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Terms and Conditions.

1. This is top secret, walang laglagan pag nagkahulihan.

2. Please don't forget to thank the people who are making this. Di porket pumas
a na kayo ganun ganun nalang?
Comments section:

1. ChupulsMaster1
2. ChupulsMaster2
Lesson 2:
1. True
The ? is a special symbol in Java.

2. True
static is a reserved word in Java.

3. False
The following is a legal Java identifier: !Hello!

4. False
An identifier can be any sequence of characters and integers.

A byte is an example of a boolean data type.

6. True
The symbol '*' belongs to the char data type.

7. True
The data type double is a floating-point data type.

The number of significant digits in a float variable is up to 6 or 7.
9. False
An operator that has only one operand is called a unique operator.

10. True
Multiplication and division have the same operator precedence.

Operators of the same precedence are evaluated from left to right.

12. False
If a Java arithmetic expression has no parentheses, operators are evaluated from
left to right.

13. True
In Java, the value of the expression 32 / 5.0 is 6.4.

14. False
When evaluating a mixed expression, all integer operands are converted to floati
ng-point numbers with zero decimal part.

15. True
When a value of one data type is automatically changed to another data type, an
implicit type coercion has occurred.

16. True
Suppose x = 6.7. The value of the expression (int)(x + 0.5) is 7.0.

17. True
Suppose x = 15.7. The output of the statement -- System.out.println((int)(x) / 2
); is 7.

18. False
Suppose x = 18.9. The output of the statement -- System.out.println((int(x) % 3)
; is 1.

19. False
The null string contains one character.

20. True
A string is a sequence of zero or more characters.

21. False
The value of a variable cannot change during program execution.

22. False
If a = 4; and b = 3; then after the statement a = b; executes the value of b is

23. False
Java automatically initializes all variables.

24. False
Suppose console is a Scanner object initialized with the standard input device.
The expression console.nextInt(); is used to read one int value and the expressi
on console.nextDouble();is used to read two int values.

25. False
Suppose console is a Scanner object initialized with the standard input device a
nd x and y are int variables. Cosider the following statements:
x = console.nextInt();
y = console.nextInt();
These statements require the value of x and y to be input on separate lines.

26. False
The class Scanner is contained in the package

27. True
The statement count = count + 1; is equivalent to count++;

28. False
If ++x is used in an expression, first the expression is evaluated, then the val
ue of x is incremented by 1.

29. True
Suppose that count is an int variable. The statements --count; and count--; toge
ther decrement the value of count by 2.

30. False
Suppose x = 8. After the execution of the statement y = x++; y is 9 and x is 8.

31. False
Suppose a = 4. After the execution of the statement b = ++a; b is 4 and a is 5.

32. True
Suppose a = 5. After the execution of the statement ++a; the value of a is 6.

33. False
Suppose a = 15. After the execution of the statement --a; the value of a is 13.

34. False
Suppose that alpha and beta are int variables. The statement alpha = beta++; is
equivalent to the statement alpha = ++beta;.

35. False
Suppose that alpha and beta are int variables.
The statement alpha = --beta; is equivalent to the statement alpha = 1 - beta;
while the statement alpha = beta--; is equivalent to the statement alpha = beta
- 1;.

36. True
The operator + can be used to concatenate two strings, as well as a string and a
numeric value or a character.

37. True
Both System.out.println and System.out.print can be used to output a string on t
he standard output device.

38. True
The expression System.out.println(); inserts the newline character at the end of
the line.

39. True
\n (Newline) moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next line.

40. False
\r (Return) moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next line.

41. True
A package is a collection of related classes.

42. False
The Java source file must have a .class extension.

43. True
Executable statements perform calculations, manipulate data, create output, and
accept input.

44. False
A comma is also called a statement terminator.

45. True
The pair of characters // is used for single line comments.

46. False
Multi line comments are enclose between */ and /*.

47. False
The following two statements are equivalent.
a. x *= y + 2;
b. x = x * y + 2;

48. True
Suppose that sum is an int variable. The statement
sum += 7;
is equivalent to the statement
sum = sum + 7;

49. True
Suppose that prod is a double variable. The statement prod *= 0; is equivalent t
o the statement prod = 0;.
Lesson 2: String and Operators
1. True
The word new is an operator.

2. False
Given String name; the value of name is directly stored in its memory space.

3. False
The + operator is used to instantiate a class.

4. True
The new operator can be used to create a class object.

5. True
Java provides automatic garbage collection.

6. True
Primitive type variables directly store data into their memory space.

7. False
The class Math is contained in the java.text package.

8. True
Contents of the java.lang package do not need to be imported into a program in o
rder to be used.

9. False
In order to use a predefined method, you simply need to know the name of the met

10. True
The . (dot) operator is also called the member access operator.

11. True
In the class String, the substring method extracts a string from within another

12. True
indexOf(String str) is a method in the class String.

13. False
The method length in the class String returns the number of characters in the st

ring not including whitespace characters.


14. False
String variables are primitive variable types.

15. False
The method printf is used only to format the output of decimal numbers.

16. False
The default output of decimal numbers of the type float is 9 decimal places.

17. True
Suppose x = 15.674. The output of the statement
System.out.printf("%.2f", x);
is 15.67.

18. False
Suppose z = 9525.9864./ The output of the statement
System.out.printf("%.2f", z);
is 9525.98.

19. True
A string consisting of only an integer or a decimal number is called a numeric s

20. False
The value of the expression Integer.parseInt("-823") is -"823"

21. True
The value of the expression Float.parseFloat("-542.97") is -542.97.

22. True
The method, parseInt is used to convert a numeric integer string into a value of
the type int.
23. True

The classes Integer, Float, and Double are called wrapper classes.

24. False
The class JOptionPane is part of the package

25. True
The class JOptionPane allows a programmer to use graphical interface components
to obtain input from a user.

26. False
The statement System.exit(0); is found at the end of every working Java program.

27. True
Given a decimal number, the method format of the class String returns the string
containing the digits of the formatted number.

28. True
When writing output to a file, if the file is not closed at the end of the progr
am, you may not be able to view your output properly.

29. False
If the output file does not exist you will get a FileNotFoundException.

30. True
If the specified output file does not exist, the computer prepares an empty file
for output.
C 1. Which of the following is a valid statement?

name =

name = "Doe";
new String;

C 2. If the String variable str is assigned the string Java Programming

chine allocates the memory location to 2500 then str contains ____.

the value 2500

the value Java Programming.
the address 2500
None of these

B 3. In Java, all variables declared using a class are ____.

a. primitive variables

and the ma

b. reference variables
c. constants
d. operators
A 4. Which statement instructs a program to run the garbage collector?

There is only automatic garbage collection in Java.

A 5. There are ____ types of methods in a class.



B 6. Which package is automatically imported by the Java system?


7. What is the value of the following statement?



B 8. Which of the following methods is contained in the package java.util?



C 9. Which of the following is the member access operator?



C 10. Suppose str is a String variable. The statement

str = new String("Hello World");
is equivalent to which of the following?

new String = "Hello World";

String new = "Hello World";
str = "Hello World";
"Hello World";

C 11. What will most probably happen if you omit the dot operator when accessin

g a method?

An exception will be thrown.

The computer will crash.
A syntax error will be reported.
The program will execute as planned.

C 12. Consider the following statements.

String sentence;
String str1;
sentence = "Today is Wednesday.";
What is the value of str1 after the following statement executes?
str1 = sentence.substring(9, 18);
What is the value of str1?

is Wednesday

B 13. Consider the following statements

String sentence;
String str1, str2;
sentence = "Today is Wednesday.";
What is the value of str2 after the following statements execute?
str1 = sentence.substring(9, 18);
str2 = str1.substring(0, 3);


C 14. Consider the following statements.

String sentence;
int length1;
sentence = "Today is Wednesday.";
What is the value of length1 after the following statement executes?
length1 = sentence.length();


B 15.Consider the following statements.

String sentence;
String str;
sentence = "Today is Wednesday.";
What is the value of str after the following statement executes?
str = sentence.replace('d', '*');


is Wednesday.
is We*nes*ay.
* Wednesday
** **d***d**

D 16. An expression such as str.length(); is an example of a(n) ____.


system call
string object

B 17. Which of the following outputs 56734.987 to three decimal places?


System.out.printf("3f%", 56734.9875);
System.out.printf(".3f%", 56734.9875);
System.out.printf(".03f%", 56734.9875);
None of these

D 18. What is the output of the following statement?

System.out.printf(".3f%", 56.1);


D 19. The showMessageDialog method has ____ parameters.



A 20. Suppose that you have the declaration:

int num = 763;
double x = 658.75;
String str = "Java Program.";
What is the output of the following statements?
System.out.printf("%5d%7.2f%15s%n", num, x, str);
a. 123456789012345678901234567890
763 658.75 Java Program.
b. 123456789012345678901234567890
763 658.75 Java Program.
c. 123456789012345678901234567890

763 658.75 Java Program.

d. None of these
B 21. Suppose that you have the declaration:
int num = 763;
double x = 658.75;
String str = "Java Program.";
What is the output of the following statements?
System.out.printf("%-5d%-7.2f%-15s ***%n", num, x, str);
a. 123456789012345678901234567890
763 658.75 Java Program. ***
b. 123456789012345678901234567890
763 658.75 Java Program. ***
c. 123456789012345678901234567890
763 658.75 Java Program. ***
d. None of these
A 22. Which of the following statements would produce a Java Input dialog box w
ith the text Enter your name and press OK ?
a. name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name and press OK");
b. name = JOptionPane.showMessageDialog("Enter your name and press OK",
JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null);
c. name =;
d. System.out.println("Enter your name and press OK");
D 23. What happens when JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE is chosen as the messageTy
pe parameter?

No icon is displayed in the dialog box.

An X is displayed in the dialog box.
A question mark is displayed in the dialog box.
An exclamation point is displayed in the dialog box.

A 24. Consider the following statements.

double x;
String y;
y = String.format("%.2f", x);
If x = 43.579, what is the value of y?

None of these

A 25. Which of the following is an area of secondary storage used to hold infor
a. file
b. variable

c. constant
d. buffer
Lesson 4:
1. False
A program uses repetition to implement a branch.

2. True
Conditional statements help incorporate decision making into programs.

3. False
The symbol > is a logical operator.

4. True
!= is a relational operator.

5. False
All relational operators are ternary operators.

6. False
A computer program will recognize both = = and == as the equality operator.

7. False
In Java, both ! and != are relational operators.

8. True
Determine whether the statement
6.9 <= 7.6
is true or false.

9. True
Determine whether the expression
'A' < 'T'
is true or false.

10. True

The method compareTo is part of the class String.


11. False
Consider the following the statements.
String str1 = "cat";
String str2 = "cats";
Determine whether the statement
is true or false.

12. False
In Java, !, &&, and || are called relational operators.

13. False
Determine whether the expression
!('F' > 'A')
is true or false.

14. False
The expression !(x > 10) is equivalent to the expression x < 10.

15. False
The expression !(x < 0) is true only if x is a positive number.

16. True
! is a logical operator.

17. True
Determine whether the expression
('M' > 'S') || (5 <= 8)
is true or false.

18. False
Determine whether the expression
(10 >= 5) && (7 <= 4)

is true or false.

19. True
Suppose P and Q are logical expressions. The logical expression P && Q is true i
f both P and Q are true.

20. True
Suppose x = 10 and y = 20. The value of the expression ((x >= 10) && (y <= 20))
is true.

21. False
The expression (x >= 0 && x <= 100) evaluates to false if either x < 0 or x >= 1

22. False
Suppose P and Q are logical expressions. The expression P || Q is false if eithe
r P is false or Q is false.

23. True
The operators != and == have the same order of precedence.

24. True
In Java, && has a higher precedence than ||.

25. False
Determine whether the expression
6 < 5 || 'g' > 'a' && 7 < 4
is true or false.

26. True
found = true;
num = 6;
The value of the expression (!found) || (num > 6) is false.
27. False
In Java. the expression

'A' < ch < 'Z'

is equivalent to the expression
'A' < ch && ch < 'Z'

28. False
Every if statement must be accompanied by an else statement.

29. True
The following blocks of Java code are equivalent.
(Assume that score is an int variable and grade is a char variable.)
if (score
if (score

>= 90)
= 'A';
>= 80 && score < 90)
= 'B';

if (score >= 90)
grade = 'A';
else if (score >= 80)
grade = 'B';

30. True
The output of the Java code
int x = 5;
if (x > 10)
System.out.println("Hello ");
System.out.println("There. ");
System.out.println("How are you?");
How are you?

