play it this way. She knows damn well the crap she pulled.
"Forget it. You were high. In the middle of the day," he tsked and shook his head. Lea
asked that he play it cool and he didn't want any more trouble with motor mouth Sara. "Pardon
me." She stood in the way again so he brushed past. That gave her the opportunity to seize his
arm. "I said it's cool Sara," he looked at her hand. "No need to apologize."
"Aw, thanks. That's good to know. Now you and I can go back to being friends...since
you're not mad at me."
Keaton turned, dropped the empty box into the tub. "Friends?"
She nodded.
"I thought I made myself clear."
"What, that you're gay?" she grinned. "C'mon. You expect me to believe that?"
Keaton didn't have time for this shit. "I don't care what you believe. I made it clear that
I'm not interested."
"So you're not gay?"
"Jesus," he sighed, reaching for another box. "You know damn well I'm not. Why else
would you tell lies to Lea?"
Dammit! Me and my fucking big mouth! So goes my lame attempt to play it cool.
"I knew it!" Sara clapped her hands giggling. He gave her a look and wondered if she
were high.
"I'm not interested," he reminded, quelling her excitement. Her smile waned, her
expression soured and her eyes grew hard. "I'm seeing someone." He sliced through tape,
opening the box. It was always a surprise to see what he'd find inside. He made it a point to
avoid reading the markings on the box. He treated stocking merchandise as an adventure game
because it helped to pass the time.

"Oh yes, Lea. Right?"

"Yep," he said, again side-stepping her for the shelf.
"What do you mean?"
"Why her?"
Keaton turned. "It's none of your business."
"Oh, I see." She mused, and then sneered. "Okay, Keaton. You and Lea. Lea and you.
"What?" He challenged.
"You ever heard of fraternizing with your employees?" she asked, crossing her arms over
her chest, stance defiant bordering on victorious. Victory for whom? How he wished he had
never laid his hands on her. She was like a virus he couldn't shake.
"Lea's cool with it," he countered.
"No, Keaton," she shook her head. "That's not what I mean."
"Then explain yourself," he responded terse, tossing another empty box into the tub.
"Explain yourself and go back to your department. I've got work to do."
She giggled, covered her mouth and smiled sadly, shaking her head as she looked up at
him. He towered over her now. The smell of the pungent scent of cheap perfume in her hair
"If the higher ups know you're dating, she would be fired...and possibly you, too."
He stared a full thirty seconds, feeling his blood boil underneath his skin. Strike three for
the day. Stick a fork in him because he was done. How much more grief could he take? He didn't
"You dummy, were someone to tell the bosses...and I'm saying someone will, then she's
out. And let me tell you, little Ms. Perfect would be quite upset. That's what I think!"
"And who would that someone be? You, Sara?" He took a step forward. She took one
"Everybody knows about you two already. At least the level ones."
"And how is that?"
"Cause I told them." She tripped, reached for the cart and continued to trip until she fell

back into the open tub, landing on the boxes.

"What's your deal? Are you a bit loose up here?" He pointed to his head. "As well as
down there?" He wagged his finger at her crotch that was exposed by her parted legs. "I dont
want you. Get it? Got it? Don't threaten Lea. You hear me? When I let the bosses know how
blitzed you are on most days, and pissy drunk you are on others, you'll meet us on the
unemployment line. Got it? Hear me Sara? Not listening? Cause I can write you a note, so you
won't forget. Yeah, you got it. Lea's cool, I'm cool, we're all cool except for you. Do you know
why Sara? Because you're flippin' obsessed. Get the hell over it! And get out of my tub." He
reached down into the tub. Sara flinched as if he meant to hit her, but he didn't. He took her hand
and helped her up then just as quickly released her in favor of another box of CD's. He got back
to work and didn't look to see if she'd left until he heard a small clapping noise followed by a
It was Derrick.
"What?" he asked, voice, body, mind exhausted.
"Mannnn, you read her ass up and down! Bravo, brother. Bravo! That was Oscar-worthy;
at minimum, Golden-Globe...maybe Screen-Actors Guild?"
"Shut up," Keaton tossed, smiling. "It was time."
"Damn right it was time," Derrick chimed, leaning against the cart handle. "She crazy.
Loco. And that bullshit about fraternizing? Don't even sweat it."
"Oh, I'm not," Keaton assured, tossing the empty box. He searched the tub for another but
there were no more. "Hey, can you help me with this?" He gestured to the boxes of computer
monitors on the cart. "Pinto wants them on the riser."
Derrick helped him stock the shelves. They talked more on Sara, some on Lea, and then
some on sports. Derrick helped him crush boxes in the back, then left when his shift was over at
six. Keaton worked the remainder of the evening zoning and re-stocking loose items.
Keaton didn't run across Sara anymore. He assumed she'd left around the same time as
Derrick, when that shift ended. He was wrong. Sara was hanging out by the entrance at closing,
waiting along with the rest to be let out. She averted her gaze, not speaking to him at all,
Keaton took the long way home, opting for a trip around the Loop. The day was

inexplicably long. The more he drove, the more he realized he had nowhere to really go. Kay and
Danny tolerated him, Janice wanted to use him, and Josh was too wrapped up in his wife to even
notice him. So many thoughts rambled through his head that he felt like mush. His lip stung and
the flesh beneath the cut was a tad numb. He wondered if he was getting sick too, because his
entire body felt like crap. He planted his foot firmly against the brake and shifted the car into
park outside of Lea's apartment. Walking up the path to her door he knocked, feeling worn out
and beat-up. It was wrong to come to her door unannounced. Maybe a sincere apology would
grant him entrance. When she opened the door, he was speechless. He needed her that bad.

"Can I use your shower?" he asked her once they were inside her bedroom.
"Sure," Lea let go of his hand. "I did laundry earlier. The baskets in the living room. I'll
get you some towels."
"Thanks," he murmured while pulling his shirt up and over his head. Keaton stripped to
his boxers, dropped his phone, keys, all of it in a heap on the floor at the foot of the bed. When
Lea re-entered she stopped at the door with towels in hand. "Those for me?"
Keaton strolled over, taking the two large towels from her hands. Had he felt up to it, he
would've flexed his muscles for her, but as it was his muscles, too, were shot. Instead, he kissed
her open mouth. "Be right back."
Keaton showered quickly. He took a moment in between to smell each of her body
washes. Lea had about sixty of them, in all different flavors. He chose lavender and vanilla. He
washed his entire body, his hair, and his face, which was a mistake as the lather burned his eyes.
Back in the bedroom, Lea had turned off all the lights except for the lamp by the bed. She
wore glasses and held a book in her hand. Lea promptly laid it to the side when he climbed into
the bed. He'd put his boxers back on, not wanting to give her too much, too soon. He couldn't
blow this by rushing things, even though his mind screamed, "Rush! Rush! Now! Go!" She lifted
the comforter, and opened her bed and her legs for him. Keaton climbed underneath and in
between, flicking off the light while simultaneously maneuvering himself on top of her.
In the dark they kissed, slow and unhurried, until exhaustion overcame him. Keaton
dropped his head onto her chest. He moved down so that the side of his face rested just under her
breasts. Shifting a bit more he made sure that his weight wouldn't be too heavy on her. He
wrapped one arm around her waist. The other hand pushed her left leg up to open her for him.

Lea touched his hair, damp from the shower. A deep sigh escaped him as he relaxed to the feel of
the play of her fingers against his scalp.
"Wanna talk about it?" she asked.
"I don't want to bring you down," he confessed, lightly squeezing her thigh.
"You won't."
"That's good to know, Lea. But seriously, I don't want to bring you down."
What he meant was 'us' but he didn't say it. He had a habit of fucking things up. Rather,
the universe had a habit of fucking things up for him. It was as if he was the object of some
divine comedy or something to that effect. Lately everything from his brothers and their wives to
a mother, who rarely remembered him, was fleeting. He just wanted to hold on to something. To
have something he could call his own. A special someone to be his and his alone.
Lea laughed lightly. She continued stroking his head. "Okay. Whenever you're ready, I'll
be ready, too."
"Thank you," he said, genuinely meaning it. She was a gift. Keaton loved receiving gifts,
and he was wise enough to know Lea's heart would be the ultimate one.
"Youre welcome," she answered. "I am surprised, though."
"What do you mean?" he yawned.
"Surprised you're not pushing up on me. Must've been one hell of a day."
"Not pushing up on you?" he mumbled, lids fluttering shut. "Just you wait," he tightened
his hold on her. "Why do you think I have you positioned this way, huh?" He lifted his head with
a smile in his voice. "I'd have you now if my dick wasn't already asleep."
"Oh, Keat, such language!"
"Fuck that," he dropped his head again. "Just being honest."
He pushed her t-shirt up to her bra and laid his head to her stomach, skin to skin. "We're
at that point, right?"
Lea said nothing at first. Her hand continued stroking, and her stomach continued rising
with each inhale, exhale of breathing.
"Lea?" he asked.
"Yes, Keaton."
"This is going to happen." It wasn't a question, and she didn't answer it as if it were.
"It's going to happen," she said and it was affirmation enough. Keaton pressed a kiss to

her stomach then relaxed. Soon he was asleep. From his shins down, his legs jutted out from the
bedding, hanging from the queen-size mattress. She shifted beneath him and at some point later
in the night he rolled to the side. His body moved of its own volition closer to the headboard. He
found her in the night and pulled her into him, sharing her pillow, his arm loose around her
waist, his legs tangled with hers. Sleep came, and it was bliss.

Chapter Thirteen
"What about this one?" Keaton ran his finger over a small, triangular scar, just a shade
darker than her skin. It was located on the underside of her wrist. He found her skin was softer
there. Just as it was everywhere he'd touched her since waking.
"It's a burn from a casserole dish," Lea answered, eyes cast down to the mark. She rubbed
a finger over the slightly raised skin. "I don't remember what I was doing before." She glanced
up and to the window. "When I grew up I was a bit of a tomboy. I played outside a lot. I played
until the streetlights came on or until Mom called me in for dinner. Me and some girls down the
street double-dutched a lot. We played hop-scotch, chased boys"
"You chased boys?" Keaton asked, leaning up on his elbow. He set his head in his hand
and gazed down on her. Lea changed position. She held her arms crossed over her chest, hands
holding to her shoulders. They'd slept soundly throughout the night. He woke to use the
bathroom, heard and then saw the rain when peeping through the curtain over her bedroom
"I chased boys. I beat up boys. I kissed boys. I cried over boys." She rolled to her side
and looked up. "But you were asking about my scar."
"I was. However, this is way more interesting. I'd think boys would be chasing you. Not
the other way around."
Lea gave him a look then dropped her head to the pillow again.
"I suppose I was a bit...aggressive back then."
"Aggressive, huh?"
"Yes," she giggled covering her face. "I can't believe I'm sharing this with you. You
asked about my scar so let me finish."
Smiling, he moved in. Rather, he eased over her body, shifting the covers so that they
wouldn't become too tangled. They were still in their bedclothes. Lea had on the short-shorts that
rode low on her waist and the tiny-tee that covered her stomach just to her navel. She wore
nothing underneath. This much he'd realized once he returned to the bed and helped remove them
from her after waking in the night. He woke both aroused and with the need to piss. The former
didn't change once he slipped under the covers again, but somehow he managed to relax enough

to fall back to sleep.

"Fine. Tell me about the scar."
Lea sighed then squirmed, shifting beneath him as he settled between her legs. She had
lifted her arms above her head, gripping the edge of the shelf-headboard. Books lay in the
sections as well as a few stuffed animals. There were a couple of picture frames with people he
assumed were her family.
It rained outside and though it was morning the dense cloud-cover was enough to trick
the mind into thinking it was night. It would explain why they didn't wake until around nine.
Why an hour later they were in the bed, talking, not sleeping. Her bed was comfortable, her body
soft and her scent was sweet. He wanted to stay with her and never leave. Ever.
"So I was outside playing one evening. Mom called me inside. I came through the back
door into the kitchen. She'd set the casserole dish on the table but a little too close to the edge. I
used the table as support while I took off my sneakers and though I held to its edge, my wrist
here" She pointed to the scar. "It was summer, all I wanted to do was cool off. I was rushing in
and didn't pay attention. So I bumped against the hot dish."
"So that explains the kicking of your legs." Keaton dropped a kiss to her mouth. Lea
paused in speaking and kissed him back. He parted her lips with his tongue and she obliged the
effort. Her compliance sent a groan through his throat, especially when she wrapped her arms
around his shoulders and put her hands to his neck. She let her fingers thread through his thick
locks. Keaton responded by kissing her more fervently then, thrusting lightly as he moved over
her. His hand ran along her side, to her back, and down to her backside. With the other he
supported himself, not wanting to put his full weight on her small frame.
"Yes," she gasped the word as he nibbled on her neck and sucked her ear. He lifted up to
look her in the eyes. "I mean, no. Yes and no," she said, then licked her lips. "I was hot."
"You are hot. Most definitely."
"I was hot...from the temperature." She gave him a look and pushed at his shoulders. He
thought she meant to push him away. Maybe she'd changed her mind. Maybe he was rushing
"I made the mistake again," she pouted.
"You burned yourself again?"
"Yes, when I cooked for you."

"Really, why again? Aren't you more careful in the kitchen? Especially after the first
"I was bothered," she confessed. "Distracted by you, Keaton," she bit her lip and looked
down to where he partially rested and partially hovered against her. It took a moment for her
words to register but when they did, Keaton's gaze followed. She lifted her hips, which in effect
placed the warmth of her sex against his abdomen.
"Bothered?" He blurted the word on a moan, eyelids fluttering closed before he opened
them again. She rubbed herself, as much as she could given the restricted space, against him. She
then pulled him in for another kiss. The rubbing was crucial once he lifted and eased up against
her soft wet heat. She was positioned against his aching cock. His boxers were just boxers.
Nothing more than a thin plaid piece of fabric that left more than enough leeway for sensation.
"Lea," he barked her name while gripping her side. "Mmmm, girl." He meant to stop her.
If she kept moving he'd lose it. Her skin and the soft material of her shorts encountered the tip of
his cotton-covered cock, and made it impossible for him to survive the tease. "That kind of
bothered," she smiled then pushed at his arms, so she could sit up. He moved, although the strain
of his dick against his shorts made rolling to the side more than uncomfortable. "You have
protection?" she asked, and then called his name, before she asked again. She did so twice and
one more time, punctuating the last time with a shake of his arm.
Keaton had been too busy watching her disrobe. She started first with the top. She took
the T-shirt by its end and lifted it up and over her breasts. Then she leaned back and took her
shorts at the sides and slid them down, tossing both items to the floor. She was kneeling in front
of him now. Her super perfect breasts were in his face. They were medium in size and pert on
her petite frame. With a pair of dark, plump nipples that begged to be sucked.
"Keaton," she took him by the sides of his face. Her soft laughter filled his head, and he
still couldn't shake off the sexual haze he was in to focus on her voice. "C'mon Keaton. Don't
ruin the mood by ogling me. Do you have a condom?"
"A condom, he repeated. Now that caught his attention. One condom meant, one time
and there was no way he'd leave her home without fucking her at least twice.
"In my wallet," he stammered. She walked on her knees to the edge of the bed, bent over,
and reached for his wallet which sat with his phone, car keys, and clothes he'd taken off the night

before. It seemed only natural to him to do what he did next. With her bent as she was, her ass in
the air, it was too tempting. He stroked the curve of her left butt cheek first then the other. Lea
paused, his wallet in her hand. She held to the foot post while his fingers roamed. Her skin was
so smooth and soft. He imagined silk or satin didn't feel as nice. The curtains were closed. A
little muted light entered the space. What he would give to unveil this part of her in full-on
"Get undressed," she spoke softly, taking his hand and removing it. Reluctantly he left
the bed and tangled sheets and stood, slowly removing his boxers. He didnt want to rush. No, he
couldn't rush at this point. This would be their first time and he wanted it too much. He turned.
She was right there, naked, ready and wanting to fuck and be fucked.
No, no, no, girls like her want to be made love to, idiot! You can fuck her later.
Keaton's gaze hovered somewhere above her knees and below her stomach. He thought
he heard her swear. Maybe she moaned, coughed, burped or something.
"There's only one," she said then knee-walked across the bed towards him. "But it's cool.
I've got a box in the bathroom," she breathed against his mouth before pressing her lips to his.
Her left hand went to his neck. He slipped her some tongue then pulled her against him, suffering
a jolt of lust when his cock brushed against her stomach. She felt it, too. Or felt something
because she moaned into his mouth and kissed him harder.
Without waiting to ask, Keaton began easing her down to the bed. Lea stopped him with
a press of her right hand to his chest. Uncontrollably, he grabbed hold of his cock, holding it
steady, resisting the need to stroke its weeping tip. He was so hard and she was right there and so
pretty, and soft too.
Lea touched his fingers, the ones currently in a vise grip around his shaft. "Just relax,"
she said, once he finally let go. When her hand replaced his, he whispered a prayer for resistance.
If ever he needed to impede release and not come too early it was now.
"Oh God," he groaned and held his breath upon feeling her tongue flick lightly across the
tip. She glanced up at him, having crouched down in front of him and winked. He saw her mouth
open, saw her lips surround his cock-head and slide down. He watched her take him as far back
as she could before pulling away. Pleasure was instant. It slammed against the center of his chest
and he wheezed. Clenching his buttocks he slowly thrust forward and drew back as wet soft heat
covered his shaft. He would later claim it was one of those out of body moments. Like a theater

moment, in which he was watching himself have things done to him while all the while
remaining pleasantly detached, sitting in the audience.
Pleasantly detached? Oh no man, I'm not detached. Ugh, I'm right here.
Lea took him in again and this time he felt the smoothness of her lips, the warm velvety
wetness of her mouth, the rough cushy movement of her tongue against the underside of his
cock. Just barely half is all she could take. He was average and a tad on the thick side with the
density to match. Chicks he'd screwed before always talked about his cock saying it weighed a
ton. It was an exaggeration and an odd one at that.
A wet suction sounded as she pulled away, wiping her mouth. He saw then that he had
rested his hand against her head and had been thrusting lightly as she sucked him. Her hand was
still on his shaft, stroking.
Pleasantly detached. Now he understood the meaning.
"You're beautiful," he said as she rose, then he kissed her. His fingers dug into the hair at
the nape of her neck, feeling those spongy tresses that he'd so admired since the first day he met
her. He wondered if she'd let him pull it while he fucked her. "Beautiful," he murmured again.
"You're just saying that." She slid back along the bed and Keaton crawled over her again.
"You call me beautiful to make me feel good about myself so you can get in my panties." She
tsked and shook her head while reaching between them to his cock. He loved that she loved his
dick. No, really, he loved that she loved his dick. He sat up on his knees, cock at attention,
bouncing up to his stomach as he leaned down and sucked her mouth.
Keaton didn't hesitate to ease his hands below to feel the plump folds of her sex. He
groaned at her wetness. She moaned and lifted into his touch. "Mmmmm," he breathed, nudging
her slit again with his knuckles. His vision flashed black as a spasm of pleasure shot straight
through him all the way to his cock, which was so rigid, so incredibly hard. "What'd you do to
me, Lea? You make me crazy," he said while resting on his haunches again. He'd taken the foil
packet from her hand and now fussed with it.
He couldn't get it open. His hands, his fingers were too slippery.
"Here. Let me," she said, then took the packet and opened it in one rip. Keaton didn't
object when she expertly rolled the condom down over his dick leaving just enough room at the
tip to collect his release.

Lea lowered back against the pillows, legs open, pussy on display, but he didn't go there
yet. Keaton was too busy watching her breasts jiggle as she breathed. Her stomach and the skin
of her thighs looked so flawless and satiny in the darkness of the room. Keaton smoothed his
hands along that skin and pressed down and back, the movement opened her and though he could
see, he wished for sunshine so that he could see everything.
Lea touched his head, "You don't have to." He looked up, swallowed.
"I want to."
"I want you to, too. But trust me, I'm ready."
They held one another's gaze as he slowly rose. Secretly Keaton wished he could fuck her
raw, literally and figuratively. He wanted to feel all of her. He dropped his head to one breast,
taking in an entire areola and nipple, sucking, teasing, licking, nipping the one before moving to
the other. This didnt last very long as she squirmed and moaned then jerked beneath him. Her
hand was in his hair again, at the back of his neck and he shuddered. By the time he lined his
cock up with her pussy he was rock hard, sweating like he'd run a marathon. His heart put in
some serious overtime to keep the blood pumping.
Keaton wanted to see her, to watch her, to burn into his memory their joining. He paused
for a second realizing how weird, no, how different this was. Usually he screwed a girl in the
dark, and while pummeling that pussy he stared at the wall or closed his eyes or looked out the
window. No girl before held any real interest enough for him to want 'that' kind of connection.
He loved casual sex. He was damn near a proprietor of it since first getting his at the age of
fourteen, but he knew women and how they sometimes saw more where more didn't exist. He
must've looked at Sara in the same way, though he couldn't rightly remember.
There was a lesson in this for him, he was sure. Right now he could give a damn. It was
Lea, and she was his, all his.
"Beautiful," he exhaled. Staring into her eyes as he slowly pressed the tip of his pent up
desire against her opening. He was on his knees but leaned in so that they could be close enough
to see one another when he entered her. Damn if only he could see further between them, where
she took him in. Keaton shot his hips forward and Lea made small hiccupping noise once he was
two inches in. He was too far gone to turn back now, he thrust twice more. Her mouth formed
into an 'o' shape and her bottom-lip trembled violently once he was completely inside of her.
"Ohhhhh God, Keaton. Ohhhhhh yes God!" she gasped and when he began to move she

threw her head back, holding to the headboard with one hand and to his shoulder with the other.
Keaton thrust slowly, struggling to maintain his own sense of control. She felt so good and
watching her react, watching him thrust in, hearing the sounds of her wetness and feeling the
slick, warm grip of her was breaking him down. And her smell. Oh, never had he gotten so riled
off a woman's scent.
"Ugh," he groaned, increasing the pace. Lea squeezed his shoulder. Every other breath
she called his name, only the abbreviated version. He grunted, his eyes on her face, her mouth
was so open he could probably see her tonsils were he so inclined to inspect. The bed rocked.
The headboard rocked! He thought the pictures would fall as the books already shifted forward
with each thrust.
"Hang on," He sat up, stealing a glance to her open legs and their apex where his cock
was half-embedded inside of her. He thrust gently. "You feel so good. Yum! Come here." He
reached for her and pulled her up. Shifting his weight, widening his stance, he basically held her
in his lap. He'd slipped out in the process but all was well as he would soon be inside of her
"You surprise me, Keaton," she panted against his mouth then kissed his neck.
"How so?" he asked. Feverish, frustrated, on the verge of passing out when she once
again gripped him and guided him inside. It was her turn now. He leaned back. Lea gripped his
shoulders and before speaking, she began a slow rise and fall on his shaft that forced him to close
his eyes to keep them from crossing. Her pussy gripped his cock masterfully at this angle and her
speed matched the thundering beat of his racing heart.
"Fuck yeah," he mumbled, then lifted his head for a quick suck of one nipple and the
other. Lea slowed long enough to enjoy the pleasure of his quick licks, then picked up the pace
again after he let her nipple go.
"How do I surprise you, Lea?" Keaton asked, astonished that he was at least this coherent
given what she was doing with her hips. Her ass clapped against his thighs and sounded
throughout the room. There was something to what she was saying. "Is it because I'm white?" he
asked and was struck with doubt, which registered in his expression and the slowing of her
Lea laughed, then wound her hips. "No, it's not that. I've dated white before."
"Then what is it?" he grunted, and grabbed her at her hips. He flipped her down to her

back still drilling her pussy, never missing a beat. "Is it because I'm younger than you?" Keaton
paused and she whimpered, when he withdrew. Keaton wrestled with her legs, pressing her
thighs back so her knees hit her shoulders. She was wide and open, so he could see her wet pussy
in his face. He wanted to lick it, so he did; and he sucked her clit, which made his sweaty palms
slip. Lea tightened her thighs against the sides of his head making it almost impossible to hear
what she said next, but it didn't matter. He didn't care. To hell with it all. The taste of her turned
his dick to stone once again and made him dizzy with desire. He nibbled her clit a second more
then lifted and slammed his cock all the way inside.
The bed rocked. The bed squeaked as if it would break and fall to the floor. Keaton
fucked her with wild abandonment. His mind, his rational consciousness, temporarily left him as
his vision tunneled, focused on her face, her eyes, maintaining contact as he brought her to the
brink. He slowed and brought her there again. Lea yelped and moaned his name when she came.
Her pussy quivered around him. Its muscled channel drew on his cock, squeezing, tightening.
Lea moved her hands from his arms and shoulders to his head then pulled him down to kiss him.
He steadily pumped away at her slick channel until the stroke of her fingers in his hair sent
shivers down his spine. He came, shouting her name, once, twice, again. Her nostrils flared.
There was sweat on her brow and her face was glowing. Her skin was supple, moist, and flushed.
He touched her face, kissed the side of her mouth and as gently as he could, pulled out and rolled
to his back.
They both lay panting. The room smelled of sweat and sex, and a hint of something like
citrus. He didn't want to move. To get up after such earth shattering sex seemed thankless, but he
had to get rid of the condom. He began to rise and was stopped by her touch.
"There's a bin just on the other side of the nightstand."
Keaton sighed his thanks, uncoiled the condom from his cock and leaned in, holding to
the nightstand for support so that he could toss the soiled prophylactic in the trash. When he
turned back, it wasn't to fall asleep. Not yet. He wanted to bask in her afterglow or some shit.
The thought made him smile, but the cool fabric to his heated and depleted penis made him
"I don't like sleeping in wet spots," she said while wiping his cock with a dampened hand
towel. She turned to put it on the opposite nightstand.
"Let me do you," he said, reaching over her for the towel.

