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Jos David Robles DARKLORD, Coach - Daemon Legions

Harbinger of Pestilence on Pestilent Palanquin: General, Lv2, Path of Disease, Seventh Seal, Halberd, 245
Harbinger of Pestilence: BSB, Lv 2, Path of Death, Supreme Aspect: Bloated Putrefaction, Skull of Cacophrax, 240
Harbinger of Pestilence on Blight Fly: Supreme Aspect: Bloated Putrefaction, Halberd, 185
25 Tallymen: FCG, Aspect: Contamination, Banner of Discipline, 360
20 Tallymen: FCG, Aspect: Contamination, 270
2 x 5 Furies: Daemon of Pestilence, 80
2 Plaguelings: 75
6 Pestilent Beasts, Aspect: Contamination, 400
5 Blight Flies: Standard, Champion, Aspect: Contamination, Banner of Speed, 380
3 Blight Flies: Aspect: Contamination, 185
Total: 2500
Adrin Martnez Navarro - Vampire Covenant
Vampire Count (Lord): General, Level 2 Wizard Apprentice (Path of Necromancy), Von Karnstein Bloodline,
Ancient Blood Power: Storm Caller, Armour of Destiny, Tullius'Teeth, Halberd. 435
Barrow King (Hero): BSB, Hero's Sword, Talisman of Greater Shielding. 150
Fell Wraith (Hero): Beast-Bane Halberd. 80
Necromancer (Hero): Level 1 Wizard Apprentice (Path of Necromancy), Ring of Fire. 90
Necromancer (Hero): Level 1 Wizard Apprentice (Path of Necromancy), Dispell Scroll. 100
60 Skeletons: GMC (Veteran Standard Bearer), Icon of the Relentless Company, Halberd. 325
10 Ghouls: Skirmish. 90
2 x 5 Dire wolves): 40
20 Zombies: Standard Bearer, Musician. 75
20 Zombies: 55
37 Barrow Guard: GMC, Banner of the Barrow Kings, Halberd. 459
5 Barrow Knights: Standard Bearer. 100
2 Great Bats: 40
1 Dark Coach: 190
1 Shrieking Horror: 230
Total. 2499 pts.
Fermn Aznar Lpez - Saurian Ancients
Lord: Cuatl Lord, General; Magic Level 4; Path of Fire; Battle Standard, Totem of Mixoatl, Wellspring of Power,
Higher State of Mind, Tome of Arcane Lore, Ring of Fire, 480
Hero: Skink Priest, Magic Level 1; Path of Heavens, Dispel Scroll, Dragonfire Gem, 105
24 Saurian Warriors, Jaguar Warriors; Shield; Veteran Magic Standard; Musician, Gleaming Icon, Champion, 317
24 Saurian Warriors, Jaguar Warriors; Shield; Standard; Musician, Champion, 312
26 Temple Guard, Halberd; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician, Champion, 400
3 x 3 Caimans, Halberd; Light Armour; Standard, 136
1 Stygiosaur, Spit Poison, Champion, Magic Level 2; Poisoned Javelin, 175
2x2 Weapon Beasts Salamander, 150
Total: 2497
Jos Fco. Hernndez Rueda (Ruklin), Capitan - Warriors of the Dark Gods
Lord of Chaos, General, Mark of Change, Disc of Change, shield, Bluffers Helm, Talisman of Greater
Shielding, Third Eye of Change, Ogre Blade, 380
Harbinger, Mark of Pestilence, BSB, Hardened Shield, Icon of Relentless Company, Ring of
Fire, Lucky Charm, 205
Sorcerer of True Chaos, Magic Level 2, Path of Wilderness, Disper Scroll, Lucky Shield,
Wildling Blood, 195
23 Wasteland Warriors, Mark of Pestilence, Great Weapon, GMC, Veteran Magic Standard, Banner of Courage, 452
2 x 5 Warhounds. 45
5 Fallen, Mark of Lust, 90
20 Chosen, Mark of Pestilence, Great Weapon, GMC, Flaming Standard, 410
5 Once-Chosen, Chosen of Change, GMC, shield, Gleaming Icon, Wizard Conclave, 298
2 x 1 Hellscream Cannon, 190
Total: 2500

Jose David Benitez (Mou) - Undying Dynasties

Lord Pharaoh.General. Great Weapon, Mithril Mail, Talisman of supreme Shielding, 290
Death Cult Hierarch, Hierophant, Path of Sands, Magic Level 4, Book of the Dead, 250
Death Cult Acolyte, Path of Sands, Magic Level 1, Dispel Scroll, 100
Tomb Harbinger, Halberd, 74
2 x 20 Skeleton Archers, Standard, Musician, 140
3 Skeleton Chariots, Light Troops,135
3 x 5 Skeleton Cavalry, Light lance, 70
38 Necropolis Guard, GMC, Paired Weapons, Skalters Standard, 486
Battle Sphinx, Breath Weapon, 245
1 Sand Scorpion, 85
4 Tomb Cataphracts, Standard, 230
Casket of Phatep, 115
Total: 2500
Jesus Fernndez (Pexy) - The Vermin Swarm
Tyrant. General, 80
Vermin Daemon, Magic Level 3, Plague Bringer, Path of Disease, 490
Chief, BSB, Banner of Discipline, 90
Plague Prophet, Magic Level 1, Path of Disease, Dispel Scroll, Cauldron of Blight,
Plague Pendulum, 305
30 Plague Brotherhood, GMC, Plague Ridden, 230
15 Vermin Guard, Veteran Magic Standard, The Lightning Rod, 145
20 Rats-at-Arms, Standar, 90
40 Slaves, 80
2 x 10 Giants Rats, 40
1 Rat Swarm, 40
2 x 5 Gutter Blades, Poisoned Attacks, Scout&Ambush, 85
2 x 4 Jezzails, 78
10 Grenadiers, 93
2 Thunder Hulks, 150
1 Lightning Cannon, 90
1 Abomination, 210
Total: 2499
Juan Martinez (Heraldo Oscuro) - Sylvan Elves
Dryad Matriarch. General, Magic Level 2, Path of Life, Oaken Crown, 120
High Druid, Magic Level 4, Path of Death, Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Nullstone, 295
Chieftain, Pathfinder, Light Armour, Longbow, Elven Cloak, Hail Shot, Screaming Swords, Dragonscale Helm, 152
Thicket Shepherd, Oaken Crown Aspect, BSB, Entwinend Roots, War Banner, 175
10 Sylvan Archers, Standard, Musician, Black Arrows, 150
12 Sylvan Archers, Veteran Magic Standard, Musician, Champion, Balck Arrows, Flaming Standard, 204
29 Dryads, Oaken Crown Aspect, Standard, Champion, 352
8 Thicket Beast, Oaken Crown Aspect, Entwinend Roots, Standard, Champion, 455
3 Kestrel Knights, skirmishers, 135
2 x 1 Forest Eagle, 50
10 Sylvan Sentinels, Hawthorn Points, scouts,160
10 Pathfinders, 200
Total: 2498
Manuel Padilla (Papanurgle) - Orcs & Goblins
Feral Orc Warboss. General, Amour of Destiny, Potion of Swiftness, Blessed Sword, 210
Feral Orc Chief, BSB, Great Weapon, Mithril Mail, 115
Orc Shaman, Tome of Arcane Lore, Magic Level 2, Path of Wilderness, 105
Orc Shaman, Dispel Scroll, Magic Level 2, Path of Big Green Gods, 125
Goblin Shaman, Magic Level 2, Path of Little Green Gods, 85
Goblin Chief on Wolf, Light Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, 63
36 Feral Orc Eadbashers, Standard, Champion, Spear, 396
30 Cave Goblins, Shortbow, Standard, 2x Mad Git, 160
20 Forest Goblins, Skirmish, Shortbow, 80
2 x 1 Goblin Wolf Chariot, 60
8 Trolls, 321
2 x 1 Gargantula, 225
Greenhide Catapult Splatterer, 90
Greenhide Catapult Git Launcher, 90
Greenhide Catapult Git Launcher, 90
Total: 2500