31. False
Including a semicolon before the action statement in a one-way selection causes
a syntax error.

32. False
The output of the Java code:
int num = 20;
if (num <= 10)
//Line 1
if (num >= 0)
//Line 2
System.out.println("Num is between 0 and 10");

//Line 3


//Line 4
System.out.println("Num is greater than 10");

//Line 5

Num is greater than 10.


33. True
Consider the following statements.
int score;
String grade;
if (score >= 65)
grade = "pass";
grade = "fail";
If score is equal to 75, the value of grade is pass.

34. False
Consider the following statements.
int num = 5;
if (num >= 5)
System.out.println(num + 5);
The output of this code is 10.

35. True
An else statement must be paired with an if statement.

36. True
A compound statement or block of statements is treated as a single statement.

37. True
When one control statement is located within another it is said to be nested.

38. False
All switch structures include default cases.

39. False
In Java, case is a reserved word, but break is not a reserved word.
40. True

The output of the Java code: (Assume that console is a Scanner object initialize
d to the standard input device.)
int alpha = 3;
int beta = console.nextInt();

//Assume input is 5

switch (beta)
case 3: alpha = alpha + 3;
case 4: alpha = alpha + 4;
case 5: alpha = alpha + 5;
default: alpha = alpha + 6;
is: 14

41. False
The output of the Java code: (Assume that console is a Scanner object initialize
d to the standard input device.)
int alpha = 5;
int beta = console.nextInt();

//Assume input is 2

switch (beta)
case 1 : alpha = alpha + 1;
case 2 : alpha = alpha + 2;
case 3 : alpha = alpha + 3;
default : alpha = alpha + 4;
is: 7

42. False
All switch cases include a break statement.

43. False
The execution of a break statement in a switch statement automatically exits the
Practice Test Chapter 04:
Control Structures I
D Question 1
What is the output of the following code fragment if the input value is 4? (Assu
me that console is a Scanner object initialized to the standard input device.)
int num;
int alpha = 10;
num = console.nextInt();
switch (num)

case 3: alpha++;
case 4:
case 6: alpha = alpha + 3;
case 8: alpha = alpha + 4;
default: alpha = alpha + 5;


True Question 2
Suppose P and Q are logical expressions. The logical expression P && Q is true i
f both P and Q are true.
a. True
b. False

A Question 3
What is the value of the following expression?
5 < 3 || 6 < 7 || 4 > 1 && 5 > 3 || 2 < x


It cannot be determined.

True Question 4
! is a logical operator.
a. True
b. False

F Question 5

A program uses repetition to implement a branch.

a. True
b. False

C Question 6
In a ____ control structure, the computer executes particular statements dependi
ng on some condition(s).


True Question 7
Conditional statements help incorporate decision making into programs.
a. True
b. False

False Question 8
The execution of a break statement in a switch statement automatically exits the
a. True
b. False

False Question 9
Suppose that you have the following code.
int num = 5;
if (num >= 5)
System.out.println(num + 5);
The output of this code is 10.

a. True
b. False

B Question 10
Suppose that you have the following code:
int sum = 0;
int num = 10;
if (num > 0)
sum = sum + num;
if (num > 5)
sum = num + 15;
After this code executes, what is the value of sum?


D Question 11
Consider the following statement.
int y = !(12 < 5 || 3 <= 5 && 3 > x) ? 7 : 9;
What is the value of y if x = 2?


A Question 12
What is the output of the following Java code?
int x = 55;
int y = 5;
switch (x % 7)
case 0:
case 1: y++;
case 2:
case 3: y = y + 2;

case 4: break;
case 5:
case 6: y = y 3;

None of these

C Question 13
Consider the following statement
int y = !(12 < 5 || 3 <= 5 && 3 > x) ? 7 : 9;
What is the value of y if x = 4?


C Question 14
Suppose x and y are int variables. Consider the following statements.
if (x > 5)
y = 1;
else if (x < 5)
if (x < 3)
y = 2;
y = 3;
y = 4;
What is the value y if x = 3?


T Question 15
The output of the Java code: (Assume that console is a Scanner object initialize
d to the standard input device.)
int alpha = 3;
int beta = console.nextInt();

//Assume input is 5

switch (beta)
case 3: alpha = alpha + 3;
case 4: alpha = alpha + 4;
case 5: alpha = alpha + 5;
default: alpha = alpha + 6;
is: 14
a. True
b. False

C Question 16
Which of the following is NOT a relational operator in Java?


D Question 17
Which of the following has the highest value?


False Question 18
All switch cases include a break statement.
a. True
b. False

True Question 19
Determine whether the expression
('M' > 'S') || (5 <= 8)
is true or false.
a. True
b. False

False Question 20
In Java. the expression
'A' < ch < 'Z'
is equivalent to the expression
'A' < ch && ch < 'Z'
a. True
b. False

True Question 21
When one control statement is located within another it is said to be nested.
a. True
b. False

C Question 22
Two-way selection in Java is implemented using ____.

if statements
for loops
if...else statements
sequential statements

A Question 23

Consider the following statements.

String str1 = "car";
String str2 = "cars";
What is the value of the expression str2.compareTo(str1)?

a positive integer
a negative integer
a boolean value

A Question 24
What is the output of the following code?
if ( 6 > 8)
System.out.println(" ** ");
if (9 == 4)



True Question 25
Consider the following statements.
int score;
String grade;
if (score >= 65)
grade = "pass";
grade = "fail";
If score is equal to 75, the value of grade is pass.
a. True
b. False

A Question 26
Suppose x and y are int variables. Consider the following statements.
if (x > 5)
y = 1;
else if (x < 5)
if (x < 3)
y = 2;
y = 3;
y = 4;
What is the value of y if x = 6?


C Question 27
After the execution of the following code, what will be the value of num if the
input value is 4? (Assume that console is a Scanner object initialized to the st
andard input device.)
int num = console.nextInt();
if (num > 0)
num = num + 10;
if (num >= 5)
num = num + 15;


B Question 28
Consider the following statement.
String str = "cat";

What would be the value of the expression str3.compareTo("cat")?


< 0
= 0
> 0

B Question 29
Which of the following will cause a semantic error, if you are trying to compare
x to 5?



== 5)
= 5)
<= 5)
>= 5)

T Question 30
A compound statement or block of statements is treated as a single statement.
a. True
b. False

False Question 31
In Java, case is a reserved word, but break is not a reserved word.
a. True
b. False

False Question 32
Determine whether the expression
!('F' > 'A')
is true or false.
a. True
b. False

False Question 33
A computer program will recognize both = = and == as the equality operator.
a. True
b. False

True Question 34
Suppose found = true and num = 6. The value of the expression (!found) || (num >
6) is false.
a. True
b. False

True Question 35
The method compareTo is part of the class String.
a. True
b. False

B Question 36
The conditional operator ?: takes _____ arguments.


B Question 37
What is the output of the following Java code?
int x = 6;
if (x > 10)
System.out.println("One ");
System.out.println("Two ");


One Two
None of these

False Question 38
In Java, !, &&, and || are called relational operators.
a. True
b. False
Lesson 5:
true 1.
A loop is a control structure that causes certain statements to be executed over
and over until certain conditions are met..

false 2.
The statement in the body of a while loop is the decision-maker.

true 3.
The loop condition is reevaluated after every iteration of the loop.

false 4.
If the initial condition of any while loop is false it will still execute once.

true 5.
An infinite loop executes indefinitely.

true 6.
In the case of an infinite while loop, initially the while expression (that is,
the decision maker) is true.

false 7.
If the while expression becomes false in the middle of the while loop body, the
loop terminates immediately.

false 8.
When a while loop terminates the control first goes back to the statement just b
efore the while statement and then the control goes to the statement immediately
following the while loop.

true 9.
The output of the Java code (Assume all variables are properly declared.)
num = 100;
while (num <= 148)
num = num + 5;
is: 150

false 10.
The output of the Java code (Assume all variables are properly declared.)
num = 450;
while (num > 500)
num = num + 5;
is: 500

false 11.
The while loop
int j = 0;
while (j < 20)
terminates when j > 20.

false 12.
Control variables are automatically initialized in a loop.

true 13.
A counter-controlled loop is used when the exact number of data entries is known

true 14.
The output of the Java code (Assume all variables are properly declared.)
n = 1;
while (n < 5)
System.out.print(n + " ");
is: 2 3 4 5

false 15.
The output of the Java code (Assume all variables are properly declared.)
n = 1;
while (n < 5)
System.out.print(n + " ");
is: 1 2 3 4

true 16.
The output of the Java code (Assume all variables are properly declared.)
n = 0;
while (n < 5)
System.out.print(n + " ");
is: 0 1 2 3 4 5

true 17.
In the case of the sentinel-controlled while loop, the first item is read before
the while loop is entered.

false 18.
In a sentinel-controlled while loop, the body of the loop continues to execute u

ntil the EOF symbol is read.

false 19.
The output of the following Java code (Assume all variables are properly declare
d and the input is 6 8 5 3 1).
num = console.nextInt();
sum = num;
while (num != -1)
num = console.nextInt();
sum = sum + num;
is: 22

true 20.
The output of the following Java code (Assume all variables are properly declare
d and the input is 4 3 2 6 1).
sum = 0;
num = console.nextInt();
while (num != -1)
num = console.nextInt();
sum = sum + num;
is: 10

true 21.
The control variable in a flag-controlled while loop is a boolean variable.

false 22.
EOF-controlled while loop is another name for sentinel-controlled while loop.

false 23.
To read data from a file of unspecified length, a sentinel-controlled while loop
is a better choice.

true 24.
The method hasNext returns false when the end of the input file is reached.

true 25.
A number in a Fibonacci sequence is found by taking the sum of the previous two
numbers in the sequence.

true 26.
A for loop is typically called an indexed for loop.

true 27.
The control statements in the for loop include the initial statement, loop condi
tion, and update statement.

false 28.
As in the while loop, the body of the for loop eventually changes the loop condi
tion to false.

false 29.
The following for loop executes 20 times. (Assume all variables are properly dec
for (i = 0; i <= 20; i++)

true 30.
The following for loop executes 26 times. (Assume all variables are properly dec
for (i = 0; i <= 50; i = i + 2)

false 31.
The output of the Java code (Assume all variables are properly declared.)
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++);
System.out.print(i + " ");

is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

false 32.
The output of the Java code (Assume all variables are properly declared.)
for (count = 5; count <= 3; count--)


true 33.
The output of the Java code (Assume all variables are properly declared.)
for (count = 4; count <= 4; count++)
is: Stop

false 34.
In the for statement, if the loop condition is omitted, it is assumed to be fals

false 35.
A syntax error will result if the control statements of a for loop are omitted.

false 36.
If a semicolon is placed at the end of a for loop, an infinite loop will result.

false 37.
The output of the Java code
int count = 5;

while (count < 5);
is: Stop

true 38.
Unlike a while loop, the body of a do...while loop executes at least once.

false 39.
A for loop is a post-test loop.

true 40.
The do...while loop has an exit condition but no entry condition.

false 41.
Because a do...while loop is a post-test loop, the body of the loop may not exec
ute at all.

false 42.
It is possible that the body of a while loop may not execute at all, but the bod
y of a for loop executes at least once.

true 43.
After a break statement executes, the program continues to execute with the firs
t statement after the structure.

false 44.
A break statement is legal in a while loop, but not in a for loop.

true 45.
If a continue statement is placed in a do...while structure, the loop-continue t
est is evaluated immediately after the continue statement.

false 46.
If a continue statement executes in a while loop, the remaining statements will
always execute in the next iteration.

false 47.
Consider the following while loop.
int counter = 1;
while (counter < 10)
if (counter % 4 == 0)
counter = 0;
If the continue statement executes, counter is set to 0.
Practice Test Chapter 05:
Control Structures II
Question 1 True
If a continue statement is placed in a do...while structure, the loop-continue t
est is evaluated immediately after the continue statement.
a. True
b. False

Question 2 False
In the for statement, if the loop condition is omitted, it is assumed to be fals
a. True
b. False