"Already done," she smiled and laid back. He followed, bringing the bed covers up and
over. "What?" she asked, when he continued to look at her.
"Having the towel and the trash-bin handy," he began. "Clever."
Lea gave him a look. "It's all about being prepared. That's all."
"So you knew you and I...last night...that we would?"
Lea shook her head. "No. I didn't expect you at all. You worked late remember? We
talked before you got off and this wasn't in the plan. That's the last I thought I'd hear from you
until you showed up last night," she shrugged.
They lay facing one another. His right arm rested at her waist and his left held his head in
check as he gazed down on her. Keaton felt both sleepy and awake, if that were possible.
Moreover he felt exhilarated beyond belief. He knew they'd crash soon. Good sex often brought
on mid-morning naps after mid-morning romps in the hay, as the saying goes.
Still, he sure could go for another round.
"I think I might be a little crazy about you," Keaton confessed aloud without thinking.
Her eyes grew wide for a brief second then relaxed again. Lea touched his chest, then ran her
hand along his collarbone to his shoulder.
"Just a little?" She asked, not looking up.
"A lot."
"A-ha," She glanced up, amusement in her eyes. "A lot, huh?"
"Okay." She nodded. "Okay."
Keaton waited a beat, expecting her to reply in kind or in similar kind but nothing came.
Instead, what he got was something else entirely.
"When you arrived here last night you started to tell me about your day," she held his
gaze, until he grew uncomfortable and looked away. "Is everything okay? Do you want to talk
about it now?"
"No." He said a little too quickly. She looked away, then turned away. He stopped her
mid-turn with a touch to her shoulder. "Yes. I mean, thank you for wanting to know, to help. It's
just family stuff and when I said I don't want to bring you down I meant it."
There was a moment of silence in which he realized how shitty he sounded.
"Oh...umm, okay then," she answered coolly, imparting a small smile he didn't believe.

He didnt take Lea for the clingy type. She was fiercely independent, so this affection, while nice
was different. It seemed different. She was on her side now. Keaton dropped to his back and
stared at the ceiling for two minutes before turning to her again. He touched her shoulder, pushed
her hair back so he could kiss her neck.
"My mom's back in town. Well I call her Janice, because she was never mom to me.
When she comes back there is always this period when I want her. I mean, like a son wants his
mother, you know? Then she loses interest in being mom and I'm left with nothing. What I mean
to say is we dont have the greatest relationship. Plus Danny's riding my jock for tuition for
classes I have to take again because I bought a fully decked out X-Terra instead of just driving
my dad's old Jeep, when I got his insurance money. I had to get a job so I can pay my brother
back. My other brother Josh, his wife I don't trust. She's loco and pregnant and I know if she
goes back to Carter it'll break Josh, like really break him worse than that one time before when
they first hooked up. I miss my brother Chris who lives in Indonesia. I miss my friends. I miss
my roommate back at campus whos really cool and I think you'd like him although he'd
probably try and steal you from me because when he wants to he can be pretty crafty. He says it's
because he was born with game whereas guys like me have to acquire it. What else? I really miss
my dad. It's been years and I still miss him." he paused, shocked that he confessed so much. Lea
turned around.
"How long has it been since he passed?" she asked. He answered.
"Four years. I don't talk about him much. I mean, lots of people lose someone close to
them, but not in such a fucked up way, you know?"
Lea frowned. "What do you mean, fucked up way?"
Keaton thought back to his father's murder and realized he'd said too much. He
practically told her everything in that one long ramble. Everything that is, except the one thing
that seemed to always be in the back of his mind, his brother's wife, Kay. He wasn't ready to tell
her about thatnot yet.
"Keaton? What happened to your father?"
"I'll tell you, I swear, just not now, I can't get into it now," he said while making a show
of yawning. "Can we nap for a bit and maybe after...we'll make love and order something, my
treat and then we'll talk. Really talk. I'll tell you all about my father."
He snaked his hand underneath the sheet and stroked then squeezed her backside. He

kissed her mouth, tonguing her slow and soft until she relaxed against him. Lea murmured her
acceptance and came into his arms. For the first time since his dad died and his world was turned
upside down, he felt at home. He slept in that bubble of contentment. It felt nice.

Chapter Fourteen
A vibration from somewhere near the end of the bed was the thing that woke him. Not the
loud, incessant noise of a lawnmower mowing its way past Lea's window. That alone wasn't
enough to wake him. His phone jumbled somewhere down deep in the folds of his pants, which
were layered beneath a discarded pair of underpants and his bright, red Target shirt. He'd put the
phone on vibrate at work where it had remained affixed to that particular programming since.
"Your phone, babe. Want me to answer?"
"I'll take that as a yes."
Lea drew away and he hugged the empty-mattress to hold on to her warmth.
Earlier, after having awesome mind-blowing sex, they fell asleep and woke again for
round two of awesome, mind-blowing sex, which was better than the first time. Maybe the
second time was better because it was slower-paced and Lea was in control. He lay on his back
while she rode him, forcing him to remain still even when his hands moved to touch her and his
hips uncharacteristically jutted upwards, thrusting hard, eagerly seeking.
"Hello?" He heard her answer. "Yeah, I'm Lea. Yes, we met before. Yeah, he's right here.
Hang on."
"Keaton," He felt a press of hard plastic against his ear. "It's your brother. I'm going to
make some coffee."
The phone slid from his ear as she slid from the bed. He reached out to grab her bare rearend but she side-stepped him, pointed to the phone and stole away to the bath.
Keaton watched the door, listened for the sound of the toilet, the sink, and the motor in
her toothbrush. She emerged from the bathroom dressed in a robe and gave him a quick wave as
Danny continued to yell in his ear.
"I'm sorry," Keaton groaned, rubbing his eyes. Danny went on about responsibility and
calling ahead and worrying and something about Kay. He yelled that Janice came by twice this

morning. Keaton tried to get a word in. "I was at Lea's."

"I know!" Danny yelled then coughed.
"I'm sorry." Keaton said, and meant it. He looked to his waist, the sheets gathered there
and beyond to where his legs poked from beneath the covers. He wiggled his toes. The ones on
the right caused him to wince. He came so hard he'd caught a muscle-cramp in the arch of his
right foot.
"I need you to call. That's all." Danny coughed again.
"You dont sound too good."
"I'm better. Thanks. Here's Kay."
"Hi Keaton. Since your brother can't speak, I'll finish for him. Like Danny said your
mother came by twice. She said something about you agreeing to move back in? She wants you
to call her as soon as possible."
Keaton glared at the doorknob. Lea had left the door open. He could hear her in the
kitchen; could also hear her cat, meowing.
"I'll call her. Later." He sat up. "Thanks."
"Sure. Goodbye."
"Bye, Kay."
She hung up. He let the phone drop to his lap, stared at it a full forty-two seconds before
looking again to the door, hearing the television in the living room join the other sounds coming
from that end of the apartment.
"Mom," he spoke into the phone. "You're not answering so I'm leaving a message. I'll
come by this evening around five. See you."
Keaton dropped the phone, once again to the bed and slid from the mattress, dragging a
bit of cover with him. He stopped short of getting tangled, stepped over his bundle of clothes and
went into the bath. Inside, he pissed, showered, all the while mulling over what to do about his
mother, and when to tell Lea about Kay.
The latter was the biggest worry.
Keaton looked down.

"Meow." The cat spoke again, licking its paws while its eyes focused on Keaton's move
across the room. He'd wrapped a towel around his waist, and wrapped another turban-style towel
around his head. Both were thick enough to thwart a claw-attack but his chest was exposed, as
were his legs. He looked for another robe. He searched the bed, the dresser, then the closet.
"A-ha," he spotted the robe, which hung from a hook on the back of the door. It was silk
and on his frame, came just above his knees but he wore it anyway and took the towel, swung it
about and twirled it until it coiled into a facsimile of rope. "Do not come for me, evil spawn of
Satan-kitty. I will end you."
Keaton snapped the towel once, then again and again, making sound effect noises as if
his standoff with the feline were a Kung-Fu movie. Sheba blinked then turned for the hall.
Keaton followed at a slow pace, determined to strike the cat if it jumped for him again. Already,
the scratches on his arm were only just beginning to heal.
"I don't do breakfast," Lea spoke from the table where she sat, laptop open, newspaper
open, coffee-mug in hand. "But I do coffee. Its there if you want some."
"If I want some," he smirked, glancing quickly over his shoulder again. Sheba was on the
back of the couch, cleaning himself and in effect ignoring Keaton altogether. Keaton dropped the
towel on the counter and sauntered over to where Lea sat reading, immersed in an article on line.
He bent and kissed her shoulder, then her neck to which she squealed and moved away. "I don't
drink coffee," he nipped lightly before stepping around the table.
"Fine." Coffee had spilled from the mug and onto the newspaper. "There's juice or soda
or water."
"Got milk?" he asked, then wiggled his eyebrows while glancing at her breasts. He'd been
behind her for most of the exchange. Her eyes grew round and she laughed upon seeing him
wearing her robe. Keaton opened her refrigerator and found milk. Happily and with ease akin to
that of a son rummaging through his mother's cabinets, he searched for cereal. On the third open,
he found a box of Wheaties. "Whole wheat. Do you have sugar?" he asked. Lea pointed to a
canister marked, Sugar.
"Oh. What about a bowl?" She pointed again. Keaton followed and set about fixing his
bowl. He stood for a moment, watching her read on the laptop. He chewed the flakes, crunching
noisily while savoring the sugary grain cut with ice-cold milk. He looked over to the counter at
his left and smiled.

"You don't mind me...getting in your cookies, do you?"

Lea glanced up then smiled and laughed once she saw his hand literally inside her cookie
"I know corny, right? Just want to make you laugh. These are good." Keaton gestured to
the bowl while taking a seat next to her. "What are you reading?"
"The news," she mused while scrolling.
"Anything interesting?"
"Not really."
He crunched away, eating the cereal until it was almost gone. Lea sipped her coffee,
scrolled, clicked, scrolled some more.
"I'm not bothering you, am I?"
Lea turned. "No. Why?"
Keaton shrugged. "I don't want to get in the way of your...reading. I don't wanna be
buggin', yo." He drained the bowl.
She gave him a look.
"Try lame."
"Word?" he grinned. She shook her head.
"Yes, word. Lame. Corny. All of it."
"But I'm still cute, right? He reached for her chair at the back and the base of the seat. He
leaned her chair to the side towards him. She laughed, then yelled his name when her coffee
splashed too close to the computer. "Oops. My bad."
"Would you stop?"
Keaton set her back. "Stop what?"
"Upsetting my coffee...and me."
Keaton frowned, then reached for her again, this time taking her and not the chair but
only once he saw she'd set the mug on the table.
"I upset you?"
It was awkward for a second, but he managed to make it work. He pulled her from her
chair into his lap. She sat one leg on, one leg off, robe open with a fair amount of chest on

"My coffee," she corrected with a nod in its direction. He pulled her closer to keep her
from sliding, then pressed a kiss to the inside of her neck when she put her arms around him.
"And me when I'm drinking my coffee. You made me spill it."
"It almost got on my computer."
"Sorry," he pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
"No you're not."
"No, I'm not." He found her mouth and tasted her. She was bitter, yet sweet like the
coffee he knew flavored her mug. He moved his right hand to her leg, found the inside and
moved it along her thigh. Just before he could touch, she stopped the kiss and drew back.
"I can't."
"Can't what?" He stared at her mouth, hand, fingers still searching, though she pushed
him away.
"I've got to study."
Her tone, he didn't like. Keaton looked into her face, her eyes.
"It's my day off," she went on to explain. "I study for the GRE in my free time."
Frowning. "Okay. But...all day?" he groaned, and reached for her again as she moved
from his lap back to her chair, drawing the tie on her robe into a knot. He swallowed, throat
suddenly dry.
"I've been in bed with you most of the day, Keat. I have to get some study-time in. You
understand, don't you?" Lea gave him a pleading look, then bent forward and gave him a quick
kiss before drawing away again to the laptop screen with its daily news bulletins.
"You're kicking me out?"
"No," she answered, gaze focused on the webpage. "I mean, yes, I suppose. Don't you
want to go home? Your said something about meeting her last night."
Did she just say that? He told her how screwed up he was because of Janice, and she
dismisses it? Keaton said nothing. He didn't look up until she looked at him, noticing the pause.
He smiled briefly. "You're right. I should go...see my mom."
"Yeah," Lea touched his arm. "Go see your mom. Talk to her. I think it'll be good for
both of you," she smiled then looked again to the website.
How the fuck would she know? Janice was a viper, so was his brother's wife Marcela,

and Kay with her convenient amnesia. Women. Keaton never met one that didn't eventually
make him feel like shit.
Keaton imagined taking the computer and throwing it through the window. He imagined
also taking the newspaper, the study guide, the damned coffee mug, all of it he imagined
chucking out the window. His hurt subsided, just a bit, but he still felt wounds opening over her
rejection. Wait is it rejection if she just wants to study for school? Keaton squeezed his eyes shut
realizing how far gone he was.
"You're right." He nodded, agreeing. She nodded too, but her fingers clicked away as she
logged into her MySpace account completely dismissing him. If she was into MySpace why
hadn't she friended him yet? Did she even do a search for him? Now he was jealous of
MySpace? Fuck this. "I should...go."
Keaton rose and waited for her to look up again, but she didn't. He cursed, swore and
would've kicked Sheba had the cat come within a few more inches of him. Instead, he burped
silently and shuffled down the hall.
"You can call me later," Lea called from behind and it grated his nerve. He didn't answer.
He stood at the foot of her bed and stripped, taking care in handling her robe. He set it back on
its hook and closed the closet door. As he dressed, he imagined her changing her mind and
asking him to stay. Running into the room wanting to know if he'd come back later so she could
cook for him again. Maybe even telling him how much she enjoyed this mornings loving and
can't wait for more. She did none of that.
"Did you hear me, Keaton?" she asked him as he came up the hall.
"What?" he answered voice flat and void of the giddy emotion he felt when teasing her
only moments earlier.
"Call me," she smiled, making the sign of a phone receiver by holding her hand to her
ear, with thumb and pinky finger extended.
"Sure," he said, stopping once she rose on her toes to give him a kiss. She tasted
differentbitter and less sweet. Maybe she'd drank some water to wash the coffee from her
mouth. Or maybe he was imagining all the sweetness he tasted on her lips before.
Lea touched his face. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He shook his head, then bent to kiss her again. "I'll...uh, call...later, okay?"
"I'll be waiting." She sang from behind as he walked to the door. He opened it wide,

greeted by the smell of fresh-cut grass and smoke. Disillusioned and a bit angry, he kept his head
low, hoping she wouldn't read too much more into his eyes. He glanced to the patio next door. A
fat, bald guy stood at a smoking grill. He saw Keaton standing with Lea.
"Hey, Bob," she spoke. He grunted a reply then gave them a view of his hairy back. It
was very "Goodbye, you." He turned away, wanting to be away from her, literally pouting like a
two year old. She grabbed his arm, and he was forced to turn. She reached up and pulled him
down by his collar and kissed his cheek, her hand finding its place on the back of his head.
Funny but it was the kiss he needed. All of his frustration melted from that simple gesture, and
was replaced by a pang of guilt for projecting his bullshit on her. She was Lea. The prize, the
only girl, woman, female, he could see himself withforever.
"Bye Lea."
"Bye Keat."
Keaton was walking across the grass, ignoring the safety of the sidewalk when his phone
rang again. He looked to the display, saw his mother's number and reluctantly answered. He
spoke to her in stilted tones and monosyllabic words while maneuvering his vehicle from the
parking lot and into traffic. He was halfway to his mother's house before realizing it. He'd let her
chatter away, talking about Fiji and the Solomon Islands, and Chris who was doing so well
helping 'that poor girl with her charity work'. Keaton held the phone and let it speak to him. After
arriving at his mother's house, he sat across from her at the kitchen table and listened to more of
her chatter.
"So as I was saying yesterday, I'm home, for now. No, for a while and there's just no
reason for me to live in this big ole house all alone. You need a mother. It's what you always
said, what your brother's always say"
"I needed a mother two years ago. I'm almost twenty, Janice."
She ignored his comment. "And you got your mommy back. Plus this house is too big,
you can have the run of it."
"If it's so big, downsize," he said, while absentmindedly folding one corner piece of a toss
pillow over the other.
"I can't part with this house. Your father built it...or had it built. You and your brothers
were raised here. This house should always stay in the family, which brings me to something else
I said yesterday."

Keaton wondered again about his dad and his two lives, his two women. Why any man
would want to juggle two families confounded him. He forced himself to stay in the conversation
with Janice so it could near its conclusion. "I go back to State in the Fall," he pre-empted her
strike. He'd subconsciously prepared for this on his drive over.
"I will pay for your schooling," Janice butted into his thoughts. "I know your brother is
holding tuition over you."
"Danny isn't holding anything over me," he snapped.
"I know Daniel is your legal guardian, but you're nineteen, like you said, so you don't
need a guardian do you? Except the trust put him in charge until your twenty-first birthday."
"And why is that?" He sat up. "Hmm? How is it that my half-brother became my
guardian when I was just a junior in high school and Dad's trust is in his name?"
"Keaton," Janice looked down. Her fingers attached to some imaginary thread at the hem
of her skirt. "When your father died it was a rough time for me."
"It was a rough time for all of us."
She met his gaze. He could feel himself grow angry, but did his best to temper it by
thinking of Lea, and attempting to find the train of thought he had after his mother offered to pay
for school. If he stayed here, let her pay, he could stay close to Lea. Screw school, Lea's more
important. Wait, but she's studying for the GRE. What if she leaves me first?
"Well, I couldn't...I couldn't be here," Janice stressed. "Everything was a reminder of
Andrew. I had to leave. Danny's a good person, I suppose. He's a good brother, I mean halfbrother. Very responsible. I knew he'd take care of you."
Keaton ran a hand through his hair, pulled at the strands, and closed his eyes in
remembrance. Danny was just back from his stint in the Marines when their dad died. He'd
moved into the lake house and got a job working for the Forestry department. Josh had been
working for Grayson, Inc. as an engineer for a little over a year, and he'd been busy pining over
Marcela. Actually Josh and Marcela were sleeping together behind her crazy abusive husband
Carter's back. Then there was Chris, the brother he was closest to, he had moved away to Dallas
the previous year. Keaton was the only son in school, left at home with a mother who cared more
about pleasing his father than raising him. Andrew died, and the family mourned. Janice took off
for Norway with a local travel group and her yoga instructor. Did she sit him down, like she's
doing today, and talk to him about it? Nope. She went to Danny and signed over guardianship, as

if Keaton was some commodity to be traded. Danny gave her money from the trust, despite his
own mother's protests, and Janice was in the wind. How could a mother leave her son when he
needed her the most? He was so attention starved and disillusioned he rebelled, and he continued
to rebel for months, with Danny on his heels. Until his seventeenth birthday when he first saw
Kay at a party, and made a drunken pass at her. She was so different than the girls he knew. Very
different than Janice, and he was sure his mother would hate her on sight. Kay for whatever
reason, kissed him too, and let him feel her tits and ass while sharing a beer and one dance. He
thought they had a connection. Until the next day when he tried to call her and she said she was
drunk, barely remembered him, and to have a nice life. They had a mutual friend, so he tracked
her down. Started showing up everywhere she was. The police would later call it stalking. Danny
got involved, and guess what? They fell in love. Got married. Now he's the one with the fucking
"Why are you here?" Keaton turned and looked at his mother, refusing to dwell on
anymore of his past mistakesnamely Kay. "Really? Why? Are you out of money?"
Janice gasped.
"No really, Mom, if that's the case, then say so. I-I don't have any money. The trust gave
me one payouttwenty grand for tuition. I bought a truck with it instead. Danny has all the
money. I'm sure Chris and Josh, they could help you out."
"No, that's not it, Keaton. I got my share of money from the trust."
"Or you could sell this house! Just sell it! Shit," he yelled, rising from the table.
"Don't curse at me! Sit down." She jerked on his wrist. He'd plopped down. "I dont want
to sell the house. I don't want to downsize. I'm not broke. I just...I just realize...I felt that it was
time for me to come home to you."
Keaton rose again, making excuses to leave. Suddenly he felt claustrophobic, crowded.
His head hurt and he was tired. Soul weary. Janice did that to him, she drained his soul.
"I don't want you angry with me anymore. I know how bad things got. I know about the
incident with Kay."
Keatons eyes shot up. After all this time it never came up between them. No one ever
really talked about what he did to Kay. How obsessed he got. How he spent six months in
therapy to reassure his brothers he wasn't some wacko.
"You know it's my fault. You were in crisis. You lost your dad and I left you. You started

drinking and running with those thugs. I know all about it. You were barely eighteen, and your
brothers had to keep you together. That's my fault."
Keaton looked to his mother. She'd pressed a hand to her mouth, biting her fingernails.
He watched her chew the long, acrylic things before drawing her hand away.
"I'm not...mad with you or at you. Kay was my mistake. I'm over it. We live in the same
house and get along fine. I was stupid and a kid. I'm a man now and I don't need my mommy."
"Then what was all of that?"
"The anger, in your tone. Evidently we need to work something out Keaton."
"Jesus, Mom. It's not...that's not it."
"It is. You don't want me. I embarrass you and can't stand me. None of you can.
I see it. Danny and his precious Kay," she snarled then whined and wept. "Josh and that...that
"Her name is Marcela," Keaton took his mother's other hand and pressed both into her
lap. This is what Janice did. Pretended at niceties then when it didn't work, she blamed the world.
He was beginning to see some of her irrational thinking in his obsessive behavior.
"Please consider it," she whispered, when he rose to leave. "Promise me? I'll cover your
tuition. I'll even get you a new truck if you want," she glanced to the window, to his vehicle in
the drive.
"So you'd bribe me to stay?" he concluded. "I gotta go."
"It's not a bribe! It's an incentive!" Janice yelled from behind. "Keaton, wait."
Keaton was at the door, hand on the knob. He stopped and turned and waited.
"I just want some company. No, that's not it, I w-w-want you, please son. We can catch
up and... you and I can get along. We did before, remember?"
Keaton didn't remember. All he remembered of Janice was what he saw before him. Still,
he smiled anyway, suddenly too weary to continue. He thought of Lea again and felt doublydepressed at not being able to be with her again today...tonight.
"I'll think about it."
Janice smiled through her tears. "You will?" He nodded. "Good. Good. I'll get your room
ready that is, unless you want Josh's old room? It's bigger and closer to mine." She smiled and he
felt a chill in her smile.

"I said I'd think about it. I have to go."

"Please call me later. Or answer when I call you. I want to say goodnight to you, tuck you
in. And tell your brother to answer his calls, too."
Now he knew she was off her meds. He was a grown man and she wanted to tuck him in?
"Which one? Brother I mean?" he asked over his shoulder, having traipsed down the
walkway to the drive.
"Josh. I tried him earlier and he didn't answer, either."
"Fine. I'll tell him." He hopped into his vehicle. Janice waved and blew kisses as he
backed out. Finally he could breathe.

Once home, he was greeted by a not so happy Danny. He had to again apologize for his
thoughtlessness. Finally after the tirade he asked the question Keaton dreaded: "What did Janice
He hesitated to share the odd conversation. She was his mother after all, and he just hated
talking about her being nutty. Maybe because after the Kay incident they all had thought he too
waslike Janicenutty. Counseling and college had supposedly cured him. Danny sat there
staring through him, reading his thoughts. So he told him everything about his mother's kooky
"So what do you think?" he asked, scratching his eyebrow with his thumb. Danny was on
the couch, covered up with a bottle of water in one hand and the remote to the Wii game in the
"Sounds like a sweet deal," Danny said. "Which coming from Janice," he shook his head.
"What?" Keaton prompted.
"You want to go back to State, don't you?" Danny glanced, then focused again on the
"Yes. No. Maybe." He thought of Lea. "Maybe. I mean, I don't know. I don'," he
grumbled, finding his index finger in his mouth. He bit at the nail, recalled his mother having
done the same and forced himself to stop by sitting on his hand. "I think if I stay here...Lea's yeah, I might stay."
Danny paused the game, turned in the couch and looked at him.
"Did you hit that?" Danny asked. Keaton grinned then nodded eagerly, recalling having

'hit that' a couple of times. He was drawn from his reverie when the remote to the Wii clocked
his forehead. "Never ever respond to that question. I thought you said you respected her."
Confused, Keaton rubbed the spot on his head. "What did you hit me for?"
"It's juvenile to discuss your sex life in detail Keaton. When you care about a woman,
you sure as hell don't tell another man you 'hit it'."
"You asked me first!"
"Never kiss and tell. Not to me or to Josh or Chris or your friends. It's fucking stupid.
Nobody wants to imagine you having sex, least of all, your brothers and I."
"Danny. You started it! You asked me a question."
"I'm trying to teach you a lesson," Danny stressed. "Now pass me that remote."
Keaton was sick of being treated like a kid. He was nineteen. His mother wanted him on
her tit, and his brother kept acting like he was three. It was making him insane. He tossed the
remote back. His sick brother continued his game. Keaton watched the action for a while then
rose and stormed off.
He passed the kitchen. Kay was had gone back to work which left Danny at home sick
"Keat?" Danny gruffed, pausing the game, just as Keaton walked past and made his way
to the hall and his bedroom. He stopped and turned. "You should consider Janice's offer, the
tuition part, definitely."
Keaton glanced to the kitchen then back again. "Why? Because you want me out of you
and Kay's love-nest? You going to push me on Janice of all people?"
Danny rolled his eyes and passed a hand over his face. "No. I love having you
here...when you're here. I love it when you call and let me know when you won't be here. I'm
looking at this from a financial standpoint, bro. You let Janice pay for your degree, you get to
have the money Dad left sooner rather than later."
Keaton perked.
"But only after you've finished." Danny tagged on. "You'll have something to start out
with when it's time for you to find your own place. Besides, Janice is...well you always were her
favorite and she's a bit of a schizoid so having you there will keep line."
Keaton sighed.
"And," Danny continued, even after Keaton turned away. "Your lady friend lives here so

you won't have to worry about long distancing your...relationship or whatever."