Jorge (Garepth), Saurios ancestrales.
Seor de la guerra saurio montado en carnosaurio alfa: general, lanza de la estampida, escudo de la suerte, amuleto
palo, icono divino. 455
Sumo sacerdote eslizn en palanqun (peana 50x50): mago de los cielos lvl4, pergamino de dispersin, cetro de jade. 290
Saurio veterano en carnosaurio: PEB, escudo, lanza de caballera, armadura del destino, 310
Capitn eslizn en ramphodon: proteccin de la montura 5+, armadura ligera, lanza, piedra del amanecer, escudo
endurecido. 150
3x10 eslizones bravos: jabalinas, hostigadores 75
30 guerreros saurios: GMC, ttem sierpe, estandarte veterano de la guerra. 405
5 Jinetes de Raptor: estandarte, pendn reluciente: 155
2x1 Taurosaurio ancestral: cuernos puntiagudos. 255
total 2500
Dela, Reino de Equitania
Marca del Rey
Duque a caballo: General, escudo, juramento del grial, virtud de la Audacia, Espada de Ogra y yelmo de cruzado:280
Damisela a caballo: mago de los cielo Lvl2 ,pergamino de dispersin: 145
Damisela a caballo: mago de lvl2 de magia blanca, Tomo del Saber Arcano y Baratija de Obsidiana: 135
Paladn a caballo: PEB, arma a dos manos, virtud de la osada, Juramento del Grial, Yelmo de Escamas de Dragn y
Piedra del Amanecer: 184
Paladn en Pegaso con barda: Juramento del Grial, Virtud del Podero, Lanza de Dragn y escudo Endurecido: 220
9 caballeros del reino: msico, portaestandarte veterano con estandarte de la disciplina: 261
11 caballeros del reino: msico, portaestandarte: 284
5 caballeros aspirantes: portaestandarte: 105
3 pegasos: barda, hostigadores: 190
2x5 Hombres de armas a caballo: 55
9 Caballeros del grial: GMC, estandarte de la guerra: 363
El Caballero Verde: 220 Total: 2497
Leandro "SlapBass" Freniche, Bastiones enanos:
Seor de los enanos: general, portadores del escudo, escudo, runa del aplastamiento, runa de la furia, runa de
destruccin, runa de proteccin. 290
Seor del clan: PEB, escudo, runa del hierro x2. 123
Herrero rnico: escudo, runa de atadura, runa de negacin, runas de batalla (runa de destellos, runa de metal). 142
Ingeniero: escudo 67
Ingeniero: escudo 67
30 barbasgrises: GMC, arma a dos manos, estandarte de guerra. 440
12 tiradores del clan: GMC, escudo, arcabuz. 186
26 vigas de las profundidades: GMC. 380
3x 1Coptero de vapor: ligero. 70
Artillera de campo: can, disparo flamgero, runa de ingeniera. 120
Artillera de campo: can rgano, disparo flamgero. 130
Artillera de campo: can rgano. 125
Vengador 60
Yunque de poder: runa de terremotos, runa de tormentas, runa de destellos. 160
Total: 2500
Alberto (Alb3rt0vic), Guerreros de los dioses oscuros.
Seor del Caos en corcel del yermo: General, Arma a dos Manos, Marca de la Pestilencia, Icono Divino, Talismn de
Proteccin Suprema, Yelmo del Engao, 360
Seor Brujo en Disco del Cambio: Marca del cambio, Maestro Hechicero Nivel 4, Senda del Cambio, Escudo de la Suerte,
Pergamino de Dispersin, Piedra del Amanecer, Pellejo Endurecido, 415
Heraldo del Caos: PEB, Escudo, Marca de la Pestilencia, Amuleto de la Suerte, Estandarte del Coraje, Peto de Bronce,
22x Guerrero del Yermo, Armas a dos Manos, Campen, Marca de la Pestilencia, Msico, Estandarte de la Rapidez, 465
5x Jinete Brbaro, Marca del Caos Autntico, Escudo, armas arrojadizas, 95
2x5 Mastn de Guerra, 45
2x1Bestia Cada, Marca de la Ira, 70
2x5 Caballero del Yermo, Lanza de Caballera, Marca del Caos Autntico, Portaestandarte, 180
2x1 Can Grito Infernal 190
Total 2500

Diego (Dc.MoreFare), Elfos del bosque.

Ent ancestral: General, mago lvl4 senda de los salvaje, races empaladoras, corona de roble, pergamino de dispersin.
Avatar de la naturaleza: parra enredadera, 380
Dendroide anciano: PEB, races entrelazadas, estandarte de Amryl. 185
2x10 Arqueros silvanos: msico, flechas negras 140
10 Arqueros silvanos: msico, estandarte, flechas negras, pendn reluciente 155
8 Drades: campen, estandarte 100
5 Jinetes del claro: acechantes 100
9 Arbreos: GMC, races entrelazadas 525
2x1guila del bosque:50
5 Forestales: 100
6 Forestales: 120 TOTAL: 2500 pts.
Antonio Rico (Uky), Conclave vamprico
Conde vampiro: general, NV 2 nigromancia, trigo, seor de los necrfagos, arma a dos manos, anillo eterno, pergamino de
dispersin. 460
Nigromante nv1 nigromancia 65
Cortesano vampiro: nv1 nigromancia, trigo, maldicin de la sangre, arma a dos manos, colmillo de tullius. 280
3x2 enjambre murcilagos: 60
35 guerreros esqueleto: escudo, GMC, estandarte de la compaa implacable 215
4x5 lobos espectrales: 40
30 necrfagos: GMC 295
40 zombis: estandarte 125
20 zombis: 55
8 engendros necrfagos: campen 345
3x2 grandes murcilagos: 40
Altar de la muerte: 200
Total 2500
Flix (Cullar), Imperio de Sonnstahl
Mariscal: General, curtido, Semilla de Renacimiento, Escudo Endurecido, Espada de Hroe 175
2x Maestro Artillero: 70
1 Artillero: 55
1 Capitn: PEB, Talismn de Proteccin Mayor, Escudo de la Suerte, Armadura de Placas 125
1 Mago: NV 2 Alquimia, Tomo del Saber Arcano 105
1 Mago: NV 2 Fuego, Pergamino de Dispersin 125
38 infantera pesada: curtidos, Lanza, GMC, Estandarte de Disciplina 282
38 infantera pesada: GMC 200
20 Infantera Ligera: Curtidos, Arcabuz 190
20 Milicia estatal: Pistola 120
5 Caballera estatal: Estandarte 100
2x Can de Salvas 125
1x Can 100
2x Herreruelos con pistola 75
1 Tanque a Vapor 250
1 Mquina Arcana con Escudo Arcano 130
Total 2500
Manu, Legiones demoniacas
Cortesano de la lujuria: General, mago lvl2 sombras, calavera de cacophrax, grilletes de la realidad, azote de lujuria 555
Heraldo de la lujuria: BSB , mago lvl1 sombras, baile de la muerte, garras de pas, sptimo sello, Ojo del tejedor 250
20 sirenas: estandarte 195
35 sirenas: GMC, estandarte llameante, caricia desgarradora 445
5 Furias: lujuria 80
5 Furias: 70
8 Incineradores: 210
8 Incineradores: 210
Maquina demonio: lujuria, aliento infernal 280
3 Moscas de plaga: estandarte, estandarte de la rapidez 205
Total: 2500