Question 3 C
Which of the following does not have an entry condition?
a. EOF-controlled while loop

b. sentinel-controlled while loop

c. do...while loop
d. for loop

Question 4 D
What is the output of the following Java code?
int count = 1;
int num = 25;
while (count < 25)
num = num - 1;
System.out.println(count + " " + num);



Question 5 A
Suppose sum, num and j are int variables, and the input is

4 7 12 9 -1
What is the output of the following code?
sum = console.nextInt();
num = console.nextInt();
for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
num = console.nextInt();
sum = sum + num;


Question 6 D

What is the output of the following code?

int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++);
if (x == 3)


There is no output

Question 7 F
To read data from a file of unspecified length, a sentinel-controlled while loop
is a better choice.
a. True
b. False

Question 8 A
What is the output of the following Java code?
int num = 10;
while (num > 10)
num = num - 2;

None of these

Question 9 T
Unlike a while loop, the body of a do...while loop executes at least once.
a. True
b. False

Question 10 T
The loop condition is reevaluated after every iteration of the loop.
a. True
b. False

Question 11 A
What is the output of the following Java code?
int x = 1;
System.out.print(x + " ");
while (x > 0);

1 0
1 0 -1
None of these

Question 12 C
Suppose sum and num are int variables, and the input is

18 25 61 6 -1
What is the output of the following code? (Assume that console is a Scanner obj
ect initialized to the standard input device.)
sum = 0;
num = console.nextInt();
while (num != -1)
sum = sum + num;
num = console.nextInt();


None of these

Question 13 T
The output of the Java code (Assume all variables are properly declared.)
n = 1;
while (n < 5)
System.out.print(n + " ");
is: 2 3 4 5
a. True
b. False

Question 14 F
A for loop is a post-test loop.
a. True
b. False

Question 15 F
Control variables are automatically initialized in a loop.
a. True
b. False

Question 16

Consider the following statements.

int x = 5;
int y = 30;

x = x * 2;
while (x < y);
If y = 0, how many times would the do...while loop execute?


Question 17 D
What is the value of x after the following statements execute?
int x = 5;
int y = 30;
x = x * 2;
while (x < y);



Question 18 C
Which of the following loops is guaranteed to execute at least once?

counter-controlled while loop

for loop
do...while loop
sentinel-controlled while loop

Question 19 C
What is the output of the following Java code?
int num = 0;
while (num < 5)
System.out.print(num + " ");
num = num + 1;


0 1 2 3
1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3
None of

4 5

Question 20 A
What is the output of the following Java code?

int x = 1;
int j;
for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++)
x = x * j;

None of these

Lesson 6: GUI
Practice Test Chapter 06:
Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Object-Oriented Design (OOD)
Question 1
JLabels are used to get input and show output.
b. False

Question 2
JFrame is a package.
b. False

Question 3
What is the name for Java classes that are provided so that values of primitive
data types can be treated as objects?
c. wrappers

Question 4
Which of the following is NOT a required attribute of a window?
d. color

Question 5
Given the declaration,
Integer num;
The statement num = 25; is known as autoboxing of the int type.
a. True

Question 6
The method getContentPane of the class JFrame is used to access the content pane
of the window.
b. False

Question 7
An action event is handled by the class JFrame.
b. False

Question 8
Which modifier is used to build classes on top of classes that are interfaces?
d. implements

Question 9
Consider the following sentence.
If Shape is a class and you create a new class Circle that extends Shape, then S
hape is a(n) ____ and Circle is a(n) ____.

Which word goes in the first blank of this sentence?

b. superclass

Question 10
Which of the following is not a method of the class JTextField?
d. setVisible

Question 11
Every window has a title, width, and height.
a. True

Question 12
The Java class that you use to create windows is ____.
b. JFrame

Question 13
Which of the following GUI component is used to get input into a GUI program?
c. JTextField

Question 14
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface.
a. True

Question 15
Consider the following problem statement.
Write a program that takes as input the radius of a circle and finds the circumf
erence and area of the circle.

Based on this problem statement, which of the following would most likely be cho
sen as the class?
b. Circle

Question 16
Which of the following statements is NOT true about GUI programs?
c. All components are added directly to the GUI window.

Question 17
The class Container is included in the package javax.swing.
b. False

Question 18
An interface is a class that contains only the method headings, and each method
heading is terminated with a period.
b. False

Question 19
The first step in solving a problem using object-oriented design is to write dow
n a detailed description of the problem.
a. True

Question 20
When you click a JButton an event is created, known as an action event.
a. True

Question 21
The class JFrame contains the method add.

b. False

Question 22
Both private and implements are modifiers in Java.
a. True

Question 23
Consider the following problem statement.
Write a program to input 5 test scores of a student and calculate and print the
mean, median, and mode of the scores.
Which words from this problem statement could we use to determine the operations
for this program?
a. input, calculate, print

Question 24
Given the declaration,
Integer num;
The following statements are equivalent:
num = 25;
num = new Integer(25);
a. True

Question 25
In object-oriented design, the nouns found in the problem specification can be u
sed to select the operations in the program.
b. False

Question 26
Which package will you most likely have to import in order to write a GUI progra

a. java.awt.*

Question 27
The method addWindowListener is included in the class JFrame.
a. True

Question 28
Whenever there is a superclass-subclass relationship, the superclass inherits al
l data members and methods of the subclass.
b. False

Question 29
Which class is part of the package java.awt?
d. Container

Question 30
Consider the following sentence.
If Shape is a class and you create a new class Circle that extends Shape, then S
hape is a(n) ____ and Circle is a(n) ____.
Which word goes in the second blank of this sentence?
a. subclass
True 1.
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface.

False 2.
Inputs and outputs are always displayed one dialog box at a time when using a GU

False 3.
JLabels are used to get input and show output.

True. 4.
GUI components are placed in a window called JFrame.

False 5.
When a user types input into a JTextField, an event has occurred.

False 6.
JFrame is a package.

True 7.
Every window has a title, width, and height.

True 8.
The method addWindowListener is included in the class JFrame.

True 9.
In Java, extends is a reserved word.

True 10.
The term pixel stands for picture element.

True 11.
The height and width of a window are measured in pixels.

False 12.
Whenever there is a superclass-subclass relationship, the superclass inherits al
l data members and methods of the subclass.

False 13.
The class Container is included in the package javax.swing.

False 14.
The class JFrame contains the method add.

False 15.
The method getContentPane of the class JFrame is used to access the content pan
e of the window.

True 16.
If lengthL is a JTextField and pane is a container, then the statement pane.add(
lengthL); adds the text field to the content pane of a window.

True 17.
The class ActionListener contains only one method, actionPerformed.

False 18.
An action event is handled by the class JFrame.

False 19.
An interface is a class that contains only the method headings, and each method
heading is terminated with a period.

True 20.
When you click a JButton an event is created, known as an action event.

True 21.
Both private and implements are modifiers in Java.

True 22.
The first step in solving a problem using object-oriented design is to write dow
n a detailed description of the problem.

False 23.
In object-oriented design, the verbs in the problem specification can be used to
identify the objects in the program.

False 24.
In object-oriented design, the nouns found in the problem specification can be u
sed to select the operations in the program.

True 25.
In Java, data members are also known as fields.

False 26.
Wrapper class objects are mutable.

True 27.
Given the declaration,
Integer num;
The following statements are equivalent:
num = 25;
num = new Integer(25);

True 28.
Given the declaration,
Integer num;
The statement num = 25; is known as autoboxing of the int type.

True 29.
To compare the values of two Integer objects for equality we can use the method
equal of the class Integer.

False 30.
To determine whether two reference variables of the Integer type point to the sa
me Integer object, we can use either the method equal of the class Integer or th
e operator ==.
Lesson 7:
Practice Test Chapter 07: User-Defined Methods
Question 1
Given the method heading
int larger(int x, int y)
which of the following does NOT demonstrate method overloading?
c. int max(int x, int y)
Question 2
Within a class, outside of every method definition (and every block), an identif
ier can be declared anywhere.
a. True

Question 3
Suppose that the folowing statement is included in a program.
import static java.lang.Math.*;
After this statement a static method of the class Math cannot be called using th
e name of the class and the dot operator.
b. False

Question 4
The return statement must be the last line of the method.
b. False

Question 5
Within a method, an identifier used to name a variable in the outer block of the
method can be used to name any other variable in an inner block of the method.
b. False

Question 6
Which of the following identifiers is NOT visible in block three?
a. z (before main)

Question 7
Given the method heading
public static String exampleMethod(int n, char ch)
what is the return type of the value returned?
c. String
Question 8
How can a method send a primitive value back to the caller?
b. By using the return statement
Question 9
Which of the following is NOT a modifier?
c. void

Question 10
Value-returning methods must have parameters.
b. False

Question 11
The value returned by a value-returning method can be saved for further calculat
ion in the program.
a. True

Question 12
Two methods are said to have different formal parameter lists if both methods ha
ve a different number of formal parameters, or if the number of formal parameter
s is the same, then the data type of the formal parameters, in the order you lis
t, must differ in at most one position.
b. False

Question 13
Which of the following is NOT true about return statements?
b. Return statements can be used in void methods to return values.

Question 14
Actual and formal parameters have a many-to-one correspondence.
b. False

Question 15
Void methods never have parameters.
b. False

Question 16
A local identifier is an identifier that is declared within a method or block an
d that is visible only within that method or block.
a. True

Question 17
Consider the following method.
public static int minimum(int x, int y)
int smaller;
if (x < y)
smaller = x;
smaller = y;
return smaller;
What is the value of s after the following statement executes?
int s = minimum(5, minimum(3, 7));
a. 3

Question 18
You can use the class String to pass strings as parameters to a method and chang
e the actual parameter.
b. False

Question 19
A formal parameter is a variable declared in the method heading.
a. True

Question 20
In order to use the method toLowerCase of the class Character, the package java.
lang must be imported.
a. True

Question 21
Which of the following statements about strings is NOT true?
c. The class String contains many methods that allow you to change an existin
g string.

Question 22
To use a predefined method you must know the code in the body of the method.
b. False

Question 23
Which of the following identifiers is visible in main?
b. w (before method two)

Question 24
The class Math is contained in the package
b. False

Question 25
Java allows the programmer to declare a variable in the initialization statement
of the for statement.
a. True

Question 26
Given the method heading
int larger(int x, int y)
which of the following would be an incorrect demonstration of method overloading
a. int larger(int a, int b)

Question 27
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
c. The operator new must always be used to allocate space of a specific type,
regardless of the type.

Question 28
Which of the following is NOT an actual parameter?
c. Variables defined in a method heading

Question 29
Which of the following statements about the following method heading is NOT true
public static String exampleMethod(int n, char ch)
b. The method cannot be used outside the class.

Question 30
Formal parameters of primitive data types provide ____ between actual parameters
and formal parameters.
a. a one-way link

Question 31
Just like the nesting of loops, Java allows the nesting of methods.
b. False
1. True
Methods are often called modules.

The class Math is contained in the package

3. True
In Java, predefined methods are organized in class libraries.

4. True
In order to use the method toLowerCase of the class Character, the package java.
lang must be imported.

5. False
Suppose that the folowing statement is included in a program.
import static java.lang.Math.*;
After this statement a static method of the class Math cannot be called using th
e name of the class and the dot operator.

6. True
The value returned by a value-returning method can be saved for further calculat

ion in the program.


7. False
Value-returning methods must have parameters.

8. True
Void methods have no return type.

9. False
To use a predefined method you must know the code in the body of the method.

10. True
A formal parameter is a variable declared in the method heading.

11. False
The word void is a modifier in Java.

12. False
The word final is a return type in Java.

13. True
In Java, return is a reserved word.

14. False
The return statement must be the last line of the method.

15. True
Methods other than the main method only execute when called.

16. True
When a program executes, the first statement to execute is always the first stat
ement in the main method.

17. False
Actual and formal parameters have a many-to-one correspondence.

18. False
Void methods never have parameters.

19. True
If a formal parameter is a variable of a primitive data type, then after copying
the value of the actual parameter, there is no connection between the formal pa
rameter and actual parameter.

20. True
Reference variables as parameters allow you to return more than one value from a

21. False
You can use the class String to pass strings as parameters to a method and chang
e the actual parameter.

22. True
Strings assigned to StringBuffer variables can be altered.

23. True
A local identifier is an identifier that is declared within a method or block an
d that is visible only within that method or block.