Keaton stopped at his door and thumbed the lock. "She might go away," he spoke more to
himself than to Danny though his brother still replied.
"'ll cross that bridge when you come to it. At least now you know what you can
do to umm, preserve what you've started with her...the woman."
"Her name's Lea."
Keaton glanced down the hall. Danny lifted a hand and dropped it to the couch then
turned back to the television.
"Thanks," Keaton called.
"You're welcome." Danny called back.
Keaton went inside the room and fell over the bed. The smell of food wafted underneath
his door and into his room. The digital display on the clock glowed 6:58 p.m.
Earlier he'd changed, put on board shorts and a t-shirt with the intent of skiing before the
day was done. But the Jet Skis only reminded him of his offer to take Lea out on the lake, which
in turn reminded him of her all but pushing him out of her home so she could study. It wasn't
altogether unreasonable. He did have that issue with obsessing. Funny, not with any girl, but
with the one he believed to be his girl. Maybe that's why he secretly struggled with Kay and
Danny. He did think she was his at one pointcrazy or not.
Time apart, space, all ironically enough, were the things that kept relationships from
falling apart. Still, he wanted so badly to be with her again. He liked watching her as she spoke.
He liked listening to her, smelling her, touching her, kissing her, everything.
"What's this?" He asked, standing over the dining table where food was laid out.
"It's food." Danny tossed from the couch. Kay sat next to him, head tilted to her shoulder
with her cell phone in between.
"I see that," Keaton grumbled, scratching his head. He yawned, decided on which batch
of stir-fry was most appealing and scooped from the one that wasn't.
"Hi, Kay," he spoke with a mouthful of noodles. He took his earlier seat in the chair by
the couch nearest Danny, and nodded a greeting to his sister-in-law. She looked to him, said
something into the line, un-tilted her head and let the phone drop to the cushion beside her.
"Hi, Keat. Is there something you want to talk about?"

Keaton shoveled another mouthful of teriyaki-laced chicken into his mouth. He thought
of Lea and of Danny's earlier advice about kissing and telling. He thought of his mother and their
visit and suspected that Danny would've told her about that already.
"No," he answered warily, setting the plate on table. He reached for the beer, which was a
little too warm for his tastes, but whatever. She'd probably brought that in from the store, too.
"Marcie says that Josh said, that Major said, that you and a certain someone had a bit of a
run-in yesterday at the shop?"
Christ, he forgot. He glanced to Danny who looked to him for an answer. "Nope. I got
nothing." He feigned ignorance took a drink of the beer and set it on the table, retrieving his plate
"What'd you do, Keat?" Danny asked. "It's okay. I won't get mad. Is it the Ski?"
"It's not the Ski," Kay sighed. Keaton glared. Why she would want to bring his skirmish
with Carter up, he didn't know. Maybe she was still pissed at him for what he'd said a week ago.
Or maybe she was still pissed just because eventually they all got pissed with him at some point.
Ah, women. Jesus!
"Carter and I shared a few words." Keaton mumbled.
"You what?"
"Danny, let him speak." Kay interrupted. "Go on."
"Carter called Marcela out of her name." He glanced to Danny. "But like in a bad way, so
I gave him a knuckle-sandwich." He smirked. "And I'd do it again if given the chance." He drew
his feet up into the chair and leveled his plate in his hands and lap. "Is that what you were going
to say, Kay?"
She uncrossed her arms from her chest. She looked to Danny then back to Keaton and
slowly smiled. "Yes."
"Keaton stood up for Marcie. How sweet. But seriously, scrapping in a parking lot over don't want trouble with Carter, Keaton. Trust me," Kay said.
"He started it!"
"Doesn't matter," Danny said then looked to Kay. "What are you not saying?"
"Marcie's cousin works at the sheriff's department. Guess who's the new junior deputy on
a fast-track to sheriff-ville?" Kay gathered up a bundle of noodles and slurped them while both

Keaton and Danny stared, dumbfounded.

"He what?" Danny and Keaton asked simultaneously.
"He's 'the law'," Kay made air-quotes before reaching for her beer. "So no more 'wordexchanges', okay?"
She looked worried. He nodded, as he found he couldn't speak right away. Things were
just getting better and better.
"As long as he stays away from me." He finally found himself saying. Danny and Kay
carried on as if he weren't there. His threat, his promise went unnoticed. Carter Gray was the jerk
of all jerks and an accomplice, in theory, to what happened to his father.
Keaton finished his food and went back for another helping. Kay and Danny continued
being a couple, so he decided to finish up in his room. As he walked past them on the couch, the
doorbell rang. Neither of them moved, or ceased from talking and play fighting, or whatever they
were doing so he stopped, set his plate on the table and walked to the door.
"Lea?" Surprised, shocked, pleased, Keaton grinned like a three-year old chasing a red
"Forget something?" She held up his wallet in her hand. He stared. Looked from it to her
and back again.
"I didnt leave that on purpose. I swear," he reached out and took it.
"I'm serious." He was, and now that he thought of it, he'd remember for next time. "How's
the...the studying going?"
"Interrupted because I had to make a delivery," she said, expression blank, but then she
smiled and peeped inside. "Invite me in?" she perked.
"Certainly," he grinned and stepped back. "What are you, a vampire now? Mi casa es su
"But it's not really your home," she stressed, whispering as she nodded to Danny and Kay
on the couch. They greeted one another. Kay seemed especially happy to see Lea and went about
engaging her in conversation to the point that Keaton had to interrupt.
"Wanna go in my room?" he asked, blushing slightly. "We were just eating. Are you
hungry? There's kung-pao and sweet-teriyaki and"
Lea touched his stomach then slipped a finger in the waistband of his shorts. She lifted

the fabric and let it pop back into place. "Not hungry," she said. "For food," she implied. To be
honest, looking back he realized he couldn't quite see straight. Suddenly there were two of her
and everything was coated in red and her touch made it worse.
"Ah, yeah. Okay. Well, I was about to finish up. Come sit with me...while I...umm, eat
this stuff." He gestured to the hall. She winked and turned, walking down the hall, as he
followed, blindly, obediently, and oh so willingly.
"There's no sex in the champagne room!" Danny yelled before Keaton could close the
door. Lea was already at his bed. She laughed upon hearing.
"Well, at least he acknowledges it's a champagne room. Does he really mean no sex?" she
whispered, pointing to the wall, in the direction of the living room. "Really? I bet you have to
listen to them boink all the time."
Keaton bristled. Almost dropped his plate, but managed to set it on the nightstand. "I
think I love you," he wanted to say, but instead he said, "You're so awesome." She shot up and
dragged him to the bed, laughed into his mouth and sighed deep when he slowed the kiss.
"You taste good," she said, touching his hair again. Already his toes curled and the throb
of pain persisted.
"So do you." He continued kissing her.
"That was a really smooth move, leaving the wallet."
"Smooth move? I told you, I forgot...I swear. I didnt even notice it was gone until now."
Keaton hooked a foot around her ankle, which caused her to fall back on the bed. He
eyed her skirt and the leggings and cursed all barriers in between.
"Just admit you missed me," he said, kicking her legs apart. Keaton dropped down and
settled over her, planting kisses in her neck and chest and breasts. He pulled her t-shirt down and
over, revealing the first dark nipple, then the next. She moaned when he took one into his mouth,
then tightened her legs against his sides. He thrust up, rubbing his cock against her. "Yeah. I
knew you would. Serves you right kicking me out the way you did."
"C'mon, I had to study." She objected.
"You were reading a freakin' newspaper online. That's not studying."
Keaton was busy with her leggings, with pulling them down and off. He cursed when he
saw panties. He looked up and met her gaze.
"I was about to study."

"Oh yeah?" He challenged, victorious as he pulled the leggings to her ankles. Next he
went to her panties.
"Yes," she kicked at him. He ducked, dodged, gripped her panty loop, and slid those
down as well.
"So how much did you get done?" he asked, reaching across her to the nightstand.
"Only a little."
"Yeah? 'Coz you were thinking of me, right?" He tore the condom packet open with his
teeth. He hadn't bothered stripping her completely. There wasn't time.
She made a noise, "Whatever."
"Yeah," he nodded, then slipped the condom onto his cock. He grabbed her by the ankles
and pulled her to the edge of the bed. "You missed me, just admit it." He pushed the skirt up to
her waist and positioned himself. Slowly he pressed his way inside, watching her expression
change from bored and seemingly disinterested, to not bored and very interested. She was tight,
hot and wet.
"Admit it and I'll make your punishment an easy one."
"Shut up."
Keaton delivered steady thrusts that drew her breath in shortened gasps and her body up,
so that she rested on her elbows. Lea dropped her head back and to the side. He gripped her
waist, both sides and pulled her closer so that although his thrusts were shorter they were
effective in hitting just the right spot.
"Oh Keat."
Keaton covered her mouth, laughing. "Shh, we gotta keep it low or they'll give me hell
for this in the morning." He began thrusting again. "Here, hold on to me." She did. He slid them
down to the floor. "Sorry, in advance for the rug burn," he said before kissing her. She nodded as
he began fucking her again. They were on a small area rug that jutted them forward with each
thrust, pushing them on to the hardwood. He'd settled her there, so that her bum rested. He
apologized again between thrusts. Hardwood flooring isn't called hard wood for no reason.
He paused to give her kisses. Lea tightened her legs and squeezed him to begin again. He
continued with a slow pace and a fast pace that made him dizzy and delirious. She felt so good
he didnt want to stop. He didn't want it to end and when she gripped his head, his toes curled.
"Ughhh fuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkk, Lea." It happened too soon. He jerked once and

again. "Oh God, Lea, I'm sorry," he whispered an apology, even as his body continued to spasm.
He felt his dick grow soft and the condom grow heavy. "Shit!"
"It's okay," she touched his hair again. He reached and pulled her hand away. She
"That's what...don't do that unless you want me to...lose...control." He rose above her on
his hands. "It drives me crazy."
"That's your spot, huh?" She shifted beneath him. He stalled without answering and
pulled out.
"Get on the bed," he sat back on his knees, hand to his dick.
"Why?" She teased, opening and closing her legs as he rose, yet holding himself.
"Just get on the bed."
"It's okay, Keaton. You don't have to"
"Keaton," she rolled forward to her knees, stopping to glance at him. He flushed,
embarrassed that he came so quickly. He would make up for it.
Lea crawled on the bed and waited for him to dispose of the condom. He hadn't taken off
his shorts completely so he pulled them up again and touched her legs. She moved to the end of
the bed. He opened her legs and knelt in between, first observing the mess he made, but not
really since he wore the condom. He imagined how it would be when they sexed with nothing
between them. The thought made the main artery in his dick pulse. He moaned, gripped her
thighs and set about making her feel good, for making him feel bad about kicking him out
"I should go."
"You should stay."
She did.
Keaton continued to reward her with his tongue until her thighs quivered and her ass
bounced on the mattress. Sometime later, they both lay on his bed, in the dark with nothing but
cool air and the smell of sweet teriyaki, body sweat and cum between them. He kissed her nose,
then dipped down to take her mouth, and journeyed further to force a nipple from the confines of
her shirt.
"I can't stay. I have work tomorrow."

"Me too."
"In the morning." Kay reminded.
"Me too."
"No you don't," she hit him on the shoulder. He lifted, covered her nipple again and lay
back on the bed, letting the air chill the space between them.
"They already know," he spoke of Danny and Kay.
"They do. I know my brother. I know how he thinks. Or how he thinks I think. He thinks
he knows me."
"And you say otherwise?"
"Yeah. I'm different than he thinks," he looked down at her. The light from the XBOX
console and the alarm clock gave just enough illumination so that he could make out her face in
the darkness. "Hey, I wanted to ask you something."
"Yeah?" She rose, looking for the lamplight at the bedside. Finding it, she set about
searching for her clothes.
"When's this test you have to take?" He watched her dress. First the panties, then the
leggings, then the shoes, and his girl was dressed way too fast.
"I can take it next month or in two months...just whenever I'm ready. Why?" She looked
at him. "You want to help me study?"
"Maybe," he said and closed his eyes when she kissed his forehead.
"C'mon. Walk me out. Let's make this look as presentable as we can."
"Pish, they know. I told you, they dont care."
Keaton followed her to his bedroom door, stopped her from exiting first, then peeped into
the hall. There was a light on in the kitchen. He listened for the television and heard the one in
Danny's bedroom and not the one in the living room.
"See? They're asleep. No walk of shame needed. Stay, Lea."
Lea ignored him and walked to the door. He followed her outside to her car and saw her
"Thanks for bringing my wallet."
Lea smiled and leaned forward to give him another kiss.
"Thanks for leaving it," she grinned, then shifted the car into reverse and backed out.

Keaton was left standing in the drive, hands raised, hair a mess, his full appearance was
downright disheveled.
"But I didn't leave it on purpose. I swear," he spoke to the cloud of dust and exhaust
where her car had once been. At the risk of being eaten alive by mosquitoes, he walked back
inside, locked up, took a piss, closed the door to his room and with the scent of her fresh in his
nostrils and on his sheets, he fell asleep.

Chapter Fifteen
At too early an hour a ruckus erupted that woke him from his sleep. It wasn't the usual
upset of hearing Danny and Kay getting ready for work; laughing, talking, sexing. Those were
the days he both enjoyed and hated. This morning wasn't the case for any of those things. Instead
there was a rush of yells, slamming of closet-doors and dresser-drawers, feet shuffling back and
forth from hardwood to carpet and back again. Then in joining with the rest, a loud knock at his
door followed by a swift open, then click of the overhead light. It ended with a rousing shout,
"Get up."
Well, maybe not so much a shout as a firmly-given order, complete with a bone-gripping
shake of his right shoulder.
Sleep had been too good, too restful, too deep and it was a shame to leave that place so
soon. He wasn't due to work until later in the day and hadn't planned on leaving his bed or the
dark confines of his bedroom except maybe for a piss and a shake, until mid-morning. Sex with
Lea had been both intoxicating and tiring, in a good way, even though the session was shortlived. Afterwards they had lain together, recuperating, talking, laughing, until finally she left him
alone. Again.
"Marcie's at the hospital."
"She's in labor, you idiot. Get up." Danny glowered then pulled the bedcovers from the
bed, comforter first, blanket second, sheet third. Keaton shivered at the cold. "Get dressed."
"What time is it?" Keaton rose, and with half-closed eyes, tried to focus enough on the
digital clock display.
"You've got five minutes." Danny turned and walked back into the hall.
Keaton groaned and reached for the covers, determined to go back to sleep. But Danny,
as if anticipating his move, came back, and pulled the covers completely off the bed.
"Five minutes."
Keaton let loose a litany of curses and continued to swear under his breath as he pulled
on jeans, a hat and t-shirt. He sunk his toes into a pair of canvas sneakers, no socks and sulked

upon getting in the back seat of Kay's car. He donned a pair of sunglasses, pulled his cap low
onto his head covering his face, and dozed. He didn't wake until they were in the hospital's
parking lot. Inside, his mother waited with Josh who waited with Marcela's family.
His mother accosted him with kisses and hugs. She sat next to him; chatting about
nothing and everything, not at all affected by his want and desire to go back to sleep, evidenced
by the constant turning about in the hard plastic chair.
"Your brother called. We got disconnected, but he'll call again. He and Zora took a trip to
New Zealand. That's where they are now. New Zealand is such a beautiful country. I've only
been there once...just after your father died. I should have taken you with me Keat. You would
have loved it."
"Yes, dear?"
"Two things: One, I'm trying to sleep. Two, Chris's girlfriend, her name is Zoe not Zora."
"Zoe, Zora, Zoe," Janice dismissed him with a wave. "I don't even believe Zoe is her real
name. I get the feeling she changed it. You know how gypsies are."
"Gypsies," he blinked. "Gypsies?"
Janice reached for him, hand outstretched to his face. He didn't pull away in time. Her
thumb touched the side of his mouth, pressing, rubbing.
"Stop," he batted her hand away.
"Well you've got something there."
"I didn't have time to shower. Would you quit it, already?"
She pawed at him playfully, swiping again, but he ducked, then shifted one seat down,
away from her. Luckily her phone rang. She answered, mouthed the word 'Chris' then stood to
walk down the hall to the nurse's station. He was able to get comfortable again and was near
sleep when Danny plopped down beside him, followed by Kay.
He felt a bump to his leg, opened one eye and peered at his brother.
"You should call your job."
"Tell them you won't be in."
Danny blinked twice. His gaze shifted to the hall past the nurse's station where double-

doors led to inner chambers, most likely birthing rooms where women, like his sister-in-law,
were pushing small people out of their bodies.
"Just call em." Danny looked at him again. "Support your brother by being here."
Keaton frowned. "But Chris isn't here."
Danny blinked, saying nothing. They both turned when a woman, Marcela's sister, niece,
or cousin sat next to Kay. They were laughing about something. Everyone was speaking in
Spanish. Keaton had no idea Kay was bilingual. He thought of Lea. He wouldn't see her if he
didn't go to work. What he thought was supposed to be a morning shift was more like a midshift. Lea had the early morning schedule. They'd only work together for a couple of hours, if
"Look, she could be in there all day, which means Josh'll be here all day, which means
we'll be here with Josh, with...Marcela, all day. As long as it takes. That's what family does, bro.
So call your boss."
"Lea." Keaton injected.
Danny frowned.
"She's my boss?"
"Yeah. Okay, so call your boss' and tell her you need the day off."
"She's my girlfriend, too." Keaton mumbled, using the tip of one foot to scratch a spot on
the ankle of the other.
"Whatever," Danny threw up his hands and stood. "I need coffee." He turned to Kay.
"You want some, babe?"
"Yes, please."
Keaton watched Danny motion the same to the other woman. She declined with a wave
of her hand and shake of her head. Danny walked away. Keaton looked at the woman and tried to
see Marcela in her features. She caught him staring and smiled, then whispered something to
Kay, pointing.
"I lost him again. I tell you, the reception in this place."
Janice sat next to him again, holding her cell phone, pressing buttons on the display.
"Maybe it's the reception where he is," he offered, scratching his head underneath the
cap. His mom gave him a confused look. "Jesus. I gotta make a call." He stood, pulled his phone
from his pocket and searched the area for the entrance or exit. He'd forgotten how they came in.

"A call to whom?" His mother yelled after him.

"Lea." He tossed over his shoulder, just as a set of double doors slid opened and closed
again. "My boss."
With the phone pressed to his ear, he listened for the ring, for the automated teller listing
extensions and departments, how to apply for a credit card, and where to call for comments and
complaints. Finally he was connected to Electronics and instead of Lea's sweet voice he got
Pinto's nasally greeting.
"Lea, please?" He paced the sidewalk under the overhang to the entrance.
"Excuse me?"
"This is Keaton Dumas. Connect me with Lea."
"Oh, Dumas, yessss, you're my wingman today. Sales are predicted at seventy-five which
"Where's Lea?"
"She's not here."
"What do you mean, she's not here."
"She's in a meeting."
Great. He kicked a rock into the hedge-bed against the wall of the hospital. He walked
further down the sidewalk to another rock waiting to be kicked.
"I can't work today."
"Excuse me?"
"Are you deaf? I said I can't work today."
"And your reason?"
"Family stuff. Look, just have her call me when she's out."
"Call...Dumas." Keaton listened as Pinto recited. "Number?"
"She has it."
"Oh. Ohhhh?"
Keaton didn't bother responding. Clicking the off button, he disconnected the call, shoved
his phone back into his pocket and traipsed his way inside again. Keaton ventured into the
restroom, relieved himself, washed his hands and face and wished again he were at home. He
thought of Lea and her meetings, her work, her studies. Thought of home and how his mother's
place, were he to accept her offer, could be home. It would be to his benefit to live rent-free with

tuition paid. It would help him to stay in town, near Lea. He could ignore Janices crazy for now.
It was a perfect set-up. Besides, Danny and Kay had put up with his crap long enough. There was
just one problemhis new girlfriend. When Janice met Lea he was certain there would be an
issue. Janice with her questionable bias toward the ladies in their lives, Kay, Marcela, Zoe and
now Lea. For sure, meeting Lea would prompt her to have something offensive to say.
"Geez, no."
Keaton brushed his hair back, fixed his hat, hung his sunglasses in the collar of his shirt
and made his way back out to the waiting area. Everyone was there, Marcela's family included. It
seemed more had shown as family now completely filled the space, more so than earlier. Janice
waved, having saved a seat for him by the window. There was a table separating the two chairs
from the others along the wall. Danny and Kay occupied the first, then Marcela's cousin and the
rest of the family took up the other seats across the way.
"There's so many of them." Janice mumbled, her nose pinched into a frown.
"Jesus Christ, Mom, quiet." Keaton said.
"Do you hear what you're saying?"
"Yes." Janice motioned to the family with a lift of her hand. "There's a lot of kids, too.
How many siblings does she have? Which one is the mother?"
"She's probably in the delivery room with Marcela and Josh."
"How many are grandchildren?" Janice turned. "I'm going to be a grandmother. I don't
know how to feel about it. The baby is mixed. How do I be a grandmother to a mix-breed child?"
Keaton ground his teeth. "How about just feel happy for a healthy baby?" Keaton crossed
his arms over his chest and tilted his head back and away from his mother's lingering gaze.
"I suppose I'm happy...for your brother, I guess. I wish your father were here. We were
supposed to grow old together. Did you know that? He was going to choose us ultimately and we
were going to grow old together. Wonder where's your brother? She should have had the baby by
Keaton fell asleep, listening to her ramble. He was thankful for the sunglasses and the
cover they provided. Sometime later, she quieted, no, she moved and was talking to one of the
nurses over by the desk. He woke, slowly opened his eyes, and searched through the crowd as a
tall form in a pair of blue scrubs with a netted blue hospital cap made its way through family and

"It's a boy!" cried Josh.
Everyone cheered. Danny and Kay stood, giving handshakes and hugs. Janice pushed
through them to Josh. Keaton followed, but was in no particular hurry to join in on the
celebration. If Marcie had the baby, that meant he could go, right? He could see Lea, hook up
with her afterwards, and maybe stay the night again.
He shook Josh's hand.
"When can we see him?"
"In a while. They're doing their thing. Marcie's resting."
Keaton stepped back and let others congratulate. His phone vibrated in his pocket, then
rang. He took it out, saw the display and smiled while pushing past the others. Just before
passing through the entrance doors, he glanced over his shoulder. Danny caught his gaze and
shook his head as if to say, No. You can't go.' Though no words were spoken, Keaton got the
message loud and clear. He was back on the sidewalk, near the overhang to the entrance.
"You've got to come get me," he said to her.
"What?" she laughed.
"No, really. Come get me!" He turned to the windows, seeing the party of celebrants
inside the waiting room. Another scrubs-clothed person had emerged into the fold. She was
Marcela's mom, Inez and she and Janice were talking away from the group.
"I miss you."
"You do, huh?"
"Yes." He stepped down from the sidewalk, walked along the pavement of the drive
where it steeped down, and into a side parking lot. The sun was out in full force. He thought
about the weather, looked to the sky with no clouds. "No one's at the house. We can ride Skis or
not ride Skis."
"But you're supposed to be with your family, not playing hooky from work!"
Keaton listened to her laugh and then the scratchy noise of the walkie-talkie sound of
Pinto's voice in the background.
"Okay, so no Jet Skis. But we can do other stuff."

A gust of exhaust blustered from the tailpipe of a delivery truck as it drove past. Keaton
inhaled the odor and coughed.
"What time are you off?"
"One today," she answered.
He glanced to where his watch would've been fastened to his wrist had he thought to
wear one. "Umm, what time is it now?"
"Early. I'm on break. I should probably be getting back."
"No, wait." He turned and looked at the hospital. He felt up his pockets, then cursed at
having left his wallet behind. Even if he could borrow his mom's car, he couldn't least
not technically. "I can come in."
"Stay with your people," she said. "I've already replaced you."
Lea laughed, probably hearing the panic in his voice.
"Your shift, silly. Look, I've really got to get back inside."
"Oh, okay. I can see you later, right?"
"Tell your brother and sister-in-law congratulations, Keaton."
"I will."
Lea hung up before he could ask again. He stared at the display, and jumped at the sound
of a car-horn blowing to his right. He'd wandered almost into the middle of the drive. He waved
the old man by, stepped back onto the sidewalk, and climbed uphill to the entrance. Inside, he
found Danny by the coffee machines.
"Where'd everybody go?"
The room had cleared significantly.
"Observation." Danny stirred creamer into his cup. "C'mon. Let's see Josh's mini-me."