David Coderch (DaveQD), Daemon Legions
Scourge of Wrath, General, eternal fury, eternal sword, iron hide, elixir or souls, 575
Harbringer of wrath, BSB, innate defense (4+), eternal fury, icon of relentless company, 195
Harbringer of change, level 2, path of change, skull of cacophrax, 140
Harbringer of change, level 2, path of alchemy, seventh seal, 160
30 Slaughterers, FCG, veteran magic standard, flaming standard, onslaught, 450
10 Horrors, champion, standard bearer, firebolts, 180
2x5 Furies, 70
2x6 Clawed Fiends, paired weapons, 330
TOTAL: 2500
Luis Varas (Luiz), Saurian Ancients
Cuatl Lord, General, BSB, level 4, path of light, Wellspring of power, Unconquerable Will, Tome of Arcane Lore, Ring of
Fire, Totem of Mixoatl, 490
Saurian Warlord, Shield, Sword of the Dawn Ages, Armour of Fortune, Lucky Charm, 250
Skink Priest, level 2, path of wilderness, Dispel Scroll, 125
Skink Priest riding a Taurosaur, level 2, path of wilderness, Spear of the Stampede, Ancient Taurosaur, Engine of the
Ancients, 410
26 Saurian Warriors, Champion, Standard Bearer, Piranha Totem, 328
4x10 Skink Braves, Javelins, Skirmish, 75
28 Temple Guard, Champion, Standard Bearer, Rending Banner, 465
Thyroscutus, Sun Engine, 130
Total: 2498
Quim Bayod (Escla), Undying Dynasties
Death Cult Hierach, Hierophant, level 4, path of sands, Soul Conduit, Book of the dead 300
Nomarch, General, Crown of the Pharaohs 145
Death Cult Acolyte, level 1, path of sands, Dispel Scroll 100
Death Cult Acolyte, level 1, path of light, Shielding Scroll 80
Tomb Harbinger, paired weapons, bronze breastplate 98
Tomb Architect 50
30 Skeleton Archers, FCG, Veteran Standard, Flaming Standard 230
18 Skeleton Archers, Standard bearer 118
10 Skeleton Archers 60
5 Skeleton Cavalry, Standard bearer, light armour, 90
2x5 Skeleton Cavalry 65
3 Great Vultures 75
39 Necropolis Guard, FCG, Paired Weapons, Rending Banner 503
5 Winged Reapers, paired weapons, autonomous, 405
Casket of Phatep 115
TOTAL: 2499
mart Martnez (Axl Rose), Dread Elves
Exalted Oracle, General, level 4, path of heavens, Dispel Scroll, 250
Dark Captain, BSB, Lance, Raptor, Heavy Armour, Hardened Shield, Dragonfire Gem, Wizard's Hood, 190
Assasin, Paired Weapon, Path of Silent Death, Nightshade, Obsidian Rock, 171
Assasin, Paired Weapon, Path of Silent Death, Nightshade, Ring of Shadows, 176
Assasin, Paired Weapon, Path of Silent Death, Bloodroot, Potion of Strengh, 141
28 Dread Legionaries, Spears, FCG, Gleaming Icon, 262
4x5 Dark Raiders, Repeater Crossbow, 100
15 Dancers of Yema, Skirmish, Champion, Standard Bearer, Banner of Speed, 260
10 Raptor Knights, FCG, 290
2 Dread Reapers, Multi-Shot, 80
Divine Altar of Yema, 200
TOTAL: 2500

Daniel Bot (Kladdurak), Bastiones Enanos

Rey Enano en Trono de Guerra, General, 3xRuna de Proteccin, Runa de Destruccin, Runa de Artesana, Runa de Furia,
Ballesta 403
Maestro Rnico, Escudo, Runa de la Resolucin, Runa de los Juramentos, Runa de Destellos, Runa de la Resistencia,
Runa de la Negacin, Runa de la Devoracin, 218
Seor del Clan, PEB, Escudo, Estandarte Rnico de la Defensa, Runa de Coraje, Ballesta, 186
Ingeniero, Escudo, Ballesta, 75
30 Barbagrises, GMC, Escudo, 365
19 Barbagrises, Musico, Portaestandarte, Arma a 2 manos, 261
2x1 Coptero a Vapor, Coptero de Asalto, 70
1 Artillera de Campo, caon, Disparo Flamgero, 105
1 Artillera de Campo, can, Runa de Ingeniero, 115
24 Vigas de las Profundidades, GMC, 350
1 Yunque del Poder, Runa de Tormentas, Runa de Terremoto, Runa de la Resistencia, 160
2x1 Vengador, 60
TOTAL: 2498
David Varas (Stormmace) (C), Vampire Covenant
Vampire Count, General, level 2, path of wilderness, Strigoi Bloodline, Ghoul Lord, Tullius Teeth, Dragonfire gem, Eye of
Setesh, Flashrender, 440
Necromancer Lord, level 4, path of necromancy, Dispell Scroll, 235
Necromancer, level 1, path of necromancy, tome of arcane lore, 80
Necromancer, level 1, path of fire, ring of fire, 90
38 Ghouls, FCG, Veteran Standard Bearer, Icon of the relentless company, 390
23 Zombies, 64
3x5 Dire Wolves 40
2 Bat Swarm, 60
38 Barrow Guard, FCG, halberds, Banner of the Barrow Kings, 471
1 Cadaver Wagon, Bring Out your Dead, 100
5 Vampire Knights, Standard Bearer, 260
1 Dark Coach, 190
TOTAL: 2500
Carlos Orellana (Asuryan), Highborn Elves
Archmage, General, level 3, Path of Fire, Dispel Scroll, Obisidian Nullstone, 265
Commander, BSB, Queen's Companion Honour, Moonlight Arrows, Longbow, Shield, Ring of Fire, 149
5 Elein Reavers, 85
2x5 Elein Reavers, Bow, Mount's Protection (5+), 105
20 Sea Guard, Ambush, FCG, 330
2x10 Grey Watchers, Longbow, 170
2x1 Sea Guard Reaper: Repeating Shots, 80
1 Sea Guard Reaper, 60
5 Knights of Ryma, Devastating Charge, Champion, Standard Bearer, 180
10 Lion's Guard, Skirmish, Champion, Standard Bearer, Banner of Courage, 175
1 Great Eagle, 50
1 Sky Sloop, Storm Pennant, 160
10 Queen's Guard, Longbow, Musician, Standard Bearer, Gleaming Icon, 175
10 Queen's Guard, Longbow, Musician, 160
TOTAL: 2499
Hctor Tallada Felius (Maverikbcn), Sylvan Elves
High Druid, General, level 4, path of fire, Mist Walkers Mirror, Dispel Scroll, 285
Forest Prince, Shapeshifter, great weapon, Mithril Mail, Dusk Stone, Sacred Seeds, 285
Chieftain, BSB, Pathfinder, Longbow, Hail Shot, Flaming standard, 172
2x20 Sylvan Archers, Standard, musician, fey arrows black arrows, 270
5 Heath Riders, 90
2x3 Kestrel Knights, Skirmishers, 135
8 Wild Huntsmen, shield, 258
10 Sylvan Sentinels, Fey arrows hawthorn points, 150
1 Forest Eagle, 50
2x10 Pathfinders, 200
TOTAL: 2500

