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Clues From Ramayana & Timing

Of Widowhood
Shankar G. Hegde, India
Copy editor: Andree Leclerc
[The technique exhibited by Mr Shankar is a novel approach there is no doubt and it exuberates flair for the subtle.
But what is more important is to observe his usage of using religious couplets, showing how astro logic can be
applied to come out with something meaningful and significant. Readers should take this cue and cull out some
research pieces in the future along these lines. Editor, Saptarishis Astrology.]

Vidwan Shankar G. Hegde was born on 22nd/23rd of July 1971 in an orthodox family in a
small town Kumta of Karnataka. He is well versed in both traditional & modern methods of
astrology. Currently, he is practicing Indian astrology in Rajajinagr Bangalore. He is a gifted,
as well as a well experienced, Hindu Astrologer who learnt astrology at the age of 14. Along
with astrology, he studied martial arts, palmistry and the Egyptian system of astrology. Mr.
Hegde got an opportunity to give daily predictions for a satellite channel -Asianet Kaveri
where he became very popular in Bangalore & Karnataka, because of his super hit
predictions. Specifically, he tried to remove the phobias created by fake astrologers on
womenfolk. He has produced excellent & unparalleled researches in astrology that have
appeared in the Journal Of Astrology of K. N. Rao.

s per the opinion of Shri. K.N.Rao, some very good combinations of astrology are
present in the local languages of India. Few weeks back, a star singer of greatest art
from Karnataka visited my house & he sang a song related to the chapter of
Sundara Khanda of Ramayana in Rag Charukeshi. It revealed how Lord Hanuman comes to a
conclusion that Mandodari, the wife of Ravana, was not Sita by using some Anga
Saamudrika. After listening to it, my brain started to find out new things related to
predicting widowhood.
The literal meaning of the song is like this:

1> There is no padma (lotus) rekha1 in the foot.

2> Widowhood is indicated at the back of the head.
3> No symbol of matsya (fish) on right thigh.

Rekha means a line or can be interpreted as a sign.

I just checked whether these combinations are present in the original (?) Ramayana &
couldnt find any such combinations in it. But besides Tulasi Ramayana, Adhyatma
Ramayana etc., there are other Ramayanas in many local languages of India. Moreover I
came to know that the writer of that song (play-let) was well versed in astrology, mainly the
Kerala system of astrology. My grasping was as below.

1>Feet are governed by 12th house.

2>Head is represented by the 1st house so back of it is 12th house.
3>Thighs are governed by 8th house.
Matsya or Meenas (Pisces) owner is Jupiter the protector. Meanwhile I remembered my
grandmothers words. She had told me that as soon as Lord Hanuman entered the bedroom
of Ravana and saw the beautiful wife of that Demon, Mandodari, he was confused for a
while. But he saw the feet of Mandodari & there were Kaka (Crow) rekhas, so Lord
Hanuman realized that she was not Sita.
Crow is the vehicle of Saturn.
So I started a small research & the following observations emerged:
While calculating the time of loss of spouse, mainly husband, though all 2, 7, 8, & 12th houses or
their lords are important, still the 12th house or its lord or, planet(s) placed in the 12th are more

Next important house/lord is 8th.

Transit Jupiter influencing 8th house tries to mitigate the problem whereas Saturn tries to
promote it. Here the planetary strength finalizes the factor.
In many cases transit Jupiter, Saturn, the Dasha or sub lord of the Dasha will be connected to
the 12th house somehow.
Let us see some practical illustrations.
Case-1: Smt. Indira Gandhi. D.O.B.19-11-1917, 23-11 IST, Allahabad, India. (Lagna> Cancer

AK is Saturn and DK is Sun.

She lost her husband on Sept 8, 1960. The Vimshottari running was Jupiter-Venus. Venus
aspects the 12th house in D-1. And Jupiter aspects the 12th Lord Mercury. Mercury, the 12th
lord, aspects Jupiter in D-1. In D-9, Jupiter aspects the 12th Lord and Venus receives the
aspect of 12th Lord Saturn in Capricorn. The transit Jupiter as well as Saturn were in
Sagittarius aspecting the 12th house on that day. In fact, Saturn was aspecting the 8th house
from Lagna (Karka) Cancer on that day. It was Sagittarius Gemini according to Jaimini
Chara Dasha. Gemini is the 12th house from the Lagna and Sagittarius is the 12th house from
Dara Pada also. Like this, so many Jaimini parameters can be analyzed, which will be shown
step by step.
Case-2: Smt. Menaka Gandhi. D.o.b. 26-8-1956, 04-04 IST, Delhi, India. Ascendant- Cancer

AK is Moon and Dk is Saturn.

