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Education means progress in anyones life.

And, learning English is becoming a

crucial part in education, which besides progress, it means success and
opportunities worldwide. At Perpetuo Socorro School, besides fostering integrally
formed students, we aim to promote English learning and international certification
in Trujillo city.
It is well known that emotions are linked to learning. Thus, to ensure that our
students are engaged with the English programme, we start first by providing fun,
interest, and demanding lessons. Furthermore, English teachers at the school offer
reinforcement lessons every week to students, so they can have a more
personalized support and feel ready when taking an exam or using the language.
To involve parents in the program, we inform them in meetings about the benefits of
English learning and the Cambridge certification, as the upcoming meeting in April.
Moreover, on Wednesdays, English teachers meet parents who may have any
question about the programme. We also send written communications to parents to
let them know about the exams or any material required for the lesson.
To set an example at school, the Principal, teachers from all the subjects, including
English teachers, are taking English lessons twice a week at night. It is partially
financed by the school. In addition, to have an English environment, the school
software has been changed to the English language, as posters in all classrooms.
We are seeing English words around more often each day!
All in all, the English programme has become an essential part in Perpetuo Socorro
School, because we have a goal now, we all teachers want to have a Cambridge
certificate, we want our students to have it, and we want to set an example to other
schools and start to change our future, and the future of our students.

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