LIstas Definitivas Bunch Of Nerds

Jos Miguel "Ryderfrost" Daemon Legions.
Harbinger Of change on Blazing Chariot, lvl2 Alchemy, Aspect far seeing, Seventh Seal, Weaver's Eye 285p.
Harbinger Of change on Blazing Chariot, lvl2 Change, Aspect far seeing, Token of change, skull of Cacophrax 275p.
Harbinger Of change on Blazing Chariot, General, lvl2 Fire, Aspect far seeing, Scrolls of the eigth pact, Hellish crown 290p.
10x Horrors Of change, FCG, Firebolts, Aspect Far seeing, Banner Of Speed 225p.
2x10 Horrors Of change, FCG, Firebolts, Aspect Far seeing, 200p.
2x3 Sky Serpents 135p.
3 x 5 Igniters, Aspect Far seeing 155p.
2 x Blazing Chariot, Aspect far seeing 145p.
Total 2500p.
Victor Romero Jorge "Rommel" Highborn Elves
Commander, General, Queen's Companion (Moonlight Arrows), Longbow, Ring of Fire, Shield, 124p.
Commander, BSB, Queen's Companion, Bow of Elu, 150p.
Mage, lvl2, Dispell Scroll, Path of Fire, 130p.
Mage, lvl2, Shielding Scroll, Path of Fire, 110p.
3x 10 Citizen Archers, Musician, 100p.
15 x Sea Guard, Ambush, Musician, Standard, 245p.
5 x Elein Reavers, 85p.
3x 1 Sea Guard Reaper, Repeating Shots, 80p.
3x 10 Grey Watchers, Longbows, 170p.
15 x Queen's Guard, Longbow, Musician, Standard 245p.
16 x Queen's Guard, Longbow, Musician, Standard 260p.
2x1 Giant Eagle, 50p.
TOTAL 2.499p.
Oriol Garcia Alcocer "Atila" Ogre Khans.
Great Khan, Hellfist, Yeti furs, Talisman of Supreme Shielding, Charm of Cursed Iron, Mark of Pestilence, 340p.
Great Shaman, Level 4 Butchery, Dispell Scroll, Gem of Fortune, 335p.
Khan, Bsb, Great Weapon, Stalkers Standard, Dragonfire Gem, Trolleater, Mark Of Pestilence, 240p.
Shaman, Level 2 Alchemy, Tome of Arcante Lore, Great Weapon, Mark of Change, 176p.
14x Tribesmen, FCG, Flaming Standard, Ironfist, Mark of Pestilence, Heavy
armour, 632p.
3x Tribesmen 75p.
6x Mercenary veterans, FCG, Mark of Change, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Ironfist, Skull of Qenghet, 452p.
1x Kin eather, wrath, 96p.
1x Thunder cannon, Mark of Change 154p.
Total 2500p.
Max Zarraluki "Chorizo" Orcs And Goblins.
Feral Orc Big Shaman, lvl 4 Big Green Gods, Fencer's Swords, Grounding Rod, Talisman of Greater Shielding, 295p.
Feral Orc Chief, Bsb, Mithril Mail, Paired Weapons, Obsidian Pebble, 120p.
Common Goblin Shaman in Wolf, lvl 2 little green gods, Dispell Scroll, Dragonfire gem 140p.
3x1Common Goblin Chief on wolf, Shield, 55p.
34x Feral Orc Eadbashers, FCG, Paired Weapons, Banner of Discipline, 409p.
2x20 Cave Goblin, 3 mad gits, Musician, Shortbows, 160p.
2x1 Splatterer, 90p.
1x Git Launcher, 90p.
3x5Gnasher Dasher, 60p.
2x1 Gargantula, Web Launcher, 255p.
2x1 skewerer, 45p.
Total 2500p.
Javier Giner "Javito" Undying Dynasties.
Pharaoh, Great Weapon, Mithril Mail, Talisman of Supreme Shielding, 290p.
Death Cult Hierarch, lvl 4 Sands, Soul Conduit, Book of the death, 300p.
Death Cult Acolyte, lvl 2 Light, Dispell Scroll, 125p.
2x10 Skeleton Archers 60p.
22x Skeleton Archers, FCG, 162p.
2x3 Skeleton Chariots, Light troops, 135p.
3x5 Skeleton Cavalry 65p.
39x Necropolis Guard, FCG, Paired Weapons, Flaming Standard, 478p.
3x1 Sand Scorpio 85p.
3x Great Vultures 75p.
2x1 Casket of Phatep 115p.
Total 2500p.

Carlos Gonzalez "Gonza" Saurian Ancients.

Saurian Warlord on Alpha Carnosaur, Spear of Stampede, lucky shield, Charm of Cursed Iron, 445p.
Skink High Priest on Skink Palanquin,Plaque of the Snake God, Lvl 4 Heavens, Tome or arcane lore, 290p.
Skin captain on Ancient Taurosaur, BSB, Engine of the ancients, sharp horns, starfall shard, fleshrender, 410p.
Skin priest, Lvl1 heavens, discpell scroll, 100p.
40x Skink Braves,FCG, Banner Of courage, 245p.
2 x10 Skink Braves, Javelin, Skirmisher 75p.
16x Skink Braves, Short bow, standard 100p.
2x2 Snake swarms, scout 65p.
1x Thyroscotus, Altar of the snake god, 130p.
6x Raptor Raiders, Standard,Banner of Speed 210p.
5x skin hunters 50p.
2x2 weapon beast, spearback, 120p.
TOTAl 2500p.
Oscar Reina "Racso" Warriors of the Dark Gods.
Lord Of Chaos Of Change, General, on daemonic Steed with Barding, Talisman Of Supreme Shielding, Bluffer's Helm,
Great Weapon, 340p.
Harbinger Of Chaos of Change, On Daemonic Steed with Barding, Waste-hardened skin, Sprout Of Rebirth, Great
Weapon, 270p.
Harbinger Of Chaos of Change, BSB, On Daemonic Steed with Barding, Third eye Of Change, Talisman of Greater
Shielding, Dragonscale Helm, Great Weapon, 285p.
Sorcerer Wrath Priest, On Crusher, Words of Scorn, Crown of scorn, Lucky Shield, Dragonfire gem 180p.
Sorcerer Wrath Priest, On Crusher, Words Of Wrath, Gemstone Amulet, Hardened Shield, Charm of Cursed Iron 175p.
50x Barbarians of pestilence, Standard, Musician, Paired Weapons, Banner Of Filth, 365p.
4x5Warhounds 45p.
5x Barbarian Horsemen, Shields, 85p.
4x Crusher Knigths, Daemon Weapons, Standard 314p.
4x Crusher Knigths, Daemon Weapons, 304p.
Total 2498p.
Isidoro Escudero Jimenez "Junon" Vampire Covenant.
Vampire Count strigoi, path of necromancy, ghoul lord, ogre sword, tullius teeth, dragonfire gem, 415p.
Necromancer lord, level 4, Path of necromancy, dispel scroll, ring of fire, 260p.
Vampire courtier strigoi, level 1, path of necromancy, bestial bulk, shielding scroll, gem of fortune, 245p.
5x Dire wolves, 40p.
29x Zombies, standard, 92p.
28x Zombies, standard, 89p.
39x Ghouls, Full comand, Veteran standard, Flaming standard, 405
3x2 Great bats, 40p.
1x Varkolak, 165p.
10x Ghasts, Champion, 439p.
Shrieking Horror, 230p.
TOTAL 2.500p


