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Aboriginal Tent Embassy:

1. It was led by four young Aboriginal men.

2. It took place on Australia Day 1972
3. As a result they received land due to the fact that they had little land.
Gove Land Rights Case:
1. Aboriginal miners and people led it.
2. In 1971
3. The Act allowed Indigenous people to retain or re-establish their ancestral
heritage, their unique culture and their identity in a peaceful and lawful way.
Yolngu Bark Petition:
1. It was led by Indigenous Australians.
2. It took place in 1963
3. The government protected Aboriginal sacred sights .
Wave Hill Walk Off:
1. Led by Aboriginal pastoral people.
2. In 1966
3. The Gurindji struggled to achieve a way of life that respected their Aboriginal
identity, their traditions and their rights to their traditional lands. Their
example, combining Aboriginal autonomy and land rights, influenced the
direction of government policy following the 1967 referendum, which granted
new powers to the Commonwealth Government to make laws for Aboriginal

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