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Book 8-5

Storyteller: Look at poor Caillou. He's

fallen off his bike. Let's find out how it
happened, shall we? Today's story is called
"Caillou Hurts Himself". Caillou and his
Daddy were going for a ride on their bikes.

Daddy: Let's just make sure this is on

properly. Okay?
Caillou: Okay!
Daddy: Okay! Are we ready to roll?
Caillou: Yes! Hi, Mr. Hinkle!

Mr. Hinkle: Hi there, Caillou! That's a nice

bike. Where are you going?
Caillou: We're going to the park.
Mr. Hinkle: Have a good ride.
Caillou: Thank you!

Daddy: What do we do now?

Caillou: We look both ways. Then we look
both ways again!
Daddy: Thats right.

Storyteller: Caillou liked telling his Daddy

how to ride across an intersection.
Caillou: Wow! It's Sarah!

Sarah: Hi, Caillou!

Caillou: Hi, Sarah!
Storyteller: Caillou wished he could ride
like Sarah.

Caillou: Look at me, Daddy!

Daddy: Caillou! Watch where you're going!
Caillou: Wow Ow!

Daddy: Are you hurt?

Storyteller: Caillou wasn't hurt very badly,

but he didn't like falling off his bike while
his Daddy was watching.

Caillou: No.
Daddy: Hmmm. We'd better get you


Storyteller: Caillou felt much better when

Daddy put on the bandage.
Mommy: It's clean now. Just hold on one
more second.
Daddy: How are we doing?


Caillou: Look, Daddy! I asked Mommy to

put this one on.
Daddy: Hmmm. Is that another one on
your finger?
Caillou: I asked Mommy to put this one
on too!
Mommy: I don't think you need any
more, do you?
Caillou: No, Mommy.

Caillou: Hi, Mr. Hinkle! Look!

Mr. Hinkle: Well, it looks like you have
some dinosaurs on your elbow, and on your


Caillou: And on my finger, too!

Mr. Hinkle: I'm quite sure you have more
dinosaurs on you than any other boy on
the street. You must be very proud.


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