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[SPOILER] Game of Thrones S06E09: Why didn't Jon kill Ramsay?

12 Answers
Kelsey L. Hayes
Kelsey L. Hayes, I'm only here for the food symbolism.
62.1k Views Most Viewed Writer in Game of Thrones (TV series) with 3540+
You could interpret it a few ways.

Jons a strong proponent of judicial execution. Seeing Sansa kind of broke him out of
his bloodlust and he realized what he was doing and that he should execute Ramsay
the right way. By this interpretation Ramsay was stashed in the kennel until Jon
had recovered enough to behead him or hang him.
He didnt want to kill Ramsay in front of Sansa. Which is sort of absurd given what
Sansa has just witnessed but I think Jon could be old skool in that way.
He saw Sansa and thought she should be the one who got to kill Ramsay. He told
her where Ramsay was, knowing if she had him shed probably kill him. Its funny,
we dont know who put Ramsay in the kennel or why they put him there (Jon,
Tormund and Co. would have remembered that the dogs hadnt been fed). We also
dont know who initially opened the kennel gates. It sort of ends up looking like a
fluid situation and its left ambiguous as to who called the shots here: Was the plan
always for Ramsay to be eaten by his dogs and did Sansa just happen to come by?
Did they stash him in the kennel and then Sansa had the kennel doors opened
without Jons knowledge? Did Jon suspect what Sansa would do and set it up for
her? Its not clear. We just know that the kennel doors were opened by someone,
that the call was made to put Ramsay in the kennel and that someone told Sansa
that the dogs hadnt been fed in seven days (note she rides off before he says this,
so either its a continuity error or someone else told her).

Written Jun 19 View Upvotes

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Robert Thompson
Robert Thompson, Conquer of worlds, Developer of sites, combat vet
The show runners explained this in the Inside the Episode portion(Yes, I know not
everyone sees those).

While Jon was fully prepared to beat Ramsay to death, when he looked up and saw
Sansa, he realized that Ramsay wasnt his to kill. He understood that Ramsay had
damaged Sansa so much, that she needed to be the one to kill him.

So he stopped, and allowed his sister *cough cousin* be the one to finish Ramsay
Written Mon View Upvotes
Matt Wasserman
Matt Wasserman
5.1k Views Matt has 150+ answers in Game of Thrones (TV series)
Because Sansa is the Stark in Winterfell. That was the symbolism there.

If Jon had beaten Ramsay to death (which would have made him even more of a
legend than he already is) everyone would have followed him, forever. Sansa would
be an afterthought.

Jon ceded authority to Sansa the same way Theon ceded it to Asha.

Written Mon View Upvotes

Avinash Hiremath
Avinash Hiremath, Watched 58 episodes.
The show runners choose to kill Ramsay in a brutal way so that questions like below
are not popped up:

Is it appropriate to show that men as cut throat as Roose Bolton and Tywin Lanister
be killed with such ease by their sons?
Why was Ramsay killed so easily even though he tortured people so much?
Why didnt show runner flay Ramsay like the sigil of their house?
Shouldnt Sansa have been given a chance to kill Ramsay owing to what all he had
done with her?
Bad people always die so easily. I am fed up with humanity. What shall I do?
That said, it does make lot of sense on how Ramsay is killed in the show. He was
killed by the very thing he was attached so much.

He let hounds kill his former lover.

He unleashed his hounds on Yara when she came to rescue Theon.
He then asks Myrandas dead body to be fed to the hounds.
He then makes the hounds kills Fat Walda Frey and his half-brother
Its ironic how the same hounds didnt think twice before devouring Ramsay.
Ramsay was a dog. A dog that owned no loyalty. And his dogs were not loyal to him
Written Mon View Upvotes
Ted Ueda
Ted Ueda
31.7k Views Ted has 1770+ answers and 12 endorsements in Game of Thrones
(TV series)

Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven.
Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-one.

What am I doing?

Im counting the punches. The number of punches Jon Snow landed on Ramsay
Boltons face.

Each one a big ol slap of beefsteak being hit by a baseball bat.

Its the sound. The sound just goes through you and is uncomfortable to listen to.
Slap. Slap. Slap slap slap. Slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap
slap slap slap slap.

You see Ramsays face, and you wonder if Jons hands look the same. All bloody and
broken up.

Jon looks up and he sees Sansas face, and shes horrified at what shes seeing. As if
shes seeing Jon for what he has become. As if Sansas seeing Jon, really seeing Jon,
for the first time in her life.

Then she glances down at Ramsay, and all the horror falls away, leaving only
hardness. Cold rage.

Jon sees the expression on Sansas face, and he stands up and walks away.

He realizes Ramsay Bolton is not for him. It is for Sansa.

Written Jun 19 View Upvotes
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