"What do you think?" Josh clapped him on the back. "Does he look like me, or what?"
Keaton frowned at the baby. He, Josh, and Danny stood outside the glass with Chris on
Josh's cellular speakerphone. Much of Marcela's family had left to go back to work or wherever.
Kay stayed, Marcela's mother and the three brothers stayed. Oh, and his mother was around
somewhere. She'd run into an old friend. One of the doctors in the emergency room she'd gone to
high school with or something.

"He's pink." Keaton replied.

"Most newborns are dipshit." Chris's voice crackled through the cell phone line. "I should
hang up before I lose signal again. Congrats, bro' and we'll see you soon." Both Chris and Zoe
said goodbye.
"He's got a lot of hair."
"Marcie's." Josh shifted his stance, arms crossed over his chest. "But he's got my
nose...see, you can tell. Mom said so."
"Right." Keaton turned to Danny. "Can I go?"
Danny didn't answer right away. He stood still and studied the sleeping baby. A nurse
came into the room, walked over to a desk with computers and monitors then came to the baby's
crib. Josh motioned for his. The nurse lifted him out and brought him over closer to the window.
"See? My nose." Josh said.
"He's got thick eyebrows...or will. Kid's gonna look like Groucho Marx. Shame." Keaton
observed, shaking his head. "Can I go now? Please?" He asked Danny then turned to Josh.
"Okay, I'll take that as a yes."
"How will you get home?" Danny asked, sobering from his study of the baby. He looked
pointedly on Keaton, and then smirked to Josh.
"I'll get mom to take me."
"But she's with her new boyfriend." Danny teased.
Keaton let it slide. "Fine, I'll get Kay to take me."
Danny shook his head, and then looked again through the window.
"You hold him?" Danny asked Josh.
"Yeah," Josh answered, watching too as the nurse placed the baby back in the crib. "Right
after they pulled him out."
Danny and Josh spoke as if Keaton wasn't between them.
"Caesarean, right?" Danny asked.
"Yeah. She's already bitchin' about her stomach and not being able to wear bikinis again.
I think it was the medicine talking."
"Nah, sounds like Marcela," Danny said.

"Yeah." Josh laughed. "It does. You and Kay are up next. Heck, you should've been first
seeing as you're the older brother and all."
"She's not ready." Danny pushed away from where he leaned against the window. "Not
now, anyway. I'm going to run Mr. Impatience to the house. Let Kay know for me, yeah?"
"Sure," Josh answered.
"Finally!" Keaton threw his hands up. Josh gave him a look. "I need a shower. I need my
vehicle. I'll come back, later. I promise."
Josh waved him away and focused again on the crib. The nurse had moved it closer so he
could stand and watch as his son frowned, pursed his lips, and squeezed his eyes until they were
tiny slants in a puckered and pink face.

"I didn't know you and Kay were trying for a kid?"
Keaton rode shotgun with Danny driving back to the house. Danny switched lanes and
bypassed a couple of cars driving at lesser speeds.
"We're not. Not really." Danny said after a minute, his voice tense. "She's not ready."
Keaton looked at his brother. He listened as he repeated the same line from before, when
he and Josh spoke in the hall outside the nursery. He almost asked, "Why isn't she ready?" But
something in Danny's face, the muscle in his jaw that twitched and flexed, prompted him to
remain quiet. Almost.
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Okay. Thought I'd ask."
Danny said nothing until they turned off of the highway onto the road to the house.
"You know, you were right. You do need a shower." Danny made a show of rolling down
the window, even though the air conditioner was on. Keaton picked at his t-shirt, bringing it
close to his nose and inhaled. It wasn't the shirt that smelled, but it was him. It wasn't just body
odor, but a mix of things, lesser among them Lea, and her scent, rather.
"Had you not rushed me," he began to protest.
"Save it." Danny cut him off and turned into the drive. He expected his brother to simply
drop him off and leave again for the hospital, but Danny came inside, too. Keaton showered,
changed and crashed on his bed grateful for the black-out blinds over the windows. The

television in the living room was on as he fell asleep. Danny, playing a video game or watching
the sports channel. Keaton slept, waking again later to Danny yelling his name from down the
"Your phone," Danny jerked his head to the table. Keaton had emptied his pockets on the
dining table before taking to the hall and the bathroom. He checked the display. There were two
unknown calls, one from his mother and another from Kay. Quickly he dialed her back, taking to
his room again and closing the door behind. He sat on the bed in the dark, and by habit reached
for the remote to the television and the game console. The X-Box booted up as Kay's line rang.
"What's up?" he asked when she finally answered. His voice was rough from sleep, so he
cleared his throat and asked again.
"Where's Danny?" she asked.
"He's here." The game finished loading. He had to adjust the volume on the set as it was
too loud and he could barely hear her.
"Well, he's not answering his phone."
"Umm, okay?" He clicked start. "Did you want to talk to him or something?"
"Fine, I'll tell him to pick up."
"Don't worry about it. Listen, you should come back to the hospital."
"Why," he asked, slowly, disinterested. He glanced to the clock, noted the time. He
figured he had a solid hour or so before Lea got off work.
"Because your mother is here."
"So?" He clicked the controller, selecting artillery for his character: a couple M-16's, a
machete, an AK-47, a bazooka.
"With Lea. They're...chatting."
He dropped the remote. "What?" Keaton stood. "Lea's there?"
Keaton could hear the smile in Kay's voice.
"Why is she at the hospital?" He looked around for some pants.
"Because you were here, dummy. I'll tell her you're on the way."
Kay hung up before he could respond. It didn't matter though as he was too busy tripping

over his feet looking for a shirt, a clean shirt, this time. Finding clothes, he made sure to grab his
wallet, then stopped off at the bathroom for a quick do-over with his hair and teeth.
"That was Kay," he said to the back of Danny's head as he stuffed his phone into his
pockets and searched around for sandals. He found a pair of rubber Adidas flip-flops, pushed his
feet inside them and made for the front door. "Did you hear me, Daniel? Your wife called me."
"Got it."
Keaton frowned. "She Aren't you curious as to why?"
"Nope." Danny sat forward on the sofa and reached for a beer.
"Wow. This is a first." Keaton opened the door. Something was wrong. Danny had been
moody since the hospital, and now he was drinking which meant he had no intention of driving
anytime soon. "What about Kay?"
"Huh?" Danny pressed buttons on the controller.
"I'm taking my truck to see Lea. We drove in Kay's car earlier. It's out front. She's going
to need a ride home."
Danny stopped the game. "Crap. I forgot about that. Would you give her a lift? That is, if
she's ready to come back. I can't." He lifted the beer bottle. "Drinking and driving...can't do it."
It was then Keaton noticed the number of beer bottles on the table. "You're wasted?
What's going on with you?"
"Happy for my brother, that's all." Danny gave a bitter smile then sat back, facing away.
He un-paused the game and set about playing again. Keaton stood for a moment, made to say
something but stopped. He started again, shook his head and left out, slamming the front door
behind. He didn't have time to play psychotherapist as he had his own issues to deal with, namely
and most importantly getting his girlfriend away from his mother.

Janice was nowhere in sight when he got back to the waiting room, but then, again,
neither was Lea or Kay for that matter. Keaton stopped at the nurse's station and got directions to
Marcela's room. He found her asleep. Josh was there with her and so was her mother. He
mouthed to Josh his mother's name. Josh pointed down and mouthed 'cafeteria', in turn. He made
another stop to the nurse's desk for directions. Keaton got lost trying to find the elevator, rounded
back and took it down to the lower level. The eating area was packed. It took him a minute to
make out Kay. She waved him over. He braced, nervous and anxious at the thought of Lea and

Kay, or Lea and his mother, having a conversation. Luckily his mom was nowhere to be found.
"Hey you," Lea smiled up at him. Keaton grinned. He couldn't help it. He barely
acknowledged Kay. He was too focused on Lea's smile, and the slight dimple in her cheek. He
slid into the booth and reached for her, leaning in to press a kiss against the dimple.
"Hey," she drew back, but only a little. He took in her face, her hair that was swept up
into a ponytail. He noticed her garb. The standard red polo and khaki pants. "You came straight
from work to see me?"
She smiled lopsided, pursed her lips and glanced quickly to Kay. "Yeah, but not just
"What?" Still grinning he looked to Kay then back to Lea.
"I wanted to see the baby, too. I love babies. They're too cute and so precious. Your sis
and I were just talking about it."
Keaton glanced to Kay. "You like babies, Kay?"
"Yeah," she said and reached into her purse. "I love kids." She looked to her phone.
"And so does my brother. Daniel." He clarified when Kay gave him a look. He ignored
her. He found Lea's hand under the table, took it and squeezed. "You met my mother." He stated.
"Yes," she grimaced, showing teeth. "She's...energetic and uh, very ummshe's nice."
Keaton watched her closely. He could tell that she struggled to find the right words to
describe Janice. It made him feel good knowing that, first she survived meeting his mother, thus
tolerating her. Second, that she was attempting to find a silver lining in the confused and
frustrated jumble that was Janice.
"Well, I'm sorry I wasn't here to buffer."
"No, it's cool. Kay did a pretty good job of deflecting," Lea offered with a smile.
"Really?" Keaton looked to Kay. "Is he still not answering?" he asked. She shook her
head, no. "Listen, he wanted me to take you home, but I want to go to Lea's so." He dug in his
pocket. "Can't believe I'm doing this," he mumbled as he passed off the keys. "Take my truck.
Go home. Go see about my brother. He's on his fifth beer."
"Yes, really. Here, go." He dropped the keys into her hand, then turned back to Lea. "You
don't mind if I come over for a while, do you?" He drew her hand into his lap. She blushed and
pulled back.

"It was good seeing you, Lea. We'll talk soon. Again, yeah?" Kay rose.
"Yeah. See you."
They watched Kay walk from the cafeteria. Keaton grinned like a simpleton, he knew,
but he couldn't help it. He was happy to see her, but moreover happy for the sex they were about
to have. He wanted to try something new, hoped she was down for change.
"Your mom has a problem with women of color, doesn't she?" Lea asked as they walked
to her car.
"Huh?" He waited for her to unlock the passenger door, then slid inside. He didn't want
the conversation. Not now. It certainly wasn't the type of change he wanted to talk about.
"She doesn't like Marcela or Zora," Lea turned over the ignition.
Keaton corrected her, "Zoe, is her name and it's not that she doesn't like them it's just that
"A bigot? Racist?"
"Clueless," Keaton exhaled. "And yeah maybe a little of those other things."
Lea pulled the car into traffic. Soon they were on their way, en route to the North side.
"Can we not talk about my mom? Please?"
"She seems to have some strong opinions about Kay and why she gets along with you
and your brother so well."
"Lea... seriously. No mom talk." He clenched his fist. "Please," he begged again." No
"Fine, fine." She stopped the car at a red light. He took the moment to steal a quick kiss
that became more until the car behind them blew the horn, signaling the light change.
She spoke about work instead. He half listened while mentally counting backwards from
one hundred. He took inventory of his wallet by feel. He knew he had at least one condom
"You haven't heard a word I've said, have you?" She turned at the door, key poised inside
the lock. He pressed himself against her, leaning with one arm to the doorframe and the other, he
held to the waistband of her pants.
"I'm listening."
"No, you're not."
Lea turned the lock and pushed open the door. He was on her heels, but drew away when

Sheba hissed from his perch on the couch.

"Don't worry. He's just hungry."
Keaton didn't take the chance. He cursed the cat, but waited by the door until Lea passed,
lifting the feline into her arms as she walked to the kitchen.
"Thirsty?" She called from the kitchen. He walked into the living area, maneuvering
around the coffee table, chair, and sofa. There were bookshelves with books and pictures.
"Me or the cat?" he asked.
"You silly."
"Thirsty? Nah." He turned. She was by the bar, having placed her purse and keys there.
"Not thirsty at all." He watched as she slowly tugged the polo from her waist.
"Okay," she nodded while reaching for the button and clasp at the front of her pants.
"Well, you television, or play with the cat, or there's my computer." She nodded to
the table. "I need a shower."
She was teasing him. Her hospitality talk was jibber-jabber and delivered in a manner
that reeked of seduction. Although he was a bit of a blockhead some of the time, he knew where
the line was drawn, and he knew when to step over that line. Just as he stepped over the coffee
table his leg bumped the side, then the sofa and he just missed stepping on her toes as he drew
her up into his arms. Keaton covered her mouth, seeking, searching, and finding her tongue. He
kissed her deep until she groaned and drew her mouth away. Pressing more kisses into the sides
of her neck and against her shoulder, his hands dropped to her backside. Keaton gripped the
cheeks and pulled her into him making sure she felt the press of his sex against her stomach.
"Keaton." With her arms around his neck she panted the words. "Shower babe. Can you
"No." He set her back to the floor, took her hand and pulled her to the bedroom.
"I've been at work."
"I know." He kicked the door closed, then reached for her, taking the shirt at her waist,
lifting it up and over. He paused, before reaching for her pants, to stare at her breasts cupped
ever so nicely inside a black lace bra. He bit his lip, touched her there, then on the stomach and
dug his fingers up, sliding under the bra. She leaned forward, rising on her toes to meet his
mouth for a kiss. He caressed her breasts with one hand and reached for the clasp in back with
the other. Somehow they managed to undress her down to her panties while kissing and groping

and finding their way over to the bed. He pushed her down, stripped quickly then began to climb
over her before remembering the condom.
"I've got some, remember?" She turned to her side and reached for the night table. While
she was turned away he surveyed her leg, the rise and swell of her hip and buttocks highlighted
by the lace trim of her panties. It was in this position he remembered. She moved to her back, but
he stopped her, holding her to the side. Keaton eased the condom on, then let her fall to her back
and settled over her, mentally forcing himself to go slow. He loved her with kisses, paid special
attention to her breasts, then kissed his way along her stomach, the rise of her hip and her
"Turn over." The words came in a forced rush. Lea rolled to her stomach, arms groping
the pillow underneath her head. Keaton memorized her back, every vertebra. He paid special
attention to the dip just above her rear and both cheeks. "God, Lea youre so damn sexy."
Lea lifted her butt, squirming beneath him as he rolled her panties down. Hesitating at
first, he finally gave in, lowering himself just enough to take hold of her hips. She moaned and
pressed her legs together. Keaton rose above her, gripped her thighs and moved them apart. He
pressed a hand into the mattress between her legs, using it as leverage while he straddled her.
With a quick swipe of his cock he found her wetness. She bucked, groaned and pressed back.
"What are you doing?" she breathed, half-laughing, half-sighing.
"Making you feel good."
His fingers found her slit. He gripped her waist, and formed his hand into a loose fist. He
ran his knuckles along her slit then dropped two fingers inside her clenched hole. Lea shuddered.
Keaton grimaced with lust when her pussy gripped his fingers tight. He watched the muscles in
her buttocks tighten and loosen before tightening again. She groaned incessantly and panted his
name. While slowly thrusting into her with his fingers, he became mesmerized with the way she
lifted from the bed and moved back against his hand. This wasn't exactly what he had in mind for
change, not specifically. Truthfully there were about a thousand things he wanted to do to her
and with her. He was overcome with lust, more aware than he'd ever been, and definitely more
attentive, all because of her. She was Lea, not just some other girl. She wasn't like some of the
half-hearted lays he was used to.
"You're crazy-wet." He continued pumping. "God! Oh geez, Lea."
She lifted onto her hands and knees, now riding his fingers. Keaton moved the other hand

to her rear and spread her cheeks. Keaton grazed a finger down to her opening and she barked his
name, crying out when he removed his fingers from her pussy and replaced it with his cock. She
was pure tightness, liquid heat, and the pungent scent of her made him crazy. He pushed her
down until her shoulders were on the mattress, her head pressing into the pillow. Her strained
cries filled the room, and he wondered if he had pushed her too roughly. Letting up, he slowed
his stroke until she reached back, touching his thigh. His thrusts were rapid, deep, striking where
she liked, or so he assumed, again judging from her cries. Feeling her channel vibrate and
tighten, he pulled out.
"Keaton!" She turned on him, angry.
Keaton laughed, and pushed her flat against the bed. The condom had worked its way up,
so he adjusted, moving it up his shaft. Appeasing as much as he could, he rubbed and squeezed
her buttocks until he was set again. This time he laid on top of her, spread her cheeks with one
hand, and pressed into her pussy again. When he was fully seated, he began a slow thrust that
drew low moans from her throat and beads of sweat to her back and his forehead. He lifted on his
hands, angled and began anew with shallow thrusts that again, rubbed her spot. Loving the way
the muscles in her back tensed under a sheen of sweat, his gaze dropped to her shaking butt. His
palm smoothed along her spine, then he wrapped an arm around her, finding a breast, and a
nipple. Keaton plucked viciously. He squeezed the swollen nub while continuing to thrust, albeit
not as precise as before. Still it was enough to draw her to climax.
Lea wailed his name. She buried her face into the pillow and groaned while her body
shook beneath him. He slowed, feeling himself nearing his own climax. The inner walls of her
channel gripped his cock, holding tight until her orgasm began to subside. That he felt too. It
brought a slackening, enough of a loosening that he could pull out without fear of coming too
soon. Rolling her over onto her back, he lifted her legs up and open, and pulled her against him.
In one deft move he was back inside of her. She drew breaths, forming only the 'K' sound in his
name. He spread her open just enough to rub her clit with his thumb. To this, she threw her head
back and groaned loudly. Her body arched. She reached up and over for the headboard. Keaton
followed suit with one hand holding to the wooden pane and the other gripping her waist. He
moaned too. Out came incoherent long syllables, sounding nothing like her name. All the blood
and logic in his head rushed downward to his dick. Looking down he could only see only her
pussy and his condom-wrapped cock ramming in and out the pink folds. The feeling was

glorious. It was best described as a continual shiver of pleasure once he felt her wet slick channel
constrict and release around his shaft. Keaton longed to pull the prophylactic off so that he could
really feel Lea. If he was being honest, he wanted to come inside of her, on her. Bathe her pussy
with his cum.
The visual of eating her out was enough. It jumped to the front of his foggy mind, the
sweet recollection of having done so the night before. It was enough to send him over. She let go
of the headboard and dropped her hands to his head, pulling the hair as he rode the last waves of
orgasm, jerking, shooting, seeping. The condom grew heavy on his cock and it shrunk inside of
her heat. Truth was he never wanted to leave.
"Oh, Lea...I can't tell you baby, how much I need you."
Keaton dropped his head to her pillow, turned just enough to press a kiss to her neck. On
top of her, he held himself aloft just enough so as to not crush her beneath him. His foot strained
and his muscles cramped again. He waited a minute, until his heart rate slowed and the sweat
cooled on his skin. Slowly he lifted up and over, drawing out.
Keaton opened his eyes. Hers were closed, chest rising and falling with each breath. He
eyed her breasts and couldn't resist taking one and then the other in his mouth.
"Ungh," she groaned. "No more. Give me a break, babe."
Keaton pressed a kiss to her stomach and rolled again to his back. The A/C kicked on.
The frigid air passed over them both. The condom grew cold and sticky and he groaned at having
to take care of it. When he came back into the room, she had turned on her side, asleep. Fatigue
had set in, and he climbed in behind her, pulling the comforter up and over. He spooned her from
behind, on the verge of sleep himself, but taking a special delight in the touch of their bodies,
warm, together.

Chapter Sixteen
Lea took him home close to six that evening. She needed to study, said she couldn't
concentrate with him around. He took it as both a compliment and a slight, deciding that she
didn't want him around. Keaton managed to get over his would-be hurt feelings recalling the
time they'd spent together. She promised to see him again the next day, after her shift or before.
Keaton had forgone work in favor of being with family. Upon reflection he recalled that
truthfully his brother had ordered him to call-in. Though Danny had proclaimed the day a family
holiday for them all, he alone did most of the celebrating. Beer after beer was downed while
playing Wii and PlayStation. He watched ESPN and other sports stations. Keaton half-expected
to find his brother as he'd left him earlier in the day, still on the couch, but now passed out. It
was with mild surprise he found his sister-in-law there instead. She was curled up and covered
with the television low in the quiet of the dark living room.
"Kay, where's Danny?" he asked, then tossed his house-key onto the surface of the sidetable. He turned his cap so that the bill faced backwards and asked again. "What'd you do with
my brother?"
All of their vehicles were outside, with the exception of Kay's car, which he figured was
parked in the garage. His X-Terra, Danny's truck, Danny's Jeep, they were all in the drive.
"What do you mean?" Kay didn't look up. She was drawn to one corner of the couch,
covered by a blanket with a pillow to her back and the remote control in her hand. Keaton
stepped through the space where one cushioned chair sat adjacent to this end of the couch. He
chose the middle and sat, none-too-gracefully, next to her.
"Earlier. There was a body here," he began cryptically with a half-smile. Kay turned,
gaze dispassionate and a bit tired. "A male? About yay-high?" He continued with a lift of his
hand, gesturing up. "Kinda looks like that dude there," He pointed to the mantle, to a large
picture of Kay and Danny at their wedding. "Except he wasn't wearing a tuxedo or much of a
Kay rolled her eyes and turned back to the television. Keaton playfully nudged at what he
assumed was the bend of her knees. Instead, he quickly learned it was her thigh, actually midthigh, that was covered only by the blanket. Her fast response and his fast reaction to touching

her took them both by surprise.

"Keaton." She gripped his wrist, their gazes caught each other. He
"What?" He pulled back, smiling. "I was...nudging you."
This was true.
"Right," she clipped, letting go of his hand. She pulled the blanket more tightly, lifting it
up and over her shoulders with only the end of the remote peeking through a break in the folds.
"Go to bed," she said, as she changed channels.
"Not sleepy," He quietly answered, watching her, watching the play of light from the
illumination of the television on her face. Shadows, shades, colors and hues of color depending
on the channel, bounced from brow to cheek, to chin, and back again. She wore no makeup that
he could tell. She was effortlessly pretty without it. Lea, too, he thought before checking himself
and his thoughts. Damn it, sometimes he really saw how much one favored the other.
"So, what'd you do to him? Take him out back and bury him or sumpthin'?"
Keaton dug his heels into the rug and pushed back, slouching in the couch, his back
resting in the space between cushions. Kay drew inward, saying nothing, though she dropped the
remote to the sliver of space between them, and readjusted the covering so that she could better
face him.
"He's asleep, in the bedroom."
To this Keaton nodded slowly, having figured as much. Though he saw the opportunity to
tease her and couldn't resist.
"Go to bed, Keaton."
Casually, he crossed one leg over the other. There was tension in his right leg and his
right foot. The arch of which pained him, still. Massive orgasms had a tendency of drawing out
muscle spasms. Maybe he needed more potassium to combat these pains?
"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Keaton asked.
"Yes." Kay sighed loudly.
"Why are you up so late?"
"It's not late." She countered.
"Oh." He looked to the television, to the clock on the mantle, and back to the television.
"What's up with you and my brother?"
She turned to observe him.

"Are you two arguing?" He pressed, knowing he pressed, but not caring one way or the
She rested her head against the cushion, having burrowed further into the couch. The tips
of her toes or what he thought were the tips, touched his thigh.
"You know, he said something about kids. You two, having them, that is."
Kay said nothing. Keaton peeled loose threads from a tear in his shorts and contemplated
touching her leg again, just to get a reaction. The cryptic silence engulfing the house wore on
him. He wasn't used to it. Usually Kay and Danny were loud, raucous, playful, and happy, filling
the house with noise. Not this, whatever this was.
"Glad to see you didn't wreck my vehicle," he joked, trying again for a response.
She blinked, eyes focused on the television. Her face remained placid.
"Kay," he sat up, leaned over. "Hey?"
She stared at him. "Leave it alone, Keat."
Frowning, Keaton could sense he was being shut out, again. Though this was his home
too, he wouldn't be able to stand being around the both of them while they were at odds with one
another. It just wasn't like them, and the isolation would kill him.
"Jesus, Kay. Fine, whatever" He stood, and He rounded the couch, frustrated.
The hall was dark, no light came from their bedroom. Keaton stopped at the bathroom for
a quick piss and decided on a shower instead. He smelled like Lea.
Keaton washed his hair and let conditioner set in the strands, opting for the night to shave
what little facial hair he overlooked earlier that morning. The house was painfully quiet, the
living room completely dark. He tiptoed on bare and damp feet, finding the couch empty. Kay
and her blanket and pillow were gone. Their bedroom door was closed, he stopped and listened.
Hearing nothing, seeing no light from underneath the door's frame, he wandered into his
bedroom, plopped down and hoped Kay and Danny were making up, or would make up come
"I should just move out." He spoke aloud, reaching for the light. Briefly, thoughts of his
mother and her invite invaded his mind, and cringed anticipating Janice and her clinging.
Unfortunately, he couldn't afford his own place. Josh had a family now. There was no room for
him there. Chris, well, he wasn't prepared to move away from Lea. What about Lea?
"No way in Hell," he muttered, yawning. They'd only begun dating, and to be truthful

their relationship was tenuous at best. Beyond seeming happy to be with him when they were
together, he didn't know what she felt. How did he feel about her?
Crazy. Stupid. Sex is amazing. Like her. Really, really like her...
He blinked once, staring to the ceiling. The X-Box was on. Its engine in standby-mode,
hummed low yet insistent. The green glow from the display faded in and out like breathing, like
"Really, really, really like her." Keaton droned. "Like, like, like...looovveee?"
No, not that. Never that. Besides their courtship or whatever it was, moved too fast. Even
he knew that. Even his dick knew it. The dick now standing at attention, weighted down by the
comforter that was covering it.
Keaton pulled his thoughts to something else.
"School," he mumbled. "What am I doing?" His online classes had started two days ago
and he'd barely checked in. To be truthful his mind wasn't "there". Working was satisfying, not
reading books or writing papers. That stuff just didn't matter to him.
"What does matter?"
He thought about it.
"My brothers matter. I guess their wives or significant others matter. My family. My
truck, my X-Box, Jet Skis. Barbeque, beer, with Lea matters. Amazing sex with Lea."
The order wasn't important. All he'd mentioned held value to him, but he couldn't quite
see beyond any of that. He loved to drink, party, play, lay, get laid, and listen to music. Despite
his love of music, he was no singer, no guitarist or instrumentalist. Never possessing the
dedication to learn an instrument, Keaton realized that simply put he was lazy. More lazy than
smart, described him best, but he wasn't dumbhell he almost got a perfect score on his SAT's.
"Lea's smart," He yawned speaking to no one.
She was, and she would probably leave this town maybe someday. Basically he had two
options, he could go back to State and miss her, or stay here and watch her move away.
For now he pushed all thoughts aside and slept. At least he tried to. Keaton tossed and
turned for about an hour. An unwelcome boner served as part of the reason he didn't fall asleep
right away. With thoughts of earlier that day, he wrestled it down only to wake again too early
the next morning.
Danny and Kay were up moving about in the kitchen. He smelled coffee, bacon, eggs,

toast and jam.