24. False
Just like the nesting of loops, Java allows the nesting of methods.

25. True
Within a class, outside of every method definition (and every block), an identif
ier can be declared anywhere.

26. False
Within a method, an identifier used to name a variable in the outer block of the
method can be used to name any other variable in an inner block of the method.

27. True
Java allows the programmer to declare a variable in the initialization statement
of the for statement.

28. False
Suppose x is an identifier declared within a class and outside of every method s d

efinition (block). If x is declared without the reserved word static, then it ca

n be accessed in a static method.

29. False
No two methods in the same class can have the same name.

30. False
Two methods are said to have different formal parameter lists if both methods ha
ve a different number of formal parameters, or if the number of formal parameter
s is the same, then the data type of the formal parameters, in the order you lis
t, must differ in at most one position.

31. False
The signature of a method consists of only its formal parameter list.
Chapter 8:
Practice Test Chapter 08: User-Defined Classes and ADTs
Question 1
Finalizers are value-returning methods that return the final value of a variable
b. False
Question 2
The ____ of a class are called the members of the class.
c. components
Question 3
Members of a class consist of packages, methods, and libraries.
b. False
Question 4
You can import your classes in the same way that you import classes from the pac
kages provided by Java.
a. True
Question 5
Consider the following class definition.
public class Rectangle
private double length;
private double width;
private double area;
private double perimeter;

public Rectangle()
length = 0;
width = 0;
public Rectangle(double l, double w)
length = l;
width = w;
public void set(double l, double w)
length = l;
width = w;
public void print()
System.out.println(length + " " + width);
public double area()
return length * width;
public double perimeter()
return 2 * length + 2 * width;
Suppose that you have the following declaration.
Rectangle bigRect = new Rectangle(10, 4);
Which of the following set of statements are valid in Java?
bigRect.area = bigRect.area();
bigRect.perimeter = bigRect.perimeter();
a. Only (i)
Question 6
public class Illustrate
private int x;
private static int y;
public static int count;
public static int z;
public Illustrate()

x = 1;
public Illustrate(int a)
x = a;
public void print()
System.out.println("x = " + x + ", y = "
+ y + ", count = " + count);
public static void incrementY()

Which of the following statements would you use to declare a new reference varia
ble of the type Illustrate and instantiate the object with a value of 9?
a. Illustrate illObject = new Illustrate(9);
Question 7
What is the function of the reserved word class?
b. It defines only a data type; it does not allocate memory.
Question 8
An accessor method of a class first accesses the values of the data members of t
he class and then changes the values of the data members.
b. False
Question 9
In ____ copying, each reference variable refers to its own object.
b. deep
Question 10
In shallow copying, each reference variable refers to its own object.
b. False
Question 11
The method finalize automatically executes when the class object goes out of sco
a. True

Question 12
Consider the following class definition.
public class Rectangle
private double length;
private double width;
public Rectangle()
length = 0;
width = 0;
public Rectangle(double l, double w)
length = l;
width = w;
public void set(double l, double w)
length = l;
width = w;
public void print()
System.out.println(length + " " + width);
public double area()
return length * width;
public double perimeter()
return 2 * length + 2 * width;
Which of the following statements correctly instantiate the Rectangle object myR
(i) myRectangle Rectangle = new Rectangle(10, 12);
(ii) class Rectangle myRectangle = new Rectangle(10, 12);
(iii) Rectangle myRectangle = new Rectangle(10, 12);
c. Only (iii)
Question 13
Given the declaration
public class MyClass
private int x;

public void print()

System.out.println("x = " + x);
MyClass aa = new MyClass();
The following statement is legal.
a. True
Question 14
What is the main use of inner classes?
b. To handle events
Question 15
The components of a class are called fields.
b. False

Question 16
Modifiers are used to alter the behavior of the class.
a. True
Question 17
When does the method finalize execute?
d. When the class object goes out of scope
Question 18
How many constructors can a class have?
d. Any number
Question 19
Consider the following statements.
public class Circle
private double radius;
public Circle()

radius = 0.0;
public Circle(double r)
radius = r;
public void set(double r)
radius = r;
public void print()
System.out.println(radius + " " + area + " "
+ circumference);
public double area()
return 3.14 * radius * radius;
public double circumference()
return 2 * 3.14 * radius;
Circle myCircle = new Circle();
double r;
Which of the following statements are valid in Java? (Assume that console is Sca
nner object initialized to the standard input device.)
r = console.nextDouble();
myCircle.area = 3.14 * r * r;
r = console.nextDouble();
b. Only (ii)
Question 20
Which of the following is a constructor without parameters?
b. default constructor
Question 21
The built-in operation that is valid for classes is the dot operator (.).
a. True

Question 22
public class Illustrate
private int x;
private static int y;
public static int count;
public static int z;
public Illustrate()
x = 1;
public Illustrate(int a)
x = a;
public void print()
System.out.println("x = " + x + ", y = "
+ y + ", count = " + count);
public static void incrementY()

What does the default constructor do in the class definition above?

b. Sets the value of x to 1
Question 23
Suppose that a class method is used to implement a binary operation on the class
objects; then the method must have two parameters of the class type.
b. False
Question 24
Given the declaration
public class MyClass
private int x;
public void print()
System.out.println("x = " + x);

MyClass aa = new MyClass();

The following statement is legal.
aa.x = 10;
b. False

Question 25
public class Illustrate
private int x;
private static int y;
public static int count;
public static int z;
public Illustrate()
x = 1;
public Illustrate(int a)
x = a;
public void print()
System.out.println("x = " + x + ", y = "
+ y + ", count = " + count);
public static void incrementY()

Based on the class definition above, which of the following statements is illega
d. Illustrate.x++;

Question 26
Consider the following class definition.
public class Rectangle
private double length;

private double width;

public Rectangle()
length = 0;
width = 0;
public Rectangle(double l, double w)
length = l;
width = w;
public void set(double l, double w)
length = l;
width = w;
public void print()
System.out.println(length + " " + width);
public double area()
return length * width;
public void perimeter()
return 2 * length + 2 * width;
Suppose that you have the following declaration.
Rectangle bigRect = new Rectangle();
Which of the following set of statements are valid in Java?
(i) bigRect.set(10, 5};
(ii) bigRect.length = 10;
bigRect.width = 5;
a. Only (i)
Question 27
A class and its members can be described graphically using Unified Modeling Lang
uage (UML) notation.
a. True
Question 28
If the object is created in a user program, then the object can access both the
public and private members of the class.

b. False
Question 29
When no object of the class type is instantiated static data members of the clas
s fail to exist.
b. False
Question 30
Consider the following statements.
public class PersonalInfo
private String name;
private int age;
private double height;
private double weight;
public void set(String s, int a, double h, double w)
name = s; age = a; height = h; weight = w;
public String getName()
return name;
public int getAge()
return age;
public double getHeight()
return height;
public double getWeight
return weight;
PersonalInfo person1 = new PersonalInfo();
PersonalInfo person1 = new PersonalInfo();
String n;
int a;
double h, w;
Which of the following statements are valid in Java?
person2 = person1;
n = person1.getName();
a = person1.getAge();

h = person1.getHeight();
w = person1.getWeight();
person2.set(n, a, h, w);
c. Both (i) and (ii)
Question 31
If a member of a class is public you cannot access it outside the class.
b. False

Question 32
If a member of a class is a method, it can (directly) access any member of the c
a. True
Question 33
A constructor has the same name as the class.
a. True
Question 34
You cannot override the default definition of the method toString because it is
provided by Java.
b. False
Question 35
Which of the following words indicates an object s reference to itself?
a. this

Question 36
A class can have only one constructor.
b. False
1. F
The components of a class are called fields.

2. T
Modifiers are used to alter the behavior of the class.
3. F

Members of a class are usually classified into three categories: static, public,
and void.

4. F
If a member of a class is public you cannot access it outside the class.

5. T
If a member of a class is a method, it can (directly) access any member of the c

6. F
Members of a class consist of packages, methods, and libraries.

7. F
The methods of a class must be public.

8. T
The (non-static) data members of a class are called instance variables.

9. F
A constructor has no type and is therefore a void method.

10. T
A constructor has the same name as the class.

11. F
A class can have only one constructor.

12. F
Constructors are called like any other method.

13. T
A class and its members can be described graphically using Unified Modeling Lang
uage (UML) notation.

14. T
If the object is created in the definition of a method of the class, then the ob
ject can access both the public and private members of the class.

15. F
If the object is created in a user program, then the object can access both the
public and private members of the class.

16. F
In shallow copying, each reference variable refers to its own object.

17. T
In deep copying, each reference variable refers to its own object.

18. F
Given the declaration
public class MyClass
private int x;
public void print()
System.out.println("x = " + x);
MyClass aa = new MyClass();
The following statement is legal.
aa.x = 10;

19. T
Given the declaration
public class MyClass
private int x;
public void print()
System.out.println("x = " + x);
MyClass aa = new MyClass();
The following statement is legal.

20. T
The built-in operation that is valid for classes is the dot operator (.).

21. F
Suppose that a class method is used to implement a binary operation on the class
objects; then the method must have two parameters of the class type.

22. T
The copy constructor executes when an object is instantiated and initialized usi
ng an existing object.

23. T
The method toString is used to convert an object to a String object.

24. F
You cannot override the default definition of the method toString because it is
provided by Java.

25. T
The modifier static in the heading specifies that the method can be invoked by u
sing the name of the class.

26. F
When no object of the class type is instantiated static data members of the clas
s fail to exist.

27. F
Finalizers are value-returning methods that return the final value of a variable

28. T
The method finalize automatically executes when the class object goes out of sco

29. F
An accessor method of a class first accesses the values of the data members of t
he class and then changes the values of the data members.
30. T

A mutator method of a class changes the values of the data members of the class.

31. T
You can import your classes in the same way that you import classes from the pac
kages provided by Java.

32. T
Every object has access to a reference to itself.

33. F
In Java, the reference this is used to refer to only the instance variables not
the methods of a class.

34. F
Classes that are defined within other classes are called nested classes.

35. F
The term ADT stands for Abstract Definition Type.

36. T
The abstract data type specifies the logical properties without the implementati
on details.
Lesson 9: Arrays
Practice Test Chapter 09: Arrays
Question 1
Suppose you have the following declaration:
char[] nameList = new char[100];
Which of the following range is valid for the index of the array nameList.
(i) 1 through 100
(ii) 0 through 100
c. Both are invalid

Question 2
Suppose alpha is an array of 50 components. Which of the following about alpha i
s true?

(i) The base address of alpha is the address of alpha[0].

(ii) The base address of alpha is the address of alpha[1].
a. Only (i)

Question 3
Arrays can be initialized when they are created.
a. True

Question 4
int[] num = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
num[i] = i;
num[5] = 10;
num[55] = 100;

What is the value at index 10 of the array above?

c. 10

Question 5
What is the value of alpha[2] after the following code executes?
int[] alpha = new int[5];
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
alpha[j] = 2 * j + 1;
c. 5

Question 6
The instance variable length is a public member and can be directly accessed usi
ng the dot operator.
a. True

Question 7
If an array index is less than zero, an InvalidIndexException exception is throw
b. False

Question 8
int[] num = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
num[i] = i;
num[5] = 10;
num[55] = 100;

What is the data type of the array above?

a. int

Question 9
double[] as = new double[7];
double[] bs;
bs = as;

How many objects are present after the code fragment above is executed?
a. 1

Question 10
Which of the following about Java arrays is true?
(i) Array components must be of the type double.
(ii) The array index must evaluate to an integer.
b. Only (ii)

Question 11
What is the output of the following Java code?
int[] alpha = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
int j;
for (j = 4; j >= 0; j--)
System.out.print(alpha[j] + " ");
b. 10 8 6 4 2

Question 12
Given the declaration
int[] gamma = new int[50];
int j;
Which of the following for loop sets the index of gamma out of bounds?
for (j = 0; j <= 49; j++)
System.out.print(gamma[j] + " ");
for (j = 1; j < 50; j++)
System.out.print(gamma[j] + " ");
for (j = 0; j <= 50; j++)
System.out.print(gamma[j] + " ");
c. Only (iii)

Question 13
If the value in each index of an array is related to the value in the correspond
ing index of a different array, the two arrays are parallel.
a. True

Question 14
int[] array1 = {1, 3, 5, 7}
for (int i = 0; i <array.length; i++)
if (array1[i] > 5)
System.out.println(i + " " + array1[i]);

Which indices are in bounds for the array array1, given the declaration above?
a. 0, 1, 2, 3

Question 15
What is the value of alpha[4] after the following code executes?
int[] alpha = new int[5];
int j;
alpha[0] = 2;
for (j = 1; j < 5; j++)
alpha[j] = alpha[j

1] + 3;

d. 14

Question 16
Which of the following statements creates, alpha, an array of 5 components of th
e type int and initialize each component to 10?

