LitHum Syllabus

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Course Outline and Reading Assignments: Please be aware that we may need to alter our schedule of

reading assignments at some point(s) during the semester. If you are absent for any reason, you should check
with me to see about the assignment(s) for the next class(es).
Week 1

9/5: Iliad, Books 1-5

Week 2

9/10: Iliad, Books 6-10

9/12: Iliad, Books 11-18

Week 3

9/17: Iliad, Books 19-24

9/19: Odyssey, Books 1-4

Week 4

9/24: Odyssey, Books 5-12

9/26: Odyssey, Books 13-18

Week 5

10/1: Odyssey, Books 19-24

10/3: Homeric Hymn to Hermes, Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, selections from Greek lyric
poetry (texts will be distributed in class and will also be posted on Courseworks)

Week 6

10/8: Class cancelled


Week 7

10/10: Aeschylus, Agamemnon

First Essay due Thursday (10/11) by 5:00 pm in my mailbox in the Classics

Department (617 Hamilton)

10/15: Aeschylus, Libation Bearers and Eumenides

10/17: Sophocles, Oedipus the King

Week 8

10/22: *** Midterm

10/24: Euripides, Medea

Week 9

10/29: Herodotus, The Histories, Bk 1.1-140 (pp. 3-64); Bk 2.1-5, 2.35-51, 2.112-20 (pp.
95-7, 108-16, 137-41); Bk 7.1-58, 7.100-5 (pp. 404-28, 438-41).
10/31: Thucydides, History of Peloponnesian War, Bk 1.1-49, 1.139-46 (pp. 35-64, 11823); Bk 2.34-55 (pp. 143-56); Bk 3.36-50, 3.69-85 (pp. 212-23, 236-45); Bk 5.84116 (pp. 400-8); Bk 6.8-32 (pp. 414-29).

Week 10

11/5: NO CLASS

11/7: Aristophanes, Lysistrata

Week 11

11/12: Plato, Symposium

11/14: Plato, Symposium

Week 12

11/19: Aristophanes, Clouds

11/21: NO CLASS

Week 13

11/26: Genesis

11/28: Genesis

Week 14

12/3: Job

12/5: The Gospel According to Luke

Week 15

Second Essay due Thursday (12/6) by 5:00 pm in my mailbox in the Classics

Department (617 Hamilton)

12/10: The Gospel According to John

*** The Final Exam will be given Friday, 14 December, from 12:30-3:30.

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