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Oh and I just realized this is what youd affectionately call Portrait of a

-Stories -memories -play -laughter -sex -freedom -be a source of happiness
-raising the tide -be inspired -learning -traveling -light hearted -connections
-optimism -journey -inspired -new experiences -improving themselves - being
true to themselves
They want a partner they can grow with, travel with, laugh with - they want a
fun and playful romance
Partner: positive, optimistic, ready for anything
Their biggest fear: the thought of being trapped, possessive partners, being
stuck with a wet blanket
Potential snags: deciding on the details for the future (because both of us like
to be present), facing the realities of life
Harmony: fights will resolve in forgiveness and making things better

>>>Dont get too emotive too quickly.

They will tell you anything. They are very open. They tell you or show you.
They dont typically like to commit (they need to feel like theyre free to
pursue their interests--like a wild horse)
As long as youre ok with this (and the fact that they arent always good at
following through on promises/or sometimes flakey)...youll be golden.
They need to feel untethered.
Keep it fun
They want to see you laugh and be happy!
-Renaissance fair
-comedy/action/artsy movies
-Baking apple pie/other desserts
-Cooking medieval Redwall recipes
-Teaching each other about spirituality and Paganism

-Hiking in the forest (camping)/ trips

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