(i) int[] alhpa = {10, 10, 10, 10, 10};

(ii) int[5] alpha = {10, 10, 10, 10, 10};
a. Only (i)

Question 17
Loops can be used to step through the elements of a one-dimensional array.
a. True

Question 18
Given the declaration
int[] list = new int[50];
the statement

outputs all 50 components of the array list, one component per line.
b. False

Question 19
double[][] vals = {{1.1,



How many columns are in the array above?

c. 3

Question 20
Suppose you have the following declaration:
double[] salesData = new double[1000];
Which of the following range is valid for the index of the array salesData.
(i) 0 through 999
(ii) 1 through 1000
a. Only (i)

Question 21
A method can have both a variable length formal parameter and other formal param
a. True

Question 22
If a method has both a variable length formal parameter and other types of forma
l parameters, then the variable length formal parameter must be the last formal
parameter of the formal parameter list.
a. True

Question 23
Arrays are made up only of integers.
b. False

Question 24
What is the value of alpha[3] after the following code executes?
int[] alpha = new int[5];
int j;
alpha[0] = 5;
for (j = 1; j < 5; j++)
if (j % 2 == 0)
alpha[j] = alpha[j
alpha[j] = alpha[j

1] + 2;
1] + 3;

b. 13

Question 25
Given the following method heading
public static void mystery(int list[], int size)
and the declaration
int[] alpha = new int[50];
Which of the following is a valid call to the method mystery?
c. mystery(alpha, 50);

Question 26
char[][] array1 = new char[15][10];

What is the value of array1.length?

d. 15

Question 27
An ArrayOutOfBoundsException is thrown if an index is greater than or equal to t
he size of the array minus 1.
b. False

Question 28
double[][] vals = {{1.1,



What is in vals[2][1]?
d. 5.3

Question 29
Consider the following method definition.

public static int strange(int[] list, int listSize, int item)

int count;
for (int j = 0; j < listSize; j++)
if (list[j] == item)
return count;
Which of the following statements best describe the behavior of this method?
c. This method returns the number of times item is stored in list.

Question 30
What is the value of alpha[3] after the following code executes?
int[] alpha = new int[5];
int j;

for (j = 4; j >= 0; j--)

alpha[j] = j + 5;
if (j <= 2)
alpha[j + 1] = alpha[j] + 3;
d. 10

Question 31
int[] hit = new hit[5];



System.out.println(hit[1 + 3]);

What is the output of the code fragment above?

a. 1

Question 32
The statement
int[] list = new int[25];
creates list to be an array of 26 components because array index starts at 0.
b. False

Question 33
The base address of an array is the memory location of the first array component
a. True

Question 34
Which of the following declares an array of int named hits?

b. int[] hits;

Question 35
Suppose list is a one dimensional array, wherein each component is of the type i
nt. Further, suppose that sum is an int variable. The following for loop correct
ly find the sume of the elements of list.
sum = 0;
for (double num : list)
sum = sum + num;
a. True

Question 36
Consider the following declaration:
int[] list = new int[10];
int j;
int sum;
Which of the following correctly finds the sum of the elements of list?
sum = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
sum = sum + list[j];
sum = list[0];
for (j = 1; j < 10; j++)
sum = sum + list[j];
c. Both (i) and (ii)

Question 37
When you pass an array as a parameter, the base address of the actual array is p
assed to the formal parameter.
a. True

Question 38
Consider the following declaration:

double[] sales = new double[50];

int j;
Which of the following correctly initializes all the components of the array sal
es to 10.
for (j = 0; j < 49; j++)
sales[j] = 10;
for (j = 1; j <= 50; j++)
sales[j] = 10;
d. None of these

Question 39
Only one-dimensional arrays can be passed as parameters.
b. False

Question 40
In row processing, a two-dimensional array is processed one row at a time.
a. True

Question 41
In Java, the array index starts at 1.
b. False

Question 42
A single array can hold components of many different data types.
b. False

Question 43
int[] hits = {10, 15, 20, 25, 30};

What is being passed into copy in the method call above?

c. A reference to the array object hits

Question 44
char[][] array1 = new char[15][10];

How many columns are in the array above?

c. 10

Question 45
In column processing, a two-dimensional array is processed one column at a time.
a. True

Question 46
Consider the following declaration:
int[] beta = new int[3];
int j;
Which of the following input statements correctly inputs values into beta? (Assu
me that console is a Scanner object initialized to the standard input device.)
beta[0] = console.nextInt();
beta[1] = console.nextInt();
beta[2] = console.nextInt();
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
beta[j] = console.nextInt();
c. Both (i) and (ii)

Question 47
Suppose you have the following declaration:

int[] beta = new int[50];

Which of the following is a valid element of beta.
(i) beta[0]
(ii) beta[50]
a. Only (i)

Question 48
In Java, [] is an operator called the index access operator.
b. False

Question 49
The array index can be any integer less than the array size.
b. False

Question 50
The instance variable length contains the value of the last index in the array.
b. False

Question 51
What is the output of the following Java code?
int[] list = {0, 5, 10, 15, 20};
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
System.out.print(list[j] + " ");
b. 0 5 10 15 20

Question 52
char[][] array1 = new char[15][10];

How many dimensions are in the array above?

c. 2

Question 53
What is the output of the following Java code?
int[] list = {0, 5, 10, 15, 20};
int j;
for (j = 1; j <= 5; j++)
System.out.print(list[j] + " ");
d. Code contains index out-of-bound
1. T
Arrays have a fixed number of components.

2. F
Arrays are made up only of integers.

3. F
A single array can hold components of many different data types.

4. F
The statement
int[] list = new int[25];
creates list to be an array of 26 components because array index starts at 0.

5. T
When an array object is instantiated, its components are initialized to their de
fault values.

6. F
In Java, the array index starts at 1.

7. F
The array index can be any integer less than the array size.

8. F
In Java, [] is an operator called the index access operator.

9. F
Given the declaration
int[] list = new int[20];
the statement
list[12] = list[5] + list[7];
updates the content of the twelfth component of the array list.

10. T
Arrays that are instantiated during program execution are called dynamic arrays.

11. T
The instance variable length is a public member and can be directly accessed usi
ng the dot operator.

12. F
The instance variable length contains the value of the last index in the array.

13. T
Arrays can be initialized when they are created.

14. T
Loops can be used to step through the elements of a one-dimensional array.

15. F
Given the declaration
int[] list = new int[50];
the statement
outputs all 50 components of the array list, one component per line.
16. F

If an array index is less than zero, an InvalidIndexException exception is throw


17. F
An ArrayOutOfBoundsException is thrown if an index is greater than or equal to t
he size of the array minus 1.

18. T
In a method call statement, when passing an array as an actual parameter, you us
e only its name.

19. T
If an array component is of a primitive type, the component can be passed as a p
arameter to a method.

20. T
The base address of an array is the memory location of the first array component

21. T
When you pass an array as a parameter, the base address of the actual array is p
assed to the formal parameter.

22. F
Two arrays are parallel if they hold the same type of data.

23. T
If the value in each index of an array is related to the value in the correspond
ing index of a different array, the two arrays are parallel.

24. T
A method can have both a variable length formal parameter and other formal param

25. F
A method can have at two variable length formal parameters.

26. T
If a method has both a variable length formal parameter and other types of forma
l parameters, then the variable length formal parameter must be the last formal

parameter of the formal parameter list.


27. T
Suppose list is a one dimensional array, wherein each component is of the type i
nt. Further, suppose that sum is an int variable. The following for loop correct
ly find the sume of the elements of list.
sum = 0;
for (double num : list)
sum = sum + num;

28. T
Two-dimensional arrays generally contain data in list form.

29. T
The following statements creates alpha to be a two-dimeansional array of 25 rows
and 10 columns.
int[][] alpha = new int[25][10];

30. F
Suppose that you have the following declarations.
int[] alpha = new int[100];
int[][] beta = new int[25][4];
In this declaration, the array alpha has more components than the array beta.

31. T
In row processing, a two-dimensional array is processed one row at a time.

32. T
In column processing, a two-dimensional array is processed one column at a time.

33. F
Only one-dimensional arrays can be passed as parameters.

34. T
Java stores two-dimensional arrays in a row order form in computer memory.
35. F

The statement dataType[][][] arrayName; would declare a two-dimensional array.

Lesson 10:
Practice Test Chapter 10: Applications of Arrays (Searching and Sorting) and Str
Question 1
A selection sort always starts with the middle element of the list.
b. False

Question 2
To design a general-purpose search method, searchList, to search a list, which o
f the following must be parameters of the method searchList.
(i) The array containing the list.
(ii) The length of the list.
(iii) The search item.
(iv) A boolean variable indicating whether the search is successful.
b. (i), (ii), and (iii)

Question 3
In a sequential search, the array must be sorted.
b. False

Question 4
To determine whether a given item is in an ordered ist of length 1024, binary se
arch makes at most 22 key comparisons.
a. True

Question 5
The class Vector is contained in the package java.util.
a. True

Question 6
A binary search can be performed on both sorted and unsorted lists.
b. False

Question 7
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20};
Further assume that sequential search on an ordered list is used to determine wh
ether 11 is in list. When the loop terminates the value of the index variable lo
c is 3.
a. True

Question 8
On average, a sequential search on an ordered list only takes one key comparison
because you already have an idea where the item will be found.
b. False

Question 9
Consider the following list.
list = {24, 20, 10, 75, 70, 18, 60, 35}
Suppose that list is sorted using the selection sort algorithm as discussed in t
he book. What is the resulting list after two passes of the sorting phase, that
is, after two iteration of the outer for loop.
c. list = {10, 18, 24, 75, 70, 20, 60, 35}

Question 10
Consider the following list.
int[] intList = {35, 12, 27, 18, 45, 16, 38};
What is the minimum number of comparisons that have to be made to find 18 using
a sequential search on intList?
d. 4

Question 11
The method clone in the class Vector returns a copy of the vector.
a. True

Question 12
Consider the following list.
list = {20, 10, 17, 2, 18, 35, 30, 90, 48, 47};
Suppose that sequential search as discussed in the book is used to determine whe
ther 2 is in list. Exactly how many key comparisons are executed by the sequenti
al search algorithm.
b. 4

Question 13
On average, the number of comparisons made by a sequential search is equal to on
e-third the size of the list.
b. False

Question 14
Which method would you most likely use to add an element to an end of a vector?
b. addElement

Question 15
Consider the following list.
int[] intList = {16, 30, 24, 7, 25, 62, 45, 5, 65, 50};
In a sequential search on intList, how many key comparisons would have to be mad
e to find the number 5?
d. 8

Question 16
Which technique does a binary search use to find an element in a list?
a. divide and conquer

Question 17
Consider the following list.
int[] intList = {16, 30, 24, 7, 25, 62, 45, 5, 65, 50};
If intList were sorted using selection sort, which two elements would be swapped
a. 5 and 16

Question 18
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45};
Further assume that binary search is used to determine whether 20 is in list. Wh
en the loop terminates the value of the index variable first is 3.
a. True

Question 19
Consider the following list.
int[] intList = {16, 30, 24, 7, 25, 62, 45, 5, 65, 50};
Why can t a binary search be used on intList as it appears?
b. Because the list is not sorted

Question 20
Consider the following list.
int[] intList = {16, 30, 24, 7, 25, 62, 45, 5, 65, 50};
If intList is implemented as a Vector object, what statement would you use to fi
nd the number of elements?

a. list1.size()

Question 21
The selection sort algorithm repeatedly moves the smallest element from the unso
rted list to the beginning of the unsorted list.
a. True

Question 22
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16};
Further assume that binary search is used to determine whether 15 is in list. Wh
en the loop terminates the value of the index variable last is 6.
a. True

Question 23
In general, if L is a sorted list of size n, to determine whether an element is
in L, the binary search makes at most 2 * log2n + 2 key (item) comparisons.
a. True

Question 24
For a list size of 500, on average, the sequential search makes about 250 compar
a. True

Question 25
To design a general-purpose sort method, sortList, to sort a list, which of the
following must be parameters of the method sortList.
(i) The array containing the list.
(ii) The length of the list.
(iii) A boolean variable indicating whether the sort was successful.

c. (i) and (ii)

Question 26
Consider the following list.
list = {5, 11, 25, 28, 45, 78, 100, 120, 125};
Suppose that binary search as discussed in the book is used to determine whether
110 is in the list. What are the values of first and last when the while loop,
in the body of the binarySearch method, terminates.
c. first = 7, last = 6

Question 27
Suppose that L is a list of length 100. In a successful search, to determine whe
ther an item is in L, on average the number of key comparisons executed by the s
equential search algorithm, as discussed in this book, is ____.
b. 50

Question 28
Consider the following list.
intList = {4, 18, 29, 35, 44, 59, 65, 98};
Which element would the search element be compared to first, if a binary search
were used on intList?
b. 35

Question 29
In which package is the class Vector located?
c. java.util

Question 30
Consider the following list.
int[] intList = {16, 30, 24, 7, 25, 62, 45, 5, 65, 50};

If intList above were implemented as a Vector named v1, how would it be instanti
a. v1 = new Vector<int>(10);

Question 31
Consider the following list.
int[] intList = {16, 30, 24, 7, 25, 62, 45, 5, 65, 50};
If intList above were sorted, what would be the middle element?
c. 24

Question 32
Consider the following list.
intList = {4, 18, 29, 35, 44, 59, 65, 98};
If intList were to be searched for the number 44 using a binary search, how many
key comparisons would have to be made?
c. 5

Question 33
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a vector?
c. Vectors can contain items of different types.

