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First Story Second Story 1. What was the hoax << coal about? 2. Where and when was << bo the news published? 3. When was the truth revealed? 4. Who was responsible for the hoax? Comprehension Questions A. Answer the questions, according to information in the article. 1. Why was Wetherell at Loch Ness? 2. How many people were involved in the Loch Ness hoax? 3. What made the hoax seem believable? 4, Why didn't Wetherell and Wilson admit to the hoax? 5. Supposedly, how had the Hitler diaries originally been found? 6. Why did some skeptics question the authenticity of the story? 7. How had Kujau made the diaries look real? Practice. Match the names with the correct action or description. __1. The Daily Mail __ 2.Robert Kenneth Wilson — 3.Christian Spurling __ 4. Duke Wetherell __ 5.lan Wetherell — 6. The Loch Ness Monster __ 7. People in Scotland __ 8. Der Stem __ 9. Gerd Heidemann, __10. Adolf Hitler __11. German farmers 12. Dr. Fischer __13. London and New York newspapers 14. Scholars and researchers 15. Skeptics __16. Experts — 17. Konrad Kujau a. supposedly found the diaries rightafter the plane crash. b. believed Der Stern’s story enough to publish excerpts from the diaries. supposedly met the farmers and got the diaties from them. d. didn't think the story was believable. €. published a story about the Loch Ness Monster. f. probably didn't like to keep a diary. 4g. falsely claimed that he had taken the photo. h. told about the monster for centuries. i. decided that the diaries weren't real. |. probably doesn’t exist. k. insisted the diaries were authentic. |. created fake diaries in order to sell them. m. created a fake monster for the photograph 1. asked three other people to help him create the hoax. ©. actually took the photograph p. agreed to present the hoax to his newspaper. 's to learn more about Hitler. g. wanted to use the

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