Majo Vives Makogokei (Capitn Jugador) / Altos Elfos

-Prncipe en Dragn Ancestral: General, espada Gigante, 545
-Archimago: nivel 4, Senda de los Cielos, Libro del Poder Arcano, Tnica reluciente, 310
-Capitn en guila Gigante: PEB, Arco largo, Escudo, Armadura del Destino, 199
-3x5 Saqueadores de Elein: arco, lanza, proteccin de la montura, 105
-3x12 Arqueros Elfos, Arco Largo, estandarte, 106
-3x Segador de la Guardia del Mar, Disparo de Repeticin, 80
-2x guila Gigante, 50
-2x 15 Guardia de la Reina, Arco Largo, Estandarte, 235

lex Serrano Portador de Tormento / Reinos de Aquitania

-Duque en caballo de guerra con barda, general, Marcador del Grial, Juramento del Grial, Virtud del Renombre, escudo,
Bola de Cristal, Espada Bendita, Yelmo del Cruzado, 310
-Damisela del Grial en unicornio, nivel 4, Senda de los Cielos, Libro de Poder Arcano, Talismn de Roland, 310
-Damisela en caballo de guerra con barda, Senda de lo Salvaje, Pergamino de Dispersin. 120
-Paladn en caballo de guerra con barda, PEB, Juramento del Grial, escudo, lanza de caballera, Piedra del Amanecer,
Yelmo de Escamas de Dragn. 163
-12 Caballeros del Reino, GMC, Estandarte de Disciplina. 343
-11 Caballeros del Reino, GMC, 294
-15 Caballeros Abandonados, Caballeros Errantes, portaestandarte, Pendn Reluciente. 200
-2x3 Caballeros del Pegaso, carga devastadora, hostigadores, vanguardia, barda. 214
-2x5 Hombres de Armas a Caballo. 55 puntos.
-1 Caballero Verde. 220 puntos.

TOTAL: 2.497 puntos

TOTAL 2.498 puntos

Pepe Bolinches Feyasur / Reinos Ogros

-General, Gran Khan, Armadura Pesada, Heart-Ripper, Yetis Fur, Talismn de Proteccin Mayor , Crystal Ball, 300
-Gran Chamn, Nv 4 (Senda Carnicera), con Blind Eye of Nyanggai, Corona de Mando y Pergamino de Dispersin, 365
-Khan PEB, con Arma a 2m, Malla de Mithril, Gema de Fuego de Dragn y Charm of Curse Iron 195
-12 Ogros de la Tribu, estandarte, msico, Armadura Ligera , Puo de Hierro, estandarte de la Disciplina, 435
-2 x3 Ogros de la Tribu, Armadura Ligera ,75
-15 Scraplings , estandarte, 65
-3 Tusker Cavalry, Estandarte, msico, Armadura Ligera , Puo de Hierro, Estandarte Llameante , 280
-2x Dientes de Sable , 40
-6 Yetis, campen, 250
-6 Bombardiers, GMC, Skull of Qenghet, 290
-1 Kin-Eater , 90

David Snchez Pickboy / Elfos de la Naturaleza

-Avatar de la naturaleza, general. Aspecto de Corona de roble. 355
-Gran druida. Nivel 4 senda del fuego. Libro de poder arcano. 265
-Dendroide anciano, PEB. Aspecto de Races entrelazadas. 160
-Druida. Nivel 1 senda de lo salvaje. Pergamino de dispersin. 105
-2x10 Arqueros silvanos. Msico y portaestandarte. Flechas negras. 2x150
-28 Drades. Portaestandarte. 330
-7 Bestias dendroides. Portaestandarte. Races entrelazadas. 385
-2x6 Centinelas silvanos. Flechas espinosas. 2x90
-2x8 Forestales. 2x160
-2x guila del bosque. 2x50
TOTAL 2500

TOTAL 2.500 puntos

Paco Salvador The Reitor / Orcos y Goblins
Jorge Sospedra Lemariont/ Manadas de Bestias
-Centaur Chieftain; General, Armour of Destiny, Beast Axe, Looted Booze, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Totem Bearer, +1
Wound. 240
-Centaur Chieftain; BSB, Dark Rain, Mithril Mail, Great Weapon, 180
-Minotaur Warlord; Aaghor's Flyed Hide, Blessed Sword, Crown of Horns, Dragonfire Gem, 315
-Gnarled Soothsayer; lvl 3, Path of Nature; Dispell Scroll, Pillager Icon, Seed of the Dark Forest, 280
-11 Centaurs; GMC, Lance, Throwing Weapons, 238
-10 Mongrel Raiders; Scout and Ambush, 60
-10 Mongrel Raiders , 50
-4 x Raiding Chariot, 75
-7 Minotaurs; Standard, Musician, Gleaming Icon, Paired Weapons, 337
-2 x Razortusk Herd, 50
-2 x Gortach, 200

-Common Orc Warlord, General, Waaargh!, Great Weapon, Mithril Mail, Talisman of Supreme Shielding 240
-Common Orc Chief, BSB, Heavy Armour, Hardened Shield, Flaming Standard, Talisman of Greater Shielding 130
-Common Orc Big Shaman, Level 4 Wizard Master, Path of the Big Green Gods, Dispell Scroll, Sprout of Rebirth ,
Screaming Swords, potion of swiftness, 305
-32 Common Orcs, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Ironhide Icon, Shield, Bow 281
-20 Feral Orc Eadbashers, Champion, Standard Bearer, Paired Weapons 220
-30 Cave Goblins, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, 2 Mad Gits, ShortBow 180
-31 Cave Goblins, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, 2 Mad Gits, ShortBow 183
-3x 5 Forest Goblin Raiders, Throwing Weapons 65
-2x Scrap Wagon, Pursuit Mode, Smells Like Green Spirit 65
-2x Gnasher Wrecking Team 70
-2x Git Launcher 80
-Splatterer 80
-Gargantula, Web Launcher 255

