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The Divorces of Famous Canadian Women

Over the years, people have changed their attitude regards to divorce.
In the 60s if a woman wanted to divorce her husband, this thing was considered
something extremely shocking. Nowadays, if someone who is married wants a
divorce, what could you say? Usually the person who wants to have a divorce is
asked what the reason for this situation is. Nobody will judge the person who
wants to divorce no matter if its a man or a woman.
Next well see how the world has changed the mentality in favor of human
needs, in favor of divorce. Now, the world understands people who want to divorce
if they are not in love or dont get together anymore. The media doesnt say
anymore harsh things about divorced women.

In this picture is Kim Cattrall, a Canadian actress known from the television series
Sex and the City. She had tree divorces.
The first husband was Larry Davis, a Canadian writer. They married in 1977 and
divorced in 1979. She said about the first marriage that she was too young to be

The second husband was the architect Andre J. Lyson, and they married in 1982
and divorced in 1979. The cause of the second divorce was the distance: he was in
Germany and she was in America for a long period of time.
The marriage of Kim Cattrall and the third husband, the audio designer and jazz
bassist, Mark Levinson, was swamped by the television series Sex and the City.
She said that she was working 16-hour days and thats why she couldnt have a
family life. The third marriage was from 1998 to 2004.

In this picture is Pamela Anderson in television series Baywatch.

In this picture is Pamela Anderson in television series: V.I.P..

She is a Canadian actress, model and producer. Pamela Anderson is known for the
role on the Television series: Baywatch and V.I.P..
She had four divorces, two of them have been with the same guy.
Her life was quite agitated; in 1995 she married Tommy Lee after knowing him
for about 4 days. The mother of Pamela didnt know about the wedding, she found
out from People magazine. They divorced in 1998. After the divorce Pamela and
the model Marcus Schenkenberg got engaged, but in 2001 they broke up. In that
year she got engaged with Kid Rock, and in 2003 they broke up. On July, 2006 it

was announced that Pamela and Kid Rock married on a yacht in France. Later that
same year, on November 10 they divorced.
On October 6, 2006 she married Rick Salomon, a film producer, and got the
divorce on February 22, 2008.
In 2014 she remarried Rick Salomon, but in April 2015, they got the divorce.

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