Question 34
Consider the following list.
list = {5, 11, 25, 28, 45, 78, 100, 120, 125};
Suppose that binary search as discussed in the book is used to determine whether
28 is in the list. What are the values of first and last when the while loop, i
n the body of the binarySearch method, terminates.
a. first = 3, last = 3

Question 35
Which method of the class vector would you use to remove an element at a specifi
c location?
c. removeElementAt

Question 36
Consider the following list.
int[] intList = {16, 30, 24, 7, 25, 62, 45, 5, 65, 50};
On average in a sequential search on intList, how many comparisons would have to
be made to find an element in intList?
b. 5

Question 37
Only a fixed number of elements can be stored in a vector.
b. False

Question 38
One requirement of a linear search is that the item must be in the array.
b. False

Question 39
Consider the following list.
intList = {4, 18, 29, 35, 44, 59, 65, 98};
If intList were to be searched using a sequential search on an unordered list, h
ow many key comparisons would be made to find the number 44?
c. 5

Question 40
A binary search starts by comparing the search item to the first item in the lis

b. False

Question 41
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80};
Further assume that binary search is used to determine whether 45 is in list. Wh
en the loop terminates the value of the index variable first is 5 and the value
of the inde variable last is 4.
a. True

Question 42
Vectors can be used to represent lists.

b. False

Question 43
Suppose that L is a sorted list of length 1000. To determine whether an item is
in L, the maximum number of comparisons executed by the binary search algorithm,
as discussed in this book, is ____.
d. None of these

Question 44
Consider the following list.
list = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100};
Suppose that sequential search on an ordered list as discussed in the book is us
ed to determine whether 40 is in list. Exactly how many key comparisons are exec
uted by this search algorithm.
c. 5

Question 45
In a linear search, you search an array starting from the middle component.
b. False

Question 46
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45};
Further assume that sequential search on an ordered list is used to determine wh
ether 28 is in list. When the loop terminates the value of the index variable lo
c is 4.
b. False

Question 47
Which of the following copies the elements of a vector into an array?
a. clone

Question 48
Consider the following list.
list = {20, 10, 17, 2, 18, 35, 30, 90, 48, 47};
Suppose that sequential search as discussed in the book is used to determine whe
ther 95 is in list. Exactly how many key comparisons are executed by the sequent
ial search algorithm.
c. 10

Question 49
Consider the following list.
list = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100};
Suppose that sequential search on an ordered list as discussed in the book is us
ed to determine whether 55 is in list. Exactly how many key comparisons are exec
uted by this search algorithm.
d. None of these

Question 50

What is usually returned if the search item is found during a search of a list?
a. the location of the element

Question 51
Linear search is another name for sequential search.
a. True

Question 52
A list is a set of related values that do not necessarily have the same type.
b. False

Question 53
Which of the following returns the number of elements in a Vector?
b. Vector.size()

Question 54
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17};
Further assume that binary search is used to determine whether 8 is in list. Whe
n the loop terminates the value of the index variable first is 1.
b. False

Question 55
What does the following statement do?
Vector<Double> thisVector = new Vector<Double>();
a. It creates an empty vector to create a vector of Double objects.

Question 56

Consider the following list.

list = {24, 20, 10, 75, 70, 18, 60, 35}
Suppose that list is sorted using the bubble sort algorithm as discussed in the
book. What is the resulting list after two passes of the sorting phase, that is,
after two iteration of the outer for loop.
c. list = {10, 20, 24, 18, 60, 35, 70, 75}

Question 57
What is the maximum number of key comparisons made when searching a list L of le
ngth n for an item using a binary search?
b. 2 * log2n + 2

Question 58
In the binary search algorithm, two key comparisons are made through every itera
tion of the loop.
b. False

Question 59
Consider the following list.
int[] intList = {16, 30, 24, 7, 25, 62, 45, 5, 65, 50};
In a sequential search on intList, how many key comparisons would have to be mad
e to find the number 24?
c. 3

Question 60
Consider the following list.
int[] intList = {35, 12, 27, 18, 45, 16, 38};
In a sequential search on intList, what is the minimum number of comparisons tha
t have to be made to determine if 10 is in intList?
c. 7

Question 61
Consider the following list.
list = {24, 20, 10, 75, 70, 18, 60, 35}
Suppose that list is sorted using the insertion sort algorithm as discussed in t
he book. What is the resulting list after two passes of the sorting phase, that
is, after three iteration of the for loop.
b. list = {10, 20, 24, 75, 70, 18, 60, 35}

Question 62
Consider the following list.
list = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100};
Suppose that sequential search on an ordered list as discussed in the book is us
ed to determine whether 120 is in list. Exactly how many key comparisons are exe
cuted by this search algorithm.
a. 10

Question 63
To search through a list you need to know the length of the list.
a. True

Question 64
Consider the following list.
list = {5, 11, 25, 28, 45, 78, 100, 120, 125};
Suppose that binary search as discussed in the book is used to determine whether
110 is in the list. Exactly how many key comparisons are executed by binary sea
d. None of these

Question 65
Which method would you most likely use to find the element in the last location
of the vector?

a. lastElement

Question 66
Consider the following list.
intList = {4, 18, 29, 35, 44, 59, 65, 98};
If intList were to be searched using a sequential search on an ordered list, how
many key comparisons would be made to find the number 44?
d. 6

Question 67
A Vector object can shrink during program execution.
a. True

Question 68
Consider the following list.
list = {5, 11, 25, 28, 45, 78, 100, 120, 125};
Suppose that binary search as discussed in the book is used to determine whether
28 is in the list. Exactly how many key comparisons are executed by binary sear
b. 7

Question 69
A sequential search is faster than a binary search on sorted lists.
b. False

Question 70
In a selection sort, a list is sorted by selecting an element and moving it to i
ts proper position.
a. True

Question 71
Every component of a Vector object is a reference.
a. True

Question 72
Key comparisons are also called item comparisons.
a. True

Question 73
Which limitation of arrays does a vector overcome?
a. Arrays cannot increase in size; vectors can.
1. F
A list is a set of related values that do not necessarily have the same type.
2. T
To search through a list you need to know the length of the list.
3. T
Linear search is another name for sequential search.
4. F
In a linear search, you search an array starting from the middle component.
5. F
In a sequential search, the array must be sorted.
One requirement of a linear search is that the item must be in the array.
7. T
Key comparisons are also called item comparisons.

8. F
On average, the number of comparisons made by a sequential search is equal to on
e-third the size of the list.
9. T
For a list size of 500, on average, the sequential search makes about 250 compar
10. T
In a selection sort, a list is sorted by selecting an element and moving it to i
ts proper position.
11. F
A selection sort always starts with the middle element of the list.
12. T
The selection sort algorithm repeatedly moves the smallest element from the unso
rted list to the beginning of the unsorted list.
13. F
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45};
Further assume that sequential search on an ordered list is used to determine wh
ether 28 is in list. When the loop terminates the value of the index variable lo
c is 4.
14. T
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20};
Further assume that sequential search on an ordered list is used to determine wh
ether 11 is in list. When the loop terminates the value of the index variable lo
c is 3.
15. F
On average, a sequential search on an ordered list only takes one key comparison
because you already have an idea where the item will be found.

A binary search can be performed on both sorted and unsorted lists.

17. F
In the binary search algorithm, two key comparisons are made through every itera
tion of the loop.
18. F
A sequential search is faster than a binary search on sorted lists.
19. F
A binary search starts by comparing the search item to the first item in the lis
20. T
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16};
Further assume that binary search is used to determine whether 15 is in list. Wh
en the loop terminates the value of the index variable last is 6.
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17};
Further assume that binary search is used to determine whether 8 is in list. Whe
n the loop terminates the value of the index variable first is 1.
22. T
In general, if L is a sorted list of size n, to determine whether an element is
in L, the binary search makes at most 2 * log2n + 2 key (item) comparisons.
23. T
Suppose that you have the following list:
int[] list = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45};
Further assume that binary search is used to determine whether 20 is in list. Wh
en the loop terminates the value of the index variable first is 3.
24. T
Suppose that you have the following list:

int[] list = {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80};
Further assume that binary search is used to determine whether 45 is in list. Wh
en the loop terminates the value of the index variable first is 5 and the value
of the inde variable last is 4.
25. T
To determine whether a given item is in an ordered ist of length 1024, binary se
arch makes at most 22 key comparisons.
26. F
Only a fixed number of elements can be stored in a vector.
27. T
A Vector object can shrink during program execution.
28. T
Vectors can be used to represent lists.
29. T
The method clone in the class Vector returns a copy of the vector.
30. T
Every component of a Vector object is a reference.
31. T
The class Vector is contained in the package java.util.

Lesson 11:
Practice Test Chapter 11: Inheritance and Polymorphism

Question 1
To determine whether a reference variable that points to an object is of a parti
cular class type, Java provides the operator instanceof.

a. True

Question 2
If there are three classes: Shape, Circle, and Square, what is the most likely r
elationship between them?

b. Shape is a superclass, and Circle and Square are subclasses of Shape

Question 3
Inheritance implies an



a. True

Question 4
Suppose that the class Mystery is derived from the class Secret. Consider the fo
llowing statements:
Secret secRef;
Mystery mysRef = new Mystery();
secRef = mysRef;
The value of the expression secRef instanceof Secret is true.

b. False

Question 5
In single inheritance, the subclass is derived from a single superclass.

a. True

Question 6
Suppose that the class Mystery is derived from the class Secret. Consider the fo
llowing statements:
Secret secRef = new Secret();
Mystery mysRef = new Mystery();
Which of the following statements is legal in Java?
(i) secRef = mysRef;
(ii) mysRef = secRef;

a. Only (i)

Question 7

Based on the diagrams above, which of the following is the superclass?


a. Rectangle

Question 8
Any new class you create from an existing class is called a(n) ____.

c. derived class

Question 9
Which of the following statements about the reference super is true?

c. It must be the first statement of the constructor.

