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Eirene Angelica C Hetrosa

2014 05846
BS Speech Pathology
Humanities I
Coming Home (2014)
Coming Home (2014), a Chinese movie directed by Zhang Yimou, was adapted from the
novel The Criminal Lu Yanshi by Geling Yan. The story is set during the Cultural Revolution in
China. It revolves around the family of the main character Lu, his wife Yu (Feng Wanyu), and
their daughter Dandan.
On the day of showing, my friends and I were late by around 10 minutes. By the time we
arrived, Lu, the lead character, was being captured by the officers. It wasnt clear to me at that
time why he was being arrested. I assumed he was against the Communist government. He was
sent to the deserts at the North-Eastern China. After 20 years, the Cultural Revolution was finally
over. Lu came home to his family, only to find out that his wife does not have any idea who he
was. He was mistaken by his wife as Officer Fang (who was revealed to have harassed Yu), as a
piano tuner, and the letter reader. Mainly, the story revolves around the familys challenge to
make the Yu remember. In the midst of trying to bring her back memories, the family also
attempts to fix the broken pieces of their relationship Dandans confession on reporting his
fathers activities due to her ambition to become the prima ballerina in a play, Dandan returning
to her home, after Lu sent the letter to Yu to make ther daughter go home, and last, my
personal favourite, Lus acceptance of his wifes condition, choosing to stay by her side no
matter what.
On the technicalities of the movie, the music and the lights gave a real dramatic
atmosphere to the film. It somehow gives a nostalgic and homey feeling to a person. Ironically,
Yu wasnt able to find her memories. One thing that really left a mark in me was the scene where
Lu pretended to be the piano tuner. As Yu entered the room in tears, reached for Lus shoulders,
and hugged him, anyone who saw this scene wouldve thought that her memories had returned.
The slow tempo of the tunes played by Lu got me wondering and feeling excited if Yu will
remember him or not. And in fact she did, albeit for a brief moment. In the same scene, the use of
lights created a more dramatic feeling to the shot of the scene the couple embracing each other
and Lu almost celebrating from the fleeting moment his wife remembered her.
The film held different perspectives of life, but only shown subtly. But if one would
ponder on the movie, it wasnt just about Yu forgot her memories and Lu striving to make Yu
In Dandans character, as a daughter myself, I can relate to her the most. In a specific
scene where Lu wanted Dandan to show a picture of him, Yu and their friends to Yu. When
Dandan tried to pointed out that Lu was the one in the picture and not a stranger that Yu thinks,

Yu started to act up and sent her daughter out angrily. Dandan, rejected by her own mother a lot
of times before, exclaimed to Lu, Mom forgot a lot of things but not my mistakes. Most people
wouldve hated her for the things she had done the torn images of her father and the
imprisonment of her father but she was just a child with dreams of being a prima ballerina. But
what redeemed her character was when she confessed her deeds to her father and even
encouraging her father when Lu was about to give up wooing Yu. She said something like Ever
since you came back, all you did was take care of mom and be there for her. After all youve
done to her, does the rest still matter?
And Lus character development for me was outstanding. As a father, he tried to make
ends meet with their family sending Dandan back home. In his letter to Yu he said, I have
failed to be good father. Be a good mother to Dandan. Another memorable scene with Lu from
me was when he searched for and approached (with a ladle) her wifes assaulter. Once he found
out that Officer Fang, was imprisoned, leaving Fangs wife and his son, Lu immediately took his
leave. In a personal opinion, Lu was able to see himself in Fangs wife. The fact that their
partners arent with them, in Lus case, their memories together with Yu arent there.
Lu Yanshi. From a man who strived to make his wife remember, he turned to a man who
wanted to be with his wife until their last breath. It didnt matter anymore to Lu if Yu wont be
able to remember. Even though his wife sees him as a mere letter reader and not as her husband,
as long as he was able to stay beside her, hes ready to compromise with whatever happens.
Feng Wanyu may have forgotten him as her husband. Waiting on that train station to Yu,
was a dream worth the wait. She doesnt really have to wait though. The dream she was waiting
for was already beside her. And the dream beside her was something or someone that goes
beyond what shes asking for: a man who waited and still waits no matter what it may take.
Thanks to this Im starting to believe: May forever.

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