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Reaction Paper in Garde

William Aleko V. Casino

We had our ALP at Tipsy Pig Gastropub last June 9 2016 and
my reaction on the theme of the restaurant is quite
refreshing, and when it comes in the food it is cold because I
was late. So I didnt taste the food when its hot so I dont
know what it taste like when the food when Its hot although I
tasted some foods like the buffalo wings, the wings is good
sweet but balance in spiciness must be more spicy when it is
hot, while the baked mussels it actually good but the cheese
is dry because of food being cold I must been more satisfied
when I wasnt late so I can taste the full flavor of the dishes. I
have seen a picture of the salad thats been served but I was
not lucky enough to taste it because I was late but I think that
the salad is delicious

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