TOTAL 2500 puntos

TOTAL 2.499 puntos
Jorge Alamar Fuyur el Desolador/Bastiones Enanos
-Rey enano en trono de guerra: General, Escudo, 3x Runa de Proteccin, Runa de Destruccin, Runa de Aplastamiento,
-Herrero rnico: escudo, Runas de batalla: Runa de Destellos, Runa de la Resistencia; 2x Runa de Hierro, Runa de
negacin, 137
-Seor del clan, PEB, escudo, Runa de Acero, 2x Runa de Hierro, 153
-30 barba grises, GMC, Arma a dos Manos, Escudo, Estandarte rnico de la velocidad, 480
-10 Tiradores del Clan, ballestas, Arma a dos Manos 150
-2x29 buscamuertes, Estandarte y msico, Vanguardia, 397
-Yunque de Poder, Runa de Resolucin, Runa de Terremotos, Runa de Tormentas, 160
-2 x Vengadores 60
-1 Cptero a Vapor con Bombardeo 100
TOTAL :2.499 puntos

lex Rodrguez / Vampire Covenant

-Vampire count: General, lvl 2, Necromancy, Von Karstein, Storm Caller, heavy armour, shield, Tullius Teeth, Talisman of
supreme shielding, 435
-Necromancer:lvl 1, Necromancy, Dispell Scroll, 100
-Necromancer:lvl 1, Necromancy, Eye of Shetesh, Ring of fire, 110
-3 x Fell Wraith, Banshee, 85
-20 Skeletons, FCG, 110
-21 Skeletons, FCG, 115
-30 Ghouls, FCG, 295
-3 x 5 Dire Wolves, 40
-39 Barrow Guards, FCG, Shield, Black Standard of Zagvozd, 459
-2 Great Bats, 40
-2 x Shrierking Horror, 230
TOTAL 2499 puntos


Capitn 1- Samu
Capitn 2.0- Dani
Coach- Dj Punti
Samu RS- Saurios Ancestrales
-Sumo sacerdote eslizon: General, lv4, saber de los cielos, libro de poder arcano, anillo de fuego: 275
-Chamn eslizn:. lv1, cielos, pergamino de dispersin: 100
-Chamn eslizn: lv1, cielos, pergamino de proteccin: 80
-Capitn eslizn en Taurosaurio anciano: PDB, artilugio divino, lanza, escudo de la suerte: 368
-2 Ejanmbre de serpientes: Exploradores: 65
-29 Bravos eslizn: Grupo mando completo, arco corto, estandarte disciplina: 210
-29 Bravos eslizn: Grupo mando completo, arco corto: 185
-29 Bravos eslizn: Grupo mando completo, arco corto 180
-3x10 camaleones: 2x110
-3x4 Jinetes del cielo: 3x 135
-2x2 Salamandra: 2x150
Total: 2498
Alfonso Ruiz-Bravo Jimnez Sito, Elfos Nobles
- Prncipe en dragn estelar, general, arma a dos manos, icono divino, escudo de la suerte, 515
- Mago, senda de fuego, nivel 2, pergamino de dispersin, 130
- Mago, senda de fuego, nivel 2, tomo del saber arcano, 110
- Comandante de la compaa de la reina, PEB, gran arco de elu, 150
- 36 guardias del mar, bsica, msico, campen, portaestandarte veterano, estandarte del coraje, 467
-10 guardias del mar, bsica, acechantes, estandarte, 160
-3 x segador de la guardia del mar, especial, disparo de repeticin, 3 x 80
-3 x 6 vigilantes grises, especial, arco largo, 3 x 102
-2 x 10 guardias de la reina, rara, msico, arco largo, 2 x 160
-2 x guila gigante, rara, 2 x 50
Total: 2498
Antonio Puerta Snchez Naranjo- Bastiones Enanos
Rey Enano en portadores del escudo, General, Runa de aplastamiento, Runa de destruccin, Runa de proteccin x3,
escudo, 305
Herrero Rnico, Runa de coraje, runa de negacin, runa de hierro escudo, Runas de batalla: Destellos, Resistencia, 157
Ingeniero, Cohete matadragones, escudo, 87p.
Ingeniero, Cohete matadragones, escudo, 87p.
30 x Barbas grises, bsica, Escudo, Arma a dos manos, Grupo de mando completo, 455
10 xTiradores del clan, bsica, Arma a dos manos, estandarte, campen, 170
30 x Buscamuertes, especial, msico, porta de batalla, 350
Cptero de vapor, especial, Cptero de reconocimiento, 85
Cptero de vapor, especial, Cptero de reconocimiento, 85
2 x Catapulta enana, especial, 2 x 90
Can rgano, especial, 125
19 x Mineros, especial, Arma a dos manos, estandarte, msico, 248
Yunque de poder, rara, Runa de tormentas, Runa de terremoto, Runa de purificacin, 160
Total: 2494
Daniel Jimnez Martn, Guerreros de los Dioses Oscuros
- Seor del caos en Dragn del yermo: marca autentico, Icono divino, Escudo de la suerte, arma a dos manos: 465
- Hechicero del Caos en corcel del yermo: Marca del Cambio, Nivel Hechicero 2, escudo endurecido, tomo de saber
arcano: 185
- Hechicero del Caos: Marca del Cambio, Nivel 2, Pergamino de Dispersin: 175
- Heraldo del caos: Marca autentico, Talismn de proteccin mayor, Yelmo de escamas de dragn, escudo, arma a dos
manos, Portaestandarte de batalla: 175
- 24 Guerreros del Caos, bsica, Grupo de Mando, Marca del cambio, Arma a dos manos, Escudo, Icono de la compaa
implacable: 457
- 5 Jinetes brbaros, bsica, Marca autentico, Proteccin de la montura, estandarte: 90
- 5 Jinetes brbaros, bsica, Marca autentico, campen, 90
- Bestia sangrienta, especial, 175
- Bestia cada, especial, 65
- 2 x 5 Jinetes infernales, especial, campen 2x1: 180
- Ogro Dragn Ancestral, rara, 2x1: 440
Total: 2497