"Morning," he greeted them gruffly before sitting at the table. Kay was there, coffee mug
in hand, laptop open. Briefly thoughts of Lea and her morning perusal of online news sites
crossed his mind. Kay uttered a barely there, "Hey." Danny glowered from where he leaned
against the counter near the range. A pan cooked bacon. Pork-infused steam rose from its base.
Danny chewed the corner of a piece of toast and stared at Kay.
"All right, enough's enough." Keaton said after a minute of watching Danny watch Kay,
and the way she ignored them both. "What is it with you two? Seriously."
"Leave it alone, Keat." Kay repeated what she said the night before.
"No, I won't leave it alone, Kay," he snapped. She turned, giving him a look. "Just give
him a baby, already." Her eyes grew round. "Or...don't give him a baby." He turned to Danny.
"Stop asking her when she's not ready." Danny pushed off the counter, body tensing. "Or...don't."
Keaton lifted his hands in surrender. "How about you get another dog?"
Both Kay and Danny glared.
"What?" Keaton half-laughed, half-whined. "Fine! Whatever." Standing, he shoved the
chair underneath the table. "I'm going back to bed." He turned for the hall. It was six-thirty in the
morning, much too early for his tastes. "Stay mad at one another; I don't care."
Topping things off he slammed his bedroom door, shutting out the smell of breakfast and
the faint smell of Danny's cigarettes. He plopped down on his bed, drew the covers up and over
his head then closed his eyes. Sleep was more welcoming than their heated glares.
Did his input not mean a thing to either of them?

"Sounds like war," Derrick commented from the floor. "You're being drafted . . . no
summoned would be the better term."
"Yeah, but summoned by whom?" Keaton climbed down the rungs until his feet touched
the floor and he was level with Derrick. They were in the stockroom, pulling boxes of paper
towels from a top shelf. All morning they'd been stocking paper towels, paper plates, notebook
paper, and the rest. It had nothing to do with the Electronics department where he normally
worked. Lea's boss had reassigned him, as well as Derrick to the floor. Usually this meant they

were short staffed after too many call-ins. Everyone working had to share in the load of
restocking shelves and helping customers throughout the entire store. He'd glimpsed Lea only
once after having been pulled away. When arriving, he was already miffed at not being able to
see her longer. She worked the morning, and was scheduled off around one. He was there
through the evening, until closing and he hated it.
"Maybe it's the bossman, again. Maybe he wants to put you on cart-duty," Derrick said
while pushing the large, red tub through the stockroom doors. "If he's looking for volunteers,
don't recommend me."
"Yeah, whatever," Keaton replied, taking a left to the clothing side of the store, where
Derrick took a right down the aisle towards the cleaning supplies. Keaton steered through men's
clothing, then women's clothing, then women's lingerie. There he found a headless mannequin
was outfitted in a strappy, lace number. He lingered for just a moment, realizing he'd never seen
Lea in an outfit like this. Actually, he hadn't paid much attention at all to the intricate designs of
her underwear.
"Can I help you with something, Keaton?"
His gaze shifted to the left of the dummy, searching the space for the voice.
"It's me," she smiled. He saw she held clothes hangers with silky gowns in her hand.
"Silly, Keaton. Did you think it was the dummy talking?" she giggled, then stepped around to
hang the gowns on a rack. He cringed at her smile, her face, everything about her.
"No," he said, then glanced to the front of the store as the sound of the intercom went off
overhead. It called for another employee to dial an extension. It reminded him of his purpose in
wandering through this section of the store he rarely frequented.
"Later," he said bidding her goodbye, stepping back into the aisle, not realizing he'd
wandered onto the carpeted section and had been standing in front of the mannequin.
Sara called after him, but he ignored her and walked past the jewelry boat to the checkout
lanes. He stopped mid-aisle, glanced up and down the lanes. Some were occupied by lines of
customers, while some were void of both customers and cashiers. He wondered who had called
and for an instant. He hoped it wasn't an emergency of sorts. Immediately he scanned the area for
either of his brothers, for Kay or Marcela. For his mother, he hoped it wasn't Janice.

The call came from his left.

"Over here!"
Keaton turned and saw her there. Lea was seated at one of the booths in the eating
section. The store had a small grill up by the checkout lanes, near the front door. Sometimes
employees lunched there instead of the break room.
"I had you paged," she smiled up at him.
"Hey," he said, unable to mask his elatedness at her having requested him. He walked
over to where she sat with two other employees, women he'd met before, her friends, all of
whose names he just couldn't remember. "Hi," he waved to them as they got up to leave.
"Cop a squat," Lea said, watching as he slid into the booth next to her. He moved as close
as possible, slipped an arm around her waist, and just as he was about to kiss her she leaned
"What?" he asked.
"We're at work." She prompted, eyebrows raised, straw in hand as she drank from her
"Yeah, sorry." Deflated, he removed his arm, but didn't distance himself altogether. "So,
you had me paged?"
"Yes, sir. I wanted to say goodbye."
He watched her drink from the straw, taking notice of her mouth and the way her lips
pursed around the thin tube. Her lips were bare of color. She wore no makeup at all, he noticed,
and decided she didn't need it. Naturally pretty, she was. He liked that. No, he loved that.
"Wait, goodbye?" His heart skipped a beat as his mind rushed to catch up to her words
and the cryptic way she'd stated them.
"Yes, goodbye."
Meeting her gaze, he froze, fearing the worst at the seriousness of her expression.
"Where are you going?"
She swallowed, then smiled.
"Home," she answered, then laughed. He balked, realizing he half-expected her to say,
New York, London or Mars. She couldn't leave! Not yet! What about that stupid test? Had she
taken it and passed already?
"Walk me out?" she asked, reaching for her purse.

"Jesus, Lea."
"Jesus?" She dumped the cup into the trash, waved to a couple of people and walked
through the doors with him following. "You're so serious. Look at your face, you're white and
"Don't do that to me," he took her by the arm, silently daring her to object.
Surprisingly, she said nothing of it, as they passed through the parking lot. She let him
hold her there, at the elbow, and guide her through the parked cars and moving pedestrians
walking past.
"Do what? Tease you?" She drew away, long enough to insert the key into the car door.
"It was just a joke, Keat."
"Yeah," he said, watching the back of her neck, her shoulders, her head and her hair. He
stepped out of the way so she could open the door. She threw her purse into the passenger seat,
but he stopped her before she got inside.
Keaton held her at the waist with one hand and the car door with the other. Staring
intensely into her eyes, "Can I see you tonight?"
"Not tonight."
"But you said?"
Halting his words, she turned her attention beyond him to the two women from the booth.
She waved to them, saying goodbye. They called to him. He glared. She had promised he could
see her.
"Not tonight, Keat." She jingled the keys in her hand. "I can't," she said, pre-empting his
"Can't or won't. You studied last night. My brother and his wife are fighting, Josh and
Marcie have a newborn, my nephew, and I'm not ready to deal with my mom, not yet." He was
unable to finish as she reached up and silenced him with a kiss, holding to his shoulder. Her
fingers found their way to the hair along the nape of his neck where she tugged gently, which set
in order a series of erogenous events in his body. The kiss was meant to shut him up, that much
he understood. The playing with his hair was something else, entirely.
Keaton gripped her at the waist and pressed her back against the frame of the car door.
Though she initiated the kiss, he took over and relished having at least this much of her now,
since she was denying him for later. His brain turned to mush and all the blood in his system

rushed, with increased speed to his dick. The presence of which didn't go unnoticed by Lea. She
moaned against his mouth, pushed at his shoulders with her hands and tried her best to squirm
away from being impaled by the thing. This made him smile, even as he allowed her a moment
of escape, but he quickly drew her close again.
"Let's get in my truck," he proposed, completely serious. Deadly serious.
"Are you kidding?" Her eyes grew round, when he reached for his keys and mumbled,
yes. She wiped her mouth, laughing, then reached to touch his hair again. She touched his cheek,
pressing her palm against the curve. He turned and bit at the inset.
He kissed her palm this time, holding it to his mouth, not caring if it were dirty or clean,
or smelled as it did of honey-butter, and tasting as it did of salt and sweet.
"Okay, that's enough. I need to go and you need to get back to work." She kissed him
again, quickly. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."
Talk? Tomorrow? What about tonight? What about later? He stopped her from closing
the door. She'd already sat in the seat and was in the process of reaching for the seatbelt. Her
eyes, expectant, met his.
"We can do tonight," he said.
"But I already told you, I can't see you." She broke his gaze to snap the seatbelt into
place, then reached for the door.
Keaton didn't want to beg, He never had to before, especially not for sex. This just wasn't
about sleeping with her, he wanted to talk to her, really talk about them.
"Fine," He sighed, stepping back and closing the door for her. "What time tomorrow?"
With a quick motion, he adjusted himself, focusing instead on her hands at ten-and-two on the
wheel. She had turned the ignition and shifted the car into gear. She shrugged.
"Tomorrow night's good," she said, looking up at him. Lea looked off, nodded, as if
thinking and said again, "Yeah, come over after your shift. We can order pizza and maybe watch
a movie or something." She looked up, smiling slowly.
"Yeah, somethinglike talking, maybe?" He suggested, needing to focus on something
besides sex. He had to go back to work, but he didn't want to do that with a raging boner on
display. Again, he willed himself to calm, focusing on his frustration with everything else.
"Talking. You want to . . . just talk?" she asked and didn't give him a chance to answer.

"Sure, Keat. We'll talk. I really have to go. I have an appointment."

Keaton stepped away, removing his arm from where he'd let it rest on the roof of the car
while leaning down to speak to her.
"Doctor's appointment?"
"Yeah," she shrugged again then adjusted the rearview mirror. "You can call me later,
maybe on your lunch break, if you want?"
"Sure. Definitely."
"Cool," she smiled. "Later."
"Later," he backed away. Slowly the car pulled out of the parking space. He leaned back
against his vehicle and watched her drive away.
He felt weird, dismissed, again. It was the same feeling he got from her since she picked
him up from the hospital. Or was he just obsessing again? Seeing things where there was
nothing? He'd been mulling things over since earlier that morning, struggling to make sense of
things. It led him to dial the only person he knew would understand.
"Hey Chris? It's Keaton. Can you, uh, call me back . . . when you're not sleeping?"
Keaton glanced at the clock on the phone's display, realizing the difference in time a little too
late. He left the message, stuffed his phone away into his pocket again and took his time walking
back into the store.
"So you're not on cart-duty, after all," Derrick said upon Keaton's return to the paper
goods aisle.
"No, no cart-duty."
Derrick gave him a look. No doubt he sensed something, if not seeing a change in
Keaton's mood.
"You all right, man?"
"Yeah," Keaton said, though he wasn't all right'. "Thanks."
"Guess you're pissed about the switch?"
"Switch?" Keaton frowned.
"Didn't Lea tell you? Sara tattled. I think it was Sara. Check it out for yourself, you're
working in Home and Garden going forward."
Keaton was floored. Lea hadn't said a word. Was she pissed because they were outed?
Did she blame him? "Damn, I should go over and kill that"

"Temper, temper, you're on candid camera." Derricks eyes lifted to the dark globe above
them. Keaton blew out a deep breath, wiped his hand down his face.
Derrick motioned. "Since you're back, you can help me finish this load or go back and get
the other one by the door."
There was a flat of boxes filled with 24-count toilet tissue. Derrick had the aisle blocked
while he worked stocking the remainder.
"I'll grab the other," Keaton mumbled, taking in the empty shelves. "Be right back."
They stocked paper for another hour until break. Keaton refrained from calling Lea. She
was pissed at him, and to be honest, he was kind of afraid of making it worse. He glanced to his
phone, noted the time.

"So what's up with you and Miss Richards? I mean did Sara lie or is it true?" Derrick
asked, taking a seat across from him. They were at the Grill by the cashier lanes on a thirtyminute lunch break.
Keaton drank slowly from a bottle of Smart Water he'd purchased from the grocery. He
remembered what Danny had said some day's prior, about giving out information on his sex life.
It was disrespectful to speak so openly in such a way about the woman he loved. Keaton smiled.
The word love was surfacing more and more when he thought of Lea.
Keaton chose his words carefully. "We're good."
"What's good?" Derrick asked with a mouthful of hot dog. Keaton gave him a look.
"What's good?" Derrick asked again. "Like you and Sara good or"
"No, not like Sara. I told you, man that was one-time. It should have never happened. A
moment of weakness and ridiculously bad judgment."
"So with Lea it's different?"
"Yes," Keaton conceded and took another drink.
"So are you two like girlfriend and boyfriend or something?"
"Good grief, man."
"Look," Derrick laughed, using a napkin to wipe his mouth. "Not trying to get in your
"Are you sure? Because that's exactly what it sounds like."
Derrick chuckled, nodding. "Okay, you got me."

"We're good," he repeated. "We're just not broadcasting." He winced at his choice of
words considering her past request to keep what they shared on the low. Oddly enough, she had
no problem kissing him in the parking lot earlier. It was confusing. She was confusing at times.
Derrick stood with a tray, holding used napkins and an empty drink cup in hand. "Lea
ain't had a dude since she been here. Many folks are curious. She don't say much, not even to her
friends, the girls in Softlines, otherwise known as the clothing section. People are going to
speculate whether you 'fess up or not."
Keaton followed alongside Derrick down the main aisle, bypassing the checkout lanes.
He'd tossed his empty bottle and now reached into his pocket for a package of gum.
"Just watch your back, be aware, and know that Big Brother is always watching . . . and
"Thanks . . . I think?"
Keaton's shift passed uneventful. He tried Lea again on break. Her phone rang and rang
until the voicemail kicked on.
"Hey, it's me. Keaton." He paused a second, not knowing what to say, he hadn't expected
to leave a message. "Where are you? At the doctor's still? It's eight o'clock." He dawdled for a
moment, "You're probably asleep, though it's not too late, Lea. Look I know Sara pulled some
crap and we won't be working together much anymore. I'm sorry. Call me okay?"
Across the way Derrick gestured to the clock on the wall. Keaton turned away.
"Okay, um, later, I guess. Tomorrow. Whatever," he mumbled before hanging up. He
heard the call-waiting beep while leaving the message, but ignored it. He checked the display,
seeing now that his brother, Chris had called. He pressed the display, prepared to dial Chris, but
Derrick called out to him. His break was up. He had to get back to work.
"I hate this place, I hate this place, I hate this place." The phrase, his mantra, helped him
get through the remainder of his shift, unfazed by the annoying customers, with their annoying
questions about annoying products in annoying sections of this annoying store.

At home, he tried Chris again and left a message. This time he told his brother not to
bother with calling. Trying Lea again, he got frustrated and hung up after two rings. It was
eleven-thirty, and she was definitely asleep by now. Given the late hour, he figured Danny and
Kay would be asleep, too. They usually crashed early, like before dusk early. This time he was

wrong. They were on the couch, cuddled together as if they hadn't spent the past two days pissed
at one another.
"What's up," he greeted, voice raised so that they could hear him above the blare of the
television. Danny turned, gave him a quick nod. Kay acted as if she didn't hear. Not bothering to
wait for a reply, Keaton took to the hall, and bypassed the bath, though his tired body screamed
for a shower. In his bedroom, he kicked off his shoes and fell face first into the unmade bed.

Morning came and went, as he faded in and out of sleep. The rise was typical, the activity
in the household normal. Keaton could smell the coffee and the smell of breakfast waft through
the crack in his door. Danny was heard talking back to the television. Kay spoke on the phone,
most likely to Marcela. He wondered, only briefly, if she and the baby were home or still at the
hospital? Sleep was more important. A deep relaxing sleep without thinking, sensing smell, light,
or sound is what he craved.
Lea came to mind. He groaned not wanting to even bother. Thinking of her meant using
other parts of his brain, he was in no mood. Yesterday he met with the HR lead and reassured her
that he and Lea hadn't crossed any lines. Putting on the Dumas charm, he encouraged her to
transfer him back to Electronics. This should make Lea happy. He hoped.
He turned over in the bed, away from the light seeping in through the door, invading the
dark of his space. He forced his mind to think of nothing, to embrace the fatigue he felt from the
night before. There was plenty of exhaustion to blame on work, and how it had drained him
yesterday unlike it had any other day.
Luckily, sleep claimed him again. He slept another couple of hours. The house was quiet
when he got up for a quick piss. Danny and Kay were off to work. As he drank from a gallon of
orange juice, he inventoried the food in the refrigerator, thought about firing up the grill, then
decided against it, not wanting to deal with the cleanup.
The day was his. He'd switched shifts with Pinto, which meant tonight, off, tomorrow
with Lea on. Or at least that was the plan, unless she changed it somehow. He stared through the
window to the patio, the yard, and the dock with the lake beyond it.
"Jet Skis," he mumbled, dropping the hot pocket he collected from the freezer, back into
its box. "Jet Skis," he said again, turning for the hall and his bedroom where he quickly donned a
pair of swim trunks and his trusty Adidas sandals. He noted the time. It was early enough. He'd

have full access to the lake. There wouldn't be too many fishing boats about.
He'd pivoted left, turned for the laundry room that led to the patio, and was almost
outside, having pushed the door to open when the front doorbell rang, announcing a visitor.
Keaton chose to ignore it, but realized that whoever it was would most likely hear him
exit the house and fire up the Jet Skis. It could be his mother. It could be the neighbor, or Josh
and Marcie, or a Jehovah's Witness.
She turned, smiling up at him. "Hey, you."
He was surprised and elated, not to mention a little suspicious. She peered beyond him
into the house, then back to him, her eyes trailing over his chest and down to his shorts. He
examined her as well. She wore her uniform.
"Swimming?" she asked.
"Skiing," He answered. He stepped back and opened the door. She passed through,
inspecting the house.
"Where's Kay?" she asked, dropping her purse onto the couch.
"Work," He closed the door firmly, not bothering to lock it. "Which is where I thought
you'd be. Are you on lunch or something?"
"Took the rest of the day off," she shrugged.
"Did you hear? I fixed that drama at work. Sara is a lying druggie. I'm sorry she went
after you."
"Whatever, I don't care." Lea dismissed.
"You don't care? I thought"
Keaton stopped his questions, watching her. Lea walked over to the fireplace, inspecting
the images, the photos in frames of his family. "Is this you?" she asked, pointing to a smaller
frame with a picture of him at eight years of age.
"Yeah," he answered. "Lea are we cool? I mean are you mad at me or something?"
"Yes, we're cool silly. You were a cute kid," her eyes scanned the other images. "And
these are your brothers?" She pointed to a photo of all four of them. "And your father, here?"
"Yes," he looked from her to the image and back again. She continued to glance at all the
photos. From prom, graduation, wedding, fraternity, family, they were all on display. Dad, mom,
mistresses, aunts, uncles, wives, girlfriends, were all available for her perusal. Her fingers

gingerly touched the frames. She stopped and lifted a few to examine them closer. Meanwhile he
stood next to her and watched, eager for what came next. He guessed sex, but already felt a
withdrawal from that particular trope of action.
"All right, Lea. What's up?"
"Hmm?" She glanced to him then sat a photo of Danny and Kay back on the mantle.
"Keat, do you think she resembles me?"
"Kay? We kind of favor each other don't you think?" Lea asked, narrowing her eyes on
"No, um, I mean I haven't noticed."
Lea smiled, She turned and walked around the coffee table, over to the couch where she
sat her purse.
"Why'd you leave work?" he asked, walking over. He crossed his arms over his chest,
watched and waited as she dug around for something inside her purse.
"The store's slow today, and the boss is cutting hours."
"Wait? Did they cut your hours because of me?"
Lea stared at him.
"Dammit. I'll kill her."
"Let it go, things are slow."
"Babe, let me fix it."
"No." she snapped.
Keaton froze. She was angry at him, but then she flashed him a smile and he was
confused again. "I let Pinto stay instead of me." She pulled something from her purse and held it
in hand as she took a few steps forward. "I figured I could use the extra time for"
"For studying?" He finished for her, surprised as she reached for him, pressing her body
against his, wrapping her arms around his neck. She tugged at his hair. He dropped his arms and
allowed the feeling of her breasts mashed against his chest to undo him. He wrapped his arms
around her waist, sensing again the real reason for her visit.
"I wanted to see you," she smiled against his mouth.
Keaton pressed his lips to hers for the kiss she initiated, and deepened with just the right
amount of tongue. The reluctance he felt, he pushed to the side, and indulged in the kiss, the

motion, the feel of her mouth moving against his. "Are we alone?" she asked, kissing his cheek.
"Yes," he answered, the word barely escaping as he lifted her up and carried her down the
hall to his room. Gently, he dropped her on the bed. Then, he saw what she held in her hand,
what she had extruded from the deep confines of her pursea box of condoms.
Did she come here just to screw his brains out? Is that all she wanted from him?
"Lea," he started, but stopped when she lifted the red polo shirt up and over her head. He
was about to object, but didn't.
"You don't want to?" she asked, standing and turning. She motioned for him to help her
with the clasp on her bra. Keaton smiled to cover the hesitation he felt. Of course he wanted to.
"Of course," he answered, eyeing her naked breasts as she turned to face him again. He
swallowed then touched her breasts once she reached up to kiss him again. "I've got something to
ask you, after we... you know." Keaton managed to say the words just as she dug her fingers into
the waistband of his swim trunks. He wore no underwear.
"Oh, Christ."
Luckily the bedpost was near. Quivering, he held to it, and lightly to her shoulder to keep
himself from falling. Lea had him in hand and was at present sliding her mouth over his cock.
He, thickened and when she took his balls in hand, he floundered, not knowing which was
better? To shove her back against the headboard and fuck her face mercilessly or to pull back
and take things slow. After all, they were alone, and she'd brought three or four condoms. He too
had a box stashed away.
"Okay," he pulled back, gripping the base of his shaft. Lea smiled up at him and rubbed
her hands on his thighs. He almost fainted at the expression on her face and when she flicked her
tongue over her lips, he seriously thought his heart stopped.
"What you do to me," he mumbled, pushing her back onto the bed. Keaton reached for
her pants, found the button and the zipper and slid the damned things down and off. Her
underwear was a sliver of hot pink against deep brown skin. "I'm keeping these," he said, pulling
them down over one ankle and foot, then the other. He pressed them into the open nightstand
drawer and shoved it shut, upsetting the balance of the alarm clock and other items on its surface.
Keaton stood and stepped out of his shorts. She moved away from him to the middle of
the bed, turned for the pillow and the condoms on top. He smacked her hand away, while
crawling over her.

"Not yet."
Keaton opened her legs and sat between, pushing one out and draping the other over his
"I want to watch you, Lea. I want to make you come so many times."
And he did. Keaton spread the lips of her sex, eased in his fingers, two, then worked them
in and out, back and forth while watching the play of emotions on her face. When she got close,
she frowned and her eyes sort of blacked out and went blank. Thoughts of her arriving here,
unannounced, unplanned, expecting him to be waiting to finger fuck her into oblivion as he did
now, clouded his mind. He wondered if she would've been content enough to watch a movie with
him or go for a walk, or out onto the lake for a boat-ride?
Keaton smoothed a hand over her stomach, down her chest to one breast and then the
other. She ground her backside against his thigh, straddling. His fingers moved in and out, their
gait slowing as she eased up, then quickened when he felt her sex grip him tightly. He pulled out,
removing his fingers. Lea groaned. Keaton smiled. He leaned down and over, gently kissing and
nibbling at her panting mouth.
He rubbed hips, letting his oh-so-wet hand drape along her skin.
"What are you doing?"
Keaton kissed her neck and shoulder then pulled back to admire her.
"What do you mean?"
"Finish!" she whined with a smile, batting her eyelashes then moved against him.
He barked a laugh, then pushed his hand between her thighs. He flicked her slit with his
fingers and watched her reaction change from tense to relaxed. Again, he felt a bit of reluctance
tug at his conscience. What would happen after they made love? Would she leave again? Find
any reason to be away from him? Or would she stay and have lunch and just be with him? Would
she want to?
"Lea, tell me something..."
"What?" she snapped then moaned after he pressed down on her clit. Her body moved.
Lea held his arm and rode his hand in a sensual slide that otherwise would've driven him crazy.
He was on a different path to satisfaction, the path of a watcher and observer.

"Why'd you come here today?"

