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This might be fucking retarded, oh well:
I was trying to create my own program, drawing good principles from many differe
nt programs and combining them to create someting unique (at least from what I'v
e seen).
Basically, I was going to start off with either PPLxFxx or just simply ULxULxx t
o take advantage of high frequency (at least two times per week per muscle group
. this is what the literature seems to agree on) and 2-3 rest days.
I really like ULxULxx so I'll start off with that, but either one works I guess.
For the main lifts, I wanted a decent amount volume. Not Sheiko-high, but still
a fair amount. I figured Greg Nuckols Advanced Programs for each main lift fit t
his purpose perfectly and I just love the rep schemes and progressions. So these
programs will be my base.
Since I wanted high frequency for the lift, I figured I'd include all the mainli
fts for each appropiate day (upper/lower) but with volume and/or exercise variat
ions, like Texas Method. This would have my squatting, deadlifting, pressing and
benching for volume and intensity 2 times a week, which just seems optimal.
Finally I added placeholders for accessories. I like to base these off of my wea
k points, like GZCL and Candito does it, and many others, but generally I'd stic
k with the same accessories for a month or so before switching. These are also f
or hypertrophy and general fitness.
So here's a rough draft. The > arrows indicate the weekly progression.
(pt. 2)
Upper A:
4th week only (lines up with deload week of Bench): OHP new 1RM
Bench Press 4x5 80% > 2x5 80% > 3x3 85% > 5x3 70%
Bench Press 2x3 85% > 4x3 85% > 3x1 90%
OHP or OHP Variation/Auxiliary 1x12 > 1x10 > 1x8
OHP or OHP Variation/Auxiliary 3x8-10 > 4x6-8 > 5x5-6
Horizontal Row 4x8 > 4x10 > 4x12 > 2x8
<Accessory 3-4x8-12>
<Accessory 3-4x8-12>
Lower A:
Squat 5x5 80% > 4x3 85% > 3x1 90% > 1x1 new 1RM
Deadlift Variation/Auxillary 3x6 > 4x6 > 5x6
4th week only: Deadlift 1x1 new 1RM
<Accessory 3-4x8-12>
<Accessory 3-4x8-12>
Upper B:
4th week only (lines up with deload week of OHP): Bench new 1RM
Overhead Press 4x5 80% > 2x5 80% > 3x3 85% > 5x3 70%
Overhead Press 2x3 85% > 4x3 85% > 3x1 90%
Bench or Bench Variation/Auxiliary 1x12 > 1x10 > 1x8
Bench or Bench Variation/Auxiliary 3x8-10 > 4x6-8 > 5x5-6
Vertical Row 4x10 > 3x10 heavier > 3x8 heavier > 3x8 W1 weight
<Accessory 3-4x8-12>
<Accessory 3-4x8-12>
Lower B:
Deadlift 8x3 75% > 6x3 80% > 4x3 85% > 4x3 65%

Squat Variation/Auxillary 1x8 > 1x5 > 1x3 > 1x1 new 1RM
Squat Variation/Auxillary 3x5-6 > 3x3-4 > 3x1-2
<Accessory 3-4x8-12>
<Accessory 3-4x8-12>

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