Question 10
An abstract class ____.

c. cannot be instantiated

Question 11
Inheritance is an example of what type of relationship?

a. is-a

Question 12
Consider the following class definitions.
public class BClass
private int x;

public void set(int a)

x = a;
public void print()
public class DClass extends BClass
private int y;
public void set(int a, int b)
//Postcondition: x = a; y = b;
public void print(){ }

Which of the following correctly overrides the method print of DClass?

public void print()
System.out.print(x + " " + y);
public void print()
System.out.print(" " + y);

b. Only (ii)

Question 13
The private members of a superclass can be accessed by a subclass.

b. False

Question 14
An interface is a class that contains only abstract methods and/or named constan


a. True

Question 15
A subclass can directly access ____.

a. public members of a superclass

Question 16
In Java, you can automatically make a reference variable of a subclass type poin
t to an object of its superclass.

b. False

Question 17
An abstract method is a method that has only the heading with no body.

a. True

Question 18
Suppose that the class Mystery is derived from the class Secret. Consider the fo
llowing statements:
Secret mySecret = new Secret();
Secret secRef;
Mystery myMystery = new Mystery();
Mystery mysRef;
secRef = myMystery;
Which of the following statements is legal in Java?
(i) mysRef = (Mystery) mySecret;
(ii) mysRef = (Mystery) secRef;

b. Only (ii)

Question 19
The subclass can override public methods of a superclass.


a. True

Question 20
In dynamic binding the method that gets executed is determined at the compile ti
me not at execution time. On the other hand, in run-time binding the method that
gets executed is determined at execution time not at compile time.

b. False

Question 21
You can instantiate an object of a subclass of an abstract class, but only if th
e subclass gives the definitions of all the abstract methods of the superclass.

a. True

Question 22
A polymorphic reference variable can refer to either an object of their own clas
s or an object of the subclasses inherited from its class.

a. True

Question 23
Consider the following class definitions.
public class BClass
private int x;
public void set(int a) { x = a; }
public void print(){ }
public class DClass extends BClass
private int y;
public void set(int a, int b)
//Postcondition: x = a; y = b;
public void print(){ }

Which of the following is the correct definition of the method set of the class
public void set(int a, int b)
y = b;
public void set(int a, int b)
x = a;
y = b;

a. Only (i)

Question 24
A subclass can directly access protected members of a superclass.

a. True

Question 25
An abstract method ____.

c. has no body

Question 26
In Java, stream classes are implemented using the inheritance mechanism.

a. True

Question 27
If a class is declared final, then no other class can be derived from this class

a. True

Question 28
Composition is a(n) ____ relationship.

b. has-a

Question 29
In multiple inheritance, the subclass is derived from more than one superclass.

a. True

Question 30
You must always use the reserved word super to use a method from the superclass
in the subclass.

b. False

Question 31
Suppose a class Car and its subclass Honda both have a method called speed as pa
rt of the class definition. rentalH refers to an object of the type Honda and th
e following statements are found in the code:

What does the second statement in the description above do?


b. The speed method in Car will be called.

Question 32
Java uses late binding for methods that are private but not for methods that are
marked final.

b. False

Question 33

How many members are in the class Rectangle?


b. 10

Question 34

Based on the diagram above, the method setDimension in the class Box ____ the me
thod setDimension in the class Rectangle.

a. overloads

Question 35
If class Dog has a subclass Retriever, which of the following is true?
100.0% b. Because of single inheritance, Retriever can extend no other class e
xcept Dog.

Question 36
Using the mechanism of inheritance, every public member of the class Object can
be overridden and/or invoked by every object of any class type.

a. True

Question 37
The class Object is directly or indirectly the superclass of every class in Java

a. True

Question 38

Based on the diagram above, the method area in the class Box ____ the method are
a in the class Rectangle.

b. overrides

Question 39
The superclass inherits all its properties from the subclass.

b. False

Question 40
A subclass cannot directly access public members of a superclass.

b. False

Question 41
If a class implements an interface, it must ____.

a. provide definitions for each of the methods of the interface

Question 42
Java supports both single and multiple inheritance.

b. False

Question 43

Which operator is used to determine if an object is of a particular class type?


c. The instanceof operator

Question 44
Redefining a method of a superclass is also known as overloading a method.

b. False

Question 45
Suppose that the class Mystery is derived from the class Secret. The following s
tatements are legal in Java.
Secret secRef;
Mystery mysRef = new Mystery();
secRef = mysRef;

a. True

Question 46
In Java, polymorphism is implemented using late binding.

a. True

Question 47
An abstract class can contain ____.

c. abstract and non-abstract methods

Question 48
Composition is a



a. True

Question 49
An abstract class can only contain abstract methods.


b. False

Question 50
A subclass inherits all its data members from the superclass; it has none of its

b. False

Question 51
Consider the following class definitions.
public class BClass
private int x;
private double y;
public void print() { }
public class DClass extends BClass
private int a;
private int b;
public void print() { }
Suppose that you have the following statement.
DClass dObject = new DClass();
How many instance variables DObject has?

c. 4

Question 52
How many interfaces can a class implement?
100.0% d. There is no limit to the number of interfaces that can be implemente
d by a single class.

Question 53

Interfaces are defined using the reserved word interface and the reserved word c

b. False

Question 54
The classes Reader and Writer are derived from the class ____.

d. Object

Question 55
In Java, a reference variable of a superclass type cannot point to an object of
its subclass.

b. False

Question 56
What type of inheritance does Java support?

a. single inheritance

Question 57
What is the correct syntax for defining a new class Parakeet based on the superc
lass Bird?

d. class Parakeet extends Bird{ }

Question 58
Suppose a class Car and its subclass Honda both have a method called speed as pa
rt of the class definition. rentalH refers to an object of the type Honda and th
e following statements are found in the code:

What will the first statement in the situation described above do?

a. The cost method in Honda will be called.

Question 59
The method toString() is a public member of the class ____.

a. Object

Question 60

Based on the diagram above, which of the following members will Box NOT have dir
ect access to?

c. length

Question 61
To override a public method of a superclass in a subclass, the corresponding met
hod in the subclass must have the same name but a different number of parameters

b. False

T 1.
Inheritance implies an



F 2.
The superclass inherits all its properties from the subclass.

F 3.
The private members of a superclass can be accessed by a subclass.

F 4.
A subclass cannot directly access public members of a superclass.

T 5.
The subclass can override public methods of a superclass.

T 6.
In single inheritance, the subclass is derived from a single superclass.

T 7.
In multiple inheritance, the subclass is derived from more than one superclass.

F 8.
Java supports both single and multiple inheritance.

F 9.
A subclass inherits all its data members from the superclass; it has none of its

F 10.
To override a public method of a superclass in a subclass, the corresponding met
hod in the subclass must have the same name but a different number of parameters

F 11.
Redefining a method of a superclass is also known as overloading a method.

F 12.
You must always use the reserved word super to use a method from the superclass
in the subclass.

T 13.
A subclass can directly access protected members of a superclass.

T 14.
The class Object is directly or indirectly the superclass of every class in Java

T 15.
Using the mechanism of inheritance, every public member of the class Object can
be overridden and/or invoked by every object of any class type.

T 16.
In Java, stream classes are implemented using the inheritance mechanism.

F 17.
In Java, a reference variable of a superclass type cannot point to an object of
its subclass.

F 18.
In dynamic binding the method that gets executed is determined at the compile ti
me not at execution time. On the other hand, in run-time binding the method that
gets executed is determined at execution time not at compile time.

T 19.
In Java, polymorphism is implemented using late binding.

T 20.
A polymorphic reference variable can refer to either an object of their own clas
s or an object of the subclasses inherited from its class.

T 21.
Suppose that the class Mystery is derived from the class Secret. The following s
tatements are legal in Java.
Secret secRef;
Mystery mysRef = new Mystery();
secRef = mysRef;

F 22.
Java uses late binding for methods that are private but not for methods that are
marked final.

T 23.
If a class is declared final, then no other class can be derived from this class

F 24.
In Java, you can automatically make a reference variable of a subclass type poin
t to an object of its superclass.

T 25.
To determine whether a reference variable that points to an object is of a parti
cular class type, Java provides the operator instanceof.
F 26.

Suppose that the class Mystery is derived from the class Secret. Consider the fo
llowing statements:
Secret secRef;
Mystery mysRef = new Mystery();
secRef = mysRef;
The value of the expression secRef instanceof Secret is true.

T 27.
An abstract method is a method that has only the heading with no body.

F 28.
An abstract class can only contain abstract methods.

T 29.
You can instantiate an object of a subclass of an abstract class, but only if th
e subclass gives the definitions of all the abstract methods of the superclass.

T 30.
An interface is a class that contains only abstract methods and/or named constan

F 31.
Interfaces are defined using the reserved word interface and the reserved word c
T 32.
Composition is a



Lesson 12: Exceptions with J Applet ft files
Which two can be used to create a new Thread?

Practice Test Chapter 12: Handling Exceptions and Events

Question 1
The class Exception and its subclasses are designed to catch exceptions that sho
uld be caught and processed during program execution.

a. True

Question 2
If you have created an exception class, you can define other exception classes e
xtending the definition of the exception class you created.
a. True

Question 3
Every program with a try block must end with a finally block.
b. False

Question 4
What happens in a method if there is an exception thrown in a try block but ther
e is no catch block following the try block?
d. The program throws an exception and proceeds to execute the finally block.

Question 5
Making a reference to an object that has not yet been instantiated would throw a
n exception from the NullPointerException class.
a. True

Question 6
If in the heading of a catch block you can declare an exception using the class
Exception, then that catch block can catch all types of exceptions because the c
lass Exception is the superclass of all exception classes.
a. True

Question 7
int number;
boolean done = false;
System.out.print("Enter an integer: ");
number = console.nextInt();
done = true;
System.out.println("number = " + number);

catch (InputMismatchException imeRef)

str =;
System.out.println("Exception "
+ imeRef.toString()
+ " " + str);
while (!done);

What is most likely the type of exception in the code above?

b. InputMismatchException

Question 8
The class Throwable is derived from the class Exception.
b. False

Question 9
For the interface WindowListener that contains more than one method, Java provid
es the class ____.
b. WindowAdapter

Question 10
The class RuntimeException is the superclass of which of the following classes?
a. NullPointerException

Question 11
An unchecked exception is any exception that causes a program to terminate.
b. False

Question 12
For interfaces such as WindowListener that contain more than one method, Java pr
ovides the class WindowAdapter.
a. True

Question 13
How many finally blocks can there be in a try/catch structure?
c. There can be 0 or 1 following the last catch block.

Question 14
Which of the following statements is NOT true about creating your own exceptions
b. The exception class that you define extends either the class Throwable or
one of its subclasses.

Question 15
The order in which catch blocks are placed in a program has no impact on which c
atch block is executed.
b. False

Question 16
How many constructors does the class Exception have?
c. 2

Question 17
During program execution, if division by zero occurs with integer values and is
not addressed by the program, then the program terminates with an error message
indicating an attempt to divide by zero.
a. True

Question 18
Which class of exceptions is NOT checked?
a. True

Question 19
To handle window events you first create a class that implements the interface W
indowListener and then you create and register objects of that class.
a. True

Question 20
If there is a finally block after the last catch block, the finally block always
a. True

Question 21
If a negative value is used for an array index, ____.
d. an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown

Question 22
import java.util.*;
public class ExceptionExample1
static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args)
int dividend, divisor, quotient;
System.out.print("Enter dividend: ");
dividend = console.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter divisor: ");
divisor = console.nextInt();
quotient = dividend / divisor;
System.out.println("quotient = " + quotient);
catch (ArithmeticException aeRef)
System.out.println("Exception" + aeRef.toString());
catch (InputMismatchException imeRef)
System.out.println("Exception "
+ imeRef.toString());
catch( IOException ioeRef)
System.out.println("Exception "
+ ioeRef.toString());

Which of the following will cause the first exception to occur in the code above

a. if the divisor is zero

Question 23
What can a method do with a checked exception?
c. Throw the exception to the method that called this method, or handle the e
xception in a catch block.

Question 24
Which of the following is an exception thrown by the methods of the class String
a. NullPointerException

Question 25
Which of the following statements is true?
c. The class Throwable, which is derived from the class Object, is the superc
lass of the class Exception.