Lea paused and looked up at him, frowning. Keaton bent and kissed her neck, her chest,
the space between her breasts.
"To see you."
"How long do you intend to stay?" he asked, moving down the bed. He pulled his hand
from her snatch and used both to press her legs open. He glanced up and saw her lick her lips.
"I-I-I don't know."
Keaton plied the lips of her sex open, then dipped his head, licking her from front to
back. She groaned and her hips shot up. He laughed, outside of himself, and gently pressed those
hips down to the bed, again. He licked, less fervently and got a similar reaction.
"What's your point...with these questions, Keat? Just fuck me already. Oh Yeeesss."
Keaton had found her clit and now pressed his mouth against it sucking hard. He pulled
back, licking the flavor of her from his mouth; he watched the steady, hectic rise and fall of her
chest, stomach, and hips. She gripped his head and pressed him down. His face was full of her
and he loved it. The insides of her thighs gripped the sides of his head so hard he felt the pressure
would crush his skull, but he kept on licking, and sucking. The sucking made her mad, and with
a series of grunts and f-words and "Keaton" exhalations, she came. He was thankful at tasting air
again once her thighs finally let loose of him.
He sat back on his haunches and watched her breathe and catch her breath. Her middle
was a salivary mess. His dick zinged and was pitch perfect in its arousal. It was hard, heavy and
ready to expel its own release. Keaton waited, stroking steadily while watching her moan and
turn to her side. Keaton covered her quickly, drawing her into a hug meant to help her release
and relax. He kissed her neck then her shoulders, and rocked with her until she quieted and
settled to the point he thought her asleep.
"Not yet, Lea."
"Hmmm?" she moaned, then sighed. He rocked them again, this time insinuating his leg
between her thighs. He lifted it up enough to rub at her sex. She tensed, he grinned victorious.
But victory at what? Being able to turn her on and out? He could fuck her senseless. She'd fall
asleep, wake up and leave. Just as she always did.
"Not yet. Stay with me."
Keaton rolled them to his back. Lea lay on top of him, groaning when she realized his

"I can't Keat."
"Yes you can. C'mon."
With his hands to her side, he urged her up. She pressed her hands into his chest. He let
her legs fall to the side, then straddle him. He lifted his lower half, the tip-end of him, poking and
prodding, searching while encouraging her to move with him.
"You're going to kill me."
Keaton smiled. "That's what you came here for, right?" He pushed the tip of his sex
against her opening. She moved, he moved and soon they both grunted and moaned.
"Um yeah."
Keaton moved, thrusting up, and held her in place at the waist. With his thumbs he found
her clit. She fell forward and he laughed then lifted up, holding her. "Lea? C'mon," He flipped
her over, rested her against the mattress. Lea moaned, tossed her head back and reached for the
headboard. Though he teased and attempted to play it cool with this faux-punishment, he was
nearing mania himself. She felt too good, was too wet, slick, warm and tight, and then he
realized he'd forgone using a condom.
"God in Heaven, oh yessssssssssssssssss."
He pushed her legs up and back into her chest and proceeded to thrust with a wild,
frenzied abandonment. His feet dug into the mattress, her toes curled. He watched them. The
headboard beat against the wall, the alarm clock on the side-table slid a little to the left, nearing
the edge each time. She was close, he was closer, and she was open, wide open. They were flesh
to flesh. He gripped her ankles, squeezing hard, then reared back thrusting double-time. He
angled until he felt that soft quiver inside her sex. Keaton sought it out, thrusting towards it then
floating in motion. It became a rhythm that had him chanting her name in correlation to the way
she chanted his own.
Lea became the one forcing him to stay awake now. Keaton lay over her, their cooling
bodies yet connected. She touched his hair, his face and cooed his name until he stirred, lifting
on jellied arms before moving off of her. He pulled out slowly and lay to the side. His dick fell
against his thigh, still warm from her insides. Slowly he opened his eyes and took inventory of
the bed coverings, all haphazardly scattered about. He looked again to his dick then to her pussy
and the sheen of dampness highlighting their combined sweat and cum.

"Uh-oh," he said, touching her there. He slipped a finger inside. "Sorry, I forgot." She
gripped his hand and pushed it back, then rolled to her side facing him. He saw a few of the
condoms on the pillow; the others most likely had fallen to the wayside, to the floor. "I didn't
think, Lea." He lifted his head.
"Me either," she smiled, touching his face, his chin, his mouth before pressing a kiss
against him. "I'm on the pill," she settled back onto the bed. "Just...please tell me you don't have
herpes or some other STD."
"I don't," he spoke quickly. "Nothing. I'm pure and clean as the driven snow."
This made her smile, then laugh. "No really, I'm innocent."
"Innocent?" She looked down to his dick. "Innocent," she repeated. "Yeah, right."
"I am," he lifted up onto his elbows. "See I'm young...younger than you...and this?" He
waved to the bed. "Coming over here on your damn lunch break to corrupt me. Poor innocent
me. You've taken advantage of me, Lea Richards, for the last time." He moved in for a kiss.
"Is that what you think?" she asked, blocking him. Something in her tone recalled the not
so friendly frost he felt when she first arrived. They'd had sex. Now was the time for her to bolt,
or for both of them to stay and say that this between them was more than just a mid-afternoon
tumble or late night booty call. He wanted more. Maybe go on a date and do stupid stuff like go
for a ski-ride together and grill cheeseburgers or fish.
"Actually, yeah." He paused, and then began again slowly. "Lately I've been...wanting a
little more from you."
Lea let her head fall back on the pillow, then rolled to her back. "More? What more?"
Keaton cleared his throat, rested his head in one hand and allowed his arm and other hand
to ride her stomach. He felt the smooth of her skin, the warmth of it, even as the ventilation blew
cool air into the room.
"Like school...this test you're taking."
"Like when you take it, are you leaving? Will you stay? Where are you going to go?"
Lea looked at him, frowning. "I don't know. I mean, I have a couple schools picked out
"How soon? If I move in with my mom and go to college here instead of State, will ...
will I, will we still be, like, together or ... whatever."

She sighed, and put an arm behind her head. "I guess. I mean, we can have this until, we
can't." she shrugged, not finishing.
"Until when, Lea?" He sat up. "And what the hell is this?"
She sat up, too, breasts bouncing as she moved. He couldn't help but to watch and be
hypnotized by them. They were like grapefruit, only a little larger and a whole lot softer.
"This?" she asked, echoing.
"Yes! Me and you. You and I, the both of us! Like, are you my girlfriend? Are we
dating? Or...what?"
She gave him a look, then focused her attention away from him, and over to her clothing
on the floor. "Umm..."
"Don't go. Please, stay."
"I think I should head home," she turned away, swinging her legs to the side of the bed.
"Don't. Just tell me what we are, so I'll know. My mom's been hounding me about living
with her. Kay and Danny are having issues and to be honest, I can't take their mood swings
anymore. I want out but I don't know the next step. All I know is that I want you with me." He
rallied on while watching her dress.
"So what is this? What are we? And why the hell can't people know we're fucking?"
She turned quickly with bra in place, khaki pants hiked around her waist.
"Because of what?" he asked, feeling his frustration mount. He rolled from his side of the
bed, stepped over covers, condoms and his own clothes. By the time he reached her, she was
fastening her pants and searching around for her shirt. "Lea?" He touched her arm, imploring.
"Because we are fucking, and that's all we ever were doing. It's not something I think I
should broadcast, okay?" She bypassed him to the door, found her shirt and shrugged it on.
"Don't pretend you wanted more now Keaton, when all you wanted oh forget it. I never knew
what the hell you truly wanted. I mean, I thought you were cool with this."
"Well, I'm not," he replied petulant. "I wanna be with you, outside of this. Like regular
couples, people, whatever," He shrugged, He felt helpless and weak, frustrated to no end. "Is it
because we work together?" he asked.
"No," she said, tucking in her shirt.
"Is it because I'm younger?"

"Is it because I'm white? That's it, right? It would fucking figure. All my brothers have
'non-white' partners."
"Yes," Lea perked. "They do. All three of them," she stated, as-a-matter-of-fact.
Keaton watched her, she watched him. Her implication took a moment to sink in, but it
"What am I being accused of?"
"You want to do this?" she said crossing her arms.
"Do what? Lea, what have I done?"
"I'm your black girl fetish."
Keaton doubled back. "My what?"
"Why were you arrested when you were seventeen?"
Keaton stammered.
Lea threw up her hand. "Your mother told me all about it. When she saw me Keaton she
liked to have passed out. My resemblance to your brother's wife helped your obsession with her.
You finally got her in bed. What kind of family is this? Kay said your mother exaggerated, but I
don't think so. You harassed her, stalked her. Your mom said you've been trying to find a black
girl that looks just like her!"
Keaton felt sick. "I swear that's not how it is."
"No, yes, I mean I did some shit when I was messed up. It was after my fathers murder. I
was confused, but I, I'm not obsessed with Kay."
"I've seen the way you stare at her."
"Lea! It's not true. My mom is out of her fucking head. She wasn't even here. I dated Kay,
no I had a date with Kay, no, I kissed her"
"Save it."
"Lea," he caught her at the front door. "That's not why I want to be with you." He
searched her eyes. "I'm...I'm...I just want you. You and me, together, doing stuff like going out
and--dammit Lea, please. I'm sorry okay? I handled this wrong. I saw you and I liked you. I, um,
never dated a black girl, but it wasn't an experiment. It was more than that. That thing with Kay
happened over two years ago. Do you think my brother would let me stay here if I was after his

wife? I made a mistake and I paid for it. End of story. Dammit. Dammit." He bit back a sob but
the tearing couldn't be helped. He didn't need to cry, but through the crushing desperation he
feared he would.
"Keaton," she softened, then shook her head as if shaking away the thought of him. "I
can't. I... This was a mistake on both our parts. I'm sorry." Her apologizing said it all. He almost
screamed when she walked through the door, leaving him to once again stand half dressed in
someone's front yard.
"Lea!" he called after her and as much as he wanted to run after her and didn't care about
his semi-nudity and the neighbors' seeing, he didn't. Instead, he leaned against the door and
watched her back out of his drive and go, crying. He stayed that way until the mailman pulled up
along the curb to their mailbox. Keaton pushed off and closed the door. He stopped in the center
of the living room, hearing the grandfather clock tick above the silence of the house. He stared
blindly at the images of his brothers and family above the fireplace. He barely breathed. He
could smell her, all of her. The scent of her skin, the perfume she wore, her sweat. The stuff she
put in her hair, the smell of her sex, of her pussy as she rode his dick.
Keaton got the shower spray as hot as he could stand and numbly washed and scrubbed
for a number of uncounted minutes. He cleaned the bathroom, taking his dirty clothes and towels
to the hamper in his bedroom. He stared at the bed with its sheets smelling of her. The evidence
of his spunk, her cum smeared into the crevices. He stripped the entire bed, down to the mattress
cover. He picked up other dirty clothes in his room and drew all of it into a ball that he drug
down the hall to the laundry. The washing machine was a new one. An upright, heavy loadcarrying beast of domesticity. Kay had wanted it and the dryer. She ended up with a matching
pair in red that she found at Sears. Danny bought them without hesitation, even though they were
overly large for the small laundry room.
Keaton got the load started, then turned for the kitchen, cleaning the dishes in the sink,
the table and countertops. He stopped in the living room and did the same, straightening the
remotes, the controllers, and the pillows on the sofa, everything. He finished what came to be the
first of many beers he would consume during the course of the afternoon. He even managed a
couple rounds of the lake on the Ski he damaged trying to impress her. Kay found him sprawled
on the back-porch, no sun block, no sunglasses or shade of any kind.
"Look at you," he heard her say then felt the stinging touch of her fingertips. He cried

out. "You're burned. How long have you been out here?"
He sat up, his head feeling fuzzy and stomach a bit nauseous. It growled. He licked his
lips, realizing how dry the inside of his mouth felt. The beer bottle to his side was half-empty and
the beer itself, warm, ruined.
"C'mon, get up before you burn some more."
He looked up, seeing only her silhouette. The sun was bright, so bright. "Lea?"
"No, I'm not Lea. Would you come inside or at least get under the shade over there?" She
pointed to a portion of the porch that was covered.
"Lea," he mumbled, staring at the bottle of beer. He lifted it and shrugged, then drank it
down; bitter sting, warm froth and all.
"Why are you drinking?" Kay reached and took the bottle from him.
"Lea... she broke up with me." He shielded his eyes, finding Kay's face in the shadows.
"Today. Earlier. I'm celebrating."
Kay gripped one of his arms and pulled. He saw she meant to help him up, so he let her
by using his wobbly legs to push up.
"I'm so sorry, Keaton."
"No, no. It's me. All me."
"She was so nice. I thought you two would make it."
"Nope," he cut her off, shuffling through the kitchen to the refrigerator. "I cleaned," he
gestured to the sink and counters.
"Yeah, I saw. Thanks."
He took another bottle from inside the fridge, slammed the door then turned to the proper
drawer with the bottle opener.
"I did laundry, too. My bed linens, alla dat's done."
"Yep. I'm Mr. Clean." He pretended to pop his collar. "So fresh, so clean," he sang.
"So wasted," Kay interrupted. "Why don't you let me take this," she stood before him and
reached for his beer. "You should lie down. This is not the way to celebrate or a reason to
celebrate, Keat." He let her take his beer. She turned and set it on the counter and when she
turned again to face him he was there. "Keaton," she gasped.
Compelled by something he couldn't quite name, he drew Kay by the waist against him

and landed a hard kiss against her mouth. Expecting it, she pushed at him until he released her
and when he did she slapped him. Hard.
"Yes!" he cried, cheek stinging so bad his left eye teared. "Hit me again, Kay, this
cheek...make it good."
"No," she shook her head and stepped back. "What's the matter with you?"
"I'm a freak of nature that's what! I stalk black women, and bang their brains out, because
I'm a freak of nature. Right? That's what you think, what Danny thinks. Damn sure what Lea
thinks! Fuck it. I just want to be hit. And you do it so well," he reached for her again, but she
pushed him off and scrambled around the center island. "C'mon, Kay. You're sick of me, right?
You're scared of me too. I followed you around town for weeks before you got the cops
involved. My brothers' are scared of me too. Just hit me...right here," he pointed to his
cheekbone. "Or maybe here," he pointed to his mouth. "Or here," he pointed to both eyes.
"I'm calling your brother."
"Danny? Josh? Or Chris?" He took a drink of beer, while watching her dial. "Call all
three of them. Tell 'em I said, what's up!" He pushed off the counter and passed her. She glared,
holding her phone to her ear. "Hey, when Danny gets here to kick my ass, tell him I'm in my
room waiting. K? Thanks and G'bye."
Keaton stumbled to the bathroom and pissed for five minutes. He pissed and dozed while
standing, that is. He knocked over the bottle of beer. It drained into the sink. He picked it up and
drank just enough to finish it off, then tossed it into the trashcan at the side. He heard Kay in the
kitchen so he walked back.
"Hey listen, I'm sorry I kissed you...actually, no I'm not sorry because I wanted you to do
what you did. I wanted you to hit me because I want you to continue to hate me, Kay. You and
Marcie and Zoe, hate me more, hate me now, hate me forever, okay?" He backed into the hall,
scratching at a spot on his back. "And yeah, Danny? I'll be in my room waiting." He threw a
couple shadow-boxer punches, grinning at her expression.
"You're crazy." Kay said, gawking at him in horror.
"Nope. I'm just Keaton. I don't give a fuck about nobody! And guess what Kay? No one
gives a fuck about me. No female that is, including the cunt who gave birth to me."
Keaton was deep in the thick of it. If he had a hookup he could call he would, but the
only person he knew with access to weed and ecstasy was Chavez, and considering how loose

his connection with Chavez was, he decided against going that route. So enter beer after Shiner
Bach beer. Beer in the water, beer in the sun, yes he'd have beer to remember, beer to regret, but
beer most of all to forget.
Truth was, he hadn't fully processed the "I don't want you anymore because you're some
fetish freak." with Lea. He refused to go there now because going there would have him dialing
her repeatedly, texting, hell, stalking her outside of her home until she agreed to speak to him.
Lea had dumped him and he didn't understand why.
"I'm Keaton Dumas, baby, yeah," he drawled laughing at himself. "I should drive over
there, right now and take care of this. How are we supposed to work together?" He rose from the
bed, head dizzy. He'd been in the room not-processing what had happened, even as he processed
what only recently occurred with Kay. He was just about to reach for the light to turn it on, when
lo and behold, "Big brother!" He exclaimed. Danny turned the light on for him. "Don't worry,"
Keaton glanced over to his clothes all packed away in duffle bags and suitcases. He'd found one
of those Rubbermaid tubs to put his games and X-Box in. "I'm ready to go."
Danny's eyes darted from Keaton to his things and back again.
"But first things, first, right?" He stood, motioning with his fists, gesturing to one eye. "A
shiner for a dozen Shiner Bach's."
Danny glared, tensed. Keaton saw the muscles in his face twitch and the vein in his
forehead tighten.
"What are you waiting for? C'mon. I kissed your should hit me now. I know I
scared the shit out of her."
Danny took a step forward. Keaton tensed, preparing. He waited, but didn't expect what
happened next.
"Sit down."
Danny kicked the door closed with his foot and pointed to the bed. Keaton lowered his
fists and slowly, awkwardly sat while Danny paced. Danny started, as if to speak but stopped,
then started again, even pointing, then pounding one fist into the other. Keaton moved to speak,
but Danny pointed again.
"Not one word."
"But I"

Danny rushed him, then stopped just short of drawing Keaton to his feet by the collar.
"I don't know what's wrong with you. I don't know what happened with you and Lea, and
I don't really care." Danny stopped. He let go of Keaton's shirt and took a step back. "This," he
pointed to Keaton's things. "Is probably the best idea you've ever had."
Deflated and ashamed, Keaton cast his eyes down to his feet, feeling the weight of booze,
combined with self-pity heavy on his shoulders.
"I'm sorry about Kay," he began but Danny quickly shushed him.
Both were quiet. Keaton, balled one hand into a fist and shoved it into the other while
studying the wood grain in the floor at his feet. Danny continued to pace, running one hand
through his hair while casting Keaton glances that blazed and scorched through him.
"I spoke to Janice. She's out of town visiting your Aunt Grace. There's an extra key in the
mailbox. You can stay here for the night but in the morning I want you gone. And Keaton, you
are not to step foot in this house again. Under no circumstances, are you to speak to Kay, go near
her. Don't you dare even look her way. You hear me lil brother? Answer me!"
Keaton nodded. "Yes. I understand." He felt abandoned, along with more sadness and
frustration than he ever felt in his life. If only Lea had said yes and not no. Why didn't she let
him explain?
"Kay and I are going out for dinner. I need to calm her down. Fuck! Fuck! I can't believe
we're back here."
"Were not Danny. I'm not losing it. I did it on purpose. I'm really sorry, Danny," he
blurted. "She was there and I was mad at Lea, about Lea and I kissed her. I kissed Kay because I
knew it would make her call you and I knew you'd be mad and that you'd throw me out."
"Hey, hey," Danny took him by the shoulders. "You're stupid, I get it. But you've got to
stop thinking you can treat my wife any kind of way when you get upset about your love-life or
lack thereof. One has nothing to do with the other. If you weren't my brother you would be deadmeat right now, buddy. Dead-meat. You understand?"
"Yeah," he mumbled, having held his brother's gaze the entire time. Danny gripped his
shoulder once more, then let up and walked to the door.
"Marcela's home. You should drop by and visit your nephew."
With both hands, Keaton wiped his face, pulled his fingers through his hair and stared at
Danny's departing back. He lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, listening as Danny and

Kay moved about getting ready to leave, then leaving. He picked up his phone, scrolled through
the numbers and pressed send on Lea's line. He hung up after the first ring.
After staring at the ceiling for another fifteen minutes, he rolled up off the bed, and
grabbed his keys. Josh lived up the road. He could've walked...probably should've, but hopped in
his truck anyway. Keaton turned the volume up on his stereo, blasting heavy metal, needing the
rancorous distraction to keep him from thinking of Lea. He pulled into Josh's drive and sat,
listening to the music until Josh turned on the porch light, stepped out and waved. He cut the
power, the ignition, got out and walked inside.

Chapter Seventeen
Two Days Later "Dang it!" He yelled at the television, then angrily pressed pause. Giving it some thought,
he changed his mind, then pressed save instead. He dropped the controller onto the coffee table,
stood, stretched, yawned, and stretched again. He had no qualms over openly scratching his balls
while standing opposite the un-shaded, open bay window. It faced the side of the neighbor's
house and the back yard of their house. It was the middle of the day. Most likely no one was
home, and he generally didn't care. He wore only his boxer-briefs and flip-flops. The house was
empty. His mother was still gone to his aunt's. He was scheduled to work, but not until another
couple of hours, and to be honest, he had been debating whether or not to go.
"I should call in and quit," he grumbled while staring into the refrigerator, inventorying
each healthy item inside. His mother didn't buy junk food, only organic healthy stuff. Keaton
was hungry for something more than the high fiber, high protein bowl of corn flakes he'd eaten
for breakfast. He drank two glasses of reduced-sugar orange juice, then started to make himself a
"We were never really together," he spoke to the jar of low-cal, low-fat mayonnaise he
opened to spread onto some whole-wheat bread. It tasted like a grainy cardboard sandwich.
That's right. They were never a couple, just sexing partners. "Whatever," he mumbled, then set
the jar of mayo back into the fridge. He layered the sandwich with low-calorie, low-fat meat,
cheese, lettuce, tomato, bread, pickles, the whole shebang of bland goodness. He stood at the
counter, chewing each bite ten times, before finally swallowing the nutritious lump of sandwich.
"Geez, what was I thinking?"
The question was rhetorical, but not. The logic in his thinking was that he too could
finally stop playing the field, sleeping with random girls for the sake of it, finding some kind of
direction in his life. That's exactly what he was thinking with Lea. That she could be the
roadblock he needed to slow down, to stop, to focus and re-evaluate his life.
"What do I wanna be when I grow up?" he asked aloud while staring at the pattern in the
granite counter. "I have no clue. No clue. What do I want?" he asked, taking another bite out of
his sandwich. "Who do I want?" Keaton chewed while thoughtfully thinking of Lea and the

small precious sounds she made while turning in her sleep. Why her? Why black women? Hell
after a mother like Janice he should have turned gay.
Keaton searched the refrigerator for a drink, finding not the beer he wanted and not the
soda he preferred, but instead a ginger ale. It was sweet, carbonated and it worked. He took the
drink and the sandwich and a bag of pita chips back to the den, flopped down hard on the sofa,
setting the items on the table as he went.
Had he ever dated a black girl before? He thought back to middle school and the one girl
in his class, Nancy Johnson, who'd call him after school to talk about nothing. They would
literally sit on the phone and say nothing. He liked her, but he liked everybody and everybody
liked Keaton Dumas. That was middle school though, and he hadn't so much as given her
another thought until now. He was vaguely aware that she'd gone to Brown or Yale or some
other Ivy League. She got out of this town and good for her; she was always smart. Too smart for
him, perhaps, but it didn't matter.
Keaton shook his head. "It's stupid. I don't care about that. I don't care about any of it."
He repeated the words as if trying to convince himself. His father raised them to be fair, be good,
honorable, loyal, productive sons who would grow to be men. What would his father have said
about Danny and Kay? About Josh and Marcela? About Chris and Zoe? Would Andrew Dumas
have cared about the color of the skin of the women his sons had fallen in love with? No. Each of
his brothers had chosen a woman that was the polar opposite of their mother. Why was that
coincidence not speculated on?
"Lea's nothing like Kay," he spoke aloud. "And that's not why I like her. She was wrong
for thinking that. For implying it."
Keaton winced slightly after speaking the words, realizing he hadn't been exactly
forthcoming with Lea about his old feelings for his sister-in-law, Kay. Somehow she saw
through him. Saw his intentions when he kept reasoning them away. That's when she decided for
them. Decided they could never be anything, but sex-buddies. Not exactly, the final push came
from his dear old mother, her insane need to make him as pathetic as she was. Keaton sighed.
What difference would it make if she knew or not? For him to confess another doggone thing
would further drive a wedge between him and Lea. Especially his past with Kay.
He waited another hour, eating, drinking, and playing his game before calling the store.
"Lea Richards," he said to the switchboard.

"Who's calling?"
"Keaton Dumas."
"One moment."
Keaton listened to an automated voice highlight this week's sales.
"Electronics, this is Lea."
He dropped the phone, cursed, set the game to pause then picked the phone up again.
"Hi. It's me."
Lea said nothing. He listened, was sure that she was there, silently waiting. Waiting for
her to proceed.
"What's up, Keaton?"
"Uh, umm, I'm sick." He coughed for emphasis. "Can't work tonight. Really sorry about
it." He wasn't. "I might be contagious no, scratch that. I know I'm contagious," He thought of
Kay hating him and Lea, not too far behind. "I don't want to infect anyone, so"
"What's wrong?"
There was actually genuine concern in her question or maybe he wanted to believe there
was something. "I don't know," he lied. "I don't feel so hot." This much was true.
"Okay. I guess you should stay at home then. I hope you feel better."
Do you? He wanted to ask, but didn't. Instead he cleared his throat and coughed again. A
real cough.
"Yeah, I'm at home. At my mom's," he blurted, not knowing readily why he shared that
bit of information. Honestly he did know why he said what he said. He wanted her to ask why he
was at his mom's and not Danny's. He wanted her to be interested in knowing the reason for his
sudden move from one place to the other. Why leave the lake, the Skis, the good life living with
his brother to be held down, suffocated within the confines of his mother's home.
"Okay. I hope you feel better."
Was that all she had to say? Was that it? Really?
"Thank you," he answered in a reply that wasn't really the reply he wanted to give. He
sensed her waiting. He heard in the background the goings on of the store on a busy work day.
"Hey, Lea"
"I should go."
They spoke simultaneously. An awkward silence stepped in to referee. Keaton waited a

beat, then pushed on, figuring now or never.

