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Oscar wilde was born in Dublin n 1854. He accepting the theory of

art for art s sa
ke .. He told that aestheticism was a search for the beautiful , a science through
which men looked for the relationship existing between painting, sculpture and
poetry, which were simply different forms of the same truth. Wilde s literary tale
nt was revealed by a series of short sorties, the canterville ghost, lord Arthur
savile s crime, the happy prince and other tales, written for his children ,and t
he novel the picture of dorian gray. After his first and only novel,he developed
an interest in drama.However, both the novel and the tragedy damged the writer s
reputation because were considered immoral. Than Wild met lord Alfred douglas, w
ith whom he had a homosexual affair and he was subsequently sentenced to two yea
rs of hard labour. After Wild was released, he livedunder a pseudonym, as an out
cast in poverty. He died in paris in 1900
The picture of dorian greay:
The story is told in third-person with internal perspective and this allows proc
ess of identification between the reader and the characters that reveal themselv
es through what they say, a typical technique of drama. The story is allegorical
; like the myth of faust, is the story of a men who sells his soul to the devil
for his wishes. In this novel, this soul is the picture, which records the signs
of time, the corruption, the horror and the sins conceale under the mask of do
rian s timeless beauty. Wilde plays on the renaissance idea of the correspondence
existing between the physical and spiritual realms: beautiful people are moral p
eople, ugly people are immoral people. His variation on this theme is his use of
the magical portrait. The picture represents the dark side of doran s personalit
y, his double, which he tries to forget by locking it in a room.The moral of the
novel is that every excess must be punished and reality cannot be escaped. When
dorian destroys the picture , he cannot avoid the punishment for all his sins ,
that is, death. The horrible, corrupted picture can be seen as a symbol of the
immorality of the Victorian middle class, while dorian,as innocent appearance a
re symbol of bourgeois hypocrisy. Finally, the picture, restored to its original
beauty, illustrated wilde s theories of art: art survives people, art is eternal.
The novel is set in London at the end of 19th century. The protagonist is dorian
grays, a young man. Dorian s beauty fascinates a painter, basil hallward, who dec
ides to paint his portrait. The portrait satisfies the young man s desires, includ
ing that of eternal youth; the signs of age , experience and viece appear on the
portrait. Dorian lives only for pleasure , making use of everybody. When the pa
inter sees the corrupted image of the portrait, dorian kills him. Later, dorian
wants to free himself of the portrait, witness to his spiritual corruption ,and
stabs it, but in doing so he mysteriously kill himself. In the very moment of hi
s death, the picture returns to its original purity and dorian s face becomes loat
Basils' studio
the text is from the first page of novel. two characters are introduced, basil,
the painter, and his friends lord henry.basil's studio has a divan, long silk cu
rtains and upright easel with a two-lenght portait of a handsome young men. and
huge windows connets he room with the garden. basil is watching his portait , lo
rd henry is lying on divan, smoking, sharing an attribute. they are speaking abo
ut the portrait handsome young man made by the painter end he feet that he doesn
't want to exhibit it, althought lord henry is trying to pervade him
Louis Stevenson captured the mood of change of the 19th century and expressed th
e moral dichotomy between good and evil in his classic psychological novel the s
trage case of dr jekill and mr hyde, in which hypocrisy is embodied by the doubl
e. The double, is a second self or alter ego, which appears as a distinct and se
parate being perceived by the physical senses but existing in a dependent relati
on to the original. Dependend does not mean subordinate; in fact the two character
s are in conflict between them. Stevenson for of his poor health, he spent most