Joselain, Conclave Vamprico

-Conde vampiro, general, salvaje, strigoi, seor de los necrfagos, espada de contiendas,pocin de fuerza, gema de fuego
de dragn. 390pt
-Nigromante, fuego, pergamino de dispersin. 100pt
-Nigromante, nigromancia. 65pt
-Vampiro cortesano, porta de batalla, salvaje, strigoi, bestial hulk, estandarte de rapidez, gema de la fortuna. 280pt
-2x5 lobos espectrales. 40pt
-29 zombies, estandarte 92pt
-39 necrofagos, gm, vanguardia 463pt
-7 engendros necrfagos 288pt
-3x3 engendros vampiro, hostigadores 124pt
-Vrgola, vanguardia 195pt
-Vrgola, vampirico 3+. 175 pt
Total: 2500
Chemi Shu_Shemi_Vasillon, Manadas de Bestias
-Seor Bestia: General, Arma a dos manos, Desuello de Aaghor, Gema de Fuego de Dragn, Anillo de Fuego: 230
-Adivino Retorcido: Piedra de Obisidiana, El Empalador, Nivel Hechiero 4, Saber de la Naturaleza: 295
-Caudillo de las Bestias: PEB, Armadura Pesada, Escudo, Hacha Bestial, Estandarte de la Manada Salvaje, Portador de
los Totems, Manto de Dragon: 185
-Adivino: Nivel Hechicero 2, Saber de lo Salvaje, cayado divino, Pergamino de Dispersin: 140
-34 Cuernos Salvajes: Totem Ojo Nublado, Grupo de Mando Completo, Escudos: 244
-18 Cuernos Salvajes: Grupo de Mando Completo, Totem Ojo Sangriento, Emboscada: 160
-3 x 10 Cazadores Mestizos: Emboscada y Exploradores 180
-3 x 1 Carro Incursor: 225
-38 Cuernos Largos: Totem Oculto Retorcido, Grupo de Mando, Estandarte de la llama: 440
-2 Cclopes: 400
Total: 2499
Juanmi, Enjambre de Alimaas
-Tirano en palanqun: General. cuchilla enjambre, Rodela del tramposo, Brazaletes de poder, pocin de velocidad. 205
-Magister: lvl3 Ruina, Libro de poder arcano 2Fragmentos oscuros. 230
-Magister: lvl3 Ruina, Pergamino de dispersin. 205
-Caudillo: PEB, Estandarte disciplina, Fermento de fragmento oscuro. 120
-Asesino: Golpe letal, Heridas mltiples, Arma de cola, Pocin de fuerza. 165
-x44 Alimaas GMC (icono de la Ruina) 367
-x40 Esclavos 80
-2x10 Pies ligeros, hostigadores y vanguardia, campen. 180
-2x2 Enjambres 80
-x5 Jezzail 96
-x5 Jezzail 96
-x3 Can rotativo 195
-x2 Caon 180
-2x2 Thunder Hulks 300
Total: 2499
Pepote, Elfos Silvanos-Principe del bosque en dragn, general, icono divino, espada gigante, escudo de la suerte,
amuleto de la suerte, 465-Alto druida en unicornio, senda de la muerte, nivel 4, libro de poder arcano, talismn de
proteccin suprema, 365
-druida, senda de la muerte, pergamino de dispersin, 105
-Capitan de la estirpe de los forestales, portaestandarte, tiro de granizo, arco largo, 152
- 5 jinetes del claro, bsica, capas elficas, estandarte, escudos, 110
- 15 jinetes del claro, bsica, capas elficas, estandarte, msico, estandarte de guerra, escudos, 325
- 2 x 5 jinetes del claro, bsica, capas elficas, escudos, 2 x 100
- 6 jinetes salvajes, especial, 178
- 2 x 10 centinelas, flechas espinosas, exploradores, rara, 2 x 160
- 10 doncellas de la espina, rara, campen 280
Total: 2500

Equipo Illuminatti
Coach: Mike
Miguel Dwarf Holds
Dwarf king on throne of war,general, shield, rune of craftmanship, rune of fury x2, rune of shielding: 350 pts
Thane, BSB, shield, rune of iron: 113 pts
Runic smith,shield, rune of denial, rune of brilliance (rune of gleaming and rune of resolve): 152pts
28 greybeards, CCG, great weapon: 397pts
29 clan warriors, CCG, great weapon: 310pts
28 deep watch, CCG, rune standard of swiftness: 435pts
3x1 attack copter: 70pts
2x1 cannons: 100pts
2x1 grudge busters: 165pts
Total: 2497
julen Romero, Vampire Covenant.
Vampire Count: General, lvl 1 Wizard, Path of Wilderness. Strigoi Bloodline, Ghoul Lord, TulliusTeeth, Blessed Sword,
Dragonfire Gem, Potion of Strenght. 415 pts.
Vampire Courtier: Strigoi Bloodline, Bestial Bulk, BSB, Banner of Speed. 215 pts.
Necromancer: lvl 1 Wizard, Path of Necromancy, Dispel Scroll. 100 pts.
Necromancer: lvl 2 Wizard, Path of Fire, Tome of Arcane Lore. 105 pts.
39 Ghouls Vanguard, CMS, Flaming Standard: 483 pts.
20 Zomnies Standard Bearer: 65 pts.
2x5 Dire Wolves: 40pts..
6 Ghast Champion: 251 pts.
1 Varkolak Fly: 195 pts.
2x2 Great Bats: 40 pts.
5 Vampire Knights :250 pts.
5 Vampire Knights, standard: 260 pts.
Total: 2499 pts
Carlos Martnez, Undiying dinasties
Pharaoh: general, Vanquisher Eternal, Armour of Eternities, Dragonfire Gem: 290pts
Death Cult Hierarch, Nv4, path of sands, Soul Conduit, Tome of Arcane Lore: 275pts
Death cult acolyte, Nv2, path of light, dispel scroll: 125pts
Death cult acolyte, Nv2, path of ligth: 90pts
Tomb harbinger, Mithril mail, Talisman of greater shielding, great weapon: 126pts
21 skeletons archers, GCM: 156pts
20 skeletons archers: GCM: 150pts
3x 5 skeleton cavalry: 65pts
3 skeleton chariots: light troops: 135pts
38 Necropolis guard: GMC, war stardard, halberds: 501pts
3x 3 Great vultures: 75pts
2x Casket of khatep: 115pts
Total: 2498pts
Rober, vermin swarm
Tyrant, monstruous rat, general, shield, putrid plate, blade of strife, dragonfire gem, potion of strength: 300pts
Chief, battle standart, fetthis broodmaster, sceptre of vermin valor, icon of relentless company: 120pts
Plague prophet, plague pendulum, niv 2, disease, halberd, dispel scroll: 315pts
Chief, fetthis broodmaster, heavy armour, shield, dragon mantle, beast-bane halberd: 102pts
Rakachit machinist, heavy armour: 70pts
Rakachir machinist, gas globes: 70pts
Rakachit machinist: 65pts
37 Plague brotherhood, gmc, plague ridden: 279pts
38 Vermin guard, veteran, gmc, the lighting rod: 349pts
38 Vermin guard , gmc: 299pts
2x1 Weapon team Rotarygun: 65pts
Dreadmill: 150pts
4 Thunder hulks: 250pts
total 2499pts