"I need to see you. To explain myself. I get it, you see. It must have been confusing
hearing that stuff from my mother. And mostly we were friends right? I was impetuous," he said
the word slowly, unsure if it was the correct term. Maybe he should've used another? "I should
have never tried to change things between us. Force things. We were friends, and we should just
be friends."
"Keaton," she began, although he kept going.
"Usually it's the other way around, you know. Girls want me for a boyfriend. They're the
ones asking. With you, it's different and I like that it's different. I justyou're hot, you're smart,
you're funny, you're so different from any other woman I've ever met"
"Keaton," she tried again, but he closed his eyes and continued, not wanting to mess this
up. Not wanting the next time he saw her to be weird. To be truthful, something about spilling
the beans of the truth of it all via a phone call and not face-to-face made it easier. At the very
least he could make things better for now. He was sure he'd be kicking himself later.
"I made a stupid mistake once. I was wrong and I can't change it. But it has nothing to do
with you. My feelings weren't about getting a stand in for my brother's wife. It wasn't about
experimenting with a black woman. It was simply feelings for a cool girl named Lea Richards
that I clicked with. It doesn't have to be any more than friendship. I can deal with us, as we were,
for as long as you want, Lea"
"Keaton, I can't talk about this now. I have to get back to work."
He opened his eyes, blinking back the fuzziness that clouded his vision. "I'm sorry, Lea."
"I just. It's just busy here. Crazy busy. I've left Pinto alone at the counter and there's like
ten people there and the Help button won't stop going off. Umm, so, get better, feel better and I'll
see you tomorrow?"
"No. I mean, yes, I hope to be well by then."
Now or never, now or never. Don't let her slip away, don't slip, don't slip.
"I'm at my mom's," he blurted. "I'm staying at my mom's. I live here now. Maybe later I
can see you?"
"I thought you were contagious?" she said.
"Maybe later, you can call or can I call you? Or"
He shut up. Having realized he rambled on, even as she interrupted him to stop. Had she

not said yes he would've commenced to begging.

"Sure, Keaton," she mumbled.
"That's a yes? You'll call?"
"Sure. I'll call and check on you. How's that? You're the sick one, right? It's what friends
"That's great!" He winced realizing how his excitement could translate to not-really-sickafter-all. "I mean, I look forward to seeing you again."
"Um, I need to go. Bye."
"I miss you," he spoke to the phone after she said goodbye and hung up. "I miss you Lea,
and I want you. I want to start again. No sex, no nothing. Just me and you as friends, like it was
in the very beginning. I need you to understand. I need for someone to understand, I need, I
need" He lowered the phone. He wasn't emo. He wasn't the dude that moped about and wrote
poetry and carved Looney Tunes into his wrists whenever depressed. Yeah, he acted foolishly
but it didn't erase the pain. He would be active while moping.
"I need a second chance."
His situation with Lea was tenuous yet he felt hopeful for some kind of reconciliation.
What if that didn't happen? What if she said no? What would he do then?
"Amsterdam," he mumbled while removing his penis from his briefs and aiming the
spray of urine to the bottom of the toilet. "Copenhagen, Berlin, Prague." He finished, flushed the
toilet and tucked himself away, then shrugged on a pair of canvas shorts. "I'll travel. Hostels,
hookers, hamburgers and hashish, if Lea won't have me."
Tall order. Too much to place on her, right? Right? Maybe he should back down.
But I like her so much!
Keaton stepped down to the hot concrete of the back patio. The sun shone down, blinding
and warm. He picked his way across the landing, down the steps to the pool. He crossed the
grass to the separate drive and garage in back of the house where hed parked his vehicle the
night before.
Keaton searched through the compartments in the console. He wasn't positive, but it
wouldn't hurt to try and find a little something left over, just to help him relax.
"Yes!" He found a barely smoked joint lodged between envelopes, a pack of Trident
gum, and a roll of quarters. There were also several carbon copies of parking tickets he'd

received at one time or another.

Walking back to the house, he sat by the pool, puffed and exhaled until the thing burned
down to his fingertips. He stared at the turquoise blue water, watching the breeze ripple the
water. He felt hot, then chilled, then hot again. Gazing over his hands and arms, and he saw the
burn that had begun to set in from his time in the sun the day before. He would be an odd
combination of red, brown, pink, and burning hot to the touch if he didn't seek some relief from
the light.
Instead of going back inside, he mashed the remainder of the joint into a groove in the
asphalt, tested the temperature of the water with his toes, then slipped none too gracefully into
the deep end of the pool. The dip was refreshing when he sunk to the bottom, touching the base
of the pool with his fingertips. He realized then how quickly the high had set in. He would
definitely be sore from the sunburn chaffing his skin, compounded with the wondrous effect of
chlorine tainted, below room temperature water.
Holding his breath, he pushed off with his hands into a slow, turbine like turn, facing up,
then floating slowly but surely to the surface. His body felt light, weightless, and when he
opened his eyes everything was illuminated.
He floated, luxuriating in the tranquility of one of Earths most valued resources.
"I've missed this," he thought, "I miss feeling whole." He swam for under an hour, got out
and lounged in the shade on one of the deck chairs. He slowly woke later thinking his mother
was the cause, but it wasn't his mother. It was the rattle and hum of his cell as it rang sometime
"Hi, Keaton."
"Lea?" He sat up. Slowly. His words were thick, his throat dry and sticky. "You're asleep.
I can call again."
"No, no. I'm up." He swallowed and stifled a yawn. "Where are you?"
"On Broadway. Thought I'd stop by Yamato for sushi. I've been craving California rolls
all day."
"Sushi, huh?"
He wiped his eyes. She called him to tell him she was buying sushi? This was a good

sign, wasn't it?

"That sounds . . . great." He checked the clock to see the time. "Yamato is on Copeland,
"Cool. That's not far from where I am. I can meet you."
"I thought you were sick?"
"Uh . . . yeah," He put his head down, ran a hand through his hair. "I feel better." He
offered quickly, though his head felt like someone had taken a wad of cotton candy and stuffed it
between his ears.
"Good. I'm glad you're better."
"So I can meet you," he waited, mentally crossing his fingers.
What? He paused, rewound his memory to make sure he'd heard what he heard.
"Okay, Lea."
"It's just I hadn't planned on eating in. I'm dressed in my uniform and I'm grungy. I'm
going to grab a platter and go home."
"Yeah, why don't you stop by here instead? I mean, before you go home. Friends right?"
He thought he heard her sigh, which disheartened him.
"C'mon, Lea. Nothing heavy, just . . . sushi and whatever you want."
She was quiet, saying nothing at first. He heard the sound of a horn blowing in the
background, followed by the ding-ding-ding of her car alert signifying the door ajar. He sensed
her answer and did his best to sway the direction of her words before she even spoke them.
"I'm hungry, too," he said. "For sushi."
She laughed, "Right."
"Girrrrllll," he began smiling. "I'm starved. Bring me something. Let's hang. Let's chill.
Let's play video games. See? Nothing heavy. Nothing at all."
She cleared her throat, "Well, as long as you understand."
His heart lurched and not in a good way. "Yeah, yeah, I got it. I do, Lea. Whatever you
want, right?" He got up from the chair and surveyed the glass door to the family room. He'd have

to clean a bit. "I mean, we have to work together, right? When I'm not," he coughed, "sick, that
"Okay, okay. What do you want?"
You, he thought. "California rolls sound good. Just get me whatever you're getting," he
said instead.
"You're so easy," she said with a smile in her voice. He winced imagining a double
meaning behind those words.
"Cool, so you know where Hollytree is?"
"Yeah," she answered.
"If you're on Copeland, uh, just take a left past the country club entrance there on the
right. There's a gate. I can give you the access code or you can buzz me when you get here."
"I'll buzz you," she said. He heard a door slam and more horns and cars sounding in the
"Cool," he searched his bedroom for pants. "Buzz me."
"I will."
"Cool," he repeated again, finding a pair of pants. He grinned like mad, felt light, like life
when life is good. Marveling at such a turnaround from how he felt earlier in the day. How he'd
behaved even a day before compared to now.
He was hopeful.
"'Ok, see you soon."
Keaton was in the process of pulling on pants when he hung up with Lea. Simultaneously
he caught a whiff of his underarm and realized he needed to shower. Keaton glanced at the clock
quickly acknowledging that he didnt have much time. So he showered, fast and clumsily,
washing his upper and lowers, and just barely swiping his hair with shampoo before rinsing the
concoction from his locks. Hurriedly he dried, and then found a pair of pants. The doorbell rang,
he ran to the entrance, slid into the frame and turned the locks to open.
"You didn't buzz," he remarked with a grin, seeing her there holding a white bag with the
word 'Yamato' and a graphic for the restaurant's insignia.
"Didn't have to," she sighed, shrugging her purse higher onto her shoulder. She gave him
a smile that warmed his heart. "Are you going to invite me in?"
"Are you crazy?" He blurted. Her eyes bulged. "Of course," he said, stepping back.

"Welcome to ah, the original Dumas household. My current home."

He couldn't help it, but he sniffed her as she walked past. Just a light inhale to detect her
fragrance again. She had mentioned being grungy, which implied the feel and smell of sweat and
dirt from the store, but he got none of that. Only got her, all that was and ishis Lea. Closing the
door behind them, he locked it and watched as she slowly walked inside. Her hair was pulled to
the nape of her neck and face, which was without makeup. Just bare and natural like always. On
her lips there was some color, a shiny pink gloss. He wondered if she put on a dab to see him, for
him. Maybe she really wanted to be there.
"Where's the kitchen?" she asked.
"Uh, it's back that way, but we can go here," he motioned to the left. "It's the den. We can
eat there, unless you just want to eat in the kitchen?"
"Den's fine," she smiled.
They stood in the foyer with her holding the bag, watching him, waiting on him
He watched her and waited too.
"Which way is it?" She spoke through the air between them.
"Here," he said, finding that he needed to clear his throat. "Follow me," he said, touching
his chest, feeling a slight cramp in the cavity there. Nerves. Had to be. "You want a beer?" he
asked, finding his voice once she moved to the couch and began removing her Target shirt.
Underneath she wore only a chemise, he believed they were called, knit, with small straps.
"Want something to drink?"
"Beer would be great, Keat. Thanks."
He waited until she sat, before stepping through the other entrance to the room, one that
led out through the office and into the kitchen. She was so pretty, it hurt. Her smell, the way she
carried her purse and sighed. The way she sat on the sofa and moved forward, lifting one sushi
package from inside. The way she breathed and smiled, and glanced left or right, or up to him
with light in her eyes. It was all Lea, not Kay, not Halle Berry or Kerry Washington. No, she
wasn't some black girl he wanted to have sex with. Not an easy lay. She was Lea Richards who
had a mean man hating cat, and a cute dimple in her left cheek when she smiled. He saw her,
really saw her, and he secretly hoped it wasn't too late to prove it.
"Jesus," he swore under his breath, and then pressed one bottle to his forehead, savoring
its cool before re-entering the den. "Sorry, no beer, just Ginger ale." He noticed the table. She'd

moved aside his controllers and set the trays next to one another. Small containers of soy sauce
and wasabi rested in the center. She'd even gone so far as to open his chopsticks and place them
on top of a napkin next to the tray.
"Ginger ale's fine," she smiled up at him, then touched the cushion next to her. "C'mon,
sit. Let's eat before this gets cold."
He rounded the coffee table, smiling. "But sushi is by nature cold."
"Yes," she grinned. "It is. So I'm not all that funny."
"Yes you are," He sat. "I mean, I got it. I get it."
"You're just being nice to me now, Keaton. I'm not . . . funny. I'm . . . serious. Maybe at
times a little too serious about things, like life. Oh forget it, let's eat."
He held her gaze until she looked away to the tray. He had set her bottle on a coaster next
to her tray. She took it now, opened it and drank.
"Do you like ginger? The pickled ginger? I hate the stuff, so I didn't ask for any."
"It's fine," he said, taking his first bite. The sushi was nice. It practically melted on his
tongue. He noticed then that she'd gotten him a roll with tuna. He looked to her plate and saw
only vegetables wrapped in brown rice and sea kelp. He ate another and another and another. Lea
quietly munched away. They'd been eating in quiet, eating and drinking until Keaton realized,
"Hey, did you want to watch television?"
She shook her head, then took a drink from the bottle. "No, I, I actually wanted to say
some things to you." She turned to him, wiped her mouth. He surveyed her lips and their lack of
sheen now that she'd eaten. "Okay."
"I wanted to say that I'm sorry," she said, tossing the napkin on the table. She turned on
the cushion, pulled one leg up, bent at the knee. "Yesterday was . . . what I said was cruel. Kay
told me at the hospital that your mother did that on purpose. She said that you probably never
mentioned your troubles in your past because you were embarrassed by them."
"Kay said that?" Keaton swallowed another lump of guilt."
Lea nodded. "She said it wasn't her you were obsessed with. She said you just wanted
something, and you've been searching really hard since your father died for that something. I
don't know, it kind of upset me that I was getting so wrapped up in you, and you could be it
could all be just some experiment for you. So I tried to make it my experiment. Make it like I
don't care, and part of me didn't care Keaton, because. Well, I was never as invested, as you

were. I don't let people get in close."

"It's all right, Lea. I get it."
"Do you?" She touched his arm. He chewed the last bit of sushi roll in his mouth and
swallowed the rest down, tasting the tuna, the avocado, the rice and wasabi. "You are a great
guy," she began.
"But I'm too young," he finished, unable to erase the trace of bitter in his tone. Where had
it come from? He was alright with things before. He'd purposely set about being active so that he
wouldn't feel so resentful.
"No," she shook her head with a small smile. "I mean, you were, initially I think I said
something about that, but," she shook her head again, as if to chase the thought away. "That's not
it at all. It's not you Keaton, it's me. I'm . . ." She gazed around the room, eyes falling to
everything but him. "I'm too . . . serious. Or something. I don't know. I haven't had this," she
glanced around again, then to him. "Ever. I have friends, I've dated some guys, but I never let
"Get close. Why?"
She shrugged, refusing to explain. "It's been a long time since I had this, that's all."
"You mean sex?" He asked. "Were you a virgin, Lea?"
Her face deadpanned. He grinned. She hit him in the arm. "Shut up. You know what I
"No, I don't. Keep talking."
Keaton sat back in the couch, pushed his tray to the side with his foot, propped his feet on
the surface of the table and crossed his arms over his chest, waiting, anticipating, with ears to
hear, eyes to see. She didn't hate him, after all.
Lea licked her lips. His eyes followed.
"I'm not searching for a boyfriend," she said, biting her bottom lip. "And that's what I
realized yesterday," she raised a finger, "Although it's been nagging at me for some time. I'm not
looking for a boyfriend, but I think you were," she said, dropping her hand to her arm. She
rubbed, pushing the sleeve of the shirt above her elbow and to her shoulder, exposing a slim,
bare arm. She massaged there. He watched, hypnotized. Even her arms were pretty. Could arms
be pretty?
"Wait, what? Boyfriend?" he asked, shaken from reverie and study of her appendages. "I

don't want a boyfriend."

"You know what I meant," she reached out to hit him again, but he caught her up and
drew her until she sat next to him.
"I know what you mean. What you're saying. You know, I wasn't exactly seeking a
"I wasn't looking for anyone."
Another lie. Sorta.
"You fell into my lap," he drew her closer by the waist. She wrapped her arms around
him and pressed her face into his chest. "And I . . ." He swallowed. "I fell for you."
Lea lifted her head and focused on his face.
"Sorry," he smiled, then shrugged. "What I feel for you has nothing to do with my
brothers. Or with you being," he made a show of examining her. "Brown."
This made her laugh. He took the moment to pull her legs across his thighs and dip her
back into the cushions a bit. Strategic move? Yes. Planned? Not really. Was what he said about
her being 'brown', and his would-be relationship having nothing to do with his brothers and their
relationships, absolute truth? Of course her being brown factored into his liking her but not as
much as her being her did. He admired his brothers and what they had. He also envied them, so
all of what he said was both a non-truth and a truth. How could he explain the subtlety of his
logic to her now without losing her forever?
He wouldn't.
Lea threw him a rope by coming over, bringing sushi and initiating this conversation
between them. He would tether that rope and make sure it stayed tied to the dock, even if it
meant not disclosing the non-traditional knots and ties used to keep it tethered.
He wanted her that badly.
"When did you know?" she asked, as he gazed on her face.
"Know what?" Keaton asked.
"That I was . . . that I would be more to you?"
Her eyes searched his. They searched as if expecting him to affirm something he couldn't
name for her.
"The first day I saw you, when I met you at the counter in Electronics."

Now this was truth.

She smiled. "Really? Then why did you seduce Sara?"
Keaton choked.
Lea smiled.
"That was to get your attention."
"It did," she said.
"I swear it was the first time I saw you."
"Wow, Keaton." She pushed at chest. He realized she wanted up so he let her go. "That's,
that's crazy."
"Why?" he asked, moving alongside her. She sat up and was now bent over, in the
process of removing her shoes. Again, watching her do an action so mundane, yet so graceful
and oh so Lea, made his heart go pitter-patter and his body feel all kinds of things. He even
reeled, grasping the table to steady himself.
"Sounds like love at first sight," she said, then tossed him a smile. "Or lust at first sight."
"How about both?" he answered slowly, then after seeing her shoes undone and set to the
side, he tugged her arm.
"Both?" she asked, climbing atop him as he stretched along the length of the couch.
"Yes," the word came in a whisper as she steadied herself using her arms, above him. He
shifted, opened his legs so that hers fell between, then held her by the waist, hands traveling
along her sides and to her buttocks. She laughed soft and warm, then pressed a kiss to his cheek.
He closed his eyes, feeling the slow build of arousal settle heavy in his sack. His stomach was
full and he was coming off a cannabis high. He fought the desire to slumber and focused on her
kisses and the soft weight of her on top of him.
"Wait," he said, after she commenced kissing his eyelids in favor of tonguing his mouth.
She tasted like sushi and bubblegum, much to his surprise and elation.
"We're doing this again."
"Doing what?" She dropped lower, pressing her breasts into his chest.
"Lea," he began, then stopped when she tugged at the drawstring to his sweats. "Can we
just lie here?"
"Lie together?"

"Yes," he swallowed, not believing his own ears.

Lea sat up, pushing off to one side. Her hand rested at his waist. She propped herself
against the back of the couch, watching him.
"Sure Keaton."
He opened his eyes. "It's cool?"
She nodded. "You seem more tired than sick, though." She moved down and sat up.
"What have you been doing all day?" She reached for her shoes.
"Nothing," he sat up, too, but moved slowly. "Where are you going?" He feared she was
about to leave him again.
"Um, do you mind if I use your shower?"
Thank God, he thought. He almost fell off the couch with relief.
"The shower?"
"Yes, dear, the shower. I told you I'm grungy." She stood, holding her purse.
"Okay, yeah, the shower. I'll show you."
Keaton had to hold to the couch in order to stand. The after effects of the weed were
taking their toll, and now he just wanted to curl up and sleep.
"C'mon, it's upstairs." He rounded the corner with her following. She remarked here and
there on the house, the crown molding, the floors, the banister to the stairs, family pictures. He
responded in grunts and slow replies. Unconsciously, as they passed through the door of his
bedroom to the bath, he rubbed his erection without realizing he had one. "Here it is . . . I'll take
this and this and this," he said, reaching for towels on the floor. He walked the bundle back to his
bedroom and dropped them in the hamper.
"Are you okay?" Lea pressed a hand to his forehead. He brushed it away, then pulled her
up for a deep-throated kiss.
"Oh my God, you're sick," She shoved him off.
"Not sick," he said, and he wasn't. "I . . . I smoked earlier, that's all."
"Smoked?" she asked.
He eyed the sink and the counter, then considered the press of his cock against her
"Coming down. But yeah, still a little high."
She frowned, holding to his shoulders.

"Look, I don't smoke all the time. You threw me for a loop the other day and I was bored,
that's all."
Her frown deepened. Mentally he kicked himself. The last time he got high was with
Chavez and his people and that resulted in a round of freak-nasty circus-sex he could barely
remember with Sara. Perhaps that's what she was thinking of, Hence, the frown. Hell, it made
him feel weird, too.
"I also got drunk after you left," he confessed, hoping to smooth over the "getting high"
aspect of his coping. "I fell asleep on the deck and got sunburn. See?" He lifted an arm, grinning.
This did little to erase the dismay from her face. "I was out in the sun for hours. Kay found me
and drug me back in the house. I was a wreck, for two days. I am a wreck without you, Lea. And
like I said, I'll take what I can get as long as you're willing to give me some of yourself."
Her expression remained worried, but he continued.
"See? High. I'm blabbing. But I don't get high all the time."
"So you've said, Keaton."
She stared at him. He stared back. They gazed at one another with him holding her by the
waist while leaning against the wall, her on her toes, arms wrapped around his shoulders, fingers
dreadfully close to his hair at the nape of his neck.
"You believe me?"
"Yes," she nodded.
"You'll stay with me?"
"For now."
Keaton grinned.
"Beginning tonight?"
Lea smiled. No, she blushed, then cast her gaze away before looking back to him. "Yes.
Yes I will."
He pulled her up and squeezed her hard, pressing a kiss to her cheek and neck.
"Can we talk about the other stuff, too?"
"What other?"
"Work," he said, drawing back to stare into her eyes. "I know you've been punished for
our relationship. I'll quit if you want me to. I just don't want you to have any problems."
She cocked her head to the right and smiled. "You'd do that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you."

Lea gave a weak smile. "I don't deserve that kind of loyalty. You make me feel sad that I
hurt you Keat."
"I'm a big boy."
Lea forced a brighter smile. "Yes you are. So am I. Look, for this summer we can be, um,
be close friends. Let's just see how it goes."
Keaton felt his heart soar but played it cool. "I'm okay with that."
"Good," she kissed him quick. "I should shower. Feeling so dirty." She stepped out of his
embrace and walked to her bag on the sink. She'd come prepared to stay over? What was this? "I
built four end-caps today. Four! And we were so busy."
Keaton leaned against the doorframe, listening, then watching as she undressed. She
continued to talk even after sliding open the door for the shower and stepping inside. Soon the
room was full of steam. He'd been standing there, staring at the floor now that her body was out
of view. Water splashed and the scent and aroma of her body soap invaded the moist heat of the
She'd brought her own soap, too.
Just what in the Hell was he waiting for?
He yelled that he'd be back. Quickly he ran downstairs, locked all the doors and ran back
up the stairs, shedding the hoodie, kicking the sandals to the side of his bed. He glanced down at
the unmade mattress set and cursed under his breath.
"Screw the bed."
Luckily she was in the process of shampooing her hair. It was something he'd never seen
her do before. Usually she put it up or put some cap thing over the locks to keep them from
getting wet.
Lea jumped and yelped when he pressed himself against her, not bothering to avoid the
spray from the showerhead.
"You scared me half to death!"
"Did I?"
"Yes, you did." She turned and ducked her head under the spray. Water gathered, sluicing
away the lather, and running over her face and eyes. Her lips were parted, begging to be kissed.
With one hand he touched her shoulder, then neck, then hair, allowing his fingers to slide

through the wetness of it. Her eyes slid open as he kissed her and pressed her back, just out of the
way of the spray. With his other hand, he touched her breast, squeezing the soft globe. He
watched her under a hooded gaze, as the nipple, once soft and flat, quickly grew hard, springing
from the center as if begging to be sucked.
With his mouth he covered her nipple, worshipped it, then switched off on the other
while doing the same. He took a step back, admiring his handiwork, watching as her chest fell
and rose, and the lusty look in her eyes. She was heated, anticipating what was next. It was his
intention, on a conscious level, to love her slow and easy, using the aid of water and soap and
body oil. Given his impetuous nature, and ever hardening dick, he did the opposite, though it
would end with similar satisfaction. Heaving her higher he brought her down on his dick and
nearly cried out it felt so good. She tightened her hold on his neck and gave him complete
control. Keaton could feel his muscles flex as he worked her higher then back down his upward
turned cock. She gave soft grunts into his ear, and he knew she liked it. Making love to her this
way, released them both. Their joining rushed a climax for them both.
Keaton set Lea down one foot at a time, holding her steady with his arm. His calfmuscles tensed, drawn tight while sexing in a standing position. He bent to reach for a towel and
saw the evidence of their union slide along the inside of her thigh. She touched his shoulder, held
to it, really, tightening her hand on it as he pulled the retractable showerhead from its holder and
aimed a gentle spray between her thighs. She gasped, and squeezed the tops of his arms. He bit
his lip at the water play against the folds of her sex, in the forest of her mound. He noticed the
hair was longer than usual and that she was in need of a trim. He was all at once bowled over and
aroused again, though his cock snoozed, tired, worn out, dangling loosely between his thighs.
With a quick wash, he cleaned her up, then himself, and helped her from the shower
while following stiffly behind. Keaton looked to the bed and didn't care about the sheets or the
way she fell face forward onto his favorite pillow, giving him a perfect view of her backside. If
she was even aware that the sheets were dirty she seemed to care less. He shut the bedroom door,
and locked it for safe measure. Janice was gone but could pop up unexpectedly at any moment.
Keaton closed the curtains, and dimmed the lights, then climbed in bed behind her, pulling a
sheet over their naked bodies. He kissed her shoulder. Both of them, before he partially moved
on top of her, allowing his sleeping cock to bump against her backside.
"I can't," Lea moaned.