of his childhood in bed, terrified of the dark and tutored by Calvinism. After h
e travelled a lot in search of a friendlier climate. He was in conflict with the
respectable Victorian worlds, and he became one of the first examples of a "boh
emiam" and decided to devote himself to writing. Stevenson became popular as a n
ovelist, when he published treasure island,the stage case of dr Jekyll and mr hy
de , kidnapped and the master of ballantrae. His short stories, pervaded by sens
e of suspense and supernatural,were collected as new Arabian nights.
Jekyl and Mr Hyde
The story is quite simple: the protagonist is a man divided against himself into
two distinct characters. The first is a respectable being, jekyll, and the seco
nd an evil genius, hyde. These to beings are in a perpetual struggle , and it is
the same act of secret chemistry that releases hyde and restores Jekyll. Once h
yde is released for hiding, he achieves domination over the jekill aspect, so th
at the individual has only two choices. The man may choose a life of crime and d
epravity, or Jekyll must eliminate hyde in the only way left- by killing himself
. Stevenson therefore implies that man s salvation is based on the annihilation of
one part of his nature if he lives in a civilized society.
Jekyl's experiments
It is taken from the last chapter of the strage case of dr jekyll and r hyde: he
re the mistery of jekill is solved by jekyll himself who explains his experiment
. it can be divided into three parts: the first part describes the truth discove
red, the second shows the effcet of the drug that the doctor drunk, the third sh
ows that the effect of the drug are reversible. jekyll thinks he has learnt to r
ecognise the primitive duality of men. he dreamed if making life more pleasent b
y having the two nature of humans soul inseparated identites. he prepare the dru
g using a particular salt and adds it to other components, he wanted them boil a
nd finaly he drunk the potion. the narrator is in first person and adopted the p
oint of vision of dr jakyll. he uses apposing terms to underline he opposite nat
ure of soul. he setting in time is at night(jist 13, unjust 15, birth and death
28freedom 34, and bands 38, and dr jekyll's ambition makeshim an overreacher
Modernism is a philosophical and cultural movement in the late 19th and early 20
th centuries. the factors that shaped Modernism were the development of modern i
ndustrial societies and the rapid growth of cities, followed by World War I. Mod
ernism also rejected the Enlightenment and religious.
A characteristic of Modernism is self-consciousness, which often led to experime
nts with form, along with the use of techniques that drew attention to the proce
sses and materials used in creating a painting, poem, building, etc.Then there i
s the Stream consciousness of William James wanted to describe the nature of men
tal life from within, he approached a series of non-traditional topics in psycho
logy(habit,the stream of thought,the consciousness of self).According to him eve
ry perception was relative and contextualized. States of the mind were never rep
eated. Stream because consciousness is a flow of a random thoughts. Other featur
es: the intentional shapes of shapes, the breaking down of limitations in space
and time, the emphasis on how perceptions takes place rather than on what it is
perceived and the omniscient third person. There were also many important figure
like Einstein and Bergson,Nietzsche with new theory of relativity, new concepti
on of the time, and the replacement of christian morality with a belief in human
The Start of the War
World War I began on July 28, 1914, when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
This conflict spread rapidly: to Germany, Russia, Great Britain, and France wer
e involved in treaties to defend other nations.
The first month of combat consisted of bold attacks and rapid troop movements on
both fronts, west and east. The middle part of the war, 1916 and 1917, was domi
nated by continued trench warfare in both fronts. Soldiers fought from dug-in po
sitions, striking at each other with machine guns, heavy artillery, and chemical

weapons. Though soldiers died by the millions in brutal conditions, neither sid
e had any succes- Two important developments in the war occurred in 1917. the Un
ited States, declared war on Germany. Then Russia go out of the war for internal
revolution.Although both sides launched renewed offensives in 1918 in an all-or
-nothing effort to win the war, both efforts failed. The fighting between exhaus
ted, demoralized troops continued to plod along until the Germans lost a number
of individual battles and very gradually began to fall back. A deadly outbreak o
f influenza, meanwhile, took heavy tolls on soldiers of both sides. Eventually,
the governments of both Germany and Austria-Hungary began to lose control as bot
h countries experienced multiple mutinies from within their military structures.
The war ended in 1918, after the member countries of the Central Powers signed a
rmistice agreements one by one. Germany was the last. As a result of these agree
ments, Austria-Hungary was broken up into several smaller countries. Germany, un
der the Treaty of Versailles, was severely punished with hefty economic reparati
ons, territorial losses
Germany After the War
The excessive punishment of Germany actually planted the seeds of World War II,
rather than peace. The treaty s declaration that Germany was entirely to blame for
the war was a blatant untruth that humiliated the German people, caused enormou
s resentment. Ultimately, extremist groups, such as the Nazi Party, were able to
exploit this humiliation and resentment and take political control of the count
ry in the decades following

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