Javier Blesa Juarez Empire of Sonnstahl

marshal- Seasoned General, hardened shield:105pts
Captain- Battle standard Plate armour, shield, Dragonscale Helm: 107pts
Wizard of fire, Magic Level 2, Dispel Scroll: 125pts
Wizard of fire, Magic Level 2: 90pts
2x1 Artificer: 55pts
20 Light Infantary Seasoned Soldiers, Musician: 200pts
46 Heavy Infantary, Seasoned Soldiers, CCG, Banner of discipline: 311pts
3x5 Electoral Cavalry, shield: 95pts
2x1 Cannon: 100pts
Rocket Baterry: 130pts
2x5 Reiters, Brace of pistol, Heavy armour: 105pts
6 Knights of sun griffon, Lance and shield, Standard, Musician, Banner of speed: 375pts
Steam tank: 250pts
Total: 2498pts
Oleksandr Lesyshyn (Olek), Warriors of the Dark Gods
Lord of chaos, general, mark of lust, steed of lust, waste-hardened skin, bluffers helm, talisman of supreme shielding,
divine icon, great weapon: 375pts
Sorcerer lord, lvl 4, path of change, mark of change, disc of change, hardened shield, sprout of rebirth, dispel scroll: 410pts
Harbinger of chaos, BSB, mark of change, daemonic steed, barding, talisman of greater shielding, dragon scale helm, third
eye of change, great weapon: 285pts
3*5 fallen: 85
4*5 barbarian horsemen, mark of lust, shield: 95
6 wasteland knights, mark of change, standard bearer, banner of transmutation: 254pts
2x1 elder dragon centaur, light armor, paired weapons: 270
Toni, Dread Elves
Exalted oracle, general, nv4, cult of yema, lore of death, dispel scroll, talisman of supreme shielding: 320 pts
Cult priest, yema, divine altar of yema, bsb, hero sword, glittering cuirass: 370
3x5 Dark riders, cult of yema: 85
20 corsairs ,cult of yema, paired weapons, throwing weapons, veteran standard bearer, standard of discipline: 275
10 corsairs, cult of yema, standard, throwing weapons: 110
2x1 dread reaper, repeating shot: 80
2x5 arpies: 70
10 dancers of yema, skirmers: 130
5 dread knights, champion with screaming swords: 150
2x3 medusas, champion: 195
Altar of yema: 200
Total: 2500
Adrin Giner, Ogre Khans (Capitn jugador)
Great shaman, general, nv4, great weapon, talisman of supreme shielding, dispel scroll, Aurochs charm: 390pts
Khan, bsb, mithril mail, banner of courage, charmed of cursed iron, great weapon: 195pts
3 tribesmen, standard: 85pts
3 tribesmen: 75pts
10 bruisers, CCG, banner of discipline, scrapling look out: 468pts
8 mercenary veterans, brace of ogre pistols, CCG, flaming standard: 516
2 trusker cavalry, iron fist, standard: 170
3x1 sabretooths tigers: 40
2x1 Kin eater: 90
2x1 thundercannon: 150
Total: 2499

Entrenador: Caramelito
David Muoz (capitn)- Lecai - Imperio del Hombre
Mariscal: General, escudo endurecido, Maestro Tctico, espada de los hroes: 145
Capitn: PEB, armadura de mithril, alabarda: 114
Hechicero de batalla Nivel 2, senda de Bestias, pergamino dispersin: 125
Hechicero de batalla Nivel 2, senda de fuego, pergamino proteccin: 105
3x 10 Milicia estatal con pistolas: 70
2x5 caballeros estatales con escudos: 95
40 Infantera pesada (alabarda por escudo), GMC, estandarte coraje: 255
29 Guardias imperiales, GMC, estandarte disciplina: 291
35 Guardias imperiales, arma a dos manos, GMC, estandarte llameante: 415
2x 5 Herreruelos con ristra de pistolas: 95
2x 1 Artillera (can): 100
1 Artillera (batera cohetes): 130
1 Mquina arcana (premonicin): 130
Igor - Legiones demonacas
Heraldo de la Ira, General, defensa innata, cuerpo obsidiana, ojo del tejedor: 160
30 Carniceros, campen y estandarte compaa imparable: 405
20 Carniceros, estandarte y campen: 250
2x 5 arpas khorne: 85
3x 5 mastines khorne con emboscada: 150
2x 4 caballera aplastadora, campen: 240
4 caballera aplastadora, estandarte pendn reluciente, campen: 255
2x 1 carro sangriento, caon abrasador: 165
Jos Ramn Rico Elfos Oscuros
Captain on Raptor: General, beast master, heavy armour, lance, ring of shadow, lucky shield, lucky charm: 200
Cult priest in divine altar (PEB), gladiators weapon, hardened shield, dragonfire gem, divine icon: 360
Oracle lvl 2, wilderness, dispel scroll: 130
Oracle lvl 2, wilderness: 95
3x 5 Dark riders, repeat crossbow: 100
28 blades of nabh, FCG, flaming standard: 396
2x5 harpies: 70
11 Dread knights, FCG, banner of blood: 351
2x1 Dread reaper, repeating shots: 80
2x3 Medusas: 180
Vicente-Thurvak Equitania
Duke mount on barded warhorse (general), grail oath, lance, shield, screaming sword, armour of Percival, dusk Stone: 235
Paladin barded warhorse (PEB), lance, storm clarin, hardened shield: 151
Damsel barded warhorse, lvl 2, White magic, dispel scroll: 145
Damsel barded warhorse, lvl 2, White magic, wasfers of penitence, talismn of roland: 145
Castellan barded warhorse, shield, halberd: 59
12 Knigths of realm, FCG, flaming standard: 338
2x 5 knigths aspirant: 95
6 knigths aspirant: 112
9 knigths of the quest, FCG, banner of courage, wanderers: 296
9 knigths of the quest, FCG, gleaming icon, wanderers: 296
3 Pegasus knigths, skirmish, vanguard: 178
5 yeoman outriders: 55
8 knigths of grail, FCG, the oriflame: 355

Fran- Krdkaros Ogros

Great Shaman, lvl 4,(general) butchery, aurochs charm,talismn of supreme shielding, dispel scroll: 375
Khan, PEB, ironfist, yeti furs, trolleater, flaming standard, dragonfire gem: 205
14 Tribesmen, ironfist, heavy armour, FCG, banner of discipline: 553
2x 10 scraplings: 40
2x 2 tusker cavalry: 130
2 tusker cavalry, standard: 140
5 mercenary veterans, brace of pistols, poisoned atacks, bodyguard, FCG, Scrapling Lookout, holy icon: 345
3x 2 yetis: 80
2x 1 thunder cannon: 150
Fernando Guerreros del Caos
Brujo (General), marca slanesh, lvl 1 sombras, carro del yermo, escudo de la suerte, gema matadragones, pergamino
dispersin: 220
Brujo marca autntico, lvl 2 fuego, pergamino proteccin, escudo endurecido: 135
37 brbaros, marca slanesh, mayales, GMC, estandarte coraje: 301
8 mastines: 57
3x 1 carro del yermo (bsicas): 95
2x 5 jinetes infernales: 80
3x 1 carro del yermo: 95
8x primeros elegidos, marca slanesh, mayales, GMC, pendn reluciente: 344
8x primeros elegidos, marca slanesh, alabardas, GMC, icono compaa imparable: 354
8x primeros elegidos, marca slanesh, alabardas, GMC, llameante: 359
scar McClaud- Vampire Covenant
Nigromante (general) nivel 4, nigromancia, colmillo de tullius, pergamino dispersin: 285
Nigromante lvl 1, Nigromancia, pergamino proteccin, Rub destruccin: 105
Rey tumulario PEB pesada y escudo: 105
2x 1 Rey tumulario pesada y escudo: 80
48 Esqueletos, ligera y escudo, GMC estandarte de la disciplina: 275.
2x2 enjambres murcilago: 60
2 murcilagos vampiro: 40
3x 5 lobos: 40
28 zombis 79
27 zombis 76
7 Vargueist : 275
7 Vargueist : 275
4x Winged Reapers, armas emparejadas y autonomous: 330
3x Winged Reapers, armas emparejadas y autonomous: 255
Ral Highborn Elves
Mage, General, lvl 2, metal, dispel scroll: 130
Mage, lvl 2, metal, shielding scroll: 110
Commander PEB, great bow of elu: 130
40 sea guard, musician standad bearer, banner of discipline: 525
3x 5 elein reavers: 85
3x 1 sea guard reaper, repeating shots: 80
2x 15 queens guard, musician, long bow: 235
2x 1 giant Eagle: 50
3x 10 grey watchers, long bow: 180

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