Keaton grinned. "Me either, but later," he thrust lightly. She chuckled, then turned her
head to face him as he moved off onto the other pillow. "So. What conclusions have we come
to?" He stroked her back, then splayed his hand across her backside.
"Conclusions?" She asked. "Let's see."
"You're my girlfriend," he interjected. "Beginning now . . . you're mine."
"Wait, you didn't ask my permission," she smiled.
Keaton asked.
She shrugged. "I suppose."
He rolled his eyes.
She laughed.
"But when school takes me away," she began.
I'll go with you, he almost said, but didn't. I'll follow you, he almost said, but had to bite
down on the words. "When school takes you away, if it takes you away, I'll do whatever you
want me to concerning us."
"Thank you," she said, eyes drawing closed.
"You're welcome," he stroked her back, appalled, though he wouldn't realize until later,
that he was accepting these terms. He was gone for her already, fallen with no problem admitting
it to anyone, anywhere. This is what she offered and he would take it. She'd take it until the day
came, and he knew it would, where he would refer to her not as his boss, friend, girlfriend, but as
someone who was my girl once.
He touched her again, leaning up to press a kiss in the middle of her back. He blinked
until his vision grew clear again, not realizing that he'd shed a tear or would've shed a tear had he
not blinked it away. He was happy though he felt such a wretchedness that tore at the space in his
chest. Observing her now, he touched her hair, still damp from the shower. Dark hairs, thick and
spongy to the touch, that poufed like a halo over her head. Halo? Lea was no angel. Maybe she
wasn't meant to be his angel, but someone else's. Her wings were clipped, cut back to stumps at
the rise of her back. Funny thing about wings, about bone and marrow, the cells they
regenerated. Her wings would grow back and she'd fly away.
Still, he had her for now. It would be enough. For now.
"Lea?" He called to her, sniffing. Her eyes fluttered open, then closed again.
"Hmm?" she sighed.

"So?" he stroked her hair, then her back and down to her waist, tugging her warm body
closer. "When do I get to meet the family?"
Keaton meant it as a joke, a reason to make her laugh, which she did, but part of him was
"You've met my family. Most of them, so I was thinking..."
"Oh Keaton, can we talk about this later?" she groaned.
Resigned, he gave her bottom a quick squeeze and sighed, pulling the covers all the way
over. The central air kicked on and soon the air in the room grew cool, giving way to a chill that
made them both shiver.
"Fine, another time then."
He kept her close as they snoozed together through the afternoon. Made love to her again,
without a condomdefinitely not an oversight on his part, only this time he loved her nice and
slow and all over. Kissing, licking, and sucking every inch of her body. When she rode him, he
tried hard not to see the phantom wings rising above her shoulders. One day he would lose her.
One day soon. He was sexing and loving her on borrowed time. These were truly the best and
worst days of his life.
"I love you, Lea," he spoke to the rise and fall of her back and the sounds of her sleeping.
Outside somewhere the neighbor's weed eater started up. He kissed her shoulder again, dropped
his head once more to the pillow and fell asleep.

Chapter Eighteen
Fall of 2011 The Present
Keaton wiped a hand down his face then stretched his eyes wide to push away fatigue.
The words on the flat screen monitor disintegrated into his wandering thoughts. Regret made it
hard to concentrate. The time on his watch revealed he'd have to wait four more hours before he
could leave for his flight. Well, that's if he wanted to keep the jet on schedule. It was his, but he
did share it with his brother's from time to time. Danny, his Financial Manager, saw no need to
buy more than one. He believed in keeping investments small and sensible when it came to
material things. According to Danny being frugal ensured they all remained grounded. Guess
that's why he owned two Bentley's and a yacht the size of his first house.
Keaton's gaze switched to the phone. He should call the pilot and tell him change in
plans. Get the hell out of the city now. Before he recalled the action, his hand fell on the receiver
of the phone, but he stopped short of lifting it from the cradle. Rising from his desk he eased his
hands into his trouser pockets and stepped to the wall of windows. The waning sun carved
through grey winter clouds with bursts of sunshine that bathed his face with heat. He closed his
eyes to allow the warmth to spread through him and thaw the ice covering his heart. The truth
was, he felt good seeing her again. Even if their time was brief and she didn't want to really
know him. Lea had the uncanny way of making him want to live.
A strong surge of arousal from her striking beauty fought its way to the surface. It wasnt
alone though, his pride struggled its way there too, preying on him, and feeding on her rejection.
Lea didn't know the man he was now. He opened his eyes and stared out at the city below. Time
had passed and they were different people. Why did she really seek you out then?
Edge Magazine was one of the top gaming rags in the business. Lea Richards, the girl
who laughed at his obsession and only played video games when he begged her to, was now
Editor in Chief? That was the real mystery. She wanted to major in Journalism or did? He
thought back to the books she read and how she studied the newspaper daily. Keaton shook his
head. Yeah, he was a kid back then, barely could see past the greed in his cock. Of course he
missed the details. Which begs the question, why her? What made Lea special above all the rest?
Keaton heaved a deep sigh. Parts of her were of was his own creation, the perfect heroine for his
life drama. His mother was a terrible role model. No one he dated in his developing years was

even close to perfect, and of course there was Kay. She was the first girl he actually thought of as
special. Was it so wrong he wanted someone in her image? Keaton wiped his hand down his
face. A sharp pang of guilt hit him in the gut. He nearly lost his brother and sister in-law to his
wild obsessions. So much pain and discord had come from his actions, so he had stayed away
from black women since Lea, since Kay. He just didn't want to go there.
"No wonder she wore that wedding ring to fool me. I was a real piece of work," he
mumbled. Now she probably thinks I'm some kind of wacko, naming that video game after her.
It had been so hard to try and get over her. How many times over the years had he considered
Googling her name, using his money and resources to try and find her? Something always
stopped him. It would mean truly letting go of her, actually facing what was or wasnt between
them any longer. He'd rather keep the mystery than face the fact that she was out there living a
life without him, didnt need or want him like he did her.
Instead he settled for a self-imposed lonely existence that he'd become quite comfortable
with. Keaton smirked. Being a recluse wasn't all that bad. He kind of liked sitting back, from a
secure place, and letting others rush in and out of life. If you don't get involved or invested, you
never get hurt. Fuck yeah. That's the way to go.
From his vantage point he towered over the hustle and bustle of the city below.
Buildings, cars, people rushing in and out of both. Keaton smiled, and continued to let his
memories overwhelm him.
Lea Richards had indeed flown away. Promising to write when she left for graduate
school in Chicago, he believed her. She said she felt something for him too. Though she could
never give name to what the something was. Keaton remembered checking his email inbox at
least twenty times a day when he was back at State. A few came, then fewer, before they
completely stopped and all correspondence started to bounce back. He called and she was always
too busy or studying to talk. At least those were the excuses she gave before that number was
disconnected and he was totally cut off. Keaton checked her MySpace page and found it rarely
updated. Then came Facebookthe next social networking germ. He never found her listed.
The depression settled in quick. Janice had bored of the role of doting mother and was in the
wind. During that period of transition, he was cordial to his brothers and their families, but was
not invited back to stay. He remained in his family home, alone, distant, which was the way it
had to be as they had their own problems to deal with. What choice did he have but to return to

When late autumn came he did just that, telling himself that he could pick up where he
left off. After a miserable Fall semester with little communication from Lea, he considered
skipping returning home for winter break. Rather than going home, he planned on taking a dream
trip, backpacking through Europe. Despite his inherent joy at the thought of the trip, his mood
only grew darker with each passing week, and his social life came to a screeching halt. The trip
never happened, and instead of leaving, he dwelled in the basement of the Rho Phi fraternity
house developing and coding his own alternate universe. A world where he was the guy that got
the girl. Where he felt he mattered.
Then he woke one morning and discovered it hurt less. All of the angst he felt about Lea
was channeled into and became Life Ever After. His brother Chris returned to America with Zoe.
They made a point to visit him at his frat house, and brother to brother they discussed
everythingincluding Lea. Keaton was able to admit to what she wasn't and who he wasn't, in
the relationship that never was. It gave him a new perspective. By chance he also shared his
programs for an idea of the super gaming console. The first game was called Life Ever After, and
was about the kick ass adventures of zombie women who needed to be annihilated. Therapeutic
much? He thought so.
Chris liked it.
Keaton got to work, fleshed out his idea and designed it. Wrote another small program to
launch it, then another, and soon had something remarkably different on his hands. Chris met
with their brothers and told them they should all invest their funds from the trust into Keaton's
talent. Who knew he actually had any? His brothers believed in him. Now the rest is history.
None of them would have to work another day in their lives, and Keaton felt a very small sense
of pride over being the man to take care of his family, like his father once was.
"Dad. Wonder what you think of me now?" he exhaled. His therapist said he didn't have
mommy issues. Oh no, women were just a symptom. Keaton Dumass problem was that he never
dealt with his father's murder, never truly accepted it, and that longing for another outcome
forced him down some reckless paths. "Yeah, well fuck therapy." He chuckled. "I get it Dad.
You're dead. We boys have to carry on. Yep, this is me carrying on."
His gaze lifted from the pedestrian shuffle below to the wintry sky above. Part of him
wanted fame. He even wondered if she'd pick up a paper one day and see him on the cover. Then

she'd really kick herself over what she passed on. It was a deep buried, subconscious desire. He
barely knew it was thereuntil she kicked him in the balls today, again.
"Mr. Dumas?"
Marie, one of the many assistants assigned to him when he visited the corporate office,
entered. He half turned when he answered. "What is it?"
"There's a Ms. Richards here to see you. She got past security somehow. Shall I have her
escorted out?"
"What?" Keaton turned. "Lea?"
"Yes sir. That's her name. She's insistent on seeing you."
Keatons arms lowered from the tight fold over his chest. He thought to send her away. It
would be best. "Send her in," he heard himself say instead.
"Yes sir."
Keaton clenched the inside of his jaw between his teeth and waited a beat. Focused on the
door, on how she would come in and crush him for old times sake. She still believed him to be
that screwed up kid that got an erection if she breathed on him wrong. Regardless of how much
he wanted to, he knew he couldn't blame her for what became of them. When you start out
wrong it's inevitable that you end that way.
"Keaton?" she entered. He hated the worry in her tone, in her eyes.
Keaton cleared his throat. "What can I do for you?"
Lea heaved a deep sigh, and closed his door. When she did so, she gave him an
unobstructed view of her backside in her jeans, her tweed jacket resting at the waist. She was so
damn fine. The man in him couldn't help but remember her curves, and appreciate how they had
filled out some in the past six years. Her hair was different. He missed the poufy ponytail she
used to wear. Now it gracefully shifted around her shoulders. She turned back to him and he
forced his eyes up, but still inhaled the sweet fragrance that now filled the air.
"It took me a half an hour to get upstairs to see you. Please hear me out, I won't stay
Keaton put up a hand to stop her. Every muscle tensed in warning, as alarms sounded off
in his head. No way in hell was he going back down memory lane with her. He shook his head
and forced a smile so she wouldn't read how irritated he was. "No need. What's done is done, and
I'm a busy man. Like I said, you can print the article. Let's just leave it at that."

"No. We can't leave it at that Keaton." She insisted in a clipped short tone. "I screwed this
up. Give me a moment of your time and afterwards I swear I won't bother you again."
Keaton sat on the edge of his desk, leveling his gaze on her. Lea took his silence for
acceptance. Maybe it was. He just didn't have the energy or the heart to throw her out on her ass.
"Thanks," she sighed in relief. Her eyes swept his office, but she would find nothing of
him there. He kept his life under lock and key, no way in hell would he trust that key in her
hands again. No fucking way.
"It's been a long time." She began. "I wasn't sure I could even see this through, um
meeting you again. I um, I'm sorry about the ring stuff, it was stupid. I" She rubbed her hands
at her side causing the silver bangles on her left wrist to clank and her bosom to rise and fall. He
observed, noticing the slight change in her smile, as it lifted and fell repeatedly while she tried to
settle on one of the many emotions playing over her face. She was nervous. Had he ever seen
Lea Richards nervous, unsure of herself? Ever? "Keaton, it's hard okay. This is hard. Trying to
see you again, thinking, well, oh to hell with it, here's the truth. I bought the ring two days ago. It
was after I read about your engagement."
Silence descended between them as he continued to gaze into her eyes. Finally he spoke,
but not with the tremulous voice of an unsure, pussy whipped kid. The predator in him was front
and center, and he itched to pounce on her vulnerability. "My what?"
"In Celeb Dish that gossip magazine. They said you proposed to a mystery woman?"
Keaton blinked, recalled Drake's little favor to throw the media a false bone and shook
his head. "Why would you buy a ring, because you thought I gave one to another woman?
Doesn't sound like the Lea Richards I knew. One would think you had issues."
Lea chuckled. "I'm a coward Keaton. You know me, when things get hard I give up. I
couldn't cancel the interview after working six months straight to have your publicist set it up. I
needed confidence. If you looked at me with pity"
Emotions flitted across her face. Her lips thinned. She lifted her chin and maintained his
gaze, her pride shining through. "You'd think it pretty pathetic that all these years later, and um,
Lea is still the cold stone."
"I never called you that," he snorted in response.
"You didn't have to. I know what I did was shitty, that you probably think I have no heart.

I treated you terribly. I broke up with you through an email. Then cut you off. Who does that?"
Keaton waved it off, but he felt his chest tighten at the memory. "Actually you never
broke up with me, you just stopped emailing all together. We were kids though, I'm over it."
"I'm not."
His gaze was drawn back to her. She took a cautious step toward him. "Don't you want to
know why I'm Editor in Chief of Edge? Aren't you curious, why after all these years I'm here?"
"I have my theories," he said bitterly, narrowing his gaze on her.
Lea just laughed, that soft mysterious laugh that always kept him guessing. "No, Keat,
its not that. I have money. Not as much as you I'm sure, but I don't need a sugar daddy or free
ride. C'mon Keaton, you know me."
"No Lea." He stood. Exasperated he shook his head. "I don't know you. All I ever knew
was that you came from a pretty large family who you never let me meet. That you loved to read
newspapers on the Internet to avoid waking up in my arms."
"That's all?" she asked.
"That's all."
"Well heres the truth. I was eight the first time I realized friendships don't last, that I'd
never have anything lasting. It was the first time my dad had to move us. I had friends, an
identity, through those friends, and the blink of an eye it all changed. I tried writing, calling, but
kids never keep in touch. So I did the only thing I could, I tried making friends again, and you
know what? After weeks of being teased, and doing the dance kids do to be accepted, I finally
did have friends again. Then we moved. We kept moving Keat. Eventually I stopped trying.
What I'm saying is, I learned early on not to invest in anyone but myself. I had boyfriends, loved
"I remember," he said, studying her.
Lea blushed. He knew it sounded inappropriate, but sex would have to be addressed.
After all, its the only thing she would give him, and he's had too many fucking sleepless nights
remembering the soft feel of the skin between her thighs.
"I never fell in love. I just didn't know how too. You were so easy to fall for, but"
"I had issues. Black women issues, right?"
"You were human Keaton, we were young and confused. I thought going away to
Chicago I'd be some big time journalist. Starting again, exposing global crimes. I had a lot of

"None of which you shared with me." He added.
"True. True. I had them though, and that's what I was running toward. A place to be
complete, where I felt I belonged, you and I were never part of that plan. Thing is, the world is
much different than I thought. My first job in Seattle wasn't a dream. News junkets are just
corporate machines wanting to pimp a gimmick or some political propaganda. Not real
Keaton couldn't believe how much she was talking. He hadn't heard her talk so much
about herselfever. He was afraid to breathe, fearing she would stop. She began to pace before
him, wringing her hands, and talking. She went on and on about how she struggled with integrity
in news reporting, and then eventually gave up. She did freelance writing gigs for different
magazines, and blog news sites. That's when a friend from school told her that he wanted to
launch his own magazine. That he needed a good editor. It was a magazine targeted toward the
video gamer, an untapped market.
Lea stopped. Breathing hard, her breasts rose and fell, she chewed on her bottom lip. "I
was alone, but not lonely. I've learned to deal with being lonely, by fooling myself that it's my
best defense, my choice. Yes, I thought of you often Keat, but I knew better than to dwell there,
because you were gone. I had pushed you away. You probably hated me." Her head cocked to
the side, her liquid brown eyes shimmered with closely guarded tears. "Every man that I was
with after you never made mefeel anything but lonely. I had no one to hold my hand after sex
or while we slept. There was no one to tell me how much he liked my hair or my skin. The
reason I kept coming back to you that summer wasn't the sex. It was how good you made me
feel. No one compared to you."
She shook her head. "I'm sure you're thinking why go there now? It's the past. I could
deal with that. It was my choice after all. When I was given a copy of your game L.E.A to play
on the new gaming console, I discovered you again. I found where you'd gone towho you
became. Here I am trying to be the world's next biggest journalist and I missed your
breakthrough in the industry. Life Ever After? Keaton, did you name it after me?"
First he let out a long suffering sigh. Then he spoke a word that seemed to hit her hard.
"No. It was a coincidence." He said bitterly.
She dropped her gaze. "I played it a hundred times. Level 3?" she lifted her gaze to his.

"When you have to escape a supermarket. The electronics' store? The 'boat'. Even ran across a
red head she-devil that looked a little like Sara. And Pinto" Despite his stony glare he felt a
smile touch the corner of his mouth. She blinked away her tears. "Then I started researching
everything about you. I went to the conventions, conferences, press releases, just to get a glimpse
of you. I called this place, a hundred times, trying to schedule a meeting with you. Nothing. So I
did what I do best, the thing you never knew I loved to do. I wrote article after article on L.E.A,
and hoped you'd discover me. You didn't. Year after year, Edge became one of the top three
gaming magazines and you never even granted us an interview."
"I never knew." Keaton said. The consistent pulse of need grew so steadily he rose from
the desk, and approached her. She was standing there saying she wanted him, thought of him,
that couldn't be right. "Lea? This makes no sense."
"I know! We never made sense. That summer, it was the best summer of my life. After
we got through the tough parts, we got to a good part. Something real. I was twenty-three
Keaton. I convinced myself it wasn't love. That we were too different and love was something
else. I have had six long years to discover how deeply wrong I was. I don't want anything from
you. It's just, I needed closure. I needed to see you, say hello or goodbye, tell you Tell you I'm
sorry for giving up on us."
Looking into her eyes Keaton went over his options. He could trust the warning voices in
his head, and send her on her way. Take pleasure in knowing that he did leave his mark, that she
was once his, then move on. Or he could listen to the primal beating in his heart that wanted to
have her again. Really have her. Color issues, his issues be damned, he could start again, and get
to know Lea the woman, and let go of the obsession with the girl he thought he had.
The slow burning fire inside of him blazed stronger. Keaton sighed, and turned from her,
but Lea grabbed the lapels on his business jacket and snatched him back. Her mouth covered his
in a flash. He felt his heart rate spike, as her tongue sweetly slipped inside. He inhaled deep,
wrapping her up in his arms and bringing her flush against his chest, claiming her in his kiss, and
reducing her efforts to soft whimpers. His stomach pitched and he felt a slight nervous flutter rise
as he slipped back into the boy he once was. Hungry, eager, caught in rapture when they kissed.
She pushed back sucking down a deep breath. Keaton dazed, focused on her trembling
lips. "First, um, say you forgive me. That you believe me. I need to know."
This was a first.

The old Lea could only speak to him with her body, never her heart. Now she wanted to
slam the brakes to communicate? He released her. Turning away he ran his hand back through
his hair. Forgiveness was hard. He'd have to open the door he shut long ago, for this woman of
all women. The one he nearly lost his mind over.
"Keaton, can you look at me?"
"I think you should go." He grunted. Refusing to turn around.
He heard a soft sigh escape her, and what sounded like her retreat. Keaton turned and she
was at the door, purse in her hand. "Wait!"
She opened the door to leave. He was quicker than he thought, slamming it. He engaged
the lock. Took her purse and tossed it aside.
"You can't forgive me," she said softly.
He turned her. "I don't want to go back there Lea. I don't want to start again."
Her eyes lifted to his, and this time she couldn't hold to her tears. He wiped them from
her cheeks with his thumbs. "I want to start over. Fresh. A date, then another, you and me
learning to trust each other."
"Youyou want to date me?"
Keaton smiled. "I've always wanted to date you." His voice croaked.
"How does this dating thing work?" She pressed up into him, lifting her arms around his
neck, her voice breathy and low.
He felt his cock lengthen between his legs and bulk against his zipper. "Bangkok. They
have the best sushi. I know how much you like it."
"You remember?" she said dropping her head to his chest and pressing her cheek there.
He held her and brushed his jaw over the top of her head, allowing the silky strands of her hair to
tickle his skin.
"I remember everything."
He swallowed hard when she didn't answer.
I want to know her this time. I want her to give herself to me because she feels it too. No ,
I don't have an explanation for this thing between us that I can't name. It's not because she's
smart, can cook, can fuck me until my knees buckle. It's not for any textbook reason that most
would uncover when defining love. It's natural, it's raw, it hurts. I bleed and weep from the scar
tissue barely healing over my wounds. I've waited six years to deserve it, and she's here. Fuck

explaining it. I swear if I can truly have it, I won't ever let it slip away again.
"I remember everything too." She finally said.
He cinched his arms tighter around her waist, savoring the feel of her breasts pressed
against his chest. He ran a hand down to cup her backside, and gave her ass a hard squeeze. She
moaned just above a whisper. Then her head lifted and their lips met once more. The contact this
time was possessive, demanding, her fingers combed through his hair grazing his scalp. He
walked her to the sofa in his office. Their bodies never broke contact. Lea pushed him down. A
hint of wicked intent in her eyes as she stood over him, shedding her tweed waist jacket. She
tossed it and slowly unbuttoned her shirt. Keaton's head dropped back on the sofa as he gazed on
the unveiling of her lovely breasts. They were swollen and barely filled the black lace cups of her
bra. "Will we be disturbed?" she asked, reaching behind her to unclasp her bra.
He considered stopping her. Just for a brief moment. His cock was twice itits weight and
his balls were tight, making his abdomen cramp with need. "No no one will disturb us, but you
need we need to be quiet, walls are thin," he smirked.
"We can try." She winked.
Damn I love this woman.
She revealed full breasts topped with dark brown nipples.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered. "We shouldn't, Lea," he said as she straddled his lap,
and she began to undo the buttons to his shirt. "Date, this time we do it right."
Her hand stopped, gaze lifted. "You're right," she said not able to disguise her
disappointment. "Of course, we need toget to know each other again."
He cupped the side of her face. "I want you. You know that."
Leas eyes slowly closed. She rubbed the side of her face into his open palm. "Tell me
something Keaton, something I never knew about you. Tell me how your father died."
The question hit him full force. He withdrew his hand and she placed it over her heart.
Her ripe nipple was squeezed between his index and middle finger. "I wasn't the only person
keeping the hard truths locked away. You never told me what happened to your dad."
After shock eased, and his blood stopped rushing to this throat and face, he found the
ability to speak. "I never talk about him."
"It's hard?" She asked softly.

"Then we can wait."

"No. I'm glad you remembered, that you asked."
"Keaton," she cupped both sides of his face, while his right hand held and massaged her
right breast. "I want to understand you, I want to be open with you. I'll tell you anything you
want to know. I swear it. No more fear, no more secrets, just us. This is our do-over. Tell me
what you want me to know, I can handle it."
Keaton dropped his head back on the sofa. He closed his eyes and summoned his father's
face. "He was an engineer. A safety inspector at the Gray Industries plant."
"I heard of it, the Grays, everyone knows them." She said.
Keaton nodded, but he kept his eyes closed, he involuntary squeezed her breast harder.
"Marcella's ex-husband, Carter Gray, his family owned and ran the plant. My dad was a stickler
for the rules." Keaton smiled, remembered. Feeling the heat of her nipple pressed into his palm,
and the beat of her heart under the soft skin of her breast soothed him. "Then one night he died,
working the late shift. His death was ruled an accident. My brother Danny came home, he and
my brothers didn't believe it for a moment. And when they found the things my dad had
discovered at the plant they were convinced. He was murdered."
"What did your dad discover?" she asked stroking the side of his face.
Keaton groaned. It hurt even less when she walked him through it. All those fucking
dollars spent on therapy, when all he needed was her breast, her touch, her understanding. "Some
major safety violations that would affect all of the company's stores, and shipment processes. He
wanted to shut them down for a year to rectify the situation. The Gray's wouldn't put up with that
kind of financial cost."
"Did you guys prove it?"
Keatons eyes opened. "Yes. We proved it. Gray Industries is no more and the settlement
in my father's wrongful death suit was put into trust for me, and my brothers. Danny oversaw the
trust. Danny held us all together. He proved it, and got revenge for us all."
"I never knew," she said
He smiled at her. "There's a lot we need to learn about each other."
Lea leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I can't wait."

About the Author

Sienna Mynx is your naughty writer of Paranormal, Contemporary, and Historical
Interracial Romance for readers who love the bad boys but desire to be the woman who tames
them. Sienna Mynxs novellas reflect her thirst for romance, told from a fresh perspective with
the diversity she craves in erotic romance. A current resident of south Georgia, Sienna Mynx is
currently at work on a military-themed romance, a paranormal anthology, and the sequels to
her bestsellers Daisys Choice and St. Pattys Baby! Look for more to come. Visit Sienna
Mynx at

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