Question 26
The class Exception contains two constructors.
a. True

Question 27
import java.util.*;
public class ExceptionExample1
static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args)
int dividend, divisor, quotient;
System.out.print("Enter dividend: ");
dividend = console.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter divisor: ");
divisor = console.nextInt();
quotient = dividend / divisor;
System.out.println("quotient = " + quotient);

catch (ArithmeticException aeRef)
System.out.println("Exception" + aeRef.toString());
catch (InputMismatchException imeRef)
System.out.println("Exception "
+ imeRef.toString());
catch( IOException ioeRef)
System.out.println("Exception "
+ ioeRef.toString());

Which of the following inputs would be caught by the second catch block in the p
rogram above?
c. h3

Question 28
A message string is returned by which method of an Exception object?
b. getMessage()

Question 29
The class RuntimeException is part of the package
b. False

Question 30
The class Object is derived from the class Throwable.
b. False

Question 31
The methods getMessage and printStackTrace are private methods of the class Thro
b. False

Question 32
A checked exception is any exception checked for by the programmer.
b. False

Question 33
When is a finally{} block executed?
d. Always after the execution of a try block, regardless of whether or not an
exception is thrown

Question 34
When an exception occurs, an object of a specific exception class is created by
the system.
a. True

Question 35
Which of the following is NOT a method of the class Throwable?
b. throwMessage

Question 36
The StringIndexOutOfBoundsException could be thrown by the method parseInt of th
e class Integer.
b. False

Question 37
When an exception occurs in a method, you can use the method printStackTrace to
determine the order in which the methods were called and where the exception was
a. True

Question 38
Which of the following is NOT a typical action of the catch block?
d. Throwing the exception

Question 39
int number;
boolean done = false;
System.out.print("Enter an integer: ");
number = console.nextInt();
done = true;
System.out.println("number = " + number);
catch (InputMismatchException imeRef)
str =;
System.out.println("Exception "
+ imeRef.toString()
+ " " + str);
while (!done);

How many times will the code in the try block above execute?
b. Until the user inputs a valid integer

Question 40
import java.util.*;
public class ExceptionExample1
static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args)
int dividend, divisor, quotient;
System.out.print("Enter dividend: ");
dividend = console.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter divisor: ");
divisor = console.nextInt();

quotient = dividend / divisor;

System.out.println("quotient = " + quotient);
catch (ArithmeticException aeRef)
System.out.println("Exception" + aeRef.toString());
catch (InputMismatchException imeRef)
System.out.println("Exception "
+ imeRef.toString());
catch( IOException ioeRef)
System.out.println("Exception "
+ ioeRef.toString());

Which method throws the second exception in the code above?

a. nextInt

Question 41
Statements that might generate an exception are placed in a catch block.
b. False

Question 42
Which of the following methods prints a list of the methods that were called bef
ore the exception was thrown?
c. printStackTrace()

Question 43
NoSuchFileException is a method of the class Exception.
b. False

Question 44
int number;
boolean done = false;

System.out.print("Enter an integer: ");
number = console.nextInt();
done = true;
System.out.println("number = " + number);
catch (InputMismatchException imeRef)
str =;
System.out.println("Exception "
+ imeRef.toString()
+ " " + str);
while (!done);

Which exception-handling technique is the code above using?

b. Fix the error and continue

Question 45
Which class of exceptions is NOT checked?
c. RuntimeException

Question 46
The try block contains statements that should be executed regardless of whether
or not an exception occurs.
b. False

Question 47
If you have a reference to an exception object, you can use the reference to thr
ow the exception.
a. True

Question 48
An exception that can be analyzed by the compiler is a(n) ____.
b. checked exception
True or False Questions: JApplet.

The class Container is the superclass of all the classes designed to provide a G
You can create an applet by extending the class JFrame.
Like Java application programs, Java applets do not have the method main.
-False (Eto ung sagot sa website pero alam ko true to kasi may main ang mga Japp
gThe class Graphics is an abstract class.
A Java applet is the same as a Java GUI application program.
The class JComponent is part of the package javax.swing.
Which of the following is NOT a typical action of the catch block?
Applets do not have titles.
Unlike application programs, when you compile a Java applet no .class file is pr
You can terminate an applet by closing the HTML document in which the applet is
You must import the package javax.swing in order to use the methods in the class
You can use the methods Background and Foreground to set the background and fore
ground color of a component.
The R in RGB stands for Right.
You can create instances of Color by mixing red, green, and blue hues in various
The class Graphics provides methods for drawing items such as lines, ovals, and
rectangles on the screen.

An applet invokes the methods start, init, stop, paint, and destroy in sequence.
Applets use the init method in place of constructors to initialize various GUI c
omponents and data members.
It is impossible to convert a GUI application into an applet.
JTextAreas can be used to display multiple lines of text.
JCheckBox is a subclass of the abstract class ToggleButton.
Clicking on a JCheckBox generates an item event.
Item events are handled by the interface ItemListener which contains only the ab
stract method itemStateChanged.
JRadioButtons are useful when you want to give the user the ability to select mo
re than one of the presented options.
The layout manager FlowLayout places components in the container from left to ri
ght until no more items can be placed.
What will be the output of the program?
public class Foo
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println( "Finally" );
What will be the output of the program?
int x = 0;
int y = 5 / x;
} catch (Exception e)

} catch (ArithmeticException ae)
System.out.println(" Arithmetic Exception");
C.Compilation fails.
T 1. During program execution, if division by zero occurs with integer values an
d is not addressed by the program, then the program terminates with an error mes
sage indicating an attempt to divide by zero.

2. F
Statements that might generate an exception are placed in a catch block.

3. F
The try block contains statements that should be executed regardless of whether
or not an exception occurs.

4. F
Every program with a try block must end with a finally block.

5. T
If there is a finally block after the last catch block, the finally block always

6. T
If an exception occurs in a try block and that exception is caught by a catch bl
ock, then the remaining catch blocks associated with that try block are ignored.

7. T
If in the heading of a catch block you can declare an exception using the class
Exception, then that catch block can catch all types of exceptions because the c
lass Exception is the superclass of all exception classes.

8. F
The order in which catch blocks are placed in a program has no impact on which c
atch block is executed.
9. F
The class Object is derived from the class Throwable.

10. F
The class Throwable is derived from the class Exception.

11. F
The methods getMessage and printStackTrace are private methods of the class Thro

12. T
The class Exception and its subclasses are designed to catch exceptions that sho
uld be caught and processed during program execution.

13. F
The class RuntimeException is part of the package

14. F
NoSuchFileException is a method of the class Exception.

15. T
The class Exception contains two constructors.

16. T
Making a reference to an object that has not yet been instantiated would throw a
n exception from the NullPointerException class.

17. F
The StringIndexOutOfBoundsException could be thrown by the method parseInt of th
e class Integer.

18. F
A checked exception is any exception checked for by the programmer.

19. F
An unchecked exception is any exception that causes a program to terminate.

20. T
If you have a reference to an exception object, you can use the reference to thr
ow the exception.

21. T
When an exception occurs, an object of a specific exception class is created by
the system.

22. T
When an exception occurs in a method, you can use the method printStackTrace to
determine the order in which the methods were called and where the exception was

23. T
If you have created an exception class, you can define other exception classes e
xtending the definition of the exception class you created.

24. T
To handle window events you first create a class that implements the interface W
indowListener and then you create and register objects of that class.

25. T
For interfaces such as WindowListener that contain more than one method, Java pr
ovides the class WindowAdapter.

Java Threads.
refers to a computer's ability to perform multiple jobs concurrently
more than one program are running concurrently, e.g., UNIX
A thread is a single sequence of execution within a program
refers to multiple threads of control within a single program
each program can run multiple threads of control within it, e.g., Web Browser
There are two ways to create our own Thread object
Subclassing the Thread class and instantiating a new object of that class
Implementing the Runnable interface
In both cases the run() method should be implemented
void start()
Creates a new thread and makes
This method can be called only
void run()
The new thread begins its life
void stop() (deprecated)
The thread is being terminated
void yield()
Causes the currently executing
threads to execute
Allow only threads of the same
void sleep(int m) or sleep(int

it runnable
inside this method

thread object to temporarily pause and allow other

priority to run
m, int n)

The thread sleeps for m milliseconds, plus n nanoseconds

When running the Runnable object, a Thread object is created from the Runnable ob
The Thread object s run() method calls the Runnable object s run() method
Allows threads to run inside any object, regardless of inheritance
public static void yield();
Method of java.lang.Thread
Thread gives up CPU for other threads ready to run

The word new is an operator.
Given String name; the value of name is directly stored in its memory space.
The + operator is used to instantiate a class.
The new operator can be used to create a class object.
Java provides automatic garbage collection.
Primitive type variables directly store data into their memory space.
The class Math is contained in the java.text package.

Contents of the java.lang package do not need to be imported into a program in o
rder to be used.
In order to use a predefined method, you simply need to know the name of the met
The . (dot) operator is also called the member access operator.
In the class String, the substring method extracts a string from within another
indexOf(String str) is a method in the class String.
The method length in the class String returns the number of characters in the st
ring not including whitespace characters.
String variables are primitive variable types.
The method printf is used only to format the output of decimal numbers.
The default output of decimal numbers of the type float is 9 decimal places.

Suppose x = 15.674. The output of the statement
System.out.printf("%.2f", x);
is 15.67.
Suppose z = 9525.9864. The output of the statement
System.out.printf("%.2f", z);
is 9525.98.
A string consisting of only an integer or a decimal number is called a numeric s
The value of the expression Integer.parseInt("-823") is -"823"
The value of the expression Float.parseFloat("-542.97") is -542.97.
The method, parseInt is used to convert a numeric integer string into a value of
the type int.
The classes Integer, Float, and Double are called wrapper classes.
The class JOptionPane is part of the package

The class JOptionPane allows a programmer to use graphical interface components

to obtain input from a user.
The statement System.exit(0); is found at the end of every working Java program.
Given a decimal number, the method format of the class String returns the string
containing the digits of the formatted number.
When writing output to a file, if the file is not closed at the end of the progr
am, you may not be able to view your output properly.
If the output file does not exist you will get a FileNotFoundException.
If the specified output file does not exist, the computer prepares an empty file
for output.

creating a file:
private Formatter x;
x= new Formatter ("chupuls.txt"); //Formatter ay ung ginagamit para gumawa ng fi
writing text in files:
x.format(%s%s%s, "chupuls", "ka", "carlos");
x.close() //para di na malagyan ng iba pang text. bsta lagi to ginagamit.
opening and reading a file
dito, gagawa ka ng scanner tapos ipapasok mo ung file mo
private Scanner x;
x = new Scanner(new File("chupuls.txt"));

tapos ireread mo ung file

public void readFile(x.hasNext))
String a =;
tapos print mo.
tapos sa main kailangan may close parin na method.
LESSON 14: Recursion
1. T
The process of solving a problem by reducing it to smaller versions of itself is
called recursion.
2. F
In the base case, the solution is obtained through a call to a smaller version o
f the original method.
3. F
Every recursive definition must have zero or more base cases.
4. T
A general solution to a recursive algorithm must eventually reduce to a base cas
5. F
The base case starts the recursion.
6. F
The general case is the case for which the solution is obtained directly.
7. T
The following is a valid recursive definition to determine the factorial of a no
n-negative integer.
0! = 1
1! = 1
n! = n * (n

1)! if n > 0.

8. T
Consider the following recursive definition.
F(1) = 3
F(n) = F(n

1) + 1 if n > 1,

where n is a positive integer. The value of F(3) = 5.

9. F
The following is an example of a recursive method.
public static int recFunc(int x)
return (nextNum(nextNum(x)));
where nextNum is method such that nextNum(x) = x + 1.
10. T
The following is an example of a void recursive method.
public static void print(int x)
if (x > 0)
System.out.print(x + " ");
11. T
The body of a recursive method contains a statement that causes the same method
to execute before completing the current call.
12. F
A method that calls itself is an iterative method.
13. T
You can think of a recursive method as having unlimited copies of itself.
14. T
Every recursive call has its own code.
15. F
After completing a particular recursive call the program terminates.
16. F
A method is called directly recursive if it calls another recursive method.

17. T
A method that calls another method and eventually results in the original method
call is called indirectly recursive.
18. T
Tracing through indirect recursion is generally more tedious than tracing throug
h direct recursion.
19. T
If every recursive call results in another recursive call, then the recursive me
thod (algorithm) is said to have infinite recursion.
20. F
In reality, if you execute an infinite recursive method on a computer it will ex
ecute forever.
21. F
A recursive method in which the first statement executed is a recursive call is
called a tail recursive method.
22. T
The recursive implementation of the factorial method is an example of a tail rec
ursive method.
23. T
The base case is never reached or does not exist in infinite recursion.
24. T
To design a recursive method you must determine the limiting conditions.
25. T
The limiting condition for a list might be the number of elements in the list.
26. T
There are two base cases in the recursive implementation of generating a Fibonac
ci sequence.
27. F
Recursive algorithms are implemented using while loops.

28. F
A recursive solution is always a better alternative to an iterative solution.
29. F
The overhead associated with iterative methods is greater in terms of both memor
y space and computer time, when compared to the overhead associated with executi
ng recursive methods.

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