Her husbands death took place on June 23, 1980. It was Venus Dasha Mercury sub. In D-1,
Venus is in the 12th house & Mercury is the lord of 12th. In D-9, Venus is the 12th lord in 7th
& Mercury is the 8th lord. Transit Jupiter & Saturn were in Leo along with Mars. So in
front of the negative energy of two major malefics influencing the 8th, Jupiters positive
energy could not work.
In Jaimini chara Dasha, it was Pisces-Capricorn. The lord of Pisces, Jupiter, aspects the 12th
house from DK Saturn (Jaimini aspect), he falls in the 12th from dara pada. Lord of
Capricorn, Saturn being the DK, falls in the 12th from Upapada. In this case, the lord of
Capricorn, Saturn, is also the lord of 12th house from Karakamsha Lagna!
Case3: Female. Dob-10-4-1949, 13-10 IST. Ascendant- Cancer 16deg20mins.
Note> Now I am using the reliable horoscopes of other astrologer(s). I am using the
horoscopes of ladies present in the book Indian Marriage in Modern, Urban, Educated
Society written by Sh. Deepak Bisaria under the guidance of Sh. K.N.Rao. In that book,
both the two horoscopes just discussed by me are present. This is the very next case as far as
the horoscopes of ladies are concerned. I have selected these charts in a random manner.

Jaimini Ak is Sun & Dk is Saturn.

She lost her husband in Rahu-Mercury. Rahu gives the result of Mars who is with the 12th
lord Mercury in D-1, & Mercury is the 12th lord! In D-9 Rahu-Ketu axis influences the 12th
house & Mercury is with the 12th lord. In Jaimini Chara Dasha, it was Aquarius Dasha.
Aquarius is the 12th house from Karakamsha Lagna Pisces. Lord of Aquarius is Saturn the
DK; he aspects (when I write about Jaimini system it should be considered as Jaimini aspect
only) the 12th from it i.e. Capricorn, which is also owned by him! The Dara pada is Pisces &
its lord receives the aspect of the 12th lord Saturn. Here it is difficult to discuss about the
transits as the exact date of death is not give. (In previous cases also the dates are not given
in the book but I have used my own data).
Case 4: Female. DOB-7-11-1971, 17-30 IST. Ascendant>Aries 15deg16mins.(data of Sh.
K.N.Rao. present in the book of Sh. Bisaria)
Jaimini Ak-Moon, Dk-Mars.
She lost her husband on 25th of September 1995.

It was Saturn-Moon in Vimshottari. In D-1 Saturn is aspected by Jupiter the 12th lord. In
D-9, Moon is the 12th lord & Saturn is with him. Transit Jupiter was in Scorpio in the 8th
from the ascendant. But transit Saturn was in Aquarius in retrograde motion, in his moola
trikona house and was stronger to defeat Jupiter. In Jaimini chara Dasha, it was Leo-Scorpio.
Just try to reason it yourself. Simply Scorpio is the 12th from dara pada, 8th from
Karakamsha Lagna, 12th from dara karaka navamsha etc.
Case 5:Male.DOB-9-12-1945, 10-00-25 IST. Lagna or ascendant is Capricorn (Makar) 5deg54mints.
Jaimini Ak is Jupiter& Dk is Saturn.

He lost his wife in the year 1994 when Sat-Sat in Vimshottari was running. Here the lord of
the 12th is Jupiter and he receives aspect of Saturn both in D-1 & D-9. If we consider the
retrograde motion of Saturn, the 12th house in D-1 is also aspected by Saturn. In D-9, Saturn
being the 12th lord aspects the 12th house!

Jaimini chara Dasha running was Gemini which is the 12th house from dara pada etc.
Case 6: Sanjay Dutt. DOB-29-71959, 14-17-37 hrs (IST) Bombay. Lagna is Scorpio 03deg17mints. Jaimini karakas. AK-Jupiter, Dk-Moon.

He lost his 1st wife in Rahu-Mars according to Vimshottari. Mars is with the 12th lord
Venus in D-1. Mars aspects the 12th lord Mercury in D-9.
The rest, I leave for your own observations.

Broad Summary:1.
After taking the hints from the Ramayana of a local language of India, I have tried
these factors to predict about the loss of spouse, mainly widowhood.
2. I have used only major dasha & bhukti or antar dasha (the sub period) to avoid confusion.
3. I have not used any other divisional chart like the D-30 or trimshamsha which give a very
good clue related to mishaps.
4. This is just the beginning to show the importance of the 12th house/lord/planet in it to
predict about widowhood or loss of spouse.
Just give more importance to the 12th house along with other houses like the 8th (next best),
7th & the 2nd house.
Simply the 12th house requires more attention than any other house to timing/predicting
widowhood or loss of spouse.

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