Alexis Nava Graffit Story

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Nava 1

Alexis Nava
Instructor Saladino
EDU 214
12 June 2016
Graffiti Project
There once was a clown named Steve, and he wasnt the easiest on the eyes. With his
bright green hair frizzed on the sides and mohawked in the middle, he couldnt have helped but
be noticed when he was passed on a street corner. With his large blood shot eyes that shone
bright like headlights, people couldnt help but feel as if they were being watched by him when
walking in a dark alley. His clothes didnt help either, they were a bright white, lined with red,
and spotted with green dots, it seemed as if he enjoyed coordinating it with his hair and the small
papillary veins that ran through his eyes. Steve was odd, even for a clown, he was unsettling. Of
course, like mentioned before, it didnt help that Steve liked to be found in dark alleys, but it was
just in his natural ways you could say. Hed had a few run-ins with the law. That time he was
trying to give away balloons out of storm drains, or the time he stalked people, in their
nightmares, it all became too much for lil-ole Steve. Although he wasnt a mime, he was simply
misunderstood. All he wanted was a friend, but sometimes people can be so superficial.
Superficial, just like the top layer of their skin, thats why Steven got taken away you see, he
wanted to show people that there was more than the superficial outside that people always laid
their eyes on. There was more, under the skin. After the incident, he was never the same, he
couldnt out in sunlight, his entire body bandaged like a cocoon, but thats all he wanted to do,
was show people there was more to him than just an odd looking clown, I guess you could say he
wanted to show them he had guts, guts that had to rearranged in order to heal properly.

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