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1. What are identifiers? List down the naming rules for identifiers in C++.

2. What is the application of scope resolution operator :: in C++?

3. When do we declare a member of a class static?
4. Differentiate inline functions from normal functions
5. Define the term destructor in C++ and write the syntax
6. What do you mean by enumerated data type?
7. What does this pointer points to?
8. What are manipulators give two examples
9. What is a package in java?
10. Compare classes and interfaces in java
11. a) Describe the merits and demerits of Object Oriented Methodology.
b) What is function overloading? Explain it with a suitable C++ program.
12. a) What are copy constructors? Explain how it is useful.
b) Explain virtual functions in detail.
13. a) Explain the C++ file stream classes needed for file manipulation
b) What are exceptions? Explain the constructs supported by C++ to handle exceptions.
14. a) Describe automatic type conversion in java. How are widening and narrowing achieved?
b) What is method overriding? How to prevent overriding?
15. a) Describe the life cycle of a thread with neat sketch
b) What is an interface? Give an example where interface can be used to support multiple

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